S anlando Life App

Life App
Prayer Corner
None known at time of printing
Rev. Michael Pestel
Pass the Peace of Christ
Opening Song
Counseling Center Ministry Moment
Offertory Prayer
Prayer Time
Closing Song
Carolyn Kruse
Marsha Worm
Emma Morgan
In Assisted Living & Health Care Facilities:
Peter Hackler, Leader
Worship Band and Congregation
Kay Van Der Heyden
Rev. Michael Pestel
Worship Band
Kyle Aycock
Scripture ~ Ecclesiastes 2:10-11
Message ~ Simply Content
Recovering at Home:
Milo Culbertson Sue Foley
Anne Summitt
Beth Trotter
Rev. Michael Pestel
Worship Band and Congregation
Rev. Michael Pestel
Addison Bowman, Horizon Bay Alt. – Room 200
Dewena Mickle, The Consulate, Room 102
Dolores Humphries, Majestic Oaks, Orange City
Char Frandsen, Horizon Bay
Gloria Crossman, Horizon Bay Alt. – Room 335
Joe & Jean Nicholson, Oakmonte
Dottie Decker, Life Care Altamonte
New Additions this week
Anita Hoffman, Sandy Denslow’s mother
Christopher Bible, Gloria’s grandson, medical concerns
Sam Smith, friend of Pat & Kent Powers, cancer
Del Keysor, Dan’s father, serious medical concerns
Jack & Beverly Steele, friends of Patricia & Bob Kendrick, in TN, medical
Future Surgeries
Carol Tate, surgery on Nov. 25th
Family of God Weekly Prayer Focus
Mina Somers
Dorothy Stevens
Elena Spears
Timothy & Laura Steward
Dee Spiller
Ruth Stewart
Gaines & Sandy Spivey
Tony & Terrie Strileckis
Benjamin & Ashley Sprague
Gary & Anne Summitt
Service Persons Serving Our Country
Arthur J. Athens, Jr.
Samantha Brooks
Mike Bartlett
Krysten Carmelo
Francisco Berrios
Chris Cedros
Donald K. Brooks
Lauren Cowles
Ryan Cowles
Grant Culbertson
Mariah DeWitt
Richard Dollar
For Prayer Chain assistance, please call:
Isabel Carlin~407-869-4127 or Cynde Kichukoff~407-788-3918
1890 West State Road 434
Longwood, Florida 32750-5002
Phone: 407-571-2100 Fax: 407-571-2121
Office Hours: Monday ~ Thursday: 9:00am – 4:30pm
Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
www.sanlando.org ~ www.sanlandoyouth.org
November 9, 2014
Our Church family welcomes you!
Thank you for making us part of your week!
Our pager-safe Nursery is provided for all Worship Services, church
events and is located adjacent to the Sanctuary!
We invite you to join us for breakfast that is served
from 9:00 — 9:45 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Children’s Class Schedule at 9:45
Children under 3 Yrs Old ..................Nursery
3 Year Olds - PreK ...........................Room 7
Kindergarten - 1st Grade ..................Room 10
2nd - 3rd Grade ................................Room 5
4th - 5th Grade .................................Room 4
Adult Classes at 9:45
Bible Study (All ages) .......................Conference Room
Doers (All ages) ................................The Point
Fellowship (All ages)
Fellowship Hall (kitchen side)
Crosstalk (Ages 20-30-40’s) .............Room 17
Spiritual Growth (All ages) ................Parlor
The Inheritors (Women All ages) ......Room 24
Children’s Worship at 11:00 (Children ages 4 — 11) is located
Fellowship Hall (stage side)
Parents, please pick up your children in the Fellowship Hall following
the service. Thank you!
Youth Class Schedule at 11:00
6th — 8th Grades .............................The Point
9th — 12th Grades ...........................Conference Room
Adult Class at 11:00
Transformation DVD Study (All ages).......... Parlor
Information on Sunday School classes & Maps
of the Church Campus are available at the Welcome Table!
Thank you for coming and worshiping with us!
Join Us for our Children’s Musical Next Sunday
“Who Is Like the Lord?” Children’s Musical on Sunday,
November 16th at 4PM in the sanctuary. Our children ages 4
through 5th grade will be sharing their faith through music,
drama, and movement.
Annual Hanging of the Greens
Bring your family and come decorate our campus for Christmas
on Sunday, November 16th, at 5pm (immediately following the
Children’s Musical). We will hang garlands, put up the tree on
the altar and decorate it. A light supper will follow. Sign up on
the insert today!
New Wednesday Connect Class
Join us on Wednesday, Nov. 12th & 19th at 6:15 in the Parlor.
Louie Giglio’s “How Great is Our God” will be presented. This
teaching explores how the God who spoke the universe into
existence made you, too and knows everything about you.
That's where we find hope in the midst of the darkest places in
life. - Ed McGlynn will facilitate our discussions each week.
God’s Girls for High School Girls
Saturday, November 15 beginning at 6:30 p.m., Chicken Dinner
& Christmas Cards, at Deb Keely’s home, 1486 Ridge Lake Ct.
in Longwood. Bible Study at 5:30. In honor of Veterans’ Day
and the elections, we’ll take a look at how God and Christians
have figured into American History. Please RSVP to Deb Keely
407-332-8472; dkeely@embarqmail.com or Tina Lail, 407-8040398; TML225@aol.com
Today Is Brown Bag Sunday
Thank you for your food donations today. If you were not able
to bring food today, please make a monetary donation in the
collection box located in the narthex. Cash donations will help
purchase additional food items such as milk and eggs.
Sanlando Summer Mission Team Forming
Our Sanlando Summer Mission Team is forming now. If you are
interested in joining the team to continue church construction
work in Costa Rica, and daily VBS, please contact Kent Powers
at 407-951-5868. Individuals and families are welcome.
Be. Go. Do. – November Outreach Opportunities
The Flowers on the Altar are . . .
In celebration of Barbara & Lamar Folsom’s
35th Wedding Anniversary!
In celebration of Stone & Jasmine Flores’
19th Birthday on November 5th!
Monday, November 17, Pathways To Care BINGO, 2pm
Tuesday, Nov. 18, Cornerstone Manicure Ministry, 1pm
Sunday, November 23 - December 7, Christmas Angel Tree
Collection Begins
School is in Full Swing!
At Sanlando’s Christian School, we are blessed to have such
caring staff members to help our little ones learn and grow in
God’s love. Our VPK classes are now full, as are our Tuesday/
Thursday classes for two-year-olds! We still have openings for
two-year-olds on Monday/Wednesday and other age levels
from one year to kindergarten, so please spread the word.
Sunday, November 16
Sunday, November 9
8:25-9:45-11:00 Worship Service (S)
8:25-9:45-11:00 Worship Service (S)
11:00 New Member Gathering (CONF)
2:00 REVO Band
2:00 REVO Band
4:00 Shine Choir
4:00 Children’s Musical (S)
5:00 S.P.L.A.T.
5:00 UMYF (Grades 6-12) (PT/17/CONF) 5:00 UMYF (Grades 6-12) (PT/17/CONF)
5:00 Hanging of the Greens/Dinner
Monday, November 10
Monday, November 17
7:00 Fresh Bread
7:00 Fresh Bread
1:00 Life in the Spirit (P)
1:00 Life in the Spirit (P)
5:00 Covenant Disciple (P)
2:00 Pathways to Care BINGO
6:00 Handbell Choir (S)
5:00 Covenant Disciple (P)
7:00 Boy Scouts (FH)
6:00 Handbell Choir (S)
7:00 Staff Parish (CONF)
7:00 Boy Scouts (FH)
Tuesday, November 11
7:00 Finance (CONF)
9:30 Staff Meeting (CONF)
Tuesday, November 18
9:45 Intercessory Prayer (P)
9:30 Staff Meeting (CONF)
1:00 Cornerstone Crafts
9:45 Intercessory Prayer (P)
5:30 Compassionate Friends (FHS)
1:00 Cornerstone Nails
7:00 Stephen Ministry (CONF)
Wednesday, November 12
5:00 Wednesday Connect
6:15 Children’s Choir (S)
6:15 Divorce Care Support (24)
6:15 Grief Share Support
6:15 Solid Food (PT)
7:30 Christmas Choir (S)
Thursday, November 13
10:00 Women’s Bible Study (CONF)
7:00 Young Adults (PT
7:00 Worship Band (S)
Friday, November 14
9:00 Bulletin Volunteers (CONF)
Saturday, November 15
6:25 Sat. Morning Men’s Group (P)
10:00 Children’s Musical Reh. (S)
Wednesday, November 19
8:00 District Administrative Assist.
Training (FH/K)
5:00 Wednesday Connect
6:15 Children’s Choir (S)
6:15 Divorce Care Support (24)
6:15 Grief Share Support
6:15 Solid Food (PT)
7:30 Christmas Choir (S)
Thursday, November 20
9:30 Faith Circle (FHK/P)
7:00 Young Adults (PT
7:00 Worship Band (S)
7:00 Spirit Circle (27)
Friday, November 21
9:00 Bulletin Volunteers (CONF)
Saturday, November 22
6:25 Sat. Morning Men’s Group (P)
Private, confidential, full-service counseling
services for adults, teens and couples who are
seeking help with grief, depression, marital, premarital counseling are offered at the Sanlando
Christian Counseling Center, located here at
Sanlando. A sliding fee schedule is available. For
more information, or to schedule an appointment,
call Kay Van Der Heyden at 407-339-5324 or visit
their website at www.sanlandocounseling.com