Newsletter Thursday Term 4 Week 6 13th November 2014 Principal’s Message Staffing 2015 The allocation of teachers to classes for 2015 has now been finalised: Prep G Mrs Helen Myers Prep Y Mrs Sue Hayes Prep R Ms Halena Wilkinson 1G Mrs Liane Buckland 1Y Miss Ally Shipp 2G Ms Rachel Miles 2Y Mrs Sharnee Heibloem / Mrs Rebecca Dalton (Job Share) 3G Miss Amy Mills 3Y Mrs Melissa Lucas 4G Mr Brendan Costin 4Y Mrs Anita Maher 5G Mrs Kaye Carr / Mr David Stewart (Job Share) 6G Mr Michael O’Rourke The vast majority of these teachers are well known to our community. Joining or re-joining our teaching staff in 2015 are: Mrs Sharnee Heibloem and Mrs Rebecca Dalton both returning from Maternity Leave Mr David Stewart – David is new to our staff. He is a very experienced teacher with significant leadership experience in schools including various roles as Principal. We look forward to welcoming David, who will be a tremendous addition to our staff. As per last week’s newsletter: Given my experience in a variety of school settings and based on feedback from BCE Education Officers, I can assure you that the quality of our staff is exceptional. Appointing teaching teams to the various year levels is quite a complex task. Of greater complexity is the allocation of students to classes for each year. Many hours of deliberation goes towards finalising groupings. Teachers use their extensive knowledge of each individual to create the best learning environment for all. If there are any specific educational issues you would like a teacher to consider in these deliberations, these should be put in writing to the class teacher (or the Principal). Whilst no promises can be made I can assure you they will be considered. I have had the experience previously when one parent requested their child be placed with a particular student and the other parent requested they be separated. Not everything is possible and we were not able to give a full explanation to the parent as to why their request was not accommodated as this would have affected a family friendship. We ask you to trust us through this process. “Teacher shopping” is not appropriate. We have amazing teachers across our year levels, all with different strengths and styles. Students will experience teachers of all different personalities and styles across the time of their schooling. Pigeonholing teachers or listening to rumour may stifle the rich variety of teaching methodology that your child should experience. Classes will be finalised within the next two weeks, ready for announcement on Thursday Dec 4. Continued ……. Address: Apperley Street, Banyo Qld 4014 Phone: 07 3267 7306 Fax: 07 3267 1217 Email: Website: Banyo-Nundah Catholic Parish: Ph: 3266 1444 Fax: 3266 4088 Office: 20 Donkin Street, Nundah Principal’s Message Volunteers Morning Tea This morning we paid tribute to the amazing volunteers we are fortunate to have within our school. A small group represented the huge numbers of generous parents and friends of our community who give selflessly of their time so that our students have additional opportunities. For me it is the special relationship that exits between parents, students and staff that makes St Pius the incredible place it is. Thanks to all who have helped us out in the multitude of ways this year. For some it marks the end of an era as they move on to high school next year. St Pius is richer for your kindness and support. Thanks to Natalie Grech who provided the beautiful catering for the morning and to the choir and instrumental students who provided the entertainment. Parking and Pick Up Thanks to the parents who have complied with the parking and pick up protocols following concerns outlined in recent newsletters. Please be reminded that the driveway to the library (from Apperley St) is not a safe place to pick up students. Please refrain from picking up students in this driveway. Reminders Booklists: These were due to be returned to Banyo Newsagency two weeks ago. If orders are not placed by the end of next week, the books will not be available for the beginning of next year. Medical Action Plans: Any student who has medication stored in the school office should collect this medication prior to the end of school. Any medication still in the office on the last day will be placed in a bag and sent home with the student. A reminder that medical action plans need to be reviewed and provided to the school annually. Accounts: Term 4 accounts are now significantly overdue. Please finalise these accounts as soon as possible. Term 4 Upcoming events: Music performance night (18th Nov) P&F meeting (19th Nov) Yr 5 Camp (20/21st Nov) Yr 1 (2015) 1-1 Parent information evening (Week 8) Pastoral Care meeting (25th Nov) Board / P&F Exec dinner (26th Nov) Family Christmas Picnic (29th Nov 4pm-6pm) Christmas Concert (3rd Dec – 9:15am) Reports sent home (3rd Dec ) Yr 6/7 Grad (3rd Dec) 2015 Classes announced (4th Dec) School Concludes (5th Dec at12pm) Best Wishes for the long weekend and the rest of the term. Peter APRE’s Message A Prayer for our Volunteers God of generosity, bless our volunteers with abundance and joy. Holy Spirit of energy, bless our volunteers with enthusiasm and motivation. Jesus, loving Son, bless our volunteers with strong hearts of love. Volunteers’ Morning Tea Today we acknowledged and thanked our very special, generous volunteers. These parents, grandparents and community members selflessly give of their time to assist with the various activities that make our school run efficiently. Our lovely volunteers were treated to a delicious morning tea catered by Natalie and entertained by our choir and instrumental ensemble. To our many volunteers, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your contribution to our great school. God bless you all! St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal Next Monday, on assembly, we will launch our annual St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. Each child is asked to bring in a gold coin, or more, to add to their class’ collection gift box. All monies must be in by Friday, 28th November (week 8). We will present a cheque to a representative from the Banyo St Vincent de Paul Chapter during our final liturgy on Friday, 5 th December. Remember to dig deep to help a local family enjoy the Christmas season. Music Concert Next Tuesday evening, 18th November at 6pm, St Pius will hold its Annual Music Performance Night in the hall. This evening is a show case of our very talented instrumental students who learn an instrument through the Joy Dawson music company. We thank Mrs Dawson and her instrumental music teachers Louise Fossa, Matthew Hobbs and Bryn Samuel for the expertise and time they put into each lesson. NB Parents are welcomed to enrol their child from Year 2 into the instrumental program run by Joy Dawson’s company, JD Music. From 2015 students new to the program can only enrol in instrumental lessons from Year 2. Blessing Kim Choir News Thank you to all the choir students and the Instrumental students who performed at the Volunteers’ Morning Tea this morning. You were amazing. Performing Arts Night Performing Arts Night is next Tuesday, 18th November in the School Hall starting at 6pm. Instrumental teachers have given out notes this week letting you know the piece your child is playing for the concert. Please fill in the form and return it to the front office. I am looking forward to hearing some beautiful music. Band News The school band will be going to the Band Spectacular next Wednesday, 19th November at St. Joseph's, Bracken Ridge. Performance is at 1.15pm if you would like to come along. Instrumental News All school instruments are to be returned to the Music Department by Tuesday, 2nd December. Joy Dawson Music Teacher, Instrumental Coordinator Sports News Water Polo Queensland Yesterday, Heather came out from Water Polo Queensland to our school to teach us some water polo skills. We learnt how to catch and throw a ball with one hand, shoot goals and play mini games. Water polo is a fun and interactive sport to play. Thank you Mr B for organising a great water polo session for all of us. We had so much fun!!! Classroom News 3Y have been very busy over the past couple of weeks following procedures. We have just completed sewing our beautiful Christmas decorations, filled with lots of fluff and love. We have also made and tested our Gluten Free Rocky Road, filled with gluten free snakes, mini marshmallows, popping candy and HEAPS of chocolate. Yummy! Yr 1 and Yr 2 SPLASH & SWIM On Friday, 28th November 8.40am to 10.30am at St Pius School Pool Parents are welcome to come and watch the races and pool games at the splash and swim morning. P&F Message Final P&F Meeting for 2014 Wednesday, 19th November 7pm The AGM will be held in February 2015 date TBA If you are interested in getting involved in the school’s P&F, please nominate for the positions of: President Vice president, Secretary Treasurer Nomination forms for P&F positions are available at the school office. School Uniforms All St Pius School uniforms including hats and bags are sold at Lowes Toombul Please name ALL of your child’s items Please check Lost Property regularly for forgotten and lost items. St Pius Swimming Caps are available from the school office for $8 each (COMPUSLORY) Tuckshop No tuckshop this week Helpers are always needed and welcome if you can spare some time on Fridays. Please order by THURSDAY unless you are away sick. If ordering Friday we ask that you only order cold food at first break (no toasted or hot rolls). Annual St Pius Christmas Picnic on the oval Saturday 29th November 4pm to 6pm BYO nibbles, drinks, blanket and picnic chairs Yoghurts $1, banana, strawberry, vanilla. Cheerios - hot or cold, 4 for $2.50 Volunteers needed please call Theresa Appelton on 0407 115 662 Free Lunch Competition Have your lunch order in on Thursday and your name will go into a draw each week. 2 winners will be drawn each Thursday to enjoy tuckshop lunch for free on Friday. Free Lunch Competition Winners announced on awards page No 7 next week STUDENT AWARDS Prep G - Akshara Ganesh Prep Y - Ayla Hill Year 1G - All Yr 1G Year 1Y - Oliver Handford Year 2G - Ava Parry & Thomas Deakin Year 2Y - Maya Floyd & Rhys Jenkins Year 3G - Max Vanden Bergh & Theresa Do-Dam Year 3Y - Chayce Bailey Year 4G - Cooper Groves Year 4Y - Oscar Govenlock Awards will be present at Year 5G - Samuel Waugh assembly on Year 6/7G - Lara Madden 17th November Monday PE Class - Yr 3Y Art Class - Yr 5G Music Class - Yr 4Y All Welcome No tuckshop awards this week Helpful Parent Reminders We are a NO NUT school as we have children with all different types of nut allergies. 2015 Booklists - forms due into the Banyo Newsagency now. School Fees for Term 4 are due to be paid. School Swimming classes Friday for Years 3, 2, 1 and Preps (reminder to wear sunscreen). School Swimming classes Monday for Years 4, 5 and 6/7 (reminder to wear sunscreen). Students to bring for swimming lessons: costume, swimming cap, goggles, towel, rash shirt, thongs/sandals (to walk to and from the pool) sunscreen (this could be applied before school). All Yr 1 to Yr7 competent swimmers only, free swimming is at Monday lunch time 1.20pm to 1.40pm - parent volunteers are required. St Pius swimming caps available for sale in the office for $8 each (compulsory). Qualified Swimming contact - Rae 0411 862 441 (for swimming lessons). Banyo Community Swimming Club contact Gary Kehl 0401 820 231 (flyer on page 7). All St Pius School uniforms are sold at LOWES Toombul including hats and bags. If you are not receiving the weekly newsletter or the school fees each term please notify the school office ASAP to have your email address updated. All phone number address email changes please notify the school office by email to update ASAP on No hat no play policy. Please send spoons with snacks and lunches when required. When your child receives sacraments in Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation in the Catholic Faith please send a copy to the school office to update information. Direct Deposit forms for school fees are to be completed each year, available now for 2015 Volunteer forms for parent and grandparent helpers are to be completed each year. Upcoming Dates... Friday 14th November G20 Public Holiday Monday 17th November Baby Blessing Assembly Swimming classes Yr 4 to 6/7 (apply sunscreen at home) Yr 1-7 free swimming at lunch 1.20pm (parent volunteers needed) Tuesday 18th November Performing Arts Night from 6pm in the school hall Wednesday 19th November Mass Yr 4 Year 4 excursion to Ripleys, Gold Coast Band Spectacular at St Josephs Bracken Ridge 9am to 2pm (performance at 1.15pm) P&F meeting 7pm Thursday 20th—Friday 21st Nov Yr 5 Camp Warawee, Joyner Friday 21st November Swimming classes Yr 4 to Yr 6/7 (apply sunscreen at home) Monday 24th November Assembly Yr 5 Swimming classes Prep to Yr 3 (apply sunscreen at home) Yr 1-7 free swimming at lunch 1.20pm (parent volunteers needed) Tuesday 25th November Pastoral Care Meeting Wednesday 26th November Mass Yr 6/7 Prep excursion Twelfth night theatre- An Australian Bush Christmas Board and Exec P&F Dinner Thursday 27th November 2015 Book packs arrive into students current classrooms Parish Finance meeting BANYO COMMUNITY SWIM CLUB St Pius School Pool Redhill Road entrance Come along and see how much fun it is. We are a friendly, relaxed swim club the whole family can enjoy. You don’t need to be a super fast swimmer. Points are based on improving your own times. We offer half length races and the not so confident competitors have a competent swimmer in the lane with them at all times. All ages and standards are welcome. Cost is $35 per swimmer or $70 per family for the season. More information please contact Gary Kehl on 0401 820 231 St Pius Playgroup Under 5s Every Friday during school term 8.30am to 10.30am in the school hall, $1 per week, including tea & coffee Final program for 2014! Limited places available. Resilience Skills for a Happy Life! Confident Kids ® + teens is a fun and innovative coaching program for kids 5-14yrs that aims to boost confidence, emotional resilience, social skills and brain power. Students discover their strengths, and develop resilient thinking skills to reduce stress, anxiety, worry, or negative thinking. Essential tools to navigate the teen years! Our team of experienced Psychologists will coach, encourage and support your child to be all they can be! Medicare and private health fund rebates apply. Register and book online today at Or contact us at for more details. Groups held at our Kelvin Grove clinic. Co-ordinator: Angela Wilcox Mobile 0432 835 536 PRECISION PILATES PILATES - Pilates strengthens the stabilizers of the spine, pelvis and shoulders through mat based abdominal exercises to improve coordination, posture and rehabilitate injuries. The breathing techniques will help improve stamina and promote relaxation. Benefits: Improve posture and coordination Increase flexibility, tone and strengthen Increase lung capacity Core stability and balance Reduce stress and fatigue Reduce low back pain Helps to flatten abdominals Less time off work due to injury/illness When: Thursday 7.30 – 8.30am @ Nudgee Beach Rev, meeting on basketball court Friday 6 – 7am @ Banyo Memorial Park, meeting at Rotunda Come and give it a go! YEAR 1 STUDENTS WANTED These classes are provided FREE by Brisbane City to take part in an exciting research project Council investigating the early development of literacy and numeracy skills Sharon Shepherd Advanced Pilates Instructor, Diploma Fitness, M: 0439 996 049 E: Do you have a child between 2 and 10 years old? If “Yes”, share your parenting experiences Researchers at the University of Queensland invite you to participate in a cross-cultural parenting study involving parents residing in Australia and Indonesia. Share your parenting experiences by completing an online survey at the website: For further information, please check the website or contact Agnes Sumargi at (07) 33656207, e-mail: A team of researchers at The University of Queensland is seeking Year 1 students to participate in a study that aims to investigate how early literacy learners process sounds and numbers. Each student will be asked to complete some listening, speaking, and reading activities that are similar to tasks the students will have performed at school and two simple computerized tasks involving deciding whether two words rhyme and which of two numbers is the larger. The computerized tasks will be completed while the student is in a MRI scanner so that we can record how the student’s brain processes the information. This is a very safe procedure with all students being carefully screened beforehand to ensure their suitability. All assessments can be undertaken outside of school hours either at the student’s home or at The University of Queensland. At the completion of testing, each student will receive a $20 book voucher and a picture of their brain. Their parents will receive a brief written report of their child’s test results and $50 to reimburse them for any travelling expenses. The children may not benefit directly from the results of this study, however, the study will contribute to our understanding of the language processing difficulties that result in reading and numeracy problems. Your child’s participation in this study is totally voluntary and he/she may withdraw at any time. If you would like further information, please contact the principal researcher, Dr Wendy Arnott, on (07) 3365 9725, or email Do you have a daughter who is due to commence Year 7 in 2018? Mount Alvernia College is currently accepting Applications for Enrolment for this year level. Closing date for Applications is 8 February 2015. It is important that you lodge your application by the due date to be considered in first round offers. Second round offers are made subject to availability. Enrolment Forms are available via email request from the Mount Alvernia College website or can be collected from the School Office. Please contact our Enrolments Officer Jodi Walsh on Ph: 3632 8508 for any further information.
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