westminster presbyterian church October 12, 2014 prelude 18th Sunday after Pentecost 10:30 am Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Michael Gatien, guest organist * opening songs Hear Our Praises Amazing Love call to worship Leader: Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see. People: We come here expecting to see a familiar and comfortable God, whose words we anticipate, whose commands we can tolerate. Leader: ’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed! People: But here we encounter an unexpected and unpredictable God, with an intensity that is both blinding and liberating, with a pervasiveness presence that is inescapable. Leader: Through many dangers, toils, and snares I have already come; ’Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home. People: And now we join with others to proclaim a God experienced in the hints of profound joy in forgiveness, in the humbling challenge discovered in service. Leader: The Lord has promised good to me, God’s word my hope secures; People: God will my shield and portion be, as long as life endures. * Please stand as you are able. * hymn #71 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty lobe den herren prayer of confession Gracious God, we live in such incongruent ways. We open ourselves up to so much garbage and wonder why we feel like trash. We take in so much pointless entertainment and wonder why we feel life is meaningless. We selfishly hoard and consume more than we need and wonder why we feel so alone and afraid. We have appetites for things that do not nourish us and we wonder why we feel so spiritually weak. We hunger for thrills and feast on distractions and wonder why we cannot focus on what matters. Forgive us, heal us, feed us with the wholesome truth of your love; and do so by using us to set the table of your mercy for others. Hear us as we personally unburden our guilty ways . . . assurance of PARDON Hear these words of the Apostle Paul to the Roman faithful: Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand; and we boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God. Friends, believe the Good News of the Gospel! In Jesus Christ we are forgiven! * GLORIA PATRI (Hymn #733) Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be; world without end. Amen, amen. * PASSING OF THE PEACE The peace of the Lord be with you. And also with you. wORD INTERPRETED FOR CHILDREN Children of any age are welcome at the front of the sanctuary for the Word Interpreted for Children. Then those age 4 through 2nd grade may meet their teacher at the back of the sanctuary for Sunday Celebration, a time for Bible stories and crafts. Parents, please pick up your children in room 115, near the Greenview entrance, following worship. On Communion Sunday, the first Sunday of each month, Sunday Celebration does not meet, so that our children may join the Body of Christ in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. anthem Holy, Holy, Holy, We Worship You Westminster Choir Benjamin Harlan prayers of the people and the lord’s prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. OFFERING OF self AND SUBSTANCE Please pass the friendship pad and sign your name. Offertory Doxology and Prayer of Dedication Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below; praise God above, ye heavenly host: praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. SCRIPTURE READING Luke 8:49–56, pew Bible, pages 68–69 in the New Testament This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. SERMON * hymn #581 “Twenty-first Century Miracles” Called as Partners in Christ’s Service CHARGE AND BENEDICTION . . . and all of God’s children say, “Alleluia! Amen!” Postlude The Church of Christ in Every Age Michael Gatien Sermon notes and spirit-inspired thoughts: Lynn Swinke-Workman beecher Events and Announcements We welcome to our pulpit and adult education class today Lynn Swinke-Workman from the pc (usa) Medical Benevolence Foundation. Help feed hungry folks in Washtenaw County. Pick up a cloth grocery bag in the main entry today and bring it back next Sunday with nonperishable food and personal and household items, for Hope Clinic’s food pantry. Missional Monday is tomorrow, October 13, at 7 pm. Committees meet to plan the worship, work and play of our congregation. You’re always welcome to come and lend expertise, encouragement and support to any committee. Halloween costumes are needed for our Children’s Ministry breakfast and Halloween party at Staples Family Center, Servant Sunday, October 26. Please bring gently used costumes and costume accessories to the box near the Greenview entry. Trunk or Treat! Join us on October 31 to pass out candy, doughnuts and cider to trick or treaters. Please contact Emily Bramblett ( ). Sixty Plus Club will enjoy an organ recital, Friday, October 17, at noon, by Ye Mee Kim, a U-M grad student and occasionally Westminster’s substitute organist. RSVP: Phoebe Vance (971-4870 or ) or sign up in the fellowship hall entry. Everyday Extraordinary films resume, Saturday, October 18, 7 pm. Join us for the first film in this year’s series, Field of Dreams. After the movie, we’ll discuss it over potluck desserts. Please sign up in the fellowship hall entry. Quarterly contributions statements are available for you to pick up on the table in the fellowship hall entry. Westminster Office Administrator sought. We need an organized, relational person to manage our busy church office, supervise custodial work, oversee building operations, and act as a representative for those using our facilities. If interested, please contact Mary Hammond at . This Week at a Glance The calendar is also online and is updated daily. Today, October 12 Sunday school for all ages, 9:15 aM Coffee, tea, lemonade and fellowship, 10:15–10:30 am and 11:30 am–noon Worship; Sunday Detectives, 10:30 am Scattering Seeds study groups, 11:30 am (a, b); 6:30 pm (c) Thursday, October 16 Scattering Seeds study group, 6:30 pm (e) Deacons meeting, 7 PM Monday, October 13 Westminster staff meeting, 9:30 am Missional Monday committee mtgs, 7 pm Saturday, October 18 Everyday Extraordinary film, dessert and discussion, 7 pm Tuesday, October 14 Sarah Circle, noon Sunday, October 19 Sunday school for all ages, 9:15 aM Coffee, tea, lemonade and fellowship, 10:15–10:30 am and 11:30 am–noon Worship, 10:30 am Scattering Seeds study groups, 11:30 am (a, b); 6:30 pm (c) Wednesday, October 15 Deadline for November issue of The Link Needlecrafters, 1 pm Riverside Community Gathering, 4:45 PM Wednesday Night Live! dinner, 5:45 PM; classes and activities for all ages, 6:30 PM (Scattering Seeds study group d) Choir rehearsal, 7:30 PM Friday, October 17 Morning prayer, 8 am Sixty Plus Club, noon To publicize news and events in all Westminster media: • submit all news and events items to Marti Burbeck ( ) • deadlines: Sunday worship guide and news: Wednesday noon; The Link: the 15th of each month To schedule all use of our building and grounds: • contact Judy Slater in the church office for all event planning ( or 734-761-9320) • please consult the online church calendar as you schedule your event Discipleship Opportunities We have work to do! October is Mission Awareness Month: Learn about and take part in Westminster’s mission causes. —> Read the daily devotions via email or in print. Add your address to the email list at bit.ly/oct_devotions; print booklets are available in the main entry. —> Come at 9:15 (Sunday school) to hear speakers from several organizations supported by Westminster. —> Donate clothes, food and other items needed by others. October mission See the list in the main entry or at bit.ly/westpres_donations. awareness —> Come on Servant Sunday, October 26, to take part in hands-on mission activities for all ages, starting at 9:15 am, both inside our building and out in our community. Here I am Lord send me Help provide dinner for Camp Take Notice. Sunday, October 26, Westminster members make and deliver dinner to CTN’s Mercy House. Sign up in the fellowship hall entry. Questions? Please contact Eileen or Earl Fulton ( ). Craft show benefits House by the Side of the Road (hbsr), Saturday, October 18, at Westminster. Purchase handmade crafts and foods from 40 vendors to help this Westminster-supported mission cause. hbsr collects clothing and household items and distributes them to those in need. Westminster-supported PC (USA) missionaries Gwen and John Haspels are recovering from an attack by armed bandits on a rural road in Ethiopia. Cards may be sent to them c/o Mission Personnel Office, PC (USA) World Mission, 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, KY 40202. More information is at bit.ly/haspelsupdate. Help rescue unsold stadium food for hungry folks. Sign up in the fellowship hall entry to work with Ann Arbor First Presbyterian Church members after u-m football games or on Sunday mornings, collecting food and transferring it to The Salvation Army. Please contact Ron Fairchild for more information (734-417-0815). All that we give, we give to God. Throughout the year we collect food, clothing, household items and the like for various mission causes. Please bring your donations to the main entry on Sundays or to designated spots near the Greenview entry on other days. Items left other places around the building may not reach their intended destination. Your contributions, large and small, make a difference: • Bring a loaf of fresh-baked bread to church on the first Sunday of the month for members of Riverside Community Gathering. • Bring a grocery bag of nonperishable food and personal and household items to church on the third Sunday of the month for Hope Clinic’s food pantry. • Bring clothing and household items to church for House By the Side of the Road. • Deliver food and clothing donations to Food Gatherers, Hope Clinic or House By the Side of the Road, one time or more. Sign up in the fellowship hall entry. • Eat dinner with members of Riverside Community Gathering, any Wednesday. ). Please contact David Hammond ( • Knit a prayer shawl to give comfort to those in difficult circumstances. Please contact Jill Fairchild ( ) for more information. • Put cancelled stamps in the box in the fellowship hall entry, for a community of people with handicaps who sort and sell them, and send the profits to missions. • Put unused eyeglasses in the box near the Greenview entry to donate to help someone else see better. • (seasonally) Bring fresh vegetables from your garden, to give to Food Gatherers for those with limited access to wholesome food. Water our Garden 4 Good. Alphas, Omegas and Junior Disciples westminster’s youth program (full calendar is online) Wed, Oct 15 Distribute neighborhood flyers for Mission Month Sun, Oct 19 Football at Ms. B’s, 12:30–4 pm Wed, Oct 22 Leah Hess presents her passion: art Adult Education Opportunities for spiritual growth in personal discipleship Sundays at 9:15 am The Church Called to Mission As part of our October church-wide focus on mission, we’ll learn from guest speakers about Westminster’s local and global efforts: Today Guest Lynn Swinke-Workman highlights global mission through the Medical Benevolence Foundation Oct 19 Guest Lisa Johanon highlights local urban mission through Central Detroit Christian Proverbs Written by King Solomon and other wise people, this book of timeless wisdom gives advice on friendship, family living, handling money, caring for the poor, discipline, proper speech, trusting God and more. Room 32 on the lower level; led by Tom Brown. Wednesdays at 6:30 PM Colossians In this New Testament book, Paul clarifies Jesus’ role as sovereign creator, head of the church and reconciler. Room 30 on the lower level; led by Pastor Carl. Thursdays at 1 PM Thursday book group is discussing Meeting Jesus for the First Time – Again!, by Marcus Borg. Meets 1–2:30 pm weekly in the conference room opposite the church office. Does not meet this Thursday, October 16; read chapter 4 at home instead. Prayer Requests arranged by deacon prayer group ADAM Nancy and Ken Brady, Jim Brady’s brother’s family Evaleen Camarata, Marilyn Sleder’s aunt DAVID Jasen Adams, Patty and Peter Quiroz’s grandson; Laurie and Jim Adams, parents Rev. Tharon Daniels, Earl and Eileen Fulton’s pastor in Arizona Ralph Bolhouse Dave Patton, Connie George’s friend Floarea Burnaz, Elvira Babcock’s mother JOHN Angie Armstrong, April Wright’s cousin Steve Nehring, April Wright’s brother-in-law Tanya Carr, Alice Chambers’ friend Linda Oslin Cliff Gordenier, Ron Renfer’s brother-in-law Annie Renfer Abigail Hermann, daughter of Greta and Jeff Buck’s friends Louise and Larry Woodruff Gary Jackson, Carol and John Jackson’s son, deployed to Saudi Arabia Lynette Wright, daughter of Alice Chambers’ friend MARY Angela Elizando, Damon Self’s mother Laurie Orlow, Elizabeth Tidd’s sister-in-law Rev. Drew Hart, Beth and Carroll Hart’s son Martha Ribant, Alan Ribant’s mother Mary Ellen Lloyd Mary Rochette, Irene Rochette’s mother-in-law Kathleen Menery, Mary Ellen Lloyd’s friend Addie Umphfres, Beth and Carroll Hart’s granddaughter Catherine McNabb, Joe Neely’s mother PAUL William Carl, Stephen Carl’s father Don Fitch Cathlynn Duncan-Watson, Beatrice and John Ellis’ friend Heidi Grebe, Carolyn and Don Fitch’s friend Elke Kramer RUTH Emily Gleason Joan Sarro, Charlotte Deming’s sister Jennifer Overstreet, Jennifer Wilson’s friend FRIENDS Chad Carr Riverside Community Gathering guests Kaden, Susan and John Vandenberg John and Gwen Haspels, pc (usa) missionaries in East Africa Benjamin, Giovanni and Miguel, Noelle Smallish’s friends, missing in Mexico since July 2011 Westminster mission trips and participants: local, national and international prayer matters We offer four avenues for prayer support for you or a loved one: • Sunday printed worship guide (posted online as well, as a PDF) • rotating prayer list: individuals with continuing health concerns are added to the printed worship guide list several times through the year • prayer chain: prayer requests are emailed to 70 Westminster prayer warriors • confidential prayer requests may be shared with pastor and staff members To request prayers, please contact April Wright (761-9320 or alwright@westpresa2.org) or Pastor Carl. You can also join our email prayer chain by contacting April. Please continue to share updates on those for whom we are praying for accurate postings. Susan Wiedmaier greeted you as you entered worship this morning. Vickie and David Gross provided our sanctuary flowers in celebration of their 40th wedding anniversary. we welcome our visitors hearing and vision assistance We’re grateful you’re worshiping with us today and hope you experience the comforting peace of God’s presence and love. When you depart, we hope your life’s “compass” is reset and you go forth in God’s joy and strength. An usher will be happy to provide you with a wireless unit for hearing assistance or a large print worship guide. Visitor information is available in the entry area. Learn more also at our media center near the elevator and on our website. We extend a cordial invitation into our fellowship to all seeking a church home. We welcome into our membership all who love Jesus Christ and accept him as Lord. Please speak with Pastor Carl or note your interest on the friendship pad at the end of each pew. adult education Classes meet Sunday mornings and other times through the week. Details for today and coming weeks are elsewhere in this worship guide. W GR Sunday Celebration, following the Word Interpreted for Children, takes place each Sunday except the first Sunday of the month. Please see the order of worship for more detail. Sunday Detectives, for children in grades 3–5, meets at 10:30 am on the second and fourth Sundays of each month in room 113 (near the Greenview entrance). Worship bags for young children, available in the main entry, contain a variety of quiet-activity items to promote scriptural thinking while keeping young children happily occupied. SH SO OW Infants and toddlers are cared for in room 106, near the Greenview entrance, 8:45 am–12:15 pm. OW OW Children’s Ministries westminster presbyterian church 1500 Scio Church Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 | Rev. Stephen Carl, Pastor 734-761-9320 | wpcoffice@westpresa2.org | www.westpresa2.org KN
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