SERVICES IN NOVEMBER AT ST MARY’S 1st (Sat) 3.00pm All Saints Service + Tea 2nd 8.00am Holy Communion BCP 10.00am Holy Communion 3.30pm Norwich Diocesan Association of Bellringers Songs of Praise 8th (Sat) 12 noon Remembrance in the Churchyard 9th 8.00am Holy Communion BCP 10.00am Informal Holy Communion 3.00pm Remembrance Service (2.15 at War Memorial) 16th 8.00am Holy Communion BCP 10.00am Holy Communion 23rd 8.00am Holy Communion BCP 10.00am All Age Worship (with SHINE!) 6.30pm Choral Evensong 30th 8.00am Holy Communion BCP 10.00am Holy Communion Every Week:- Service at 9.30am Wednesday followed by Tea & Coffee Prayers at 7.30am—8.00am Tuesday 5.00pm— 5.30pm Thursday 9.30am - 10.00am Saturday Coming Soon 13th December Christmas Coffee Morning IF YOU HAVE ANY QUERIES or NEED HELP PLEASE CONTACT Church Office - from 9am to 1pm Tues, Wed, & Thurs. TELEPHONE 01953 881252 e-mail - St Mary’s Church, Church Road, Watton. IP25 6DQ Rev’d Gerry Foster (Vicar) 01953 881439 Robert Hardy (churchwarden) 01953 882936 Gill Smith (churchwarden) 01953 483231 or visit our web site- ST. MARY’S CHURCH, WATTON Newsletter November 2014 St Mary’s Mission Statement Reaching out with the power and love of Jesus in a caring, family atmosphere We Will Remember Them Saturday 8th at 12 noon in St Mary’s Churchyard Sunday 9th at 2.15pm at Watton War Memorial followed by a Service of Remembrance at 3pm in St Mary’s Tuesday 11th at 11.00am at Chaston Place (Outside the Co-Op) St Mary’s Greeting Cards There is a spinner stand at the back of the North aisle full of hand crafted greetings cards. There are two types: those with white labels are recycled. That means we have cut fronts/pictures from previously used cards donated to us, remounted them on good quality card stock, and provided an envelope. These are blank inside. On the back they are stamped Recycled in aid of St Mary’s Watton. Those with blue labels on the stand are new hand crafted cards and do have inserts. The words inside are indicated on a slip of paper in the back of the sleeve. They have printed labels on the back which read Sold in aid of St Mary’s Church Watton, Norfolk. Recycled cards are 50p each. New cards are priced individually, most at £1 each, exceptionally fine cards are more (£1.50 or £2). All profits go to St Mary’s. The clear sleeves cost 5p each and it helps if they are returned for reuse. Cards may be ordered for special occasions for £2 or £2.50. See Margaret Enger to order these. Thanks to a very generous donation of cardmaking supplies over 90% of the price is now going to St Mary’s. Confirmation and Renewal of Baptismal Vows For all those considering being confirmed or renewing their baptismal vows on Sunday 7th December at St George’s Saham Toney, we’ll be gathering for preparation at St Mary’s on Sundays 2nd, 9th & 16th November after the 10.00am service and coffee time, (12 noon - 1.00pm). Please bring your own lunch if you wish. Contact: Revd Gerry. Harvest Many thanks to everyone who decorated the church and to all who contributed to the amazing amount of goods we were able to send to the Foodbank. WANTED We still need more people to operate the computer for the overhead projector in church during our Sunday Services. Full training given. Its based on Microsoft Windows - just like you have at home ! St Mary’s Art and Photographic Exhibition 15th & 16th November 2014 Calling all budding artists and photographers! Entry forms for the Exhibition and sale are now available from Vernon and Jill Conie 01953 882570 or from the Church Office 881252. The hanging fee for each picture is £2, the same as last time. The exhibition will be from 10am to 4pm on Saturday and noon to 4pm on Sunday. Refreshments will be available over the weekend, also light lunches on the Saturday. We are sure you must have lots of holiday photographs and we know that there are many talented artists among our congregation, so let’s make this a really good show. Organ Fund. We were so blessed to welcome roundly 80 for each recital. A big ‘Thank You’ to everyone who helped with the catering at each concert, without which I would have panicked! With some donations we raised over £1500.00 towards the organ refurbishment fund. Lorraine Eldridge Norfolk Churches Trust Sponsored Ride/Walk Day. Our thanks to Rod Broughall, Margaret Enger & Margaret Smith for their efforts, raising the grand total of £540.00. (half will come to St Mary's and half to the Norfolk Churches Trust) Watton Churches Together Discipleship Course ‘Encounters’ All friends and family of any Christian denomination or none are welcome to Watton Churches Together Discipleship Course ‘Encounters’ - ‘Moving On’: at the Watton Christian Community Centre meeting at 6.30pm for a meal (for those who can); Group from 7.30pm - 9.00pm. Thursday 6th November, Stand up and be counted & Church - we are a family Thursday 20th November, Church - worship Thursday 4th December, Growing in God Thursday 8th January, Life in the Spirit Thursday 22nd January, Cheerful giving - time, talents and money Thursday 5th February, New life, new lifestyle If you are planning to attend please give your name to Margaret Cator
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