The Moravian Star November 2012 Congregational 2012 Watchword: Christ says, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 SBMC Community News & Updates CONTENTS: SBMC Community News & Updates Pastor’s News Financial picture Elders & Trustees Minutes Parish Nurse Intercessory Prayer Events Mission News Birthdays & Anniversaries Lectionaries & Lectors Calendar 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 7 Sue Raye Hughes, president of Women’s Fellowship, urges all the women of the church to attend the annual Fellowship Business Meeting on Saturday, November 17, at 9:30 A.M.. This annual meeting is when committee member elections are held, decisions on the Christmas Bazaar are made, 2013 Budget and important 2013 meeting dates and Hostesses are set up for the Women’s Circle, and Fellowship fundraisers. Sue Raye also noted that the annual Advent church decorating would most likely take place sometime in the last week of November. Just in time for the first Sunday in Advent, which this year is December 2. The actual date will be posted in the bulletin after the business meeting. The Women’s Circle will meet at the home of Sue Raye Hughes on Monday, November 5, at 1:30. Anne Many of you will remember our friend and former memPorter will be co-hostess. ber, Ruth Melzer. Jan Schrader brought in an article from the Birch Creek Fall quarterly newsletter which had a tribute to Ruth, who at the age of 92, passed away on May 15, Our Community Free Lunch will be Wednesday, 2012, in Houston, Texas. Ruth was the co-founder of the November 7. Come on out and enjoy the company of Birch Creek Associates., Birch Creeks volunteer organization. friends and good food! “They remember Ruth, for her endless hours, unwavering dedication, and her foresight, that helped to make Birch Creek the strong organization it is today.” (Fall issue, pg 2) Updates to add to your new Church Directory: Evelyn Olson has asked to note her winter phone number in Florida; 850-981-0188. I would like to thank everyone who Bonny Vahey is now receiving mail delivery at home. came to visit me at Scand after my fall Please remove the PO Box number from her address . and for all the prayers for my healing. All the cards and phone calls when I returned home were Ken & Beth Ferris’ Florida phone number: 239-543also very appreciated. 6295. God bless you all, Emery Koehler SURBAUGH, William, Cheryl, H. Ph: 920-854-3130 11135 Beach Rd Bill Cell: 765-621-1053 Sister Bay, WI 54234 This year’s “Crop Walk” was a big success with 6 Northern Door Churches collecting $5634.00 so far. There was still one church that had not reported yet, and we are ahead of last year by over $300.00! Twenty Five Percent will benefit local needs at Feed My People in Sturgeon Bay. Congratulations walkers and supporters! Meditations from Pastor Kerry A Season of Civility I have a deep appreciation for words—and how they are used. In this election year, the words our candidates use are important. So are the words we use when discussing our political views with one another. The word ‘politic’ is rooted in the Greek word ‘polis’, which means city. It refers to the arena of the people, the citizens or the state. Many of us have been taught that it is socially impolite to discuss politics and religion in mixed company. Yet, by its very nature, politics are supposed to be discussed among the people. We have relegated the arena of politic to the professional politician and in doing so have lost our voice in more arenas than just politics. The word ‘civil’ is a synonym of politic, rooted in the Latin civilis, it means to relate to public life. In the Latin, the word was related to the behavior and courteous manners of the citizens, as opposed to the rude behavior of the soldiers. With the two words being so close to one another in meaning and intent, it is strange that we rarely use the two together: civil politics. The Wisconsin Council of Churches began calling for a ‘Season of Civility’ several months ago. They have some useful and valuable resources for the church to be engaged in civil political conversation. These resources call us and direct us to: An understanding that we are all in this together An appreciation of the value of ‘otherness’ An ability to hold tension in life-giving ways A sense of personal voice and agency A capacity to create community These principles are taken from Parker Palmer’s Healing the Heart of Democracy. This ‘Season of Civility’ is much needed. Our political candidates would do well to honor these values. They are, however, not limited to our political conversations. In order for the Church to be the Church, we, too need some healing. We need to apply these same principles to our congregational, denominational and ecumenical lives. There are serious and holy conversations going on in our congregations. When we are at our best, we understand that we are all in this together, we appreciate the value of ‘otherness’, we hold tension in lifegiving ways, we find a sense of personal voice and we intentionally create community. When we are not at our best, we would be wise to learn and re-learn these skills. Our annual Church Council is set for Sunday, November 11th following worship. While I do not believe that there is any business that will divide us or destroy us, it may serve as an opportunity for us to practice civility...with unity, diversity and love. Financial Update: September, 2012 YTD Income $17,736.02 $139,292.25 Expense $14,907.14 $147,024.05 Balance $2,828.88 ($7,731.80) Good News/Bad News The good news is that at the 3rd quarter our congregational giving is up. During the first 9 months of 2012, congregational giving is up about 1.5% over the same period in 2011! This does not include non-budgeted giving like monies received for the water well. The bad news is that we remain behind in our payments to the Moravian Church, Northern Province for our funding of the Common Ministries, Pastor’s Retirement and Health Benefit. We began 2012 owing several months for 2011 and we have not been able to get caught up. The proposed budget for 2013 accounts for us carrying over these must pay items to the Province. HOWEVER, it is not too late. Whatever we can pay for 2012 before Jan. 15, 2013 will make our budget and our financial health better. I would ask that each of you consider your giving pattern throughout this year. If it fits with your pledge for 2012, I say AMEN! If you believe you could be a stronger giver financially to the church, but don’t know how, please ask. We possess a wealth (no pun intended) of resources to help individuals and families be better financial stewards. The great news is that the ministry of the Sister Bay Moravian Church continues to flourish. We have an obligation to make sure the ministry of the Moravian Church, 2 Northern Province flourishes as well. So let’s get to it! Family Centers of Door County are presenting a Breakfast Social for older adults. Neighbor-to-Neighbor Volunteer Caregivers of Door County Fourth annual Door County Rib Fest They invite you to join them as they say goodbye to auSaturday, November 17 tumn with a mini concert b 3 outstanding musicians, at the Sturgeon Bay Yacht Club. Karen & Ken Stillman and Bob Bradley. The trio have Doors open at 4:00 pm for cash bar played together for many years. If you like Blue grass and silent auction, with serving from and Folk music you’ll not want to miss this Social! 5:00-7:00 pm or until ribs are gone. 9:00 A.M. Wednesday, November 7 The night's fare will include samples of Get a carpool going and drive down to the each chef's ribs, baked beans, coleSouthern Door Family Center, slaw, and desserts. 1400 Cty Rd DK, in Brussels. The event also includes Ken-Ya-Sing DJ Service, a silent auction with items from local businesses and indiSounds like a great way to start the day! The suggested cost to attend is $ 5. per person and in- viduals, and 50/50 raffles. Tasters will vote for their favorite ribs in the professional and amateur categories. cludes a hearty meal, coffee, juice and Tickets are $18 per person and are available by calling door prizes.* the Neighbor-to-Neighbor office at 743-7800. There are *Call by Tuesday, October 30 to reserve. a limited number of tickets available so purchase of tick920-825-1430 or ets in advance is strongly encouraged. YUM YUM! Immanuel Lutheran Church in Baileys Harbor is having a Harvest Dinner Saturday, November 10th, from 4:30 to 6:30 Savory chicken & meatballs with all the trimmings * Homemade pies for dessert Music provided by the Praise Band ‘Women of the Word’ will have handmade items for sale at 3:30. Proceeds to benefit Feed My People. Adults $10 Children (6-12) $5.00 Under 6 Free AS PART OF ITS 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS, the Sturgeon Bay Moravian Church will welcome historian, Eunice Wollin Crockett, to share the development of the early Moravian Church on Sun, November 4th at 4:00 pm. “Letting the Bible Read You! Exploring Ancient and Titled “From Hus to Herrnhut,” Wollin Crockett will lay Modern Ways of Praying and Applying the Scriptures out the development of Christianity in Eastern Europe into Your Life” leading up to the rise and martyrdom of John Hus. It will Registration forms have been sent to your church office explore the “Hidden Seed,” the refuge with Zinzendorf, in the TEN newsletter. Cost is $50 if you come on Satur- and the eventual flourishing of the Moravian tradition as Moravians began to reach out to other parts of the world. day and $10 per night if you stay overnight. TEACHER EDUCATION NETWORK RETREAT November 9th -11th at Mt. Morris Camp & Conference Center Born in North Dakota, Eunice Wollin Crockett grew up in Midwestern Moravian communities. Her father, Rev. Clarence Wollin, was ordained in his home church of Lake Mills, WI, and her mother, Esther Piper Wollin, was the The facilitator will be Tom Caflisch, who has served as second generation to play the organ at Ebenezer MoraDirector of Education and Nurture for the First Presbyte- vian Church in Watertown, WI. If you are planning to rian Church in Baraboo WI, and has worked with the Mo- attend, please call the Sturgeon Bay Moravian ravian congregations in the Madison area in youth minis- Church. 920.743.6218. try and interim preaching. He also is the manager of a not-for-profit Christian bookstore in Baraboo. Sunday School Teachers, Youth Workers, Bible Study Leaders, CEC members, etc – we encourage you to attend. For more information, contact Sheila Petroni. 3 Parish Nurse - Kathy Wagner, M.S. R.N. The Landing of the Pilgrims by Felicia Dorothea Hemans The Northern Door Health and Wellness Ministry composed of volunteers and Parish Nurses from area churches as well as the YMCA has just completed its first full year in service. One focus of the group has been the Community Health Information Programs (CHIP) every month for 60 minutes on a Sunday afternoon. Topics for the programs are generated by community issues, “hot” topics, or those suggested by attendees at the programs. By the time this comes to you we will have concluded a 3 part series on “Diseases of the Blood”, leukemia and stem cell transplantation. Unfortunately it was poorly attended, as the information presented by Dr. Winkler from Green Bay Oncology was timely and very well presented. The good news is that all programs are available on DVD free of charge. NDHWM would be delighted if you have an interest and an hour to volunteer. We need greeters at the program locations, help with set up of the rooms, and handing out materials if the speaker has them. This ministry continues to provide two opportunities every month for blood pressure screenings. We can be found every first Tuesday of the month at Main Street Market from 10 am to noon, and the 4th Tuesday of the month at Loaves and Fishes from 4:15 pm to 6:15. Upcoming programs include Susan Johnson, Chaplain from Door County Memorial Hospital, speaking on Nov. 11 at Scandia Village Education Room about “how to talk to someone who is in distress or hurting”. Following that there is no December program, but resuming in January with topics of abuse and anger management, and a very pertinent issue for our time of “The Conversation”…how to approach the topic with family about end of life decisions. See Kathy Wagner for further information or if you have an interest in volunteering. ***** The Landing of the Pilgrims The breaking waves dashed high, On a stern and rock-bound coast, And the woods against a stormy sky Their giant branches tossed; And the heavy night hung dark The hills and waters o'er, When a band of exiles moored their bark On the wild New England shore. Not as the conqueror comes, They, the true-hearted came; Not with the roll of the stirring drums, And the trumpet that sings of fame; Not as the flying come, In silence and in fear;-They shook the depths of the desert gloom With their hymns of lofty cheer. Amidst the storm they sang, And the stars heard, and the sea; And the sounding aisles of the dim woods rang To the anthem of the free! The ocean eagle soared From his nest by the white wave's foam; And the rocking pines of the forest roared-This was their welcome home! There were men with hoary hair Amidst that pilgrim band: Why had they come to wither there, Away from their childhood's land? There was woman's fearless eye, Lit by her deep love's truth; There was manhood's brow serenely high, And the fiery heart of youth. What sought they thus afar? Bright jewels of the mine? The wealth of seas, the spoils of war?-They sought a faith's pure shrine! Coming Soon! Door County Habitat for Humanity will be delivering their delicious Christmas Fruitcakes on November 12th, so put your order in to make sure you will get one! The cost this year is $10.00. 4 Ay, call it holy ground, The soil where first they trod. They have left unstained what there they found-Freedom to worship God. Please remember in your prayers In Sympathy: Bo Johnson was received into the more immediate presence of our Lord and Savior at 3:30 a.m. on Friday September 28. Please be in prayer for the comfort and peace of our LORD for Annika, and the extended Johnson family, in this very difficult time of mourning. A Student Memorial Service was held on Wednesday October 3, 2012 at the Door Community Auditorium at Fish Creek, and a Community Memorial Service was held on Wednesday October 17, at the Door Community Auditorium. Marston Anderson, nephew to Ardis Fletcher, died on Wednesday October 17th of a massive heart attack while he was working. A Memorial service was held at Sister Bay Moravian Church on Friday, October 26th. Please remember in your prayers: Those who are ill or recovering: Violet Beckstrom, Ollie Bergwin, Charlie Burton, Dick Daniels, Alicia Doudna & her fiancé Andrew Kratzat, Bob Flaherty, Jim Henneman, Nancy Hughes, Marvin Ketterling, Karen Krauss, Hank Krapf, Bev Knutson-Bochek, Paul Linden, Paul Malmgren, Margret Moegenburg, Elayna Murphy, Randy Pluff, Shirley Rosenquist . In area Assisted Living & Nursing Care Centers: Lenny Beckstrom, Barbara Ferry, Don Johnson, Elaine Kalms, Gordie Langenkamp, Dawn Schutt, Ethel Tencate, and June Witalison Serving in the military: Cole Church, Bryan Duff, Brian Flood, Patrick Flood, Aaron Frick, Scott Glabe, Austin Lent, David Mann, Todd Pichette, Billy Jack Sargent, Jimmy Wiltse. Mark your calendar for the Midsummer Music Christmas Concert! They will be performing at SBMC on Thursday, November 29th, at 7:00 pm. More information will be forthcom- Thanksgiving Basket Schedule NOVEMBER 4 - Pumpkin, evaporated milk, NOVEMBER 11 - Pie crust mixes (Saturday NOVEMBER 17 assemble baskets) NOVEMBER 18 ”Sponsored” turkeys (Monday NOVEMBER 19 distribute baskets) Thank you to the Men’s Fellowship Bible Study group for volunteering to serve as Ushers during the month of November. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS SUNDAY NOVEMBER 4. Fall back 1 hour. Join us in Thanksgiving Worship with Ephraim Moravian Church and the residents of Scandia Village, Nov. 18th, Sunday Eve at 6:45 pm, in the Scand Gathering Room Family Centers of Door County will again have “Children’s Christmas Stores,” including one at the Ephraim Village Hall on Saturday, December 1st. They need help from the community in order to have these 4 “stores”, giving children the opportunity to shop for family Christmas gifts at highly discounted prices. Areas to help include: Setup and price inventory. Check in parents & assigning children a number. Elves Help children shop. Gift Wrappers - Assist in wrapping all presents. Cashier/Check Out -Add totals & check Children out. DONATIONS: See flyer on bulletin board for things to donate. Call Sara at 902-825-1430 or email at 5 OUR MISSION AND MISSIONARIES IN ACTION Denver, Nashville, New Orleans, Chinook, Tucson, Austin, San Antonio, Chicago, and Hollywood. Karena Malmgren Fundraising Update: $5125 (goal: from Los Angeles $6500) karenagoestolosangeHow Can You Support Me? Your Prayers: Pray for me and for the (Karena is is serving one people with whom I will live and serve year as a volunteer for the YAV prothis year. gram in Hollywood. As a Young Adult Your Financial Gifts: Volunteer, As a YAV she partners with - Make checks payable to “Door” and an agency providing support write “Hollywood and Karena Malmfor troubled and disadvantaged young gren” on the memo line. Mail checks adults in the Hollywood area. to: Door August 30 - Fifty-five young adult vol- 430 West 9th Ave. unteers arrived at the Newark airport Denver, CO 80204 at various times last Monday. I arrived - For online donations, go to around 12:30 after spending a week in, select the link New York City catching up with friends for “Donate” from Honduras and my brother, Jeff. - For phone donations, call the DOOR The excitement and nervousness National Office at 303.295.3667 could be tasted as we loaded into vans and headed to Stony Point Retreat Center. We began to share our stories with one another finding similarities along the way – friends who also went abroad, spoke Spanish, recently graduated from college, and had a passion for social justice. Karena goes to Los Angeles I’ll admit that I originally thought, “I’ve already done the whole volunteer service thing, there’s not that much I can learn in an orientation week…” I was wrong. I met a supportive group of incredible people with riveting stories and an abundance of passion. I saw brokenness and pain in the hearts of those that would be serving alongside me and I witnessed healing and love. We listened, shared, sang, had a talent show, and broke bread with one another. It’s a pretty amazing experience when like-minded young adults come together and are intentional about creating community even when knowing we will part ways and enter our own adventures in the coming year. I will pray for these friends and hope that you too will pray for all of the YAVs heading to Guatemala, Kenya, Ireland, Meeting Joel McHale with my roommates (Khalicia, Drew, Joel, me, Kendra, and Savanah) September 21 Paramount Studios is right down the block. The Hollywood sign is in our backyard. People dress up in costumes daily to earn tips on Hollywood Boulevard. Tourists take pictures with the stars plastered on the sidewalk. People from all walks of life have traveled from near and far to try to make it in the city that is primarily identified with movie stars and movie studios. But not everyone can “make it,” and many end up joining the already large homeless population. At my workplace, Social Services at Blessed Sacrament, I start the day before the sun has even risen. I ride my bike with my housemate and coworker, Drew, 2 miles 6 past several of our sleeping clients as we head into the parish building that contains the social services we provide. The model of the agency has changed drastically in the last 6 months. SS@BS (Social Services at Blessed Sacrament) no longer provides breakfasts, lunches, showers, and clothes to the Hollywood homeless and low-income clients, but rather provides a place for participants to engage in conversation and relationships centered around group-like activities. Groups include Morning Mindset (Meditation/Mindfulness – I class I might eventually lead!!), yoga, art, sports discussion, 12 Step Recovery from Drug and Alcohol Abuse, among others. I have met some incredible participants at SS@BS who have wonderful stories and add fascinating insights to conversations we have on a daily basis. Today we hosted a cross-cultural conversation encouraging our homeless clients to engage with international students from around the world studying at King’s College adjacent to SS@BS. After introductions around the room, our clients began teaching the international students slang from “the hood.” This dialogue was a beautiful exchange where our clients were able to offer an incredible service – practice with the English language – while being empowered at the same time. Last night we also opened La Casa de la Communidad, our neighborhood ministry house that welcomes the population of our primarily Latino community. We had about 12 kids show up for homework help, to eat cookies and drink lemonade, and to relax in a safe space in the neighborhood… more on this ministry in future posts! Your continued prayers and support are much appreciated. Please keep the Hollywood Homeless in your prayers – that they would have their spiritual, emotional, and physical needs met. If you have comments, questions, or prayers please send them my way! NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS: 03 - Kerry Krauss 04 - Linda Schaefer 06 - Jerry Knudson 07 - Evelyn Olson 08 - Kent Sitte 10 - Ethel Tencate (94) 12 - Ruth Daniels Mitch Olson Willard Sunstrom 18 - BobFlaherty 25 - Paul Pfundtner 26 - Jan Schrader 29 - Bill Schaefer NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES: 23 - Paul & Cheryl Lubahn CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL! If you are celebrating a birthday or anniversary this month & your name is omitted, please call the office to make sure we have a date and/or correct date listed. NOVEMBER ELDER OF THE MONTH: Kathy Ray 854-2538 NOVEMBER 2012 NOVEMBER LECTIONARY & LECTOR’S 04 - Deuteronomy 6:1-9, Hebrews 9:11-14, Mark12:28-34 11 - Ezekiel 34:11-16, 23-24,Hebrews 9:11-14, John10:1-10 18 - Daniel 12:1-3, Hebrews 10:11-14, 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 25 - Daniel 7:9-10,13-14, Revelation 1:4b-8, John 18:33-37 Sun Mon Tue Wed 11 Daylight Savings begins 9:00 Sun.School 10:00 Worship Thu 1 FEED MY PEOPLE NOV. 4 4 9:00 Sun.School & Adult Study 10:00 Worship 4:00 St.Bay Mor. Ch. See pg. 6 Kathy Ray Ardis Fletcher Fran Burton Dave Schrader Fri 2 Sat 3 8:00 Mens Fellowship 12-2:00 Parish Nurse 5 1:30 Wm’s Circle 6 8:30 Prayer Prtnrs @ the home of Sue Raye Hughes . CoHostess Anne Porter 9:30 Wm’s Study 6:00 Choir 7:00 Bells SEE YOU AT THE POLLS! 12 13 7 Community Free lunch 12:00 12-2:00 Parish Nurse 8 14 15 8:30 Prayer Prtnrs 9:30 Wm’s Study 6:00 Choir 7:00 Bells 8:00 Mens Fellowship T.E.N. (Teach Education Network of 9 10 the Western District. Annual Retreat. at Mt. Morris. November 9-11. “Letting the Bible Read You!” Fall back 1 hr 16 8:00 Mens Fellowship 17 9:30 a.m. Wm’s Fellowship Business Meeting 12-2:00 Parish Nurse CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING 18 6:45 SBMC & Eph. Thanksgiving Ser. @ Scand Gathering Rm 19 25 26 20 21 22 23 28 29 8:00 Mens Fellowship 30 24 8:30 Prayer Prtnrs 9:30 Wm’s Study 6:00 Choir 7:00 Bells 27 8:30 Prayer Prtnrs 9:30 Wm’s Study 6:00 Choir 7:00 Bells 7 12-2:00 Parish Nurse 7:00 Midsummer Music Holiday Concert @ SBMC Youth Sunday School (Oct - May) 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Adult Bible Studies: Sunday 9:00 a.m. Women's Study, Tuesday 9:30 a.m. Men’s Study, Thurs. 8:00 a.m. Pastor Kerry’s office hours: Monday through Wednesday 9:00 - Noon, always available for a time to meet Cell 920.854.0015 Parsonage 854.4559 Church Office 854-4080 Secretary Mon through Thursday 8:30-12:30 Judy Pichette email: Secretary: Website: Sister Bay Moravian Church Box 1010 . Sister Bay . WI . 54234 November, 2012 The Moravian Star 8
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