St. John Lutheran Church 2700 Babcock Road Green Bay, WI 54313 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED St. John Lutheran Church, ELCA 1873—2014 Website: Telephone Numbers E-mail Church Office: 499-1142 Ext 5 Pastor’s Office 499-1142 Ext 6 Chad’s Office: 499-1142 Ext 7 St. John Lutheran Church 2700 Babcock Road Green Bay, WI 54313 920-499-1142 Worship Schedule Sunday 8:00 AM 10:30 AM Sunday School 9:15 AM Office Hours M—Th 8:00 AM—4:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM—Noon Monday, November 3 6:00 PM Service of Installation For Pastor Josh Wednesday, November 5 6:00 PM 4th Graders Confirmation: Prayer Thursday, November 6 6:30 PM ALF Event: Australia and New Zealand travelogue by Byron & Cheryl Kruschke Tuesday, November 11 VETERANS DAY Sunday, November 16 9:15 AM L-Force Inter-Generational Event—Led by Pastor Josh Sunday, November 23 9:15 AM L-Force Inter-Generational Event—Led by Pastor Josh Wednesday, November 26 6:30 Pm Thanksgiving Eve Worship & Communion followed by Pie and Fellowship Thursday, November 27 1st Sunday in Advent Sunday, December 7 Pastor: Rev. Joshua Fite Office: 499-1142 Ext 6 HAPPY THANKSGIVING 9:15 AM L-Force Inter-Generational Event—Led by Pastor Josh Table of Contents Message from Pastor 3 Youth & Family Director 4 Grant’s Notes/Blood Drive 5 Ministers: The Congregation November Birthdays/Anniversaries/Change of Address 6 Director Of Music: Grant Colburn All Saints Sunday/Thanksgiving Eve/Pie Fellowship 8 Council Corner 9 Church Secretary: Shelley Berndt Women of St. John 10 Congregation President: Barb Clarke A.L.F. (Adult Lutheran Fun)/The Stocked Shelves Food Pantry 11 National Youth Gathering 12 November Sunday School/Confirmation Class Information/First Communion Classes 13 Make Everyday Count/Veterans Day 14 Missionary’s Blog 15 November Calendar 16 Youth & Family Director: Chad Welch Office: 499-1142 Ext 7 Nursery Attendants: Emily Allen Carley Vissers November Saints In Service 2 7-8 (Not) The Sports Page Dateline: October 22, 2014 It’s good to be a Dodgers fan…even though I had hoped I would be writing about their still playing this late in October. But as any blue-bleeding Dodgers fan would tell you, we’re better known for the phrase “Wait ‘til next year” than “World Champions.” So it goes. While there is no joy in Mudville (L.A.), we in Brown County have reason to rejoice…and not just because the Green and Gold are atop the NFC North (which is pretty nice, by the way). No, we the sisters and brothers of St. John Lutheran Church have the Good News of Jesus Christ to share with each other, our community, and the whole world. And during November, we have ample opportunity to do so. Let me give you a few dates to mark in your calendar: All Saints Sunday, Sunday, November 2nd—In our gathering in worship we will take time to give thanks for the witnesses of the saints who have gone before us and been called home as well as the saints among us who were baptized this past year. Monday, November 3rd—At 6p.m. we will gather for my installation as pastor of the congregation. Bishop Gerald Mansholt will preach and preside over my installation. I will preside at the Lord’s Supper. A reception will follow. Thanksgiving Eve Worship, Wednesday, November 26th—The congregation’s confirmation students are planning and leading worship at 6:30 p.m. Stay for pie afterward. Please bring a bottle of wine for the congregation to use for communion in the upcoming year. L FORCE, November 16th, 23rd, and December 7th—L Force is an intergenerational Christian Education Event during the Sunday School hour. We will be looking at Stewardship, specifically how our faith informs how we spend, save, and share our money. Don’t let that scare you off. It will be fun. Service of Installation For Pastor Joshua Fite Monday, November 3 6:00 PM Bishop Manshodt will be here, along with local clergy, to install Pastor Josh as the next full-time pastor at St. John. …There’s a lot going on in the ministry of St. John…and this list is just a few select days in November. In it all, there’s a place for you. I look forward to seeing you in the days ahead. A reception following the service will be held in Fellowship Hall. Pax, Pastor Josh 3 Greetings Sports and Activities Fans! Your family is likely back in sports, music and other great activities. As parents, you are busy coaching and supporting. I want you to know that our St. John cheers you on. At the same time we know conflicting schedules become overwhelming. You may be losing opportunities to regularly participate in your own spiritual community here at St. John. First, as you participate in these great activities, I want you to know that you are where the front lines of ministry happens! You are with people. At church you have learned to love because Christ first loved us. (I John 4:19) Ministry is about caring, welcoming and affirming people every day, everywhere and in every relationship. You represent Christ and our congregation, our St. John family, by reflecting God’s grace, love, hope and peace. St. John needs you there. Secondly, even with the extra crowded calendar we welcome every effort to continue a rhythm of worship and participation connecting your faith and life. Pause, come out of the traffic, be with us as we gather. If needed come late, leave early, wear your sports uniform, bring those you are giving rides to, whatever it takes to remain connected to your faith community at St. John. We understand the scheduling conflicts, don’t be embarrassed, just come as you are. Remember all our options. Please feel free to join any of these groups. ¤ Worship services are at…8AM and 10:30AM Sundays ¤ Adult Bible Study at.......9:10AM Sundays ¤ High School Gathering Time......9:15AM Sundays ¤ Sunday School (PK-8)........9:15AM Sundays ¤ Confirmation Class........6-7:30PM Wednesdays Youth ministry times and retreats are at… * * Coming Soon with regular opportunities beginning in November! National Youth Gathering-Detroit, July 15-19, 2015 Finally, I included a family candle time discussion. Find an evening to light a candle, dim the lights, create the cozy campfire atmosphere. Join together for some family discussion being aware of God in your midst and your important ministry of caring, welcoming and affirming people in our community. “Busy” also equals “Empty” Come out of the traffic! Can’t wait to see you at church! Blessings, Chad 4 Hello to the congregation of St. John, All is quiet here on the musical front in anticipation for the coming special festival days coming on the church calendar when we will again burst into musical activity. The Celebration Choir has been actively preparing the music but there’s still only one thing missing.... YOU! We do amazing work with the numbers we have but a few more voices would make all things richer and easier for all involved. So it is never too late to join the choir. There is always new music coming up and lots of time to prepare for the next Sunday we sing for. I know I’ve said it before, but it needs to be said yet again! St. John has a fine musical tradition but such traditions need to be cultivated to continue to bear fruit. I hope we may produce fine musical treats for many years to come and we can with your help… Grant Colburn Music Director To worship is to sing The worshiper who sings ... drinks more deeply of the message of the hymns. The gospel as found in our hymns is the same as that in the Scriptures. The worshiper who sings ... becomes more deeply involved in the service; less of a spectator and more of a participant. The worshiper who sings ... draws more closely to those who worship with him. The worshiper who sings ... expresses faith by lifting his or her voice in praise to God. The worshiper who sings ... upholds the service, making it finer and richer for fellow worshipers, the pastor, the church and God. 5 Date Change St. John Blood Drive The Red Cross has informed us that our December blood Drive will be changed to: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 8—Noon **This will not affect your donations in February** For an appointment call 1-800-RED-CROSS 1-800-733-2767 or Visit: November 2 3 4 5 7 12 13 14 16 17 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 November John Filcher Rodney Berndt Ryan Berndt Greta Hansen Luke Opperman Paul Hering Brian Olsen Sarah Ambroisus Traveler Berkebile Dan Koller Bridgett Staack Terry Tetzlaff Benny Hendricks Tina Keckhaver Pat Nelson Collin Bartelme Jeanette Delany Lew Rock Dan Schneider Marty Vissers Haily Atkinson Karl Kralapp Dennis Younk Lindsay Zabel Nancy Armbrust Eric Durbin Madison Eliason Len Koch Nita Lundell Sandy Lindstrom Alaina Tews 4 Jared & Heather Grusznski 2 years 9 Kelly & Stacey Swaer-Keisler 18 years 13 Joe & Diane Lawler 15 years 23 John & Toni Miller 18 years My thankful heart Making the stuffing for Thanksgiving dinner helps restore my heart to gratefulness. First I cut bread into cubes to dry out. Has it really been a year since I thanked God for the simple things of life? Dear God, thank you for my daily bread. Next I boil giblets for the tasty broth. When did I last express thanks for my body — even the oft-forgotten parts? Thank you, God, for creating and sustaining me. Change of Address Shawn & Sandy Blakley 3263 Grey Hawk Trail Suamico, WI 54313 Dennis & Patti Johnson 3257 Waubenoor Drive Green Bay, WI 54301 Jana Peterson 2230 Center Street Green Bay. WI 54304 Justin & Ashley Nacius 1486 Servias Street Green Bay, WI 54304 Then I dice onions and celery, adding them to the mixture. That reminds me to thank God for abundant harvests. Finally I measure raisins, nuts, sage and salt into the stuffing, as scents fill the air. Lord, help me not grow weary of the interesting “spices” that fill my life. As the stuffing goes into the oven, warm air wafting into the kitchen, I remember to thank God for providing my home. Here relatives and friends gather, often an odd combination. Yet when we bow our heads in thankfulness, we’re an unbeatable mix. —MaryAnn Sundby 6 Sunday November 2 All Saints Sunday Sunday November 9 Sunday November 16 Chad Welch Jessica Zeitler Roger Barber 8:00 Ron & Barb Clarke Ian Jordyn Brian & Deb Olsen John Mark Doris Thompson Lloyd Witte 10:30 Holly Olson Ben Joe & Diane Lawler Will Madi Paul & Jill Johnson Ryan Tyler Charles 8:00 John & Carol Olsen Ace & Carol Enderby Jennifer, Will & Elyse Ark 10:30 Roger & Jackie Corcoran Ila Lardinois Howard & Pat Anderson 8:00 John Olson Dane Federman Elyse Ark 10:30 Joel Opperman Dale Pearson Marshall Conradt 8:00 Luke Linna Olivia Federman Rylie Severson 10:30 Will Lawler Madi Lawler Tyler Johnson 8:00 Sam Calaway Samantha Holford Annika Hansen 10:30 Mitch Opperman Madyson Rothe Jade Staack 8:00 Helen Marcks Trent Zeitler Ann Kralapp 10:30 Teresa Wetzel Carol Pearson Paul Hering Chad & Shana Welch Chad & Andrea Federman Mary Hanmann Travis & Jamie Bernath Gloria Boerst Dale & Carol Buettner Deacon 8:00 10:30 Ushers Greeters Reader Projection Acolyte Worship Assistant Communion Set-up/ Clean-up 8:00 10:30 Coffee Set Up 7 Sunday November 23 Christ the King Sunday November 30 1st Sunday in Advent Worship Assistants Wednesday November 26 Thanksgiving Eve Jade Staack MacKenzie Truttmann Evan Atkinson Emily Allen Ushers Same as above Greeters Elyse Ark Will Ark Annika Hansen Reader Assisting Minister Communion Distribution Monday November 3 Service of Installation Ingrid Hansen Will Lawler Madi Lawler Ingrid Hansen Haily Atkinson Greta Hansen Dane Federman All Saints Sunday November 2 Thanksgiving Eve This year will be acknowledging the Saints we have lost and the newly baptized. Wednesday, November 26 Following worship We will be having worship and communion on Wednesday, November 26, at 6:30 PM. The confirmation class is working on a special project for this service. Pie fellowship will follow the worship service in Fellowship Hall For all the saints Let there be this difference between the servants of Christ and the worshipers of idols, that the latter weep for their friends, whom they suppose to have perished forever …. But from us, for whom death is the end not of our nature but of this life only, since our nature itself is restored to a better state, let the advent of death wipe away all tears. —St. Ambrose (A.D. 340-397) 8 Helping Hands will be serving all the assorted pies on this special evening of Fellowship before all the hustle and bustle of the holidays. If you are willing to donate a pie, please sign up on the “pie” chart on the bulletin board in the hallway! Mission Statement Vision: To be a community of believers where each can say, I am here for you, in Jesus’ name. Mission: We invite all to know Jesus Our mission is grounded in our Core Values: As a gathering of believers who are called by Christ and led by the Holy Spirit, we welcome and invite all to… Worship God in Spirit and in truth Witness to the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed Learn about Jesus, God’s word, and the Christian life Serve all others in the name of Jesus Support the work of the church at home and throughout the world Cooperate with all who do ministry in the name of Jesus Converse with God through prayer St. John Lutheran Church 2014 Congregation Council COUNCIL CORNER Barb Clarke President 609-1423 Dick Lindstrom Vice-President 434-3979 Jackie Burkat Secretary 592-1217 Larry Frazier Treasurer 499-2946 Dan Schneider Bookkeeper 499-0929 Members: Janna Allen ¤ Deb Olsen, Christian Education Coordinator, shared the mission and vision of the Christian Education Ministry. So very thankful that the congregation has stepped up to help teach and/or lead our Sunday School program. ¤ Our spending for September exceeded our income by $900 and that doesn’t include Pastor’s full time salary and insurance premium. ¤ ¤ Pastor has posted a weekly schedule of office hours and availability. ¤ NYG is open for registration. Always looking for more kids who would be interested is participating in this faith-lifting experience. Pastor Josh, Sue Tews and Chad Welch are chaperones. ¤ ¤ ¤ Six students will be confirmed on October 26. ¤ St. John is the Evacuation Site for Pioneer Elementary School. If students and staff are required to leave Pioneer School for any reason, they will gather here at St. John where parents can pick them up. A “practice” drill will be held soon. ¤ Tech Ministry is developing a spreadsheet that documents all electronics at St. John with serial numbers, replacement dates, budget, location, owner/contact, warrantees and maintenance log. ¤ The Stocked Shelves Food Pantry developed a new way to pack groceries for clients to save on groceries and time. Looking to contacting other Ashwaubenon churches and introducing our pantry and our current needs. Item of the week has been very well received. Will be receiving a donation from PCM Credit Union. Looking to see if we can qualify for Thrivent Choice Dollars to be used for The Stocked Shelves Food Pantry. ¤ Have interview two applicants for the Nursery Attendant job. They both will work to keep the nursery covered. 496-0303 Shana Atkinson-Welch 228-9787 Byron Krushcke 499-9307 Breanna Linna 470-2390 John Miller 265-3033 John Olsen 609-1806 Middle School Camping trip to Crossways was cancelled by Crossways. Looking at a lock-in for November. Helping Hands will be sending care packages to our college students. Birthday cards were sent to kids with October birthdays and the college students were sent cards wishing them well in school. 9 CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH November 7-8, 2014 (Friday evening and Saturday) Live Simulcast WOMEN OF FAITH TOUR “From Survival to Revival 2014” WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Tuesday, November 11, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Home of Jackie Burkat, 2866 Pioneer Drive Cost: $15.00 includes lunch Young women ages 13-20 attend free if accompanied by a woman age 21 or older. TO REGISTER: Click on Women of Faith More information on the hall bulletin board. This year’s study series is titled "Transforming Faith and Life.” November’s session considers “Transformation Takes Time.” “For people in the Bible and for Christians today, growth in faith so often takes time.”(GATHER, November 2014) Consider making Bible study part of your faith journey. You’re welcome to join us as we work through the study material together. Call Jackie at 592-1217 if you have any questions. Our study is in GATHER Magazine. To order, call Augsburg Fortress at 1-800-3284648. The cost is $15.00 for one year. Ask Jackie if you would like to see a copy. There is also a copy at church. 2017 TRIENNIAL GATHERING: NOT TO EARLY TO PLAN The next Women of the ELCA Triennial Gathering will be held in Minneapolis, July 13-16, 2017– and 500 women have already registered! You can register for a reduced price of $280 before December 31, 2014. It’s almost in our backyard and an experience not to be missed. To register: Have you heard ELCA Presiding Bishop, Elizabeth Eaton? View and listen to the message she gave at this summer’s Ninth Triennial Gathering in Charlotte, NC. Go to The link to her talk is on the home page. You can also find her talk and other presentations on Type her name in the search box. Twenty-three St. John women gathered at the Village Grille on Monday, October 20, for Women’s Night Out. Individuals brought more than 20 items for the Stocked Shelves pantry. 10 November ALF Event Mark your calendar Thursday, November 6, 2014 6:30 PM- 9PM New Zealand and Australia Travelogue At St John Lutheran Church, Ashwaubenon Presented by Byron and Cheryl Kruschke Enjoy an evening “down under” followed by food, fun and fellowship. If anyone is interested in bringing treats, please let Flo Parfitt know. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you are planning to attend. As usual if you don’t sign up come anyway. All are welcome. Feel free to bring guests. Stocked Shelves Pantry News Thank you for helping us keep our pantry, The Stocked Shelves Food Pantry, stocked with items we always need by contributing one item a week. Continue to watch the Friday email and bulletin for the ITEM OF THE WEEK! ITEMS OF THE WEEK FOR NOVEMBER November 2 November 9 November 16 November 25 Corn and/or green beans Sweet Potato and/or cranberries Stuffing Mix Potatoes and bottled gravy PCM Credit Union held a ShredFest to benefit The Stocked Shelves Food Pantry. With matching funds the total was $1,500 for Stocked Shelves. In addition, they collected a cart full of non-perishable food items. The Boy Scout food drive only provided 3 carts of groceries. The Stocked Shelves Food Pantry also had large donations from Parkview Middle School and Ashwaubenon High School (homecoming football game collection). The Stocked Shelves Food Pantry is still looking for additional volunteers to add to our ever progressing pantry, to help the pantry function now and in the future. Urgent Need: Scheduling Clerk - a volunteer who would schedule the monthly pick-up dates for the individual families. This requires using the phone and computer using Excel program (very easy!). It can range from 4-6 hours per month with all the hours usually being filled the week the pantry opens up the schedule for the month. Other Areas: Distribution—a volunteer to pack frozen meat and carry groceries (via cart) to the vehicle on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Morning shift would be from 9-11:30. Purchase Milk & Eggs for the week. Usually done at either Woodman’s or Aldi. This would be a back up position only if needed. Bread Pick Up: Sunday mornings before 8 AM at Panera and Wednesday evenings at Breadsmith at 6 PM. This would be a back up position only if needed. We could still use some “ideas” for a logo for our pantry. 11 Great news! Registration is open for NYG! Online registration – the only way to register for the ELCA Youth Gathering – opens on Oct. 15, 2014. Congregational groups can prepare for registration by downloading the registration worksheets and completing them prior to registration opening. There are two worksheets: one for the Primary Adult Leader/Adult Leaders, and one for Youth Participants. These worksheets will allow me to collect all of your information and have it in one place before I register. The initial cost for each youth is $325, this covers our registration. We will fundraise, use congregational allocations, and other gifts to make up the rest. If there are financial hardships, please let me know so that your church can help. We will find a way so that every student that wants to go, can go. Pastor Josh and I have resources available to help. Congregations are assigned to hotels and should budget for housing costs of $150 per night per room. Not every room can accommodate four people, so budget for a mix of double and single rooms. The Gathering will provide one round-trip bus shuttle from hotels to the downtown venues each day. Food is also on your own, so depending on your group, this could be an additional $40 per person per day expense. To date, we have 6 youth that have expressed interest in attending. Three have paid their registration fees. Anyone else that wishes to attend, St. John needs at least $150 to send in to reserve your place. The earlier we register, the better for housing, etc. Please make checks out to St. John Lutheran Church. Youth Corner 10 Tips for Reading your Bible 1. Pray for the Spirit to help you. -"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth" John 16:13 2. Formation vs. Information -this is not a test, God uses the Bible to shape us, to form us. Not to test us on how well we can recite what we read. 3. No Shame -don't worry if you're not a Bible expert, most of us aren't! As the late Al Davis, owner of the Oakland Raiders said, "Just read baby!" 4. Get a readable Bible -find a Bible that fits you and your style, there are lots to choose from. 5. Don't Start at Start -begin anywhere you want, maybe the Gospels are a good place. 6. Read the Notes Before the Book -the notes that introduce each book will help you understand what you read. 7. Bible Reading is a "Team Sport" -it's okay to be confused, just ask someone to read with you, or help you. 8. Use Your Imagination -the Bible tells some of the greatest (and strangest stories) ever told. -use your imagination when reading, what would it be like to be there? 9. It's About God -the Bible isn't a nice, neat, roadmap with good tips on how to live. -it's a collection of stories, poems, songs, and letters that tell 1 big story about God and us -there are great thoughts about living your life, but it's not the goal. -the goal is to reveal God and bring us into a relationship with God. 10. Stick With It -you will get confused, but do not quit! -you're not alone, ask for help, the more you practice the better you'll get. Chad 12 Sunday School Directors: Deb Olsen 920-338-8399 Briandebolsen Rotation 2 Ten Men Healed October 19 - November 9 St. John on Sunday, December 14 at both worship services Sarah Calaway 920-491-9219 Calsamluke@ Woodside Nursing Home on Sunday, December 21 at 10:00 AM Thank you to our Rotation 1 Teachers: Science: Chuck Delany Video: Randy Johnson Bible Skills and Games: Janna Allen Cooking: Mary Haen Preschool: Karl and Ann Kralapp No Sunday School PK-HS on Sunday, November 30th. 4th Grade Confirmation Class: Prayer Wednesday, November 5 & Wednesday, November 12 from 6-7 PM 7/8th Grade Confirmation Classes will meet from 6:00 - 7:45 PM October 22, October 29, November 5, November 12 and November 19 L-Force Inter-Generational Events Sunday, November 16 Sunday, November 23 Sunday, December 7 2015 St. John 1st Communion Dates -First Communion Classes will be held on the following dates, taught by Pastor Josh. Parents, please plan on attending with your children Sunday, March 15th, 9:15-10:15am Sunday, March 22nd, 9:15-10:15am Sunday, March 29th, 9:15-10:15am -First Communion workshop will be on Saturday, April 11th from 10am-1pm 1) parents should attend with their child 2) 10-12pm will be banner making and bread baking 3) at noon, lunch will be served 4) from 12:30-1pm there will be communion practice with Pastor Josh -First Communion will be on Sunday, April 12th Focus: Stewardship Spend ~ Save ~ Share These events will be led by Pastor Josh “I have never understood why anyone would roast the turkey and shuck the clams and crisp the croutons and shell the peas and candy the sweet potatoes and compote the cranberries and bake the pies and clear the table and wash the dishes and fall into bed exhausted when they could just as easily sit back and enjoy a hamburger or a pork sandwich.” —The Turkey 13 Want to make every day count? Veteran’s Day, November 11 Veterans Day gives Americans the opportunity to celebrate the bravery and sacrifice of all U.S. veterans. However, most Americans confuse this holiday with Memorial Day. It's imperative that all Americans know the history of Veterans Day so that we can honor our former service members properly. Veterans Day is a time to honor not just those who have fought for us in battle, but all of the outstanding men and women who served in our nation’s armed forces since our founding more than 237 years ago. It's easier than you might think. Five simple, everyday activities can make all the difference in your child's future—and your family's. Not all veterans have seen war, but a common bond that they share is an oath that they expressed their willingness to die defending this nation. Dinner—Studies show that a family who eats dinner together four times a week has improved communication, healthier eating habits, higher grades and fewer problems with drugs and alcohol. Perhaps, most significant in preserving our way of life, are the battles that America does not have to fight. Let us always treat all of our 23 million veterans as the saviors of our country that they are. Even when the guns are no longer shooting. Laughter—Laughter strengthens relationships by creating a natural bond. It eases tension, reflects closeness and even improves our physical health. Time—Spending time together creates an environment where everyone feels loved, safe and valued. When kids find value and acceptance at home, they're less likely to look for it elsewhere. Veteran’s Day By Cheryl Dyson On Veteran’s Day we honor all, Who answered to a service call. Soldiers young, and soldiers old. Fought for freedom, brave and bold. Some have lived, while others died, And all of them deserve our pride We’re proud of all the soldiers who, Kept thinking of red, white and blue They fought for us and all our rights They fought through many days and nights. And though we may not know each name, We thank ALL veterans just the same. Conversation—Families who talk together create an environment of love and acceptance. When kids feel free to share what's in their hearts, they're less likely to experiment with risky behaviors outside the home and more likely to develop strong character. Prayer—Praying together models the importance of faith as part of your daily lives. It provides an opportunity to develop closer relationships with one another and with God. 14 Tauna Roth, missionary in Japan, has a blog in which describes her family’s experiences. Here is her latest entry. The Roths visited St. John on Sunday, August 3, 2014. Tuesday, October 14, 2014 What's in a Name? This is an example of a conversation I have with strangers, almost every day. Obaasan: Ah! Kawaii! (Cute) Me: Arigatou. (Thank you) Obassan: How old? Me: 11 months Obassan: Me: Her name is Nozomi. Obassan (in shock and amazement): Japanese name!?! Is your husband Japanese? Me: No, American. Obassan: Does she have an American/English name? Me: No, her name is Nozomi. We get a lot of confused looks when we tell people our blue-eyed blonde haired baby is named Nozomi. Our families both thought it was a little strange. This past summer many people had a hard time remembering her name. Nearly everywhere we went, I explained that her name means "hope" and it's a popular Christian name in our congregation. This made people feel better, but a couple people asked us if we were going to call her Hope. Um, no her name is Nozomi. You'd think as someone who grew up with a unique name (a name I constantly have to spell or pronounce for people) I'd want to save my daughter the trouble. Names are important. Names tell stories. We liked her name and the meaning, but what we liked most of all is that it tells the story of a missionary family that had a baby in Japan. It tells the story of a little girl who will grow up to hopefully see the world a little differently and be a global citizen. Names tell stories. The reason I love the Old Testament is because the names are all packed with meaning. I have my Friday Bible Class trained to ask what the names of people and places mean. The names add more meaning to the story. Eve means "living" and Adam means "from the earth". Isaac means "to laugh." In the book of Ruth, Naomi's sons Mahlon and Chilion's names mean "sickness and spent." They die within the first chapter. On the banks of a river, Jacob wrestles with God and is called Israel, one who struggles/wrestles with God, today a nation of people continue to be called Israelites. And of course, there is Jesus, which means, God saves. It doesn't matter if you have a strange name or a super common name. God knows our names and has called each of us. Gratitude's gifts Gratitude gets us through the hard stuff. To reflect on your blessings is to rehearse God’s accomplishments. To rehearse God’s accomplishments is to discover his heart. To discover his heart is to discover not just good gifts but the Good Giver. Gratitude always leaves us looking at God and away from dread. It does to anxiety what the morning sun does to valley mist. It burns it up. —Max Lucado, You’ll Get Through This 15 9:00 AM-Helping Hands 6:00 PM-Service of Installation for Pastor Josh 10 9:00 AM-Helping Hands 8:00 AM-Worship& Communion 9:15 AM Sunday School (Pre-5) MS/HS Sunday School Adult Bible Study 10:30 AM-Worship & Communion 12:00 PM-Baby Shower 9 8:00 AM-Worship & Communion 9:15 AM Sunday School (Pre-5) MS/HS Sunday School Adult Bible Study 10:30 AM-Worship & Communion Monday 3 Sunday 24 9:00 AM-Helping Hands 23 8:00 AM-Worship & Communion 9:15 AM Sunday School (Pre-5) MS/HS Sunday School Adult Bible Study 10:30 AM-Worship & Communion 8:00 AM-Worship & Communion 9:15 AM Sunday School (Pre-5) MS/HS Sunday School Adult Bible Study 10:30 AM-Worship & Communion 1st Sunday in Advent 9:00 AM-Helping Hands 8:00 AM-Worship & Communion 9:15 AM Sunday School (Pre-5) MS/HS Sunday School Adult Bible Study 10:30 AM-Worship & Communion 30 17 16 5 Wednesday 6 Thursday 19 20 6:30 AM-Men on HIS Mission 7:00 PM-Alleluia Bells 25 26 Pie Social to follow worship 6:30 PM Worship & Communion Thanksgiving Eve 21 14 7 Church Office Closed Friday 29 22 15 8 1 Saturday St. John Lutheran Church 2700 Babcock Road Green Bay, WI 54313 920-499-1142 Thanksgiving 28 Day Church Office Closed 27 6:30 AM-Men on HIS 6:00 PM-Confirmation 6:30 PM-Finance Mission 6:30 PM-Celebration Choir Team 7:00 PM-Alleluia Bells 18 6:30 AM-Men on HIS 6:00 PM-Confirmation 6:00 PMMission Congregation 6:00 PM-Prayer Class 6:30 PM-Women's 6:30 PM-Celebration Choir Council Bible Study 7:00 PM-Alleluia Bells 6:30 AM-Men on HIS 6:00 PM-Confirmation 9:00 AM-Worship Mission Planning 6:00 PM-Prayer Class 7:00 PM-Alleluia Bells 6:30 PM-Celebration Choir 6:00 PM Personnel Team 6:30 PM-A.L.F. Travelogue to New Zealand 11 12 13 Veteran’s Day 4 Tuesday November 2014 2 16
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