"Then, taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before the people; he also divided two fish among them all. They all ate and were satisfied.” Mark 6: 41-42 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 St. Mark Catholic Church 15800 Montrose Ave. Cleveland, OH 44111 Parish Offices 216-226-7577 Fax 216-521-0371 Website www.stmarkcleveland.com Pastoral Staff Rev. John P. Miceli, Pastor Rev.Joachim Pastirik, OSB Deacon Howard Masony - Business Manager Deacon Dave Lundeen Mrs. Karen Cocita, Principal Mrs. Linda Cap, Pastoral Minster Mrs. Pam Adams, Youth Minister, Mrs. Terri Prokop, Director of Music Ministry Mrs. Judy Hilow, Director of Advancement Mr. Stjepan Jandric, Maintenance Director Sacraments The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: The RCIA is open to all those interested in becoming Catholic. Baptism: Available at 1:00 p.m. the last Sunday of the month and at Masses by arrangement. Parents must attend a Pre-Baptism class and Godparents must have sponsor certificates. Reconciliation: Saturday, 3:15 - 3:45 p.m. or by appointment. Marriage: Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance with a priest or deacon. Anointing of the Sick: Celebrated twice a year in church and by request at nursing home, hospital or home. Communion Calls: If you are unable to participate in the celebration of Mass and would like to receive Communion, please contact the office. New Parishioners: All are welcome to join us by calling the office or stopping in to register. Bulletin Deadline: Bulletin Articles and Copied Items need to be in the Parish Office by 11:00 a.m. on Monday. Mission Statement St. Mark is a Christian community committed to Spiritual Growth through the Word of God, the Bread of Life and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We are dedicated to celebrating the Eucharist and to the continued development of our historically strong Christian education and outreach. We welcome and encourage participation of all members of St. Mark Parish through shared responsibility in worship, prayer, study communication and service to our community. Liturgy Schedule & Mass Intentions Saturday, 4:00 p.m. November 8 Howard Laubert Sunday, November 9-The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica William, Agnes Fitzgerald & Diane Kotab Dorothy Sanz The People of St. Mark Parish 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Monday, 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. Thursday, 8:30 a.m. Friday, 8:30 a.m. November 10-St. Leo the Great Ti 1:1-9 Lk 17:1-6 Rose Martin November 11-St. Martin of Tours TI 2:1-8,11-14 Lk17:7-10 Joseph Spaniol November 12-St. Josaphat Ti 3:1-7 Lk17:11-19 Peter Marron November 13St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Phlm 7:20 Lk17:20-25 Deceased Members of the Caldwell Family November 14 Jn 4-9 Lk 17:26-37 Mass Intention Available Saturday, 4:00 p.m. November 15 The People of St. Mark Parish Sunday, November 16-Thirty Third Sunday In Ordinary Time Dwayne Griebel Maggie Willmitch Dino Forlini 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Luke McGraw Memorial Candles Weekly Intention November 9 Jean Ann Surdel ST. MARK CATHOLIC CHURCH CLEVELAND, OHIO November 9, 2014 LITURGICAL MINISTERS November 15 & 16 Eucharistic Minister Altar Server Lector Cantor Saturday 4:00 pm Sally Weiland Catherine McGervey David Craven John Spaniol Suzanne Quinn Sunday 8:00 am Jeannette Puckett Carol Behnke John Szy Michael Schlegel NOT FILLED NOT FILLED Mary Rita Fallon Ed Morris Michael Lehto Anthony Corte Billy Corte Allen Abel Lilian Esparra 10:00 am Diane Kiefer J. Timothy Mohr Maureen Lehto Barbara Fischer Mary Ruminski Vincent Winans Dominic Winans Molly Martin Caleigh Sheehan Patty Joyce 12:00 pm Deirdre Berry Deirdre Mueller Mary Ann Dugan Patricia Parente Christine Miceli-Hahn Sunday Sunday Anthony McGervey Albert McGervey Michael Donahue Al Trefney Bill Todia In Memoriam May the peace of our Lord be with Michael Conroy, Brother of Debbie Broughton Thomas Gannon, Brother-in-law of Mary Stamper Mary Ellen Simonovich, Mother of Mary Jo Farr and may God grant comfort to their family and friends. The Gold Star Mothers will be accepting any tattered or worn U.S. Flags the weekend of November 8 & 9 Drop off site will be in the school hallway by the military bulletin board. Thank you to all active military personnel and veterans. Please keep all veterans in your prayers. Please Pray for Our Sick Gianna Andolina Ruth Baeslack Cindy Blackstock Paula Chadwell Jackson Janosek Isaac Jones Isabella Kassay Michelle Kelly Mary Lynne Clifford Steve Kendra Frank Coyne Margaret Keogh Catherine Deneen Paul Kirsch Joan Dorsey Robert Kormos Mary Ann Dugan David Kurth Ann Eames Catherine Kutsick Barbara Fahey Margaret Loomis Michael Ferris Leona Lundeen Marjorie Firment Mary Ellen Makkos Jim Fischer Mary Anne McIlwee Tracey Finucan Jim McIlwee Ann Foerstner Mary Miller Nicole Foerstner Joe Neelon Robert Frischauf Sr. Josette Obodzinski Patricia Gaydosh Michelle Peterson Thomas Harrison Marian Plagman Joe Pope Nancy Prendergast Mary Price Elizabeth Rakonczay Bartley Reape Margaret Roche Helen Roche Steve Safran Ray Scholl Bob Schonei Laverne Sickles Elda Stafanic Kathy Stahl Nancy Stinson Colin Teets Colleen Theusch Kay Thomas Rita Wicktora Mary Zavatchen Mark Zuzek Last Week’s Collection Rosary intention for the week: For peace in the world and for military veterans-living and deceased. Sunday Envelopes: .......................$7,501.00 Faith Direct: .................................$3,012.75 Total Sunday Collection: ...........$10,513.75 Faith Direct ~ Number of Donors = 168 Thank you for your generosity! The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Anointing Mass All Lectors are asked to pick up their new Lector Workbook in the sacristy after any Mass. Liturgical Ministers are asked to sign up in the Sacristy for Thanksgiving and Immaculate Conception liturgies. We are looking for Servers, Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers. Thank you. We are looking for a volunteer to wash and press the altar linens. This takes approximately 3 hours per week. Please contact Linda at 216-226-7577. Thank you. Let us all remember to pray for the 46 people who received the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick on Saturday, November 1st. “Helped me to see and realize the gift I am. Even more, the gift we all are to one another.” “It made me feel better about the seemingly Insignificant things I do every day as a mother/ wife and seeing them as holy.” All Souls Service of Remembrance Thank you to all those who participated in the All Souls Service on November 2nd. It is good to come together as a community to remember all those who have entered the eternal kingdom with the Lord. May they rest in peace. Amen St. Mark is hosting Fr. Norm Douglas and Larry Vuillemin of Heart to Heart Ministries on the evenings of December 7th, 8th and 9th. They will be working with a team from the parish to present a Mission. The theme of the Mission is “Going Deeper Into Our Catholic Tradition and Spirituality.” This is an opportunity to center ourselves in our faith as we begin a new liturgical year. Please set aside the time to attend and to reflect on your journey. This opportunity is open to anyone who is looking to be inspired and energized through an openness to the Lord’s wisdom and love. ST. MARK CATHOLIC CHURCH CLEVELAND, OHIO Save the Date for a “50’s Sock Hop” sponsored by the Evangelization Commission on Saturday, January 31st in the Social Hall. Doors open at 6:30pm Appetizers and Dance begin at 7pm November 9, 2014 On Friday, November 21, the Church will celebrate Pro Orantibus Day (“For Those Who Pray”). The faithful around the world are encouraged to develop their own way of commemorating the day and honoring cloistered women and men religious at Mass and in other special ways, such as by offering up their prayers, by making visits to monasteries and cloistered convents, by sending cards or letters to contemplative religious, and by coordinating school or catechetical activities. For more information visit www.cloisteredlife.com ROOTED IN FAITH-FORWARD IN HOPE Diocese of Cleveland Goal: $125,000,000 Amount Raised $170,000,000 St. Mark Parish Goal: $726,000 Amount Raised $595,585.38 St. Mark Parish has received $85,312. This is 30% of funds collected to date. Thank You for Your Generosity! “A Little Bit of Italy Night” Please join us Saturday, November 22nd after the 4pm Mass in the Social Hall for good food, friends and fun. Catered dinner of salad, chicken parmesan, penne pasta, garlic bread, desserts and beverages. We will be entertained by Scott Brotherton. Scott’s smooth voice - good looks and charismatic ways make for a great entertaining package. Reservations must be made and paid for by November 17th. Call Nancy Link at 216-941-8159 or Mary Rita Fallon at 216-521-1148. Cost is $18, make checks payable to “St. Mark Markers”. Please continue to pray for our soldiers who have returned home. If you know of someone who is currently serving and you would like their picture or name placed on our prayer board please let me know. Please contact me with any changes. Our soldiers who are currently serving are: Jason Bochert, Kurt Brown, Josh Dunleavy, T.J. Finucan, Nick Ortiz, Matthew Shirley, Jacob Trefney, Danny O’Malley, Nathan Chomoa, Joe Isabella, Adam Lemmerman, Randy Kloos, Andrew J. McGinty and Jake North, Daniel McEwen, Martin Hartsel, Owen McGrew, Elijah Brolly, Stephanie Lasch. God Bless them all! Kathy O’Malley womalfam@sbcglobal.net The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Please join us on Monday, November 10th in the Social Hall at 7:30pm. We will have Mr. Jim Duffy, Theology teacher at St. Edward High School give a presentation on What is taught in Catholic High School Religion class? All are invited to hear a presentation and partake in a question and answer session as part of the Holy Name’s November meeting. Join the 2015 St. Mark Parish Ski Club. It will be our 10th year learning and enjoying a lifetime family sport. Club begins January 3, 2015 and includes 5 weeks of instructions from beginning to advanced. After 5 weeks of lessons we ski until the snow melts! Club days are Saturday 5pm - 9pm at Brandywine. http://bmbw.com/signup.html. Club login: stmarkwest and member password: member. Click the “club login” link to begin the registration process. Heidi Martin, club advisor; Heidi.martin1119@gmail.com or 216-308-9254. Renters: $203.05 and owners $139. Club available for ages 8-108. See you on the slopes! Thank you to everyone who volunteered and who ordered Market Day in November! Our next Market Day pickup is Saturday, December 6th at 10:30am in the School hallway. Please consider purchasing from Market Day at www.marketday.com to support St. Mark School! St. Mark Fair Trade Festival November 15th and 16th St. Mark High School Youth Group Malley’s Holiday Candy Sale Online Orders due by Sunday December 14 at 11:59pm. Go to http://www.malleys.com/st-mark-youth-group. Internet orders of $60 or more - FREE ground shipping to one Continental U.S. address. Catalog Orders Forms and Payment due by Monday November 17th. Payment is due when the catalog order is turned into the Church Office or School Office. Catalog orders must be filled in completely. Checks payable to St. Mark Youth Group, cash will not be accepted . Catalog orders will be available the week of November 24th. Contact Pam Adams at 216-228-9310 or 216-870-1607 with questions. St. Mark Youth Group Meetings Sunday, November 16th - 12pm - Mass Shop with a conscience and get an early start on your Christmas shopping! Fair Trade vendors will be in the St. Mark Social Hall after all Masses on November 15th and 16th. Items available for purchase include textiles, jewelry, nativity sets, crosses, pottery, metalwork, Equal Exchange coffee, tea and chocolate, wood carvings, greetings cards, ornaments, purses and bags. Fair trade enables artisans and farmers around the world to earn a fair wage and provides the opportunity for a better quality of life. Participating organizations include Esperanza Threads, The Haiti Mission Fund, Illuminating Nations Through Offering an Opportunity (INTO), Amani Cleveland, Around the World Treasures, IRTF, Canaan Fair Trade, Hope for Honduran Children, Women of the Cloud Forest, Catholic Relief Services and Sisterfires 21st Century Fair Trade. ST. MARK CATHOLIC CHURCH CLEVELAND, OHIO November 9, 2014 THE WEEK AHEAD IN OUR PARISH Saturday, 8:00-2:00 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am 1:30 pm 3:15 pm 5:00 pm Sunday, 8:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am Monday, 4:00-9:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm Tuesday, 8:30 am 4:00-9:00 pm 5:30 pm 8:00 pm Wednesday, 4:00-7:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm Thursday, 2:50 pm 4:00-9:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Friday, 6:30 am 9:00 am 4:00-9:00 pm 5:00 pm Saturday, 8:00-2:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:15 pm Sunday, 8:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am November 8 Basketball Open Gym G Market Day SchH2 Social Concerns CC Wedding CH Confessions Rental SH Memorial Plaques all Masses November 9 RCIA CC Sunday PreSchool CR Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW) Sunday Pre-School CR BOW CC November 10 Basketball Prac. G PSR Gr. 1-8 CR Holy Name Mtg. SH November 11 All School Mass Basketball Prac. G Wrestling Prac. SH Athletic Assoc. Mtg. FR November 12 Basketball Prac. G St. Pats #1 Youth/Cherub Choir CH Girl Scout Troop #787 KB JF/C4J CC Choir CH AA SH November 13 Knitting Club CC Basketball Prac. G Troop #293 SH Parish Council F November 14 PC Doughnuts at Dawn SH Jungle Terry SH Basketball Prac. G Wrestling Prac. SH November 15 Basketball Open Gym G Fair Trade Set-up SH Confessions Fair Trade Sale all Masses SH November 16 RCIA CC Sunday PreSchool CR Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW) Sunday Pre-School CR BOW CC PRINCIPAL NEWS st At the end of 1 Quarter, we celebrated the accomplishments of many of our students. At our 1st Quarter Awards Ceremony, we gave recognition to our students in Grades 5-8 who achieved academic success with our Honors Program. We also recognized students in Grades K-8 who had shown great example to others by presenting them with our Principal’s Award. 3rd Honors: Michael B., Clare J., Christian P., Nicholas H., Nora K., Hally K., Mallory K., Lucas Mc., Alex V., Jameson B., Anthony C., Mary Clare H., Alexa J., Mathilda K., Lauren M., Bryanna N., Andy P., Angela S., Colin B., Steven H., Thomas M., Darshan R., Andrew C., Samantha R., Mac S., Lincoln D., Nicolas S., Mary T., Lindsay B., Kevin C., Gabriel L., Nick L., and Tyler M. 2nd Honors: Belle B., Mary Clare B., Sean F., Madison H., Stephan J., Shannon K., Brigid K., Sophie S., Thalia T., Sean W., Caleb Y., Nora A., Carlee B., Emily B., Emma F., Thomas H., Maggie N., Margaret S., Brendan W., Andrew Z., Jorge Z., Maeve B., Teagan C., Jazmin D., Faith G., Maggie H., Madelyn K., Christina M., Antonio M., Adam P., Connor S., Jaila A. Michael B., Nickolas C., Morgan D., Samantha D., Aaron H., Sarah H., Emma H., Paige H., Morgan J., Kayleigh K., Riley M., Jack P., Theresa S., Madison Z., Jack B., Cassidy D., Jennifer F., Audrey H., Brigid H., Molly J., Ian J., Riley Mc., Cara R., Alexa S., Halle S., Ben V., Samantha C., Michael C., Sean C., Daniela D., Luke G., Mara H., Meghan H., Sarah K., Emily Mc., Ashley N., Joshua P., Justin S., Moira S., Megen W., Braeden Y., Molly A., William B., Olivia B., Tyler C., Skyler C., Caitlin D., Haley D., Mary G., Shannon H., Anastasia H., Michael K., Chloe M., Jimmy R., Richard S., Anthony S., Erin W., Brittany B., Julian B., Matthew C., John G., Marty H., Jude H., Faith I., Madeline Mc., Evan M., Danny S., Emily S., Madison W., and Vincent W. 1st Honors: Jack D., Caprice H., Jillian L., Maura Mc., Jack R., Timmy R., Colin V., Meredith B., Xiomara G., Max H., Michael K., Thomas K., Ella Ann R., Valentina S., Julia B., Molly H., Katie K., Beret T., Megan H., Catherine M., Andrew S., Dempsey Z., Maura J., Celia K., Matthew P., Alexander S., Lillian B., Casey C., Kathleen K., Sophie K., Jacqueline M., Christopher S., Nicole B., Mark B., Genevieve K., John W., and Elias Y. Principal’s Award: Tristian R., Tessa R., Benjamin B., Morgan S., Mairead K., Gavin V., Connor R., Molly L., Lilia S., Ella F., Caleb Y., Carlee B., Edward H., Jaila A., Sarah K., Jack B., Sophie K., Elias Y., Vincent W., Margaret L., Carter R., Alex Mc., and Michael K. Congratulations go out to all of these students on a great 1 st Quarter! They have much to feel good about as the curriculum has become more rigorous with the implementation of Common Core. I am very proud of them. God Bless! Mrs. Cocita The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Third Grade News We are grateful for a memory filled first quarter. Enjoyed meeting the parents of our students at Parent-Teacher Conferences. Your support makes us a good school. Students are enjoying delving into multiplication in Math. We will memorize all the tables. Singing the tables helps. Science has us appreciating the beauty of our planet and that it is up to all of us to care for it. We are focusing on possessives in grammar. Our faith continues to challenge us as we encounter Jesus in the Gospels and in our everyday lives. We are focused on being thankful for the blessing that is St. Mark School.
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