RIVERSIDE REPORTER Riverside Presbyterian Church 815 84th at Lindbergh Avenue Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Phone 716-283-9752 Visit us at www.riversidepc.org E-mail: riversidepres@msn.com 2014 PASTOR’S PONDERINGS…. Let the eating begin!! Happy Halloween!! Halloween: a time of dressing up as favorite characters from a princess to a fire fighter & everything in between. All Saints Day is this weekend as well. A time of remembering those who have died this year. Rev. Laura Norris-Buisch ALL SAINT’S SERVICE of REMEMBRANCE and CANDLELIGHTING 6:00PM Sunday, Nov. 2nd This fall has been one of funerals & celebrations of time together at church with the youth, children, playing euchre, coffee time & simply being with folk at hospitals. Life has always been seasons of joy & seasons of grief all mixed up together. Forrest Gump said “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you will get” Unless you stick your finger in the bottom of the chocolate first. Life is not easy!! Many of us always struggle to make sense of what has happened. Most times there are no answers. I know one thing for sure: God is always with us; nothing can separate us from God’s love in Jesus Christ. Peace, Laura Romans 12:9 Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good. Come for an evening of reflection & light a candle for your loved one. Spaghetti Dinner rs Praye Sponsored by the Riverside Youth Group Friday, November 7th (at the Snowflake Bazaar) 5:00PM ~ 7:00PM Cost: $8 Adults $5 Children Dinner includes Spaghetti Meatballs, Salad Bread Coffee/Tea/Water Tickets are available any Sunday or weekday in the Church Office a e/te coffe News of Our Members & Friends November Congratulations… ...to Judy Rodgers for recently receiving the honor of ‘I Shall Wear A Crown’ at the Annual Woman to Woman Girl Talk Conference & Honoree Banquet sponsored by God’s Woman Vanessa Scott Outreach Ministries, Inc. Sanctuary Flowers Thank You… ...the Riverside family for making a difficult period of time that much easier. The service and luncheon were perfect! November 2nd The family of Carole Lundberg In loving memory of Al Evans given by the Evans family ...to all my friends at Riverside for their hugs, caring and sympathy during Roy’s illness and passing. Everyone’s love, Laura’s beautiful service and the lovely reception by the Riverside Workers helped to ease the sadness of the whole Farrell, Vance family. Sincerely, Kay Vance November 9th In loving memory of Alice Bergman given by Dorothy Desborough and Bob Desborough Our Sympathy … ...to the Sherwood family for the recent loss of Bob’s mom and Lori’s grandmother ...to the family of Ronald Masters who passed away on October 21, 2014 November 16th (still available.) Blessings to… ...Kathy & Mike Kalita as they leave their home in Niagara Falls and journey to Orlando, Florida for Mike’s new job! November 23rd (still available.) Address Change... November 30th Betty Lewis 2403 32nd Avenue West Bradenton, FL 34205 (still available.) If you would like to offer flowers for a loved one or for a special occasion, the 2014 Flower Chart is posted on the bulletin board. Rev. Laura Norris-Buisch You may also call the Church Office anytime. with your request and your favorite flower or color. CHURCH OFFICE HOURS OCTOBER ATTENDANCE 9:30AM 11:00AM Church ~ 716-283-9752 Cell ~ 716-713-6365 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday 9:30AM - 2:00PM 9:30AM - 2:00PM 9:30AM - 2:00PM 9:30AM - 2:00PM October 5th 28 76 Other times available. For an appointment, call to schedule. October 12h 29 72 Church Office ~ Lynda Grozio October 19th 29 67 October 26th 40 60 Monday Wednesday Friday 2 9:00AM - 2:30PM 9:00AM - 2:30PM 9:00AM - 2:30PM Who Are We? Moderator : Clerk of the Session: Treasurer: Financial Secretary: Music Director: Church Secretary: Rev. Laura Norris-Buisch Susan Boyce Cliff Abray Marge Abray Oren Hollasch Lynda Grozio December Newsletter Deadline is November 15th THE SESSION Class of 2015 Jerry Chapman Robert O’Toole Judy Rodgers David Spagnolo 297-8501 731-9913 236-7407 946-3427 Class of 2016 Susan Boyce Michele Brocious Jodi Masters Barbara Vollick 625-9024 283-5129 692-6054 283-4708 Class of 2017 Diane Holt Stephanie Soos C. J. Tripi Jean Westmoore 236-0123 298-5858 283-5329 773-0962 Session Team Assignments Worship Team: Christian Education: Church Growth Human Resources: Financial Resources: Buildings & Grounds: Nominating Committee: Stewardship Committee: Presbytery Representative: Judy Rodgers C. J. Tripi TBA Diane Holt TBA Barb Vollick Susan Boyce David Spagnolo Dorothy Westhafer Deacon Meeting Tuesday, November 18th at 7:00PM Session Meeting Wednesday, November 19th at 6:30PM RIVERSIDE’S CONCERN LIST: Our Shut-ins: Wade Bowen, Janis Cattrall, Rex Deweese, Barbara Faulring, Anita Kennedy, Lucy LaScala, Betty Lewis, Diana Mahannah, Viola Metz, Dwain Morris, Phyllis vonDoenhoff THE DEACONS Class of 2015 Laurie Brodie Emily Kernin Jill Kudiba Crystal Lively 754-7854 773-3642 692-9372 531-1995 Class of 2016 Linda Johnson Irving Morrell 283-8161 283-8862 Class of 2017 Barbara Rodgers 283-2847 Moderator: Secretary: Barbara Rodgers Jill Kudiba Military Prayers: David Cattrall, Bryan O’Toole, James Weatherston, Earl Marchetti, John Grady (friends of Roberta Bradfield), Grant Scouten (Mary’s grandson), David Hall, Jeremy & Taylor Faulring (Barb’s grandsons), Jennifer Totuszynski (Mary Ryan’s niece), Christopher Weatherston 3 Other Prayer Concerns: Pat Murphy (daughter of Flora O’Toole), Eric O’Connor & Richard Benson (friends of Julie Leffler), Scott Faulring (Barb’s son), Richard & Parker Komm (friends of Carol Urso), Steve Vickery (friend of David Spagnolo), Caralyn Reynolds (friend of Kim Yung), Lisa Tripi, Lily Notarianni, Kassandra Kern & family (Jean Hopkins granddaughter), Katie Naus, Melanie Hayes, Gena Donatelli (Sylvia Davis’ granddaughter), Judy Kruzich (Jean & Ed Nixon’s daughter), Roy Vance, Robert Holt, Sam (Jean Hansen’s son-in-law), Lynne Personius (friend of Laura), Gus Craver (Barb Woodruff’s dad), Cindy Ransom, Wendy Herbst (friend of Emily Kernin), Ann Moore (friend of Jean & Paul Westmoore), Brian McMillen, Babs DeMarco, the family of Ron Masters RIVERSIDE’S FINANCES AT A GLANCE Lectionary Scripture Readings … November The church’s financial state is not easy to evaluate, because Income and Expense are so variable. Heating bills rise in the winter, Mission donations are usually made at the end of the year, and Properties costs can appear unexpectedly. The General Offering is probably the most dependable measure of the Church’s financial health. AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 November 23, 2014 November 2, 2014 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Joshua 3:7-17 Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 Matthew 23:1-12 Christ the King/Reign of Christ Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 Psalm 100 Ephesians 1:15-23 Matthew 25:31-46 November 9, 2014 November 30 2014 Psalm 78:1-7 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Matthew 25:1-13 Annual Budget 1st Sunday of Advent Isaiah 64:1-9 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:24-37 November 16, 2014 Advent begins Sunday, Nov. 30th 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Judges 4:1-7 Psalm 123 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14-30 (see page 9) Thanksgiving Worship Service & Potluck Supper 4:00PM Worship Service ...followed by Potluck Supper Budget to date Fiscal Year to date INCOME General Offering Special Offering Other Income Total Income 125,000 10,200 12,000 147,200 31,249 2,549 2,999 36,799 30,719 2,305 942 33,967 EXPENSE Missions Church Programs Personnel Administration Properties Total Expense 15,224 4,890 111,345 6,306 18,450 156,215 3,805 1,222 27,836 1,576 4,612 39,053 2,856 896 26,451 1, 167 3,784 35,156 Presbyterian History Christ the King; Sunday, Nov. 23rd At the conclusion of the Christian year, the church gives thanks and praise for sovereignty of Christ, who is Lord of all creation and is coming again in glory to reign (see Revelation 1:4-8). This festival was established in 1925 by decree of Pope Pius XI. Originally it took place on the last Sunday in October, just prior to All Saints’ Day. Now it is celebrated on the last Sunday of the Christian year, a week before the season of Advent begins. The festival of Christ the King (or Reign of Christ) ends our marking of Ordinary Time after the Day of Pentecost, and moves us to the threshold of Advent, the season of hope for Christ’s coming again at the end of time. The day centers on the crucified and risen Christ, whom God exalted to rule over the whole universe. The celebration of the lordship of Christ thus looks back to Ascension, Easter, and Transfiguration, and points ahead to the appearing in glory of the King of kings and Lord of lords. Christ reigns supreme. Christ’s truth judges falsehood. As the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, Christ is the center of the universe, the ruler of all history, the judge of all people. In Christ all things began, and in Christ all things will be fulfilled. In the end, Christ will triumph over the forces of evil. Sunday, Nov. 23rd here at Riverside Join us when we praise our Gracious God, along with friends from North Presbyterian and Bacon Memorial Churches for all His bountiful blessings to us! Election Day Tuesday, November 4th Remember to vote! Veterans Day Tuesday, November 11th 4 Riverside’s Snow Removal Team….. Lunch & Bible Study Sundays NEED VOLUNTEER Mondays at 12:00PM Mondays NEED VOLUNTEER Bring your lunch & a friend! Tuesdays Jerry Chapman Wednesdays NEED VOLUNTEER Weekly Prayer Service Thursdays NEED VOLUNTEER is held every Tuesday at 9:00AM Fridays James Cowe Saturdays Duane Delgrolice Come join Daylight Savings Time ends November 2nd the “LUNCH BUNCH” 12:00 noon Remember to turn your clocks back 1 hour or you’ll be early for Sunday worship Anyone and everyone is invited to join us for “dutch treat” lunch at a different location once a month! Our next Lunch Bunch date is… Date: Tues., November 18th Place: Clancy’s Restaurant ALL SAINT’S SERVICE of REMEMBRANCE and CANDLELIGHTING 6:00PM T. G. I. F. ~ COFFEE BREAK! SUNDAY, Nov. 2nd On Fridays Come for an evening of reflection Here at the church from 9:30AM to 11:00AM & light a candle for your loved one. Visit with Laura and friends! Stop in for a cup of coffee/tea & conversation! “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” The building will be closed… YE-AULD BOOK SHOP Thursday & Friday Large Medium Small Magazines Puzzles November 27th & 28th in honor of Thanksgiving 5 $1.00 each or 3 for $2.00 .50 each or 3 for $1.00 .25 each or 5 for $1.00 .25 each or 5 for $1.00 lg. $1.00 med. $.50 sm. .25 Deacon Mission for November... H E A R T and S O U L GATHERING OF FRIENDS Heart and Soul is a non-profit organization dedicated to feeding those in need and improving their quality of life. In addition to providing hot lunches 5 days a week, they prepare bags of emergency food, supply snacks for after school programs, provide job preparation in training kitchens, give nutrition and meal planning assistance to low in come individuals, and distribute Christmas baskets to hundreds of families. This is a much needed service in our community. WILL NOT MEET NOVEMBER OR DECEMBER ...but will resume on January 23rd at 12 noon in the dining room. Bring your own lunch. Beverages and dessert will be served. You’re welcome to bring a friend! If you like to play Euchre, Canasta or Mexican Dominos this is for YOU! Let’s get together and enjoy! With your generosity, we can make a difference! If you do not have a mission envelope, but would like to contribute, please label your own… HEART AND SOUL Hope to see you there! Sylvia Davis, Barb Woodruff Co-chairs The Deacons would like to thank everyone for their continued support! We are also collecting hats, scarves and gloves for NIACAP starting immediately thru the winter months. Socks will still be accepted for the Sock-it-to-me program. Heart & Soul Mission …. Heart and Soul is a soup kitchen located at 939 Ontario Avenue, near Main Street, Niagara Falls. Workers are expected to meet at the church by 9:30AM and carpool to Heart and Soul by 10:00AM usually finishing by 2:00PM. Do you have a picture to share? A special occasion? Saturday, November 15th A church event? Team #3 Be sure to Cliff Abray Liz Berard Laura Norris -Buisch Aurelanne Clarkson Florrie Evans Hope Novak Lee & Hugh Tweedie Barb Vollick send them in to the church office by the Newsletter deadline (the 15th of every month) Please make every effort to make your assigned date, and notify your team captain if you are unable to work on your scheduled Saturday. LAST DAY TO DROP OFF BOOKS FOR THE BAZAAR IS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND We truly thank all who have volunteered to work on this mission project. Remember, without your work, many of the people whom we serve at Heart and Soul would go without food that day if we do not feed them. 6 NEWS FROM THE RIVERSIDE WORKERS… Lee Tweedie, President The Snowflake Bazaar is next week!! It is not too early to mark your calendar for the holiday season. The Riverside Workers Christmas Luncheon will be on Tuesday, December 9th. We will be holding it again this year at the Como Restaurant in the Francesco Room on Pine Avenue. Reservations will be taken starting November 16th and rides will be available for those needing transportation. Deadline for reservations will be Sunday, November 30th. This luncheon is open to all women of the church so hope to see many of you there. More details below... The Bazaar is just around the corner and if you have not donated your time, it is not too late to do so. Help is needed in various areas. If you are available, call a chairperson below... The gals from the baked goods will be accepting your donations on Thursday, November 6th from 10AM to 4PM. If you find you can not make it then, please bring them over Friday morning, They will be accepting donations on Saturday morning if it is better for you. Our November Business Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 11th. Lunch will be provided, Post bazaar comments will be discussed. This will Riverside Workers Christmas Luncheon DATE: Tuesday, December 9th TIME: 12:00PM - 2:00PM PLACE: Como Restaurant 2220 Pine Avenue be our last meeting of this year. Come join us. Francesco Room COST: BAKE GOODS MARY BAUER 297-9461 JEWELRY MARGARET SMITH 283-0528 CHRISTMAS CHRIS SOOS 298-5858 BASKET AUCTION BARB WOODRUFF 283-1884 TREASURES JAMES COWE 731-5636 BOOKS ROBERTA BRADFIELD 283-3564 KITCHEN TAMMY IRVING 773-1341 DINING ROOM LIZ BERARD 283-5008 PUBLICITY LYNDA GROZIO 283-9752 GENERAL CHAIRMAN LEE TWEEDIE $11.00 includes meal, beverage & ice cream Menu Choices: Beef on Weck or Kaiser Roll Served w/gravy, horseradish, fries Chicken Wrap Served w/fresh fruit Julienne Salad Rigatoni Parmesan 283-1819 Rides are available to & from the Luncheon 7 Hanging of the Greens Happenings in the Community... 9:00AM Saturday, November 29th Fall Bazaar Tuesday, November 4th 9:00AM ~ 5:00PM An intergenerational event ~ all ages are welcome! Come help “hang the greens” as we decorate the church for Advent and Christmas. First Presbyterian Church 505 Cayuga Street Lewiston, NY 14092 Baked Goods, Jams, Jellies, Pies, Bread Craft Items White Elephant Table The early Christians placed evergreens in their windows to indicate that Christ had entered the home. Holly and ivy, along with pine, and fir are called evergreens because they never change color. They are ever-green, ever-alive, even in the midst of winter. They symbolize the unchanging nature of our God, and they remind us of the everlasting life that is ours through Christ Jesus. Fish Fry & Holiday Faire Stella Niagara Education Park 4421 Lower River Rd., Stella Niagara, NY 14144 Friday, November 21st 2:30PM ~ 7:00PM $9 Adults $8 Seniors $7 Children 11 and under Come join in this time of fellowship! Breaded or Baked Fish w/coleslaw & french fries or Macaroni & Cheese Dinner Dessert Bake sale, Gift Card Basket Raffle, Holiday Flea Market, Book Fair The Giving Tree The Christmas season is almost upon us. Let us celebrate the birth of Christ. Many of us will be spending special times with family and friends, baking, decorating, and sharing gifts with our loved ones. Unfortunately for some, there would be no gifts if not for the generosity of others. LaSalle LADD Thrift Shop 8662 Buffalo Ave. Niagara Falls Clothing Linens Shoes/Boots Accessories Help celebrate this joyous time by sharing with those less fortunate. We collect & sell items in good condition only! Any questions, call 283-9170 Our “Giving Tree” will be set up Sunday, November 30th thru Sunday, Dec. 14th. It will be decorated with “ornaments” labeled with wishes from area children whose names come to us confidentially through local charities. Join us for.. MOM’S DAY OUT! 10:00AM I would also like to thank the congregation for their very generous support during the past Christmas seasons. Wednesday, November 19th If you wish to select an ornament, please return the wrapped gift with the labeled ornament attached to the church by December 14th Come for coffee & conversation With your generosity, we can make a difference! 8 Youth Group Scoop... PLAN AHEAD... LOCK-IN SLEEP OVER at RIVERSIDE!! Advent Prayer Service 12:00PM Every Wednesday during Advent beginning December 3rd (Scripture & Music) Begins 7:00PM Friday, Nov. 14th Ends 9:00AM Saturday, Nov. 15th The Rainbow Singers PARENT’S NIGHT OUT !!! 7:00PM Saturday, December 12th Join us for entertainment & refreshments Drop your kids off Children’s Christmas Pageant 7:00PM - 9:00PM ~ Friday, December 5th Sunday, December 14th during the 11:00AM Worship Service FREE babysitting will be available!!! Are You Reading… We urge parents to bring your children to Sunday School for the ENTIRE month of November and December so they can be a part of the pageant. This year we will have speaking parts, three camels and will still need a bunch of angels! “The Orphan Train “ T H E Contact Heather Stackpole (stackpolehd@gmail.com) or 628-9148 for any questions or concerns. 9 O R P H A N T R A I N By Christina Baker-Kline Join us for a Soup Lunch and Book Review 12:30PM Sunday, November 16h Channel 2 News Closing Central POINSETTIA SALE Riverside has once again teamed up with Channel 2 from now until March to give our church family the latest forecast and closings. Remember to watch Channel 2 News or go to WGRZ.com for the most up-to-date closing information If you would like Christmas Poinsettias to display in the Church during the holiday, then take home or give to a shut-in, please fill out the form below. In the December Newsletter we will once again list the names of our shut-ins and those serving in the Military so they may receive Christmas cards from our members and friends of Riverside. You can mail your order with payment to the church office or order-forms can be found in the pews and placed in the offering plate. This year we will only be offering red poinsettias. Please send in names and addresses of those you would like to receive Christmas blessings from Riverside by calling or emailing the church office! Orders are due no later than December 7th Number of 6” plants at $7.00 each (red only) Please have bulletin read…(indicate one) Where do I go from here ____Dedicated to the Glory of God or Are you between the ages of 55-68? ____In Memory of __________________________ (please print name) Are you trying to figure out WHAT’S NEXT? Is it a new career? Taking care of grandchildren, children or aging parents? Check one: HOW AM I GOING TO OCCUPY MY TIME?? I will pick up after Church Please deliver to Shut-In Are you scared? Confused? Concerned? YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! Given by: Join us at the church on Name Friday, November 21st (please print your name) 7:00PM – 9:00PM Phone express your concerns over some wine and cheese Total amount enclosed $_______________ RSVP to... Laura, Bob O’Toole, Barbara Rodgers 10 RIVERSIDE YOUTH NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 Welcome to Our Youth Newsletter, an informational guide for parents, caregivers and children of all ages! Contact Heather Stackpole with any information you would like to have added to each edition! stackpolehd@gmail.com NURSERY NEWS Infants to age three are welcome in the Nursery at the 11am services on Sundays. We are always in need of adults to take a turns in the Nursery. See Reverend Laura! We need You! SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS SPCA new hours of operation: Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 12pm - 8pm, Friday: 10:30am - 5pm, Saturday: 11am - 5:pm, Tuesday & Sunday: Closed. This means, children will not be able to deliver donations on Sundays after church! We are re-thinking the Mission. More updates to come! Christmas Pageant is around the corner! This year we are looking for an adult to play a part in our Christmas Pageant! This individual plays the part of Mary “in her older years” telling children about the birth of her son, Jesus. Mary sits in a chair during the entire play (no worries about standing)! What a wonderful memory for one of our Moms to be part of the pageant alongside their child, or one of our ladies from the congregation to be a part of this exciting time with our children. Our pageant will be on Sunday, December 14th at 11am. Please express your interest to Heather Stackpole no later than November 15th! Offering envelopes have been given to the Sunday school children! Our vision is to teach the children about weekly offerings and praising God for his works. The goal is not to have the children ask for money to fill their envelopes, but rather…find a penny on the street, think of God and pick it up to share. Or…did an extra for Mom or Dad , share a part of allowance and give to God. We will be taking turns passing the plate and also learn the offertory song; Praise, God from whom all blessing flow (James: 1:17) Praise, Him all creatures, here below (Psalm 145:21) Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host (Rev 5: 11-14) Praise Father Son and Holly Ghost (Mathew 28:19) 11 Volunteers for November Volunteers for December LAY READERS at 9:30AM December 6th Quin/Maddy Buisch December 14th Hope Novak December 21st Cliff Abray December 28th C. J. Tripi LAY READERS at 9:30AM November 2nd Jill Kudiba November 9th Quin/Maddy Buisch November 16th Bob O’Toole November 23rd Barb Vollick November 30th Jill Kudiba LAY READERS at 11:00AM December 7th Jean Westmoore December 14th Kevin Kernin December 21st Ken Raymond December 28th Lynn Emmick LAY READERS at 11:00AM November 2nd Dorothy Westhafer November 9th Lisa Tripi November 16th Barbara Rodgers November 23rd Barb Vollick November 30th Dorothy Raymond USHERS at 9:30AM All of December Margaret Quarantiello, Bill Brodie USHERS at 11:00AM All of December Team #4 Adell Gilliland Mary Scouten Chris & Paul Soos USHERS at 9:30AM All of November the Kudiba family USHERS at 11:00AM All of November Team #3 Shirley Brocious Lois Hughes Lee Tweedie Joyce Wiepert COMMUNION SERVERS at 9:30AM All of December Team #4 C. J. Tripi Bill Brodie COMMUNION SERVERS at 9:30AM All of November Team #3 Cliff Abray, Jill Kudiba COMMUNION SERVERS at 11:00AM December 6th Team #4 Roberta Bradfield Corinne Kernin Christine & Paul Soos COMMUNION SERVERS at 11:00AM November 2nd Team #3 James Cowe Sylvia Davis Crystal Lively Lori Winker GREETER at 9:30AM All of December TBA GREETERS at 9:30AM All of November Quin & Maddy Buisch Barb Vollick COFFEE SERVER All of December Jill Kudiba GREETER at 11:00AM All of December Lee Tweedie GREETER at 11:00AM All of November TBA COFFEE SERVERS All of November Flora O’Toole & Barb Woodruff The Worship Team would like to give thanks to all those willing to serve. If you are unable to fulfill your day, please try and find a replacement and let the church office know. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Barbara Vollick at 283-4708. 12 12:30PM Book Review & Soup Lunch Reservations due for R Worker’s Christmas Luncheon 30 4:00PM Thanksgiving Service followed by Potluck Supper 23 16 Daylight saving time ends 6:00PM All Saints’ Day Svc 12:00PM Lunch & Bible Study 12:00PM Lunch & Bible Study 24 12:00PM Lunch & Bible Study 17 12:00PM Lunch & Bible Study 10 3 HEART & SOUL 2 Last day for books 9 Mon DEACON MISSION FOR THIS MONTH: Sun Election Day 9:00AM Prayer Service 25 9:00AM Prayer Service 7:00PM Deacon Mtg 12PM Lunch Bunch goes to Clancy’s 7:00PM Choir Rehearsal 26 7:00PM Choir Rehearsal 6:30PM Session Meeting 10:00AM Mom’s Morning Out! 7:00PM Choir Rehearsal 18 9:00AM Prayer Service 19 12:00PM R Workers Christmas Luncheon Veterans Day Wed 7:00PM Choir Rehearsal 5 11 9:00AM Prayer Service 12 4 Tue 27 20 13 6 10AM - 4PM Baked Goods accepted Thu November 2014 28 21 14 7 1 Sat BUILDING CLOSED 7:00PM WHAT’S NEXT? 9:00AM Hanging of the Greens 29 22 December Article deadline Youth Group Lock-In Sleepover 10:00AM Heart & Soul Mission Work; team #3 15 8 SNOWFLAKE BAZAAR & BASKET AUCTION All Saints Day Fri Riverside Presbyterian Church 815 84th St. at Lindbergh Ave Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Return Service Requested Your November Newsletter The Riverside Reporter November 2014 Riverside Presbyterian Church Rev. Laura Norris-Buisch Church Phone: 283-9752 November 17th November 16th November 15th November 14th November 11th November 8th November 7th November 2nd 7:00PM 10:00AM 6:30PM 12:00PM 7:00PM 12:30PM 10:00AM 7:00PM 10:00AM 10:00AM 10:00AM 6:00PM Thanksgiving Service followed by Potluck Dinner WHAT’S NEXT? Mom’s Day Out at Panera Session Meeting Lunch Bunch goes to Clancy’s Deacon Meeting Book Review & Soup Lunch Last day for RW Christmas Luncheon reservations Heart & Soul Mission Work; team #3 December Newsletter deadline Youth Group Lock-In Sleepover Riverside Workers Business Meeting & Lunch Snowflake Bazaar & Basket Auction Snowflake Bazaar & Basket Auction All Saints’ Day Remembrance & Candlelighting Service IMPORTANT DATES November 19th 7:00PM Hanging of the Greens Thanksgiving Day/building closed building closed November 21st 9:00AM November 23rd November 27th November 28th November 29th
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