The Parish Family of St. Catharine and St. Margaret

The Parish Family of
St. Catharine and St. Margaret
Spring Lake, New Jersey
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
Members of our Parish who have family or friends in
the service have given us their names which can be
found in our Remembrance books in both churches in
front of one of the side altars. We encourage you to
stop there, say a prayer for those listed and for all our
service people.
To add a name to our prayer list, please call
Barbara 732-449-5392 or Karen 732-685-7065 or
MONDAY, November 17
8:00 AM
David George Santich
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Francis X. Sinclair
TUESDAY, November 18
8:00 AM
Linda & Joseph Garrahan
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Catherine Walsh
WEDNESDAY, November 19
8:00 AM (Chapel)
Susan Stein
Bernard Joyce
John Hollawell
Loretta Whaley
Fred Maffeo
Alice Newman
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Ruth Chester
Please remember our sick:
THURSDAY, November 20
8:00 AM
Edward F. Donohue, 7th Ann
12:00 PM (Chapel)
John Gardell
Please pray for the deceased:
Florence McElroy, Mary Foley, Paul Brady, Charles
Williams, Brian J. Mahoney, Sr. Janet Dalton, Baby
Max Pogers, Michael Galvin, Mary Hurley, Alida
Scheuermann, Fr. John McGovern, Charles Perkins,
David Stevens, Jane Magovern, Tiffany Hanke Benner, Bob
Albert Julius Liptak, Mary Ellen Barrett, Joseph Dunn, Fr. Russell
Abata, Robert Syseskey, Sr., John J. Quinn, Richard J. Fay,
Melissa Ann Mattia, Thomas H. Thornton, Joseph R. Bokan,
Marie Wingard, Baby Cahill, Ann Courtemanche, Armand Grez**
FRIDAY, November 21
6:45 AM
Maryann Alworth
8:00 AM
Margie Masterson
Mai T. Nguyen
John Gardell
Carol Eyres
Robert Rebollo
Kathleen Walsh
12:00 PM (Chapel)
David Kane, 8th Ann
**Names remain on the sick and deceased at the request of
parishioners for one month (4 weeks). If extended prayers are
needed, please send a note or call. Thank you.
Daughters of St. Catharine and
St. Margaret
SATURDAY, November 22
6:45 AM
Mary Cunningham
8:00 AM
Robert Machorek
5:00 PM
The Rempe Family
We are pleased to announce the beginning of a
new parish initiative for the women of
St. Catharine-St. Margaret Parish.
SUNDAY, November 23
7:00 AM
Sylvester J. Carroll
9:00 AM
William “Billy” Albeltin
10:30 AM
Celia Tiernan, 12th Ann
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Coppinger/McKenna Families
The first meeting of the group will be on
Thursday, Nov. 20 at 7.00PM
in St. Margaret Hall.
SATURDAY, November 22
4:30 PM
Edward & Doug Ledden
The theme of the first meeting will be Advent
The mission statement of the group is as follows:
“The daughters of St. Catharine-St. Margaret are women
empowering women to trust in Jesus as Mary did – to share
triumphs and tragedies, to learn with and from each other, to
make our journey on this earth peaceful.”
SUNDAY, November 23
8:30 AM
Helen Doyle
10:00 AM
Robert Gilman
11:30 AM
People of the Parish
Memorial Candles
At the 5PM Mass on November 1, the names of those from
our parish who have died during the last year, were read aloud,
and a votive candle was lit in their memory. Members of the
families were invited to take home the candle after Mass
concluded. If a family member has died during the past year,
and you were not able to attend the Mass on November 1,
please visit St. Catharine Church and find the candle with
his/her name on it and take it home. The candles are on St.
Joseph and St. Mary altars. Light the candle from time to time
during the month of November to recall and remember and
pray for this person.
Our commitment is to promote Catholic education
through small group meetings, to help each other grow in
faith and service.
Women of the parish are invited to come for a few hours.
Varied topics. Guest Professional speakers. Come mingle,
learn and become empowered by his Word.
Meetings will be held on the last Thursday of each month
at 7.00PM in the St. Margaret Hall.
For further information contact Gretchen Stevens
732 213 7475.
Then Jesus answered, “Woman, you have great faith!
Your request is granted.” Matthew 15:28
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
During the month of October every year, each parish
in the Diocese counts the number of people who
attend Mass on the weekend. The "October Count"
contributes to the national statistics about church
attendance across the USA.
According to our statistics, approximately 1800
Catholics attend Mass in St. Catharine-St. Margaret
Parish on the weekend. Admittedly this number
fluctuates - rising in the summer when the visitors
flock to the shore, and decreasing in the winter when
the "snow-birds" migrate to Florida and the warmer
On the surface 1800 seems like a healthy number that is until you look at it in the context of the
number of registered families in the parish which is
estimated at approximately 3400. In our parish we
see a trend that is apparent across the country; a
decrease in church attendance.
A Pew Research Center Study confirms this trend.
Seventy two percent of people in the USA think that
religion is losing influence, and most think that this is
a bad thing.
The same study reports that almost half (47%) see the
Republican Party as friendly toward religion, while
less than a third (29%) see the Democratic Party as
friendly towards religion. The Obama administration
is seen as friendly by 30%, a decline of 7% from
2009. Among Catholics the percentage who say the
administration is "unfriendly", has grown from 15 to
28 percent.
While political differences are seen to correlate with
Mass attendance, ethnicity, even more than Mass
attendance, provide a stark contrast. Sixty one
percent of Hispanic Catholics and 41% of "white"
Catholics are Democrats, or lean towards that party.
Fifty three percent of "white" Catholics lean
Republican compared with 26% of Hispanic
John Carr, the Director of the Initiative on Catholic
Social Thought and Public Life at Georgetown
University, writing last week in America Magazine,
writes that The Democratic Party has lost Catholics,
but the Republican Party has not become their
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
permanent political residence. "Catholics with Pope
Francis' priority for the poor and vulnerable" he
writes "may find themselves politically homeless comfortable with neither Republican economic
individualism, which measures everything by the
market, nor with Democratic cultural individualism,
which celebrates personal "choice" above all else."
For Catholics the concept of the "common good" is a
traditional and long standing value that is poorly
accommodated by both parties. Neither political
party leaves enough room for the helpless, the weak
and the vulnerable or the common good.
For us Catholics, the road ahead must lie in the
direction of working vigorously, not necessarily leaving
one party for the other, but by striving through both
parties and other institutions to ensure that our
country enshrines and protects both human life and
human dignity. With the leadership of Pope Francis,
we have the opportunity to bring the "joy of the
Gospel" to the public and political life of our country,
and ensure that moral principles, civic virtues and
priority for the poor and dispossessed - the "least of
those amongst us" become a political, as well as a
religious and ethical reality in our country.
Fr Harry Cullen
Archbishop of Dublin & The Synod
of Bishops
During a mass at the Dublin Institute of Technology this week
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, asked how strong the faith of the
Pope’s critics can be can be if they are so threatened by
discussions about groups they usually prefer to condemn?
Archbishop Martin said he believed that
“a longing for certainties may spring from personal
uncertainty rather than strong faith.”
“A strong – and indeed orthodox faith – is never afraid of
discussion,” he added.
The Book of the Dead
A book with the names of parishioners who died
this past year, is still in place in the sanctuary of
St. Catharine Church. We invite you to come and
add the name of a loved one who was significant to
you, who has died this past year, and is not
already included in the list. We will remember
them together with those whose names are
inscribed on the envelopes on the altar every time
we celebrate Mass during November.
Social Concerns
Collection weekend November 22nd-23rd, 2014
On the weekend of November 22nd, 23rd there will be a
collection to raise funds to support our parish's efforts to bring
quality education and health care to the orphans and families in
Uganda. On November 15th and 16th, envelopes for this
collection will be in the pews as well as in the rear of church.
Envelopes can be deposited in the second collection on that
weekend or dropped off at the rectory and convent offices at any
time. Checks can be made out to St. Catharine - St. Margaret
The fund raising efforts are directed to continue tuition
assistance to 100 orphaned/needy children, completion of a
dormitory for St. Kizito 7th grade students, construction of a
children’s ward for the Alanyi Health Clinic and reconstructing
the Alanyi Primary School that was destroyed by the rebels of
the LRA.
Over the past 12 years St. Catharine School, has twinned with
St. Kizito School to provide funds for projects. St. Catharine-St.
Margaret Parish began assisting these endeavors for the past 7
Sister Carole Mac Kenthun, RSM, and the Mission of Mercy
Team have been visiting Uganda during the summer for the past
12 years. Posters of the missionary team as well as our
completed projects are displayed in the rear of the church.
Beads of Hope jewelry will be on sale after the Masses
during the week-end of November 15th and 16th.
Thanksgiving Celebration
Committee will be collecting
turkeys and the makings for a
Thanksgiving meal for families
of Mother of Mercy parish in
Asbury Park. The collections
will be accepted on Saturday,
November 22, 2014 from
9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. in
St. Margaret's parking lot. Frozen or fresh turkeys as well as
potatoes, vegetables, cranberries and fruit will be gratefully
accepted. Thank you for your support.
Winter Clothes Drive
The St. Vincent de Paul Society of
Mother of Mercy Parish in Asbury Park
has expressed a need for new or gently
worn winter clothes for the people they
Coats, hats, gloves and scarves for
women and men and children of all ages
will be most welcome. Please consider this request from our
brothers and sisters as you begin reviewing your winter
wardrobe. Perhaps there are children clothes that have been
outgrown, or clothes that no longer fit or are not in your style
that could make a difference in someone's life.
The Social concerns Committee will be accepting any clothes
you wish to contribute on Monday, November 24, 2014 in St.
Margaret's Church parking lot between the hours of 10:00 A.M.
and noon. Thank you for your support.
Mission of Mercy Update
Tesa Carlson and Rachelle Maget are
responsible for managing the Mission of
Mercy Student Sponsorship Program for
over 100 students in Uganda. They
provide pictures, renewal letters and
thank you notes to every person or family
who sponsors a child.
A $350
contribution each year provides tuition,
new uniforms and daily meals to a needy
student. Once a year the students send
thank you cards and an updated picture.
The majority of students are from St. Kizito School in Uganda,
which is the sister school to St. Catharine’s Elementary School.
It is a well run, efficient school with good administrators
providing a high standard of education to students. Our dollars
are really making a difference in this school and in these
students’ lives.
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
In honor of All Saints Day, the St. Catharine School
kindergarten students dressed as their favorite saints
for the First Friday School Mass.
MONDAY, November 17
Girl’s V Bball
Boy’s JV Bball
Boy’s V Bball
2:30 PM
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
7:30 PM
November 8-9, 2014
Regular Collection……………………………………….$17,900.13
Second Collection (Catholic University)…………….… $3,542.00
TUESDAY, November 18
Pastoral Care
Healthy Bones
Pastoral Care
CCD K-5Th Grade
CCD 6th -8th Grade
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
2:30 PM
4:30 PM
7:00 PM
WEDNESDAY, November 19
Women’s Bible Study
Pastoral Care
Girl’s JV Bball
Girl Scouts
Girl’s V Bball
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
2:30 PM
2:30 PM
4:00 PM
7:15 PM
St Catharine’s Church
THURSDAY, November 20
Healthy Bones
Pastoral Care
Altar Sewing/Craft Guild
Daisy Troop
Boy’s JV Bball
Boy’s V Bball
Children’s Choir
Daughters of St. Catharine
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
2:30 PM
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
Contributions that come in the mail
Loose Cash
Total Miscellaneous
First Collection Summary By Mass
St Margaret’s Church
Saturday 4.30PM
Sunday 8.30AM
Sunday 10.00AM
Sunday 11.30AM
Total St Margaret’s
Saturday 5.00PM
Sunday 7.00AM
Sunday 9.00AM
Sunday 10.30AM
Sunday 12.00PM
Total St Catharine’s Church
SATURDAY, November 22
Social Concerns will be collecting frozen food containers after
10:00 AM
SUNDAY, November 23
Social Concerns will be collecting frozen food containers after
Boy’s JV Bball Game
12:30 PM
Boy’s V Bball Game
1:45 PM
Girl’s JV Bball Game
3:00 PM
Girl’s V Bball Game
4:15 PM
On the lighter Side
Fr. Smith arrived on the altar one Sunday morning with a large band
aid on his face. After a rather lengthy sermon, he explained, “I cut my
face this morning while I was shaving because I was thinking about
my sermon.” After Mass a parishioner stopped to greet Fr. Smith at the
door, and advised him: “Father, next time think about your face, and
cut the sermon.”
The pastor stopped in the middle of his sermon and beckoned to an
usher to come up to him. “In the second row” he told him “there’s
a man sound asleep. Please wake him.”
“That’s not fair” said the usher “you put him to sleep. You should
wake him up.”
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
Thanksgiving Day
Please note that we will be having a special
Thanksgiving Day Mass at 9:15 a.m. on
Thanksgiving Morning November 27th at St.
Catharine Church. Bring the whole family and
start the day by joining in the greatest act of
Thanksgiving that we have – the Eucharistic
sacrifice of the Mass.
Invest Wisely
Help St. Catharine students by remembering St. Catharine School in your
estate plan. By including St. Catharine Parish and school in your estate
plan, you can make a significant impact on future generations. A bequest is
one of the most thoughtful ways of providing for St. Catharine students: it
is a gift that shows your commitment to the school’s tradition of excellence
today, and allows St. Catharine students to thrive academically and
spiritually tomorrow.
Women's Bible Study
We’re excited to announce a new Women’s Bible Study
Group! This is an opportunity for women of all ages and all
levels of Biblical knowledge to gather in fellowship and talk
about scripture and its meaning to the challenges in our
Altar Servers
Sixteen students from St. Catharine 5th grade have
volunteered for altar server training, and others may
be joining this group. Seven 5th grade students from
our religious education program have also signed on. .
In the weeks ahead, we will be training them. We will
be focusing initially on boys and girls in the 5th grade.
The process of becoming an altar server is an intense
and somewhat lengthy process. It involves learning
and understanding the Mass, and everything related to
the Mass, in a way that not all Catholics understand.
Additionally, servers will be trained meticulously in
the rubrics and procedures involved in actually serving
on the altar.
This will involve a period of
apprenticeship after you are trained before you are
formally commissioned at a public ceremony during
Mass as certified altar servers for St. Catharine-St.
Margaret Parish. We hope to accomplish this before
In the meantime, on behalf of the parish, we thank our
existing altar servers for their dedicated service to the
parish, and for participating so generously in what is a
very important ministry in the church.
Annual March for Life 2015 – Washington DC
Thursday, January 22, 2015. Bus sponsored by
St. Catharine’s and the Monmouth Coastal Respect
Life Committee. Reservations $10. Please contact
Cathi De Genova at for details.
Coming to St. Rose on Sunday December 7th, 2014 Speaker
Deacon Pat Brannigan will present “Catholic Teaching on
End of Life Issues and Physician Assisted Suicide”.
Stay tuned for more information
Harrigan’s Pub
in Sea Girt is again hosting a free
dinner for seniors on Thanksgiving Day
at noon. A full, sit-down meal will be
served. The Knights of Columbus is
coordinating the annual event and will
provide rides if needed.
Please call Bob Phelan 732-681-1126 for reservations and
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
The group will be meeting on Wednesday mornings from
9:30am-11:00am in the St. Catharine’s Convent living room.
Meetings will be held weekly as the Gospels are explored,
beginning with “The Gospel According to Matthew” using the
Ignatius Catholic Study Guide (which will be available for
purchase at the meeting). This guide is a valuable resource
which uses the Bible text itself and breaks down the Gospel
verse by verse for an easier understanding.
Our first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 19th.
We hope you will join us!
For more information about the group, please contact
Catherine Pavincich at (732) 449-5623 or at
Parish Pastoral Council
On Tuesday, Nov 4, Terry Ginther addressed
interested members of the parish about a future
pastoral council. Approximately forty
parishioners attended the presentation. Terry
offered to return and continue the discernment
process at a later date. During the presentation
she explained the consultative role of the pastoral
council in relation to advising the pastor with
regard to the pastoral life and growth as a parish.
A constructive discussion ensued. One concern
expressed was that the group may not have been a
representative cross section of the parish, and
there was a general consensus that an appeal
needs to be made to younger families and
individuals to become involved in the important
work of the pastoral council. If you are interested
in serving on the pastoral council, please call the
rectory 732-449 5765 or email Fr. Cullen at
Msgr. Luebking’s Crypt
On November, we began the process of transferring the caskets
that had been temporarily housed at Resurrection mausoleum to
our new mausoleum at St. Anne’s Cemetery. The first casket to
be moved was that of our former pastor, Msgr. Luebking. The
mausoleum is now open, and we encourage you to visit and
admire the magnificent structure, and to pray at the crypt that
houses the mortal remains of Msgr. Luebking, directly behind
the altar, under the imposing stained glass window.
In the coming weeks we will continue to transfer the other
caskets, and hope to have the process completed by
Liturgical Ministry Schedule for St. Margaret Church Saturday, November 22nd & Sunday, November 23rd
SAT. 4:30PM
Fr. Gallagher
SUN. 8:30AM
Fr. Dunlap
SUN. 10:00AM
Fr. Gallagher
SUN. 11:30AM
Fr. Cullen
Kathleen Capristo
Florence Tedesco
Maureen O’Reilly
Thomas Panepinto
Patricia Seltzer
Catherine Cosgrove
Candace Brandmayr
Teresa Rigney
Kathryn Cassidy
Frank DeFillippo
Adelaide Sangiorgi
Jesse Novak
Liturgical Ministry Schedule for St. Catharine Church Saturday, November 22nd & Sunday, November 23rd
SAT. 5:00PM
Fr. Weiser
SUN. 7:00AM
Fr. Morley
SUN. 9:00AM
Fr. Cullen
SUN. 10:30AM
Fr. Padovani
Karen Tanzola
Jane Kulaga
Barbara Blasi
Grace Brennan
Giovanna Beyer
Mary Ann Conte
Rachelle Maget
John Hillyard
Isabella Maguire
Kathleen McCarthy
Myles Dolan
Sr. Carole MacKenthun
Liturgical Ministry Schedule for St. Catharine Chapel Saturday, November 22nd & Sunday, November 23rd
Fr. Weiser
Maureen Schroeder
Theresa Abel
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
Parish Council
Karen Tanzola
Finance Council
PJ McMenamin
Altar Sewing & Crafts Guild
Madelyn Curtis
Bereavement Group
Sr. Margaret Tierney
Children’s Liturgy
Karen Tanzola
CYO Youth Group
Mark McNulty
Health Ministry
Cathi Breslin
Marion Mullarkey
Holy Innocents Society
Tom Dorney
Joan McGurty
Knights of Columbus
Angelo Moliterno
Respect Life Committee
Barbara Griffin
School PTA
Janet Schneider
Social Concerns
Dave Wright
The Classics (over age 55)
Third Order of Mt Carmel
James Morrissey
732-449-5765 x124
732-449-5765 x125
732-449-5765 x165
BAPTISMS: Baptisms are usually on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month at 1:30 PM.
Baptism Preparation Class must be taken before the Baptism. The next class is Tuesday,
November 4, 2014 at 7:30 PM in the Convent. We urge parents to take the class before
the baby’s birth. Please call 732-449-5765, ext 102 to arrange for Baptisms and the
Preparation Class.
CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD: All children, ages 4 and up are
invited to attend the Children's Liturgy of the Word at the 10:00 AM Mass in St.
Margaret's Church. There is no fee or registration required.
MARRIAGES: Those planning marriage should notify the pastor at least one year in
advance. The Church sees marriage in one’s own parish as the most proper arrangement,
therefore, people who reside in St. Catharine - St. Margaret Parish have a right to be
married here. Others should receive the sacrament in their own parishes. The bride, the
groom, or their parents must be registered and living in this Parish for at least one year.
Pre-Cana or Engaged Encounter Weekend is required as is participation in FOCCUS; a
self-diagnostic inventory designed to help couples learn more about themselves and their
unique relationship. Please call 732-449-5765, ext. 166.
CONFESSIONS: St. Margaret Church on Saturdays 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
St. Catharine Chapel on Saturdays 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
After the 8:00 AM Mass on Monday.
Sunday at 3:00 PM, St. Catharine Church.
Weekly Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held EVERY Wednesday after the
8:00 AM Mass in the Chapel, Benediction at 4:00 PM.
NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome! We encourage all new families who move
into the boundaries of St. Catharine - St. Margaret Parish to call the rectory to register in
the parish.
Parishioners are encouraged to bring the Offertory Gifts up
to the altar at the masses, especially if mass is in memory of
your loved ones. If you would like to do this please ask the
ushers before the mass begins.
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
PASTORAL CARE: 732-449-5765
If you are going into the hospital, our priests will be happy
to anoint you by appointment before admittance.
If you are IN the hospital, please call us to let us know so
we can visit you, since hospitals no longer list patients’
If you wish someone to visit you or your loved one in your
home or assisted living, please notify us directly.
Sr. Margaret Ext. 124
Bereavement Support Group:
The next session is Thursday, December 11th at 1:30 PM in
the convent. If you have lost a loved one do not feel alone
in your journey, we are here to support you.
Call Sr. Margaret Tierney 732 449-5765, Ext. 124.
Prayer Shawl Makers:
Please note date change: The next session will be on
Wednesday, December 1st at 7:30 PM in the convent.
Thank you to all who helped with the Memorial Masses on
Nov.1st at the Mausoleum and in St. Catharine's Church.
Anyone grieving at this time of year, remember to reach out
to others and not to be alone. The bereavement group can
be a support, try it once and see.
Early bird ending on November 18th for the trip to the
Music Cities. For information call Sr. Margaret Tierney
732-449-5765, Ext 124.
Lay Carmelites
Have you ever had the desire to grow deeper in your Faith?
We offer you the opportunity to fulfill that desire. This
desire is the movement of the Holy Spirit in you to pray. Let
us be the instrument to bring this to fulfillment.
If interested in discussing or attending one of our
meetings, please call Jim Morrissey at 732-489-2031.
St. Catharine - St. Margaret Men’s Group
Meets in St. Margaret Hall at 7:00 PM on the 2nd
Wednesday of the month for prayer and discussion of the
Scripture Readings for the following Sunday Liturgy. All
men are welcome.
St. Catharine Classics News
The Fourth Annual Christmas Dinner is scheduled for
Sunday, December 14th at 5 p.m. at Doolan's. Cocktail
hour, sit-down dinner with choice of entree, and
Christmas music.
Flyers with a handy return tear-off are available in the
rear of the churches and can also be downloaded from
the announcement Jerry Lally sends on the internet.
Sherry Callahan tours is sponsoring a trip to NYC for An
Irish Christmas Concert on Thursday, Dec. 18. Leave
SL train station at 3:30 p.m. Dinner on your own. $90.
For further info, call Catharine Branch at 449-9155.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Kent Elwell of Oppenheimer
Funds will speak at an afternoon meeting in January
about "Getting Your Financial House in Order."
Details will follow.
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
215 Essex Avenue
Spring Lake, New Jersey 07762
Parish Administrative Staff
Rev. Harold F. Cullen PhD, Pastor, ext 101
Rev. William Dunlap, Associate Pastor, ext 102
Rev. Charles Weiser, Senior Priest, ext 206
Deacon Edward Jennings, ext 188
Deacon John Little, ext 194
St. Catharine Church
Marianne Kelly, Parish Administrator, ext 106
Rich Baier, Buildings, ext 104
Marilyn L. Castellano, Ed.D, School Principal, 307
Patricia Rowan, Vice Principal, 302
Tammy Sablom, Religious Education, ext 305
Rev. William Dunlap, Adult Education, ext 102
Sister Margaret Tierney, SC Pastoral Care, ext 124
Lisa DeFillippo Cole, Publicity, ext 169
Mary Lou Oliva, Archives, ext 401
Richard B. Cambron, Special Projects, ext 111
Mark McNulty, Youth Ministry, ext 125
Street and Telephone Numbers
Rectory, 215 Essex Avenue
School, 301 Second Avenue
Religious Education Office, School 732-449-4424, ext 305, 310
St. Catharine Cemetery, W Chicago Blvd. Sea Girt 732-681-6269
St. Anne Cemetery, Allenwood Road, Wall 732-681-6269
RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9 AM -4:00
PM. Evenings and Saturdays by appointment. If you wish an
appointment with a priest, please call beforehand. On Holy Days &
Holidays, the rectory office is closed.
Welcome! We encourage all new families who move into the
boundaries of St. Catharine - St. Margaret Parish to call the rectory
to register in the parish.
Remember St. Catharine’s in Your Will
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 7 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 8 AM
Friday, Saturday: 6:45 AM
St. Catharine Chapel
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 12:00 Noon
Wednesday: 8:00 AM, 12:00 Noon
Sunday: 12:00 Noon
St. Margaret Church
Saturday: 4:30 PM
Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10 AM, 11:30 AM
St. Catharine School
Weekday Mass for individual classes: 9:00AM
on Wednesdays and Fridays during the school year.
St. Catharine Chapel Saturday 3:30 – 4:30 PM
St. Margaret Church Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Ext 100
Ext 106
Adult Education
Ext 102
Ext 102
Ext 107
Buildings & Grounds
Ext 104
Ext 110
Envelopes, Registration
Ext 109
Ext 102/101
Music Office
Ext 103
Ext 0
Pastoral Care
Ext 124
Ext 169
Ext 100
Ext 173
Ext 166
Youth Ministry
Ext 125
Tax Letters
Ext 178
Have the following statement included in your will: “I leave to the
St Catharine School/Parish , Spring Lake, NJ, the sum of
$___________or_______ percent of the residue of my estate,
whichever is greater, for its religious, educational and charitable
works”. Stock may also be donated to the parish.
“We, the Catholic community of St. Catharine - St. Margaret, gather in Christ's name to nurture spiritual growth through the various stages and
challenges of life.
We are committed through liturgy, sacraments and parish activities - to proclaim the message of the Gospel, to provide a quality Catholic education
for children and adults, to continue to build community and to serve those in need.
Rich in the traditions established in this community during the last century, we challenge ourselves to live our faith in loving service to the
community's residents and its many summer visitors.
We affirm our concern for all members of the Mystical Body of Christ everywhere and particularly those who require assistance.
And always, we seek to know and love God and to love our neighbor as Jesus taught us.”
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family