The Dove Emmanuel Lutheran Church To Know Christ and Boldly

The Dove
November 2014
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
To Know Christ and Boldly
Make Him Known
Holy Communion: 5:00 PM
Holy Communion: 8:30 AM
Holy Communion: 11:00AM
Coffee & Fellowship: 9:45 AM
Adult Education: 8:30 AM & 10:00 AM
Thursday Worship Service: 10:00 AM
Thanksgiving Eve Service:
Nov. 26, 6:00 PM
Pie & Fellowship: 7:00 PM
Bring a pie to share!
A note from the Editor:
Thank you to all who sent in comments and
suggestions regarding the October Edition
of The Dove.
Please contact me directly with any issues
you may have regarding the content in The
Dove. Also, remember that Charlotte
continues to compose the announcement
insert for the worship folders. If in doubt as
to whom you should direct content to, just
send it to us both.
Gentle reminder: The deadline for
submissions for the December edition of
The Dove is Noon on November 18th.
As always, please continue to e-mail me
with any of your comments or suggestions
or any issues opening The Dove at or or leave a message
for me at 488-4942 ext.18. I can also be
reached on my cell 231-881-6975.
Yours in Faith,
Sharon Woldt
Editor of The Dove
From Our Pastor
Every year during this time of the year, Minnesotan’s begin to sign up for their
annual Lutefisk dinners. It always amazed me while living in Minnesota that
many worry about what they eat, yet they will not hesitate when it comes to
eating Lutefisk. Someone once said, “Those who eat Lutefisk think they have
died and gone to heaven…others think they have just died.” Many people will
attend those ethnic meals not only because they eat the food, but because they
are socially connected to a community. Food, since the beginnings of creation,
has had a way of bringing us together and also a place to create deeper
Church gatherings and food seem to go hand in hand and it is often said, “If
you have food they will come.” The “Eucharist” is the meal where we gather to remember the life of
Jesus who is the bread of life that comes down from heaven to feed us. The word “Eucharist” means
“Thanksgiving Meal.” At communion we hear the words, “Take and eat, this is my body given for you.
Do this for the remembrance of me.” We remember the forgiveness and love God poured out in the death
and the resurrection of Jesus and we wait for his coming again. Gathered together in church we
acknowledge God’s very presence in this meal and that is why it is called a “Thanksgiving Meal.”
In the movie “Babette’s Feast,” Babette gave her love through cooking a meal that brought people
together to share their brokenness, and she also affirmed that love wastes nothing. Babette’s won the
lottery and without telling anyone, spent her fortune on preparing a feast for her friends. Her selfless
actions throughout the film embraced a Godly love that embodied ordinary people with an extraordinary
love. This meal is similar to the meal we celebrate at Holy Communion where we believe that God has
given us the taste of food that is filled with love. Communion gives us a “Foretaste of the meal to come
in heaven.”
Some people long for their ethnic food like Lutefisk and others are just thankful for food. Even though
Thanksgiving Day is not a religious holiday, it tells a story of those who gathered together to give thanks
for being able to endure heartache and to thank God for the harvest. As a church we will gather at
Thanksgiving Eve worship to share in the “Eucharist Meal.” This is fitting because as people of faith
we celebrate God’s presence in the meal, and thank God for all he gives us through the forgiveness of
sins and also for the new life we are given in Christ!
The Installation of Pastor Robert (Rob) Hall took place on Sunday, September 21st. He is the seventh Pastor to
become the head of Emmanuel since our inception in 1960.
The Installation was officiated by Bishop Robert Schaefer, by
his authority as head of the Florida-Bahamas Synod. Pastor
Hall’s brother-in-law, Reverend Stephen Lien served as an Assisting Minister and offered a moving vocal paraphrase of Psalm
23. Our Minister of Music & Worship, Kris Bowker, led a choir
of combined voices from Emmanuel and other Lutheran
churches in the area in singing “God is our Refuge”. The Youth
of Emmanuel, clergy from the Mid-Gulf Conference, retired
pastors, and members of the congregation participated in the
Service of Installation.
A reception followed the service to celebrate with Pastor Rob
and his family. It was a joyous occasion with over 300
members of Emmanuel present to share this special event in the
life of Pastor Hall.
Emmanuel News
A Conversation with Pastor Hall
Pastoral Acts
Pastor Bill Beljean officiated at the service for
Barbara Stover on Friday, October 10, 2014.
Barbara was buried in Michigan.
Pastor Hall officiated at the service for Gerry
Krueger on Saturday, October 18, 2014 with burial
in Emmanuel’s Cremation Garden and a reception
Warm Clothing for Farmworkers Self-help
Two new sessions for “A conversation with
Pastor Hall” have been scheduled for Wednesday,
November 19th at 10:00 AM and Thursday,
November 20th at 7:00 PM.
As you are getting out your cool weather jackets and
We will be collecting sweaters, sweatshirts and work
jackets on November 15th-16th and November 29th
through 30th for migrant farmworkers at our
Lutheran mission in Dade City. Any size will work!
Please bring them to the Yellow Bin in the Church
Library by November 30th. If you would like to go
along to deliver our gifts on December 5th, call
Gerri Amundsen at 941-488-6254.
The sessions conducted by Pastor Hall in the
fellowship hall are limited to 15 people each and
last approximately one hour.
Sign up sheets will be posted in the Narthex
November 8th & 9th.
Additional sessions will be scheduled in the
coming months.
Thanksgiving Eve Service Fellowship
There will be a fellowship hour after the service
Thanksgiving Eve. Please bring your favorite pie to
Pastor Livenson
Pastor Livenson will be at Emmanuel in
December and will be preaching December
13th & 14th.
Emmanuel E-mail addresses
Pastor Hall -
Kris Bowker -
Charlotte Graas -
Jim Crandall -
Sharon Woldt -
Barb Spenks -
Marty Light -
"Good Ole Boys"
The next breakfast together will be Tuesday,
November 18th, at 7:30 AM at Perkins
Restaurant. Please call Moose Pfabe at
681-2162 with any questions.
From Emmanuel’s Staff:
Kris Bowker - Minister of Music and Worship
All the choirs have started rehearsals. Join one of Emmanuel’s choirs.
All Are Welcome!
Men’s Chorus – Mondays at 5:00 p.m.
Joyful Ringers – Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. (Note day and time change.)
Sanctuary Choir – Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m.
Barb Spenks - Parish Nurse
The 3 part series “Advanced Life Choices – Are You Ready?” was well received, and might be given again
in February for the benefit of all our snowbirds.
Grief and Grace classes have been cancelled. We will offer the classes again in January.
Roll up those sleeves and stick out those arms. The Blood Drive on November 9th is fast
approaching! Expect to receive phone calls and the usual harassment from the Health Ministry
team to encourage you to sign up and donate.
We need more Spiritual Care Visitors. If you would like to visit members who are in the hospital on a
weekly or on a bi-weekly basis, please let me know. We also need an occasional substitute. Please call
me at the church office for more details.
941-488-4942 Ext. 20.
Joan Hofelich - Ministry Team Coordinator
As we move into our busy holiday months, many of us have been making lists and planning gatherings. I
pray that as you make your plans, do the shopping, that you will remember those whose holidays may not be
as bright this year. Even though the food pantry is not on our campus anymore, they still need our
contributions. Our Children’s Clothes Closet is giving our congregation the chance to be “angels” for those
who come to the Closet. Please watch for the tree in the narthex with Christmas angels. Please also
remember our homebound as their Thanksgiving Bags will need to be filled and delivered. Our hands are
needed to do God’s Work now more than ever. Thanks for all that each ministry has done and continues to
Note: The Ministry Meeting is Nov. 22 at 10:00 in Room 105.
WELCA Meeting Schedule November 2014
Anna Circle
Monday, Nov. 10 - 7:00 pm Room 105
Bible Study Leader - TBA
“Proverbs Learning to Live Wisely”
For info. call Lois 941-484-9182
(Sponsored by the Women of the ELCA Board)
Deborah Circle
Tuesday, Nov. 4 - 6:30 pm Room 101
Bible Study Leader- Helen Jodouin
Max Lucado’s “Romans”
For info. call: Kathy 486-5385
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2014 5:30 PM
Jesus ~ the Light of the World
Dorcas Quilting Mission
Every Monday at 9:00 am Oct. - April
in Rowe Hall
The making of quilts
For info. call: Jackie 488-7176
Mary Circle
Tuesday, Nov. 18- 10:00 am Room 101
Bible Study Leader - Sandy Wright
“Gather Magazine”
For info. Pam 497-1739
Naomi Circle
Weds., Nov. 19 - 9:30 am Room 101
Bible Study Leader - TBA “Gather Magazine”
For info. call: Nancy 609-214-6541
Ruth Circle
Monday, Nov. 17 - 12:30 pm Room 101
Bible Study –Leader - MaryAnn Franzen
“Gather Magazine” - Women of the Bible
For info. call: Ruth 497-6766
A service of candlelight meditation with the
music of a harp and flute and Prayers in Motion to
start your Advent journey. The evening will end in
the Fellowship Hall with refreshments and
fellowship by candlelight.
Women’s Mini Retreat
Please mark your calendars and save the date of
Saturday, January 24 for the annual Women's Mini
Retreat which will be held at Our Lady of Perpetual
Help Retreat & Spirituality Center. Look for more
details next month with registration in January.
Any questions, call Helen Jodouin at 941-918-2985.
Church Finances
Homebound Member Birthdays
September Operating Account
Income - $39,163 Expenses - $55,570
Mary Moorman is celebrating her birthday
November 27th.
Year-to-date as of September 30, 2014
Income - $496,629 Expenses - $466,675
To all our members who are celebrating
birthdays in November, God bless you on your
birthday and each day the entire year through. May
His blessings bring you joy in everything you do.
Happy Birthday.
Pastor Lauvanus support in September $2,794
ELCA Hunger Appeal in September
$ 596
Outreach Envelope for September
Meals on Wheels
$ 841
Endowment Fund Balance
as of September 30, 2014
As some of our members are homebound and
unable to attend services, it would be a great
gesture of Christian love to acknowledge their
birthdays by sending a card or a short greeting.
Contact information for our Homebound members
can be found in the Church Directory, which has
been recently updated, and available in the
Welcome Center. Addresses can be obtained by
calling the Office Center at 941-488-4942.
If you would like more information about
the Endowment Fund call the Church Office at
941-488-4942 and request a call from a
committee member. Gifts to the Emmanuel
Lutheran Church’s Endowment Fund are truly
gifts that keep on giving.
Giving Thanks
From Rich Kessler:
Emmanuel Lutheran Church Gives Thanks
for the Recent Gifts Received
Thank you to Stan Yaro and Frank Rauch for
their help on the Fellowship floors and to
Chuck Zentner for helping to put it back
together. Also, thank to Bob Miller for all his
† Emmanuel received gifts in memory of Barbara
Stover to Pastor’s Discretionary Fund from
. Charles and Minnie Powell, Carolyn Lockett,
and Richard and Abigail Radey.
August Community Outreach Recipient
Tidewell Hospice gratefully acknowledges your gift of $1,022 received on September 29, 2014 (August
Community Outreach) in support of our mission to provide the highest quality of care that embraces a
comprehensive continuum of services for patients and families living with advanced illness.
Tidewell currently serves approximately 1,100 patients daily in hospice and pre-hospice programs and
nearly 8,000 families annually. We value your dedication and generosity to help bring quality of life to our
Please accept this letter as acknowledgement of your contribution and our heartfelt gratitude.
Denise M. Pope, CFRE
Executive Vice President
Chief Philanthropy Officer
Nomination Form for
Congregational Council
Emmanuel Lutheran church
Nominations are being accepted for Congregational Council from now until December 1, 2014.
The attached sheet will show what positions are being open for the next election. On this sheet you can
recommend yourself or any member you feel would be qualified to serve. If you are recommending
someone other than yourself, please be sure that they would be willing to serve in that capacity.
Return to the Office Center.
Position for which you are nominating the member_______________________________________
What qualifications does the member have for this position?
What other positions has the member served in this church or any other church?
What other volunteer positions has the member had in other community organizations?
Your signature __________________________________Date______________
Committee Chair Vacancies in 2015
Worship and Music - Duties of the Chairperson of this committee is to support Emmanuel’s Ministry of
Worship and Music and Pastor to enable people to celebrate their relationship with God and their
relationships with one another through worship, musical expression and visual arts in a favorable
environment. The Chair will recruit members to assist in this mission. (Three year term)
Stewardship -Duties of the Chairperson of this committee are to lead the committee to see creative and
new ways to inspire a true sense of all kinds of giving within the congregation. Chairperson will also see
that a stewardship campaign is conducted yearly. Duties also include stewardship education, review of
pledge forms and technology available to facilitate member giving. The Chair will recruit members to
assist in the mission. (Three year term)
Community Outreach for November
By joining together as neighbors, we can change the future of families in need and give their children a fair
chance for a life of hope.
Habitat for Humanity South Sarasota Co., Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to building a better
community, one house at a time.
Habitat for Humanity offers the dream of home ownership to those who would otherwise not be able to
afford a home of their own. The new homeowners actually help to build the house alongside many dedicated
volunteers in the community. Habitat sells the house to the homeowner at cost and finances the mortgage at
zero interest.
Habitat provides capital, not charity. It creates a stable environment for children, safe and communal
neighborhoods that work and grow together. Local churches, businesses, individuals, foundations and civic
organizations work together in our community to make this dream come true.
Be involved in this great endeavor. Join us as neighbors, making a monetary contribution swinging a
hammer, or wielding a paintbrush, we can help families improve their housing…we can help families climb
out of poverty. We can change the future of families in need and give their children a fair chance for a life
of hope.
Habitat for Humanity South Sarasota Co., Inc. is an independent affiliate of Habitat for Humanity
International, a non-profit, ecumenical, Christian organization. All contributions are tax-deductible.
If you need help, remember to call Helping Hands!
Do not think your request is too minor or too small. For instance, changing a smoke detector battery may
seem small but can actually save a life, so it is not minor. Maybe you just want to go shopping and need a
ride. Maybe something needs to go up in the attic and you can’t reach that high, or it is not wise to get on
a ladder. Just give us a call and we will see how we can help.
If you think you would like to be added to our list of volunteers, please contact either:
Sharon Johnson ( phone 941-493-4622
or Janine Jung ( phone 941-484-2169.
Global Missions Update
We apologize that you haven't heard from us in sometime, but now that we have "gotten our feet on the
ground" here in Tanzania, we hope to be writing more often to let you know about what we are doing here,
and, more importantly, what the church is doing in East Africa.
Recently we saw the 1962 movie Hatari! starring John Wayne as the safari leader on the northern Tanzanian
plains capturing animals to send to zoos. I saw this film when I was a kid, and I still remember the exciting
rhinoceros chase sequences.
Part of the film takes place in the town of Arusha, our new home in Tanzania. If you are not sure where
Arusha is located, the famous clock tower (in the middle of the photo above) is located half-way on the road
from Cairo to Cape Town. It is amazing how we can recognize certain local landmarks in the film more than
fifty years later: the clock tower, just 50 yards from our office in the Lutheran Center, and, a few blocks from
there, the Lutheran Cathedral, which looks brand-new in the film, but hasn't substantially changed since that
Our new calling as East Africa Regional Representatives involves a lot more than water projects and
theological schools, which were our main focus in the Central African Republic. We still miss the CAR and
the students, friends and colleagues we left behind there—but we are happy to be serving in a different role
here in Arusha, and throughout the region. We are responsible for representing the ELCA in four countries:
Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, and South Sudan, although we haven't yet had the chance to visit South Sudan
due to the conflict that has been ravaging the country for almost a year.
So what do Regional Representatives do? We visit projects supported by the ELCA, read reports, proposals
and budgets from these projects, visit with local church leaders, encourage our local ELCA missionaries and
volunteers, and represent the ELCA at local and regional church meetings. Often I hear someone from one of
our partner churches say, "We know that the ELCA cares about what is happening here because you always
send someone to our meetings!" Perhaps letting people in East Africa know that the ELCA cares about what
is happening here—in their country, in their church—is the most important thing that we do.
And, of course, we want all of you to know what the ELCA is doing in East Africa—a huge area with well
over 6 million Lutherans just in the four countries Joe and I work in. That's twice the number of Lutherans in
the ELCA! So there is a lot going on here and we hope to share some of it on this blog.
Joe and Deborah Troester
East Africa Regional Representatives for the ELCA
Our Worship Volunteers for November
Assisting Saturday Nov. 1, 5:00 PM
Ministers Tuula Pakula*
Deneen Schell
Jim Linke
Sunday Nov. 2, 8:30 AM
Will Kittinger*
Jenny Waring
Bill Kasko
Sunday Nov. 2, 11:00 AM
Bob Riggs*
Jane Riggs
Susan Phipps
Saturday Nov. 8, 5:00 PM
Erwin Nesvacil*
Bev Roesler
Lois Steketee
Sunday Nov. 9, 8:30 AM
Lois Light*
Marty Light
Carol Orenstein
Sunday Nov. 9, 11:00 AM
Will Kittinger*
Jack Wetherson
Susan Phipps
Saturday Nov. 15, 5:00 PM
Deneen Schell*
Helen Dennis
Meg Kessler
Sunday Nov. 16, 8:30 AM
Emmanuel Youth
Sunday Nov. 16, 11:00 AM
Kathleen Pickering*
Gail Authier
Saturday Nov. 22 5:00 PM
Tuula Pakula*
Vickie Harris
Don Harris
Sunday Nov. 23, 8:30 AM
Jenny Waring*
Carol Orenstein
Bob Germain
Sunday Nov. 23, 11:00 AM
Bob Riggs*
Jane Riggs
Jim Linke
Saturday Nov. 29 5:00 PM
Erwin Nesvacil*
Marilyn Birkholz
Bev Roesler
Sunday Nov. 30, 8:30 AM
Joan Hofelich*
Helen Dennis
Helen Jodouin
Sunday Nov. 30, 11:00 AM
Jay Dupler*
Jack Wetherson
Linda Mac Monigle
Saturday Nov. 1, 5:00 PM
Jim Linke
Sunday Nov. 2, 8:30 AM
Jim Renz
Sunday Nov. 2, 11:00 AM
Lorri Orost
Saturday Nov. 8, 5:00 PM
Vicki Erickson
Sunday Nov. 9, 8:30 AM
Mary Lou Wiegand
Sunday Nov. 9, 11:00 AM
Bob Riggs
Saturday Nov. 15, 5:00 PM
Deneen Schell
Sunday Nov. 16, 8:30 AM
Emmanuel Youth
Sunday Nov. 16, 11:00 AM
Sharon Woldt
Saturday Nov. 22, 5:00 PM
Jane Hillwig
Sunday Nov. 23, 8:30 AM
Judi Johnson
Sunday Nov. 23, 11:00 AM
Ken Gehrls
Saturday Nov. 29, 5:00 PM
Robert Hawkins
Sunday Nov. 30, 8:30 AM
Steve Tary
Sunday Nov. 30, 11:00 AM
Jim Collins
November 2014 Susan Racca, Mary Beth Runk, Jan Mack,
Children’s Nov. 2 Pastor Hall
Nov. 23 Scott Pinkerton
Nov. 9 Jenny Waring
Nov. 30 Vickie Harris
Ruth Wilson
Nov. 16 Joan Hofelich
Crucifers & Acolytes Nov. 2 8:30 AM Crucifer Marco Verost Acolyte Antonnia Verost
Nov. 9 8:30 AM Crucifer Kayla Reese
Acolyte Jessica Whetzel
Nov. 16 8:30 AM Emmanuel Youth
Nov. 23 8:30 AM Crucifer Sarah Hurlburt Acolyte Alexandra Whetzel
Nov. 30 8:30 AM Crucifer Jordan Waring Acolyte Steven Waring
Our Worship Volunteers for November, continued
Saturday Nov. 1, 5:00 PM
Saturday Team
Sunday Nov. 2, 8:30 AM
Gerri Amundsen
Cary Birkholz
Lyle & Glenda Hinrichs
Marty & Lois Light
Cass Wrobel
Sunday Nov. 2, 11:00 AM
Bob & Janine Jung
Judy Daniels
Frank & Joan Rauch
Bob Mac Monigle
Saturday Nov 8, 5:00 PM
Saturday Team
Sunday Nov. 9, 8:30 AM
Jadyne Berg
Gary & Marilyn Birkholz
Karl Fraedrich
Tim Reed
Jan Shimp
Sunday Nov. 9, 11:00 AM
Ken & Charlene Brecht
Judy Daniels
Judy Jorgensen
Linda & Bob Mac Monigle
Saturday Nov. 15, 5:00 PM
Saturday Team
Sunday Nov. 16, 8:30 AM
Emmanuel Youth
Gary & Marilyn Birkholz
Jackie Miller
Sunday Nov. 16, 11:00 AM
Ken & Charlene Brecht
Bob & Janine Jung
Frank & Joan Rauch
Saturday Nov 22, 5:00 PM
Saturday Team
Sunday Nov. 23, 8:30 AM
Gary Birkholz
Sylvia Eckl
Karl Fraedrich
Lyle & Glenda Hinrichs
Bob & Jackie Miller
Sunday Nov. 23, 11:00 AM
Judy Daniels
Meg Kessler
Linda Mac Monigle
Barbara McLauchlin
Rich & Jan Miller
Saturday Nov. 29, 5:00 PM
Saturday Team
Sunday Nov. 30, 8:30 AM
Team 1 & 3
Sunday Nov. 30, 11:00 AM
Judy Jorgensen
Meg Kessler
Barbara McLauchlin
Rich & Jan Miller
Frank Rauch
Sunday Nov 2, 8:30 AM
Dennis & Jan Shimp
Allen Dreyfuss
Sunday Nov 2, 11:00 AM
Bill & Jan Woldt
Karen Macdonald
Saturday Nov. 8, 5:00 PM
Jane Francisco
William & Mary Beth MacMillan
Sunday Nov. 9, 8:30 AM
Gary & Terry Butner
Sunday Nov. 9, 1100 AM
George & Alicia Hutzelmann
Saturday Nov. 15 , 5:00 PM
Don & Jadynne Berg
Vickie Johnson
Sunday Nov. 16, 8:30 AM
Emmanuel Youth
Sunday Nov. 16, 11:00 AM
Elizabeth Miller
Ken & Carolyn Ruble
Saturday Nov. 22, 5:00 PM
Dale & Nancy Thomas
Darrel & Karen Kaldor
Sunday Nov. 23, 8:30 AM
Joan Evans
Tom & Bev Zwetschke
Sunday Nov. 23, 11:00 AM
Gary & Pam Nevius
Saturday Nov. 29, 5:00 PM
Gene Hite & Jane Meier Hite
Dave & Barb Pruess
Sunday Nov. 30, 8:30 AM
Mert & Karen Johnsrud
Muriel Talley
Sunday Nov. 30, 11:00 AM
Michael & Pam Shetler
Greeters Saturday Nov. 1, 5:00 PM
Rex & Di Rudy
New Members
Else Albert
Else was born in Randers, Denmark. She is presently working as a private duty caregiver.
She likes to cook and knit. She has 3 children and 5 grandchildren.
Wayne and Donna Anderson
The Andersons come to us from Good Shepherd in Sarasota. The Andersons live in Osprey.
Wayne and Donna are both retired and just recently married in 2010. They both like to read
and play cards. Wayne retired from Hilliard City Schools in Transportation. Donna was with
Nationwide Ins. Co. before retiring.
Fran Curry
Fran is retired from nursing. She is the sister of Lois Steketee. She lives in Lake Village in
Nokomis. Fran likes to garden, knit, and go shopping. She has 3 children and 6 grandkids.
Fran was born in Mt. Kisco, NY.
Arlene Daugherty
Arlene is a retired homemaker. She has 5 children and 4 grandchildren.
Her hobby is dancing.
Karen DeJarnett
Karen is retired. She does, however, teach Yoga on the beach on Sunday mornings before coming
to church. Karen swims, bikes, and rides horses. She retired from Kutztown University in PA. She is
transferring her membership from Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kutztown, PA.
Jeffrey and Barbara Doll
Jeffrey is a musician and played for us during worship a few Sunday’s ago. He and Barbara are
transferring their membership from St. John Lutheran Church in New Freedom, PA.
Barbara likes to sew, watch movies, and do puzzles and games.
Vicki Erickson
Vicki is the sister of Deneen Schell and comes to us from Bloomington, IL. She is also
the daughter of member Paul Erickson and her membership has been transferred from
Resurrection Lutheran Church in Bloomington. She likes to read, do crossword puzzles,
and travel. Vicki is a former middle school math teacher.
Richard Fowler
Richard was a boiler inspector with Industrial Insurance Co. He is now retired. He has held
memberships in several different churches in Michigan, South Carolina and Florida. He has 2
children and 3 grandchildren. He enjoys photography and electronics.
Jane Francisco
Jane Francisco, a retired teacher and when she and her husband are not in Florida they are in
Columbus, Indiana. Jane and her husband have 3 children and 7 grandchildren.
Alisa Hall
Lisa is Pastor and Debbie Hall’s daughter and is a student at St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN.
Lisa was in Venice for the summer.
Pastor Robert and Debbie Hall
Pastor Hall became Emmanuel’s shepherd in the end of June, and gave his first sermon on July
5th & 6th.Pastor’s wife Debbie stayed in MN until their house was sold. We hope they will be
with us a very long time. Their daughters, Lisa and Andria, have also joined Emmanuel.
Charley and Judy Hargreaves
Charley and Judy live in Englewood and are both retired. They are transferring their
membership from Grace Lutheran Church in Yorktown Heights, New York. Charley worked
in the electrical union and Judy worked at International Paper in purchasing. They have 3
children and 10 grandchildren. Judy likes to read and play ipad games.
Rich & Janet Miller
Rich and Jan are snowbirds from Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Both are retired and are transferring their
membership from Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. In the past, Rich has been
involved in fundraising and endowments for student athletes. They have 2 daughters and 2
“beautiful” grandsons.
Nancy Louise Nasser
Nancy has a great outlook on life: “staying in touch with family and friends, and embracing
whatever life throws my way.” She retired from Tru Serv Corporation and has 1 daughter and 3
grandchildren. She is transferring her membership from Northfield, IL.
Gary & Pam Nevius
Come to us from Our Savior Lutheran Church in Pekin, IL. Both are retired, Gary from
Caterpillar and Pam from teaching. Pam likes to swim laps and read and Gary likes to hike,
target shoot, and fish. They have 2 children. Gary led an interesting life before moving to Florida. He is a felony court bailiff.
Carol Patterson
Carol is retired from the restaurant food service and is transferring her membership from Our
Savior Lutheran Church in Nokomis. Carol recently moved into our neighborhood, Village on the
Isle. She likes to walk and play golf. She has 4 beloved children and 9 great-grandchildren.
Mary Anne Rhodes
Mary Anne was a member of Emmanuel when her husband was alive. She is now transferring back
to Emmanuel from St. Marks. When she was younger she liked to garden, but now plays bridge and
does quilting. She has 2 children and 4 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. When she lived in
St. Joseph, MI, she was self employed.
Mary Shollenberger
Retired from being an elementary school teacher. Her entire family are confirmed Lutherans. She is
transferring her membership from Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in Alliance, Ohio. Mary likes to
sing, dance, garden, read and enjoys antiques. She has 3 daughters and 4 grandchildren. Her
daughter, Amy, lives in the Venice area.
Gordon and Karen Storey
Gordon and Karen are transferring their membership from Queen Anne Lutheran Church in
Seattle, WA. Both Gordon and Karen like to sail and travel. Gordon likes to golf and Karen
likes to knit. Karen is a business analyst and Gordon is retired.
Sandy Webber
Sandy is a retired nurse. She is a very active runner, biker, and loves to sail. She is a registered
cardiac nurse. Sandy has 3 children and 2 grandchildren.
Alpheus Weidner, Jr. (Alf)
Better known to us as Alf, comes to us from St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Venice. When he was
younger he enjoyed motorcycle riding, fishing, biking, and boating. He retired from Jersey Central
Power and Light Co in New Jersey. He has 2 children and five grandchildren. He is a U.S. Submarine
Veteran from WWII.
Marilyn Willing
Marilyn works as a customer service rep. She was born in Jackson Heights, New York and now
resides in North Port.
Andria Hall (no photo available at this time)
Andria is also Pastor and Debbie Hall’s daughter and is a student at Utah State University.
Fred and Donna Krieger (photo not available at this time)
The Kriegers come to us from St. Peters in Lancaster, PA. Both were born in Michigan. Fred’s occupation is manager
and he is still working. Donna is retired. They have 4 children and 10 grandchildren. When Fred is not working, he is
playing golf.
We also welcome the following from associate membership to full membership:
Ed and Marie Ashway, transferring their memberships from St. Michael’s Lutheran Church in New Canaan, Ct
Dave and Barb Pruess, transferring from Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chelsea, Michigan.
Updated directories that include our new members are now available in the Welcome Center.
“Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3.
The Outreach Committee celebrated Emmanuel’s Family Fun Fair on Saturday afternoon, October 25.
Families from our congregation and the community joined together to participate in an exciting and festive
event. Games! Bounce house! Face painters! Balloon artist! Cupcake Walk! Ambulance! Fire truck!
Firefighters! K-9 Search and Rescue dogs! Hot dogs! Chips! Cookies! And more! The event provided an
awesome opportunity for family fun, community spirit and fellowship.
The Outreach team extends a thank you to everyone who helped make the FAMILY FUN FAIR A HUGE
SUCCESS. Over 30 volunteers, including our youth, contributed with services, products and time. The
Outreach team members thank Judy Daniels for her passion and leadership in making this event so
wonderful. Thank you Mike Gippert-co chair, Larry Bishop for donating the hot dogs, and Steve Daniels,
owner of, “Leave Your Mark,” for donating 100 free water bottles. Thank you Outreach team members for
your total commitment and dedication to making this event a huge success.
Outreach Team Members
Marlyce Holbach, Chair
Shirley Schimke
Barb McLauchlin
Will Kittinger
Judy Daniels
Gail Authier
Joan Hofelich
Jack Robertson
30 Look for the Angel Tree in the Narthex
Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am
Fellowship/Refreshments 9:45 am
Adult Education 10:00 am
Free Friendship Dinner
4:30 – 6:00 pm
Movie Time 6:00 pm
Sunday School 10:00 am
Procedures Review for Greeters, Ushers & Assisting
Ministers 12:15pm
Look for the Angel Tree in the Narthex
Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am
Fellowship/Refreshments 9:45 am
Adult Education Classes 10:00 am
Confirmation Class 10:00 am
Prayer Shawl Ministry
WELCA Board Meeting
United We Stand NarcAnon 7pm
Dorcas Quilting Mission
Jan Quinn’s Exercise
class 10-11am
Youth & Family Committee 12noon
Interfaith Dinner 4:306pm
Men’s Chorus 5pm
Sanctuary Choir 4:30pm
BBSS AA Group 6:30pm
Sisters in Sobriety Al Anon
Speakers AA Group 8:30pm
Altar Guild set up 9:30am
Staff Meeting 8am
Joyful Ringers 10am
Sanctuary Choir 4:30pm
Thanksgiving Service 6pm
BBSS AA Group 6:30pm
Sisters in Sobriety Al Anon
Speakers AA Group 8:30pm
Staff Meeting 8am
Naomi Circle 9:30am
Conversation with Pastor
Joyful Ringers 10am
Staff Meeting 8am
Joyful Ringers 10am
Sanctuary Choir 4:30pm
BBSS AA Group 6:30pm
Sisters in Sobriety Al Anon
Speakers AA Group 8:30pm
Staff Meeting 8am
Joyful Ringers 10am
Sanctuary Choir 4:30pm
BBSS AA Group 6:30pm
Sisters in Sobriety Al Anon
Speakers AA Group 8:30pm
Stewardship Temple
TalkDavid Waring
Worship 5pm
Farmworker’s Sweatshirt &
Jacket Collection – Library
(last weekend for collection)
Sat. Nite Live AA Family
Group 7pm
SLAA Group 12noon
Office Closed
STP&M AA: 6:30pm
Peace Pipe Al Anon:7pm
On the Island Family Al-Anon
Look for the Angel Tree in
the Narthex
Ministry Teams 10am
Worship 5pm
Sat. Nite Live AA Family
Group 7pm
Look for the Angel Tree in
the Narthex
Farmworker’s Sweatshirt &
Jacket Collection – Library
WELCA Thankoffering
Worship 5pm
Sat. Nite Live AA Family
Group 7pm
Altar Guild 9:30am
Worship 5pm
Stewardship Commitment
Sat. Nite Live AA Family
Group 7pm
All Saints Weekend
Worship 5pm
Sat. Nite Live AA Family
Group 7pm
Children’s Closet 9 -11am
Office Closed
SLAA Group 12noon
SLAA Group 12noon
Nominating Committee
SLAA Group 12noon
Children’s Closet 911am
Mid-week Prayer Service 10am
Usher’s Meeting 4pm
Conversation with Pastor
STP&M AA: 6:30pm
Peace Pipe Al Anon:7pm
On the Island Family Al-Anon
Mid-week Prayer Service 10am
Rehearsal for Advent by
11am – 1pm Sanctuary
STP&M AA: 6:30pm
Peace Pipe Al Anon:7pm
On the Island Family Al-Anon
Mid-week Prayer Service 10am
Mutual Ministry Committee
WELCA Set up for meeting
WELCA Fall Gathering 2pm
STP&M AA: 6:30pm
Peace Pipe Al Anon 7pm
On the Island Family Al-Anon
Bring a Friend to
Worship with You
e-mail: website:
November, 2014 Calendar of Events
Emmanuel Lutheran Church 941-488-4942
790 South Tamiami Trail, Venice, Florida 34285-2601
Dove Deadline
Good Ole Boys 7:30am
Mary Circle 10am
Outreach Committee 1pm
United We Stand NarcAnon 7pm
Prayer Shawl Ministry
United We Stand NarcAnon 7pm
United We Stand NarcAnon: 7pm
Widow’s Group 12Noon
Deborah Circle 6:30pm
Men’s Chorus 5pm
Jan Quinn’s Exercise
class 10-11am
Ruth Circle 12:30pm
Dorcas Quilting Mission
Farmworker’s Sweatshirt & Jacket Collection
– Library
WELCA Thankoffering Weekend
Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am
Fellowship/Refreshments 9:45 am
Adult Education Classes 10:00 am
Confirmation Class 10:00 am
Sunday School Wrap shoe Boxes
Luke Little Church 5:30pm
Dorcas Quilting Mission
Alphaettes 9:30am
Jan Quinn’s Exercise
class 10-11am
Men’s Chorus 5pm
Anna Circle 7pm
Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am
Stewardship Commitment Weekend
Blood Drive 8am - 12:30pm
Fellowship/Refreshments 9:45 am
Adult Education Classes 10:00 am
Confirmation Class 10:00 am
Sunday School 10:00 am
New Members Potluck 6pm
Dorcas Quilting Mission
Men’s Chorus 5pm
Stephen Ministry 6-8pm
General Election
Fellowship Hall Closed
2 Stewardship Temple Talk
David Waring
All Saints Weekend
Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am
Fellowship/Refreshments 9:45 am
Adult Education Classes 10:00 am
Confirmation Class 10:00 am
Sunday School 10:00 am
Blood Pressure Screening
-After each worship service
Read your Bible
and Pray Daily
Daylight Savings Time Ends
Clocks go back 1 hour
November 2, 2014
Bishop of the Florida-Bahamas Synod
Minister of Music and Worship
Administrative Assistant to the Pastor
Facilities Manager
Parish Nurse
Ministry Team Coordinator
Editor of the Dove/Computer Support
Nursery Supervisor
Part time Sexton
Global Mission Service in Suriname
Mission Field in Haiti
ELCA staff in East Africa
Phone Office: 488-4942
Fax: 483-1092
The Rev. Robert G. Schaefer
The Rev. Robert O. Hall
Kristene Hoeh Bowker
Charlotte Graas
Rich Kessler Cell 735-6994
Barb Spenks
Joan Hofelich Cell 941-586-8249
Sharon Woldt Cell 231-881-6975
Kristin Hatteberg
Dan Robinson
The Rev. Kevin L. Jacobson
The Rev. Joseph Livenson Lauvanus
Dr. Joseph & Rev. Deborah Troester
Pastor Rob’s cell phone for emergencies
Church office e-mail:
Office Hours: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Monday – Thursday, Friday 8:30 – 1:00 pm
Samaritan Counseling Service:
For appointments at Emmanuel Office Center: 926-2959
Your 2014 Congregation Council and Committee Chairs
Carol Orenstein
Lois Steketee
Yvonne Heckler
Jim Crandall
David Waring
John Verost
Julie Pinkerton
Roy Smith
Marlyce Holbach
Chuck Kinter
Vice President & Mutual Ministry Chair
Evangelism Committee Chair
Stewardship & Endowment Committee Chair
Property Committee Chair
Youth & Family Committee Chair
Worship & Music Committee Chair
Outreach & Ministry Teams Committee Chair
Finance Committee Chair
Kathleen Pickering
Helen Jodouin
Nominating Committee Chair
Ex - Officio Council Meeting Representative for WELCA