Newsletter Term 4 Week 1 Thursday 9th October

Term 4 Week 1
9th October
Acting Principal’s Message
Welcome back to a very busy term. We hope you all had a great break and are well rested for what looks like an
action-filled final term.
In the busyness of the end of last term I forgot to wish Mrs Kaye Carr all the best for her Long Service Leave.
My apologies go to Kaye for my omission and we wish her rest and relaxation as she takes the remainder of the
year as leave. Mrs Emma Canavan, who previously has been teaching two days a week in Year 5, will now be
fulltime for the remainder of the year. We wish both teachers the best for term 4.
New Family
This week we welcomed to our school Blair McKitrick and his family. Blair is in year 3Y with Mrs Maher and I know that the children in 3Y have made Blair feel welcomed and that he is an important member of their class. I know the McKitrick family will
experience the warmth of our St Pius family.
Family Fun Day
This week there is a buzz of activity and excitement as the school community prepares for our Family Fun Day on Saturday
18th October. The weather forecast is promising. Thank you to the wonderful committee of volunteers, led by Mrs Monica Christie, who are working tirelessly to make this a wonderful community event. Please show your support by attending this tremendous St Pius festivity. The family Fun day is from 11am -4pm.
Set up will begin the afternoon before and early Saturday morning from 7am. If you are able to help with this please come along.
Also, please watch for a note from your class representative asking for assistance for their particular stall on the day.
The entrance to Family Fun day is via the Apperley St oval gate. The welcome tent and ride pass collection will be situated inside this main gate. Please note that children are the parents responsibility on the day and they are under your supervision at all
times. Please ensure all children wear closed in shoes as access to the rides stipulates this rule.
Again this year we have been supported by the St Pius families and the surrounding community for our family Fun Day raffle.
Through the generous donations of our sponsors (who we will acknowledge in a future newsletter) our raffle has grown. For $1
you have a chance to win one of over twenty prizes valued from $50 to $200 each. The prizes include a bike, Razor Scooter, 1
night stay for 2 with breakfast at Novotel, Double pass to Melbourne Cup Marquee at Eagle Farm and various vouchers from:
Woolworths, Lowes, Site Cafe, Banyo Meat Service, Jill’s Jive & Tiddlywinks Dance & Play, Galloper’s Sports Club …to name a
Thank you to the parents and staff who helped with the refurbishment of the pool
surroundings. Since first term the pool toilets and change rooms have been upgraded, the paintings on the walls have been given a lift and over the September holidays the old grandstands have been replaced by new ones. We are very fortunate
to have such a dedicated community here at St Pius.
Look after each other
Not only was I very happy that Hawthorne won the grand final
but I was brimming with excitement and pride when I saw
Holly Simms on TV present one of the Hawthorne players
with their medal on grand final day! Holly and her family were
lucky enough to participate in the week long fanfare and party
that is the AFL final. Holly was chosen as the round 7 nominee for 2014 AFL ‘Auskicker of the Year Competition’.
Well Done and Congratulations Holly!
Address: Apperley Street, Banyo Qld 4014
Phone: 07 3267 7306
Fax: 07 3267 1217
Banyo-Nundah Catholic Parish: Ph: 3266 1444 Fax: 3266 4088 Office: 20 Donkin Street, Nundah
APRE’s Message
“From the first moment that a student sets foot in a Catholic school, he or she ought to have the impression of
entering a new environment, one illumined by the light of
faith, and having its own unique characteristics. The inspiration of Jesus must be translated from the ideal into
the real. The Gospel spirit should be evident in a Christian way of thought and life which permeates all facets of
the educational climate.” from Religious Life of the School document.
The Religion Education Program has two complementary dimensions.
One involves ‘Teaching people religion’ and the other involves ‘teaching
people to be religious in a particular way’. The Religious Life of the
School dimension involves ‘teaching people to be religious …’ and identifies how we are called to live out our faith.
There are four interrelated components, with each component having three elements involved.
They look something like this:
Religious Identity and Culture:
Ethos and Charism; Authentic Christian Community; Sense of the Sacred
Evangelisation and Faith Formation:
Living the Gospel; Spiritual Formation; Witness to the Wider Community
Prayer and Worship:
Christian Prayer; Celebrating Liturgy and Sacraments; Ritualising Everyday Life
Social Action and Justice:
Justice in the School Community; Action for Justice; Reflection on action
It looks like a lot of work so what does it all mean?
The Religious Life of the School (RLOS) component of the new Religion Education Program is
not asking schools to do things they haven’t done before, but it is asking us to change the way
we think about what we do. It reminds us of why we are here as a Catholic school. We can
teach about God all day but if it doesn’t make a difference in our lives, and the lives of those we
interact with, what is the point? It is not suggesting that Catholic schools haven’t been making
a difference in these areas, but it refocuses our approach.
As teachers plan in the four curriculum strands of Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian
Life, they will identify and plan the areas of the Religious Life of the School which will be challenged or complement the learning and teaching. Deliberate connections will made as we try to
live out our call to love one another.
As we learn about God our thoughts should start to move from ‘What did I learn about God today?’ to ‘How does this challenge me to live?’ Teachers will be moving in and out of the Religion Education Program’s two dimensions - ‘Teaching people religion’ and ‘Teaching people to
be religious in a particular way’- as they teach. The dimensions will overlap as students apply
their knowledge to their life. In that overlap our vision for Religious Education is realised as students are challenged to be a religious voice in the world. As mentioned in a previous newsletter, our school motto of ‘Live, Love, Learn’ summarises perfectly everything we are trying to
All the best,
NEXT WEEK : The meaning of life, the universe and everything.
Sports News
Woohoo Term 4 is already here and just when you thought there were no more important sporting
events to worry about this term, I'm sorry to say –you’re wrong!! Please read on below to find out a couple of sporting surprises coming the students way this term.
Friday 10th October – Year 2 & 3 – Our younger students have already enjoyed an AFL skills and
‘taster session’ during their PE lessons this week and it’s the Year 2’s and 3’s turn this Friday. This of
course is helping our students to be physically active whilst learning new skills and hopefully become involved in
the AFL Auskick program which will run on our oval of a Wednesday afternoon.
Tuesday 14th October – Prep and Year 1 – Virginia United Football sessions. Dan from Virginia Football Club will
be returning to run a number of soccer clinics and healthy eating sessions during the Prep and Year 1 PE lessons.
If the smiles on our older kids faces who have completed this program are anything to go by then I’m looking forward to seeing which of our younger students enjoy the sessions whilst improving their soccer skills.
Wednesday 15th October – PREP to Year 6/7 – NAB AFL Auskick program kicks off at St Pius next Wednesday
afternoon and runs for the last 8 weeks of term – sorry I got the dates mixed up when I spoke on assembly. Now,
although I am biased towards this great game, students not only get a great kit bag full of goodies but have a lot of
fun learning the new skills involved with AFL footy. Colourful forms with all the details should have gone home,
however, if the magic monster in the bottom of your child’s bag has eaten it, there are always spares in the office.
Get involved!!!
A Day in November (TBC) – Year 3 – Year 6/7 – Qld Water Polo Clinic. Yes, Waterpolo Qld is back and the kids
will need to bring in their togs on this day so they can be coached in our pool by some of the top female Qld water
polo players. Students in each class from Grade 3 to 7 will have a pool session learning the rules of this fast, fun
and fitness filled game. More details will come home in a letter shortly.
Phew!! And just when you thought sport was winding down in Term 4. I will keep updating and reminding you of
these dates and times over the coming weeks. Please and keep an eye out for any letters coming home in your
child’s bag.
Congratulations goes to…Holly Simms who of course you have probably heard had the September holidays
that I would dream of. Our Holly was involved in everything AFL Grand Final on the first weekend of the school holidays as a member of the NAB AFL Auskicker of the year award. She was involved in Grand Final breakfasts, to
parades, to playing on the MCG to presenting Sam Mitchell with his Premiership winning medallion (I reckon it
looks like he’s proposing to you Holly in the photo!! haha) Now, of course it was hard for Kelly (her mum) to get me
some of the best photos, out of the
1002 she took, but check out some of Holly’s exciting adventure below.
Yours in sport,
Mr B.
P&F Message
School Uniforms
of the P&F Association Wednesday
15th October 2014
We advise that the P&F meeting to be
held on Wednesday 15th October
2014 at 7pm in the St Pius staff room
will include a motion to adopt a
change in the
St Pius P&F Constitution.
All St Pius School uniforms including hats
and bags are sold at Lowes Toombul
Please name ALL of your child’s items
Please check Lost Property regularly
for forgotten and lost items.
St Pius Swimming Caps are available from
the school office for $8 each
All are welcome to attend.
A huge thank you must go to Julie and Richard
Powers, Glenn Vanden Bergh, Andrew Grundie,
Gav Ebrington and Mr Dave Brown for their
wonderful efforts over the holidays.
Together they have removed the old seating
and installed new grandstands and seating in
the pool area.
Thank you to Mrs Stock and Mrs Harman who
repainted the dolphin wall. Also Mr Dave
Brown for painting out the change rooms after
their re-furbishment.
Our St Pius swimming season will be a great
thanks to our wonderful community.
Thank you everyone
Countdown begins:
2 weeks until the Fun Day
Saturday 18th October
Thank you in advance for your interest in assisting on the Family Fun Day.
Details of what is involved in assisting can be
obtained either by contacting Monica
or your Pastoral Care parent.
If there are any parents who hold an RSA certificate and will be attending the Fun Day.
Could you please contact
ASAP Thank you
Gifts and donation for the Fun Day Raffle prize
can be left at the school office or by contacting
Rohan von Hoyer-Davies on
or 0434 218 882
Volunteers for Friday 10th October
Leesa Dalton
Rochelle Cole
Lynda Cadman
We are getting toO many foreign coins in tuckshop
bags. These coins have no value at the bank so it
really means that lunches are not being paid for
correctly and the school is losing out financially,
Please only use Australian currency.
Please order by THURSDAYs
unless you are away sick.
If ordering Friday we ask that you only order cold
food at first break (no toasted or hot rolls).
Yoghurts $1, banana, strawberry, vanilla.
Cheerios - hot or cold, 4 for $2.50
Volunteers needed for Term 4
please call Theresa Appelton on 0407 115 662
Free Lunch Competition
Have your lunch orders in on Thursday and your
name will go into a draw each week.
2 winners will be drawn each Thursday to enjoy
tuckshop lunch for free on Friday.
Winners announced on awards page No 6
Helpful Parent Reminders
We are a NO NUT school as we have children with all different nut allergies
(see attached sandwich filling ideas)
Bookclub due back in by Thursday 23rd October
Fun Day ride passes available to be ordered now (green note sent home in term 3) or see office
Fun Day Raffle tickets sent home are to be returned by Thursday 16th October sold or not
2015 Booklists - forms due back into the office by Friday 24th October
AFL Auskick program forms are to be taken to the first training session held on Wed 15th Oct
School Swimming classes start this Friday for Years 3, 2, 1 and Preps (reminder to wear sunscreen)
School Swimming classes start Monday for Years 4, 5 and 6/7 (reminder to wear sunscreen)
Students to bring for swimming lessons: costume, swimming cap, goggles, towel, rash shirt,
thongs/sandals (to walk to and from the pool in) sunscreen (this could be applied before school)
All Yr 1 to Yr7 competent swimmers only free swimming is at Monday lunch time 1.20pm to
1.40pm - parent volunteers are required
St Pius swimming caps available for sale in the office for $8 each (compulsory)
Qualified Swimming contact - Rae 0411 862 441 (flyer below)
Banyo Community Swimming Club contact Gary Kehl 0401 820 231 (flyer on page 8)
Student Award
Prep G - Gus Ryan
Prep Y - Shaella Rowlands
Yr 1G - Arky McDonald
Yr 1Y - Hannah Hibberson
Yr 2G - Nathan Supat and Alison Coutts
Yr 2Y - Caitlin Bancroft and Millie Costello
Yr 3G - Ruby Terecans
Yr 3Y - Blair McKitrick
Awards will be
presented at
assembly on
13th October
Yr 4G - Ashley Thompson
Yr 4Y - Claudia Mcmahon
Yr 5G - Adara Menses-Kahler
Yr 6/7G - Georgia Walker
Art Class - Yr 6/7
Music Class - Prep G
Library Class - Yr 6/7
Free Lunch Competition
Junior Winner - Georgia Fall Yr 6/7
Senior Winner - Lucas Thompson Yr 2G
The St Pius Family Fun Day is fast approaching
On Saturday 18th October 2014.
Fun Day Times
Welcome Tent opens 10.30am
Fun Day begins at 11am
Fun Day finishes at 4pm
Please note that this is not a supervised event, all children need to be accompanied
and supervised by an adult for the full day.
All ride passes can be pre-purchased for a special price before the day.
Rides Include:
Jumping Castle – For all ages
Rockwall – For ages 5 and upwards, with 5 climbers at a time.
Aquatic Adventure Castle with huge slide inside–For ages up to 13 years.
Ferris Wheel – for ages up to 13 years.
Extreme Force Ride – Height 120cm and up with 35 riders.
Super Sizzler – Height 110 and up with 60 riders.
Controller Chaos – Video gaming theatre with 8 X-box Stations with up to 20 players at
a time.
Pre-Purchased Ride Passes - $30 each up until Friday 10th October 2014.
Purchased on the day - $35 each.
Single Ride Tickets purchased on the day - $6.
Please see the green sheet that was sent home last term for the full details
On Saturday 18th October from 10.30am the “Welcome Tent” will be open to collect your ride
pass armbands from. This includes all pre purchased ride passes
Bumper Mega Raffle
A book of 10 tickets has been sent home this week to each family. These are $1 per ticket and
drawn at the Fun Day on Saturday 18th October. The family that sells the most tickets will
receive a free ride pass valued at $30.
Please write clearly the person’s name and contact phone number and return the butts and
money in an envelope to the office by Thursday 16th October. Please return all unsold tickets
also as they can be sold on the day.
Over twenty prizes to be won. Prizes include a bicycle, scooter, 1 night for two at Novotel with
breakfast, a double pass to the 2014 Melbourne Cup marquee at Eagle Farm, and vouchers
from Banyo Meat Service, Site Café, Cheesecake Factory, Tiddlywink, Lowes, and much
St Pius
Under 5s
Every Friday
during school term
8.30am to
In the school hall,
$1 per week,
including tea &
Angela Wilcox
Mobile 0432 835 536
Presented by Banyo/Nundah
Care & Concern
In the Parish Hall
Saturday 11th October 2014
Entertainment - River City Duo
Plenty of Fun, sing along, games and
Admission $5.00
All proceeds to go to the
Kathleen Keegal Foundation
and Don Bosco Youth Centre
20% Discount
From today until 16th October
SUNDAY, 12th OCTOBER 2014.
From: 4.45pm to 6pm St Pius
Swimming Pool, Redhill Rd
Come along and see how fun it is, we
are a friendly, relaxed swim club the
whole family can enjoy.
You don’t need to be a super fast
swimmer, points are based on improving your own times.
We offer half length races and the
not so confident competitors have a
competent swimmer in the lane with
them at all times.
All ages and standards are welcome
Cost is $35 per swimmer or
$70 per family for the season.
There will be a free swim and
sausage sizzle.
More Information please contact
Gary Kehl on 0401 820 231
Please Help
One of our fathers is still looking for work to
support his large family.
He is skilled in project construction, maintenance and possess IT skills
If you can assist please contact the school
From the amount of expression of interest/request for booking forms we have received back for 2015, it’s going to be a busy
year for St Pius OSHC. There are many exciting and challenging times ahead. Positions in 2015 will be issued on a ‘first in
best dressed’ basis and the priority of the booking.
Enrolment forms for 2015 will be available from the beginning of Term 4, 2014. Places for Before and After School Care will
be capped at 30 children, unless we have enough bookings and staff to open up to 45 children and up to 60 if needed.
Once enrolment forms are completed in full (this includes all pages signed, emergency contacts signed, sighted immunisation is up to date and acknowledgement that you have read all of the information in the enrolment pack) then payment of
enrolment fee is required. If positions are available, your first 2 weeks of full fees need to be paid to confirm your 2015 booking.
Based upon forms that have been returned, we have many positions available in Before School Care. Before School Care
opens at 7:00am; children are not to be on the school grounds before 8:00am and teacher supervision doesn’t start until
8:15am. After School Care begins at school finish and runs until 6:00pm.
At this time we will not be offering Vacation Care/School Holiday care as numbers of interest doesn’t permit us to offer this
service. We have alternatives in place with other services so your children are in care if needed.
Thanks, St Pius OSHC Staff
Jess Triggell
St Pius Outside School Hours Care
Jess Mobile 0435 370 917 best contact number
Maggie Hamilton – researcher & author is coming to
St Joseph’s to present a talk on
Media, Marketing & our Children
Wednesday 29th October at 7pm.
In a few short years our teen girls and boys have become vulnerable, facing challenges no other generation has encountered. Our children have access to and are bombarded by more advertising and marketing than ever before in history. So how is this affecting our children? Why do they pay more attention to
their peers than their parents? What makes brand-name clothes and looking sexy so appealing? Why are
they drawn to ‘out there’ behaviour and does dealing with these factors lead to rising levels of depression, eating and anxiety issues?
Maggie Hamilton, researcher and author, spent three years interviewing dozens of boys and girls,
teachers, school counsellors, psychologists, law enforcement and medical personnel to get an insider’s
view on what boys and girls are experiencing at present. She has published a number of books on these
issues such as ‘What’s Happening to Our Girls’ and ‘What’s Happening to Our Boys’. Informed, sometimes confronting and revelatory, her research explores these issues, and offers parents sensible, easy-to
-implement solutions. Come along and hear her speak so that you can use the knowledge gained from
her research to assist your own children to cope with these complex social issues.
Only $5.00 entry
2014 Literary Competition
Earlier in the year some Year 6/7 students entered poems and short stories in the 2014 Literary Competition
conducted by the Independent Education Union and James Cook University. Congratulations to Olivia Trempus, who has won the first prize of $150 in the Year 6-7 category with her poem titled Haunted. Sit back, relax
and enjoy this excellent piece of writing. Many congratulations again Olivia!
The broken streets crumble under my bare feet
Run-down houses speak to me with distant memories
An abandoned graveyard sends shivers over my rigid body
All the people are now, long gone.
Familiar places now lay bare, while only memories endure
The tree whose trunk has withered with age from a time long forgotten
Remembering the smell of the sweet summer rain
As it washed away my fears of an uncertain forever
Rows of vehicles disintegrated into piles of rust and debris
Secrets that remain, never to be retold
An old antique shop stands lifeless and deceased
While above, the clouds are heavy and filled with darkness
Rusted rooves creak and moan with the slightest movement
Shutters, cracked and rotten, tell stories of dreams long ago
Far-away voices linger like ghosts in abandoned mansions
My old town, no longer tranquil but faded and fractured
Everything is wrong, I shouldn’t have come here
The past torments me
This town is a silhouette of my past, and there it shall remain
I am forever haunted…
Upcoming Dates….
Friday 10th October
Monday 13th October
Wednesday 15th October
Thursday 16th October
Class Swimming for 3Y, 3G, 2Y, 2G, 1Y, 1G, Prep G, Prep Y
Class Swing for 4Y, 4G, 5G, 6/7G
Free Lunchtime Swim 1.20-1.40pm (Parental Volunteers needed)
P&F Meeting 7pm
Return Fun Day Raffle ticket books along with money (sold or not)
Are your Brisbane Kids getting bored with their school lunches? We’ve got the inspiration you
need to get the excitement back into their lunchboxes with 50 ideas for sandwich fillings. These
lunch alternatives are all kid friendly and most importantly, contain NO NUTS to comply with all
schools’ guidelines. For a little more variety, try different types of bread like panini, pita or bagels,
or lighter wraps.
TURKEY FILLINGS 1. Turkey and cranberry sauce
2. Turkey, avocado and mango
3. Turkey, tomato, bacon, mayo and mashed peas
4. Taco mince and salad
5. Left over sausages thinly sliced, salad with BBQ sauce
6. Roast beef, mustard and salad
7. Meatballs
8. Silverside and mustard
9. Steak and coleslaw
10. Pulled pork, salad and BBQ sauce
11. Pork and apple sauce
12. BLT
13. Avocado and bacon
14. Smoked ham, dijon mustard and mango
15. Ham and Pineapple
16. Chicken and homemade tomato salsa
17. Chicken, bacon, avocado, tomato, spinach and aioli
18. Chicken, basil pesto, greek yoghurt (mixed in food processor) and tomato
19. Chicken, apricot sauce and salad
20. Crumbed chicken strips and BBQ sauce
21. Chicken schnitzel and salad
22. Chicken, bacon and mango
23. Chicken, honey and bacon
24. Chicken, sweet corn and mayo
FRUIT & VEGETABLE FILLINGS 25. Mashed banana and brown sugar
26. Pear, ricotta and agave nectar
27. Apple, strawberry, cinnamon and agave nectar
28. Apple, prosciutto and honey
29. Hummus and diced peppers
30. Avocado and lemon pepper
31. Hummus and shredded carrot
32. Avocado and tomato with cracked pepper
33. Avocado, carrot and cucumber sticks rolled in bread like sushi
34. Salad sandwich
35. Spinach and feta
36. Cream cheese and raisins
37. Cream cheese and cucumber
38. Cream cheese, carrot and raisins.
39. Cream cheese and strawberry
40. Cream cheese, ham, carrot and cucumber
41. Cream cheese and raspberry Jam
42. Strawberries and blueberry cream cheese (liquidise blueberries and whip in with cream
43. Cream cheese, salami, baby spinach and horse radish mustard
44. Cream cheese, tomato, cucumber and lettuce
SPREAD FILLINGS 45. Vegemite and salted chips
46. Vegemite, cheese and lettuce
47. Marmalade jam
48. Lemon curd
50. Spaghetti