Newsletter Term 1 Week 3 Thursday 12th February 2015

Term 1 Week 3
12th February
Acting Principal’s Message
It was wonderful to meet so many new faces at the parent teacher evening last night. Thank you to
those parents who made time in their busy lives to hear of the plans ahead for their child/ren in 2015. If
you were unable to make it to the event, you child/ren’s teacher will be able to provide you with valuable information. Please hold closely during the year one of the key underlying themes of the evening parent / school / parish partnership.
2015 Opening Liturgy
As we go to ‘press’ today, the school community is celebrating our opening school liturgy. This is a beautiful way to
welcome our new students and their families to St Pius, especially our Preps. During this celebration we will also
focus on the induction of our Year 6 student leaders. As 2015 unfolds, they will play an invaluable role within our
community, and it has been heartening to see how well they have articulated this in their Leadership Pledges.
A Time of Preparation
Next week the Catholic faith begins the season of Lent (the old English word for Spring). The
forty day period from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday is a time of penance when people are
asked to fast and prepare for the commemoration of the sufferings, death and resurrection of
Jesus. At different liturgies on (Ash) Wednesday, ashes will be blessed and marked on the
foreheads in the sign of the cross. This is a reminder that we are trying to live the Christian life
well. This Lenten season we are especially asked to call to mind the poor, remembering Pope
Francis’ words that (a)mong our tasks as a witness to the love of Christ is that of giving a voice
to the cry of the poor.
New Building Works Starts This Monday!
Works for our next building project commence on Monday. The first stage will be the erection of
the fence to partition off the site, then the demolition of the toilet block, music room and tennis
courts will commence. We have been busy this week preparing the students for the changes
that will occur due to this work. Some important of the points to note:
Each child will need to have a named water bottle at school. The bubblers near the current toilets will be demolished, with bubbler’s in other locations few in number. Children
will be able to fill their water bottles, as needed.
Demountable toilets will be installed early this Friday morning between the tuckshop and
the oval, at the end of the small road / carpark. They will be ready for use on Tuesday
The stairs from the upper area (near the toilets) to the lower artificial grass / Tuckshop /
Prep and Year 1 areas etc will be blocked off when demolition takes place (approx. a week to 10 days). Students have been practising access via the hall outside the Years 4 and 5 classrooms.
Pool access will be via the Hall.
Class music lessons will take place in classrooms.
Extra-curricular music lessons will have new spaces. Students and parents will be advised by the teacher /
tutor concerned.
During the demolition phase, the Redhill Road gate will be closed for access in the mornings. It will be unlocked in the afternoons.
The industrial bin will be relocated with no student to access it.
The bike racks will be relocated to behind the hall and near year 4 balcony
It would be great if parents and carers could also discuss these changes with their child/ren.
Address: Apperley Street, Banyo Qld 4014
Phone: 07 3267 7306
Fax: 07 3267 1217
Banyo-Nundah Catholic Parish: Ph: 3266 1444 Fax: 3266 4088 Office: 20 Donkin Street, Nundah
Acting Principal’s Message
Volunteer Training and Other Personnel Training
As a result of the changes to the legislation around student protection, resources for training volunteers who work
in schools have also been updated. Parents and other volunteers (who will require a ‘Blue Card’ e.g. grandparents)
are required to undertake training by the school. Our school website has been updated to reflect these developments. Copies of the materials required by parents are also available at the school office. ALL volunteers in our
school will be required to access the package and complete and submit the School Volunteer Register Sheet BEFORE they can volunteer in the school.
Prep 2016 Enrolments
Prep enrolments interviews for new families 2016 will commence in the coming weeks. Any existing family who has
a sibling ready for Prep in 2016 should contact Carolyn Harman in the school office to ensure we have your son/
daughter on our database. Please spread the word also to potential new families! We further ask that you complete
the applications for enrolment available on the school website, if you have not already done so. It is anticipated that
interviews will start with our new families from early March.
Assistance Needed
Our early year’s precinct is in need of a new playground. This is very costly and something the
school community cannot afford alone. We are in urgent need for a volunteer/s to generously
give about 3 hours of their time to organise, then submit through the P&F, an application for the
Gambling Community Benefit Fund grants. Much of the work has already been done. Please, if
you can assist, contact Carolyn Harman in our office ASAP. Thank you, in anticipation.
School Photos
Our annual photo shoot this year will take place on Tuesday, 3rd March. Please mark this date in your diary!
Everyone’s Responsibility
Head lice have been detected in the school community. Please, it is important that EVERY parent / carer regularly
checks their child / children’s head for lice and eggs, and treat as necessary. The following link to Queensland
Health provides very specific information about this parasite. Please take the time to read it carefully.
If you don’t know what the lice or eggs look like, ‘google it’. They are very easily mistaken for dandruff!
District Sports Carnival and Trials
Congratulations and best wishes to those students who will compete and / or trial at district level for Swimming,
Basketball in the next few weeks. Let your talent shine!
Can I please ask all who use or school carparks to respect the spaces designated for disabled drivers. Whilst this is always important, it would be appreciated if you could be especially mindful of it
whilst the building works are under way.
Quote for the week…
Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know.
(Daniel J. Boorstin)
I look forward to cheering on our older students at Monday’s swimming carnival.
Warm regards,
Margo Carwardine
Live, Love, Learn,
and in the spirit of St Mary MacKillop’s motto for life,
Never see a need without doing something about it.
Address: Apperley Street, Banyo Qld 4014
Phone: 07 3267 7306
Fax: 07 3267 1217
Banyo-Nundah Catholic Parish: Ph: 3266 1444 Fax: 3266 4088 Office: 20 Donkin Street, Nundah
Welcome chool Liturgy
Term 1 Across the School Date Claimers
The following key events and dates are significant to our school.
Please note these in your diary or on your calendar.
Term 1 Across the School Date Claimers
Friday, 13th
Tuckshop first day, every Friday
Monday, 16
Wednesday, 18
Swimming Carnival, Years 3 – 6
Ash Wednesday
School Board Meeting
Tuesday, 24th
Wednesday, 25
Year 4 Band lessons start
P&F AGM Meeting
Thursday 26 – Friday, 27
School Leadership Conference
Tuesday, 3rd March
Year 2 Bugs Education Incursion
School Photo’s (formal uniform)
Wednesday 11th – Friday, 13th
Tuesday, 17
Saturday, 22
Friday, 27
Year 6 Camp at Mapleton
St Patrick’s Day
Harmony Day
Arch Bishop Mark visiting
Thursday, 2nd
Friday, 3
Friday, 3
Sunday, 5
- Sunday, 19
School Holidays
Good Friday
Monday, 6
Last Day of Term 1
Easter Sunday
Monday, 20
Easter Monday
School resumes, Term 2 commences
APR Message
Opening Liturgy
‘A Light for All to See’
Thank you to all who were able to share in our Opening School
Liturgy this morning. It was a lovely celebration in which we
welcomed our new Preps, students and families to our very
special community here at St Pius. We also asked God to bless
us during this year as we try to ‘Be a Light for All to See’. Each class brought
forward their covenants for the year. The class covenants are a visible
pledge that the children will endeavour to work to their best ability, in an environment that promotes respect and responsibility, in the light of Christian values.
During the liturgy Mr O’Rourke called forward our Year 6 school leaders for 2015. We prayed that they be strengthened and supported in
their leadership by the Spirit of Jesus Christ and that they may take
on the role as servant leaders to all in our school community with
Fr Bernie blessed both the Yr 6 students and their badges. The senior leaders then read to the school
community their pledge of commitment.
St Pius Leadership Pledge 2015
‘As a leader of St Pius in 2015, I will follow in the footsteps of Jesus and Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop. I
promise to be a role model to others by being a bright
light for all to see.
I will work enthusiastically as part of the school leadership team and be a positive influence for others by living out the school motto and following the school
rules. I will welcome, support and encourage every person in our school community’.
Ash Wednesday-18th Wed February
Next week the children from Year 2-5 will be celebrating Ash Wednesday with the parish at the 9am mass, whilst our preps and year ones will be having their own Ash
Wednesday prayer reflections in the classroom with the blessed ashes from the mass.
Fr Bernie will lead the mass and then venture to the younger years’ classes to join in
their prayer reflections. Please note that the children will be well informed that the ashes are not hot.
Ash Wednesday is the first day of the liturgical season of Lent. This reflective season
leading up to Easter is also the time at our school where we raise money for Caritas’ Project Compassion. Caritas is the international aid and development agency of the Catholic Church. Last year the venture was called ‘Laps for Life’ this year we have named our fundraising venture ‘The Hour of Power’.
The whole school raises money by walking for an hour on a specific morning (at the end of term) around
the school block. This is to show the students that some children in poor countries and communities actually walk this distance and more to obtain water or food for their families. More information will go out in
next week’s newsletter about this truly amazing community supported venture. Last year St Pius raised
$6000 for the poorest of poor in our world. This year let us be ‘A Light for all to See’ and help those who
are so less fortunate than us. As Margo wrote in her part of the newsletter a quote from Pope Francis,
‘(a)mong our tasks as a witness to the love of Christ is that of giving a voice to the cry of the poor’. We, at
St Pius, play a part in granting this desire by raising money to assist those who are most vulnerable and
poor in our world.
APR Message
Pastoral Care parents Pastoral Care 2015
Thank you to our Pastoral Care Parents for 2015. We are very blessed to have such a caring, nurturing group of parents ready to assist and coordinate a caring class response in
times of family need or celebration. This group also encourages positive relationships in a
very inclusive school by supporting the initiatives of the P&F.
At the Parent & Teacher night many of our Pastoral Care parents were introduced to the parents present.
A letter of introduction from the Pastoral Care parent will be issued in the near future as well as a
‘Pastoral Care Contact Response’ sheet. This form, once compiled by the PCP, will then allow them to
contact you if there is a need in the class or if they are coordinating a class social gathering for example
in the park.
Please return the forms to the class teacher. If you don’t want your details shared to all the class families
then you can opt to only share these with the Pastoral care parent so you can be of assistance at times
of need.
2015 PCP
Parent Co-ordinator: Sue Vanden Bergh
Parent Assistant Co-ordinator: Kim Moore
Admin School Co-ordinator: Kim Barrett-Coade
Prep Red - Alicia Perkins,
Prep Yellow - Stacey Nunn,
Prep Green - Sharon Doran
Yr 1G - Melanie Perry and Joanne McCubbin,
Yr 1Y - Tenielle Stewart and Tamara Emery
Yr 2G - Karen Hoult and Elyssa Ingledew,
Yr 2Y - Jacinta Grech-Holmes and Emma Whalan
Yr 3G - Bec Brandon,
Yr 3Y - Nick Jenkins and Lenore Cooper
Yr 4G - Teagan Antonie and Moira McDonald,
Yr 4Y - Lorrain Reiher
Yr 5G - Simone Birtles and Angela Wilcox
Yr 6G - Julie Cadman
Pick-Up Zone
At present we have had no offers of assistance with our afternoon ‘’Pick-Up” Zone. If you can volunteer
one afternoon a week for 15mins to assist with our Pick-Up Zone we would be very grateful. The Brisbane City Council will run a brief overview of the role you will play in allowing the zone to run efficiently
and for the children to remain safe.
tudent Awards
Prep G - ophie ecker
Prep R - Max peedy
Prep Y - axter Haydon Callegari
Year 1G - Angus Gemmell
Year 1Y - Max Terecans
Year 2G - Jamal eal Moradi
Year 2Y - Abe Huxtable
Year 3G - Ava Parry
Year 3Y - Noah Dalton
Year 4G - Madeline Mulhall
Year 4Y - Maddy Taylor
Year 5G - Joel Heinrich
Year 6G - Ava lynn
P Class Award - Yr 6G
Art Class Award - Yr 6G
These Awards
are presented
at Assembly on
Monday 16th ebruary
All Welcome
Principal’s Ice Cream Award
Presented to
Angus Gemmell
Yr 1G
For letting his light shine, for all the St Pius community to see,
by sharing his knowledge of the Bible in our opening liturgy
(Each week in 20015, a member of our St Pius community will be selected to receive the Principal’s Ice Cream Award. The award will acknowledge
the recipient’s contribution to the school community that reflects the spirit of St Mary MacKillop. Aside from receiving a certificate, the recipient will
receive a voucher for a medium take home pack of Baskin Robins Ice Cream. Thank you to the school family who donated this prize.
Hi Everyone,
This week has been flat out with the completion of the first full week of specialist HPE lessons.
It has been a great week with lots of fun and laughter.
wimming Carnival
Next Monday 16th February is the Yr3-6 Swimming Carnival at the St Pius School Pool. I am really
looking forward to the students having a go and participating in as many events as they can for
their houses. The theme for the carnival is participation and encouragement. So come along have a
go and join in the fun on the day.
Parents please be aware that there is very limited seating on the day, however there will be an area
set up as a spectator area. BYO chair, hat, sunscreen and water.
Access to the pool in through and behind the hall for everyone due to the building construction.
tudents please remember to bring the following along:
Sunshirt (not required for racing)
House Coloured Shirt
Swimming Cap
Water bottle
Packed Lunch
Please do not:
Colour your hair
Wear glitter or body/face paint.
Wear bobby pins in your hair.
North West District Trials
Netball 11yr and 12yr Girls – Nominations to Mr Croft by Monday 16th February. Students nominating for netball should be playing in the A grade team at their clubs.
Congratulations to Kate Madden and Stephanie Rowe who are representing the school at the Bramble Bay district swimming carnival on Friday. Good luck!
Congratulations to Elliott Stark , Wade and Kurt Lucas who represented the school at the 12yr boys
Basketball trial held on Wednesday this week.
Queensland Roar ootball ( occer)
Don’t forget that the Queensland Roar will be running a program at school on Monday’s. It will be
on the School oval from 3.05 – 4.05pm and will continue for the next 3 weeks. A flyer went home
with students but if you are interested please turn up on the afternoon and join in the fun with the
Queensland roar.
Great effort this week to all classes. There is plenty of sports news coming up so be sure to keep an
eye on the newsletter stay up to date and don’t miss out.
Kind regards
Nathan Croft
HPE teacher/ Sports Coordinator
P& Message
Uniform hop
Wednesday 25th February at 7pm
All uniforms & bags are sold at Lowes Toombul
Library bags are available at Lowes now.
Sports polo shirts will be available late next week.
All positions are open
Please name ALL of your child’s items
Lunch boxes, drink bottles and swimming caps
With nomination forms available from the
school office.
Leesa Dalton P&F Secretary.
The t Pius wimming Caps are part of
the uniform. Cost is $8 each from the
school office.
Volunteers for Friday 13th Feb:
Kelly Grant
Christine Digby
Beverley De’Souza - 1st break
Rose Kalambe - 1st break
Kylie Cox - 2nd break
Race Day is heading our way
Tuckshop Menu’s have been sent home this week,
are attached to this newsletter and are available on
the school website.
on Saturday 21th March
Sushi must be ordered on Thursday
More information to follow
School Messages
You must inform the school by phone on the absentee
phone line by 9.30am each day when your child is sick or
away from school. The phone number is 3267 7306 then
press 1 to leave a message. ie: child's name, class and reason they are away and for how long if known.
All parents and grandparents volunteering in the school for
classrooms, excursions, tuckshop, swimming etc are required to read and fill out the volunteer forms for 2015 the
forms are available from the school office now.
School Hat
Please remind your child to bring their hat to school every
day, as no hat means no play and kids need to play. Head
lice are active in schools so lets try to keep them out of St
Pius Primary.
Please name and label ALL items worn and brought to
school including lunch boxes, and drink bottles.
Qualified - Swimming lessons
0411 862 441 /
Thankyou for your active assistance in these areas
All tuckshop orders are to be handed in on
Thursdays of each week for your chance to go
into the draw to win your lunch for free.
We are in need of new volunteers,
please phone Theresa on 0407 115 662.
All parents and grandparents volunteering in the
school for tuckshop, classrooms, library, excursions, swimming etc are required to fill out the volunteer pack for 2015 now available from the school
office and forms can be found on line.
Free Lunch winners
Junior: Drue Rowlands Yr 2Y
Senior: Ava Harbourne Yr 4Y
Banyo Nundah
Sacramental Journey 2015
Last Wednesday evening a parent information
night was held for parents whose children will
be making their sacraments this year. Parents
of children who are in Year 3 or older and
whose children have been baptised in the
Catholic church are still able to enrol their child,
even if they missed out on the information session. Please drop into the parish office, 20
Donkin Street, Nundah to pick up an enrolment
form, and bring along a copy of your child's
baptism certificate and the fee of $35. Office
hours are Mon-Fri 9.30am-4.30pm.
The first group session will begin on Saturday
14 February at Nolan Hall, Nundah at your chosen group time. Children and their parents are
then also asked to come to one of the weekend
Masses of 14/15 February for formal enrolment
into the Sacramental Journey.
For further information please contact me by
I am looking forward to working with the children and their families as they continue their
Sacramental Journey.
St Pius Under 5’s Playgroup
Held in the school hall Fridays 8.30am
Cost $1 providing coffee, tea and biscuits
God Bless,
Coordinator Angela Wilcox
0432 835 536
Angela Greathead
Sacramental Co-ordinator.
Have any details changed for you?
Vacancy School Crossing Supervisors
Casual positions exist for School Crossing Supervisors at
T PIU , ANYO and multiple schools throughout the region.
Please tell neighbours, friends and family of these positions
available. Please help us to help our students.
chool Crossing upervisor positions are for up to 5 days per
week on a roster.
Remuneration $27.49 per hour.
Contact the risbane North Road afety Office for more
Phone: 3863 9873
Phone numbers
Emergency contacts and numbers
mail address
Sacramental information updates
We need to know of any changes so all your
information is correct and accurate. Please
email or into the office if any of the above is
relevant to you and your family.
Library News
Welcome back to all our wonderful readers! 2015 is shaping up to be an exciting year in the school library.
During our final week last year I was delighted to observe that our collection is very current and overflowing
with mostly new books, particularly our ‘chapter books’ collection (general fiction). However, we love hearing
about new fiction titles and series that we haven’t found out about yet –so keep letting us know your suggestions.
Library Makerspace
Have you heard about the uber cool library movement of the makerspace? We are following suit here at school with our own
little invention station, fablab, tinkering space (or simply a space to make stuff). We have some busy little minds at St Pius that
were searching for an exciting creative outlet and now it’s here! Makerspace runs for years 4-7 every Thursday, first break in
the library. Activities will run fortnightly (sometimes weekly) where a new ‘creative seed’ will be planted for our little ‘makers’.
Parents and the Library
We want more parent borrowers! Please pop in anytime and have a look at our great parent collection. From parenting titles, to
lunchbox recipe books, we are here to support and assist you. We are also more than happy to take requests! Looking for other
ways to get involved? Come and speak to us about how you can help.
The Magic of Reading
I believe that instilling a love of reading often starts with developing a family culture of reading. Paul Jennings
states that “there are many acts of love that turn children into caring adults. Reading them stories is one of
them” (2003, The Reading Bug). In the hectic, busy life that plagues contemporary families, the simple act of
sharing a book can connect us in a slow, genuine and mindful way. Here are some ideas for building a strong
family reading culture:
Visit libraries together. Don’t provide answers to your child’s questions; let them find it in a book.
Read three stories every day. Mem Fox advises that we may use a formula for this – a new book, a familiar book and a
favourite. See her website for more ideas with her “10 Read-Aloud-Commandments”.
For gift giving moments in our family we use the following mantra: “Something they want, something they need, something to wear and Something to read”. Books should be treated as treasured items.
Dads who make their own reading visible (magazines, newspapers, novels) are doing a great service to their children –
especially if you have a son.
Have fun with reading, keep calm and avoid pressuring children about their abilities.
Stay tuned for some great book suggestions over upcoming newsletters J
Ms Nat Phelan (Teacher Librarian).
Beginning 2015, St Pius has decided
to change to a new book club provider in the aim to position our students to make better choices in supporting their own literacy. With less
access to ‘candy lane’ products and a focus on “providing engaging and educational books to kids and promoting Australian products” we hope that your experience with book club this
year is vastly improved.
For your reference I have included information regarding the
aim of Redgum Book Club and should you require further information please consult their website. https://
Our Vision To encourage children’s literacy and reading
through the promotion of quality books and products by Australian authors, illustrators and publishers.
Our Aim To provide schools, parents and children with:
A strong foundation for literacy
Products that will stimulate the mind and imagination
Quality children’s books with a focus on learning
Books that will promote a love of reading
An opportunity for parents and children to enjoy reading
An opportunity for parents and children to engage in
educational adventures together
Great Australian content and products.
The school library would like to
speak to anyone interested in
showcasing their ‘collection’ at our
school. You might collect, old
cameras, teapots, teddy bears,
thimbles, teaspoons, postcards or
other ephemera. The items will
be kept in a locked glass cabinet.
If you are interested please
contact Ms Nat Phelan in the
Vacation Care Expression
of Interest Forms are attached to this newsletter
available from the school
office and OHSC.
Home Work Club
The Banyo Homework Club is recommencing next week on Wednesday
the 11th of February 2015, from 3pm to 5pm at the Banyo Public Library.
The club provides one on one or small group tutoring free of charge, to
aid and assist students with their homework in a fun, positive and safe
The Homework Club is hosted by education students from the Australian
Catholic University who are currently in their second, third or final years
of their bachelor’s degrees. All ages and years levels are welcome, so
please come along.
For any further information please feel free to contact Laura Azzopardi
via email, or phone on 0404477923.
Enrolments 2016-2019
Mary MacKillop College Yr7-12
Mary MacKillop College invites families to
an Information and Enrolment Evening
on Wednesday 18 February at 5:15pm in
the Josephite Cultural Centre, 126 Buckland Rd, Nundah.
Come along and meet our new Principal
and learn about the wide range of outstanding academic, cultural, sporting and
service opportunities on offer.
A Mary MacKillop education inspires hope
and builds confidence in young women
who have a passion for lives of justice,
respect and peace for all.
For further information please phone us on
32662100, email
or visit
Enrolment applications for Year 7 2016
should be lodged by the end of March
Our unique drama system develops confidence and communication skills
in children and teenagers.
Dynamic and structured, our programme covers speech,
movement, creative drama and language development with
all students participating in an end-of- year production.
Our acclaimed drama programme is implemented by dynamic teachers who work enthusiastically to bring out the very
best in your child.
Affordable ees! No Hidden Costs!
Lower Primary (5-8), Upper Primary (9–12) and
Youth Theatre (12–18).
Helen O’Grady Drama Academy
Please phone the Principal Margaret Treuel .A., Dip. d.
Ph 3353 0555
Updated February 2015. Please discard any old menus.
Please hand Tuckshop orders into Classroom by Thursday.
Please write your bags like this:
(Opening of bag at top please)
Sam Smart
Sam Smart
1st Break
2nd Break
Pikelets with butter & syrup $1.80
1 Snack Bag
1 TOASTED Ham/cheese &
tomato Sandwich
1 Banana Milk
1 Apple Poppa
1 ice block
Enclosed $6.
30c change required. Thank you.
If change is only 20c (or less) we will presume that you would like to leave as a donation.
Please advise if you would rather have your small change returned to you (via your
Pikelets with butter/jam/golden syrup
Mini banana or chocolate muffins (min. 2/Must be pre-ordered)
2 thick Rice Cakes OR 2 Cruskits OR 8 Jatz with your choice of spread
 Butter & Vegemite/syrup/jam/cream cheese or sliced cheese
 Made as close as possible for 1 break so they stay crisp.
Assorted plain sweet biscuits
Cool Pak Popcorn
Boiled egg (peeled)
Apple OR Orange cut into wedges
2 Pineapple Rings (Golden Circle Thins)
Ham, Block Cheese and Jatz bag
Vege Bag -2 carrot sticks, 2 cucumber sticks, 2 tiny tomatoes & 4 Jatz with cream
or Block cheese (or any combination of 10 items in total)
Hot rolls with Parmesan and Colby cheese or Garlic and Colby Cheese
$1.80 (4 pikelets)
$2.50 (6 pikelets)
2 for $1.60
.50c (2 biscuits)
$1.00 (4 biscuits)
Egg, Spaghetti OOPS, or Baked Beans
Vegemite / Strawberry Jam / Golden Syrup
Vegemite and cheese
Cheese only
Other Fillings for sandwiches/Lavash or rolls
Please advise your combination of salad fillings/meats/sauces etc – all same price
Please advise if you want TOASTED
Tomato Sauce
Diced Chicken Tomato
Spreadable Pickles BBQ Sauce
Baked Beans Carrot
Cream Cheese
Cucumber Pineapple
Salt and Pepper
Mild Mustard
Half Lavash (keep fillings simple so they can be rolled properly)
Any combination of above fillings
Vegemite and Cheese
Water (600ml)
Poppa’s (250ml) – Apple/Orange/Sunshine or Tropical Punch/Golden Pash and/or
Pineapple Juice
Plain Milk (300ml cardboard carton)
Flavoured Milk (300ml plastic bottle) – Chocolate/Strawberry/Banana
Small Custard Cup (100ml)
Large Custard Cup (120ml)
Jelly & Custard Cup
Jelly only (green/red/blue – no custard)
Yoghurt (no chunky bits type) Banana/Strawberry/Vanilla
*** SUSHI *** (available 2 break only)
Must be ordered by Thursday end of school hours as the order has to be sent out.
Sushi is delivered fresh in time for 2 break on Friday. No orders taken on Fridays.
Teriyaki Chicken
Chicken Avocado
Chicken Mayo
Chicken Deluxe
Tuna Avocado
Tuna Mayo
Teriyaki Beef
Egg Salad
Honey Chicken
Spicy Chicken
Salt & Pepper
All Sushi
$2.60 each
Chicken with special Teriyaki sauce & lettuce
Roasted chicken breast with avocado (no mayo)
Roasted chicken breast with Japanese mayonnaise
Chicken breast schnitzel with Japanese mayo & lettuce
Plain tuna
Tuna with Avocado (no mayo)
Tuna with Japanese mayo
Crab meat seafood extender with Avocado and Mayo
Beef with special Teriyaki sauce and garlic
Mashed egg with special mayo & lettuce
Plain avocado (no mayo)
Cottage Pies
(normal size meat pie with potato on top) Comes with spork to eat it with.
Fishfinger Burger with lettuce and mayo
Pasta shells with tomato based sauce and sprinkle of cheese
Pizza with tomato paste, cheese and ham. Add pineapple @ no extra cost.
School size pies (approx. size of 2 party pies).
BBQ or Tomato sauce to be ordered on bag if required – no extra charge.
Lunch time Rice Box
White rice with a small dash of sauce, peas, carrots, corn, egg, ham, chicken.
(or can be made to suit)
Hot Dogs (served with butter, Frankfurt and tomato sauce)
Chicken Burgers –
Sweet Chilli Chicken Burger (served with butter, Chilli Chicken Tenders – very mild,
– lettuce and mayo) OR
Plain crumbed chicken burger (with mayo and lettuce)
Cooked sausage on a roll (served with butter, sausage and tomato sauce)
Burger, cheese and sauce (beef pattie, cheese, butter and tomato sauce)
Burger and Salad (beef pattie, butter and salad and tomato sauce)
Salad Boxes – choice of ham/chicken/egg plus salad items.
Comes with a slice of buttered white bread.
Add pineapple
Fresh fruit salad bowl
Fruit only
With custard
If adding CHEESE to hot dogs, sausages or chicken burgers PLEASE ADD .40c
FROZEN TREATS (available 2 break only)
Please order frozen items on their lunch bag. We attach a sticker to remind them to come and collect
frozen items from Tuckshop, after they have eaten their lunch.
Fruit Juice ice block (plastic tube type)
Pine Lime Crush
 Very cold, crunchy texture (made with real crushed pineapple)
 Generally suited to the older children
Ice cream Sundae – small tub of low fat vanilla icecream with small squirt of
Chocolate/Strawberry or Caramel topping & 1 smartie and a few 100’s & 1000’s.
 It is small enough so as not to be bad food.
It’s merely to make tuckshop fun.
Choc Coated Vanilla Ice Cream (on a stick)
Children are not permitted to buy ice blocks etc for other students. There are many reasons for this
rule, so we are not able to exempt anyone from it.
Should your child have any special dietary needs please advise. We are here to try and help.
Please be aware the word butter is used as a common term only. We actually use heart friendly
margarine and low fat products where possible.
Eggs are free range.
Please use a brown paper bag for each break. Your order is placed in this bag to deliver to the
children. It is very important that their names and class are on each bag. Listing food first, then
drinks, followed by dessert is very helpful to our volunteers. We have hundreds of bags to read,
so very clear writing in black or blue pen is really essential.
Please never use sticky tape of staples as the bags get torn. If the bags are folded over, the
money rarely falls out. A good way of doing bags is to place money in one bag and then fold it
inside the other one. Or use a paper clip or rubber band around folded bag.
If you run out of bags please write your orders on envelopes or on 2 pieces of paper placed in a
plastic bag with the money. Paper bags are charged at 10c each.
We prefer correct money even if you have to give us your small change. It is difficult for us to
make sure your change gets home safely. All we are able to do is sticky tape it to the outside of
the lunch bag, and often the littlies throw it away. If you don’t have correct money and are only
due back a small amount of change, please consider this as a donation to the school (unless
advised otherwise).
On rare occasions, if you have to send a large note, we really appreciate it if you can do the
figures and tell us what change is due. When the amount is larger it is sent to the child’s
For families who wish to put money in older child’s bag, please write clearly on all bags who has
the money and which child/class it belongs to.
At present it takes approximately five hours to process the bags ready for Tuckshop. The volunteers really
appreciate if you can follow the above instructions to make their jobs a little easier.
If you are away on Friday but have already ordered and paid, just ring the office and ask them
to let us know and we will cancel the order and refund your money.
Should you wish to know anything about the running of the Tuckshop, please feel free to come and visit
when you see us there.
VOLUNTEERING – we do have a roster but you are welcome to come in when you have a free day even if
you can only stay for an hour or two (normal day is 830am – approx. 2pm). Some preparation and sorting
of orders is done on Thursdays at 845am for a couple of hours (help is appreciated on Thursday too).
I can be contacted on 3267 3184 or mob 0407 115 662, or leave a message at the office.
Thank you for ordering from Tuckshop.
Theresa Appleton (Voluntary Tuckshop Convenor).
As there have been a number of enquiries from parents about Vacation Care being offered on site at St Pius Catholic
Primary School, Centacare Child Care Services is again investigating the viability of this and are seeking Expressions of
I realise that the exact dates for which care is required may not be known until closer to the time; however, even a rough
indication of if/when care might be required would be very helpful.
We would need 23 children booked everyday of Vacation care to be able to start planning and applying for licences for us to
be able to have Vacation care. We also must operate if we do offer Vacation Care for
Could you please complete the following form and return it to Jes Triggell in the OSHC Office as soon as possible, or email Please do not hesitate to call me on 3267 7827 if you wish to discuss this with me.
Your input on this matter is greatly appreciated.
Jes Triggell
Co-ordinator, St Pius Outside School Hours Care
Parent Name:
Child Name(s):
Contact details:
I would not require Vacation Care at St PIus
I would use the Vacation Care service if it was offered at St Pius Oshc
If yes, please indicate below which holiday periods you might be interested in.
Tuesday 7th of April –Friday 17th of April 2015
Monday 29th of June – 10th of July 2015
Monday 21st of September – 2nd of October 2015
Monday 19th of October 2015
Monday 7th of December – 24th of December 2015