ST. PATRICK ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH ST. Mary ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 190 MacTaggart Dr. Nobleton, Ontario L0G 1N0 P.O. Box 39—91 Church St. Schomberg, Ontario L0G 1T0 Parish Office y rsar nive h An 100t —2 1915 . A.D 015 Tel: (905) 939-2256 Fax: (905) 939-2795 Office E-mail: Office Hours: Mon.– Fri. 10:00 am—4:00 pm Mission Established 1855 Blessing of the Church October 2, 2010 A.D. Pastor: Fr. Paul T. Hancko Website: Masses at St. Patrick Sunday: 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. (Latin) 11:00 a.m. Deacon: Milan Popik (905-794-1141) Masses at St. Mary Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 9:45 am Parish Organizations CWL: St. Mary’s — Linda Freire 905-859-4958 St. Patrick’s—Franca Bunnell 647-299-9049 K of C: St. Mary’s — Roque Barreto 905-859-1942 St. Patrick’s—Joe Streef 905-939-0514 Weekday Masses: see inside Gruppo di Padre Pio: —Carmela Iozzo 905-859-0732 Music Ministries: St. Mary’s Tree of Life: Sale of Memorial Leaves St. Patrick: St. Mary: Santino Ferri 905-859-7789 David Gangl (guitar & cantor) Anne Morrone (cantor) —416-844-1618 St. Mary’s Parish Hall Rental: Noreen Banko 905-859-5490 905-939-9092 Nicolas Cifelli (organist) —416-725-7202 Youth Ministries At St. Patrick’s Church Michael & James Pallotto - 905-939-0551 New Parishioners Baptisms: Celebrated at St. Patrick Church (12:30 pm on Sundays) and St. Mary Church (3:00 pm on Saturdays) Baptism registration forms are available at the parish office. Both parents are required to attend 2 Baptism Catechism Classes. Date and time of baptism is confirmed with Pastor’s consultation. Baptism certificates (original or copy) is required from Parents & Godparents. If you wish to be a registered member of the parish, please use the pink envelope located in the Church foyer and fill out required info. When your envelope is received through the Sunday Collection, the parish office will register you and prepare a box of envelopes, which can be picked up the following Sunday on the back table in the Church foyer. (Income tax receipts $20.00 minimum are issued for your financial contributions). Pre-Authorized Giving Plan is also available. (N.B.: Parents of 1st Communion and Confirmation candidates are required to be registered at the parish of their choice when requesting these Sacraments.) Marriages: Marriages are celebrated in the Church where the bride or Letters of Recommendation Confessions: 1/2 hr. before weekday masses at St. Patrick & St. Mary and 4:00 pm on Saturdays at St. Mary Church. groom is registered at. When a man and a woman plan to marry each For those being asked to act as Godparents for Baptism or Sponsors for Confirmation, letters of recommendation are issued only to the active other, they should contact a priest one year in advance and always before the wedding date is set, and before arranging for the reception parishioners who have been registered for at least 2 years at St. Mary’s or St. Patrick’s Parish. hall. The engaged are required to attend a Marriage Preparation Course. Papal Blessings Please note: However, if this man or woman has previously gone For special celebrations, please call the office six months in advance. through any form of civil or religious marriage with another person, the Bequests priest is not permitted to set a date for the wedding until the Bishop’s In your kindness, please remember St. Patrick & St. Mary R. C. Church office has been consulted. Questions are being often asked about First Friday marriages performed outside the Catholic Church by non-Catholic ministers. These are not valid marriages according to the teaching of the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament; HOLY HOUR—5:30 pm at SP; Catholic Church, but many can be rectified by simply consulting with your Silent Adoration, Devotions/Benediction—6:25pm, Mass—7:00pm Parish priest to discuss the available options...Sometimes people make Visiting the Ailing & Homebound decisions without proper information, so if you wish, please contact your Parishioners that wish to be visited by our Pastor on the 1st Friday of the Pastor for details or call the Marriage Tribunal at 416-934-3400 ext. 300. month for sacraments, please contact the parish office. Marriage Preparation Course Mass Intentions Queen of Apostles Centre 905-278-5229 Catholic Family Services 416-222-0048 Mass intentions are requested through parish office. Mass cards available. The Paulist Centre 416-534-2326 St. Francis Retreat Centre 519-941-1747 Catholic Schools Our Lady of Grace Church 705-424-1551 Retrouvaille Marriage Counselling 416-281-6007 Marriage Encounter 905-278-5229 Catholic Family Services 416-222-0048 St. Patrick’s, Schomberg 905-939-7753 (Mrs. Hill) St. Mary’s, Nobleton 905-859-3336 (Mrs. Bortolussi) EWTN—Eternal Word Television Network Is the best T.V. Roman Catholic program (Channel 239) available through your cable provider. FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER ST. PATRICK’S Mon. May 12 9:00 am †Adriano Tuveri req. Rossi Family Tues. May 13 9:00 am Ints. of Louis Anzil req. E. Pidutti Wed. May 14 9:00 am Blessings upon Lores Chiminazzo req. Rossi Family Thurs. May 15 9:00 am Ints. of Elena & Luciano Napolitano req. T & A Cornacchia Fri. May 16 9:00 am †Francis McCabe req. Estate Sun. May 18 8:00 am Parishioners (Pro Populo) 11:00 am †Franco Paradisi req. Grace Lancia We welcome into our Catholic Church Olivia Orofiamma. May the Lord bless & guide her through the faith & example of her parents, godparents, family & Holy Angels. ST. MARY’S Tues. May 13 7:00 pm Wed. May 14 11:00 am 11:30 am Thurs. May 15 11:30 am Sat. Sun. May. …. to Walter Fernandez & Amie Anderson who celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony at St. Mary’s Church. …. to Ercole Giorgio & Nina Spatola who celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony at St. Mary’s Church. June …. to Antonio & Andrea Orofiamma who celebrated the Validation of their Marriage at St. Patrick’s Church. In your prayers and Holy Masses please remember the soul of the late †Cosimo Figliomeni. Requiscant in Pace (R.I.P.) July SM - Knights of Columbus 17th Annual Golf Tournament Wed. May 28, 2014 Tee off at: Tangle Creek, 4730 Sideroad 25, Thornton Cost: Lunch, Golf & Dinner: $200/person (incl. Team scramble format, power cart, BBQ lunch, dinner & prizes). Dinner only: $50/per person For more info. Contact Paul @ 905-859-3564 or Proceeds to SM Building Fund & other Charitable events. A great book for teenagers dealing with questions surrounding Faith and Morality, from a Catholic point of view: Did Adam & Eve Have Belly Buttons?? To order, please try: Liturgical Centre DiCarlo Pauline Books 416-247-5221 416-744-7404 416-781-9131 These stores also carry various beautiful religious articles such as statues, prayer books, etc. HELP WANTED: Catechists As the number of candidates for 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation continues to grow each year , we are in need of Catechists. Potential candidates must love the Lord, and endorse the teachings of the Catholic Church. If being called to service, contact the office at 905-939-2256. Thank you to the following for providing the Roses for Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. Mary’s Church for the weekend of May 10/11, 2014 Ralph Celebre ● M & M Grellette To donate white roses to Our Lady, please fill out the donation envelope available in front of her image at St. Mary’s or in foyer at St Patrick’s †Roberta Barreto req. Barreto Family Gruppo di Padre Pio Ints. of Iozzo Family Ints. of Angela Pidutti Russell & Craig Russell req. E. Pidutti May 17 5:00 pm †Giuseppe Carano req. Sandro & Carmelina Carano May 18 9:45 am †Allesandro & Giuseppe Ingangaro req. Ingangaro Family 14—SM Church Confirmation Rehearsal & Confession - 7:00 pm 18—SM Padre Pio Social “Pasta Fagioli” 22—SP Church Confirmation Rehearsal & Confession - 7:00 pm 24—Confirmation at SM Church - 10:30 am & 2:00 pm 25—1st Holy Communion at SM Church - 2:00 pm 28—SM K of C Golf Tournament 31—1st Holy Communion at SM Church - 2:30 pm 3—Parish Finance Trustee Meeting at Rectory - 8:00 pm 4—BAPTISM CLASS—7:00 pm at St. Patrick’s Church 8—SP CWL Picnic after 11:00 am mass 10—SM CWL Potluck 14—Marques/Cabrera Wedding 21—Corpus Christi Procession at SP Church 22—Corpus Christi Procession at SM Church during 9:45 mass 9—BAPTISM CLASS—7:00 pm at St. Patrick’s Church Attention Parents Regarding 2015 Sacraments Initial Meeting with Parents for 2015 First Holy Communion May 31 (Sat.)—after 5:00 pm Mass at St. Mary’s June 1 (Sun.)—after 11:00 am Mass at St. Patrick’s Attend either one Initial Meeting with Parents for 2015 Confirmation June 7 (Sat.)—after 5:00 pm Mass at St. Mary’s June 8 (Sat.)—after 11:00 am Mass at St. Patrick’s Attend either one Totus Tuus - July 27 - August 1, 2014. Students in Grades 7-12 are welcome. Cost: $30 per person or $25 per person if two or more from the same family. Registration deadline is July 6. Income Tax receipts will be issued. Please make cheques payable to St. Patrick’s Church. For info contact: Michael (905-939-0551) or Parish Office (905-939-2256) Looking for a good source for up-to-date Catholic Church information? Visit this website for excellent current & worldwide info. Feast of St. Rita Our Lady of Grace Shrine, Marylake Sunday, May 18, 2014 Rosary at 1:30 pm Mass at 2:00 pm For info: or 905-833-5368 M AY 10 - 11, 2 014 A . D . ST. MARY’S BUILDING FUND Land Cost $ 391,609+ (To be paid after the present loan is paid for.) Financial Trustees Update of Our Archdiocesan Loan St. Mary—Barry McCague, Domenic Macera, Danny Iuglio (Cemetery “ex officio) St. Patrick—Jose Melo, Rick Parcels, Jerry Duggan (Cemetery “ex officio”) $ $ 997,000.00 Mortgage/Debt (as of April 25, 2014) - 500.00 Payment to Principal $ 996,500.00 Mortgage/Debt (as of May 9, 2014) St. Mary Knights of Columbus Council #12454 Nobleton, Ontario “Come and join us in strengthening our Catholic Community, in faith, charity and fraternity.” ***Interest Paid To Date $ 139,639.00*** (Loan at 4%) Grand Knight: Roque Barreto 905-859-1942 Deputy Grand Knight: Domenic Macera 905-859-5435 Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us. God the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us. Holy Mary, pray for us. Singular vessel of devotion, Holy Mother of God, Mystical rose, Holy Virgin of virgins, Mother of Christ, Tower of David, Mother of divine grace, Tower of ivory, House of gold, Mother most pure, Ark of the Covenant, Mother most chaste, Mother inviolate, Gate of Heaven, Mother undefiled, Morning star, Health of the sick, Mother most amiable, Refuge of sinners, Mother most admirable, Mother of good counsel, Comforter of the afflicted, Mother of our Creator, Help of Christians, Queen of angels, Mother of our Savior, Queen of patriarchs, Virgin most prudent, Virgin most venerable, Queen of prophets, Virgin most renowned, Queen of apostles, Queen of martyrs, Virgin most powerful, Queen of confessors, Virgin most merciful, Virgin most faithful, Queen of virgins, Mirror of justice, Queen of all saints, Queen conceived without Original Sin, Seat of wisdom, Queen assumed into Heaven, Cause of our joy, Spiritual vessel, Queen of the most Holy Rosary, Queen of peace, Vessel of honor, Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, USED CLOTHING DRIVE… Please leave your bags in the foyer of our Churches after masses. (1 bag=$1 towards St. Mary’s Mortgage Fund) Thank you for your continued financial support! May 13 - Feast of Our Lady of Fatima In 1916 during World War I in Fatima, Portugal, the Angel of Peace appeared three times to shepherd children Lucia (age 10), Jacinta (age 7), and Francesco (age 9), asking them to pray and sacrifice. Beginning on May 13, 1917 Our Lady of Fatima appeared to the three children six times, telling them she was the “Immaculate Conception.” She asked them to pray the Rosary daily and to return to the same place on the 13th of each month for five months. During the apparitions the Blessed Virgin asked that the Fatima prayer be added to the end of each decade of the Rosary: “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell and lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of your mercy.” The children were shown a vision of hell and were asked for prayer and sacrifice for the repentance of sinners. The Virgin asked for reparation be made to her Immaculate Heart, and that Russia be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart in order to prevent the spread of communism and achieve world peace. On October 17, 1917, 70,000 people witnessed the miracle of the sun when the sun changed colours and spun in the sky. As the Blessed Virgin foretold, Jacinta and Francisco died from a flu epidemic in 1919. They were both beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2000. Their feast day is February 20th. Lucia became a Carmelite nun and died on February 13, 2005. The Fatima apparitions were approved by the Church in 1930 and have had unprecedented official support from several Popes. Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima O Most Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of the most holy Rosary, you were pleased to appear to the children of Fatima and reveal a glorious message. We implore you, inspire in our hearts a fervent love for the recitation of the Rosary. By meditating the mysteries of the redemption that are recalled therein may we obtain the graces and virtues that we ask, through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer. Collection to Date: St. Patrick’s $4,398.00 Bills to be Paid!! St. Mary’s — Interest for Mortgage (due July) St. Mary’s $4,245.00 $ 10,000.00+ May 4, 2014 Collection Weekly Budget Offering St. Patrick’s $ 2,026.00 $ 2,200.00 St. Mary’s $ 1,697.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 1,253.00 $ 1,000.00 St. Mary’s Mortgage Fund 13305 highway 27 nobleton plaza nobleton, on L0G 1N0 hair design & aesthetics 905.859.5018 ● A TRUSTED REALTOR SINCE 1988 ● Broker John and Kathryn Owners at Your Service Sandra 905.859.7051 Residential & Commercial 6037 King Road, Nobleton, ON L0G 1N0 905-859-7051 6037 King Road, Nobleton 416-538-1444 ● THE BEST MOVE YOU COULD MAKE ● I want your MORTGAGE! BROKERS TRUST INSURANCE GROUP INC. Why shop further? Robert J. Zalunardo 416 873-6403 / 905 859-0225 Registered Insurance Broker 2780 Highway 7, Suite 201 Concord, ON L4K 3R9 office. 416-745-2300 direct. 416-617-1724 email. web. ● Rosa D’Amario Main Tel: (905) 760-1515 x169 Fax: (905) 760-0240 Cell: (416) 554-7350 Your 24 HR. Mobile Mortgage Specialist ●Since 1986● 905.951.8325 Restaurant&&Catering Catering Restaurant NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION Private Functions from 30-120 people (905) 859-4634 Bolton Bolton 905.951.8325 905.951.8325 5870 King Rd. Box 58 Nobleton, Ontario L0G 1N0 LITTLE ANGELS MONTESSORI SCHOOL USED INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY SALES 180 Nashville Rd., Kleinberg, ON L0J 1C0 USEDEQUIPMENTSTORE.COM OPEN HOUSE: Every Wednesday 9:30am—11am MONTESSORI TODDLER PROGRAM: 16 Months—2.5 Years Montessori Casa Program 2.5 Years—6 Years Accredited Montessori/E.C.E. 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Sales Representative Bus: (905) 893-9399 Cell: (416) 655-1019 17063 HWY 50, Palgrave, Ontario 905-880-CARS (2277) office 416.987.8000 Insurance Specialists ~ Dedicated to Excellence 9100 Jane Street Bldg. L, Suite 77 Vaughan, ON L4K 0A4 Catholic Women’s League of Canada St. Mary’s of Nobleton Spirituality Sisterhood Service Social Jus- tice Put your faith into action!
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