Jesus said, ”I am the vine, you are the branches.” WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH 4094 TOMKEN ROAD MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO L4W 1J5 Tel.: 905-273-9505 Fax: 905-273-5278 Email: MINISTER: Rev. Mel Rose MUSIC DIRECTOR: Chris MacDougall ROOM USE: Joyce Reid OFFICE ADMIN: Sonia Bartlett Greeting You This Morning: Pam Rambharack, Lynda McMaster, Wendell Manners, Doreen Bannister, Francis Chan Lighting the Christ Candle: Betty Munro Our Lector: Ron Teel Our PA Operator: Ed Reid Lectionary Readings: For November 16 Judges 4:1-7, Psalm 123, Matthew 25:14-30 Church Office Hours Mon/Fri: 9:30-12:30, Tue-Thu: 9:30 – 1:30pm. Westminster Order of Worship November 9, 2014 Pentecost 22 Remembrance Sunday * Please stand as you are able Please respond where print is in Bold.* Gathering as People of God GATHERING MUSIC WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS Opening to Divine Presence CHORAL APPROACH: ‘Peace for the Children’ Doreen Lankshear-Smith LIGHTING THE CHRIST CANDLE (during Choral Approach) NATIONAL ANTHEM: #542 VU ‘O Canada’ *CALL TO WORSHIP: One: Let us begin our time of worship with a moment of remembrance. All: We remember fallen soldiers, and the sacrifice they made for the sake of others. One: Let us begin our time of worship with a moment of thanksgiving. All: We thank God for brave men and women that have given their lives so that we may worship without fear. PLACING OF THE WREATHS: LAST POST One: Let us begin our time of worship with a moment of silence, for a moment is the least we can do for those that gave their eternity. MINUTE OF SILENCE REVEILLE *OPENING PRAYER: God, you call us to service and witness. In days gone by, our forbearers answered the call to serve our nation and the global community. You call us to be your people, both in times of peace and in times of war. You call us to help those in need. You call us to defend your values and extend a helping hand. You walk with us in our choices. As survivors and descendants of those who serve, we give thanks. Amen PASSING OF THE PEACE: Christ calls all who love him to live in peace with one another. Let us offer one another signs of reconciliation and peace. *HYMN OF PREPARATION: #633 VU ‘Bless Now, O God, the Journey’ (children and youth gather at the front during the last verse of this hymn) Reflecting on Holy Wisdom SCRIPTURE READING: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Pg. 181 Psalm 78 VU Pg. 792 Matthew 25:1-13 Pg. 24 This is the wisdom of God’s people. Thanks be to God. Message: ‘Keeping Faith’ Responding to God’s Call MOMENT FOR MEDITATION IN FLANDERS FIELD *HYMN OF RESPONSE: #356 VU ‘Seek Ye First the Kingdom’ OFFERTORY MUSIC: ‘One Song’ Pepper Joplin *SUNG RESPONSE: #85 MV ‘Take, O Take Me…’ Take, O take me as I am. Summon out what I shall be; Set your seal upon my heart and live in me. OFFERTORY PRAYER: God of all Mystery, We are grateful that you have chosen us to be stewards of Your mysteries: hidden inside Scripture, throughout Your magnificent creation, and within our lives. Guide us, we pray, in this awesome and humbling stewardship work. Help us to hold Your precious treasures lightly, so that You can work on us far more than we work on them. In Your holy name we pray, Amen. *HYMN: #400 VU ‘Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying’ Lord, listen to your children praying, Lord, send your Spirit in this place; Lord, listen to your children praying, send us love, send us power, send us grace! PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE: One: Loving God, we give thanks for all the ways you light our path and keep us in the ways of hope. All: Guide us in your loving ways. One: We hope for those who have received or experienced troubling or joyful news in these days. All: Guide us in your loving ways. One: We pray for our own hearts that impatiently stretch ahead of us with expectations of ourselves, our community, and your holy work with us. All: Guide us in your loving ways. One: We pray for those awaiting release from prison, and those longing for a renewed sense of your presence. All: Guide us in your loving ways. One: We pray for those within our family of faith and on our prayer wall. One: We pray for all who await peace with justice in their relationships, in their homeland, in all the places of your creation. All: Guide us in your loving ways. Amen. THE LORD’S PRAYER Going Forth to Share the Good News *HYMN OF MISSION: #678 VU ‘For the Healing of the Nations’ *COMMISSIONING & BENEDICTION: Go in the strength of God’s spirit, lighting lamps of justice with the oil of righteousness, May the grace of God nourish you, and the love of God sustain you. Amen. *CHORAL AFFIRMATION: #219 MV ‘Ameni’ (X3) Ameni, ameni amen, amen, amen, ameni. The End of Worship, the Beginning of Service. Go In Peace! Amen. Join us in Fellowship! Come and enjoy tea, coffee and treats after the service. Today Moyna Marshall, Betty Pick, Pat Perkins and Anne Reedie will be hosting. Thanks you very much ladies for hosting our Fellowship Time. ANNOUNCEMENTS in the form of a power-point presentation will be shown on screen for the half hour before the service commences, and at the end of the service. This is to accommodate any late arrivals so that they too are aware of all notices. OUTREACH – The Open Door Friendship Dinner: Thursday, November 13th we will be preparing, cooking and serving a hearty meal at The Open Door Drop-In Centre at Square One. We are always excited about this opportunity to share food as well as fellowship. Any disposable napkins, cups, plates and cutlery, items as gifts for our traditional Westminster BINGO Game would be greatly appreciated. Donations to cover the cost of food will also be accepted. Please contact Kay Mountford (905) 275-8496 to be involved!! Poinsettia Fundraiser for Westminster in November. We will be taking orders for various sizes and colours. The cost will range from $6, $10, $20 and $30, depending on size selected. Please check out the poster in the Narthex and outside the office for more information. Deadline for paid orders will be Thursday, November 21st. The plants will be available for pick up on Sunday Dec. 7, 2014. Stewardship Consecration Sunday Nov. 16th: We will gather to worship and consider our level of giving and support to our church and it’s ministries for the coming year. As in previous years a catered luncheon will be provided following the service. We hope you will be able to attend the worship service and the luncheon. The Open Door: With the holidays approaching, there comes an increase in need for food for those less fortunate than ourselves. Now is the time to dig deep and think about all those who can use a little help through The Open Door. Please continue to support this essential Community Service Organization by donating items to their food bank. Remember too the other support services they offer: Prayer, Referral Counselling, Diapers and Clothing and Thursday night Friendship Dinner to name a few. The Open Door is a registered charity and issues tax receipts for financial donations. Sunday Fellowship Time: It is a wonderful thing to see the many names that have been signed on to host coffee hour. Thank you so very much to everyone for heeding our call to keep our Fellowship Time a special treat for all attending our services. It is integral to our church’s mission to reach out to, and embrace each and every one connected to our WUC family as it provides a chance for us to ‘catch up’ and learn about the happenings here at our church. Please sign on for at least one Sunday if you have not done so as yet. Men of Westminster (MOW), you too can join this special group of hosts. Special thanks to all who participated in today’s special service; Kevin Ward, John MacDougall, Jenny Chan, Basil Daley, Colin Reid and Barb Bennett. Sun Mon Tue Wed Wed Sun Mon Fri Sun Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 9 10 11 12 This Week At Westminster Prayer Team Prayer Shawl Mtg. Worship & M’bship Coffee Hour Library Library Library Library 19 23 24 28 30 Upcoming At Westminster Unified Board Mtg. Stewardship Mtg. Prayer Shawl Mtg. Prayer Team Pastoral Visitors Mtg. Classroom B 7:00pm Library 11:15am Library 10:30am Sanctuary 4:30pm Library 11:15am Music At Westminster United2Ring Wed. Nov. 12, 19, 26 Chancel Choir Thur. Nov. 13, 20, 27 Folk Choir Sun. Nov. 23 Choir Room Chancel Sanctuary 11:15am 10:30am 7:00pm 10:30am 7:00pm 7:30pm 9:00am Nov. 30 will be a special Music Sunday for the Chancel Choir and Bell Choir. 'Stay tuned as November proceeds!' Concert Announcement Come join the Ontario Heartland Chorus for a wonderful evening of song. ‘Home for the Holidays’ will certainly move you and get you in that spirit which takes over us when the holidays are near. The Mississauga Children’s Choir will also be there to serenade you with their beautiful voices. It’s an evening you can’t miss! Tickets are available from the office here at Westminster Church. Get yours now!
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