LAKE LURE BAPTIST CHURCH Local Christian Radio Stations: LLBC C h ro n i c l e WMIT 106.9 The Light His Radio 89.3 (FM) WLFA 91.3 (FM) WSKY 1230 (AM) WWOL (AM) Christian Websites: November 2014 Lake Lure Baptist Church exists to glorify God by proclaiming the cross of Jesus Christ so that people may be saved, and teaching the saved so that they may mature in Church Schedule: Christ, equipping them to play an active role through living Sunday: His Word, and demonstrating His heart. Issue 73 Praise Team Practice: Lake Lure Baptist Church 6837 US Hwy. 64/74A Lake Lure, NC 28746 N ovember 2014 Our Mission: 9 am Sunday School 9:45am Sunday Worship 11am Children’s Church (3y - Kindergarten) Nursery Provided (0 - 2 years) Wednesday: Praise Team Practice: 5:00 pm Bible Study & Prayer: 6:30 pm S3 Youth & Children’s Ministry: 6:30 pm Special points of interest: Pastor’s Pen God at work at LLBC Expansion Update Expansion Pictures 7 Things Your Church needs from you. Men’s Ministry Workday OCC Packing Party Parent Date Night Heart of Worship Ladies Prayer & Fellowship From the Pastor’s Pen One of my favorite stories in the Old Testament is the parting of the Red Sea for the Israelites to cross over and escape the attack of their Egyptian captors. What draws me to the story is the wonderful revelation of the attributes of God put on glorious display for all to see. God demonstrates His omniscience as He led them along the long way as He knew that they were not yet ready for battle. He also demonstrates His sovereignty as He rose up pharaoh for this very purpose (Rom 9) and He caused Pharaoh's heart to be hardened. His patience is put on display as He does not wipe out the Israelites when they grumble against Him as they see the Egyptians attacking. His divine presence is powerfully displayed as He leads in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. His supernatural power is demonstrated as He splits the Red Sea wide open. His wrath is put on display through the closing of the sea and subsequent drowning of those who would attack His people. His faithfulness is evident as He fulfills His promise to redeem His people. His wonderful redemption shines brightly as His chosen people are led out of captivity. This story is a source of great encouragement to me as I remember that it is this same God that loves us and continues to lead us, protect us and provide for us. If this God be for us, who can be against us? Let’s remember whom we serve and trust Him to take care of our every need. He is able! Pastor Anton Page 2 Issue 73 God at Work in Lake Lure Once again we have had another productive month of glorifying God through proclaiming the Cross, living His Word and demonstrating His heart!! I cannot get over all that God is doing in and through this ministry. I am not amazed by what He is doing as much as I am amazed that he would choose to do this mighty work through us, sinners saved by grace. He could send His angels or just speak it all into being, yet He has sovereignly chose to use us for such a time as this. He has placed us all in this ministry, gifted us adequately and according to His will, given us His perfect Word as a guide, and empowered us through His indwelling Holy Spirit to accomplish that which He has purposefully ordained…...and all of this for His glory! Thank you Lord! Through this month of October we have had great progress in the building. We are only $25 000 away from being in the new sanctuary. The S3 Youth ministry is undergoing a time of change and transition. We have said farewell to Nathan and CC as they have been called to serve at Ridgecrest in Black Mountain. Lilani has graciously stepped in and been ministering to these students as we seek God’s will and wait for God to send those that can help with this very important ministry in the life of LLBC. Throughout this past month Lilani has been focusing on the teaching of apologetic principles as we seek to equip the kids to be able to defend their faith in the secular arena. Jennifer has continued in faithfully teaching the Kid’s of the Kingdom on Wednesday evenings. This ministry also hosted a trip to Dollywood in Pigeon Forge Tennessee for the kids and their parents. On Friday Oct 31 the kids will be attending the Hallelujah festival at Bat Cave Baptist Church. Currently we have a great need for help in the toddler age group in teaching them on Wednesday evenings. We need your help to staff this ministry. The ladies ministry are in the planning stages of beginning a new prayer and fellowship group. Many of our ladies (and men) attended the Hands of Hope Crisis Pregnancy center yearly fund raising Banquet. The men’s ministry continue to meet on Friday mornings for prayer and study. They have also hosted a men’s breakfast and two workdays at the church. We were blessed to have Crestview Baptist Church men join us for one of these workdays. On Oct 19, we joined many local churches at the “Irreplaceable” Focus on the Family movie event that was hosted at Isothermal Community College by the “If My People Prayer Ministry.” The first LLBC Compelled mission conference was a great success. During the 3 day conference we were introduced to various local, national and international missionaries. The church was also educated on the need for missions and were challenged to embrace the great commission as a lifestyle and live for His glory. The Sunday school has launched a new class for the 5th and 6th graders. John Moore has felt the call of God to step in and help these kids as they grow in Christ. Thanks John. On October 26 we kicked off our yearly Operation Christ- Page 23 Issue 73 Calendar of Events: Wednesdays Fridays Sundays Sunday School Morning Worship Sun. Nov. 2 Wed. Nov. 5 Thurs. Nov. 6 Sat. Nov. 8 Sun. Nov. 9 Nov. 10-11 Fri. Nov. 14 Thurs. Nov. 20 Sat. Nov. 22 Sun. Nov. 23 Wed. Nov. 26 Thurs. Nov. 27 Sat. Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Wed. Dec. 17 Dec. 22—Jan. 2 Wed. Dec. 24 Thurs. Dec. 25 Wed. Dec. 31 Praise & Sound Team Practice, 5 pm Adult, S3 Youth & Children’s Bible Study & Prayer, 6:30pm. Men’s Prayer Meeting, 7:30am Praise & Sound Team Practice, 9am Sunday School Classes for all ages, at 9:45am! 11am, Come Just As You Are! DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS! Operation Christmas Child—Shoebox Packing Party, 6:30pm Ladies Fellowship & Prayer Group, 9:30-11am at Janice Horner’s home. Contact Angelique Breneman for more information, 828-808-2072 Ladies BELK Shopping trip & Luncheon, 6-10am. See the ladies article on page 9 for more info. Deacon Installation Service for Luke Rich, 11am LLCA NO School. Veterans Day LLBC Parents Date Night Out, 5-9:30pm for LLBC Parents of babies thru 6th graders. Dinner will be provided. This is a FREE event. Sign up/RSVP by Wed. Nov. 12! To see how you can volunteer/partner with the LLBC Kids ministry, contact Jennifer Cain at 704-533-3928 or Ladies Fellowship & Prayer Group, 9:30-11am at Angelique Breneman’s home. Contact Angelique Breneman for information, 828-808-2072 LLBC Men’s Breakfast, 8:30am at LLBC. Bring and Share your Favorite Breakfast dish. Contact Person: Tom Horner 828-551-1234 or Luke Rich at 828-625-0832 Church-Wide Thanksgiving Feast following the 11am worship service. Bring and share your favorite thanksgiving dish with our church family and guests. Contact person: Irene Draper. No Service/Activities Thanksgiving Day Community-wide Ladies Jingle & Mingle, 7-8:30 pm at LLBC. Join us for a time of food, fellowship, music and more. Contact Persons: Angelique Breneman or Crystal Redmon LLBC Christmas Dinner and Variety Show/Musical S3 Youth & Kids Ministry Christmas Parties, 6:30pm. LLCA Christmas break No Services/Activities Christmas Day Communion Service, 10am No Services/Activities Issue 73 Page 22 Ministry Schedule Greeters Ushers Nov. 2: Dan & Angelique Breneman Nov. 9: Ken & Ginny McAlear Nov. 16: Bruce & Diane Barrett Nov. 23: John & Paula Moore Nov. 30: Don & Connie Grundmann Nov. 2: Dan Breneman/John Moore Nov. 9: Ken McAlear/Rich Gibson Nov. 16: Bruce Barrett/Dan Breneman Nov. 23: John & Kiefer Moore Nov. 30: Bruce Barrett/Dan Breneman Children’s Message Children’s Church Nov. 2: Mary Bass Nov. 9: Mary Bass Nov. 16: Dan Breneman Nov. 23: Crystal Redmon Nov. 30: Mary Bass Nov. 2: Lilani Roos Nov. 9: Crystal Redmon Nov. 16: Jennifer Cain Nov. 23: Lilani Roos Nov. 30: Crystal Redmon Nursery Audio/Video Nov. 2: Susan Scheller Nov. 9: Janet Ledford Nov. 16: Angelique Breneman Nov. 23: Jane White Nov. 30: Jennifer Cain Nov. 2: Tristan Roos/James Cain Nov. 9: Luke Rich/David Beaver Nov. 16: Jamie Cain/Rich Gibson Nov. 23: Tristan Roos/James Cain Nov. 30: Luke Rich/David Beaver Bir thdays & Anniversaries November 3 Ginny McAlear 13 David Beaver 17 Reed DeVault 22 Julie Hartzog 25 Eldon Bliek 26 Horner Anniversary December 2 Shelby Chapman 6 Colon Anniversary 8 10 12 18 18 20 21 24 24 25 James Cain Redmon Anniversary Gary Goss Paula Moore Luke Rich Janice Horner Josh Lancaster (S3) Courtney Rich Steve Teague John Moore More LLBC on the following Websites:,, Like us and Subscribe to us on Facebook Page 3 Issue 73 mas Child campaign. Last year we were able to fill 104 boxes. This year we have set the goal at 115 boxes. Go ahead and touch a life for Jesus by participating in this very important ministry. From your tithes and offerings you gave $1020 to both local and international missions. You also contributed a further $3750 to the missionaries and speakers who participated in the Compelled Missions conference. You were also able to contribute food to a needy family in our community. Through your participation in the Hickory Nut Gorge Outreach HOPE project we hope to contribute a total of 20 Thanksgiving meals to families in our community that are in great need. Thank you for all you are doing as you seek to be the hands and feet of Christ in Lake Lure. Keep the Faith. Pastor Anton LLBC Kids Ministry/Belk – Building Fundraiser: Belk Charity Sale, a private ticketed event on Saturday, Nov. 8th from 6-10am. LLBC has been chosen as one of the charities for this exciting event! *You must have a ticket to enter this phenomenal sale. Cost: $5 per ticket....which is deducted from your purchase—ONE TICKET PER ITEM. SO, it is FREE for you to use and shop that day. It is good at ANY Belk location. There are savings of 20-70% off storewide, including rarely discounted brands. Also, FREE gift cards to the first 100 customers at each store. The best part is that our church keeps 100% of the proceeds. We have 200 tickets at $5 per ticket totaling $1000 toward our building fund. But, we can always ask for more tickets! Don't limit can give a ticket to friends, family, spouses, children, grandchildren, anyone you want. Help us sell these tickets! Contact Persons: Peggy Bliek – 843-263-4969 or, Diane Barrett – 828-625-2812 or “I see the Father at work around me, that is my invitation to adjust my life to Him and join Him in that work.” Henry Blackaby Page 4 Issue 73 7 Things Your Church Needs from You Your church needs you to… …Be Humble There is no character quality more important than humility. While humility does not come naturally to any of us, it can be learned, because here’s the thing: Humility isn’t a feeling or an attitude—it’s action. If you want to learn humility, you need to act humble. Here are 3 quick tips on becoming humble: Find mature Christians who exemplify humility and spend time around them. Learn from them and learn to be like them. Volunteer for the lowliest of tasks. Don’t ask to be in the public eye when you serve, but be content to stay in the back. Find joy in doing the lowliest jobs and do them when and where only Jesus will see. Get to know Jesus. It was Jesus who said, “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” (Matthew 23:12). And it was Jesus who humbled himself the deepest and was exalted the highest. …Prioritize Church Every church has people who make the public gatherings of the church a low priority. These are the people who only come to church when it is convenient and who use any excuse to miss a day or miss a service. Every church desperately needs people who will make the public gatherings a top priority. Today is the day to begin elevating the importance of church in your life. Let me give you two reasons: *First, you need your church. God made you part of your church for your good. You cannot do life on your own. You aren’t strong enough, you aren’t wise enough, you aren’t mature enough, you aren’t godly enough. Without the beautifully ordinary means of grace you encounter in the church, you won’t make it. Without the support of your brothers and sisters, you won’t make it. *Second, your church needs you. God made you part of your church for the good of others. 1 Peter 4 says, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” God has gifted you to be part of your church, and those gifts are to be used for the good of other people. So prioritize church as an expression of generosity toward others. …Consider Giving God a Day Why don’t you considering setting aside an entire day of the week and dedicating it to the Lord in a special way? We believe that the Old Testament law has been fulfilled in Christ, though there is some disagreement among Christians about the implications. But even if you believe that the Sabbath command is no longer binding on us, there is still value in learning from it. It completely changes Sunday when you give the entire day to the Lord and his people. Now you’re not having to decide whether to take that class or join that club that meets Sunday afternoon. You’re not skipping church during exam time because you’ve got studying to do. You’re not leaving early to get home before the football game starts. Instead, you’re leaving behind all the cares of life, and even many of the joys of life, and dedicating an entire day to worship, to fellowship, and to serving others. …Live Like a Christian All Week Long It is easy enough to be a Christian at church, but then you get home. But then you go to work. But then you go to school. And then you’re surrounded by people acting ungodly, and even Issue 73 Page 21 Expansion Project: Issue 73 Page 20 Expansion Update It has been an awesome journey of faith! This journey is not over yet… it is just beginning! It has been an amazing thing to see God working throughout this building campaign. He has provided finances, material, and volunteer labor from all over the state. Amazing to think that we have already spent approximately $205 000 and are only in need of another $25 000 to complete phase 1, the sanctuary. I can remember the days of announcing that we need to raise $320 000 in order to complete the sanctuary. Well, we are almost done and God has done it for 30% less. We need the final $25 000 in order to be in the sanctuary. This amount includes furniture and audio visual equipment. Through the month of October we have been able to complete the insulation, drywall, install inside doors, complete the trim, install the stained glass cross, begin the work on the “hands wall”. Installed new front entry door, completed HVAC, built small patio and steps at rear of the church and begun the electrical finishing. We were very blessed in this month to have Crestview Baptist Church from Forest City come for a day of work on our sanctuary. On November 1 we will begin painting. We are very blessed to have a friend of the ministry and brother in Christ offer to give all the paint labor for free. Once the paint is complete we will begin with the installing of the hardwood flooring. God has once again blessed us with volunteers from WestPoint church who have offered to come and help us install this floor for free. God is great indeed!!!!!! It is my prayer that God will provide all that we need in order to complete this phase of the project by Thanksgiving day. Will you please help us? He is able! Pastor Anton Issue 73 Page 5 worse, you’re left along with your own thoughts and your own desires. Yet your church needs you to live like a Christian all week long. Each of us faces different challenges and different temptations. But one key to living like a Christian all week long is spending time in Word and prayer every day. Make this a priority no matter how busy you are and no matter how crazy life seems. Make this something you do no matter how badly you’ve sinned and how little you feel like doing it. Pray day-by-day not only for yourself, but for your church. Take that membership directly and pray through it from A to Z, and then start over. Make your devotional life something you do not just for the good of yourself, but for the good of others. …Get to Know People Not Like You Churches are involuntary communities—we don’t get to pick who comes to them, God does. So what we have to do is learn to live with these people and learn to love these people, even when they are very different from us. “For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” If your church is divided so that all the young adults hang out together and all the older folk hang out together, or if all the people with accents hang out together and all the people without accents hang out together, that makes a statement about the gospel—that the gospel is not big enough and powerful enough to really make people love one another even though they are different. So commit to get to know people not like you. There is no reason you shouldn’t be able to say that some of your best and closest relationships are with people who are very different from you. …Learn Generosity Few things reveal the heart better than money. Money has an amazing way of displaying what you really believe and what you really value. No matter who and what stage of life you are at, there is no better time than now to learn to be generous with your money. Here’s what the Bible says: “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” You must give, and you must learn to do it cheerfully. Here are just 2 quick tips: Remember that it’s not your money. The money belongs to God—he just gives it to you to manage it. And he means for you to manage it well and to his glory. Give to the Lord first. I know people who say they can’t give to the church, and yet they’ve got a new cell phone and are carrying a cup of Starbucks into church every week. That doesn’t compute. Learn to give the first and best of your money to the Lord. The harder that seems, the more you need to do it. …Be a Great Church Member Make yourself invaluable to your church, and do this by serving other people. I love reading about Dorcas, the woman Peter raised from the dead who was described as being “full of good works and acts of charity” (see Acts 9). “When Peter arrived, they took him to the upper room. All the widows stood beside him weeping and showing tunics and other garments that Dorcas made while she was with them.” Dorcas was a great church member. She loved people so much, and did so much good to them, that the whole community mourned when she died. Would that be you? Would the people of your church weep as they remember you for all the good you did to others? Find the place you can serve your church, and serve there without fail, without excuse, without requiring praise and accolades. Do it for the good of others and the glory of God. *** By*** Page 6 Issue 73 Page 19 Issue 73 The Heart of Worship Ever see those “Wanted” posters in the old westerns. Typically, it contained a picture of an alleged criminal whom the authorities desired to apprehend. The poster was distributed to the public and contained a description of the wanted person along with the crimes in which they are being sought. What if I told you that your picture is on a “Wanted” poster? You are wanted by Satan. He wants your worship. He craved worship so desperately that he wanted to make himself equal to God. We read in Isaiah 14:12-14, “How you (Lucifer) have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High’". Satan wants to be worshiped. He desired it so badly that he even tempted Jesus Christ, the Son of God, after He had been fasting for forty days and forty nights in the wilderness. In Matthew 4:8-11 we read this account of Satan’s futile attempt to get the Son of God to worship him, “Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. ‘All this I will give you,’ he said, ‘if you will bow down and worship me.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.' Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him”. If Satan would tempt Christ for His worship, are we foolish enough to think that we are not subject to the same temptations? Satan would like nothing better than for us to devote our resources (time, energy, thoughts, money, etc.) to worship him. Where we devote our resources demonstrates what we give worth, or worship. But praise be to God, He wants you also. God is seeking you as a worshiper. We read in John 4 an account of Jesus speaking with a woman at a well. In verse 20 if the chapter she asks, “Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.” She asked the creator of heaven and earth, the sustainer of all life, what she probably thought was a simple question about worship. Jesus answers in verses 21-24, “Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth”. Jesus responded it isn’t the location, it is the attitude. God seeks worshippers who worship Him in spirit and truth. How is that our heavenly Father, the Creator of all things and owner of all things, would seek after anything, much less our worship. The owner of all that exists wants you, and your worship, to such an extent that He seeks after it. We also read of this in 2 Chronicles 16:9, “For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war”. God is looking and seek those who will be true worshipers of Him. Nov. 2 at 2 am Church-Wide Thanksgiving Feast Sun. November 23 after the 11am worship service. Bring and share your favorite thanksgiving dish with our church family. Contact Person: Irene Draper Ladies Ministry Shopping Trip and Lunch When: Sat. November 8 Time: Meet at LLBC by 8 am What: We will be gathering for a shopping trip to BELK in Hendersonville to use our special tickets! Shopping is followed by lunch. Join us for a fun time of shopping and fellowship lunch. Contact Persons: Angelique Breneman, 828-808-2072 or Crystal Redmon, 828-980-2708. Page 18 Issue 73 Issue 73 Page 7 Worship is a lifestyle of living a life that is pleasing to the Lord, placing Him first in our lives, devoting our resources to Him, and having a genuine relationship with Him. Revelation 4:9-11 tells us “Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being" and Philippians 2:10-11 advises, “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”. We develop this lifestyle of worship by growing in God’s Word, prayer, service and witnessing. It is a daily experience and communion with God. God tells us in His Word that “you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light”. 1 Peter 2:9. James T. Cain Music Director John 4:23-24 “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” Church-wide OCC Shoebox Packing Party Wed. Nov. 5, 2014 at 6:30pm See You There! Pastor’s Mission Team Over the past few months the Lord has been impressing on me the need to get a group together that can cooperate to finance missions. I am looking for a group of people who will be willing to join me and Lilani by committing to give $50.00 per month for a 1 year period. This money will be used to finance missionaries. For the first year we will be dividing all funds that this group gives between missions in the Ukraine (Joel and Irena Colon) and South Asia (Roberson Family). The missionaries supported will be reevaluated each year, and changes made accordingly. Currently, I have had verbal confirmation from 10 people/couples (givers). It is my prayer that this group will eventually grow to be a group of 50 people giving $50 per month (That is $2500 a month, totaling $30 000 per year). The more we get the more missionaries we can support. This may seem like a virtual impossibility…..… BUT don’t forget that with our God, nothing is impossible. I just believe that our Lord can and will provide if we are all about His business. He said….GO and make disciples! That is what this effort is all about. Please call me, or email me, if you are willing to be used by God in this great effort to fund missions. God Bless, Pastor Anton Issue 73 Page 8 Men’s Ministry God Gave Us The Bible To Transform Us “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV) I have heard it said that God’s Word never changes but God’s Word changes you. As we read the Bible or hear the Word spoken and we allow it to penetrate our heart, we can expect it to change our minds by correcting and training as it is related in 2 Tim 3:16. It judges our heart and attitude as revealed in Heb 4:12. Then we can, as Timothy says, “be equipped to do every good work.” How many of you have tried to change yourself and failed? Lots of times, right? I’ve tried to quit this or begin doing that and have failed over and over. I am so glad God is patient with me. How much of our self and selfishness do we want to hang on to? Recently I’ve been listening to an older Michael W. Smith CD and on it is a song that I had not heard before. Every time I hear it I am moved. The title is Ancient Words. Here are the words: For our walk in this world, they resound with God’s own heart. O let the ancient words impart, words of life, words of hope. Give us strength. Help us cope. In this world where’er we roam. Ancient words will guide us home. Ancient words ever true, changing me and changing you. We have come with open hearts, O let the ancient words impart. Holy words of our faith, handed down to this age. Came to us through sacrifice, O heed the faithful words of Christ. Holy words long preserved for our walk in this world. They resound with God’s heart. O let the ancient words impart. Changing me and Changing you. Tom Horner Thomas D. Horner Men’s Ministry “LLBC Men’s Breakfast” Sat. Nov. 22, 8:30am At LLBC Bring and Share your Favorite Breakfast dish. Contact Person: Tom Horner 828-551-1234 Luke Rich at 828-625-0832 Page 17 Issue 73 sell? This is where the rubber meets the road in our daily lives. Waiting in the In-Between: Do what comes next. Sometimes we become immobilized and frozen when we're in a waiting season. We don't know what to do, so we do nothing. The truth is, we have to keep moving forward. When we don't know what else to do, we need to faithfully do what comes next. Feed our children, go to work, run errands, do laundry, pay the bills—all the daily tasks of life. Evaluate Your Heart. While we wait, we need to constantly evaluate our heart to see if what we are waiting for has become an idol in our heart. Is that longing replacing our longing for Christ? Is that good desire for a spouse, a child, a job, or a ministry, becoming our one thing? Be where you are. Jim Elliot is known as saying, "Wherever you are, be all there." We don't know how long our season of waiting is. Maybe it will end tomorrow; maybe it will go on for an extended period of time. We need to be fully present in today. We need to glorify God, pursue the works of the Kingdom, and live faithfully for Christ, wherever we are. God will use us. He has a place for us and a purpose for us, even at the crossroads of our lives. Trust in God's Sovereignty. I have been in an in-between place for almost two decades. There have been times where I've been resistant. But I've learned that God placed me here for a reason. These seasons are not mistakes. God didn't lose the directions or simply forget His plan for our lives. He hasn't gotten it wrong. There is a sovereign purpose behind our in-between. We need to trust God's good and holy intentions for lives. He is at work in us and for our good while we wait. Continue to cry out, "How long?" Keep crying out to God. Let this cry of your heart remind you that this is not your final destiny. Eternity awaits. Let your heart's cry also remind you that Jesus came to answer that cry with one of his own, "It is finished!" The world is not as it should be, but Jesus came to redeem and restore it. Through his life and death, he made you right with God. He continues His work even now as you wait. One day, Christ will return, and the wait will be over. We'll bid the inbetween farewell and gain the One our hearts have been waiting for all along. How about you? Are you in a season of waiting? How can you glorify God in your waiting? ** By Christina Fox:, and Revive Our Hearts Ministries by Nancy Leigh DeMoss** Issue 73 Page 16 Five Ways to Glorify God While You Wait Five Ways to Glorify God While You Wait Have you ever been on a plane, waiting to take off on an exciting vacation, and then the captain gets on the intercom and informs everyone aboard that the plane's been grounded? Lightning has been spotted, and no planes will take off until it passes. They won't unload the plane either. So there you sit, in-between the place you left and the place you are headed. And everyone wonders, How long? How Long, O Lord? There is a sovereign purpose behind our in-between. That in-between place is familiar to all of us. We know what it's like to be waiting for something. We've all been in that middle place between where we've been and where we want to go. Whether it's a job, a marriage, a baby, ministry success, or news from the doctor, we've all been waiting on the tarmac of the in -between. That place of waiting is a restless place. It's a place of uncertainty, questions, and sometimes sorrow and fear. Often, our heart's cry in that place of waiting is "How long?" How long until we meet the man we are to marry? How long will we have to wait until we can finally pay off that debt? How long will we be sick? How long until our prodigal child returns home? How long until we no longer feel lonely, depressed, or afraid? "How long?" is the cry of God's people through the centuries. It began the day Adam and Eve were barred from Eden, clinging to the hope and promise that one day a Savior would come and crush the head of the serpent. It was a cry echoed by the Hebrews during their tenure of slavery in Egypt. It was David's cry in Psalm 13, "How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?" (vv. 1–2). Though the cry was answered with the Son of God's own cry from the cross, "It is finished!" it's still the cry of believers who are waiting for the final consummation of Christ's redemption and restoration. As believers, we live like nomads in a world that is not our own. We live in the in-between—between Christ's ascension and his final return when all things will be made right. The question, "How long?" even rings out in the halls of heaven as the souls of the martyred cry out, "O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?" (Rev. 6:10). Whatever our in-betweens are, how do we live while we wait? How do we wait for God to act, to answer prayer, to move in the desperation of our lives? How do we live by faith while we wait to hear if we need another test, for the long hoped for engagement ring, for the entrance exam scores, or for our house to Page 9 Issue 73 Ladies Ministry "I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purpose to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility and union." This is a portion of the proclamation made by our dear President Abraham Lincoln in 1863. Although this was written during the Civil War, it still stands out today and rings very clear and true. Even in the worse of times we are called to be Thankful. As we enter into this season of Thanksgiving let us remember to Praise Him "in the storm", Praise Him in the best of days, Praise Him in war, Praise Him in peace, Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him for His Grace and Blessings. "O come, let us sing unto the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God, and a great king above all. In His hand are the deep places of the earth; the strength of the hills is his also. The sea is His, and He made it; and His hands formed the dry land. O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our maker." Psalm 95:1-6 We have so very much to be Thankful for right here in our Church. We are growing both physically and spiritually. Our Ladies Ministry will start a new Fellowship and Prayer group starting November 6th from 9:00-11:00 at Janice Horner's home. We will meet every other Thursday. November 8th we will gathering for a shopping trip followed by lunch. Meet at the church at 8am and we will travel to Belk's in Hendersonville for a fun time of shopping and fellowship lunch. Lastly, we will end the year with our ladies Jingle and Mingle on December 6th at 7pm-9pm. Place to be announced. Come out for food, fun and fellowship. Be sure to mark your calendars and Stay tuned for more information! Angelique & Crystal LLBC Ladies Ministry Ladies Fellowship & Prayer Group Kick-off Event Thurs. November 6, 9:30-11am at the home of Janice Horner. All ladies invited! Contact Angelique Breneman for more information, 828-808-2072 Page 10 Issue 73 Issue 73 Page 15 S3 Youth Ministry Missions Thirteen Ways to Say, “I Love You” Bible Reading: John 14:18-21 Is Jesus the Only Way? Those who obey my commandments are the ones who love me. John 14:21 THERE ARE MANY, many different ways to tell someone, “I love you.” You can Bet that last one surprised you, didn’t it? After all, who tells someone else “I love you” by giving that person a command? • say, “I love you!” • mouth the words “I love you”; • send flowers; • write his or her name in the snow; • read him or her a story; • clean his or her room; • scatter tiny construction paper-hearts in his or her lunch box or lunch bag; • sing a song; • give him or her a hug; • send a card or valentine; • bake him or her a dozen cookies; • throw a kiss; • give that person a command. A lot of people do. Your parents probably do it all the time. They say, “Don’t skateboard in the street”; “Fasten your seat belt”; and “Don’t strap a giant firecracker to your back and try to shoot yourself to the moon.” They don’t give you such commands because they hate you. They don’t tell you those things because they’ve got nothing better to do. They don’t give you commands like that because they want to ruin your life. They give you those commands because they love you. For example, they tell you not to skateboard in the street because they don’t want you to get run over by a truck. Their “commands” are ways of saying, “I love you.” God does the same thing. He has given us commands like “Don’t lie,” “Don’t cheat,” and “Flee sexual immorality” because he loves us. He wants to protect us and provide good things for us. For example, his commands to keep ourselves pure in thought, word, and deed protect us from all kinds of addictions and diseases and other bad things. His commands are ways of saying, “I love you.” And do you know how we can say, “I love you” back? Jesus said, “Those who obey my commandments are the ones who love me” (John 14:21a). If we obey his commands, we’re showing Jesus that we love him. So do as much as you can today to say, “I love you, Jesus.” REFLECT: Can you think of any of God’s commands that aren’t loving? Why not? Are God’s commands the only way he expresses his love to us? What are some other ways? Is obeying his commands the only way you can express your love for God? What are some other ways? How can you tell Jesus you love him today? ACT: Cut out tiny construction paper hearts today and scatter them in someone’s lunch box, briefcase, dresser drawer, or book bag to say, “I love you.” PRAY: “Thank you, God, for showing your love in all your commands. Help me to show my love for you by obeying you in what I think and do and say today.” *** From devotions by Josh McDowell*** Let’s look at three verses and see what they say. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6 KJV) John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. (John 3:18 KJV) Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12 KJV) Now, based on what we see in these verses we can say with confidence that there is only ONE WAY to God the Father and that is through Jesus Christ the Son. With the statement that Jesus is the only way the question is often asked, “What of those who have never heard the Gospel?” We can answer that God is just and He will deal with every man according to His perfect justice: which then leads us to our personal responsibility in light of that question. What am I doing to reach the lost, the ones in darkness? Our response should be twofold: to those near and to those far from us. To those near the resources of the local church must be mobilized to reach the community using all of the gifts that the Spirit of God has provided to the local body of believers. To those far, the local church partners with mission agencies to send qualified servants. Lake Lure Baptist Church presently partners with the Southern Baptist Mission Board which sends out missionaries around the world involved in the task of world evangelization. We also support in prayer and financial gifts several missionaries working in South Africa, Uganda, Asia, and Eastern Europe. Is Jesus the only way? Yes, and that is why we must exert ourselves to the utmost in being involved in taking the Gospel to the world at our doorstep as well as to the ends of the earth. Our church’s first missions conference was a good beginning in being exposed to the unfinished task of proclaiming the gospel to the world and especially those areas within the 10/40 window. Let’s continue on that road by actively supporting our missionaries already involved in that 10/40 window as well as other areas of the world and getting to know and support those who are preparing to go. God is able to do great things through His children at Lake Lure Baptist Church as we partner with Him in sharing the Gospel. Jim Colon LLBC Missions Team Director Issue 73 Page 14 Ministry Opportunities “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter: 4:10 Building As we near the completion of the new sanctuary, we have many “small” jobs that need t be completed. We are in need of both men and women who can given time to doing some of these tasks. Please contact Tom Horner on 828 551 1234 or Pastor Anton on 828 429 8825 if you are able to volunteer your time. Youth and Children’s ministry We need help. Please contact Pastor Anton if you are able to help Operation Christmas Child Donations needed. Please contact Mary Bass or Jennifer Cain if you can help. Hickory Nut Gorge Outreach Donations of food needed for Thanksgiving Baskets. For The Lonely Make every effort to come to me soon. . . . Only Luke is with me. Pick up Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for service. . . . At my first defense no one supported me, but all deserted me; may it not be counted against them. But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me. ---2 Timothy 4:9, 11, 16-17 Our Father, we acknowledge that we need You, and our need is not partial; it's total. It's not occasional; it's always---today especially. We pray for those who wrestle with the very real problem of loneliness. It's not dated; it surfaces regularly in every generation. We pray especially for those who are lonely because they are distant from You. We ask You to bring them to a knowledge of Your Son and keep them restless and sleepless and struggling until they have come to that place of faith in Your Son. Thank You for meeting our every need. We pray that You will meet this one today wherever we find ourselves. And that You will show Yourself strong where we are weak, mighty where we are lacking. Meet the deep needs of our hearts, our Father, and enable us to get through the difficulty of loneliness by Your grace. In the name of Christ, our Lord, our Savior, our Master, and our God, we pray. Amen. See also Psalm 25:16-17; 68:6; 107:4-6. Excerpted from The Prayers of Charles R. Swindoll, Volume 1, Issue 73 Page 11 Kids of the Kingdom We were given a great opportunity to take a trip to Dollywood as a church. By packing shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse, the church was able to sign up and receive free tickets for our participation in Operation Christmas Child. What a great trip it was for the Cains, Riches and Roosies. It was such a great time of fellowship. People kept mistaking who in our family was related. It showed how the family of God is really one big family. You don’t know where one family tie begins and the other ends. We look forward to doing it again next year. You’ll want to make plans to join us. What a wonderful way to celebrate bringing the Gospel to those who might not otherwise have a Bible in their own language. Please be in prayer for the boxes and those working to prepare them. It is so great to know what a blessing you are giving to a child. This might be the only gift they receive all year. For some this might be the only bar of soap or pencil and paper that they have. These boxes are such a treasure for these children. I hope you feel God working as you begin to pack your box. Please remember to put a note in the box to the child who will be receiving it. It would be great to hear how God is working in the lives of these children. Please remember to use the church’s address as a return address contact. The packing party is November 5 at 6:30 pm. This will be in place of our regular Wednesday night service. Please see Mary Bass or myself if you are able to help us with this great event. We’d like to have 115 boxes packed during the party. That will mean we need $805 to ship those boxes overseas. Please make a commitment and help us fulfill this goal. It is great to fill the boxes but we must be just as dedicated to providing for the transportation need to get them to their destination. Shoeboxes will be prayed over and taken for delivery on November 23 so please make sure your boxes are at church by then or they will have to go next year. Here are some reminders for the rest of the year. November 14 is a date night from 5-9:30 pm at the church. This will be the last one of this year. December 17 is the Christmas party during the regular Wednesday night kid’s service. More details for this will come but see me if you are interested in helping. Are you working on your Sunday Box or Treasure Chest? Did you come up with some ideas of your own to put in it? If you are still searching for more ideas here are some more. How about a flower press or special craft projects? What about games or needlework kits? Magazines, books, dolls or even a magnifying glass or bug viewing jar are great ways to connect as a family. When is the last time you stopped and looked at beautiful flowers or just the strange insects God created? Stencils or rubber stamps could be used to make cards for shut ins or nursing home patients. Have you ever thought about activities for a “Day of Rest”? Come back next month to see just what I’m talking about. I pray you are finding ways to connect as a family to spend your Sunday in a “Day of Rest” in our Lord. May we all remember He commanded us to “remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy.” In His Service, Jennifer Cain Children's Ministry Director November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Praise Team Practice, 9am Sunday School, 9:45am Worship, 11am Pastors Missions support team kickoff 3 9 Praise Team Practice, 9am Sunday School, 9:45am Worship, 11am Deacon installation Service of Luke Rich 10 NO SCHOOL Veteran’s Day 16 Praise Team Practice, 9am Sunday School, 9:45am Worship, 11am Missions Emphasis 17 GRBA Special Meeting, 7 pm at FBC Rutherfordton Registration at 6:30pm Contact Person: Pastor Anton Roos 23 Praise Team Practice, 9am Sunday School, 9:45am Worship, 11am LLBC Thanksgiving Feast 24 30 Praise Team Practice, 9am Sunday School, 9:45am Worship, 11am 4 6 LLBC Ladies Prayer & Fellowship Kick-off at the home of Janice Horner, 9:30-11am Contact Person: Angelique Breneman 7 12 Praise/Sound Team Practice 5:30pm Adult , S3 Youth & DART Bible Study & Prayer, 6:30pm 13 14 Prayer Meeting, 7:30am 18 19 Praise/Sound Team Practice 5:30pm Adult , S3 Youth & DART Bible Study & Prayer, 6:30pm 20 LLBC Ladies Prayer & 21 Prayer Meeting, Fellowship at the home of 7:30am Angelique Breneman, 9:30-11am Contact Person: Angelique Breneman 22 Men’s Breakfast, 8:30am 25 26 NO Service/Activities 27 29 5 Praise/Sound Team Practice 5:30pm Church-wide wide OCC Shoebox Packing Party, 6:30pm 11 NO SCHOOL Prayer Meeting, 7:30am 8 LLBC Ladies Shopping Trip & Lunch, 8am Contact Persons: Angelique Breneman or Crystal Redmon 15 Parent Date Night, 5— 9:30pm—tentative 28 No Prayer Meeting
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