PAWAN HANS LIMITED (A Govt. of India Enterprise) REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) NO.PHL/CO/MKTG/4817/74 FOR APPOINTMENT OF CONSULTANT FOR CONDUCTING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEY FOR PAWAN HANS LTD. (Limited Tender – Applicable only for Qualified Bidders based on Pawan Hans EoI dated 01st August, 2014) 1 Name of the Project / work: Consultant required designing and carrying out Customer Satisfaction Surveys. The Firm shall be responsible for conducting a market research and designing appropriate customer satisfaction surveys and administering the same to arrive at PHL Customer Satisfaction Rating. Location of the work: The following Locations/ Customers shall be included for conducting Customer Satisfaction Survey: Sr. No. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 Locations New Delhi Mumbai Cochin Guwahati Gangtok Agartala Aizawl Kolkata Shimla Customer NTPC, GAIL, A&N Admn., 1-2 any other client ONGC Lakshadweep Administration Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh & Govt. of Meghalaya Govt. of Sikkim Govt. of Tripura Govt. of Mizoram Govt. of West Bengal Govt. of Himachal Pradesh Note: Pawan Hans reserve the right to change/ alter the above locations/ clients. However the final list of clients/ locations would be provided at the time of issuance of LOI to the selected Consultant. Name of the office inviting RFP: Marketing Department, Pawan Hans Ltd. Corporate Office, C-14, Sector-1, NOIDA-201301, Distt Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.). Ph-0120-2476735, 2476759 Fax-0120-2476979 2 PAWAN HANS LIMITED (PHL), NEW DELHI Marketing Department Pawan Hans Ltd. Corporate Office, C-14, Sector-1, NOIDA-201301, Distt Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.). Ph-0120-2476735, 2476759 Fax-0120-2476979 Tender No. Date : PHL/CO/MKTG/4817/74 : 07th November, 2014 To _________________________ _________________________ INVITATION OF BID Dear Sirs, Sealed Tenders under 'TWO BID SYSTEM' are invited by PHL from consultant Firms for APPOINTMENT OF CONSULTANT REQUIRED FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEY AT PHL in the prescribed bid form and the proforma attached to this bid package. The details of the tender are given below:1. Tender No. PHL/CO/MKTG/4817/74 2. Description Consultant required designing and carrying out Customer Satisfaction Surveys. The Firm shall be responsible for conducting a market research and designing appropriate customer satisfaction surveys and administering the same to arrive at PHL Customer Satisfaction Rating. Requirements: Develop Customer Survey(s) for PHL to gather objective and subjective feedback on PHL performance and market position in the aviation/service industry. The survey shall target existing customer. Use primary and secondary data/response gathering while carrying out executive of the above designed survey. To arrive at PHL overall customer satisfaction rating as well as that of different major customer/customer segments. 3 To report on key and detailed findings of the survey and issues impacting the PHL Customer Satisfaction Ratings. 3. Delivery period To submit Draft Report within 15 days from the date of issue of letter of Appointment and Final Report within 01 week (07 days) of the approval of Draft Report. 4. Date & Time for submission of Proposal 1400 hrs (IST) on 20th November, 2014. 5. Date & Time for opening of Technical Bid. 1430 hrs (IST) on 20th November, 2014. 6. Date & Time for opening of Priced Bid. To be intimated Qualified bidders. 7. EMD Rs.25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) in form of Bank Draft/Pay Order from Nationalized Bank in favor Pawan Hans Ltd. payable at New Delhi/ Noida. 8. Performance Bank Guarantee 10% of total contract value (to be submitted by the selected party within 5 days of issuance of LoA 9. Bid Validity 03 Months from the date of Bid submission. 10. Correspondence Address later to technically In-Charge (Marketing) Pawan Hans Ltd. Corporate Office, C-14, Sector-1, NOIDA-201301, Distt Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.). Ph-0120-2476735, 2476759 Fax-0120-2476979 The Proposal will be governed by the instructions to bidder as per General Terms & Conditions and Special Terms & Conditions. „TWO BID SYSTEM' shall be followed for this Tender. Bidder should take due care to submit tenders in accordance with requirement in sealed covers. PHL shall have the right to accept/reject or prefer any Bid without assigning any reason whatsoever including rejecting the lowest quoted bid. Yours faithfully, FOR PAWAN HANS LTD. 4 INDEX THE SET OF BID DOCUMENT CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING: SL. NO. DESCRIPTION 1. Letter of Application. 6 2. Instructions to Consultants/Bidders 7-8 3. Terms of Reference (TOR). 9-10 4. General Terms and Conditions. 11-19 5. Special Terms and Conditions. 20 6. Bid Rejection & Bid Evaluation Criteria 21 7. Evaluation of Technical Bid 22 7. Details of Consultant‟s Key Professionals. 23 8. Format for Price Bid. 24 9. Information Required 25 PAGE NO. Form – I Form – II Form – III Form – IV 26 27 28 29 ANNEXURES A - Integrity Pact B - Proforma for Bank Guarantee towards Advance Payment C - Instructions to Bidders for E-Tendering ******** 5 31-46 47-49 50 1. LETTER OF APPLICATION (This should be furnished on the letterhead of the applicant) Registered Business Name of the Consultant: -------------------------------Registered Business Address of the Consultant : ------------------------------Telephone Fax To, In-charge (Marketing) Pawan Hans Ltd. Corporate Office, C-14,Sector-1, NOIDA-201301, Distt Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.). Ph-0120-2476735, Fax-0120-2476979 Dear Sir, We hereby forward information documents for the following consultancy services: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We authorize Pawan Hans Ltd. or its authorized representatives to verify the statements, documents and information‟s submitted and to clarify the financial and technical aspects of this application. For this purpose, we hereby authorize any Public Official, Engineer, Bank Depository, manufacturer, distributor etc or any other person or firm to furnish pertinent information deemed necessary and requested by Pawan Hans Ltd. to verify statements and information provided in this application or regarding our competence and standing. The name and position of person, who may be contracted for further information, if required, is as follows: Name : Designation : Address : We declare that the statements made and information provided in the duly completed application are completed, true and correct in every detail. Date: (Authorized Representative of Applicant) Place: 6 2. INSTRUCTION TO THE CONSULTANTS/ BIDDERS 2.1 Please go through the enclosed Bid Documents before submission of bids online through Pawan Hans E-portal. 2.2 Request for Proposal (RFP) documents in PDF format are hereby issued to only shortlisted consultants on the basis of PHL EoI dated 01st August, 2014 2.3 Please ensure that all documents are submitted in English language. 2.4 Please ensure that the Online bids are submitted under 'Two Bid System‟ viz. (a) „Technical Bid‟ and (b) „Priced Bid‟ through Pawan Hans E-portal only. The Bidder in their „Priced Bid‟ should quote rates as per Proforma attached. 2.5 “Technical Bid/ Un-priced Bid” shall contain the following documents signed by the Authorized person on each page and upload the Scanned copy in collaboration folder on Pawan Hans Tender Wizard/ E-Portal: 2.5.1 Details as per Srl No. – 4 of the General Terms and Conditions i.e. Documentary evidence in respect of Consultancy work handled such as appointment letters, completion certificate, description of the work and details of key professionals who handled the work to be submitted. 2.5.2 Description covering the methodology/ work plan, detailed activity schedule, proposed timelines for completion of work. 2.5.3 Details of Consultant‟s Key Professionals as per Proforma attached at Srl.NO.7. CV of the Team Leader and Key Professionals to the proposed job to be attached. 2.5.4 EMD Rs.25,000/- in form of Bank Draft/ Pay Order from a Nationalized Bank in favour of “Pawan Hans Ltd.” Payable at New Delhi/ Noida. Scanned Copy of Bank Draft/ Pay Order shall be attached with the Technical Bid, to be submitted through Pawan Hans E-portal and original need to be submitted in a separate sealed envelope before the due date/time of Bid submission. 2.5.5 Letter of Application as per Proforma attached at Srl.No.1. 2.6 Price Bid should clearly quote a fixed lumpsum amount in Rupees (Indian Currency).This amount shall be inclusive of all taxes including service tax, duties, fees, levies and other charges imposed under the applicable law of the Consultant and their personnel. Other than the amount quoted in the priced bid, no other charge/expense/surcharge/additional amount will be payable. Please ensure that the „Priced Bid‟ should be submitted on-line only, as per Proforma attached. The Consultant shall submit the financial quote unconditionally. Conditional offer shall be considered non responsive and is liable to be rejected. 2.7 The bidders are requested to submit Technical Bid/ Price Bid through Pawan Hans E-portal only, along with all required & relevant documents and Priced Bid as per proforma given in the E-Tender in the separate E-folder only. 7 2.8 Bidders are required to upload the scanned copy of technical Bid in the folders prescribed for „Technical Bid‟. For Price Bid, bidders must fill their quote online in the Excel Sheet and Digitally Signed the same for uploading on Pawan Hans Tender Wizard/ E-Portal. ( 2.9 An Authorized Representative of the Firm shall initial on each page of the Bid document with Company Seal. 2.10 Tender Processing Fee : Applicable Tender processing fee will be charged from the bidders towards processing of E-tender. Details of same are provided in the Pawan Hans Tender Wizard. 2.11 Bidders are required to submit following documents in original in sealed envelope, indicating the tender reference, bidder‟s name. 1. EMD Amount of Rs. 25,000/- by Demand Draft/ Pay Order from a Nationalized Bank in favour of “Pawan Hans Ltd.” Payable at New Delhi/ Noida. 2. Integrity Pact (signed and Stamped by an Authorized Official of the Bidder). 3. Bidder‟s Authorization Letter, authorizing an official to sign the Bid on behalf of the Bidder. 4. CA Certificates indicating Bidders Net Worth (as on 31st March, 2014) and Turnover as Business Consultancy (for years 2011-12, 12-13 & 1314). Copy of the same may be provided in the Technical Bid, in case Original CA Certificate has been submitted along with EoI. 5. Any other document required as per Tender Document. 6. Bidders are requested to submit the above documents to : In-charge (Marketing) Pawan Hans Ltd., Corporate Office, C-14, Sector-1, NOIDA-201301, Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.). Ph-0120-2476735, 2476759, Fax-0120-2476979 Bidders shall ensure that your Online bid is submitted by the due date/time and the documents required in original must reaches the office of Pawan Hans Ltd. before the bid due date/time. PHL shall not be responsible if the Bid documents are misplaced/ delayed in transit and not received at the above office by the prescribed date and time. Note: Bidder may ensure that their responsive Bid/ Document shall be serially arranged as per RFP Document with Index and page nos. and duly signed/ stamped by an Authorized Signatory of the Bidder. ******* 8 3. TERMS OF REFERENCE The Terms of Reference for the Consultant would be as under : Develop Customer Survey(s) for PHL to gather objective and subjective feedback on PHL performance and market position in the Aviation/Service industry. The survey shall mainly target existing customer of Pawan Hans Complete the survey by carrying out primary and secondary data/response gathering. Survey will required to be administered to PHL Customer types i.e. Offshore, Onshore, State Govts./PSU and other (as per the details given at Page 2 of RFP Document . Develop comprehensive survey findings; submit a detailed report containing the following: Introduction Executive Summary (Summary problem statement, methodology and outcome) Details of Methodology followed- Sample sizes, scale type used, survey method, data sources etc. Amended Proformas, if any, developed for measuring Customer Satisfaction of various customer types and various specific customers (if proposed to be different for various customers) Data obtained through administering the surveys (primary data) Data obtained through secondary research (secondary data) Data obtained (if any) through reusing customer feedback information available with PHL from its various bases (if available) Customer satisfaction rating of various customer types and various specific customers. Overall Customer satisfaction rating of PHL. Customer type/segment wise analysis of customer satisfaction rating obtained and suggestions for improvement Individual Customer specific analysis of customer satisfaction rating obtained and suggestions for improvement Overall Customer satisfaction rating analysis of PHL and its benchmarking as compared to Industry i.e. local (Domestic) and International operators (Helicopter/Airlines) may be provided. Suggestions for further improvement of PHL Customer Satisfaction Ratings. Any further inputs desired by PHL during the study. . 9 General Guidelines for Consultants. The Consultant would be working in coordination with Pawan Hans Ltd. (PHL) on delivering on this assignment. The above requirements would enable the consultant to get a better understanding of the task of hand. PHL would endeavor to provide any information and reports, if available, at its end and if useful to enable the consultant to carry out the task. Therefore, Information and inputs available with the Company could also be utilized to supplement Consultant expertise in development of customer satisfaction ratings and experience in Aviation and Tourism for the assignment. The consultant would be required to work upon aggressive timelines of delivery of the full assignment. PHL shall have the right to vary the Terms of Reference/ enlarge scope of work wherever it is considered necessary from the point of view having a comprehensive and relevant customer satisfaction rating. *************** 10 4. GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS (i) Eligibility Criteria - Bidder should be a professional agency having experience in the field of preparation and execution/administering of Customer Surveys/Market Research (including product/market survey) for minimum last 7 years for PSUs, Multinational companies, PSU JVs etc (as on 31st July, 2014). - Bidder should essentially have office either at Delhi/NCR or Mumbai with total professional manpower strength of not less than 25. - Annual Turnover as Business Consultancy of the Bidder should not be less than Rs. 1.00 crore (average) for the last 3 consecutive financial years (2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14). To be duly certified by practicing/authorized Chartered Accountancy firm. - Net worth of the Bidder (as on 31st March, 2014) should not be less than 40% of Rs.1.00 Crore i.e. Rs 40 Lakhs. To be duly certified by practicing/authorized Chartered Accountancy firm. Bids of only those bidders meeting the eligibility criteria as above will be scored as per technical bid evaluation criteria (Para 6.0) before opening of price bids. The Bidders are required to submit CA Certificate in original for above criteria (Net Worth and Turnover). Copy of the CA Certificate may be submitted, in case the original has already been submitted alongwith the EoI dated 01st August, 2014. 4.1 VALIDITY OF BIDS Bids must be valid for 03 months from the date of submission. 4.2. SUBMISSION OF BIDS The bidders are requested to submit their bids online through Pawan Hans Eportal under „two bid system‟ before the closing date & time. The “Bid” should contain the following :4.2.1. “Technical Bid” 4.2.2. The Technical Bid should provide the following information failing which the Proposal shall be summarily rejected. :a. Experience of the Firm with respect to similar projects i.e. Aviation Industry and experience in preparation of customer satisfaction surveys. In addition, experience of firm in carrying out other types of customer research surveys/ market research may be provided. Documentary evidence such as appointment letters, completion certificate, description of the work and details of key professionals who handled the work to be submitted. b. Methodology and Work Plan i.e. Understanding of objectives and TOR, Work Plan, Quality of methodology and innovativeness. Bidder is required to provide 11 a description covering all the above aspects in detail so as to clearly understand their approach in undertaking the work and their ability to accomplish the assignment culminating into a qualitative output. Detailed activity schedule specifying inter-alia the tasks and duration of each component of assignments. Project management and quality control methodology to be followed may also be detailed. c. Availability of Professionals manpower in Proforma attached at Srl.No.7 Key Personnel to be assigned for the proposed job in a dedicated way with regular interaction for the assignment. Proposed team structure to de depicted. Team Leader (Qualification & Experience) and Other Professionals – Min. 02 nos. (Qualification & Experience). Team Leader should have MBA degree from reputed institution and atleast 15 years post qualification experience in preparation of consumer/ customer surveys/ market research. The other Professionals should be professionally qualified with minimum 5 years post qualification experience. CV of the Team Leader and Key Professionals duly signed by them (in blue ink- no photocopies) should be attached. d. Consultant‟s Resources (Domestic & Global) - A detailed description of technical resources and Quality management systems of the Bidder would be required to be enclosed with the Bid. 4.2.3 EMD of Rs.25,000/- by way of Bank Draft/Pay Order (in original). 4.2.4 Proforma Tender Letter attached at Srl.No.1. 4.2.5 The Technical Bid, if reflects financial proposal or accompanies financial proposal, the Bid shall be summarily rejected. Bidder‟s financial quote must be filled in the Excel sheet provided under Pawan Hans E-Tender „Price Bid‟ Folder only. No other mode for financial bid will be accepted. 4.2.6 Authorization letter in favour of person signing the bid (Clause 4.5). 4.2.7 Signed Integrity Pact as placed at Annexure A. 4.2.8 „Priced Bid‟ The Bidder is required to quote a lumpsum fees inclusive of all expenses and taxes as per Proforma attached at Srl. No.8. The Bidder shall in no way deviate from the Technical requirements. In case the above information is found to be incorrect later on after opening of price bids then their bids will be rejected and the bidder will be debarred for next three years. An Authorised Representative of the Firm shall initial on all the pages of the proposal. 12 4.3 EVALUATION OF BIDS AND SELECTION PROCEDURE A single-stage procedure shall be adopted in evaluating the proposals. Consultants qualifying in technical proposal will be eligible for financial evaluation. After checking responsiveness of the Technical proposal in terms of having provided the requisite data, relevant experience documents and information etc, authorization letter, Earnest Money Deposit, the Technical Proposals shall be evaluated as per Evaluation Criteria and Marking system as mentioned in the Proforma attached at Srl.No.6. Technical Bids without EMD shall be summarily rejected. After evaluation of Technical Bid, Price Bid of the Technically Qualified Bidders who score 70 or above marks would be opened on the date and time informed later on. The Price Bid of the Lowest Bidder shall be finally selected. The unopened sealed envelope containing Price Bid of unqualified Bidders shall be returned. 4.4. LANGUAGE Tender papers shall be filed complete in all respect and shall be submitted together with requisite information and Annexure. It shall be completed and free from any ambiguity, change of inter-lineation. Any corrections should be countersigned. The bid and any annotation or accompanying documentation shall be in English language only. Bidder shall set their quotations in firm figures and without any qualifications. Each figures stated shall also be repeated in words. In the event of discrepancy between the amount as stated in figures and in words the rate quoted in words shall be deemed to be correct amount. Bids qualified by vague and indefinite expressions such as 'subject to minimum acceptance' or 'subject to availability' etc. shall be liable for disqualification, without recourse to the Bidder. 4.5. LEGAL CONSTITUTION Bidders shall clearly indicate their legal constitution and the person signing the tender shall state his capacity and also the source of his authority to bind the bidder. The power of attorney of authorization or any other document constituting adequate proof of the authority of the signatory to bind the bidder shall be annexed to the tender. PHL may reject outright any tender unsupported by adequate proof of the signatory's authority. 4.6 The bid shall be submitted by the Bidder directly under his letter head. 4.7. FAX /E.MAIL OFFERS Fax and e-mail offers will not be considered. 13 4.8. MAILING ADDRESS/TELEGRAPHIC/TELEX ADDRESS The tender documents and offer shall be signed on each page. The bidder should indicate the full mailing address with contact details and telegraphic/telex address. 4.9. ANY CHANGE IN THE FORMAT The offer should strictly adhere to the prescribed format so as to facilitate PHL to consider and evaluate them properly. Any change in the format may cause rejection of the bid. 4.10 MODIFICATION OF BID AFTER CLOSING DATE In case certain clarifications are sought by PHL after opening of tenders, then the reply of the bidder should be restricted to the clarifications sought. Any bidder who modifies his bid after the closing date without specific reference by PHL shall render the bid liable to be ignored and rejected without notice and without further reference to the bidder and his EMD will be forfeited. 4.11 BID VALIDITY EXTENSION PHL shall have right for extension(s) of Bid validity at its sole discretion. In case a bidder/ bidders do not agree to the extension(s), the bid bond would be returned to those bidder/bidders. 4.12 EMD The EMD in respect of the unsuccessful bidder shall be released after issue of Appointment Letter to successful Consultant. The EMD in respect of successful Consultant shall be retailed till submission of performance Bank Guarantee. PHL shall have an unqualified option to forfeit the EMD amount in the event of following :a) if the tender is withdrawn during the validity period or any extension thereof agreed by the bidder. b) if the tender is varied or modified in a manner not acceptable to PHL during the validity or agreed extension of the validity or after issue of Letter of Appointment (LOA) by PHL. c) if the successful bidder is seeking modifications to the agreed terms and conditions. d) if the successful bidder refuses to satisfactorily carry out/undertake operations at any time of operations for whatsoever reasons till a valid Performance Bank Guarantee is given to PHL. Bids received without EMD will be rejected. The original Bank Draft/ Pay Order towards EMD must be sent to Pawan Hans office in a sealed envelope before the due date/time of submission. 14 4.13 PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE The successful bidder shall furnish the required Performance Bank Guarantee (10% of total contract value) from any Nationalized Bank or Scheduled Bank in India, as per Annexure-B II, with a validity period of upto 2 months (beyond the contract period) within 5 (five) days of issue of LOA. 4.14 DATE OF BID SUBMISSION AND OPENING OF BIDS Bidders must submit their Bids online on Pawan Hans E-Portal on or before 1400 hours (IST) on 20th November, 2014. Late bids will not be accepted or considered. Technical Bid (online) shall be opened at 1430 hours on 20th November, 2014. 4.15 RATES The rates quoted by the bidder must be firm and fixed, without any qualification and should be inclusive of all expenses towards traveling, boarding, lodging, taxes (including service tax), levies, duties, costs etc. leviable including personal tax liabilities of the Bidder. The bidders shall, therefore, confirm this aspect in their bid categorically. Income Tax, as applicable in India, will be borne by the Bidder. 4.16 CORRUPT AND FRAUDULENT PRACTICES PHL requires that bidders/ contractors observe the highest standard of ethics during the execution of contract. In pursuance of this policy, the Employer: a. Defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows : i. „Corrupt Practice” means the offering, giving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract execution; and ii. „Fraudulent practice‟ means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Employer, and includes collusive practice among bidders(prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid price at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Employer of the benefits of free and open competition; b. Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the bidder recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question. c. Will declare a firm ineligible and put on holiday, either indefinitely or a for a stated period of time if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing a contract 15 4.17 INTEGRITY PACT The bidders to the RFP are required to sign the integrity pact and sent in original before the due date/time of submission of Bids. Format of Integrity Pact is Attached at Annexure A. 4.18 COMMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE „COUNTERPARTY‟ a. The Counterparty, directly or indirectly (through agent, consultant, advisor, etc.), shall not pay any bribe/ influence or give undue/ unlawful benefit to anyone to gain undue advantage in dealing with PHL. b. The Counterparty will not engage in collusion of any kind including price fixation etc. with other counterparts. c. The counterparty will not pass PHL confidential information to any third party unless specifically authorized by PHL in writing. d. The Counterparties shall promote and observe best ethical practices within their respective organizations. e. The Counterparty shall inform the Independent External Monitor. f. If it received any demand, directly or indirectly, for bribe/ favour or any illegal gratification/ payment / benefit; g. If it comes to know of any unethical or illegal payment / benefit; h. If it makes any payment to any PHL associate. i. The Counterparty shall not make any false or misleading allegations against PHL or its associates. 4.19 VIOLATIONS AND CONSEQUENCES a. If a counterparty commits a violation of its commitments and obligations under the Integrity Pact Programme during bidding process, their entire Earnest Money Deposit / Bid Security, would be forfeited an in addition, they may be blacklisted from the PHL business in future. b. In case of violation of the Integrity Pact by Counterparty after award of the Contract, PHL shall be entitled to terminate the Contract. PHL would forfeit the security deposits, encash the bank guarantee(s) and other payments payable to counterparty in such cases. c. Subject to satisfaction on the Independent External Monitor, PHL may ban/ blacklist/ put on holiday and exclude the counterparty from future dealing until PHL is satisfied that the counterparty shall not commit any such violation in future. d. In addition to above, PHL reserve its right to initiate criminal proceedings against the violating counterparty, if the allegations by counterparty are found frivolous, untrue and misleading and may also impose exemplary cost for the same. e. The counterparty will be entitled to claim as determined by the Independent External Monitor, if the above (d) is found incorrect. 16 4.20 ISSUE OF APPOINTMENT LETTER The Letter of Appointment of Consultant shall be issued which would cover all the Tender conditions as given in the RFP document. Acceptance to the Appointment Letter shall be immediately (within 48 hours) given by the shortlisted consultant. 4.21 STANDARD CLAUSES OF LETTER OF APPOINTMENT The following standard clauses would be included in the formal Letter of Appointment :4.21.1 Arbitration In the event of any dispute or difference relating to the interpretation and application of the provision of this Tender, such dispute or difference shall be referred by either party to the arbitration under the Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996. The Arbitration shall be made by a sole arbitrator nominated by CMD of Pawan Hans Ltd. The award of the Arbitrator shall be binding upon the parties to the dispute. The parties to the dispute will share equally the cost of arbitration as intimated by the Arbitrator". Place of Arbitration shall be Delhi. The Laws of India shall be applicable. 4.21.2 Force Majeure If by Force Majeure any party is rendered unable wholly or in part to carry out its obligations under this Tender or is delayed in carrying out its obligations under this agreement such party shall as soon as possible and in any event not later than 24 hours after the date of commencement of such force majeure give written notice thereof to the other party stating the nature, date of commencement, effect and expected duration of such Force Majeure. All obligations of the parties hereunder including the obligations to pay money in respect for the said period shall be suspended during the continuance of such Force Majeure. The party claiming Force Majeure shall use due diligence to remove the effects of such Force Majeure at earliest possible. The party claiming Force Majeure shall use its best endeavor to carry out during the period this Agreement is suspended, any obligation not affected by such Force Majeure subject to Agreement between the parties as to reasonable terms and conditions under which any such obligations may be carried out. If Force Majeure is expected to continue for more than 07 days, the PHL may terminate the appointment by giving atleast 02 days written notice to other party. 4.21.3 Termination Clause PHL shall have right to Terminate appointment at any stage and shall not be bound to pay any amount for any job done till successful completion of the assignment. 4.21.4 Liquidated damage clause LD will be levied @ Rs.5000/- per day of delay or part thereof in case of delay in commencement of work, submission of Draft Report and 17 submission of Final Report subject to a Maximum LD of 10% of the total value of the contracted amount can be deductable /adjustable from EMD/ Bills. 4.21.5 Duties & taxes All taxes, duties, levies, fees, charges, costs etc. shall be borne by the Consultant. 4.22 PHL shall have the right to accept/reject or prefer any Bid without assigning any reason whatsoever including rejecting the lowest quoted bid. 4.23 PHL shall not entertain any third party involvement in the contract nor any commission/brokerage shall be allowed to be paid to any third party whether within or outside India. 4.24 Conflict of Interest The consultant shall not receive any remuneration in connection with the assignment except as provided in the contract. The consultant and its affiliates shall not engage in consulting activities that conflict with the interest of the client and shall be excluded from any other service related to the assignment other than a continuation of the “Services”. It should be the requirement of the consultancy contract that the consultants should provide professional, objective and impartial advice and at all times hold the client‟s interests paramount, without any consideration for future work, and that in providing advice they avoid conflicts with other assignments and their own corporate interests. Consultants shall not be hired for any assignment that would be in conflict with their prior or current obligations to other clients, or that may place them in a position of being unable to carry out the assignment in the best interest of the Employer. 4.25 All information would be made available to all short listed consultants together. 4.26 Professional Liability. The consultant is expected to carry out its assignment with due diligence and in accordance with prevailing standards of the profession. As the consultant‟s liability to the employer will be governed by the applicable law. They should ensure that (a) there must be no such limitation in case of the consultant‟s gross negligence or willful misconduct; (b) the consultant‟s liability to the employer would in no case be limited to less than the total payments expected to be made under the consultant‟s contract, and (c) any such limitation may deal only with the consultant‟s liability toward the employer and not with the consultant‟s liability toward third parties. 4.27 Staff Substitution During an assignment, if substitution is necessary (for example, because of ill health or because a staff member proves to be unsuitable, or the member is no longer working with the consultant), the consultant shall propose other staff of at least the same level of qualifications and experience for approval by the Employer. 18 4.28 Standards of ethics The consultants should observe the highest standard of ethics during the selection and execution of such contracts. 4.29 Monitoring of the Contract: PHL after appointment of the consultant throughout in the execution process shall be monitoring the progress of the assignment. ************* 19 5. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 5.1 Payment Schedule The lump-sum fees which is inclusive of all expenses towards traveling, boarding/ lodging and other incidental expenses and service tax would be payable on the achievement of following milestones : (a) Signing Amount 20% payable on appointment backed by matching bank guarantee issued by a Scheduled Nationalized bank in India after independent confirmation from PHL. (b) Next 50% payable after 10 days from submission of final draft report. (c) Balance 30% payable within 30 days after acceptance of final report by Competent Authority. (d) The payment shall be made under RTGS/ECS transfer etc. upon receipt of bank details from the bidder along with bill. Pawan Hans would not be liable to pay any other charges other than the lumpsum Fee as quoted by the successful bidder in the Priced Bid. 5.2 PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF COMPLETION OF ASSIGNMENT (a) Commencement of Assignment (Proposed) : Within 7 days of issuing of LoA (b) Submission of draft report (in duplicate) (c) Submission of Final Report & Presentation : Within one week (after PHL approval (six Color copies and in DVD) on draft report) 5.3 : Within 15-Days after commencement of Assignment INTERNAL RESOURCE CO-ORDINATOR In-charge (Marketing) would endeavor to provide all available information, co-ordinate meetings with the Company officials and interact with Consultant on regular basis and he would be fully supported by other Committee Members. 5.4 GENERAL (i) Any information/document furnished by Pawan Hans and the report submitted by the Consultant would be treated in strict confidence and not utilized for any other purpose / client and shall be returned back after study. (ii) If required, the Consultant will arrange to make separate presentations to the Company at any of its office/base in India (including to the board, if required) at any time but not later than 30 days of the presentation of final report. ************* 20 6. BID REJECTION and BID EVALUATION CRITERIA The Bid Rejection and Bid Evaluation Criteria for appointment of consultant for conducting Customer Satisfaction Survey for PHL are given hereunder :(A) BID REJECTION CRITERIA The following vital Tender conditions should be strictly complied with in all respects and confirmed by the Bidder, failing which the Bid will be rejected prior to the commencement of Evaluation of Technical Bid : 1. Please ensure that the bids are submitted online through PHL E-Portal, under 'Two Bid System‟ viz. (a) „Technical Bid‟ and (b) „Priced Bid‟. The Bidder in their „Priced Bid‟ should quote rates as per Proforma Excel Sheet attached. Complete Bid should be serially arranged with Page Nos., Index and Signed & stamped on each page from an Authorized Signatory of Bidder. 2. Details as per Srl No. – 4 of the General Terms and Conditions i.e. Documentary evidence in respect of Consultancy work handled such as appointment letters, completion certificate, description of the work and details of key professionals who handled the work to be submitted. 3. Description covering the methodology/ work plan, detailed activity schedule, proposed timelines for completion of work. 4. Details of Consultant‟s Key Professionals as per Proforma attached at Srl.NO.7. CV of the Team Leader and Key Professionals to the proposed job to be attached. 5. EMD Rs.25,000/- in form of Bank Draft/Pay Order from a Nationalized Bank in favour of “Pawan Hans Ltd.” Payable at Delhi/ Noida. 6. Letter of Application as per Proforma attached at Srl.No.1. 7. Price should be quoted strictly as per „Price Bid Proforma‟ in INR only, in the Pawan Hans E-Portal only. Conditional offer shall be considered non responsive and is liable to be rejected. 21 B. EVALUATION OF TECHNICAL BID (Refer Para 4.3 of General Terms & Conditions) Criteria Score (Total Marks :100) 1. Consultant‟s Specific Experience in preparation and execution/administering of Total Marks : 20 Max Customer Surveys/Market Research a. Experience in preparation of comprehensive customer/consumer satisfaction surveys or consumer/ customer market research. 10 marks max. (5 marks each minimum value Rs 03.00 lacs) b. Experience of above project(s) in Aviation 10 marks max. (5 marks each Industry minimum value Rs 03.00 lacs) 2. Methodology and Work Plan. Nil marks for no project or project value less than Rs 03.00 lacs. Total Marks : 30 Max a. Understanding of objectives b. Work Plan and Quality of methodology c. Innovativeness 10 marks max. 10 marks max. 10 marks max. 3. Key Personnel to be assigned for the Total Marks : 30 Max proposed job in a dedicated way with regular interaction for the assignment. a. Team Leader (Qualification & Experience) 15 marks max. b. Other Professionals – Min. 02 nos. 15 marks max. (Qualification & Experience) Points to be assigned to each of the above positions shall be determined considering the qualification (5-marks) & relevant experience (10 marks) for Team Leader and 2.5 marks for qualification and 5 marks for experience for each of the other professionals. 4. Consultant‟s Resources (Domestic & Global) Total Marks : 10 Max Technical resources Quality management systems 5. Experience in dealing with PSUs 5 marks max. 5 marks max. Total Max Marks: 10 1 to 3 PSUs 3 or above PSUs Minimum Technical Score 05 Marks Max 10 Marks Max 70 PHL shall be free to use any information already submitted by the bidder in EOI response during evaluation of this RFP as well. 22 7. DETAILS OF CONSULTANT‟S KEY PROFESSIONALS Name of the Consultancy Firm: Sr. Name of the Educational No Team Leader Qualification and key Professionals (to be supported with CV as specified) 1 2 3 No and brief detail of Projects/assignments handled for preparation of comprehensive customer/consumer satisfaction surveys or consumer/ customer market research 4 23 Consultancy Experience in Aviation i.e. Airline/helicopter Industry and Tourism 5 8. “Priced Bid” proforma (To be submitted on-line in the Excel Sheet provided, through Pawan Hans E-Portal only) PAWAN HANS LIMITED SELECTION OF CONSULTANT FOR CONDUCTING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEY Tender No.PHL/CO/Mktg./4817/74 „FIXED AND FIRM RATES‟ TO BE SUBMITTED WITH BID Company Name : _______________________________________ The following lumpsum rates quoted shall include all expenses towards traveling, boarding, lodging, all taxes including service tax, levies, duties, costs etc. including personal tax liabilities of the Bidder. Gross Amount before service tax (Rs.) :________________________ Service Tax :________________________ Total Amount with service tax (Rs.) :________________________ Name _________________________ Designation_______________________ Date _______________________ 24 INFORMATION REQUIRED 1.0 Consultant‟s including individual firms and consortiums are requested to provide the following information with necessary supporting documents. i) Consultants identification data as per enclosed Form – I. ii) Consultants previous experience details as per enclosed Form – II. iii) Experiences in execution of similar consultancy work with details to be furnished. Copies of the Letter of Appointment/ Work Order and Completion Certificate are to be furnished as supporting documents indicating time / financial over run, of consultancy work, if any. iv) Consultant‟s resources including equipment and facilities for preparation of reports and drawings facilities and other relevant details are to be furnished. v) Consultants current jobs in hand to be furnished as per Form – III. vi) Details of litigation / civil suit for the consultancy work executed by the consultant during last 7 years as per Form – IV. 2.0 Following documents are required to be submitted by Consultants along with application. (i) List of similar works carried out during last 7 years (as on 31st July, 2014) with copies of Letter of Appointments and Completion Certificate etc issued by the clients. (ii) Audited Annual Accounts for last 3 financial years, FY 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14 (including Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account). (iii) Copy of Registration of Service Tax/ Income Tax Clearance Certificate (ITCC)/PAN Number and Memorandum/ Articles of Association, Certificate for firm, partnership deed, and trust deed. (iv) List of qualified and experienced key personnel of the consultants for designing/study as well as execution along with complete bio-data and exact nature and duration of their experience shall be furnished. (v) Organization chart of consulting firm showing delegated authority of the Key Persons proposed to deploy in the project /work. (vi) Copies of Performance/ Experience Certificates issued by clients, establishing the agency‟s credibility of timely completion of similar jobs successfully shall be furnished. (vii) Copies of awards received, if any, (international / national / state level). (viii) In case the consultant proposes to get specialized design/ study done through their associates, proper MOU with the respective associates along with their bio-data shall have to be furnished with this EOI bid itself. 3.0 Incomplete application or application without supporting documents will not be considered and are liable to be rejected. Bid Documents need to be signed and stamped by an Authorized Signatory of Bidding Organization. ********** 25 Form – I Consultant‟s Identification Data I IN CASE OF INDIVIDUAL i) ii) iii) iv) v) II. Name of Business Name of Owner Whether his business is registered. Date of Commencement of Business (If applicable) Whether the Architect is registered with the council of Architect and If yes, Registration Number IN CASE OF PARTNERSHIP (i) Name of Partners. (ii) Reference of Partnerships Registration (iii) Date of Establishment of Firm (iv) Copies of partnership deed, if any. (v) Name of Registered Consultant with Reg. No. III) IN CASE OF COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES. i. ii. iii. iv. Amount of paid-up capital Name of Directors Date of Registration of company Certified copies of Memorandum and Articles of Association of Company. Signature of authorized Representative of Consultant 26 Form II Details of Similar Consultancy work / study completed during past seven years (as on 31st July, 2014) S.No Brief description of work/study 1 2 Consultant’s Fees Value of work/study Scheduled Completion Time in Months 3 4 5 Actual Completion Time in Months 6 Date/year of Full Postal Address of Completion Client & Name of Officer – in-charge with Phone No. 7 8 Signature of authorized Representative of Consultant Note : Attach separate sheet if necessary. Completion Certificate from Clients to be attached. 27 Form III Details of Current jobs in Hand (As on 30th Sept, 2014) S.N o Full Post Address of Clients & Name of Officer-incharge with Phone No. 1 2 Brief description of work/study Undertaken by the Consultants 3 Consultant’s Fees Value of Work/Study Date of Commencem ent 4 5 6 Scheduled Completion Time as on Date 7 Percentage completion as on date Expected date of completion Present status of the project 8 9 10 Note : Attach separate sheet if necessary. Certified that the above information is correct. Note: Letter of award/Certificate issued by client to be attached. Signature of authorized representative 28 Form -IV Summary of civil suits/litigation/arbitration cases in contracts executed during last seven years S.No Name of work/study 1 2 Name & address with telephone number of the client 3 Scheduled/Actual completion dare Reason for civil suit /Litigation/arbitration case Date of Civil suit /Litigation/arbitration case 4 5 6 Present Status 7 Remarks 8 Signature of authorized representative 29 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 30 Annexure – A INTEGRITY PACT Between Pawan Hans Ltd. (PHL) hereinafter referred to as “The Principal”, and hereinafter referred to as “The Bidder/ Contractor” PREAMBLE The Principal intends to award, under laid down organizational procedures, contract(s) for ________________________________________.The Principal values full compliance with all relevant laws of the land, rules, regulations, economic use of resources and of fairness/transparency in its relations with its Bidder(s) and/or Contractor(s). In order to achieve these goals, the Principal will appoint an Independent External Monitor (IEM), who will monitor the tender process and the execution of the contract for compliance with the principles mentioned above. Section 1 – Commitments of the Principal 1. The Principal commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and to observe the following principles:a. No employee of the Principal, personally or through family members, will in connection with the tender for, or the execution of a contract, demand, take a promise for or accept, for self or third person, any material or immaterial benefit which the person is not legally entitled to. The word „take‟ shall also include the past and future. b. The Principal will, during the tender process treat all Bidder(s) with equity and reason. The Principal will in particular, before and during the tender process, provide to all Bidder(s) the same information and will not provide to any Bidder(s) confidential/additional information through which the Bidder(s) could obtain an advantage in relation to the tender process or the contract execution. c. The Principal will exclude from the process all known prejudiced persons and persons who would be known to have a connection or nexus with the prospective bidder. 2. If the Principal obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which is a criminal offence under the IPC/PC Act or the conduct rules of the Principal, or if there be a substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal will inform the Chief Vigilance Officer and in addition can initiate disciplinary actions. 31 Section 2 – Commitments of the Bidder(s)/ contractor(s) 1. The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) commit themselves to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption in their dealings with PHL. He commits himself to observe the following principles during his participation in the tender process and during the contract execution. a. The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm, offer, promise or give to any of the Principal‟s employees involved in the tender process or the execution of the contract or to any third person any material or other benefit which he/she is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange any advantage of any kind whatsoever during the tender process or during the execution of the contract. b. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not enter with other Bidders into any undisclosed agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular to prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-submission of bids or any other actions to restrict competitiveness or to introduce cartelisation in the bidding process. c. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not commit any offence under the relevant IPC/PC Act; further the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) will not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal gain, or pass on to others, any information or document provided by the Principal as part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details, including information contained or transmitted electronically. d. The Bidder(s)/Contractors(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the name and address of the Agents/representatives in India, if any. Similarly the Bidder(s)/Contractors(s) of Indian Nationality shall furnish the name and address of the foreign principals, if any. Further details as mentioned in the “Guidelines on Indian Agents of Foreign Suppliers” shall be disclosed by the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s).Further, as mentioned in the Guidelines all the payments made to the Indian agent/representative have to be in Indian Rupees only. Copy of the “Guidelines on Indian Agents of Foreign Suppliers” is placed at (Page nos. 7-8) e. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all payments he has made, is committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the award of the contract. f. This integrity pact shall override the confidentiality clause, if any, in the offer submitted by the Contractor/Bidder and in the agreement entered into by the Principal with the Contractor/Bidder. 2. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not instigate third persons to commit offences or acts outlined above or be an accessory to such offences. 32 Section 3- Disqualification from tender process and exclusion from future contracts If the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s), before award or during execution has committed a transgression through a violation of Section 2, above or in any other form such as to put his reliability or credibility in question, the Principal is entitled to disqualify the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) from the tender process or take action as per the procedure mentioned in the “Guidelines on Banning of business dealings”. Copy of the “Guidelines on Banning of business dealings” is placed at Page nos. 9-18. Section 4 – Compensation for Damages 1. If the Principal has disqualified the Bidder(s) from the tender process prior to the award according to Section 3, the Principal is entitled to demand and recover the damages equivalent to Earnest Money Deposit/Bid Security and other actual damages due to the consequential delay. 2. If the Principal has terminated the contract according to Section 3, or if the Principal is entitled to terminate the contract according to Section 3, the Principal shall be entitled to demand and recover from the Contractor liquidated damages of the Contract value or the amount equivalent to Performance Bank Guarantee. 3. The Contractor/Bidder shall not be entitled to claim from the Principal any amounts either as damages or otherwise, on account of termination. Section 5 – Previous transgression 1. The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 3 years with any other Company in any country conforming to the corruption approach or with any other Public Sector Enterprise in India that could justify his exclusion from the tender process. 2. If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the tender process or action can be taken as per the procedure mentioned in “Guidelines on Banning of business dealings”. Section 6 – Equal treatment of all Bidders/Contractors/Subcontractors 1. The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) undertake(s) to demand from all subcontractors a commitment in conformity with this Integrity Pact, and to submit it to the Principal before contract signing. 2. The Principal will enter into agreements with identical conditions as this one with all Bidders, Contractors and Subcontractors. 3. The Principal will disqualify from the tender process all bidders who do not sign this Pact or violate its provisions. 33 Section 7– Criminal charges against violating Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)/ Subcontractor(s) If the Principal obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder, Contractor or Subcontractor, or of an employee or a representative or an associate of a Bidder, Contractor or Subcontractor which constitutes corruption, or if the Principal has substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal will inform the same to the Chief Vigilance Officer. Section 8 – Independent External Monitor/Monitors 1. The Principal appoints competent and credible Independent External Monitor for this Pact. The task of the Monitor is to review independently and objectively, whether and to what extent the parties comply with the obligations under this agreement. 2. The Monitor is not subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and performs his functions neutrally and independently. He shall report to the Chairman, PHL. 3. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) accepts that the Monitor has the right to access without restriction to all Project documentation of the Principal including that provided by the Contractor. The Contractor will also grant the Monitor, upon his request and demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to his project documentation. The same is applicable to Subcontractors. The Monitor is under contractual obligation to treat the information and documents of the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)/ Subcontractor(s) with confidentiality. 4. The Principal will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings among the parties related to the Project provided such meetings could have an impact on the contractual relations between the Principal and the Contractor. The parties offer to the Monitor the option to participate in such meetings. 5. As soon as the Monitor notices, or believes to notice, a violation of this agreement, he will so inform the Management of the Principal and request the Management to discontinue or take corrective action, or to take other relevant action. The monitor can in this regard submit non-binding recommendations. Beyond this, the Monitor has no right to demand from the parties that they act in a specific manner, refrain from action or tolerate action. 6. The Monitor will submit a written report to the Chairman, PHL within 8 to 10 weeks from the date of reference or intimation to him by the Principal and, should the occasion arise, submit proposals for correcting problematic situations. 7. Monitor shall be entitled to compensation on the same terms as being extended to / provided to Independent Directors on the PHL Board. 8. If the Monitor has reported to the Chairman PHL, a substantiated suspicion of an offence under relevant IPC/ PC Act, and the Chairman PHL has not, within the reasonable time taken visible action to proceed against such offence or reported it to the Chief Vigilance Officer, the Monitor may also transmit this information directly to the Central Vigilance Commissioner. 9. The word „Monitor‟ would include both singular and plural. 34 Section 9 – Pact Duration This Pact begins when both parties have legally signed it. It expires for the Contractor 3 years after the last payment under the contract, and for all other Bidders 12 months after the contract has been awarded. If any claim is made/lodged during this time, the same shall be binding and continue to be valid despite the lapse of this pact as specified above, unless it is discharged / determined by Board of PHL. Section 10 – Other provisions 1. This agreement is subject to Indian Law. Place of performance and jurisdiction is the Registered Office of the Principal, i.e. Delhi. 2. Changes and supplements as well as termination notices need to be made in writing. Side agreements have not been made. 3. If the Contractor is a partnership or a consortium, this agreement must be signed by all partners or consortium members and in the case of a Company by an authorised representative. 4. Should one or several provisions of this agreement turn out to be invalid, the remainder of this agreement remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original intentions. (For & On behalf of the Principal) (For & On behalf of Bidder/ Contractor) (Office Seal) (Office Seal) Place -------------Date -------------Witness 1: (Name & Address) _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Witness 2: (Name & Address) _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ 35 PART of Integrity Pact GUIDELINES FOR INDIAN AGENTS OF FOREIGN SUPPLIERS 1.0 There shall be compulsory registration of agents for all Global (Open) Tender and Limited Tender. An agent who is not registered with PHL Departments/Stations shall apply for registration in the prescribed Application –Form. 1.1 Registered agents will file an authenticated Photostat copy duly attested by a Notary Public/Original certificate of the principal confirming the agency agreement and giving the status being enjoyed by the agent and the commission/remuneration/salary/ retainer ship being paid by the principal to the agent before the placement of order by PHL Departments/Stations. 1.2 Wherever the Indian representatives have communicated on behalf of their principals and the foreign parties have stated that they are not paying any commission to the Indian agents, and the Indian representative is working on the basis of salary or as retainer, a written declaration to this effect should be submitted by the party (i.e. Principal) before finalizing the order 2.0 DISCLOSURE OF PARTICULARS REPRESENTATIVES IN INDIA (IF ANY) 2.1 Tenderers of Foreign nationality shall furnish the following details in their offer: OF AGENTS/ 2.1.1 The name and address of the agents/representatives in India, if any and the extent of authorization and authority given to commit the Principals. In case the agent/representative be a foreign Company, it shall be confirmed whether it is real substantial Company and details of the same shall be furnished. 2.1.2 The amount of commission/remuneration included in the quoted price(s) for such agents/representatives in India. 2.1.3 Confirmation of the Tenderer that the commission/ remuneration if any, payable to his agents/representatives in India, may be paid by PHL in Indian Rupees only. 2.2 Tenderers of Indian Nationality shall furnish the following details in their offers: 2.2.1 The name and address of the foreign principals indicating their nationality as well as their status, i.e, whether manufacturer or agents of manufacturer holding the Letter of Authority of the Principal specifically authorizing the agent to make an offer in India in response to tender either directly or through the agents/representatives. 36 2.2.2 The amount of commission/remuneration included in the price (s) quoted by the Tenderer for himself. 2.2.3 Confirmation of the foreign principals of the Tenderer that the commission/remuneration, if any, reserved for the Tenderer in the quoted price(s), may be paid by PHL in India in equivalent Indian Rupees on satisfactory completion of the Project or supplies of Stores and Spares in case of operation items . 2.3 In either case, in the event of contract materializing, the terms of payment will provide for payment of the commission /remuneration, if any payable to the agents/representatives in India in Indian Rupees on expiry of 90 days after the discharge of the obligations under the contract. 2.4 Failure to furnish correct and detailed information as called for in paragraph-2.0 above will render the concerned tender liable to rejection or in the event of a contract materializing, the same liable to termination by PHL. Besides this there would be a penalty of banning business dealings with PHL or damage or payment of a named sum. 37 PART of Integrity Pact GUIDELINES ON BANNING OF BUSINESS DEALINGS CONTENTS Sr. No Description Page(s) 1. Introduction 10 2. Scope 10 3. Definitions 11 4. Initiation of Banning / Suspension 12 5. Suspension of Business Dealings 12-14 6. Ground on which Banning of Business Dealing can be initiated 14-15 7. Banning of Business Dealings 15-16 8. Removal from List of Suppliers/Contractors etc. 9. Procedure for issuing Show-cause Notice 10. Appeal against Authority 11. Review of the Decision by the Competent Authority 17 12. Circulation of the names of Agencies with whom Business Dealings have been banned 17-18 the Approved Decision 38 of the Agencies- 16 16-17 Competent 17 1. Introduction 1.1 1.2 Pawan Hans Ltd. (PHL), being a Public Sector Enterprise and ‘State’, within the meaning of Article 12 of the Constitution of India, has to ensure preservation of rights enshrined in Chapter III of the Constitution. PHL has also to safeguard its commercial interests. PHL deals with Agencies, who have a very high degree of integrity, commitments and sincerity towards the work undertaken. It is not in the interest of PHL to deal with Agencies who commit deception, fraud or exercise of coercion or undue influence or other misconduct in the execution of contracts awarded / orders issued to them. In order to ensure compliance with the constitutional mandate, it is incumbent on PHL to observe principles of natural justice before banning the business dealings with any Agency. Since banning of business dealings involves civil consequences for an Agency concerned, it is incumbent that adequate opportunity of hearing is provided and the explanation, if tendered, is considered before passing any order in this regard keeping in view the facts and circumstances of the case. 2. Scope 2.1 The General Conditions of Contract (GCC) of PHL generally provide that PHL reserves its rights to remove from list of approved suppliers/contractors or to ban business dealings if any Agency has been found to have committed misconduct, violation of any law or any term of the agreement and also to suspend business dealings pending investigation. If such provision does not exist in any GCC, the same may be incorporated. 2.2 Similarly, in case of sale of material there is a clause to deal with the Agencies/customers/buyers, who indulge in lifting of material in unauthorized manner. If such a stipulation does not exist in any Sale Order, the same may be incorporated. 2.3 However, absence of such a clause does not in any way restrict the right of Company (PHL) to take action/decision under these guidelines in appropriate cases. 2.4 The procedure of (i) Removal of Agency from the List of approved suppliers / contractors; (ii) Suspension and (iii) Banning of Business Dealing with Agencies, has been laid down in these guidelines. 2.5 These guidelines apply to all the Departments/Stations and subsidiaries of PHL. 2.6 It is clarified that these guidelines do not deal with the decision of the Management not to entertain any particular Agency due to its poor/inadequate performance or for any other reason. 2.7 The banning shall be with prospective effect, i.e., future business dealings. 3. Definitions In these Guidelines, unless the context otherwise requires: i) ‘Party/Contractor/Supplier/Purchaser/Customer’ shall mean and include a public limited company or a private limited company, a firm whether registered or not, an individual, a cooperative society 39 or an association or a group of persons engaged in any commerce, trade, industry, etc. ‘Party/Contractor/Supplier/Purchaser/Customer’ in the context of these guidelines is indicated as ‘Agency’. ii) ‘Inter-connected Agency’ shall mean two or more companies having any of the following features: a. b. c. d. iii) a. b. c. d. e. If one is a subsidiary of the other. If the Director(s), Partner(s), Manager(s) or Representative(s) are common; If Management is common; If one owns or controls the other in any manner; ‘Competent Authority’ and ‘Appellate Authority’ shall mean the following: For Company (entire PHL) Wide Banning The General Manager (Engineering) shall be the „Competent Authority‟ for the purpose of these guidelines. Chairman & MD, PHL shall be the „Appellate Authority‟ in respect of such cases. In case the foreign supplier is not satisfied by the decision of the First Appellate Authority, it may approach PHL Board as Second Appellate Authority. For Departments / detachments only Any officer not below the rank of Deputy General Manager appointed or nominated by the General Manager shall be the „Appellate Authority‟ in all such cases. For Corporate Office only For procurement of items / award of contracts, to meet the requirement of Corporate Office only, Head of Deputy General Manager (Admin) shall be the “Competent Authority” and General Manager (Engineering) shall be the “Appellate Authority”. Chairman & MD, PHL shall have overall power to take suo-moto action on any information available or received by him and pass such order(s) as he may think appropriate, including modifying the order(s) passed by any authority under these guidelines. iv) ‘Investigating Department’ shall mean any Department or Unit investigating into the conduct of the Agency and shall include the Vigilance Department, Central Bureau of Investigation, the State Police or any other authority or agency set up by the Central or State Government having powers to investigate. v) ‘List of approved Agencies - Parties/Contractors/Suppliers/ Purchasers/ Customers shall mean and include list of approved/ registered Agencies - Parties/ Contractors/ Suppliers/ Purchasers/ Customers, etc. 4. Initiation of Banning/Suspension Action for banning/suspension of business dealings with any Agency should be initiated by the department having business dealings with them after noticing the irregularities or misconduct on their part. The Vigilance Department of PHL shall have the right to recommend banning/suspension and this shall be binding on the Department/Regions/Bases and non- 40 compliance of these recommendations/instructions shall be deemed to be misconduct on the part of the Head of the Department/Regional Head/Base Managers. 5. Suspension of Business Dealings 5.1 If the conduct of any Agency dealing with PHL is under investigation by any department (except Foreign Suppliers of imported coal/coke), the Competent Authority may consider whether the allegations under investigation are of a serious nature and whether pending investigation, it would be advisable to continue business dealing with the Agency. If the Competent Authority, after consideration of the matter including the recommendation of the Investigating Department, if any, decides that it would not be in the interest to continue business dealings pending investigation, it may suspend business dealings with the Agency. The order to this effect may indicate a brief of the charges under investigation. If it is decided that inter-connected Agencies would also come within the ambit of the order of suspension, the same should be specifically stated in the order. The order of suspension would operate for a period not more than six months and may be communicated to the Agency as also to the Investigating Department. The Investigating Department may ensure that their investigation is completed and whole process of final order is over within such period. 5.2 The order of suspension shall be communicated to all Departmental Heads within the Departments/Regions/Bases. During the period of suspension, no business dealing may be held with the Agency. 5.3 As far as possible, the existing contract(s) with the Agency may continue unless the Competent Authority, having regard to the circumstances of the case, decides otherwise. 5.4 If the gravity of the misconduct/violation under investigation is very serious and it would not be in the interest of PHL, as a whole, to deal with such an Agency pending investigation, the Competent Authority may send his recommendation to Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO), PHL Corporate Office along with the material available. If Corporate Office considers that depending upon the gravity of the misconduct/violation, it would not be desirable for all the Departments/Regions/Bases and Subsidiaries of PHL to have any dealings with the Agency concerned, an order suspending business dealings may be issued to all the Departments/Regions/Bases by the Competent Authority of the Corporate Office, copy of which may be endorsed to the Agency concerned. Such an order would operate for a period of six months from the date of issue. 5.5 For suspension of business dealings following shall be the procedure :- with Foreign Suppliers, i. Suspension of the foreign suppliers shall apply through out the Company including Subsidiaries. 41 ii. Based on the complaint forwarded by General Manager (Engineering) or received directly by Corporate Vigilance, if gravity of the misconduct under investigation is found serious and it is felt that it would not be in the interest of PHL to continue to deal with such agency, pending investigation, Corporate Vigilance may send such recommendation on the matter to General Manager(Engineering) to place it before a Committee consisting of the following : 1. Director-Finance/Head of Corporate Finance; 2. Head of Department concerned; 3. Head of Department of Corporate Office; 4. Head of Department (Legal). The committee shall expeditiously examine the report, give its comments/recommendations within twenty one days of receipt of the reference by General Manager (Engineering). iii. The comments/recommendations of the Committee shall then be placed by General Manager (Engineering) before the Board of PHL and if the Board opines that it is a fit case for suspension, Departmental Head may pass necessary orders which shall be communicated to the foreign supplier by General Manager (Engineering). 6. 5.6 If the Agency concerned asks for detailed reasons of suspension, the Agency may be informed that its conduct is under investigation. It is not necessary to enter into correspondence or argument with the Agency at this stage. 5.7 It is not necessary to give any show-cause notice or personal hearing to the Agency before issuing the order of suspension. However, if investigations are not complete in six months time, the Competent Authority may extend the period of suspension by another three months, during which period the investigations must be completed. Grounds on which Banning of Business Dealings can be initiated 6.1 If the security consideration, including questions of loyalty of the Agency to the State, so warrants; 6.2 If the Director/Owner of the Agency, proprietor or partner of the firm, is convicted by a Court of Law for offences involving moral turpitude in relation to its business dealings with the Government or any other public sector enterprises or PHL, during the last five years; 6.3 If there is strong justification for believing that the Directors, Proprietors, Partners, owner of the Agency have been guilty of malpractices such as bribery, corruption, fraud, substitution of tenders, interpolations, etc; 42 6.4 If the Agency continuously refuses to return/refund the dues of PHL without showing adequate reason and this is not due to any reasonable dispute which would attract proceedings in arbitration or Court of Law; 6.5 If the Agency employs a public servant dismissed/removed or employs a person convicted for an offence involving corruption or abetment of such offence; 6.6 If business dealings with the Agency have been banned by the Govt. or any other public sector enterprise; 6.7 If the Agency has resorted to Corrupt, fraudulent practices, coercion, undue influence and other violations including misrepresentation of facts; 6.8 If the Agency uses intimidation/threatening or brings undue outside pressure on the Company (PHL) or its official in acceptance/ performances of the job under the contract; 6.9 If the Agency indulges in repeated and/or deliberate use of delay tactics in complying with contractual stipulations; 6.10 Willful indulgence by the Agency in supplying sub-standard material irrespective of whether pre-despatch inspection was carried out by Company (PHL) or not; 6.11 Based on the findings of the investigation report of CBI/Police/internal Vigilance or any other investigative agency including Government Audit against the Agency for malafide/unlawful acts or improper conduct on his part in matters relating to the Company (PHL) or even otherwise; 6.12 Established litigant nature of the Agency to derive undue benefit; 6.13 Continued poor performance of the Agency in several contracts; 6.14 If the Agency misuses the premises or facilities of the Company (PHL), forcefully occupies tampers or damages the Company‟s properties including land, water resources, forests / trees, etc. (Note: The examples given above are only illustrative and not exhaustive. The Competent Authority may decide to ban business dealing for any good and sufficient reason). 7 Banning of Business Dealings 7.1 Normally, a decision to ban business dealings with any Agency should apply throughout the Company including Subsidiaries. However, the Competent Authority of the Department/Unit except Corporate Office can impose such ban unit-wise only if in the particular case banning of business dealings by respective Department/Unit will serve the purpose and achieve its objective 43 and banning throughout the Company is not required in view of the local conditions and impact of the misconduct/default to beyond the Department/Unit. Any ban imposed by Corporate Office shall be applicable across all Departments/Stations of the Company including Subsidiaries. 7.2 For Company-wide banning, the proposal should be sent by ACVO of the Department/Unit to the CVO through the Chief Executive of the Department/Unit setting out the facts of the case and the justification of the action proposed along with all the relevant papers and documents except for banning of business dealings with Foreign Suppliers of imported coal/coke. The Corporate Vigilance shall process the proposal of the Department/Unit for a prima-facie view in the matter by the Competent Authority nominated for Company-wide banning. The CVO shall get feedback about that agency from all other Departments/Stations. Based on this feedback, a prima-facie decision for banning/or otherwise shall be taken by the Competent Authority. If the prima-facie decision for Company-wide banning has been taken, the Corporate Vigilance shall issue a show-cause notice to the agency conveying why it should not be banned throughout PHL. After considering the reply of the Agency and other circumstances and facts of the case, a final decision for Company-wide banning shall be taken by the Competent Authority. 7.3 7.4 There will be a Standing Committee in each Department/Unit to be appointed by Chief Executive for processing the cases of “Banning of Business Dealings” except for banning of business dealings with foreign suppliers of coal/coke. However, for procurement of items/award of contracts, to meet the requirement of Corporate Office only, the committee shall be consisting of Executive Director/General Manager from Finance, Procurement and Legal: i) To study the report of the Investigating Agency and decide if a prima-facie case for Company-wide/Local unit wise banning exists, if not, send back the case to the Competent Authority. ii) To recommend for issue of show-cause notice to the Agency by the concerned department. iii) To examine the reply to show-cause notice and call the Agency for personal hearing, if required. iv) To submit final recommendation to the Competent Authority for banning or otherwise. If the Competent Authority is prima-facie of the view that action for banning business dealings with the Agency is called for, a showcause notice may be issued to the Agency as per paragraph 9.1 and an enquiry held accordingly. 44 8 Removal from List of Approved Agencies - Suppliers/Contractors, etc. 8.1 8.2 8.3 9 If the Competent Authority decides that the charge against the Agency is of a minor nature, it may issue a show-cause notice as to why the name of the Agency should not be removed from the list of approved Agencies - Suppliers/Contractors, etc. The effect of such an order would be that the Agency would not be disqualified from competing in Open Tender Enquiries. Past performance of the Agency may be taken into account while processing for approval of the Competent Authority for awarding the contract. Show-cause Notice 9.1 In case where the Competent Authority decides that action against an Agency is called for, a show-cause notice has to be issued to the Agency. Statement containing the imputation of misconduct or misbehaviour may be appended to the show-cause notice and the Agency should be asked to submit within 15 days a written statement in its defence. 9. 2 If the Agency requests for inspection of any relevant document in possession of PHL, necessary facility for inspection of documents may be provided. The Competent Authority may consider and pass an appropriate speaking order: 9.3 a. For exonerating the Agency if the charges are not established; b. For removing the Agency from the list of approved Suppliers/Contactors, etc. c. For banning the business dealing with the Agency. 9.4 10 If it decides to ban business dealings, the period for which the ban would be operative may be mentioned. The order may also mention that the ban would extend to the interconnected Agencies of the Agency. Appeal against the Decision of the Competent Authority 10.1 10.2 The Agency may file an appeal against the order of the Competent Authority banning business dealing, etc. The appeal shall be to the Appellate Authority. Such an appeal shall be preferred within one month from the date of receipt of the order banning business dealing, etc. Appellate Authority would consider the appeal and pass appropriate order which shall be communicated to the Agency as well as the Competent Authority. 45 11 Review of the Decision by the Competent Authority Any petition/application filed by the Agency concerning the review of the banning order passed originally by Chief Executive/Competent Authority under the existing guidelines either before or after filing of appeal before the Appellate Authority or after disposal of appeal by the Appellate Authority, the review petition can be decided by the Chief Executive/Competent Authority upon disclosure of new facts/circumstances or subsequent development necessitating such review. The Competent Authority may refer the same petition to the Standing Committee for examination and recommendation. 12 Circulation of the names of Agencies with whom Business Dealings have been banned 12.1 Depending upon the gravity of misconduct established, the Competent Authority of the Corporate Office may circulate the names of Agency with whom business dealings have been banned, to the Government Departments, other Public Sector Enterprises, etc. for such action as they deem appropriate. 12.2 If Government Departments or a Public Sector Enterprise request for more information about the Agency with whom business dealings have been banned, a copy of the report of Inquiring Authority together with a copy of the order of the Competent Authority/Appellate Authority may be supplied. 12.3 If business dealings with any Agency have been banned by the Central or State Government or any other Public Sector Enterprise, PHL may, without any further enquiry or investigation, issue an order banning business dealing with the Agency and its interconnected Agencies. 12.4 Based on the above, Departments/Stations may formulate their own procedure for implementation of the Guidelines. -----xxxx------ 46 To be provided after award of contract ANNEXURE - B PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE (To be stamped in accordance with stamp Act.) The non-judicial stamp paper should be in the name of issuing bank. Ref. No. Bank Guarantee No. ---------------Dated ------------ To PAWAN HANS LIMITED C-14, Sector – 1, Noida – 201301, Uttar Pradesh, India Dear Sir, 1. In consideration of Pawan Hans Ltd. having its head office at Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi, India (hereinafter referred to as PHL which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include all its successors, administrators, executors and assigns), and having entered into a contract dated ____________ (herein after called the Contract which expression shall include all the amendments thereto) with M/s. -------------------------------having its head/Registered office at ---------------------- (herein after referred to as the Bidder which expression unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, shall include all its successors, administrators, executors and assigns) and the Contract having been unequivocally accepted by the Bidder resulting in a contract bearing No. ---------------- dated ---------- value at Rs. --------------- (in figures) Rs. -------------- ( in words) for ----------------------------------(scope of work ------------------ and PHL having agreed that the Bidder shall furnish to PHL guarantee for the faithful performance of entire contract to the extent of 10% of the value of the Contract Rs. ---------------------- we ------------------------(name of Bank) -----------------having its registered office at ----------------- (herein after referred to as 'the bank' which expression shall unless repugnant to the context on meaning thereof include all its successors, administrators, executors and assigns) do hereby guarantee and undertake to pay immediately on first demand in writing in Rupees ----------------- as any and all monies to the extent of Rs. ------------------ (in figures) (Rs. in words ----------------------------------) in aggregate at any time without any demur, reservation or recourse, contest or protests and/or without any reference to the Contractor. Any such demand made by PHL on the Bank shall be conclusive and binding notwithstanding any differences between PHL and Contractor or any dispute pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other authority. We agree that Guarantee herein contained shall be irrevocable and shall continue to be enforceable till it is discharged by PHL in writing. 47 2. PHL shall have the fullest liberty, without effecting in any way the liability of the Bank under this Guarantee from time to time to extend the time for performance of the contract by the Bidder or vary the terms of the Contract. PHL shall have the fullest liberty without affecting this Guarantee to postpone from time to time, the exercise of power vested in them or any rights which they might have against the Bidder and to exercise the same at any time, any manner and either to enforce or to forebear to enforce any covenants contained or implied in the contract between PHL and the Bidder or any other course or remedy or security available to PHL. The bank shall not be released of its obligation under these presents by any exercise by PHL of its liberty with reference to matters aforesaid of any of them or by reason of any other act or forbearance or other acts of commission or omission on the part of PHL or any other indulgence shown by PHL or by any other matter or thing whatsoever, which under law would, but for this provision have the effect of relieving the bank. The bank undertakes that in case the period of the contract is extended beyond the initial period of six months it shall extend the Bank Guarantee for another period for up to six months on written instructions from PHL or for any further period as may be instructed in writing by PHL. 3. The bank also agrees that PHL at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the bank as a principal debtor, in the first instance, without proceeding against the Bidder/Contractor and not withstanding any security or other guarantee that PHL may have in relation to the Bidder's/Contractor’s liability. 4. The Bank further agrees that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force during the period that is taken for the performance of the contract i.e. complete delivery of the material/equipment as the same is a condition of supply contract/complete delivery of the services as the same is a condition of contract for services and all the dues of PHL under or by virtue of this contract have been fully paid and its claim satisfied or discharged or till PHL discharges this guarantee in writing. 5. We further agree that as between us and PHL for the purpose of this guarantee any notice given to us by PHL that the money is payable by the Bidder/Contractor and any amount claimed in such notice by PHL shall be conclusive and binding on us notwithstanding any difference between PHL and the Bidder/Contractor or any dispute pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other authority. We further agree that this Guarantee shall not be affected discharged by any change in our constitution and the constitution of PHL or that of the Bidder/Contractor. We also undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency. This guarantee shall not be determined discharged or affected by the liquidation, winding up, dissolution or insolvency of the Bidder and shall remain valid binding and operative against the Bank. 6. We further agree that no change or addition to or the other modification of the terms of the contract to be performed thereunder or of any of the contract documents which may be made between PHL and the Bidder/contractor shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee and we hereby notice any such change addition or modification. 48 7. Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, our liability under this Guarantee is limited to Rs. ------ (Rupees. -------- in aggregate and it shall remain in full force upto and including 120 days after ------------------- (indicate the date of expiry of bank guarantee) ----------------- unless extended further from time to time, for such period as may be instructed in writing by PHL upto period of six months in which case it shall remain in full force upto and including 60 days after expiry of the extended period. Any claim under this Guarantee must be received by us before the expiry of 60 days after the said date/extended date/whichever later. If no such claims have been received by us within 60 days after the said/extended date, right of PHL under this Guarantee will cease. However, if such claim has been received by us within and upto 60 days after the said date/extended date, all the rights of PHL shall not cease until we have satisfied that claim. 8. Notwithstanding anything contained herein: (i) Our liability under this BG shall not exceed Rs_________(Rupees_________) (ii) This Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to_________ (iii)We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this BG only and if you serve upon us a written claim or demand on or before_________. In witness whereof the Bank through its authorized officers has set its hand and stamp on this _____________at __________________ Signature of authorized officers of the Bank Name & designation of the Officer Seal, Name & address of the Bank and Address of the Branch 49 Annexure – C INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS FOR PARTICIPATION IN E-TENDERING The bidders interested in this tender may send their bid through online e-Tendering process. All details pertaining to the tender and guidelines for e-tendering are available on the website Interested contractors need to register themselves on the e-tendering website to get the USER ID and PASSWORD from M/s ITI Limited, B-1/5A, JANAK PURI, NEAR AMARLEELA HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI-110058 by paying required registration fee i.e. Rs. 2247/- (Incl. of Service Tax), in addition to tender processing fee (as applicable) and completing the steps specified on above referred website. In case of any clarification vendors may visit our website FOR GENERAL INFORMATION CONTACT ADDRESS :Office of In-charge (Marketing) Pawan Hans Limited, Corporate Office C-14, SECTOR-1, NOIDA, (U.P.) PIN CODE : 201301, INDIA Telephone No.: 0120-2476759, 2476735 SPECIAL NOTE: THE BID HAS TO BE SUBMITTED ON-LINE AT THE DATE OF SUBMISSION OF ON-LINE BID AND DATE OF OPENING OF BID WILL BE AS PER TENDER NOTICE. 1) Requirements of Vendors : 1. P.C. connected with internet. 2. Registration with portal and submission of documents necessary to ITI Ltd. before e-tender. 3. Class-III digital certificate in the name of the Company of the vendor is mandatory (in the name of the Company who will be submitting the EMD & General Information). This may be obtained from any of the certifying authorities. Bids will not be recorded without Digital Signature. 4. To participate in tender, Bidders need to pay Tender Processing Fee as applicable (provided at Tender Wizard/ EPortal). Note: Please check the digital certificate. For more details bidders may visit e-tendering portal and download the help manuals uploaded in the website. Tenders shall be issued to the eligible contractors who fulfill the criteria of eligibility and should have Class-III Digital Signature and registration with service provider M/s ITI Limited, B-1/5A, JANAK PURI, NEAR AMARLEELA HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI-110058. Contact Person:Mr. Nikhil Help Desk No. Fax Email : : : : Cell No. (0091)-9650544776 (0091)-11-49424365 (0091)-11-25618721 ; TERMS & CONDITIONS AT THE TIME OF RUNNING THE EVENT IS FINAL. All the bids will have to be mandatorily submitted with digital certificate otherwise the same will not be considered. ---------------------------- END OF DOCUMENT ----------------------------50
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