ST. STEPHEN PROTOMARTYR PARISH NOVEMBER 16, 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMES Since you were faithful In small matters, I will give you great responsibilities Matthew 25:14-30 PARISH 3949 Wilmington Avenue St. Louis, MO 63116 314 481-1133 ph 314 481-6036 fax Chapel of Sts. Mary and Joseph 6304 Minnesota St. Louis, MO 63111 SCHOOL 3929 Wilmington Avenue St. Louis, MO 63116 314 752-4700 ph Reverend Ron Hopmeir, Pastor, Ms. Pam Holmes, Director of Liturgical Music and Worship, Mrs. Mary Regan, Pastoral Associate, Mrs. Barbara Edelmann - Office Manager / Bookkeeper, Mrs. Mary Ellen Holdenried, Office Assistant, Mrs. Leigh Manalang, Senior Ministry Coordinator, Dr. Meghan Bohac, Principal, Mrs. Mary Paule, Child Safety Coordinator, Secretary, St. Stephen Protomartyr Parish November 16, 2014 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Times Blessed are those who fear the Lord Psalm 128 STEWARDSHIP: SHARING TIME, TALENT, TREASURE and PRAYER November 9 Sunday Contributions On-line Giving Contribution Total weekly contribution Needed weekly from contribution R&I Tuition Assistance Retired Religious $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Liturgical Ministries 3,987.30 1,549.00 5,536.50 7,692.30 330.00 585.00 304.00 Thank You to the Quilters Each Monday a dedicated group of quilters meet at SSP and sew beautiful quilts that they then raffle off and give the proceeds to the parish. Recently they presented the parish with a check for $1500.00. Thank you to all the ladies who make these quilts for the continued beautiful work that you do. November 15 - 16 - Bridge Bread sales ♦ November 29 - 30 - SVDP Fifth Sunday ♦ November 27 - Thanksgiving ♦ December 3 - First Reconciliation ♦ December 6 - Breakfast with Santa ♦ December 7 - Advent By Candlelight ♦ December 8 - Feast of the Immaculate Conception ♦ December 14 - Red Cross Blood Drive Readings for the Week Monday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or, (for the memorial of the Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday: Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Friday: Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday: Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 Looking Ahead ♦ Lectors Saturday, November 22 4:00 PM - B. & G. Stoff Sunday, November 23 8:00 AM - A. Wunderlich, M. Broekelmann 10:30 AM -K. & R. Thenhaus Altar Servers Saturday, November 22 4:00 PM -C. O’Connell, E. Peterson Sunday, November 23 8:00 AM - A. Chechik, S. Schulte 10:30 AM -H. Wobbe, M. Mantych Blood Drive Boy Scout Troop 104 is sponsoring its annual Blood Drive in support of the American Red Cross on Sunday, December 14th in the Parish Center between the hours of 9:00 and 1:00. Scouts will be taking appointments following each Mass beginning the weekend of November 22nd. Donors may also register online at www.redcrossblood,org and sponsor code StStephenP. Donors are also welcome to contact Michael Lohff at 314.481.1301 Monday November 17 Tuesday November 18 Wednesday November 19 Thursday November 20 Friday November 21 Saturday November 22 Sunday November 23 Liturgy of the Word 8 AM Mass 8 AM All School Mass 8 AM Mass 8 AM All School Mass 8 AM Mass 8 AM Mass 8 AM 10:30 AM Arthritis Exercise 9 AM Quilters 9 AM - 2 PM Finance Meeting 7 PM Arthritis Exercise 9 AM Liturgy Meeting 7 PM 50 + Meeting RCIA 6 PM Vigil Mass 4 PM St. Stephen Protomartyr Parish WELCOME! If you are new to St. Stephen Protomartyr parish or just visiting, Welcome!! Visitors please sign the Guest Book found near the main entrance to the Church. If you would like to register in the parish, please call or email the parish office. Welcome to the neighborhood!! Parish Mission Statement “Following the example of our patron St. Stephen, we are called to be witnesses of God’s love and to be a faith-filled, reconciling parish.” Judging Jack In his best-selling book You Are Not Special, high school teacher David McCullough tells the story of a one-time student of his, Jack. Jack is a quiet, selfpossessed, generally responsible teenager. He’s bright and attentive - but he just doesn’t push himself. He made it through Mr. McCullough’s class with a B/C+ average - but Mr. McCullough knew that Jack could do better. He nudged Jack now and then, prodded occasionally - but Jack was Jack. Then one day, Mr. McCullough discovered that the reticent Jack had a passion - “a big bag, a let-the-worldgo-on-without-me bag, a calling.” Jack mentioned it to his teacher one day only in passing. Jack loves to draw. And he’s good at it. “But it’s more than that,” McCullough writes. “Jack draws pictures of three dimensions. He creates detailed paper models, sculptures really, with ordinary printer paper, pencils and pens, scissors and Scotch tape. He does it purely because he enjoys it. From the Hogwarts Castle to the Statue of Liberty to a life-size, wearable baseball cap, and on and on, some no bigger than a deck of cards, some as big as a collie. Something strikes his fancy, he sits down and makes a model. If it takes a week, it takes a week. If the phone rings, he lets it. If homework gets short shrift, so be it. And they are exquisite, these Jack originals. They are beautifully, masterly done. You should see them. Everyone should see them - the Faberge eggs of paper sports carsand Millennium Falcons. On that note, though, Jack doesn’t care much either way. It’s nice that people like them, but that’s not why he does it. The fun, the satisfaction, is in the doing.” Jack’s extraordinary gift made Mr. McCullough question his image of the “Ideal Student” that teachers like him expect all young men and women to aspire to and anything short of that is a disappointment, a personal affront, a sign, even, of a deficient character. “Whether Jack goes on to become an artist or an engineer or anything else directly consequent to his enthusiasm for model making does not matter,” McCullough writes. “He has learned something about passion, about focus, about clearing a space in his life and doing what he does purely because he loves and believes in it. He has honed a set of abilities, too. Developed standards of his own measure and sees to it that he meets them. He knows, then, the satisfactions of seeing with purpose, conceiving ideas, dedicating himself to them, and producing good work. In choosing and doing for himself, he earns his confidence and selfworth. Very good things, these, and I hope, lifelong.” Jack is the very antithesis of the terrified servant in today’s Gospel: While the servant in the Gospel “buries his talent” out of fear for incurring the wrath of his master, Jack finds joy and meaning in his artistic skills and possesses a passion for developing and learning more - and (finally) he also earns the encouragement of a teacher. Too often we can become someone’s demanding, hard “master”: judging them harshly, dismissing their ideas, treating them mercilessly when they fail, making unreasonable demands of them, refusing to accept and appreciate what they can contribute to the good of all. Jesus calls uato be aware of the many gifts of those around us, to honor them as blessings from God, and do all that we can to encourage them to develop their “talents” for good of all and the praise of their Giver. From: Connections, November 2014 School Doors We will be installing new security locks for the outside school doors located by the trophy case, the East door and the Flag Pole door on November 17th. Anyone who needs to get into the hall or cafeteria will need to come to the rectory and sign out a key. The key will need to be returned to the rectory as soon as your event or meeting is complete. If there are any questions, please call Barb at the rectory 481-1133. November 16, 2014 50 - Club Meeting - Nov. 20th, 2014 Attention All Highschoolers! The November meeting will begin with Mass for our deceased members at 10:30 AM in church. Fr. Ron, our pastor, will be the celebrant. The members are very grateful to him for providing Mass for us at this special time. Following this, the meeting will begin about 11:00 AM, then lunch and bingo will complete the afternoon. Reservations and payment of $10.00 will continue to be taken for our Christmas lunch to be held on our regular meeting date of Dec. 18th. Our delicious lunch will be catered and served by Crusoes. Only paid reservations will be ordered and if you would like to bring a guest, pay for the extra person at this meeting. Receipts will be given and must be retained and returned when you pick up your lunch. Each member is asked to being 6 cookies for the holiday tray served for dessert. The wonderful St. Stephen Protomartyr Children’s Choir will provide our entertainment at the start of our Christmas meeting which will put us in the Christmas spirit. Our Christmas bus trip this year is a festive Chocolate, Chocolate Plus event. It is scheduled for Weds. Dec. 3rd. with a price of $65.00. Some people signed up in October but we need more people to make it a go. Read all about this fun trip, plan to come with us and bring your check to the Nov. meeting, since the trip is less than 2 weeks away. We will leave St. Stephen Protomartyr at 9 AM and travel to the beautifully renovated Peabody Opera House for a backstage tour. Then we will have lunch at Jilly’s Cup Cake Café, including a wonderful cupcake for dessert. Next, we begin our chocolate hunt by going to the famous Bissinger’s Handcrafted Chocolates, and their new candy factory for a tour, taste and purchase. The next stop is Chocolate, Chocolates, where we will have a few minutes to see their candy operation, sample and buy. Lastly a stop at Merb’s Chocolates and catch the aroma, see even ,ore chocolate, taste and plan to take some home. We will be back at St. Stephen Protomartyr about 4:30 PM. More info about this, lunch selections, and details on the factory tour will be provided at the meeting. Please remember the Food Pantry and thanks for all the items that you bring each month. The ACE certificates will be available for purchase and to order, as you plan your Christmas Gifts. Park on the parish center lot and enter through the parish center doors. Attention all highschoolers! Join your peers at Saint Louis Lifeteen as we explore how to prove the existence of God. In addition to investigating proofs of God’s existence, we will share fellowship over snacks and games! Wednesday, Nov. 19 from 7 - 9 PM at Bishop DuBourg High School. Questions? Contact Lauren at 314.288.8873 or Advent by Candlelight Please call Mary Ellen at the rectory if you are interested in being a hostess or a guest for our annual Advent by Candlelight, Dec. 7. This year it will be held on the second Sunday of Advent. An evening of pray, song, dessert, and friends. 20 years!! That’s how long St. Stephen Protomartyr has had the Giving Tree! Think of all the people we have helped in those 20 years. You have all shown true stewardship and demonstrated a real example of how to bring Jesus to those in need. The Giving Tree will be in church from Nov. 8 thru Nov. 23. Please pick a leaf or two (or three). Return your unwrapped items to the back of church by 11:30 AM on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. All donations will benefit St. Martha’s Hall for Abused Women and Children and the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. Sts. Peter and Paul Soup Kitchen We are looking for food donors for the Sts. Peter and Paul Soup Kitchen. The parishioners of SSP provide a dinner once a month to the homeless at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Soulard. Unfortunately the count for dinners has gone up and we have lost a few of our donors. We need your support. The food items are assigned and you will be notified about 10 days before your donation is to be collected. If you are interested or have questions, please contact: Mary Anne Allen at 261.3143 or email her at Notice….The November 30th bulletin will be sent to the publisher on Friday, November 21. Please have your articles for the Nov. 30 bulletin to the rectory before Nov. 18th. St. Stephen Protomartyr Parish Annual Turkey Bowl Soccer Game Plan your Christmas shopping early!! Following Thanksgiving Day Mass, please plan on attending the Annual Turkey Bowl Soccer Game between the 8th grade class of SSP and parents. The game will be played on the Whitewall Field at Carondelet Park. St. Mary Magdalen Parish 23rd Annual Holiday Arts & Craft Fair will be Saturday, November 22nd from 9 AM - 3 PM in the former St. Mary Magdalen school building, 4323 S. Kingshighway between Bancroft and Sutherland Ave. Approximately 40 juried crafters will present their handcrafted items. Quilt raffle and baked goods available and BBQ dinners will be served from 11 AM - 3 PM. For more information, please call Cookie @ 314.832.4531. English Tutoring Project The Mission of the English Tutoring Project (ETP) is to help immigrant children learn English. This year Sr. Joan Stoverink ASC works with children at SSP whose parents are immigrants or refugees. She provides onsight English language tutoring. This service is provided at no cost to the families of the students or the schools participating in the program. Currently ETP partners with Holy Trinity, St. Cecilia, St. Frances Cabrini and St. Stephen Protomartyr. There are 105 students from eleven different countries of origin at the four schools. These countries are: Burma, Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Malaysia, Mexica, Thailand and Vietnam. The ETP newsletter recounted this success story. “We are extremely proud of a former student from St. John the Baptist who is now attending St. Stephen Protomartyr school. After receiving ETP services for over three years, she achieved language proficiency and ‘graduated’ from our program. This year, she is doing so well at her new school that she asked to be part of the speech team. She participated in her first meet in early November and she did a solo. It is truly a success story to celebrate!” St. Vincent DePaul Thanksgiving Day Collection and November Food Pantry Fifth Sunday Collection We will have our annual special Thanksgiving Day collection to benefit our SVDP Society. Also, that weekend of November 19 - 30 we will have our regular Fifth Sunday weekend canned food collection. All loose cash and change in the collection on that weekend goes to SVDP to help our Food Pantry. ACE Cards There will be no ACE order the weekend of Nov. 23. The last weekend to order cards prior to Thanksgiving will be Nov. 16. St. Matthias the Apostle Craft Fair November 29 Craft Fair from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Raffles - Concession Stand - Baked Goods - Free Gift Wrapping. Seeking vendors producing home-crafted items. Call Rachel 314616-7914. Country Style Dinner 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM. Choice of Chicken & Dumplings or Polish Sausage & Sauerkraut. Adults $8; $4 ages 6-12 2014 Advent Day of Recollection Retreats provide the soul with renewed graces, certainly needed in today’s world, to keep us faithful and striving for sanctity. This year, treat yourself to a day away from the hustle and bustle and prepare for the God who waits for you. Join Archbishop Robert Carlson and the clergy and parishioners of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis for an Advent Day of Recollection on Saturday, December 6, 2014. The day begins at 10:00 am and includes two spiritual conferences led by Archbishop Carlson. Each conference will be followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The day will end with evening vespers at 4:30 PM and the celebration of Mass at 5:00 PM. All conferences and prayer will be held in the Cathedral Basilica, with a hot lunch provided for all in Boland Hall. This special gathering is free (good will offerings to help offset the cost of lunch will be gratefully accepted). Though a free event, organizers request advance registration to properly prepare worship materials and set up for lunch. To register or for additional information, please contact Laura Voegelie at 314-373-8208. SOUTH GRAND SENIOR MINISTRY JOIN US FOR AN ADVENT DAY OF REFLECTION You’re invited to a prayerful, holistic day of reflection for Advent, incorporating mind, body and spirit. Please join South Grand Senior Ministry on Monday, December 1st from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at St. Anthony of Padua parish hall, 3135 Meramec Street. As we move into Advent, we often find ourselves doing more. Plans, commitments, get togethers can pull us out of our normal routine and make us feel a half bubble off. Sr. Carol Orf and Sr. Ginny Jaskiewicz, Sisters of the Most Precious Blood, will help us to get away from the noise, busyness and stresses of life to experience God’s presence. They are co-directors of the Sanguis Christi Spirituality Center in South St. Louis and will lead the morning reflection. Eileen Kinsella, a certified teacher in Body-Mind Centering® and registered Somatic Movement Therapist and Educator, will lead the afternoon reflection. Using gentle movements wrapped with an invitation to drop into awareness, participants will deepen into reflection on the theme of balance in the Advent season. Give yourself a few hours of self-care and enjoy this complimentary day including lunch. Please make your reservation by calling Barb Salmo at 314-655-0554 no later than November 24th. REVIEW YOUR HEALTH, DRUG PLANS AND SAVE MONEY Is your Medicare health or drug plan still the best and most cost effective plan for you? Have your premiums gone up? Are some of your medications not covered? Are you getting swamped with information from insurance companies? Leigh Manalang, Senior Ministry Coordinator, will be happy to review your individual needs and show you the best options so that you can make informed choices during Medicare Open Enrollment through December 7th. Please call Leigh at the parish office at 481-1133 for more information. PROTECTING AGAINST FRAUD AND IDENTITY THEFT During Open Enrollment Period, Medicare recommends that people treat their Medicare number as they do their social security number and credit card information. People with Medicare should never give their personal information to anyone arriving at their home uninvited or making unsolicited phone calls selling Medicare-related products or services. Beneficiaries who believe they are a victim of fraud or identity theft should contact Medicare at 1-800-MEDICARE (1800-633-4227). More information is available at HEATING ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE TO SENIORS It is a good time to start thinking about how you are going to stay warm this winter. LIHEAP is an energy assistance program that can help you with heating bills. Applications are now available to seniors and to persons with disabilities. Are you eligible? You cannot have available resources in excess of $3,000. You must also meet specific income guidelines that vary according to household size. For one person, monthly income cannot be greater than $1,312. For a household size of two, the monthly income limit is $1,769. To receive an application for heating assistance, please call Leigh Manalang at 481-1133. St. Stephen Protomartyr Monday, November 17 8:00 AM - Liturgy of the Word with Communion Tuesday, November 18 8:00 AM -All Members of the Wuertz Family Wednesday, November 19 8:00 AM - Penny Burgess Thursday, November 20 8:00 AM - All members of the Ringenbach Families Friday, November 21 8:00 AM - Loy H. Barber Saturday, November 22 8:00 AM - Michael Klein 4:00 PM -Our Parishioners Sunday, November 23 8:00 AM - Special Intention 10:30 AM - Helen Marx for our sick and recovering Dolores Eckert - Dorothy Flippin - James Forgash Mary Lopinot - Herb Herberts - Dan Nichols Joey Renick - Margaret Ringkamp- Bill Warren for our homebound Dorothy Flippin - Jeanette Holmer - Rosemary Kobylinski - Delores & Ralph Riley - Rose Schuster Janet Vander Pluym for those in nursing homes Lorraine Burke - Ellie Kearns - Henry Middendorf Cecilia Olson - Waumeda Merritt for family members serving in the military Joel Bruce - Derek Hirtz - Brandon Johnson Stephen Napier - Brian Schoellhorn - Donald Shaver Austin Smith - Mitch Sollmann - Mark Tisius Bradley Westcott Tuesdays, after 8 am Mass: Perpetual Help Devotions Wednesdays, 8:45 am—4:00 pm: Church is open for Eucharistic Adoration First Friday of the month, Holy Hour and Benediction after the 8:00 AM Mass. Parish Office Hours 314-481-1133 Monday through Thursday: 8:30 AM — 4:30 PM Friday: 8:30 AM — 3:00 PM Closed Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays and Holy Days Bulletin Article Deadline Monday at 12:00 PM. prior to the weekend bulletin. Sacramental Celebrations Eucharist Saturday evening Vigil: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM 10:30 AM (nursery available) Monday: Liturgy of the Word with Communion 8:00 AM Tuesday through Saturday: Mass 8:00 AM Holy Day: 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM Infant and Child Baptism Baptisms are celebrated at any weekend liturgy or on the last Sunday of the month following the 10:30 am. Eucharist. Parents are asked to call the parish office to arrange a Baptism. Adult Initiation / Reception into the Catholic Church Any adult who would like to know more about our Catholic faith, and/or who is interested in becoming a member of the Catholic Church, please call the parish office. Reconciliation Saturdays 3:00 - 3:30 PM Marriage Please contact one of the clergy at least six months prior to the planned date of marriage. Anointing of the Sick We have a communal celebration of this sacrament at the weekend liturgies in the fall and in the spring. If you would like to be anointed before entering the hospital or if you are homebound, please call the parish office. Parish School of Religion Parish School of Religion formal classes in our Catholic Faith Children: 4 yrs. through 8th grade and high school Located on the campus of St. John the Baptist Parish. Call the PSR Director at 314-773-3070. Church Nursery Located in the rectory basement during 10:30 AM Mass. Enter by way of the alley. Staffed by parents. Children’s Liturgy of the Word Children ages 4 through second grade are invited to participate and hear the scriptures in a way meaningful to their age. Held the first Sunday in September through Mother’s Day excluding holidays. Gloria & Fred Wessels 314-353-0335 REAL ESTATE SERVICES Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. 314.809.2016 636.778.1217 Land Tours now available Cathy Mann Realtor© St. Stephen Parishioner CHULICK FUNERAL HOME 5611 South Grand Boulevard Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA (314) 351-0060 Mel’s Service COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS & TOWING Mike Schwent, Owners 3970 Wilmington Ave 481-4828 TREE & LAWN CARE EXPERTS SINCE 1880 $20 OFF Tree Pruning/Removal Sales, Installation & Service 351-5580 Victor Vitt, Jr. - President FUNERAL HOME 5255 LEMAY FERRY, 894-4500 SALES & SERVICE ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” Are you prequalified for your home loan? 2906 GRAVOIS, 772-3000 10151 GRAVOIS, 842-4458 (314) 961-5440 • • • • • and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Free Prequalification Conventional & jumbo loans Rental property financing Member FHA/VA programs FDIC NMLS #411931 Cash-out refinancing Tom W. Roth 314-750-1651 Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 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