Oglethorpe Presbyterian Crossings November, 2014 EVANGELISM Donna Poseidon Oglethorpe Presbyterian in the Community Our mission statement simply says, “The community is our congregation.” In November, we have several opportunities to live that out! On Sunday, November 2, a group of us will be heading over to the Oglethorpe University campus for lunch. It’s a wonderful way to meet students and remember our earliest days in 1949 when we met on the campus! The annual Preschool Spaghetti Dinner will take place on Friday, November 7, from 6 to 8 PM in Fellowship Hall. Gather with other members and families, enjoy a homemade meal, and join in the festivities. There are seatings at 6pm and 7pm, and gluten-free options are available. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children and will be available on Sundays after worship.For more information, contact Beverly Moon (beverly@oppbrookhaven.org) or Donna Poseidon (dposeidon@roadrunner.com). On Saturday, November 15, we will be at the Ashford Park School Fall Fair! Held from 11am to 3pm, the Fair (2968 Cravenridge Drive, NE) is a great community tradition, and we will have a booth there. If you can lend a hand, contact Steve Allison (swa1969@gmail.com). Even if you can’t assist, plan to attend and be a part of the celebration! 404.233.5469 ٠ www.opcbrookhaven.org ٠ info@opcbrookhaven.org What’s Inside: Prayer List (page 2) Monthly Calendar (page 3) Stewardship & Finance (page 4) Mission (page 5) Fellowship (page 5) Child Protection (page 6) CLERK’S CORNER CHURCH STAFF Pastor/Head of Staff The Session of OPC met on October 19, and the following items were decided: The Rev. Dr. Linda Hawthorne Lauren Wright Student Pastor Approved Bargain Shop dates for 2015: April 30-May 2 and November 5-6 Approved special offerings for 2014-2015 Updated our Child Protection Policy including applying to be a Partners in Prevention congregation Approved action items related to our Facilities Usage Plan, including plans to clean and organize storage spaces throughout the campus Approved our Planned Giving Campaign with a mailing to be sent in January a luncheon scheduled for February 22, 2015 Pastoral The Rev. Marthame Sanders Parish Associate Program and Support Cheryl Hartman, C.C.E. Office Manager Director of Christian Education ext. 221 cheryl@opcbrookhaven.org Dr. Tim Hsu Music Director tim@opcbrookhaven.org Alexandria Stephenson Communications Assistant alexandria@opcbrookhaven.org Francisco Flores Sexton Preschool 404.233.5479 Beverly Moon Director beverly@oppbrookhaven.org Lynnette Kachel Assistant Director lynnette@oppbrookhaven.org Session meetings are open meetings and are held the third Sunday of every month following worship. Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church has an open book policy. To view the financials or minutes, make an appointment with the church office. Pastor Emeritus The Rev. Dr. Fitzhugh Legerton Ministers All Members of OPC SUNDAY SCHEDULE 9:45am Sunday School 11 am Worship Next Deadline November 20, 2014 In Memoriam Julie Lopata (Mike’s mother) Jackson Fink (Emma Kachel’s friend) Martha J. Shanks (Mary’s mother-in-law) www.opcbrookhaven.org The community is our congregation. DEACONS Mary Ann Hawthorne Nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. -Romans 8 2 People in Our Prayers Devin Kellner; Mallory Kate (Brian Pierce's friend); Horace Cox (Bill's father); Tricia Igleheart (Cindy Alexander's friend); Mary Smith; Dennard Family; Hattie Pierce; Merritt Pearson (Jan Thomas' friend); Layla Graham; Clark & Cathy Hopper; Sam Whitfield (Steve Greene's friend); Chris Walker; Roberta DaVia; Guy and Lee Marley; Mary Shanks; Jean Williams (Pat Morrison's friend); Janice Dixon (Diane Powell's cousin); Steve Hayner (Columbia Seminary President); Tyronda Mackall (Samantha Cassidy's friend); Elaine Stephenson (Geoff's mother); Bill Coble; Grant Gossling (Rachel Isley's nephew); Pat Morrison; Jack Krantz (Barbara Landes' brother-in-law); Ashleigh Range (Sarah Kennedy's friend); Christina Wu (Judy's mother); Barbara Pinson, Eleanor Frazier, Christopher Gummere, Judy McKinley (Genie Stringer's friends); Floyd Vann; Karen Emory; Chris and Dakota Matthews (John Gunter's family); Diane Powell; Jody Hand; Joe Hensley (JoAnn Kearns' father); Martha Hyduke (Pat Morrison's family); Bob Allison (Steve's father); Jerry Crouse, Sophie Essex, and Sharon Kirkpatrick (Victoria Weaver's friends); Jerry Romano (Amanda Marshall's father); Owen Mulvaney (Marshalls' friend); Nick Isley (Rachel's cousin); Lee Andrews (Elizabeth Sanders' mother); Louise Timmons (Brock & Eleanor's Timmons daughter-in-law); Harmon Family (Mary Ann Hawthorne's friends); Brian and Connie Delinski; Dave Kelley (Diane Leyburn's cousin); Jeff & Erin Schneider (Betty Dalziel's friends); Jake Buchanan (Margy Jones' family); John Suder; Steve Cunningham (Beth's brother); Mary Ratliff; Doug Hill (Eleanor Timmons' brother-in-law); Fiona Isham (Cassidys' friend); Dolly Azar (Coulters' friend); Jane Newton (Kyle's family); Frances Bockman (Marthame Sanders' cousin); Rachel Galotti; Al Paul; Lawrence Docherty (Betty Dalziel's nephew); Hilde Hildebrandt (Chris Hagler's mother); Mary Zumot; Martha Stoy; Florence and Helen Ottah Aleh (Florence's mother); friends at Journey Night Shelter; Heath Rada (Moderator of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Calendar: November, 2014 Regular Meetings (except when noted elsewhere) Weekly Sundays: 9:00- 9:45 Sunday School for all ages 10:00am Worship STEWARDS SERVING November 2, All Saints Sunday (communion): music: Tim Hsu; Chancel Choir; liturgist: Jeff Morris; usher/ greeters: Ingrid Kelly, Jamil Zainaldin; usher/counters: Julia Berry, ____; sound/open: Brandon Cassidy; refreshments: Lisa Kelly; PowerPoint: Kim Crocker; nursery: Jen Allison. November 9: music: Tim Hsu; Chancel Choir; liturgist: Chris Hagler; usher/ greeters: Cindy Alexander, Ruth Anderson; usher/counters: Donna Poseidon, Jim Anderson; sound/open: _____; refreshments: Amy Chance; PowerPoint: Tamara Lopata; nursery: Mark Kelly. November 16, Stewardship Dedication Sunday: music: Tim Hsu; Chancel Choir; liturgist: Jeff Chance; usher/ greeters: Carol Moore, Cortlandt Minnich; usher/counters: Nancy Minnich, Adam Weaver; sound/open: Bill Cox; refreshments: Margy Jones; PowerPoint: Weston Manders; nursery: Geoff Stephenson. November 23: music: Tim Hsu; Chancel Choir; liturgist: Jamil Zainaldin; usher/ greeters: Emily & Thomas Paterson, Pat Morrison; usher/ counters: Mary Lee Williams, ________; sound/open: ______; refreshments: Debra Hogan; PowerPoint: _______; nursery: Gabby Paterson. November 30, Reign of Christ Sunday: music: Tim Hsu; Chancel Choir; liturgist: Eleanor Timmons; usher/greeters: Jean Cox, Dan Delinski; usher/counters: Mary Ann Hawthorne, Victoria Weaver; sound/open: ____; refreshments: Nancy Minnich; PowerPoint: Christopher Soltis; nursery: _____. December 7: music: Tim Hsu; Chancel Choir; liturgist: Reyn Langwell; usher/ greeters: Charles Hawthorne, Eleanor Davis; usher/counters: Paul Reynolds, ______; sound/open: _____; refreshments: Ingrid Kelly; PowerPoint: Brian Pierce; nursery: Barbara Coble. December 14: music: Tim Hsu; Chancel Choir; liturgist: Linda Morris; usher/ greeters: Steve Greene, ______; usher/counters: Eka Cox, Brandon Cassidy; sound/open: _____; refreshments: Ruth Anderson; PowerPoint: _______; nursery: _________. 3 Tuesdays: 10am Food Pantry at Suthers Center 8pm Alcoholics Anonymous (FH) Wednesdays: 5:15pm Centering Prayer (Parlor) 6:15pm Handbell Choir (Sanctuary) 7:30pm Chancel Choir (Choir Room) Fridays: 10 am Food Pantry at Suthers Center 8pm Alcoholics Anonymous (FH) Monthly Third Sundays after Worship Session Meeting Fourth Saturdays OPC Serves Dinner at Journey Calendar Events There will be a brief prayer in the memorial garden after worship on All Saints’ Day, November 2, to remember those who have passed. Book Club is November 10 at Donna Poseidon's house. We will be discussing The Lemon Tree by Sandy Tolan. Save the date for the Women’s Retreat: March 13-15, 2015 Presbyterians Today magazine is offering a free year’s subscription. Leave your name and address in the offering plate, at the office, or email it to office@opcbrookhaven.org by November 23 if you’re interested. STEWARDSHIP Cindy Alexander Stewardship Commitment Sunday November 16 A Season of Gratitude Some families never totally sure who might show up for a holiday dinner at their house. God is doing great things at Oglethorpe Presbyterian! Our ministries bring faith, hope, and love into peoThere are those who believe in hospitality enough to ple's lives. On November 16, we will celebrate our bring strangers home: the needy couple at the local commitment with a special worship service. supermarket, the down-on-his-luck guy at the hospital ER. These families just seem to do so naturally. If you haven’t already done so, please take a few moments fill out your 2015 pledge card as a prayerful The Letter to the Hebrews speaks of this by saying, consideration of your response to God’s blessings in “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers. By your life. doing so, some welcome angels without knowing it.” We will enjoy a catered luncheon in the fellowship hall On behalf of all the ‘angels’ you might welcome into after worship with great food and fellowship as we celyour homes, all the folks you help in so many other ebrate God’s abundance in our lives. See you there! ways, all the recipients of your stewardship (including our church!), thank you! FINANCE Charles Hawthorne 4 FELLOWSHIP Jean Cox Men’s Retreat 2014 Anna and Jim Coulter would like to express their sincere gratitude to the congregation for their kind words and prayers that many expressed during Jim's illness. They would also like to thank the staff at OPC for their care and concern shown during this difficult time. We had beautiful weather for our weekend Men’s Retreat in Hiawassee, Georgia, on Lake Chatuge. It was filled with fantastic fellowship, great food, tons of funand the anticipation for next year is already building! We are aiming for the weekend of September 25-27, so mark your calendars! Jim is doing much better and is back at Dunwoody A small group has continued to gather monthly for Pines continuing to improve each day! casual talk and fellowship. If you’re interested in meeting with us, contact Paul Reynolds, Bill Cox, Mark Kelly or Cortlandt Minnich. MISSION BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Bill Cox Emily Texter Mystery Saint? Food Pantry The Oglethorpe Presbyterian Food Pantry served 273 households during the month of September. This number represents a total of 1041 persons, including 490 children and 37 seniors. In our post-construction cleanup, we were treated to the mysterious arrival of this gorgeous detailed wood carving of Saint Peter! Do you know the story behind it? If so, please contact Cheryl Hartman (404.233.5469, cheryl@opcbrookhaven.org) and let her know. We distributed 710 bags for a total of 10,960 pounds! The Food Pantry is located at the Suthers Center on Broad Street in Chamblee. We are always looking for volunteers on Tuesdays and Fridays. Contact Linda Jones for more information. 5 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Kristi Stephenson We are grateful to all of our workers and volunteers for making children’s ability to thrive a priority. We look forward to sharing this important message and ministry with our members, friends, and our broader community. On December 7, we will be offering two new modules in the Darkness to Light program. The classes, Talking with Children about Safety from Sexual Abuse and Healthy Touch for Children and Youth, will be offered Sunday afternoon and will take about two hours total. Stewards of Children training is a prerequisite for these offerings. There is always the option of taking the class online at www.d2l.org. At Oglethorpe Presbyterian, we have always taken the safety of our children seriously. Whether in Preschool or Sunday School, we know how much it means to our parents to know that their children are in the care of trustworthy folks. Our policies, including mandatory background checks for all volunteers and requiring two adults present, have been a longstanding part of our stewardship of children. Since January, we began requiring Stewards of Chil- If you are interested in taking any of these classes, dren training for all staff members and leaders, as well please contact Cheryl Hartman (404.233.5469, cheryl@opcbrookhaven.org) by December 1. as any volunteers who interact with children here at Oglethorpe Presbyterian. We are applying to be recognized as a Partners in Prevention congregation, an impressive accomplishment for our community. Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church Sunday School for All Ages: 9:45 am ٠ Worship:11am 404.233.5469 ٠ www.opcbrookhaven.org ٠ info@opcbrookhaven.org DATED MATERIAL il, ma rg by n.o his e t e: ave eiv ffic kh rec o roo to rch cb nt hu op wa the c ryl@ ’t on act che u d nt 9, yo co 46 If ase 3.5 ple 4.23 40 Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church 3016 Lanier Drive, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30319 6
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