PARISHES OF SS MARY & JOHN AND ST TERESA OF THE INFANT JESUS PARISH SICK LIST: Please pray for the following who are sick or housebound: Parish Clergy: Fr. Paweł Bielak (Parish Priest), Fr. Przemek Sobczak and Bro Rafał Smaga. Fr. Dawid Piskorz (Parish Priest of St Patrick’s) Leon Stefek (Fr Kazimierz’s Father), David Deller, Bridget Ryan, Bridget Keane, Gerard Lawlor, Kathleen Reynolds, Molly Ball, Tim Shee, Peter Blackwell, Keith Basudev, Ken and Hazel Harris, Bridget Lawrence, Anil Basudev, June Randles, Colleen Nicholas, Ann Proffitt, Sr Kay, Frances Butler, Dorothy MacDonald, Marie Matthews, Sr Dominic, Mary Landers, David Lashford, Maureen Osawe, Pat Nicholls, Geoffrey Stirling, Patricia Hubbard, David Prosser, Audrey Baker, Jan & Al Wynn, Peggy Bowers, Dulcie Butcher, Eileen McGrath, Philip Bunn. - all from The Order of St Paul the First Hermit (OSPPE) Address for correspondence: The Presbytery, Snow Hill, Wolverhampton. WV2 4AD – tel. 01902 421 676 e-mail:;; SS Mary and John H O L Y M A S S E S A N D M A S S St Teresa I N T E N T I O N S : Saturday: 1st November. 18.30 (Sunday Vigil): Annie Hanrahan RIP 17.00 (Sunday Vigil):Patrick McCormick RIP SUNDAY: 2nd November. SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS [A] 10.00 (Sung Mass): Karol Smaga RIP 11.30: Shelley Colley RIP 10.00: Holy Souls 10.00: Holy Souls 9.00 (Sung Mass): Pat & Reg Dean RIP Monday: 3rd November. Commemoration of the Faithful Departed No Mass Tuesday: 4th November. St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop No Mass th Wednesday: 5 November. Feria in Ordinary Time 10.00: Holy Souls 11.00: Mary Rose RIP Thursday: 6th November. Feria in Ordinary Time 10.00: Holy Souls No Mass th Friday: 7 November. Feria in Ordinary Time/St. Willibrord, Bishop/First Friday 17.00: 12.00 noon: Holy Souls Saturday: 8th November. Feria in Ordinary Time/Our Lady on Saturday 9.30: Holy Souls 12.00: Mass at Beacon Hill Cemetery 18.30 (Sunday Vigil): Fr. Kaz’s Intentions 17.00 (Sunday Vigil): Ben Price RIP Sunday: 9th November. FEAST OF THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA/Remembrance Sunday 9.00 (Sung Mass): Edmund Nowak RIP 10.00 (Sung Mass): Parishioners 11.30: Joan Mary Hanrahan RIP CONFESSIONS: Friday: 11.00-11.45; Saturday: 10.00-10.30 Saturday: 16.15-16.45 And by Request EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT AND ROSARY Rosary: Monday – Thursday: following 10.00 Mass, Saturday: following 9.30 Mass Exposition and Rosary: Friday 11.00-11.45; Sunday 17.00 Exposition and Divine Mercy Chaplet: First Sunday of the Month at 17.00 Vespers (in polish) followed by Exposition: Wednesday 19.00-20.00 Exposition: First Friday of the Month – after 17.00 Mass COLLECTIONS LAST SUNDAY: Offertory: Covenants: £93.50 Loose: £249.27 Offertory: Covenants: £97.00 Loose: £81.19 Second Collection – Church maintenance: Second Collection – Church maintenance: Covenants: £67.00 Loose: £221.67 Covenants: £37.00 Loose: £28.19 Flowers: £0.00 Flowers: £8.46 Thank you for your generous contributions SS Mary & John’s – last Saturday: No. 3, which was won by Mary Turner. St Teresa’s – last Wednesday: No. 18, which was won by Sheila Hill. NOISE IN THE CHURCH: Please talk only to God before Mass, let God talk to you during Mass and talk to one another after Mass outside the church. PLEASE SWITCH YOUR MOBILE OFF IN CHURCH ! Patrick O’Connor, Margaret Davies, Phyllis Coen, Frances Page, Mary Cole, Pat Burton, Josie Hickens, Alex Blunt, Ann Lynch, Pauline Lewis, Michael Hawley, Edna Peek, Margaret Rushbury, Anthony Hughes, George Dillon, Mrs. Clifford, Tony Johnson, Stephen Bould, Irene Boyle, Teresa Hale, Alice Barratt, Joan Martin, Charlie Maber. ANNIVERSARIES: Eternal Rest Grant, O Lord, Unto: Mgr Bertam Gould, Fr Tony Brisland, St. Brigid, Will. Lewis, Lisa Percival, John Sharratt, Joyce Quinton, Margaret Kenny, James White, Frances Deller, Antonia Vernava, Bela Levay, Stanley Jones, Joan Hadley, Thos. Wood, Angelo Luxton, James Webb, John Bedward, Agnes Bates, Bert Nicholls, Dr. Pat Carroll, Lilian Woodsby, Florence Hickman, Marg. Morris, Mary Gilbert, Gladys Fallon, Margaret Mead, William Corcoran, Walter Fleming, Laurence Byrne, Gladys Perry, Ruby McDonald Susan Maloney, Margaret Barratt, Mary Lewis, John Cox, Alan Pumpford, Harry Bates, Maria Edwards Mrs. Withers, Mrs. K. Dockery, Monica Parker, Sister Mary Daly, Ben Price, John Blakemore all whose anniversaries occur around this time. Week 45 RECENTLY DIED Please remember in your prayers Sam Davies. He will be received into Holy Trinity Church, Bilston, on Monday 10th November at 4 pm. His Requiem Mass will take place on Tuesday 11th November at 10 am, followed by burial at Hall Green Cemetery. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. CHILDREN’S LITURGY at SS Mary & John’s takes place every Sunday, at the 10.00am Mass. REFRESHMENTS IN THE HALL at SS Mary & John’s after the 10 am Mass on Sunday. GENTLE KEEP-FIT in SS Mary & John’s Parish Hall every Tuesday, 11.00 until 12 noon. CRAFT CLASSES Fortnightly in SS Mary & John’s Parish Hall from 6 – 8 pm. Cost £6 per person. THE SECOND COLLECTION today is for the Johnson Association (Retired & infirm clergy) FATHER PAWEL invites you all to tea and biscuits in the hall after the 12 noon Mass on Friday (First Friday). THE NOVENA OF OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP is prayed every Wednesday at St. Teresa’s after the 11 am Mass. During the Novena, Petitions and General Intentions are read out. Anyone unable to attend this Mass but who would like a Petition read out please complete a Petition Slip, from the back of the church, and give it to one of the priests. THE EXPRESS & STAR has joined with Homeserve, issuing tokens in the paper each day for people to collect and save towards a share of £30,000 for worthy causes. If you buy the paper, please collect the tokens (available each day until 3 rd Nov.) and hand them in to one of the priests or to Margaret. The more tokens we collect, the bigger our share of the prize fund. More details at THE MASS FOR THE DEAD and the blessing of the graves will take place at Beacon Hill Cemetery on 8th November at 12 noon. BLESSING OF THE GRAVES will take place at Bushbury Cemetery on Saturday 8th November at 2 pm, at Penn Cemetery on Saturday 15th November at 1pm and at Danescourt Cemetery on Saturday 15th November at 2 pm. MASSES FOR THE HOLY SOULS IN NOVEMBER If you wish your deceased relatives and friends to be remembered in the Masses for the Holy Souls during November, please take one of the envelopes for this purpose from the back of the church and return it with their names and your donation to one of the priests or Brother Rafal. The envelopes will be placed by the altar during November. Please be sure to hand the envelope in. DO NOT LEAVE IT AT THE BACK OF THE CHURCH. CHRISTMAS FAIR – 22nd NOVEMBER 2014 We will be very grateful for any items you may wish to donate, good quality items please. We particularly require bottles and fancy goods for the tombola. We will be very grateful for any help offered. St. Teresa’s would also be grateful for donations of small chocolate bars. Thank you all. Donations may be left at the back of the church or given to one of the priests. A CHRISTMAS FAIR meeting will take place on Thursday 6th November in SS Mary & John's Parish Hall at 7 pm. If you are willing to help, or have any ideas, please come along to this meeting. THE GOOD SHEPHERD MINISTRY is seeking to recruit a part-time support worker to assist them in their ministry to the homeless and poor in Wolverhampton. If you are interested please contact one of the Priests for a job description. THE PARISH OF CHRIST THE KING, COVENTRY, is organising two trips to MEDJUGORIE in June and October next year. Each trip will be for 7 days costing £260 per person sharing, inclusive of hotel, airport transfers and guides. Air fares and insurance are not included. Please see the poster at the back of the church for more details. FEAST OF THE WEEK More information about the saints can be found on in the About Today section. Today we celebrate the feast of all the unknown saints who are now in heaven. The Church reminds us that sanctity is within everyone’s reach. Through the Communion of Saints we can help each other. Archdiocese of Birmingham - Registered as a Charity: no 234216
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