WESTMINSTER CHURCH Corporal Nathan Cirillo, December 23, 1989 - October 22, 2014 REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Sunday, November 9, 2014 TWENTY-SECOND AFTER PENTECOST YOUR NAMES TO REMEMBER THE ORDER OF SERVICE Our service begins with the Prelude, inviting us to prepare for worship. ORGAN PRELUDE INTROIT “Recessional” Rudyard Kipling GREETING Leader: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. WORD OF WELCOME AND CALL TO WORSHIP HYMN PRAYER OF APPROACH “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” VU 806 PRAYER OF CONFESSION Merciful and faithful God, your purpose is to fold both earth and heaven in a single peace. With sorrow we confess that in our hearts we keep alive the passions and pride that lead to hatred and to war. We are not worthy of your love, nor of the sacrifice made by others on our behalf. God of unbounded grace, teach us who live only in your forgiveness, to forgive one another. Heal our divisions, cast out our fears, renew our faith in your unchanging purpose of goodwill and peace on earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Silence for personal confession. LITANY Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. ASSURANCE OF PARDON AN ACT OF REMEMBRANCE HYMN “Weep for the Dead” Weep for the dead. Let tears and silence tell of blood and battle, horror and renown. The years diminish, but do not dispel the pain of lives destroyed, and life laid down. Harris, VU 526 Silent the dead. Remembering we stand silent as they, for words cannot esteem causes of war, the love of native land, all that they were, and all they might have been. IN FLANDERS FIELDS John McRae Given in French by Jennifer Henrickson Given in English by Jack Wannan and Alycia Leafloor HYMN Raising our flag, we stand with muffled drum, judged by the colours of God's love and loss, recalling as we pray, 'Your kingdom come,' a purple robe, and blood upon a cross. Weep for the dead, from all the ills of earth. Stand by the cross that bids all hatred cease. March to the drums of dignity and worth. Salute the King of Love, the Prince of Peace. CALL TO REMEMBRANCE AND NAMING OF THE FALLEN Jack Wannan and Sarah Henrickson will name a number of those from Westminster Church who died in the service of their country during the two great wars. All will be named over the period of a decade. The congregation will stand for the LAYING OF THE REMEMBRANCE WREATH by Sigrid Schibler-Brodeur THE TRYST Minister: They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. People: We will remember them. THE LAST POST Given by Murray Wichert A TIME OF SILENCE REVEILLE PRAYER OF DEDICATION THE NATIONAL ANTHEM “O Canada” VU #524 O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, the True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Robert Stanley Weir THE ROYAL ANTHEM “God Save Our Gracious Queen” God save our gracious Queen, long live our noble Queen: God save the Queen. Send her victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us: God save the Queen. Thy choicest gifts in store on her be pleased to pour; long may she reign. May she defend our laws, and ever give us cause to sing with heart and voice, God save the Queen. Our loved dominion bless with peace and happiness from shore to shore; and let our nation be loyal, united, free, true to herself and thee for evermore. Vs. 3, Robert Murray Following the Act of Remembrance, members of Sunday School will go to their classes. WESTMINSTER NEWS THE PEACE …may the peace of Christ be with you all. And also with you. OFFERTORY DOXOLOGY Old 100TH, VU #822 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise God all creatures here below; praise God above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. As we present today’s offerings, we also dedicate the offerings given monthly through our PAR program. CHORAL OFFERING “In Memory of the Fallen” see insert “Reqiuem” - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL THE LORD’S PRAYER (said) Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. SENDING FORTH AND BENEDICTION CHORAL RESPONSE “Amen” Philip Stopford “We love because God loved us first” 1 John 4:19 Thank you for worshipping at Westminster Church Children Supervised care for children under 3 years old is available in the nursery which is located in the Little Lambs room (on the 2nd floor, next to the Sunday School). If your children become restless during today’s service, please feel free to use the crying room, where the service is received through closed-circuit television. An usher will be pleased to direct you to either location. Hearing Assistance Sennheiser headsets are available in the entrance lobby. Please ask an usher if you wish to use one. Electronic Devices Thank you for turning all electronic devices off or to mute during the service. Washrooms The entrance lobby has two washrooms, which are wheelchair accessible and have change tables for infants. Rev. Robert Campbell, minister robertcampbell@westminsterchurch.org Rev. Greg Glatz, associate minister gregglatz@westminsterchurch.org Rev. Dr. James Christie, voluntary assoc. minister jameschristie@westminsterchurch.org David Puranen, ministry student david.malcolm@icloud.com Nathan Poole, director of music in worship nathanpoole@westminsterchurch.org Don Menzies, organist Jackie Henrickson, youth director youthgroup@westminsterchurch.org Linda Campbell, Sunday School director sundayschool@westminsterchurch.org Find us on the web at westminsterchurch.org facebook.com/westminster churchwinnipeg vimeo.com/westminsterywg Westminster Church 745 Westminster Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3G 1A5 204-784-1330 sayhello@westminsterchurch.org Office Hours Monday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. to noon 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Closed Fridays Westminster News Today as we lay the Remembrance Wreath, our hearts are heavy on account of the recent terrorist attacks and the deaths of members of our armed services, Cpl. Nathan Cirillo at the National War Memorial in Ottawa and Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent in St-Jean-surRichelieu, Quebec. It is therefore fitting that the wreath be laid today by Sigrid SchiblerBrodeur, mother of Eric Schibler, who spent a thirty-year career serving Canada in the military. Eric is retired now but has continued working three days a week in the reserves. We appreciate his contribution to our nation’s life and that of all his compatriots. Messiah Fundraiser – The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra is presenting Handel’s Messiah on Saturday, December 13 at 8:00 pm. if you are purchasing tickets, mention the code WESTUC and the WSO will refund 20% of the ticket price to Westminster Church. Mincemeat is coming! Unit 13 will begin selling mincemeat on Sunday November 9 in the Fellowship Hall after the morning service. Come and enjoy a cup of coffee and purchase your supply of mincemeat for Christmas baking. Only $6.00 a container. Westminster’s annual Christmas Craft Sale and Cookie walk, Saturday, November 22, 10 am – 2 pm. Would you like to rent a table? Please contact the church office at 204-7841330 or email info@westminsterchurch.org. Volunteer bakers are encouraged to bring their Christmas cookies to the library at 9am on the 22nd. We are also looking for volunteers to help with the sale and cookie walk. Do you have your Christmas poinsettia or door decor yet? If not, buy it from the Membership and Pastoral Care committee this year, and help us raise money for Westminster! M & PC is partnering again with Shelmerdine's to bring you the option of six different colours of poinsettias, as well as door swags. We are also challenging all members to sell ten poinsettias or door swags each to family and friends! Order forms will be available for pick-up before and after church starting on October 26th. They will also be available on the tables in the narthex and back hallway. We will be set up in the narthex before the service and in the Fellowship Hall after the service. Poinsettias and door swags will be available for pick-up on Sunday, December 7th after church. Poinsettias are $20.00 each, door swags $30.00 each. Please make cheques payable to "Westminster United Church." Orders will be accepted every Sunday between October 26th and November 23rd, before and after church, by members of the M & PC committee. Alternatively, they can be left in the box in the office. All poinsettia and door swag orders must be received by Katherine Abra, no later than Sunday, November 23rd. Westminster Children’s Christmas Sale Each year, the Children’s Christmas Sale provides an opportunity for kids to participate in the spirit of giving without spending more money than their parents can afford. Sadly, many families dread Christmas because of the economic strain it brings. When mums and dads can’t encourage children to be part of the generosity of the season, it adds to the heartbreak for families with little Christmas cash. Westminster provides an opportunity for children to shop and wrap gifts for everyone on their lists without spending more than a few dollars. Meanwhile, their adults can relax in the Library with a cup of tea or coffee and a dessert, and enjoy the serenity of our lovely church. And this all happens because of you! You make it happen by donating items such as costume jewelry, toiletries, knitting, stationery, household items, cups and saucers, mugs, stuffed toys, books, perfume, games, puzzles, ties – anything you think a child might like to give to family members or friends. We also need wrapping paper, ribbon, tags, and bags. Please be sure that your items are in new condition. Please drop off your donations at the Church office soon, and watch for opportunities to volunteer at the sale. Pamela McLeod, 831-7450 Westminster and Stewardship November, 2014 Dear Members and Friends, We are sending this letter to all members and adherents to remind you of our annual Stewardship Campaign for 2015. We encourage as many of you as is possible to complete your pledge cards after service on November 16 and 23. This will reduce the number of calls we need to make (beginning November 30). Financial support from our members and adherents has become more important in recent years and we encourage you to give consideration to increasing your pledge for 2015. Thank you. Yours truly, John Moore Chair, Stewardship Committee
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