9 November 2014 – Dedication of the Latern Basilica CALLED TO SHOW SOLIDARITY WITH THE POOR There is a direct connection in our profession of faith in Christ and our commitment to society — faith is not something simply between the individual and God. “Nor should our loving response to God be seen simply as an accumulation of small personal gestures to individuals in need, a kind of ‘charity à la carte’, or a series of acts aimed solely at easing our conscience.” So the Church exists not for itself, but for the world, and for the advancement of all peoples, announcing the Gospel in word and in action. IN HIS OWN WORDS ach individual Christian and every community is called to be an instrument of God for the liberation and promotion of the poor, and for enabling them to be fully a part of society. This demands that we be docile and attentive to the cry of the poor and to come to their aid. Putting the poorest and most vulnerable at the centre of our evangelising efforts towards a better world has been a constant theme of Pope Francis since his election. He seeks to show by example what he teaches — that we must hear the cry of the poor and respond to their needs. As noted previously, Francis says, “Not to share one’s wealth with the poor is to steal from them and to take away their livelihood.” The clear message is that it is unjust for some to have much, and many to have little. The Holy Father is not just speaking of feeding the poor, but enabling them to have access to education, healthcare, work (with fair pay) and justice in general. E NO EXCUSES! he worst discrimination which the poor suffer is the lack of spiritual care. The great majority of the poor have a special openness to the faith; they need God and we must not fail to offer them his friendship, his blessing, his word, the celebration of the sacraments and a journey of growth and maturity in the faith. Our preferential option for the poor must mainly translate into a privileged and preferential religious care. The poor have a right, like everyone else, to normal, ongoing pastoral care. This call to serve the poor is for all Christians: “No one must say that they cannot be close to the poor because their own lifestyle demands more attention to other areas.” Writing on the economy and the distribution of t ... income, Pope Francis challenges both business leaders and politicians to live up to the “nobility of their vocation” by serving the common good. In what has been construed by some to be a politically loaded statement, he says, “We can no longer trust in the unseen forces and the invisible hand of the market,” and he dismisses the theory that the riches of the few inevitably “trickle down” and benefit the many. In speaking of human trafficking, a growing issue in the West, he writes, “There is greater complicity than we think... many people have blood on their hands as a result of their comfortable and silent complicity.” Pope Francis continues to reiterate the Church’s teaching on the protection of the unborn child, and speaks of our duty towards the homeless, people with addictions, refugees, indigenous peoples, the elderly and migrants, and to safeguard the creation of which we are stewards. PAUSE FOR PRAYER Lord Jesus, you who yourself became poor for our sake, and who look with special love on those who do not have what they need to live, make us your instruments of care, committed to justice for all, especially the poor. Amen. PARISH POINTERS n n Who are the poor close to home that our parish serves? Who are we not yet serving? Confession of FAITH and COMMITMENT to society continued on back p age Season colour: WHITE SERIES: The Joy of the Gospel In this series, Fr Ed Hone, C.Ss.R. examines Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium What can we do to respond to Pope Francis’ plea for solidarity with the poor? n Based on paragraphs 176-216 of The Joy of the Gospel “Soul Space - The Joy of the Gospel” is written by Fr Ed Hone, C.Ss.R. - Designed by Gabriel Carbone. Images from ShutterStock. Published by Redemptorist Communications, 75 Orwell Road, Dublin 6. Printed by Nicholson & Bass © REDEMPTORIST COMMUNICATIONS 2014 www.redcoms.org ings: ’s read 2 Today .1 9 -2.8 Ez 47:1 4 Ps 6-17 :9-11.1 1 Cor 3 2 -2 Jn 2:13 Parish Office Telephone: 90616300 130 Upper Dunmurry Lane Mon-1.00pm- 4.00pm Belfast, Tues-Fri- 10.00am-1.00pm BT17 0EW Fr. Rory Sheehan. PP email:info@ourladyqueenofpeacekilwee.com VISIT OUR PARISH WEBSITE www.ourladyqueenofpeacekilwee.com EUCHARISTIC ADORATION- ”Will you spare an hour with me” Adoration takes place in the Conference Room every Tuesday from 10.00am to 7.00pm. We are desperately in need of adorers who can spare just one hour in divine intimacy with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament between 1.00pm – 5.00pm. This time spent with our Beloved Saviour in Adoration, can become the most profound, meaningful, joyful, peaceful and healing experience you could ever encounter! If you are interested in putting your name forward please contact the Parish Office on 90616300. During Eucharistic Adoration you may light a candle for a particular personal intention. This candle will burn alongside the Blessed Sacrament. A small donation of £1.00 would be appreciated. SOCIETY OF ST MARTHA There is an urgent need for additional volunteers to join some of the Church housekeeping teams especially for Saturday mornings at 10.30am. If you could give some time to this very necessary work please contact the parish office 90616300 SAFEGUARDING (PARISH AUDIT) The Safeguarding Committee recently completed The Parish Audit in relation to Safeguarding our children, young people and vulnerable adults. We are pleased to state that Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish is compliant with all standards as outlined by the National Board for Safeguarding. All those volunteers in our parish, who are working with children, young people and vulnerable adults(Eucharistic Ministers to the Nursing Homes) are vetted through Access N.I. All have attended relevant Safeguarding Training . If you have concerns re: the safety of a child, young person or vulnerable adult you can contact : Social Services Duty Social Worker 02890507000 PSNI Child Protection Team 028 90259457 The Diocesan Safeguarding Office 02890492783 02890650222 (out of hours) You can also speak to one of the committee members through the parish office (90 616300) Committee members are : Fr. Rory Sheehan, Mr. Gerry Heery, Mrs. Pauline Moane, Mrs. Joan Mc Keever (chair) PARISH DRAW WINNERS £500 Colette O’Hare £100 Mrs C Wilson £100 Jim Vernon £100 Kathy Lavery £100 Donal Byrne Promotors £50 Suzette McDonagh £50 Mrs McFadden Corrina Avenue Upper Green Cloona Park Haddington Hill c/o Choir Congratulations to all the winners and many thanks to the promoters and members for their commitment to the Draw. BAPTISMS We welcome into the family of God recently baptised, Charlie Stephen McMonagle, Oliver Anthony Kelley,Mia Elizabeth Anna Marie Cunningham CHILDREN'S LITURGY every Sunday at 10.00am and 12 noon Mass BIBLE IN A DAY WORKSHOP SATURDAY 15th NOVEMBER, St Anne’s Parish Centre, Belfast The Living Church office will be hosting The Bible in a Day workshop by Jeff Cavins. This training day will equip people from across the Diocese of Down and Connor to learn more about the Bible for themselves. The one-day, interactive workshop aims to make the Bible accessible as it reveals the amazing story of salvation from Genesis to Jesus and the early Church. By participating in the day you will gain a greater understanding of your faith, the Mass, and the sacraments. David Wills from the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton will be our facilitator for the day. For more information go towww.downandconnor.org. To register contact the Living Church office 028 9069 0920 office@livingchurchdc.org Early Bird registration before 31/10/2014 £30 includes resources, refreshments & lunch. THE CREDENHILL, FOREST PARK, NETHERLANDS RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION is holding its annual fund-raising event in the Grand Ballroom, Balmoral Hotel on Saturday, 22 November. All proceeds are in aid of Action Cancer. The event consists of a Table Quiz, Disco and lots of prizes for ballots. Members of the residents association are selling tickets around the doors in the Parish. They cost £5 each, or, you are very welcome to come along and pay at the door and enjoy a great night’s craic and entertainment with your neighbours for a very worthwhile cause. All proceeds raised will be published in this bulletin after the event. I look forward to seeing you on the night and I know you will generously support this very important charity. RECENTLY DECEASED Noreen Donnelly ANNIVERSARIES Glengoland Park We pray for those whose anniversaries occur around this time. Raymond McColgan and Maureen McKay Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and may perpetual light shine upon them THE SANCTUARY LIGHT: Has been dedicated on week beginning 9th November ‘For a special intention’ Envelope Offering Maintenance WEEKLY OFFERING £989.00 Loose Offering £317.00 £260.00 Monthly Stipend £795.00 Many thanks for your continued support CHURCH HOUSEKEEPING: Group B Saturday 15th November 2014 ST. VINCENT de PAUL: Anyone needing help please contact 90616300 Details of MASS TIMES AND ADDITIONAL NOTICES can be seen on the Parish web site. THE SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL ‘Dear parishioners. The St Vincent de Paul as a Christian Society strives to help the genuinely needy. Neither poverty nor the Society discriminates. Sadly and increasingly we have bogus callers who abuse the Christian generosity of our parishioners whose support we depend on. It is difficult to refuse someone who presents as “seemingly” distressed as we may mistake the genuine for the bogus but we ask parishioners to direct anyone who contacts them seeking help, either at their homes or at the church, to call 90601899 or 90351561. FURNITURE APPEAL The St Vincent De Paul requires donations of good furniture and Bric-a brac on an on going basis to assist families who are being housed and seeking help. Meeting this demand is a constant struggle that may only be met through the public’s generosity. Aware of the many demands already made of parishioners and thankful for your continued support may we ask you to consider donating good used furniture to us by contacting any of our members or telephoning our area office on 90601899 VINCENT’S SHOP; Do you have a few hours to spend each week? Why not help out at our newly established Vincent’s Shop facing Turf Lodge. Volunteers urgently needed CLOTHES BANK A St Vincent De Paul clothes bank has been installed to the left of the Church in the car park. Used clothes are very welcome. All proceeds go to West Belfast. BAPTISMS - First Sunday of every month. To register please contact the parish office at least one month in advance of baptism. Parents presenting their first born child for Baptism will be expected to attend a pre-baptism meeting. Please contact the Parish Office to book a place at the meeting as spaces are limited. ‘ALTERNATIVE MASS CARDS’ Alternative Mass Cards are on sale in the shop or from any member of the Apostolic Group. A priest does not need to sign them -The onus is on you to go to Mass and offer it up for the deceased and their family. A suggested contribution is £2.00. LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC MEDIA The stand in the front porch of the Church offers 16 different CD’s. We encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity! A suggested donation of £2.00 per CD covers the basic costs. COLIN AREA MEN’S SHED Come along to one of our Information Coffee Mornings below and hear our plans for setting up a Men’s Shed in the Colin area. Q. What is a Men’s Shed?? A. It’s not a real shed, it’s a community space just for men. It’s a place where men can come together, get a cuppa, and participate in events and activities. We would love to hear what local men think, so pop in for a cuppa and tell us what events & activities you would like to see in the forthcoming Colin Area Men’s Shed. All men welcome! Call in for a free cuppa, 11.00am - 1.00pm on: Wednesday 12th November in Our Lady Queen of Peace For more info contact Scap at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership, Cloona House, 31 Colin Road, Poleglass BT17 0LG. Tel: 028 90 623 813 or emailscap@newcolin.com A SPECIAL MASS OF REMEMBRACE - is being organised by St Paul’s Disability Care group and it will be held on Friday 14th November in St Paul’s Church, Falls Road, Belfast at7.30pm. This Mass will remember all those with a disability or special needs who have died. If you would like your friend or family member remembered in this Mass, please contact Mary on 078 6614 6924, Bernadette on 9028 5374 or Frances on 077 1891 4692.Please come along and join us on this special occasion. THE WEST BELFAST HISTORICAL SOCIETY The West Belfast historical Society is meeting on Friday the 14th of November at 7.30pm in the Falls Park Pavilion on the Falls Road Belfast. (Enter the Park via the gate facing Maguire's Garage. Secure parking is available behind the Pavilion just follow the road along the river to the car park). This month’s Talk is entitled "The Andrews Family" The guest speaker will be: Mr.Clive Scoular All are welcome to attend. CHURCH OF ST MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for 32 hours of Adoration will take place Friday 14th & Saturday 15th November 2014 starting with 10am Mass on Friday finishing with the 6.30pm Mass on Saturday ORDER OF MALTA FUNDRAISING CONCERT The order of Malta are holding a fundraising concert on Saturday 15th November in St. Peters Cathedral featuring the Schola Cantorum in concert with The Leeds Philharmonic Choir singing Faure’s Requiem and other choral works. Tickets price f 15 can be purchased from the Belfast Welcome Centre, St. Peters Cathedral or pay at the door. TOBAR MHUIRE RETREAT HOUSE, CROSSGAR The annual mass in memory of deceased former students and staff of St. Malachy’s College will be celebrated in the college chapel on Monday 10th November 2012 at 7:30pm Loss and Blessings: Saturday 15th November. November is a time when we remember loved ones who have died. At times we are too hurt or too busy looking after others to reflect upon the blessings we have received from those who have died. This day of prayer; reflection and symbols, will be a chance to take time aside; to reflect upon the memory of those who have died, and to give thanks for those who have touched our lives. Come aside and join us. You are welcome to bring a picture or memento of the person you are remembering. Time: 10.30am – 4pm. Lunch provided. Suggested Offering: £20 to include tea/coffee and light lunch Contact the secretary at 02844830242 to book your place. CONWAY EDUCATION CENTRE CHORAL SINGING WORKSHOP FOR CHRISTMAS PRAYER LIBRARY A small prayer library is located in the Baptistery. There, you will find books of guidance, suggestions on prayer which you can borrow for use at home. Please record the details of the book you have borrowed and returned CATHOLIC TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Places still available on City & Guilds Accounts and Book-keeping Level 1 course – starting Wednesday 12th November, 6.30- 8.30pm. Call into 2nd floor of Conway Mill to book your place or contact Conway Education Centre for further information, 90 248543 with Loreto McAuley and David Stewart.Saturday, 15 November at Drumalis, 10 am – 4:30 pm Enjoy a day of singing new Christmas carols and songs in the beautiful chapel in Drumalis. This workshop is particularly useful for church/school choirs and individuals looking for material for the Christmas & Advent season. If you enjoy singing and you enjoy Christmas then why not come along for the music & the hospitality. Cost, including lunch and music, is £35. For further details or to book a place, please contact Drumalis - tel 028 28272196/28276455 (Mon- Fri, 9am – 5pm) Booking forms can also be downloaded from www.drumalis.co.uk ST. JOSEPH’S P.S SLATE STREET St. Joseph’s P.S Slate Street will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the official opening of our ‘New School’ building this month. We are calling all past pupils, staff and families of the Falls Area to Come join us for our celebratory mass in the glorious surroundings of St. Peter’s Cathedral on Monday 17th November at 6.30pm Followed by refreshments in our school hall & a walk down memory lane – View old photos, roll books & copy books! We are making a public appeal and would be delighted if any past pupils could lend us any school memorabilia they may have at home from St. Joseph’s Slate Street, St Peter’s in Raglan Street or St. Comgall’s on the Falls Road - photos, newspaper clippings or school books. We promise that we will safely return them to you after our event. FRIENDS IN FAITH GROUP- CLONARD- Come and join us ! Are you in your 30’s,40’s, 50’s or over, Interested in making new friends / living & sharing your faith together / participating in various events,. Interested in finding out more ? Why not come along and see for yourself. Simply register now by emailing your name to faithtogether@clonard.com or text your name/to 07842960198 and we will be in touch. CHRISTMAS PIONEER GIFTS Sacred Heart Calendars and diaries for 2015 as well as Christmas cards are available from the Diocesan Pioneer Office, 68 Berry St. Tel no. 9089 4070 or Josephine @9061 7116. URGENT: PROJECT LOVE: The Justice Minister of the Northern Ireland Assembly David Forde CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR There will be a Christmas Craft Fair in St Kevin’s Hall, North Queen St, Belfast on Sunday 30th November between 10.00 – 4.00 has launched a public consultation on legalising abortion in cases of, what he refers to as, lethal feotal abnormality and sexual crime. Every Life Counts has launched the Project Love campaign to give you more information and help you make your submission to the Justice Minister. For further information on PROJECT LOVE or to receive your free Submission Card, please contact, Every Life Counts on 07927412226 or email us at info@everylifecounts.org.uk ARDS CCÉ CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR RISE IN ROAD DEATHS Ards CCÉ will be celebrating this year’s Christmas concert at St Comgall’s Parish Centre, Bangor. The concert will be an extravaganza of Irish/Festive Music, Song and Dance and will be compered by local celebrity....George Jones! All the super talented kids from Ards will be participating at the event along with various other artists, including world famous vocalist Fr Martin O’Hagan! The concert will take place on Saturday 6th December with doors opening at 8pm. Admission is only £5 and there will be a ballot, mince pies, tea/coffee and a fully licensed bar available. TICKETS CAN BE PURCHASED FOR £5 AT MACE STORE, BRUNSWICK RD, BANGOR OR TICKET LINE 07955685745 FREE HEARING-AID CLINIC: Do you wear an NHS hearing aid or know someone who does? Action on Hearing Loss runs a free drop-in clinic at Harvester House, 4-8 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GA. Telephone 028 90239 619 Thursday13th November and Thursday 11th December. If you're having trouble with your hearing aid, need new batteries (they are free), need the tubing changed, or just need some information, come along and talk to our trained Action on Hearing Loss volunteers. They'll be glad to help Action on Hearing loss runs a free Hear to Meet group at Harvester House, 4-8 Adelaide Street, Belfast, BT2 8GA. The next session is scheduled for Friday 7 November from 10.30am to 12.30pm and we are running an introduction to lip reading with Ann Madill. If you’re over 55 and have a hearing loss, come along, and make new friends by meeting other people who understand what it is like to live with hearing loss and enjoy activities. We’ll be happy to meet you! Please feel free to contact me for further information VOLUNTEER APPEAL Action for Hearing Loss is setting up some new clinics in Belfast and we are looking for Volunteers – Contact Angela, on 02890 239 619. If you have a few hours to spare a month we would love to hear from you. THE EXPLOREAWAY PROGRAMME If you are single and between 21 and 40 years of age and feel you may have an interest in religious life and would like to share with others similar questions then exploreAway aims to provide the input, support and accompaniment needed to help participants discern their call. The programme involves five residential weekends and one residential weekend retreat throughout the year, based in Dublin The weekends will provide input on vocation, discernment, prayer and religious life- its core values and the various ways it is lived. Email enquires@exploreaway.net or Tel 087 358 4447 or 085 766 4480 Tragically so far this year 57 people have lost their lives on Northern Ireland’s roads. This figure is the same as for the whole of 2013. We are told that most of the deaths on our roads could be prevented. We all share the responsibility of making our roads safer. This means slowing down, wearing our seatbelts, paying full attention to the road and never driving after drinking alcohol. It sounds simple. It makes sense. We just need to do it. Road users may wish to sign up to the Department of Environment’s “Share the Road to Zero” programme which has one aim - zero road deaths in Northern Ireland. Pledging is quick, easy and FREE and when you sign up, you will receive weekly road safety tips about how you and your loved ones can stay safe on our roads these coming months. Let us pray for all those in our parish who have been affected in some way by a road death. CHERNOBYL CHILDREN APPEAL We are a locally based Charity offering children living in the areas most heavily contaminated by the radioactive fallout a respite holiday, helping them recover from the effects of the disaster. The short time that they spend with us greatly improves their health and offers a tremendous boost to their immune system. If you can help, please contact Mairead on 07752399393 anytime on Sunday or after 7pm the rest of the week. You can also email us at :- ccafamilies36@gmail.com ADOPTERS NEEDED NOW Family Care Adoption Services is presently seeking families who would be interested in adopting children aged between 2 – 6 years and who need the love and attention of a caring and understanding family. Could this be you? If you would like to find out more please contact Family Care Adoption Services on: Belfast: 028 90691133 or email@familycaresociety.org Website: www.familycaresociety.co.uk We look forward to hearing from you MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF OTHERS… …AND CHANGE YOUR OWN LIFE FOREVER Since 1960, Viatores Christi has aimed to respond to needs overseas and at home by giving people an opportunity to share their lives and skills with those in need. People from all backgrounds and professions join VC - people who want to challenge themselves to make a difference in the world, however big or small. If you want to explore such a challenge, and you are interested in learning more email colin@viatoreschristi.com call 01-8689986 or visithttp://viatoreschristi.com/events/ INTERESTED IN VOLUNTEERING? The charity Lifeni is looking for volunteers for their charity shop on the Lisburn Road. If you would like to find out more please contact Jayne/Joanne @90438339. We are also seeking donations of good quality clothes, accessories, shoes, books and bric-a-brac. Lifeni caring, educating, upholding the value of human life. SÓLÁS “Unique volunteering opportunities for Retired Teachers to provide 1:1 support to children, with additional educational needs, in primary schools in West and North Belfast. One morning per week is required for a minimum of 15 weeks, full induction will be provided and the start date will be October/November 2014. Please contact Sólás on 02890 247600 or email anne@solasbt7.com for further information and registration pack”. ACTION CANCERS SUPPORT SERVICES Counselling (for adults and children over the age of 5) – counselling provides an opportunity to explore thoughts and feelings, to identify worries and concerns and to create self awareness and bring about change. Examples of therapies used include: Person Centred Counselling; Sandplay/art therapy; Thought Field Therapy and Emotional Freedom Technique Complementary therapies which include: reflexology, aromatherapy, relaxation techniques, Bach Flower remedies, gentle massage, Bowen and Emmett therapy. Acupuncture clinic – acupuncture can help with pain and symptom control. One to one Coaching. A group focused Positive Living Programme – this programme uses life coaching techniques to help people reflect, refocus, build coping skills and set personal goals to be able to move forward positively with life after a cancer diagnosis. For further information Tel 90803344 or email info@actioncancer.org or visit the website at www.actioncancer.org WERE YOU ABUSED WHEN YOU WERE IN AN INSTITUTION? TALK TO US - WE WILL LISTEN” The Historic Institutional Abuse Inquiry is an independent Inquiry set up to investigate abuse of children in residential institutions (but not schools) in Northern Ireland between 1922 and 1995. Abuse could be sexual or physical abuse, or emotional abuse or neglect. The Inquiry has an Acknowledgment Forum where you can come and tell experienced professionals in private, and in confidence, about abuse you experienced. Another part of the inquiry will investigate abuse, and then make recommendations to the Northern Ireland government. You can choose to talk to both parts, or to either part, of the Inquiry. If you were abused in an institution, or saw others being abused, the Inquiry wants to talk to you. It hopes that as many people as possible who experienced abuse in institutions, or witnessed others being abused, will come forward to help the Inquiry investigate the way these children were treated, and what should be done about it. If you know someone who was abused encourage them to contact us. If you want to contact us you can get more information on our website www.hiainquiry.org. If you live in the UK you can write to us at FREEPOST HIA Inquiry, or ring us at our FREEPHONE number 0800 068 4935. If you live outside the UK you can write to us at HIA Inquiry, PO Box 2080, Belfast, BT1 9QA, HEAVEN’S ROAD FM CATHOLIC RADIOwww.heavensroadfm.com is a new internet Radio broadcasting Catholic programmes, prayers, interviews and music. Their website broadcasts up to 40 Masses and other services daily and has over 200+ podcasts available as Listen-again. Tune in and listen/watch. The Radio is run on a shoestring by unpaid volunteers, so any donation, however small, would be very welcome. Cheques should be made payable to Heavens Road fm Catholic Radio and sent to Heavens Road fm Radio, St John’s Seminary, Wonersh, Guildford, GU5 0QX. Follow on Facebook (Heavens Roadfm) or twitter (@HeavensRoadFM). Heavens Road fm Catholic Radiowww.heavensroadfm.com is broadcasting a special series of programmes on Vocations startingSunday 12th Oct. Tune in and enjoy this new series on our Catholic radio. Their website broadcasts up to 40 live Masses daily. They are also looking for enthusiastic people to help make programmes and techies to operate the Radio. Further info athttp://www.heavensroadfm.com/vols/. Follow on Facebook (Heavens Roadfm) or twitter (@HeavensRoadFM). SERVING AFRICA THROUGH OLD COMPUTERS Camara are a Local Charity based in Unit 10, Townsend Enterprise Park. Belfast BT13 2 ES, who take old computers, wipe the data, refurbish them and set them up in schools in Africa as computer labs. Combined with accredited training courses and ongoing maintenance we have taught over half a million young people how to use a computer. This vital skill in today's world opens up unending opportunities for the young people whilst also building a better future for the country. To do this amazing work we need old computers. There is huge demand from Africa for Camara computers as we send them preloaded with software and train the teachers how to use them. From 11th November we will run our annual "One week, One Thousand Computers" campaign. Churches in Northern Ireland contributed over a quarter of this last year. This annual event tries to find 1,000 unused and unwanted pcs and laptops for reuse in deprived schools in Africa. Camara wipe and repair computers of all ages, shapes and sizes, load them with educational software and ship them to one of Camara’s seven African Hubs where they are distributed to the most deprived schools. We are asking people to dig out their old computers that are gathering dust. Visit www.camara.org for details of where to drop your computers off between 9.30 and 4.30 any week day. For your information. It costs £100 per computer to process, ship and provide the relevant training and maintenance for a minimum of 21 children to learn how to use it over the next 3 years. Most schools require a 25 computer suite at a cost of £2,500. Whilst we are not asking for donations anyone who feels they would like to support Camara in this way may do so through https://mydonate.bt.com/charities/camara or by sending a donation along with a computer to our base in 10, Townsend Enterprise Park. HELP IMPROVE LIFE FOR PEOPLE WITH PARKINSON’S…… Give time, get inspired Volunteers are vital to our work and make a real difference to everyone living with Parkinson’s in the Belfast area. You can volunteer for us in lots of ways, from raising awareness of Parkinson’s to helping at a support group. Here’s what some of our volunteers say about volunteering at Parkinson’s UK: “I feel that I am part of something really special and that what is achieved really does make a difference to people with Parkinson’s.” “Raising funds for research gives me hope that a cure will be found”. “Volunteering lets me focus on what I can do, rather than what I can’t do because of my Parkinson’s.” Join us today and you will be part of a team with full training to carry out your role. You will also have a dedicated person to support you and receive out of pocket expenses. For more information on the volunteer roles available and an application pack contact Paula Mc Larnon, Branch and Volunteer Support, 0844 225 3684 or email pmclarnon@parkinsons.org.uk
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