March 2015 Lenten Dinner and Programs 2015: “Is the Faith Journey Relevant on Today’s College Campuses: Conversations with College Chaplains?” Wednesdays, February 25, March 4, 11, 18, & 25 5:30 p.m. Lenten Prayer Group (see page 2), 6 p.m. Dinner, 7 p.m. Program Children’s Program and childcare for younger children provided at 7 p.m. also! Christian Education building, lower level Our Lenten series features delicious dinners from our church’s groups, inspiring conversations about the new generation of spiritual journeys in our local colleges, and an exciting children’s program (as well as childcare attendants provided for children under 5). Perhaps parents or grandparents with children in college or soon to be going off to college might find this conversation especially interesting! Join us as we grow together this Lenten season and enjoy the warm fellowship with your church family. February 25: Dr. Allen Richardson, professor of religious studies and chaplain, Cedar Crest College (Dinner - Children and Youth Groups) March 4: The Rev. Charles Rice, associate professor of philosophy and religious studies, chaplain, Ursinus College (Dinner - Busy Workers) March 11: The Rev. Jennika Borger, chaplain, Moravian College (Dinner - Choir) March 18: The Rev. Alexandra Hendrickson, chaplain, Lafayette College (Dinner - Men’s Bible Study) March 25: The Rev. Dr. Lloyd Steffen, chaplain and Professor of Religious Studies, Lehigh University (Dinner - Joint Board ) 9 a.m. in the Old Chapel 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary (Nursery Available) March 1 - Second Sunday of Lent Sermon: Bishop Hopeton Clennon March 8 - Third Sunday of Lent Sermon: The Rev. Janel Rice March 15 - Fourth Sunday of Lent Sermon: Garritt Fleming March 22 - Fifth Sunday of Lent Sermon: Bishop Hopeton Clennon March 29 - Palm Sunday Confirmation Sunday Sermon: The Rev. Janel Rice Spiritual Growth According to scientists, to be alive is to grow and develop. According to the Apostle Paul writing to “all God’s beloved in Rome” you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. (Romans 6:11) According to Irenaeus of Lyons (125-202 AD). “The glory of God is the human being fully alive.” During this Season of Lent, I challenge us to consider the call to new life as a call to spiritual growth. To be alive in Christ is to grow. What are the things we need to do in order that we may be alive in Christ Jesus? What are the customs and practices that may best facilitate spiritual growth? I have heard responses focusing on prayer, reading the Scriptures, singing hymns of faith, attending worship services, graciously sharing our financial resources with the poor, generously supporting the church’s involvement in ministry and mission, and so on. All of these have great value. But maybe there is more. Maybe you and I experience spiritual growth simply by making the commitment to love God more and love people more, and then following through on that commitment. I believe the examples listed in the previous paragraph are the result of spiritual growth, not the cause. Therefore, it is my sincere prayer for you this Lenten Season that you may practice loving God more and loving people more. All the other things will follow as we grow naturally. – Pastor Hopeton The Belfry 2 Lent, Holy Week and Easter Worship Opportunities at Central A Lenten Prayer Opportunity: Moravian Daily Text Group Moravians during the 1700s set apart time each morning and evening as a community to hear God’s Word presented in the form of watchwords, what later became the Daily Texts. The people also took the watchwords to the larger community and had conversations about them with their neighbors. Through this intentional time set aside to sit with God’s Word and their neighbors, the early Moravians found their faith strengthened and their bonds with each other more powerful. We aren’t living in the 1700s anymore in a small community where people can walk to each others’ homes, but what might happen to our community if we took just one more day to be with each other and with God? Let’s give it a shot. During the Lent season, experience the power of community by coming to an informal Bible study and prayer group every Wednesday night at 5:30 p.m. beginning February 25 in the CE building, lower level. We will use the Moravian Daily Texts as the basis for conversation about scripture and our daily lives. Think of it as a time to regroup after a hectic day. We will conclude in time for dinner and the Lenten program. – Garritt Fleming, Pastoral Intern Holy Week and Easter Worship A time to worship with Scriptures, hymns and prayers: March 29, 30, 31, and April 1 - Readings for Holy Week 7 p.m., Sanctuary April 2 - Maundy Thursday 7 p.m. - Holy Communion, Sanctuary April 3 - Good Friday 10 a.m. - Holy Communion, Old Chapel - 2:15 p.m. Crucifixion Service, Sanctuary - 7 p.m. Seven Last Words, Old Chapel April 4 - Great Sabbath 3 p.m. Lovefeast, Sanctuary April 5 - Easter Sunday 6:15 a.m. Sunrise Service, Sanctuary 9 a.m. - Old Chapel Worship Sermon 10 a.m. Scripture Egg Hunt, Church Green (Refreshments in the Christian Ed building) 11 a.m. Triumph Service, Sanctuary Sermon “The Seven Last Words of Christ” The evening of Good Friday, April 3, at 7 p.m., is a time for quiet contemplation, prayer, and meditation as this service focuses us on the last words of Jesus. Based on the reading “Poem After The Seven Last Words” by Mark Strand, our worship will be filled with a time of silence, musical meditations and hymns in the beauty of the Old Chapel. The poem was originally commissioned by the Brentano String Quartet for reading during their performance of Haydn’s masterpiece, The Seven Last Words of Christ. Join us in the Old Chapel. Invite a Friend to Great Sabbath Lovefeast Share this wonderful worship experience at Central with friends and neighbors by inviting them to join us for the Great Sabbath Lovefeast at 3 p.m. on April 4. Held on the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday in remembrance of Jesus’ day of rest in the tomb and the hope of His resurrection, Central’s Great Sabbath Lovefeast shows Christ’s joy through music and a lovefeast meal. Visitors will be invited to take home a free gift and receive information or take a tour of Central. Special invitations will be available in our bulletins. How Can You Support Central? Are you familiar with the four funds our Board identified as areas of need to be supported by planned gifts, such as bequests, trusts, and the like? They are the Music Fund, the Education Fund, the Preservation Fund, and the General Permanent Fund. If you would like to learn more about any or all of the ministries supported by these vital funds, we have a brochure available, which was mailed to every household in 2013. Please contact a pastor for details. Help Needed with CD Recording Ministry The CD Recording Committee records the 11 a.m. (10 a.m. in the summer) service each week, as well as other special services and events throughout the year. Approximately a dozen copies are mailed each week to members who are out of town or cannot otherwise attend Sunday services. The committee is looking for volunteers to assist in this important ministry. No experience necessary and training provided. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please call Terry Worrich @ 610-865-6934 or the church office. The Belfry 3 Coming Soon Central Field Trip Explores Transatlantic Slave Trade The Social Action Committee invites you to join us for a ‘field trip’ to the Reading Public Museum (in Reading, PA) on Sunday, March 22, 12:30 - 8 p.m. Our bus will leave after the 11 a.m. service to see a new special exhibit: Spirits of the Passage: Story of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Focusing on the English merchant-slaver ship, the Henrietta Marie, which wrecked off the coast of Key West, FL in 1700, this interactive display explores the history of the slave trade. Created in celebration of the 150th anniversary of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation,the exhibit invites us into two centuries of the slave trade through nearly 150 ship artifacts and displays that will move and inform visitors of all ages. Also included: great exhibits for kids (Planetarium visit and Adventures with Clifford the Big Red Dog.) Seating is limited and reservations with payment required by March 8. Cost: $40 per person; $34 for seniors and students (ages 3 and up). Cost includes box lunch for the bus, museum admission (including Planetarium show), and Transbridge bus. Does not include costs for dinner (on the way home). Contact the church office to sign up at 610-866-5661 or Benefit Organ Recital Richard Frey, brother of Central member Louisa Frey, will be presenting a benefit organ recital for TEACH Rwanda on March 8 at 3 p.m. at Wesley United Methodist Church on Center Street in Bethlehem. The program will include Bach, jazz arrangements and a work by an African composer. Welcome New Members and Confirmands We look forward to welcoming our new members on Sunday, March 15 and our young people as adult members on Palm Sunday, March 29 with special receptions following in the sanctuary. More information about them will be published in an upcoming Belfry. The Psychology of Illness & Art of Healing The Littner Memorial Lecture Series for Bereavement and St. Luke’s Health Network present a community event; Dr. Bernie Siegel, author and speaker whose book “Love, Medicine and Miracles” changed mainstream thinking around the role the mind can play in fighting illness. We are proud to host this event in Central’s sanctuary on Wednesday, April 22 at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Siegel’s philosophy continues to break new ground in the field of healing and living the message of kindness and love. Central members and friends are invited to receive a limited supply of free tickets to attend by coming to the church office or calling to reserve yours today. Moravian Historical Society Gala The Moravian Historical Society will hold its 9th annual Share the Heritage Dinner and Auction on Friday, April 10 at 6 p.m. to celebrate Moravian history in the United Kingdom. Held at Hotel Bethlehem, this event supports the society’s mission to preserve and educate the public about Moravian history and culture throughout the world. The Moravian Historical Society will present the Rev. Dr. Davis Schattschneider with the “Heritage Award”. David has been a longtime volunteer for the Society serving in many capacities including the President. Pre-paid reservations are required as seating is limited. For reservations and more information, visit or contact them at 610-759-5070. Save the Date: Busy Workers’ Plant & Attic Treasures Sale - Saturday, May 9 Keep this date in mind as you do your spring cleaning & gardening. If you have items in your closets, attic, basement, etc. that are still in good shape, but you no longer need or want, please consider donating those items to the Busy Workers for our sale. Also, if you have perennials, bulbs, iris, hosta, etc. that need division in your garden, we would be happy to accept those donations, as well. Collection dates for donations will be posted in upcoming editions of the Belfry, and in the Sunday Times. ( Items we cannot take: clothing (please consider Cynthia’s Boutique), stuffed animals, electronics, or very large furniture items. If you have a question about whether an item is suitable for donation, please contact Jacqueline Adams at 610-867-7463) 4 The Belfry The Belfry 5 Moravian Missions . . . Can you Help Tutor? Esperanza for Bethlehem Moravian Church is looking for more tutors to help with their outreach to local children of all ages with homework and mentoring. Join the other Central volunteers who already help with this valuable ministry! Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons are needed. Talk with Pastor Janel for details. Unity Offering Each year, as our worldwide Moravian Church (Unitas Fratrum) celebrates its founding on March 1st, we collect a special offering to benefit one mission area in the unity. This year’s Unity Offering will go to our friends in South Africa to help with the youth and Sunday School programs there. Look for a special offering envelope for this mission cause. Update from our Partners in Sikonge, Tanzania: The “Mama” Scholarship Fund The Adopt a Village program, centered in Sikonge, is run by twenty-seven Moravian ladies under the leadership of Mama Kimwaga. They have been providing support, both material and emotional, to 2700 orphans, 200 of whom are also receiving scholarships to pursue higher education. Most of these women are not able to afford schooling beyond the free primary level for their own families. At their request, a “Mama” scholarship fund, administered totally by these Tanzanians, was begun in 2014. Its sole purpose is to permit these caregivers to assist their families with educational opportunities similar to those of the orphans for whom they care. Since their children are not orphans, this support must be funded with donations distinct from Adopt a Village. Last year it was able to provide each woman $60. If these women are to continue to receive the help they so truly deserve, the fund needs to be maintained. Any assistance, sent to the church office, payable to Central Moravian Church, and designated for the “Mama” Scholarship Fund, would be gratefully received by these “mamas” and their families. – Bill & Peg Hoffman The 27 ladies (Mamas) in the Sikonge orphan program meet yearly to share a meal and discuss the program. Update from Nepali Moravian Outreach (NMO) and our Partners in Nepal Our purpose is to support the vision of the Nepali Moravian Outreach to share the good news of Christ through the ministries of the Nepali Moravian Church, transforming lives, educating, and equipping people to impact the community and the nation at large. The Moravian church in the city celebrated its 17th anniversary and Khokona church celebrated its 8th year in the village. The Moravian church is the only church in this Newari village. House fellowships and personal witnessing continues to be a strong medium of sharing the Good News to friends, families and neighbors. The International Kindergarten has been a mission business of the Nepali Moravian Church. Although small in number it has been growing and taking deeper roots in its vision to educate and impact the community. At the end of the academic year in 2014 there were 57 children enrolled between the ages of 21 months to six years with a graduation of sixteen children last April. Our hope and continued efforts this year will be to acquire a bigger space and license to start elementary education. With the financial help of NMO, a new shed was built in the school play ground which serves as a multipurpose area. This shed was used as a waiting area for children, parents and visitors. It was transformed into a stage for the Christmas program in December 2014. We are grateful to all the donors and prayer partners of NMO for their generous support towards this ministry, which allows us to use the money for projects such as these and much more. In April 2014, Eslie Bhutia from the Moravian church, joined International Kindergarten in the Play group, making a total of four children under the Tuition Aid program. These children and their families continue to be blessed by this ministry as the Tuition Aid has enabled their children to receive good education and care. In November the NMO committee considered starting a Higher Education fund to help with continued education for Moravian church members. A teacher at the school who is married to a staunch Brahmin family accepted Christ (secretly). She is a wonderful person with many family restrictions and barred from reading the Bible and going to church. The words of Zinzendorf continues to inspire us to “Be a living daily witness of the saving power and fellowship of the Lamb. Never lord it over those who are not Christians. Humble yourself and earn their esteem through the power of the Spirit.” 6 The Belfry Musical Notes Rebecca Owens, Director of Music Pipe Organ Crawl – On Sunday, March 8, Becky Owens will provide a brief tour of all three pipe organs of Central Moravian Church. Following the postlude of the 11 a.m. worship service, we will begin in the Kleiner Saal on the historic Erben organ, travel to the Old Chapel and look at our newest instrument, and then conclude in the sanctuary balcony with a tour of the pipe organ chambers. This organ tour (which will include climbing flights of stairs) will take about one hour. All are welcome. The Central Handbell Ensemble – If you are interested in ringing, please call Jeanne Bednarik at 610-974-8332 or email her at This ensemble is open to all. Central Moravian Brass Choir, under the direction of Caitlin Worrich, plays the second Sunday of every month at the 11 a.m. worship service, and will play on Sunday, March 8. If you play a brass instrument and would like to play with this ensemble, please contact Caitlin Worrich at Chamber Music in the Old Chapel – Fri., March 27 at 7:30 p.m. The Anglo-American duo featuring virtuoso American violinist Timothy Schwarz and British pianist Jane Beament, specializing in repertoire from America and Britain. There is a suggested donation of $10. Central Moravian Church: A History of its Music: In celebration of almost 275 years of ministry, we are compiling a book of reflections, memoirs, and photos of Central Moravian Church’s music ministry, and we need your help! Do you have photographs or postcards of musical moments or of past musicians? Do you have a photo of when you or your parent or your child sang “Morning Star”? Would you be willing to submit a short paragraph that describes a musical memory: singing “Morning Star”, felt God’s presence during a particular hymn, wonderful experiences with former Central organists and conductors, memories of a choir trip, etc.? If contributing a photograph or postcard, please enclose photos in an envelope with your name, phone number, address, and the person(s)’ names in the photograph as well as the year the photo was taken. Photos will be returned. Please call Becky Owens at 610-866-5661 ext. 206 if you are willing to contribute your memories to this exciting project! Were You There: Morningstar Music Publishing Company in Missouri just published a new organ music book this past winter. The book consists of three organ pieces for Lent that were composed and arranged by Becky Owens. This is the fourth publication that Becky has in print. (Previous collections were published by Warner Brothers, Alfred Music, and the Moravian Music Foundation.) Morningstar Music Publishing will also be releasing a book of Christmas organ arrangements composed by Becky Owens later this spring. Music Committee Meeting in the Church Office Conference Room: Tuesday, March 3 at 6 p.m. Llyena Boylan, Chair of the Music Committee a church mouse report hello and greetings and some people question why is there no cross in the sanctuary and the response is often we believe in plain unadorned elegance and the only ornamentation if you can call it that is the open bibles and their seasonally colored bible markers on the two pulpits and one marker in each set is plainly adorned with an empty cross and the plain truth therefore is we do have a cross in the sanctuary and yes every day of the year there is at least one cross in the church and of course for every rule there is an exception and there is just one day of the year when there is no cross and that day is good friday and the black bible markers used that one day have no cross and i proffer the cross that day is being used for the crucifixion and the plain gospel is and god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and whosoever believeth in him should not perish and have everlasting life and in plain talk with the cross in mind jesus loves you and so do i The Belfry 7 Children and Youth Spring Is Coming and So Is Camp Vacation Bible School - Save the Date Central had a great Camping year in 2014 - sending 16 children to Camp Hope! Let’s keep up the tradition this year. Camp Hope is a wonderful way for your children and youth to deepen their faith and create life-long relationships in our broader community. Starting at 1st grade, there are opportunities for all ages up to college including speciality camps like swimming, fishing and performing arts! And Camp Hope is very affordable! As a member (or friend) of a Bethlehem Area Moravian church, you will receive a $100 BAM scholarship. In addition, Central is able to offer you a scholarship for up to $100/child. With the discounts, the average camp only costs about $140/week! Talk with Pastor Janel if more assistance is needed, finances should not hold your child back from camp! Look to for more details about each camp and the registration form. Please don’t forget to indicate under “Other Discounts” that you are a member of a BAM congregation as well as a Central member. Discount applies for friends too! All four year olds - 6th graders are invited for our Vacation Bible School program on June 15 - 19, from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. at East Hills Moravian Church. We will again be joining together with friends from East Hills, Advent and College Hill to put on a fantastic week of learning and fun! If you went last year, you’ll remember some great music, engaging lessons and crafts, and excellent water games! Expect more of this fun as we gather together this summer. A registration form will be mailed out or contact Pastor Janel for more information ( If you are interested in volunteering for VBS, please also contact Pastor Janel. Camp Hope 2015 Schedule: Pre-Primary Conference (Completed Grades 1 & 2) , June 21 – 24, $225 ($60 deposit) Primary Conference (Completed Grades 3 & 4), June 28 – July 4, $340 ($90 deposit) Middler Conference (Completed Grades 5 & 6), July 5-11, $340 ($90 deposit) Junior High Conference (Completed Grades 7 & 8), July 12 – 18, $340 ($90 deposit) Senior & Post High Conference (Completed Grade 9 through age 21), July 26 – August 1, $340 ($90 deposit) Swimming Camp (Completed Grades 3 – 6), July 19 – 25, $340 ($90 deposit) This camp is limited. Fishing Camp (Completed grades 6-10), June 21-June 27, $360 ($95 deposit) This camp is limited. Musical Theater Camp (formerly Performing Arts Camp) Completed grades 3 – 8 July 19 – 25, $360 ($95 deposit), This camp is limited to 30 campers. Middle School & Senior High Youth Groups Decorate God’s Acre for Easter: Sat., April 4, 9 a.m. Help us place hyacinths on the graves at God’s Acre in preparation for our Easter Dawn service. A tradition of our youth group, we finish with breakfast together! Friday Night Fun & Middle School Youth Group: Friday, March 20, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m., C.E. bldg. Our emphasis on faith and homelessness continues as we prepare dinner for the emergency shelter and learn more about what is happening locally with homelessness. *Community Service credits available Emergency Shelter dinner: Saturday, March 21, 5:30 - 7 p.m. Help us serve dinner and visit with the homeless women that we serve in the C.E. building each Saturday night during the winter season. *Community Service credits available Moravian Open Door and NYC Trip: Saturday, March 28 or April 11. Make and serve lunch at the NYC-based Moravian transitional homeless shelter and then tour the city afterwards. *Community Service credits available The Belfry 8 The Belfry NON–PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID March 2015 Permit No. 495 LEHIGH VALLEY, PA Central Moravian Church 73 West Church Street Bethlehem PA 18018 Phone: 610-866-5661 Fax: 610-866-7256 Email: Website: Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Mon. - Fri. Closed for Lunch 12-12:30 p.m Pastoral Staff: C. Hopeton Clennon Janel R. Rice Facilities Administrator: Mike Wall Music Staff: Rebecca Kleintop Owens Richard T. Miller Administrative Assistant: Cindy Gibson Financial Secretary: George Mowers Sexton: John Geier Pastoral Intern: Garritt Fleming Youth Ministry: Garritt Fleming Emily Toyberg Moravian Women March Meetings The next Board Meeting will be March 23 at 1:30 p.m. - 73 W. CR. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 & 5 Group 6 Group 7 2nd Wed., March 11 12:30 p.m. 73 W. C. R. 2nd Tues., March 10 7:00 p.m. CE Nitschmann 2nd Wed., March 11 9:30 a.m. Judy Smith’s home 2nd Mon., March 9 10:00 a.m. Chapel LL 3rd Thurs., March 19 12:30 p.m. 73 W. C. R. 2nd Sun., March 8 10:00 a.m. 73 W. Parlor The Belfry Deadline Articles for the April Belfry are due in the church office by March 6. March Birthdays 1 Laurence Fishler 2 Jack Griffis 2 Jeanette Long 3 Chloe Eckhart 5 Richard Theis 5 Deborah Vanhorn 5 Rebecca Sutton 6 Ursula Hoffmann 6 Jeffrey Kostenbader 7 Mary-Ellen Henkelmann 7 Althea Sell 7 Kathleen Stehly 8 Jan Edythe Christensen 8 Robert Phillips 8 Brian Naisby 9 Roberta Williamson 9 Jo Ann Haines 9 Jeffrey Griffis 9 Todd Silvius 9 Cole Frank 10 Linda McCarthy 11 Jane Tegyi 11 Howard Freed 12 Owen Jones 13 Beth Ann Boyer 13 Dale Browder 13 Terri Lee Nasatka 13 Jennifer Heil 13 Jordan Achey 14 Anna Kodama 14 William McKay 14 Sophie Rice 15 Ingeborg Mackow 15 Barbara McEvoy 15 Lydia Yeakel 16 Nancy Beitel-Vessels 16 Dawn Ketterman-Benner 16 Donald Jean 16 James Freund 17 Thomas Wiegner 17 David Williams 18 Howard Cox 18 Bruce Seidel 18 Devon Schlack 18 Spencer Schlack 19 Mark Parseghian 19 Kecia Smith 20 Paula Ballard 20 Renee Roberts 20 Michael Reifinger 20 Nathan Bissey 21 Lois Mast 22 Kathleen Frank 22 Zachary Thomas 24 William Schippang 24 June Robinson 24 Kenneth Kuhns 24 Donald Pharo 24 Liam Brolly 25 Margaret Rowland 25 Hopeton Clennon 25 Cindy Reichert 25 Clare Raneri 26 Kenneth Achey 26 Anne Zug 26 Royce Prichett 26 Losian Fontanez 27 Louis Viruet 28 Wayne Achey 29 Edna McEvoy 29 Margaret Snyder 29 Charles Shipman 30 AnneMarie Whildin 30 Rosemarie McIlwain 30 Robert Rice 30 Terry Worrich 30 Michael Krem 31 Debra Nyby 31 Brett Seruga
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