RED OAK BAPTIST CHURCH WE ARE EXCITED TO WELCOME the following as new members to the ROBC Family: Ted & Kim Polensky and Family and Michael Pullen. November 9, 2014 Prelude Organ & Piano Chimes Meditation Join us for the SAM’S Dinner Thursday, Nov. 13th; 5:00 pm ROBC Fellowship Hall Organ & Piano Carol Choir Sign up on sheet at Information Center “ Everlasting God” Praise Team and Congregation Welcome & Announcements Operation Christmas Child Testimony Operation Christmas Child Video Prayer “Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)” Praise Team and Congregation Offertory RED OAK COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING On Sunday, November 30 at 8:00 pm (following the Hanging of the Greens Service) we will gather with the Red Oak community for the lighting of the Red Oak Community Christmas Tree. You can purchase a light bulb(s) for the tree by completing a form located at the Information Center and place it in the offering plate along with your payment. Bulbs are $1 each and are to be placed in honor or memory of someone. The funds received will benefit our community food ministry. Deadline to purchase the light bulbs is November 23rd. “In God We Still Trust” Adult Choir “The Heart of the Matter” Mark 7:1-23 Rev. Larry Bostian Recognition of Veterans Pastoral Prayer Hymn of Invitation 485 “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus” Benediction Organ & Piano Youth Choir/Play Practice (grades 6-12) TODAY after worship until 3:00 pm (lunch provided) All children, ages 3 thru Kindergarten are invited to be part of the Youth Christmas Play. Please contact Kim Bass or Dot Griffin if interested. The CF Cookbooks are here! Purchase yours today!! Great Christmas gifts....Only $15 each! (Cash and checks are accepted. Make checks payable to ROBC noting "CF Cookbook" in the memo line.) See any member of Women in Action (Marion Faulkner, Karen Girona, Vicki Griffin, Jeanette and Hazel Hill, Audrey and Suzy Pearce) for more information. All proceeds benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Sunday 9 Veteran’s Day 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship Service, Children’s Church 12:00 Youth Play Practice 6:30 Evening Worship and W.A.K.E. 7:30 Deacon’s Meeting 16 8:30 Men’s Breakfast 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship Service, Children’s Church 12:00 Youth Play Practice 3:00 Hanging of the Greens Practice 6:30 Evening Worship and W.A.K.E. Monday Tuesday 11 10 7:00 pm Adult Choir Practice WMU Council Meeting 17 VETERAN’S DAY Church Office Closed 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study 7:00 pm Adult Choir Practice “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” (II Cor. 9:15) Wednesday 12 10:00 am Staff Meeting Viola Group Meeting 10:30 am First Seekers Bible Study 6:30 pm Prayer Service, W.A.K.E. RA’, GA’S and Mission Friends 7:00 pm L. McIntyre & M. Griffin Group Meetings 7:30 Praise Team Practice 18 7:00 pm Edna Booth Group Mtg. WOULD YOU LIKE TO PURCHASE A POINSETTIA for the Christmas season to be placed in the church in honor or memory of a loved one? If yes, please complete an order form found at the Information Center and place it in the offering plate along with your payment. Make checks payable to ROBC, with “poinsettia” written on the memo line. The cost of each poinsettia is $12 and the deadline to order is November 16th. Your Operation Christmas Child gift is only the first step in helping children around the world learn about God’s love. Local churches follow up with the children and their families after they receive shoebox gifts. The Greatest Journey discipleship program invites children to learn even more about Jesus’ life and His gift of eternal life through His death on the cross. Bring your completed shoeboxes to the church sanctuary through Nov. 16. Our goal—to introduce over 200 children to Jesus Christ! Organ & Piano Special Music Message Hanging of the Greens Practice Nov. 16th; 3:00 pm Nov. 23; 7:00 pm at St. Johns’ Baptist Church 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study 10:30 am First Seekers Bible Study and Luncheon 19 10:00 am Staff Meeting 6:30 pm Prayer Service, W.A.K.E. RA’s, GA’s, and Mission Friends Thursday 13 Friday Saturday 14 15 21 22 10:00 am Prayer Ministry 5:00 pm SAM’s Dinner 20 10:00 am Prayer Ministry 7:30 Praise Team Practice LUMINARIES will be on sale next Sunday, Nov. 16th thru Dec. 7th. Look for details in next week’s bulletin. PRAYER LIST—November 9, 2014 SS/CHURCH MEMBERS Christine Barnes Brittany Bass Jimmy & Judy Bass Kenneth & Peggy Bass Al Boone Pastor Larry Bostian Bobbie Brunson Paul Davis Peggy Dickens Jonah Faye Hardy Betty Melton Eileen Shanks Jean Stallings Irene White OUR SOLDIERS Jay Bass Thomas Coleman Hal Jones - Iraq Judy Major FAMILY & FRIENDS Robert Bridwell Patsy Carty Construction Crew on New Bldg. Cindy Cullifer Mack Grantham Ransom Journigan Avery Knight Angela Lassiter Smith Lassiter Gail Mann Mickey Matthews Kenneth Mullin Matt Poland Barbara Rackley Barbara Ricks Elizabeth Tichnel Lloyd Thrower Carolyn Vanhook Brenda Weaver Robbie Wiggins MEMBERS IN NURSING HOMES Aileen Davis (Autumn Care) Elizabeth Griffin (Autumn Care) Jackie Griffin (Breckenridge) Dorothene Rackley (Trinity) Tonia Taylor (Universal Health Care) FAMILY & FRIENDS IN NURSING HOMES Mary Boone Dave Gupton Dorothy Daughtridge SYMPATHY TO … Danny Bone Family Jimmy Griffin Family Madgie Macklin Family General Offering 11/2/2014 $6,395.95 Building Fund Total $775,579.74 Interested in giving on-line? Go to ROBC website at r edo akb apt ist .o rg, click o n Stewardship tab and enter your information. If you have questions, contact Laurinda in the church office at 252.443.0376 DEACON OF THE WEEK MEMBERS OF THE WEEK George & Shirley Whittemore 3592 Morningside Lane Rocky Mount, NC 27804 The sanctuary flowers are given today by Sandy & Rhonda Frazier in memory of Wilson Frazier and all of the veterans who have served from ROBC Red Oak Baptist Church Thank you for your generous giving. $6,453.18 is needed per week for operating expenses for the 2014 Budget. Pat Griffin 443.6370 Duties: Offertory prayer at Sunday morning service. Welcome guests at Welcome Center, complete a visitors card and give them gift. STUDENT OF THE WEEK Brittany Bass 201 Wolf Way, Apt. 206 Raleigh, NC 27606 Assist Russell & Barbara Griffin in securing buildings on Wednesday and Sunday nights. Serve in Explorers (Children’s Ministry) in library on Sunday nights. The Mission of Red Oak Baptist Church … Exalt God’s greatness Evangelize God’s world Equip God’s people Express God’s love through Jesus Christ our Lord. Church Office: 252.443.0376 Church Fax: 252.443.0869 Church Address: PO Box 260, Red Oak, NC 27868 Pastor: Rev. Larry Bostian Cell: 252.452.3420 Email: Interim Youth Pastor: Nate James Email: Cell: 252.985.8208 Scripture Memory Verse of the Month “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 Administrative Assistant: Laurinda Ellis Email: E-mail Website WiFi password clps62274 Office Hours: Mon.—Thur. 8:00 am to 4:00 pm; Friday—8:00 am to 1:00 pm Red Oak, North Carolina November 9, 2014
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