Term 1: February 26 2015 newsletter St Pius Primary School: Phone 3267 7306 Fax 3267 1217 Email pbanyo@bne.catholic.edu.au Acting Principal Ms Margo Carwardine As this edition of our newsletter is sent out, Kim, our APRE and I will be ‘mind deep’ at our Brisbane Catholic Education Annual Leadership Symposium. This is valuable time for Kim and I, and I look forward to sharing with you a little of the focus in next week’s newsletter. Thank you to Mr Brendan Costin for sailing the ship in our absence. As you can see, the position of Treasurer still remains vacant. I ask all in our community to consider taking on this role. In particular, if you have a little background in accounting or book keeping, this role could be one way that you could contribute to this wonderful community and make a difference. If you’re even just slightly interested, please contact Leesa Dalton, via the school office. P&F AGM What a great roll up at last night’s P&F AGM. Thank you to all who attended or who sent in an apology. As I said at the meeting… I warmly invite and encourage you to be involved and help determine direction for the school so that your children experience the best possible education in the most effective and nurturing environment. Building community is an essential part of the role of the P&F, and I truly value partnership with parents. This is your association! A huge I very much thank the association for their past commitment to support financially a number of initiatives in the school such as busses to Zone sports and music commitments, and the Arts, Music and Sports programs, as well as the extra-curricular activities of the craft and gardening clubs. We hope this will continue. I am also exceptionally grateful that providing for landscaping works around the new building facilities is a high priority for the P&F. Parental and community engagements in our school not only matters, it makes a difference! THANK YOU to the outgoing executive from 2014, namely Michelle Jenkins, Julie Darley, Leesa Dalton and Julie Powers, and a very warm congratulations and welcome to the new, 2015 executive committee: President: Leesa Dalton Vice President: Lenore Cooper Secretary: Renee Lovi Treasurer: Vacant Journeying Through Lent Our 40 day journey through Lent towards Easter continues. At mass on Sunday, the Archbishop’s Lenten Pastoral Letter was shared across masses in the Archdiocese. Full of much wisdom, in part the message focused on Lent as a time to renew our faith in the family and to find ways of deepening the experience of family. Might one of the disciplines of Lent be a renewal of family prayer in a way that respects the rhythms of family life? …How, through these days till Easter, might you pray together as family and share a meal Coming Events February Thursday 26th—Friday 27th School Leadership Conference March Tuesday 3rd School Photos (formal uniforms) Yr 2 Bugs Education Incursion Wednesday 11th to Friday 13th Yr 6 Camp to Mapleton Tuesday 17th St Patrick's Day Zone 6 Swimming Carnival Saturday 21st St Pius Race Day Harmony Day Friday 27th Arch Bishop Mark visiting April Thursday 2nd Hour of Power Caritas Walk 9am—10am Last day of Term 1- 2.50pm finish Friday 3rd to Sunday 19th School Holidays Friday 3rd Good Friday Sunday 5th Easter Sunday Monday 6th Easter Monday Monday 20th School resumes, Term 2 Term 1: February 26, 2015 Acting Principal Ms Margo Carwardine Student Awards PG Nicholas King PR Ewan Waugh PY Miguel Alladin 1G Josh Sundhoo 1Y Shaella Rowlands 2G Javier Arratia-Pio 2Y Luke Lord 3G Grace Nolan 3Y Amy Heads 4G Joseph Wesche 4Y Theresa Do-Dam 5G Evie Francis-Crawley 6G Hana Thwaites PE Yr 2G class Art Yr 4Y class Music Yr 6G Library Breanna Christie Awards are presented at assembly on Monday 2nd March All welcome together as family. These are simple There has also been a case of school things, but they are moments of grace… sores which also start with high temps. Thank you to those parents who have God is ever at our side. kept unwell children at home to save spreading the bugs. This is very much Building Work appreciated. Despite the recent rain, our builders have continued to Year 4 Instrumental Band Lesson plough through their work, with BE SAFE the toilets, music room and tennis courts Commence now essentially demolished and much of This week some twenty the rubble removed. What a huge space Year 4 students commenced lessons with a this has opened up! variety of brass, woodwind and percussion instruments with the view to form the inaugural Year 4 Band. Under the guidance of their teacher, Mr Matthew Hobbs, the students are enjoyParents and carers who subscribe to our ing the benefits of the generosity of the P&F, who in late 2014 purchased a numSchoolbag App would have received a push notification on Monday, requesting ber of instruments to help kick-start the program. We look forward to hearing the all to respect the tall orange markers students’ progress as the year unfolds. placed on Redhill Road to allow entry and exiting of work Quote for the week… vehicles and maChildren must be taught how to think, not chinery. Your supwhat to think. port in keeping this (Margaret Mead) access clear is es(http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/ sential. education) Being Prepared All students are asked to wear With the deluge of rain we received in recent days, it was surprising to see so their formal school uniform for photos many children without an umbrella or rain on this Tuesday, and bring their best coat! This is especially important as our smile! students move around the school during the day, particularly to acWarm regards, cess the toilets! Please help them to be prepared to have Live, Love, Learn, what they need to stay dry. and in the spirit of St Mary MacKillop’s There are Bugs About motto for life, This week we have had a number of chil- Never see a need without doing something dren away sick with high temperatures about it. and sore tummies, which have led to vomiting. It has been across year levels. Margo Carwardine Principal’s Ice Cream Award Presented to Mrs Inga McMahon (School Officer) For following St Mary MacKillop’s example and teaching more by example than by word. Mrs McMahon sees a job needs doing and willingly gives of her time, energy and expertise, above and beyond. (Each week in 2015 a member of our St Pius community will be selected to receive the Principal’s Ice Cream Award. The award will acknowledge the recipient’s contribution to the school community that reflects the spirit of Mary MacKillop. Aside from receiving a certificate the recipient will receive a voucher for a medium take home pack of Baskin Robbins ice cream. Thank you to the school family who donated this prize. Term 1: February 26, 2015 APRE Mrs Kim Barrett-Coade Religion Lent is the 40 days leading up to Easter. It is a time to encounter God through reflection, prayer and giving to others through kind words and actions. Each school day morning, during Lent, a Year 5 child will read a suggestion for the school to act and reflect on so we can become giving and to bring alive Jesus’ message of ‘Love one Another as I have Loved you.’ Each class has written a suggestion on a candle and one of these will be read each morning. Some of the suggestions are Help others who are in need. Give encouragement to those who need it. Show kindness to someone who could use a friend. Smile and say hello to your classmates. Encourage and praise myself and others. Give some of my pocket money to Project Compassion. If these examples are enacted then we really will be ‘Lighting the Path to Easter.’ This week on assembly we launch our Project Compassion fundraising venture ‘The Hour of Power’. This Caritas fundraising event will take place on Thursday, April 2 nd, 2014, between the hours of 9am-10am. The children will take home a sponsorship card next week. Please sponsor or donate to this cause as we are raising money for the poorest of poor in our world. Each week we will learn about how Caritas is helping different communities around the world This week we learnt about Eric and Ma Growing food for life Twenty-five years ago, married couple Eric and Ma worked hard, but their farm was unprofitable. They had a very limited income and diet, until they took a training course at the Tutu Rural Training Centre (supported by Caritas Australia). Using the skills they learnt there, the couple have built a successful family life, and a thriving farm that provides them with a healthy diet and sustainable source of income. Our Parish Nundah Banyo Parish Holy Trinity Catholic Church St Vincent’s Road Banyo Q 4014 Office 20 Donkin Street Nundah Q 4012 Office hours 9.30am –4.30pm Monday to Friday Phone: 3266 1444 Fax: 3266 4088 Nundah@bne.catholic.net.au Mass times Wednesday 9.00am Thursday 7.00am Sunday 7.30am Sunday 5.00pm Your donation to Project Compassion helps people in isolated areas of Fiji gain the skills they need to grow food for life. www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion 1800 024 413 The link below is an online children’s video on how our money we donate through Project Compassion goes to helping the different communities around the world survive and thrive. http://www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion/videos/pc15-primary-video Pastoral Care Meeting Next Tuesday evening, at 6pm, the Pastoral Care Parents group will gather for our first meeting of 2015. Thank you again to the parents who volunteered their time to be part of this wonderful, caring group. Each class will soon receive a letter of introduction and an invitation to join the class contact list that will be compiled by your Pastoral Care Parent. By joining your class contact list your PCP will be able to communicate with you if there is a family in need and or a class social activity. Pastoral Care parents please note the venue for the meeting has changed as per Sue Vanden Bergh’s email. Please contact Sue or me if you are unsure of the details. Term 1: February 26, 2015 APRE Mrs Kim Barrett-Coade Pick up Zone Thank you to the small number of parents who have volunteered to assist us with the afternoon ‘Pick Up’ Zone. With the increasing number of children being picked up in the zone we would really appreciate your help if you could volunteer 15 mins one afternoon a week. Your child’s safety is our priority. Please contact the office if you are able to assist. Car Park Safety. Please remember that the church carpark is not a drop off zone. Please park your car and walk your child /children to the assembly area or use the drop off zone in front of the school. Isn’t it great that our carpark is marked so well for car spots? Please refrain from parking on the grass near the church or in spaces that are not marked cars. Blessings Kim SCHOOL HOURS A teacher is on duty in the assembly area from 8.15am Every Week Assembly 8.30am Monday Uniforms Lowes Toombul Tuckshop Friday (Orders in on Thursday) School Banking Friday Bell Times 8.25am Assembly, into class 10.30am 11.10am First Break return to class 1.10pm 1.50pm Second Break return to class 2.50pm Students dismissed School grounds are out of bounds after hours Swimming Monday Yr 4,5,6 Friday Prep—Yr 3 Lunchtime Swimming Monday Yr 2-6 Music Lessons Tuesday & Thursday Prep 2016 Enrolments As per last week’s Newsletter, we are currently accepting applications for Prep 2016. Please, if this involves your family, or you know of friends who have a child who will be eligible to enrol, visit the school website or contact the office as soon as possible. We will commence conducting interviews in March. http://www.stpiusbanyo.qld.edu.au/documents/ enrolment.html Children born 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011 are eligible for Prep in 2016. School web site www.stpiusbanyo@qld.edu.au Under 5’s Playgroup Friday Term 1: February 26, 2015 Sport Mr Nathan Croft A fairly quiet week this week in sport and PE. We have selected the Zone swimming team from our Yr 3 – 6 carnival, a number of swimmers competed at the Regional trials and there are District trials coming up. Zone Swimming Team Congratulations to those who have been selected as part of the St Pius Swimming team to compete on Tuesday 17th March at the Zone 6 Carnival. We will have three training sessions at the school pool prior to the Zone carnival. Training days are Friday 27th February, Tuesday 3rd March and Tuesday 10th March training will start at 7.30am. As this will be part of the team building process for the school and team, I would like everybody to attend if possible. Students who cannot make training or the carnival are asked to contact Mr Croft via email on ncroft@bne.catholic.edu.au to let me know. Met North Regional selection Trials Congratulations to Kate Madden and Stephanie Rowe who represented St Pius at the Met North Regional selection trials on Wednesday 25th. Another fantastic effort ladies well done! Bramble Bay District Trials There are a number of Bramble Bay District trials coming up. Any students wishing to attend any of the trials below will need to see Mr Croft for more information. Please remember that the Bramble Bay District trials are very competitive, any student wishing to put forward a nomination should be playing or competing in that sport in a club or representative team in the highest division. The school will make the final decision on whether to put forward the students nominations based on their experience and level. Students that are nominated will receive paperwork from the school to be completed and taken to the trial. The following sports require nominations to Mr Croft by Wednesday 4th March: 12 yr Rugby League (born 2003) 11yr Rugby League (born 2004 or later) Kind regards Nathan Croft HPE teacher/ Sports Coordinator Term 1: February 26, 2015 Tuckshop Theresa Appleton Volunteers for Friday 27th February are: Kelly Grant Christine Digby Jane Evans Sara Deakin—1st break Tina Tatti—1st break Kylie Cox—2nd break Free Lunch Winners Congratulations to: Junior Rafael Svarez PG Tuckshop Menu’s are available on the school website www.stpiusbanyo@qld.edu.au Sushi must be ordered on Thursday All tuckshop orders are to be handed in on Thursdays of each week for your chance to go into the draw to win your lunch for free. Senior Vincent Tatti Yr 3G VOLUNTEERS We are in need of new volunteers, please phone Theresa on 0407 115 662. All parents and grandparents volunteering in the school for tuckshop, classrooms, library, excursions, swimming etc are required to fill out the volunteer pack for 2015 now available from the school office. P&F Information President: Leesa Dalton dalton_leesa@hotmail.com Vice President: Lenore Cooper garylenore@optusnet.com.au Secretary: Renee Lovi renee.lovi@scu.edu.au Treasurer: Vacant School Grants: Skye Downey skyedowney75@gmail.com School Photo St Pius Social Race Day Saturday 21st March 2015 at Doomben Racecourse Cost will be $60 per person which includes : Admission to Races and reserved area in Champions Courtyard 1 x drink voucher Race book Various food platters throughout the day Please fill out the forms sent home if your wanting to attend and return form and money in envelope marked “Races” to the office NO later than Friday 13th March 2015. This is a child free event Any questions or information needed please contact Adrienne Coats - 0425 749 161 Tameka Wendt - 0402 157 350 Do you want a FAMILY PHOTO ? Family Photo envelopes are available from the school office Term 1: February 26, 2015 Library Mrs Natalie Phelan Library News It has been an exceptionally busy week in the library, with new books ordered, student makerspace club preparations, interesting Queensland Museum loans arriving, new displays as well as our normal borrowing and class visits. For the next fortnight we are focusing upon Indigenous Culture and Bush foods. In particular we are looking at how the seasons affect natural food sources and examining how Indigenous people were able to access food to sustain life. Classes attending library on Wednesday 25th will see a guest speaker from Bush Foods Queensland. Please refer to the note sent home for more information. Library Makerspace WANTED THIS WEEK Cardboard rolls (no toilet paper inserts please) Drop off to library :) Years 4-6 – Thursday 1st break We have a team of eager students preparing for their first mini project. Students are looking at books about architecture and seeing what they can build with a few cardboard rolls and masking tape. What fun! Parents and the Library We have a small but excellent range of parenting titles in our library to support your family. This is one of my personal favourites. The Creative Family (2008) Amanda Blake Soule The importance of supporting creativity within our children cannot be underestimated. This is a collection of easy family projects that do just that. Popular this week: Diary of a Wimpy Kid (The Long Haul), The Land of Stories - Chris Colfer, Books about - Spiders, Mermaids, Sharks, Lego and Minecraft. Thank you Term 1: February 26, 2015 Notices Vacancy School Crossing Supervisors St Pius Under 5’s Playgroup Held in the school hall Fridays 8.30am Casual positions exist for School Crossing Supervisors at ST PIUS, BANYO and multiple schools throughout the region. Please tell neighbours, friends and family of these positions available. Please help us to help our students. School Crossing Supervisor positions are for up to 5 days per week on a roster. Remuneration $27.49 per hour. Contact the Brisbane North Road Safety Office for more information Phone: 3863 9873 Email: zillmere_road_safety@tmr.qld.gov.au Cost $1 providing coffee, tea and biscuits Coordinator Angela Wilcox 0432 835 536 Have any details changed for you? WE NEED TO KNOW Phone numbers Address Emergency contacts and numbers Email address Sacramental information updates We need to know of any changes so all your information is correct and accurate. Please email or visit the office if any of the above changers are relevant to you and your family. Are you receiving your school fees by email? Are you receiving the newsletter by email? These could be different email addresses depending on your enrolment paperwork. If you are not receiving either email please let the school office staff know ASAP Banyo Nundah Parish Sacramental Journey 2015 The next group session will be on Saturday 28th February at Nolan Hall, Nundah at your chosen group time. Please bring along your completed Godwork sheets 3 and 4. If you are unable to attend this session please let me know by email as a catch up session needs to be arranged. God Bless, Redgum Book Club Please refer to the catalogue for ordering options. The school no longer processes payment or orders for bookclub. 5 easy ways to order include: Online: www.redgumbookclub.com.au Email: orders@redgumbookclub.com.au Fax: (02) 9997 5850 Ph: (02) 8445 2355 Post: Reply Post 30, PO BOX 935, Mona Vale, NSW 1660 Angela Greathead Sacramental Co-ordinator For more details please ring Angela Ph. 3266 1444 on Thursdays at the Parish Office or email sc.nundah@bne.catholic.net.au Term 1: February 26, 2015 Notices St Patrick’s College Bursary Opportunity Apply Now St Patrick’s College is currently seeking bursary applications for Catholic students entering Year 7 in 2016. Bursaries are based on financial need and family circumstance rather than academic or sporting ability. The bursary will be maintained for the duration of the student’s education at the College and reviewed annually. The purpose of the Bursary is to offer new students whose families face financial hardship the opportunity to experience the holistic education that St Patrick’s College can offer. In order to consider your application, we ask you to complete the necessary application documentation which includes an Enrolment Application Form, Financial Summary and at least two letters of support by Thursday 2nd April 2015. Bursaries are awarded at the Principal’s discretion and his decision is final. To enquire about an enrolment package, please contact Mrs Stacey Bishop, Foundation Development Manager on 3631 9052 or sbishop@stpatricks.qld.edu.au NUDGEE NOODLES PLAYGROUP For those of you who have younger children not yet school age, and are looking to join a local, friendly playgroup, we would like to inform you on behalf of Nudgee noodles playgroup that they meet every Tuesday in school term at the Nudgee hall school of arts, Hayden St, Nudgee from 9am’ish and are looking for new members! For more details contact Meredith Nicholas , merronicholas@gmail.com or playgroup qld. Ph 1800 171 882. Term 1: February 26, 2015 Notices Home Work Club The Banyo Homework Club is recommencing next week on Wednesday the 11th of February 2015, from 3pm to 5pm at the Banyo Public Library. The club provides one on one or small group tutoring free of charge, to aid and assist students with their homework in a fun, positive and safe environment. The Homework Club is hosted by education students from the Australian Catholic University who are currently in their second, third or final years of their bachelor’s degrees. All ages and years levels are welcome, so please come along. For any further information please feel free to contact Laura Azzopardi via email, s00147833@myacu.edu.au or phone on 0404477923. Mega Charity Garage Sale Saturday, 28th Feb 8.00am to 2.00pm 512 – 516 Zillmere Road, Zillmere (opposite Pineapple Street) $10 hydrobaths! Sausage sizzle Staffy merchandise for sale Lots of yummy baked goods Worldwide Marriage Encounter: A weekend away for married couples in peaceful, picturesque surroundings – away from the distractions of everyday living. Take time out of your busy schedule, to invest in your most precious asset . . . your Marriage! This is a unique opportunity to recharge your relationship batteries, refocus on each other and fall in love all over again! Weekend date: 15th – 17th May 2015 Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston QLD (on Brisbane’s bayside) For bookings/details contact: Maria and David Murphy, ph (07) 3342 1456, dandmmurphy@optusnet.com.au Information website: www.wwme.org.au
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