2-01-15 Bulletin 945.pub - Sanlando United Methodist Church

Worship Service
9:45 a.m.
Prayer Corner
Jesse Swords, South Seminole Hosp. Room 220
Lee Ulstad, Central Florida Regional
Opening Songs
Worship Band and Congregation
Peter Hackler, Leader
Rev. Michael Pestel
Offertory Prayer
Rev. Michael Pestel
Prayer Time
Worship Band
Mark Adams
Scripture ~ Mark 1:21-28
Message ~ With Authority
Rev. Michael Pestel
Holy Communion
Closing Songs
Worship Band and Congregation
Rev. Michael Pestel
Recovering at Home
Lou Bentivegna
Amy Booth
Geri Evans
Dave Lutz
Daphne Carson
Sandy Rogers
In Assisted Living & Health Care Facilities:
Addison Bowman, Horizon Bay Alt. – Room 200
Dewena Mickle, The Consulate, Room 102
Dolores Humphries, Majestic Oaks, Orange City
Dottie Decker, Brookdale – Room 515
Char Frandsen, Horizon Bay
Gloria Crossman, Horizon Bay Alt. – Room 335
Joe & Jean Nicholson, Oakmonte
New Additions this week
Char Frandsen, Manor Care, Winter Park
Garnet Knoblock at Lake Mary Rehab Room 403
Milo Culbertson, chemo treatments, bladder cancer
Arden Piazza, Dale Thomas’ sister, medical issues
2015 Confirmation Class
Lois Womersley, out-patient surgery, Jan. 28th
Earl Hodil, Sr. (Earl Hodil’s father) open heart surgery, Feb.6th,
Annapolis, MD
Linda Marr, Thyroid Surgery, February 9th, Florida Altamonte
Family of God Weekly Prayer Focus
Jeff & Ann Campbell
John & Kristi Carnesale
Darrayl & Kitty Cannon
Dan & Ann Carr
Dan & Alice Capik
Keith & Angel Carson
Sandy Carey
Rani Charan
Isabel Carlin
James & Martha Christopher
Service Persons Serving Our Country
Mariah DeWitt
John Egan
Richard Dollar
Katie Egan
James Dorlon
Ben Eshelman
Michael Douglas
Will Harrell
Jacob Holcomb
John Iannotti
Charles W. Jesse
Kevin Kruse
1890 West State Road 434
Longwood, Florida 32750-5002
Phone: 407-571-2100 Fax: 407-571-2121
Office Hours: Monday ~ Thursday: 9:00am – 4:30pm
Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
www.sanlando.org ~ www.sanlandoyouth.org
February 1, 2015
Our Church family welcomes you!
Thank you for making us part of your week!
Our pager-safe Nursery is provided for all Worship Services, church
events and is located adjacent to the Sanctuary!
We invite you to join us for breakfast that is served
from 9:00 — 9:45 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Children’s Class Schedule at 9:45
Children under 3 Yrs Old ..................Nursery
3 Year Olds - PreK ...........................Room 7
Kindergarten - 1st Grade ..................Room 10
2nd - 3rd Grade ................................Room 3
4th - 5th Grade .................................Room 4
Adult Classes at 9:45
Bible Study (All ages) .......................Conference Room
Doers (All ages) ................................The Point
Fellowship (All ages)
Fellowship Hall (kitchen side)
Crosstalk (Ages 20-30-40’s) .............Room 17
Spiritual Growth (All ages) ................Parlor
The Inheritors (Women All ages) ......Room 24
Children’s Worship at 11:00 (Children ages 4 — 11) is located
Fellowship Hall (stage side)
Parents, please pick up your children in the Fellowship Hall following
the service. Thank you!
Youth Class Schedule at 11:00
6th — 12th Grades ...........................The Point
Adult Class at 11:00
Transformation DVD Study (All ages).......... Parlor
Information on Sunday School classes & Maps
of the Church Campus are available at the Welcome Table!
Thank you for coming and worshipping with us!
We will be using a new 6-week study “6 Things We Should
Know About God.” This study will correspond with Pastor
Michael’s weekly teachings on Sunday. If you’d like to order a
copy of the study guide, sign up on the insert or email
debi.douglas@sanlando.org. No charge for the study guide;
however, donations of $6 will be accepted for this resource.
Singers Please Join Us
Spring Concert Choir begins rehearsals Wednesday, Feb. 4th
at 7:30. “The Passion and the Promise” will be presented on
Palm Sunday, March 29th, at 8:25 and 11:00am.
Now Hiring for Nursery Attendants:
Seeking applicants 18 years or older. Childcare and/or teaching
experience required. Available to work two Sunday mornings a
month and some mid-week evenings. Schedule is flexible (4-8
hrs. a week). Hourly Pay. If interested, please send resume and
references to brianne.ortt@sanlando.org.
UMW Seats & Feets Annual Underwear & Socks Collection
Thank you for donating new socks and underwear to the
Sanlando United Methodist Women’s annual Seats & Feets
collection. Items will go to kids in need at nearby Seminole
County Elementary Schools.
Brown Bag Sunday Is New Week, February 8th
Please help stock The Sharing Center food pantry by donating
canned and boxed food items. Bring your items to the narthex.
Sanlando Saturday Serve
If you haven’t signed up to help yet, please join our Sanlando
Saturday Serve team at Harvest Time International on
Saturday, February 7, 10am-noon. Kids and families welcome.
To pre-register, please sign up today.
Be. Go. Do. – February Outreach Opportunities
Monday, February 2 & 23 Pathways To Care BINGO, 2pm
Tuesday, February 3 & 17 Cornerstone Manicure Ministry, 1pm
Tuesday, February 10, Cornerstone Craft, 1pm
S.P.L.A.T. will NOT be meeting this Sunday, February 1st
This is a calendar change. We will resume our regular activities
the following Sunday, Feb. 8th at 5pm in the Fellowship Hall.
The Flowers on the Altar are . . .
In celebration of our granddaughter, Adelina Mae Murphy,
born New Year’s Day in Rome, Italy.
~ Bill & Claudette Briggle
Happy 2nd Birthday, Jordan Pestel! Love and Hugs!
~ Your Church Family
New Lenten Study Beginning in February
Transformations Class Begins New Study February 8th
“Beloved Dust” is a 6-week DVD study by Saddleback Pastor
Jamin Goggin and theologian Kyle Stroebel. Meets weekly at
11am in the Parlor. Facilitated by Russ & Sandy Denslow.
Crossroads ~ Young Adult Bible Study Group
All young adults are welcome. Meets weekly on Thursdays at
7pm in The Point. Next Thursday, January 29th, meet at
Jeremiah’s Italian Ice on Lake Mary Blvd. at 7pm. For more
info, contact Kyle Aycock at kyle.aycock@sanlando.org.
Sunday, February 1
8:25-9:45-11:00 Worship Service (S)
No evening activities today.
Monday, February 2
7:00 Fresh Bread
1:00 Life in the Spirit (P)
2:00 Pathways BINGO
5:00 Covenant Disciple (P)
7:00 Boy Scouts (FH)
7:00 Trustees (CONF)
Sunday, February 8
8:25-9:45-11:00 Worship Service (S)
2:00 REVO Band
4:00 Shine Choir (S)
5:00 Confirmation (CONF)
5:00 Hope Circle (P)
5:00 SPLAT (FH/K)
5:00 UMYF(Grades6-12)(PT/17)
Monday, February 9
7:00 Fresh Bread
1:00 Life in the Spirit (P)
5:00 Covenant Disciple (P)
7:00 Boy Scouts (FH)
7:00 Staff Parish (CONF)
Tuesday, February 3
10:00 Staff Outing/Lunch
9:45 Intercessory Prayer (P)
1:00 Cornerstone Nails
2:00 Joy Circle (off campus)
7:00 Quilt Group (FH)
Tuesday, February 10
9:30 Staff Meeting (CONF)
9:45 Intercessory Prayer (P)
1:00 Cornerstone Crafts
7:00 Compassionate Friends (FHS)
7:00 UMW Executive Board Mtg. (P)
Wednesday, February 4
6:15 Solid Food (PT/17/27)
6:15 Divorce Care (20)
6:15 Grief Share (24)
6:15 Children’s Choir (S)
7:30 Chancel Choir (S)
Thursday, February 5
9:30 Peace Circle (off campus)
10:00 Women’s Bible Study (CONF)
6:00 Worship Band (S)
7:00 Young Adults (PT)
Friday, February 6
9:00 Bulletin Volunteers (CONF)
Saturday, February 7
6:25 Sat. Morning Men’s Group (P)
10:00 Harvest Time International
5:30 Sweetheart Dance (FH)
Wednesday, February 11
6:15 Solid Food (PT/17/27)
6:15 Divorce Care (20)
6:15 Grief Share (24)
6:15 Children’s Choir (S)
7:30 Chancel Choir (S)
Thursday, February 12
10:00 Women’s Bible Study (CONF)
6:00 Worship Band (S)
7:00 Young Adults (PT)
Friday, February 13
9:00 Bulletin Volunteers (CONF)
Saturday, February 14
6:25 Sat. Morning Men’s Group (P)
Sanlando Sweetheart Dance
A School & Church Family Event
Saturday, February 7, 2015 (5:30 – 7:30pm)
Live DJ, special dances, tasty treats and a silent auction featuring
artwork created by our children! Also available at the auction will
be a quilt and several handmade jewelry items.
Ticket Presale
Family $20/Individual $5
At Door: Family $25/ Individual $7
Tickets available weekdays at SCS and Sunday mornings at SUMC