Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Shrine

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Shrine
135 North White Horse Pike, Lindenwold, New Jersey 08021
Telephone: (856) 627-2222 Fax: (856) 627- 8210
Website: www.guadalupeparishshrine.org/ www.facebook.com/OurLadyofGuadalupeNJ
Email: guadalupeparishshrine@gmail.com
Saint John Paul II Regional School
Telephone: (856) 783-3088 www.jp2rs.org
Thirty-Second Sunday: The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
November 9, 2014
Rev. Joseph P. Capella, Pastor
Rev. Jon Thomas, Parochial Vicar
Rev. James Bartoloma, Chancellor, Diocese of Camden
Rev. Wilson Paulose, Chaplain, Kennedy Hospital
Mrs. Helen Persing, St. John Paul II School Principal
Ms. Maria Nieva, Director of Liturgy & Music
Mrs. Gelen Hernandez, Director of Hispanic Ministries
Mrs. Mary Stone, Coordinator of Religious Education
Mrs. Stephanie Greco, Director of Shrine Services
Mr. Francisco Torres, Sacristan
Mass Times:
Stratford: Monday to Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Saturday at 4:30 p.m.
Sunday 11:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Reconciliation: Saturday 3:45 p.m.
Lindenwold: Monday to Friday 7:00 p.m.
Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and
11:00 a.m. Spanish Mass
Reconciliation: Mon. to Fri. 6:30 p.m., Sat. 4:15 p.m.
Parish Hours / Horarios de Oficina
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
“I have chosen and consecrated this house, says the Lord, that my name may be there forever.”
2 Chronicles 7:16
Dear Parishioners and Pilgrims to Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish-Shrine,
In this week’s letter I would like to address two aspects of an important ministry within
our parish community. The ministry about which I’d like to write is our parish
Bereavement Ministry. Bereavement or grief is a natural part of the human experience
of loss. There are many types of losses that affect us: loss of a loved one through
physical death, loss of health, loss of a beloved pet or a job or having to move from our home. The list is
long and diverse because loss takes many forms. In the recent past, this ministry within our parish has
helped many of us to cope with and navigate through the many stages of grief and loss. Once again, we
will be hosting a series of small group gatherings for folks who are going through some type of loss. The
gatherings will begin on Tuesday, November 11 at 7:00 p.m. in the Our Lady of Grace Chapel located
in the St. Juan Diego Parish Center in Lindenwold (former St. Lawrence School library). The meetings
will be facilitated by Mr. Bill Hughes, a parishioner who is trained for this ministry and has facilitated
past gatherings. If you may not feel the need to meet at this time, perhaps you know someone who might
benefit from this gathering. Please invite them to at least attend the first session to see what the
experience is like. Please contact Bill directly to let him know that you will be attending. He can be
reached at 856-435-2025. I urge you to prayerfully consider attending this gathering if you feel alone in
your sense of loss and grief. It is so important to realize that we are not alone in this experience and that
loss is a part of life and grief comes with loss along with many other emotions and feelings. So once
again, please reach out and seek assistance that is non-threatening, faith based, confidential and healing.
Secondly, I’d like to mention that there are many other components to assisting one another
through the process of grief and mourning that comes from loss. Perhaps you have the time and interest to
be a person who can assist a fellow parish family experiencing grief and loss. There are many other
components to bereavement ministry beyond the confidential, small group gatherings. We are seeking
folks who might be able to send a card and help us to maintain ongoing contact with a grieving family
after their loss simply to let them know that the parish is praying with and for them. You wouldn’t need
to speak or counsel, simply send a card with the quick note from the parish. Maybe you would like to
assist in planning the annual All Soul’s Mass for parishioners who have died during the current year.
These are just a few more ways that we can assist our brothers and sisters in their experience of loss.
If you would be interested in helping in this way, please give Bill Hughes a call or contact Fr. Jon or
myself and we’d be happy to discuss this need with you.
I am very convinced that real and true parish ministry doesn’t happen just because we have
programs and titles and meetings. Real and meaningful ministry occurs every time we reach out to others
within our faith community with Christ like compassion and care. We all need to face loss and grief at
some point and we all need to know that we are not alone in this experience. The great thing about
experiencing loss and grief as a Christian is knowing that when God and faith are invited into this human
experience, we are given hope and can trust that grief and loss never have the last word but Jesus Christ
Thanks for being with us this weekend, you are very welcome among us and please be assured of
our thoughts and prayers now and always.
God bless you,
Fr. Joe
We Pray for...
S - St. Luke
L - St. Lawrence
Monday, November 10, 2014
S 8:00 a.m.
Arthur Davis
r/b loving wife, Pat
L 7:00 p.m.
Anna Rafter & Ena Litty
r/b loving family
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
S 8:00 a.m.
Emily Jelonek
r/b Sean & Cathy Williams
L 7:00 p.m.
Susan Litty Sanders
r/b her loving family
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
S 8:00 a.m.
Theodore Rendfrey
r/b Dangler family
L 7:00 p.m.
Pilgrims at the Shrine of Our
Lady of Guadalupe
Thursday, November 13, 2014
S 8:00 a.m.
Marie Halligan
r/b Halligan family
L 6:00 p.m.
L 7:00 p.m.
Marie Brumbach
r/b Dan & Elaine Farr
Friday, November 14, 2014
S 9:00 a.m.
Thomas D. Mackin
r/b Eileen Mackin
L 7:00 p.m.
Ronald Hallam
r/b his loving wife, Marita
Saturday, November 15, 2014
S 8:00 a.m.
Bryan Hessert
r/b Barbara Welsh
S 4:30 p.m.
Louise & Sam Marrone
r/b their loving daughter-in-law,
Mary Marrone
Jordan & Jean Paul Djahli
r/b their loving mother
Virginia Gibson
r/b Bill Waples
L 5:00 p.m.
Angeline (Nina) Capella
r/b Mike & Perpetua Hendricks
Sunday, November 16, 2014
L 7:30 a.m.
Joseph DiDominico
r/b Ronnie Brown
L 9:30 a.m.
Marian (June) Mazzarella
r/b her loving family
Marie Brumbach
r/b Steve, Jill & Matthew Gagliardi
Marie Brumbach
r/b Ronnie Brown
L 11:00 a.m. Spanish
S 11:30 a.m. Christine Libertella
r/b Jim & Jeanette Bakey & family
S 5:00 p.m.
Joseph A. Chiumento
r/b Barbara & Lou Santoro
The sick of our parish: Victoria Affrunti, Veronica Ahern, Joseph Allen,
Earl Anderson, Eileen Anderson, Claire Hunnewell-Ayres, Carmela Baccari,
Helen & Robert Bacisin, Frank Bada, Chris Bakey, John Beasley, Charley &
Karynlee Berstecher, Veronica Black, Bill Bowman, Peggy Brooks, Eileen &
Maureen Brown, William & Elizabeth Buehler, Juanita Byrd, Fr. Joe Capella,
Nick Catania, Fran Chester, Diana Coulson, Anthony Cerminaro, Joan Cirucci,
Valerie Cohen, Maryann Coleman, Domenic Cosenza, Christiana Cooper, Angie
Dabbenigno, Debbie Darby, Loretta & Rosalia Davis, Liz DeNardo, Albert
& Daniel DiBartolomeo, Nicholas DiGiorgio, Thelma Donnally, Blanche &
Leonard Fanelli, Cornelius Farley, Annette Favieri, Thomas Flynn, Ben and
Dorothy Fuchs, Brian & Kurt Gahm, Manny & Maryann Galone, Mary Gavin,
Charles Gold, Dorothy Gomeringer, Kathryn Harte, Bob Hopkins,
Catherine Hodges, Shirley Holt, William Hughes, Sr., Margaret Infanti, Billy
Jones, Carole Katz, Mary Katz, Anne Marie Kelly, Roseanne Kimball, Nancy
Jane Kline, Joseph Kneble, Jessica Laidley, Carlo Lala, Rose Lanciano, Richard
Lanzalotti, Frank & Alicia LaScala, Joann & Vivian Lazzaro, Richard Lengetti,
Joan Lentini, Caroline Lewis, Boyce & Cecilia Longo, Angeline Lopez, Margaret
MacPherson, Carmela Mangano, William Martin, Dan & Maureen
Mastrobuono, Chuck McAninley, Msgr. Patrick McCabe, Robert McCarthy, Jack
McGuigan, Ed McKemey, Carol Massimiano, Donald McMullin, Sr., Savannah
Lynn McSorley, Mary Middleton, Tom & Betty Miller, Rose Monaco, Talia
Monaghan, Sue Moreno, Charles Morgan, Kenny & Kristina Moroni, Dan & Erin
Murphy, Fred Naphys, III, Joan Naphys, Bob O’Dowd, Eileen O’Malley,
Constance Onorato, Kay O’Keefe, Vince Pagano, Cindy Pandolfo, Matthew
Petrongolo, Walter Perilli, Joe Pilla, Allen, Thomas & Collin Powell, Joseph G.
Ranieri, William & Natalia Reyes, Joseph & Millie Reinert, Jack Revaitis, John
Ribechi, Vicki Robbins, Jerry & Ruth Roderick, Rick, Monica, Herman & Faith
Rodriguez, John Sachs, Senka Ryan, Frank Sabatini, Jr., Barbara Santoro,
Kathleen Schaffer, Joan Schules, Mark Scott, Richie Seibert, Delores Seksnel,
Carol Shander, Krista Sheehan, Thomas Simon, James Solly, Sophie Staab,
Bill Steinert, Maggie Stengel, Lillian Stiles, Rosemarie Tartaglia, Lenny Thomas,
Betty Tobin, Stefania Trincas, Lorraine & Victor Trocine, Diane Trofino, Frank
Turchi, Betty Valentino, Lourdes Vasquez, Natalie Vitarelli, Rosemary
Vogelman, Bill Waples, Kathy Watkins, Margaret Wolick, Barry M. Wright,
Lawrence Yoka, Rudi Alberto Yuarez, Tom Zadjeika, Elwood Zievis & Baby
Mia Noelle
Those in the nursing home: Gail Capriotti, Ann James, Theresa McCann,
Edward McCloskey & Theresa Taylor
The deceased: Baby Aaron Robert Kee, Elizabeth “Betty” Kuchler, Linda Cifone
Sharon Marie Heiselmoyer & Agnes Tully
The military: Brian Axelrod, Thomas Backenson, M.D., Michael Barikian,
Mark Bergman, Kevin Bradley, Dylan Brodie, Brandon Carney, Jessica Carney,
Off. John Causey Adam Cutaiar Ryan Dougherty, Trevor Dunkelberger, James
Early, Jr., John Early, Sr., Thomas Early, Jr., Thomas Flynn, Drew Hance,
Jarrod Haschert, Jonathan Haubrich, T. J. Homan, Justin Jackson, III, Rev.
Christopher Kopec, Benjamin Kyler, Thomas J. Mackin, Colin J. McElroy,
Michael Mortka, Jr., David Osisek, Jaime Brinn Redmond, Brian & Julian Reese,
Chris A. Roesch, PFC Sharkey Nicholas, Robert, Terry & Michael Turner,
& Matthew Zelaskey
In Loving Memory
St. Luke Sanctuary Lamp: Delores Insalaco
r/b Mary & Len Alberta
St. Luke Blessed Mother Candle:
John Flanagan
r/b his loving wife & family
St. Luke St. Joseph Candle:
Rudy Lista, Jr.
r/b his loving parents
St. Lawrence Sanctuary Lamp:
Jordan & Jean Paul Djahli
r/b their loving mother
Worship and Liturgy
Infant Baptism
2nd Sunday of each month at 1:30 p.m., Lindenwold campus, or during 11:30 a.m. Mass, Stratford.
Baptismal classes, 1st Tuesday of the month, 7:30 p.m., Parish center, Lindenwold.
Please email Dan Farr, Budfarr600@comcast.net or call 856-783-1586
Arrangements for marriage should be made one year in
advance. Because of the preparation needed, six months
notification is mandatory. Please call parish office for details.
Horario Misas:
Todos los jueves, 6:00 p.m. y todos los domingos,
11:00 a.m.
Confeciones despues de cada Misa los jueves y domingos
Los cuartos domingos durante la Santa Misa, 11:00 a.m. (padres y padrinos) Charlas pre-bautismales cada
segundo míercoles del mes a las 7:00 p.m. en la capilla.
Por favor, hablar a la oficina para mas información sobre las Charlas pre-matrimoniales y cuales son los
requisitos para la boda religiosa.
Youth Group/ Grupo Juvenil:
Youth Group meets on Sundays at 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at St. Juan Diego Center.
Grupo Juvenil - St. Juan Diego, Domingo 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Coordinator: Cathy Williams: 856-397-0757 email: nyli28@aol.com
Movimiento Juan XXIII
Reunión en la escuela de San Lorenzo, los martes de 7 p.m. a 9 p.m.
Reunión de la Renovación Carismática de 7 p.m. a 10 p.m.
November 15
4:30 p.m.
St. Luke
November 15
5:00 p.m.
St. Lawrence
November 16
7:30 a.m.
St. Lawrence
November 16
9:30 a.m.
St. Lawrence
November 16
11:30 a.m.
St. Luke
November 16
5:00 p.m.
St. Luke
Fr. Jon
Fr. Joe
Fr. Joe
Fr. Jon
Fr. Jon
Fr. Jim
M. Lagana
R. Kozar
B. Yanney
B. Dougherty
R. Christiano
M. Ebling
G. Green
T. Green
L. Kaszupski
A. Odorisio
D. Cutter
C. Cutter
J. Massanova
P. Hoffman
S. Ryan
B. Hopkins
B. Kersey
L. McLaughlin
C. Williams
M. Scutte
F. Caramiello
C. Cutter
B. Price
J. Romano
E. Shook
V. Wishropp
F. Hanley
C. Hanley
J. Funk
J. Njoku
B. Buehler
R. Cruz
A. Pleis
A. Lepperd
C. &C. Ejianreh
B. Murray
E. Ezeiruaku
S. Brown
B. Fitzgerald
N. Ngene
J. Filipkowski
N. Rendine
R. Cunningham
P. Forrest
M. & J. Tiedge
Spiritual Life Formation
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Parishioners, Alumni -SJPII, OLG, St. Lawrence, and St. Luke are all invited to run or walk with us.
Race begins at 9:00 a.m. at Saint John Paul II Regional School
Pre-Registration Fee: $10 for school families and alumni/ $15 for general runners
Race Day Registration Fee $20
For race details and registration form go to: www.jp2rs.org or register
on-line at https://runsignup.com/Race/NJ/Stratford/SaintJohnPaulII5kRunWalk
Prizes, t-shirts, light refreshments, and good company all provided.
The saints came marching in to honor All Saints Day at St. John Paul II School! All first grade students dressed as their patron saint and
shared facts about the saint’s life with fellow the student body and parishioners. The students gained valuable research, writing, and public
speaking skills with this experience. Most importantly, they learned more about what our Catholic saints did for their faith and that we are
all called to be saints as well!
We thank our parishioners, Mrs. Junikka and Mrs. Shelley sharing their knowledge and time with our second grade students with their
Sea Shell Program. Students learned and examined what shells are and other facts as well as how to identify the shell type based on clues.
Students made fossil-like imprints of the shells to decorate and bring home.
All our students truly enjoyed this experience.
“Hawk for a Day”
Student Shadow Program
We invite your son or daughter from kindergarten through 7 th grade to experience John Paul II School through our
“Hawk for a Day” student shadow program.
“Hawk for a Day” includes: Full day visit from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. or half day visit from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. (grades K-1)
 Attend classes with a student ambassador in child’s current grade and/or next grade level
 Enjoy snack, lunch on us, and recess with future classmates
 Meet future teachers, ask questions, get to know our school
 Receive a thank you gift!
Call today to reserve a shadow day for your child. We look forward to your next visit!
Don’t Miss Breakfast with Santa!
Saturday, December 6, 2014
9:30 – 11:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall
News and Notes
OLG Men’s Ministry
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
7:45 p.m. St. Lawrence School
Episode VII: “Word Made Flesh, True Bread of Heaven:
The Mystery of the Liturgy and the Eucharist”
Coordinator: Neil Ortiz, neilortiz@outlook.com
Readings of the Week
Monday: Ti 1:1-9; Lk 17:1-6
Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Lk 17:7-10
Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7; Lk 17:11-19
Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Lk 17:20-25
Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Lk 17:26-37
Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Lk 18:1-8
Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30
Employee Giving Campaign
Did you know the House of
Charity is a donor choice for many
employee giving
Ask your employer for a pledge card
and designate the House of Charity in
the Donor Choice Section.
Be sure to ask to be acknowledged!
Copies available at both churches.
We have raised $116,352 on our parish goal of $134,810
Let’s keep it growing!
Reminder: Please send in your pledge payments.
Please make all checks payable to "HOUSE OF CHARITY"
The Respect Life ministry and the Knights of Columbus
Nativity council would like to congratulate both the parish
shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. John Paul II
regional school (students/parents) for exceeding last May’s
Diaper Drive contributions to Sr. Helen Cole of Guadalupe
Family Services, in Camden, NJ. The total contributions are
as follows: Diapers 4868 (May - 2310), wipes 6065
(May - 3802), monetary donations $1,914.00
(May - $1,290.00). Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
November 1 & 2
Basket: $20,324
Online Giving: $719
Upcoming Collections
Today: Heating Expenses
November 23: Campaign-Human Development
Saint Joseph High School and Alumni Association
Alumni Memorial Mass Sunday, November 16, 2014
St. Anthony Padua Church, Rt. 206 Hammonton
10:00 a.m.
Contact: Anne Liberto, SJHS Advancement Director
609-561-8700x108 aliberto@stjoek12.org
2nd Tue., Nov 11
4th Sat., Nov. 22
12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m.
Location: Our Lady of Grace, Somerdale
A parishioner is in need of a television.
If you'd like to
donate yours, please contact
Fr. Jon 627-2222 x 11
News and Notes
Sunday, Monday and Wednesday & Home School Classes
Please check our website for general information www.guadalupeparishshrine.org
Mrs. Mary Stone, Religious Education Coordinator
Mrs. Gelen Hernandez, Director, Educacion Religiosa
856-627-2222 x 14 Ghernandez@guadalupeparishshrine.org
Nativity Council 2976
Starts on First Sunday of Advent
November 30, 2014
Please call the Parish for details
Faith Sharing Morning Group
Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. - Chapel
“Rosary for Life”
Faith Sharing Evening Group
Every other Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m.
St. Lawrence School
“Living as a Beloved Daughter of God”
Nativity Council 2976 Beef & Beer Fundraiser
November 15, 2014 Hi-Nella Bar & Grille
709 South Warwick Road in Hi-Nella, NJ
7:00 - 11:00 p.m. $25. pp
Chinese Auction and 50/50
Contact: Chris McBride @ 609-790-0530
Holy Family Council 7800
Sunday, December 7, 2014
12:30 p.m. St. Luke Church
Original Dream Raffle Tickets at $20 each
Chuck 784-1873 or Charlie 783-4349
Please watch out for more announcement
from both Councils!
OUR LADY of GUADALUPE Ministry Fair Weekend
Sunday, November 16, 2014
10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
St. Lawrence Cafeteria
Meet and join us, all are welcome!
Beloved Daughters – Bereavement – Charismatic – Carismaticos - Children’s Liturgy –
Liturgical Ministers (EM, Lectors, Altar Servers, Choir, Pre Baptismal, Pre Bautismos,
Ushers) – Eucharistic Adoration – Fiber Ministry – Juan XXIII – Knights of Columbus
– Legion of Mary – Men’s Ministry – St. John Paul II School – Pre Cana –
Religious Education – RCIT – RCIA –Respect for Life – Youth Ministry
Did you know that Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish offers ministry for youth every Sunday evening,
year-round? It’s an opportunity dozens of students have used to learn more about the Catholic faith and to
enjoy the last couple of hours of the weekend with friends new and old. We meet in the gym of St. Lawrence
School on the White Horse Pike under the experienced leadership of Cathy Williams and Rob Knight from
6:30 -9 PM. Other team members include Sean Williams, Spencer Barber, and Fr. Jon.
Beginning this month, we’re offering two simultaneous tracks, one for middle school students and one for high
school students.
6:30-7 p.m. All students gather in the gym for opening prayer
7-8 p.m. Middle and high school tracks meet in different locations for
age-appropriate presentations, activities, and discussions
8-9 p.m. All students gather in the gym for a snack and large group activity
Your middle or high school student – whether attending public or Catholic school or home-schooled – is invited
to join us next Sunday at 6:30 p.m. This ministry is offered to all youth of the parish. There are no “membership”
expectations and we know that family schedules will mean that students will sometimes arrive late or leave
early. We hope students will enjoy the experience and make youth ministry part of their weekend routine, but
students are free to attend as their schedule allows.
You Lost Me Small Group
The You Lost Me small group will bring together parishioners of various ages for a conversation between generations on
Faith, Doubt, Sex, Science, Culture, and Church.
From the cover:
“Identifying a problem is not a solution. But starting a conversation is the beginning of restoration."
“In You Lost Me, the bestselling coauthor of un-Christian trained his researcher’s eye on Christians ages 18 to 29,
exposing why they leave the church and rethink their faith. With this insightful and honest DVD, you and your small group
can connect across generational lines, discuss the most pressing faith issues of our day, and begin the process of building up
the next generation of Christ followers."
“This DVD and the accompanying discussion guide will help you understand why the next generation often sees the church as
overprotective, shallow, anti-intellectual, exclusive, repressive, and intolerant of doubt. You’ll hear the voices of young people who want to be part of a community of faith but have been marginalized by the church. And you’ll
discover loving, biblical ways to reconnect to them with kindness, compassion, and humility."
“If you care about the future of the church, you don’t want to miss You Lost Me.”
The small group will meet for one hour a week over six weeks. After introductions, we’ll begin each hour with watching a 10
to 12 minute DVD presentation, then follow the discussion guide to share our reactions. The small group is meant to be transformative – for the participants and for the parish.
Sessions include
(1) Overprotective
(2) Shallow
(3) Anti-science
(4) Repressive
(5) Exclusive
(6) Doubtless
Starting on a Weeknight in January
Curious? Contact Fr. Jon 627-2222, x11 or jthomas@guadalupeparishshrine.org with the
best weeknight for your availability.