16 NOVEMBER 7, 2014 TWO RIVER PEOPLE By Lynne Ward RUMSON EDUCATION FOUNDATION’S OKTOBERFEST CELEBRATION FOR EDUCATION REF supporters Jenn Jamin, Laura and Edwin Gangemi, Michael Jamin and Helena and John Bruno at the recent Oktoberfest Event. L ed by event co-chairs, Amy McCooey and Tee Sperber, and REF president, Scott Caldwell, The Rumson Education Foundation’s “Oktoberfest” was a record-breaking fundraiser thanks to the overwhelming generosity of so many local families and businesses. The evening brought with it the incredibly generous gesture of an anonymous donor who matched every dollar raised that night up to $50,000 with a matching gift. The evening’s major event sponsors included: Let’s Go Stables LLC, Unterberg Children’s Hospital at Monmouth Medical Center, and the Pucci Family. Every dollar raised will go toward the $200,000 fundraising goal needed to complete the REF’s Chromebook Project! The wellattended Oktoberfest was held at the Navesink Country Club with a live auction, raffles, a German themed buffet, live music and fun! The REF board members include (from left): Annie McGinty, Bettina Snodgrass, Dorothy Bailey, Amy McCooey, Scott Caldwell, Helena Bruno, Tee Sperber and Mar y Pat Moriority. Missing from photo: Anna Ingrassia. From left: Andrew and Courtney Setteducate, Dr. John Connors and Jeanne and Sean Kelly. Enjoying a fun evening at the Navesink Country Club: Chad Wain and Stacy Afflito Wain, Tara Allingham, Mike Ingrassia, Corey Pulice, JJ Allingham, Matt and Curran Scoble, and Tim and Amy McCooey. From left: Tim McGinn, Tom Ridgway, Matt Scoble, Dawn Ridgway, Katie Thompson, Bob and Annie McGinty, Tim McCooey and Bill Thompson. SHORE HOUSE CELEBRATED MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK WITH MANY LOCAL EVENTS I Jim and Leigh Solano (couple on left) with Amy and Scott Barnum. n recognition of Mental Health Awareness Week, Shore House and Kathy Donnelly’s Beauregard Fine Art Gallery in Rumson recently celebrated the Art of Recovery. Shore House members created and showcased a wonderful exhibition of their talents to a huge crowd. Shore House (a non-profit organization), the first and only organization of its kind in New Jersey, fills a significant gap in the mental health system by offering opportunities for meaningful work, education, relationships, and access to housing in a supportive, caring and dignified community setting. It is a model of rehabilitation for people living with severe mental illness such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and clinical depression. Through Shore House, people living with mental illness can and do regain their self-esteem, restart their lives, recover, and develop new skills. They integrate into their communities through employment, education and service, which allow them to realize their potential. Kathy Donnelly is pictured here (far left) with members of Shore House. PHOTO COURTESY KATHY DONNELLY New Look, Same Great Service! THOMPSON MEMORIAL HOME Call Us for All Your Real Estate Needs: Diane Turton, Realtors – Rumson Office 8 West River Road, Rumson 732-530-6686 Voted Best Real Estate Agency in Monmouth and Ocean Counties! MONMOUTH & OCEAN COUNTIES READERS CHOICE CONTEST 2014 A privately owned funeral home providing personal service for the families of our community. B R U C E S. T H O M P S O N • O W N E R & M A N A G E R NJ LIC #3740 www.dianeturton.com 310 Broad Street Red Bank New Jersey 07701 Tel: 732.747.0226 www.thompsonmemorial.com NOVEMBER 7, 2014 17 TWO RIVER PEOPLE By Lynne Ward A TOAST TO CHILDREN’S HEALTH WILL BENEFIT UNTERBERG CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL “A Toast to Children’s Health” was a well-attended wine tasting event recently held in Colts Neck at Abbey Farm to raise funds for the Unterberg Children’s Hospital and the Valerie Fund Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Monmouth Medical Center (MMC). Each year the Children’s Hospital treats over 25,000 young patients regardless of their ability to pay for services. In 2013 The Unterberg Children’s Hospital was named through an extraordinary leadership gift from Ann and Tom Unterberg. An amazing wine selection was offered by Victor Rallo, host of Eat! Drink! Italy! and co-owner of Undici Taverna Rustica in Rumson, and owner of Birravino. Pictured at Abbey Farm are (from left): Ron Riccio, Bill Arnold (COO, MMC), Tara Kelly, (VP of Development, MMCF), Dr. Margaret Fisher (medical director, Unterberg Children’s Hospital), Mar y Ann Larkin and Carol Stillwell (event co-chairs), and Ann and Tom Unterberg. Ann Unterberg (above second from left) is chair of the MMC Foundation and is joined here by her husband Tom (left) as well as Tracy and Nick Brown and Monmouth University president Paul Brown (right). Tracy Brown is the chair of the Unterberg Children’s Hospital Leadership Council and is a MMCF trustee. Victor and Kari Rallo, wine tasting underwriters. From left: Ashley Boyd, Dan Ranger, Robin Lowy Embrey, Dr. Greg Greco and Maja Meighan. This event concluded the Council’s inaugural year which included the launch of Picture My Smile, a photography program for chronically ill pediatric patients. From left: Matt and Tara Kelly, Jennifer Krimko and Amanda and Peter Haytaian. Scott and Esther Carmilani with Carolyn and Neil DeSena. ® BUSI NESS AL • RE TE ESTA AS • CL SIFIE PEOP D • SPOR LE • TS SI • BU NESS AL • RE FIE 2004 Two River Times LLC. SI TE ESTA PEOP D • SP LE • ORTS AS • CL VOLUME 25 NUMBER 1 ™ S T R O P S AL • RE TE ESTA AS • CL SIFIE PEOP D • LE 12, mer, OCTOBER 10, Wim 2014 rine ner l win Cathe eral the ov race was en’s om w e in th onal rsOCTOBER THE WEEK OF 10 - 17, 2014 pe a with ch is , whi 19:23 d 15 best e an inut ce. pa a6m e r mil nd pe seco ge 20 y pa Stor ™ ONE DOLLAR Meeting New Friends on the Front Porch By John Burton By Jim Mater D ei Repeat G Prep Heading for irls Socce r Title 19 Hintelma nn M 2014 y annelldogs i V n h u St. Join over B SJV sW Score THE Monmouth Park Breaks Ground for Concert Venue, Restaurant n Hint sa It wa N– good UMSO of two nded battle ely mi ay’s siv offen in Thursd on si teams A Di vi ir on on-Fa as ms se hn Ru ea rly wn of and St. Jo do l show Regiona mn Have y. SJV co s wa ne it -fr om Vian end, come ea for In the with a be y er up victor o Riv ing at Tw d 35-28 behin y crowd ers cit Lanc ir capa Field. the s Time win puts to win the hip The position pions od cham in go ision div ou t wi th . first 1982 pla ye d Volker, since ie on a Ru ms orer, Charl d with th sc ne eli top ng wi t sid its n, alo was sprai em en , bu l who kle e an g lin M i c h a high sta r tin k Matt tw o t e r b a c lback ant r d tai illi qua or an did a br jus t nn d lli O’Co in an wi th a hiare lin g Vecc fil up of mi ng job or t ed co mi ss victor y. strong eff y on t a Anth grea used SJV ar terback skins to qu me alil Ha from and Kh -14 halfti o tw n Brow me a 28 scored co n for 85 ow over it. Br s, rushed 3 more defic 12 wn do d for wintouch and passe red the rd s sco -ya rd 47 ins ya Hask wn on a . do while ter ch ar tou qu ning the final kl d run in just tac “We te R NESS IDDLET OWN – Defen ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS – The Front Porch Club is about di Divisio n g B more than the chili. n Central girls champ “It’s an eclectic group but we do have common interests,” soc ion took ano Mater Dei c e r member Brian Boms said. Pre the repcook-off eat title r step toward p The now decade-old club held its annual Chilifest Mo a nday with tout ove Mansion. on Sept. 27 at the borough’s historic Straussshu R a 4-0 r Ranney OBE “If we with Organizers said the event attracted more than 500 people School. OCT beat Sho K OF more 40 businesses offering support. The event raisedand Poithan nt Bea re Regional WEE ch this ll win Tri-District $10,000 for the newly formed Henry Hudsonwe’ week, Prep firs the title,” Ma Education Foundation and other groups. ter t Ritter event.year coach Dei The club involvement goes well beyond its signature said. “We lost Ted yeagroup r’s lead and The club has a book group, children’s play last ing sco McCar rer, Juli RFH’s regularly conducts dinner and other social gatherings thy and due to Sam a before Eisenst a torn Haskins activities. the adt, No. ACL scored of the girl season, but 7, bre the win aks up several Chiles As co-founder and borough resident Benson s hav ning a pas touchd Matercommu-e stepped s inte describes the organization, “It’s a place-based, online own nded up.” Dei for the for SJV Pre its sco Lancers ’s Kha people together ring in a p did all of nity brings SEAN socially and encourages lil Has on that SIMMON a 46-y with sen the firs kins, S ard run No. 2. sense of community.” t half in the on Park respon ior Lindsey a fourthare, from Celebrating the groundbreaking of a concert amphitheater, restaurant and concessions boardwalk at Monmouth fouseek sibl rth qua Florio out newcomers,” member It also continues, “to and-sev e for the ConNau; rter. goa tinuedBill “I en Harvey R. Benjamin of Coyne left: Jim Noe and Perry Noe of Kelso Construction; construction manager Alan was pro ls of play. first from Page Charlotte Magee said. ud R uher 18 goal was the game. Her two Balaban and Construction; John Forbes, president of N.J. Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association (NJTHA); Nona m shusband “We o n c o of my team curThe,”club also hasjust a Facebook limited from to its in firs downsBakal of Thoroughbred Management, a Batchle Inc.; missed group, now def second Dennis Drazin, who is the advisor to Darby Development, LLC, and NJTHA; Jerry close and t enswhich and got r said. “Wec h Brent r y amembers, ive ass some was defl allows participants to communicate the theFreeholder own 20. County Volker Ran ign me DiMasi; and Serena Oceanport Mayor Michael Mahon; NJTHA Executive Director Mike Musto; Monmouth ecte ball on didn’t hav n Batchler ney goa and two nts said. “We its I’m This for d off the and share information. The social media forum is ideal e fini ,” lie’s han Lancer linemen time, SCOTT LONGFIELD Oceanport Councilman Chris Paglia. hop sh also did “Linds s dro , but out where they babysitters, to askour andtwo find driv n’t can find e y h a ds. plays with ve 80 yards the back nexeful that they members sec s don ond half es in the good job will in 10 t week. Brown be contractors reliable information, she .”and other needed for said. game McCar us rep e a “We did tying the O’Conn with a thy,”said. lacing an exc “It’s always beenorabout connecting gaps,” Chiles 32-yard and Vec down run Ritt execut switch chiarell ing in the ellent job of however, led touched her er said. “We i, a the qua with a second stro said firs com mid from ng Rum . “O’ t half,” fielder rter. left in he Bul eback that son Page 7 center- Ranney’s Continued to on lievabl Connor was cen “We gre terldogs Em saw the this year e and unbew up and she forward Prep’s Jor ily Kachinski, score tonight,” (121 swered Vec a little team dan Elen 28 una No. 17, leads the poin bit gre yar ds rushin chiarelli SEAN a Ma dribbles n- Beg in goals with were able Ciccotelli said SIMMON xson, at job.” O’Conn ts. g) did six. past ley has . “We S No. 6, to run Mater or a bac ter and during also play Claire for the ball Dei SJV beg k with began the com Monda us.” Bro ed wel an the y’s gam a 68-yard egood dec wn made a bet- a rus l down game e. Begley h, By John Burton lot of isio run to touchand Bro two pos scoring on its with deficit SJV sco ns.” nar scored row oke Tro session to 14-7 first red the the oth tta the touchd er goa own with the go-ahead yards in eig s. It moved 80 Eisenstadt tied , and Sam Seraph ls for ht ing whe OCEANPORT – The dirt firs s 7:55 the a 1-yard plays on (5-4-1). t ser Dei lead game rem n to cap Mater s 46-yard Haskins scored ain- back Cal ies wit h run its play began to fly on a portion of a 72-yard with 4-1-1 rec the division driv run dow on vin nin e. , 14with a a a 1-ya Beaty sco ord g sideline Monmouth Park’s property n the O’Conn rd run. s. ring on By John “We hav . Burton right or put Bro ed 4-of Wednesday morning with Rumson Rumson back line e a good -5 passes wn complet- front with an senior threaten in more tim 11-yard high hopes for the future. down for 34 goalie, ,” Ritter said ed one in the driv run afte e yards tou . Katie e. Jos the Rum when it mar kicked The benefit – as in years r Vecchi chATLANTIC set A line of racetrack repreViscar “Our six shu eph it up with HIGHLANDS che the firs arelli di, tou then ran son 23. O’C d to points t of five Ric e –O’C a 47-yardneed past – will assist two Warriors sentatives joined elected offiOu r goa ts this sea has onnor sometimes . onn 11 yards extra run. Monmouth County veterans, follout ent firs owefor for an app or 73-yardto look them. angels cials and others involved for Rum son d with champ l is to rep son . t down tou areat ion his chd cou at s.” cos as the ball the 12, befThat own Patricia who have not been named. ldn ’t is what the ceremonial groundbreaktly hol ore hal Ranney but a mo ve , and just ftim e. so run fied the ding penalty SJV reg pos ses cam The vets were selected she and Malloy ing for the construction of a slow star (2-6) has e up believes, sion and aine with its SJV the n had a was dro run. O’Connor nulli- yards con- with the assistance of the five project its proponents say is mo ved d rall secnow McNam t, but coach y. other women with Bro ond hal pped for then 64 ara f wn 14-y a 7-yard New Jersey Veterans Adminannual benefit to help duct a major step forward toward Ruman team can is hopeful tha Ian son loss Dan ard touchd throwing a t his turn travels with some istration. Along with offering own pas Bra returning establishing the racetrack as nch for veterans Calabr to Lon “We just it around. s to o. a non-con g gam had a assistance to returning solchallenges financial ofe the a year-round destination. schedu ference Friday, le early tough Oct SJVthey prothe of portion a diers, . re-enter they as find may alon in The project will include the plays hos 10, whi the sea g with son som McNam civilian life.t to Manchestele Maceeds construction of an amphitheter Deiwill be donated to the ara said e injuries,” Prep’s Olivia Project, expect Warrior Wounded Malloy, who co-owns r.NeilBrooke ater that, when completed, , “but From Monta to turn kin, COURTESY MONMOUTH PARK SEAN it around we get bet at 965 Malloy said. No. 7, cha nti, No. 11, Michael’s Steakhouse will be capable of seating up NS SIMMON MO ter.” se afte and Ran and SIM S r a loos ney’s Malloy started the project 36 with her state Highway to 7,500 spectators; plus a The artist’s rendering for the new amphitheater to be built at Monmouth Park. Mater SEAN e ball er . Riv Malloy, has advant Dei Prep had as a way, in part, to honor the o Neil husband age in a 26-10 at Tw me Viscardi shots working for three years memory of her son, Michael full-service restaurant; and an a worldwide sporting and gabeen y’s making with three stop usedathe with the other women to hold Breen, a former U.S. Marine, appr oximately 1,200-foot music presenter, tto Thurs own s. g las th BrthecuAngel many as 25 to a fundraiser, wi forrinas who served in Iraq and who called boardwalk that is expected location, du t 43 ar ter n to No.concerts during the sea40 Benefit, Warrior to contain concessions and rd qu 9-y ard ru to assist later died at age 27 in 2011. “I ock, a veterans. the thi son, which would likelyh run was trying to find a purpose some other attractions. ael Murd onarea fo r ch -21. oring to 28 co ac so n which for my own life” at that time, l t heSeptember. m event, year’s ll Mi “This d i- sc leaThis ld Ru he from noon to 3 she said. b heheld The event also was a way 2 at Neil of “trying to help get two back on their feet,” g support lps , 10 - 17 elman By Jim SI • BU Ron and Maria Importico and Bob and Pat Durski. For more information about how you can support the Unterberg Children’s Hospital, contact Ashley Boyd at the MMCF at 732-923-6919 or at asboyd@barnabashealth.org. DIVORCE & FAMILY LAW RED BANK • HIGHLANDS • FAIR HAVEN • RUMSON • HOLMDEL • SEA BRIGHT • MONMOUTH BEACH • ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS • OCEANPORT • MIDDLETOWN • SHREWSBURY • LITTLE SILVER • COLTS NECK trtnj.com Harr y Sassaman is joined here by Carol Stillwell, Mar y Ann Larkin and Dr. Meg Fisher. Twin sisters Carol and Mary Ann celebrated their birthdays together that evening. Finding a Way to Help Veterans To subscribe, call 732-219-5788 ext. 219 or visit www.trtnj.com/subscribe “If your better half informs you that he or she has hired Paone, settle.” New Jersey Monthly /DZ2IÀFHV PAONE, ZALESKI, BROWN & MURRAY 120 Maple Avenue Red Bank 732.750.9797 YLVLWXVDWZZZSDRQH]DOHVNLFRP John P. Paone, Jr. 18 NOVEMBER 7, 2014 TWO RIVER PEOPLE By Lynne Ward KD’S KRUSADERS: KICKN’ KANCER TO THE KURB WAS HELD IN MONMOUTH BEACH T he Church of the Precious Blood in Monmouth Beach recently hosted the KD’s Krusaders fundraising event to assist a dear local friend battling stage IV colon cancer. KD’s Krusaders is a group of family and friends who have joined forces to assist in the mounting medical bills, day-to-day expenses and the creation of a comfortable environment for ease during cancer treatment. The event featured a live and silent auction, vendor tables, food and libations and a full day of music by some of the best local musicians around who donated their time and talents to help a friend in need. Hundreds attended this event which was organized by Pam McCoy (left), Carl “Tinker” West and Karin Busichio. Read Murphy, John Micco and Eric Greene. From above left: “Stormin” Norman Seldin, Ronnie Brandt, Joe Lepis and Vini “Mad Dog” Lopez. Joe is holding a signed Fender bass which was a popular auction item. Janet (left) and PJ Rotchford with event co-chair Pam McCoy. Auctioneer Big Joe Henr y with performer Pat Guadagno. The Sonny Kenn Band helped to make the event “sunny’: George Evans, Chris Plunkett, “Stormin” Norman Seldin, Sonny Kenn and Bobby Boyd. DISCOVER A The Carl Gentry band performed for the crowd who attended: Ray Johnson, Carl Gentry, Chris O’Hara and John Micco. HIGHER LEVEL OF SENIOR LIVING THE ATRIUM AT NAVESINK HARBOR Fabulous entertainers: Richie Blackwell, Paul Whistler, Mario Casella, Pat Guadagno and Thom White. Slim Chance and the Gamblers closed the show! From left: JP Patrick, Sam Sherman, Mario Casella, Jim Grant and Steve Murphy. One of the greatest musicals of all time, brought to new life by David Lee, nine-time Emmy Award winner & writer/director for Frasier and Cheers. Ask about our NEW FALL INCENTIVES! A Fabulous Riverfront Location and sophisticated in-town livingg CALL TODAY 877-628-1526 40 Riverside Avenue, Red Bank, NJ 07701 atriumatnavesink.orgt"4FOJPS-JWJOH$PNNVOJUZ BOOK IMMEDIATELY FOR BEST AVAILABILITY 7 3 2 . 3 4 5 .1 4 0 0 | T W O R I V E R T H E AT E R . O R G O R 2 1 B R I D G E AV E N U E I N R E D BA N K , N J NOVEMBER 7, 2014 19 TWO RIVER PEOPLE By Lynne Ward LUNCH BREAK FALL GALA 2014 CELEBRATED 31 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY T he Hope Happens Here Gala (chaired by Kim Tsimbinos) to benefit Lunch Break of Red Bank was recently held at the Navesink Country Club and was a grand success! Lunch Break has been alleviating hunger and providing life’s basic necessities to community members for 31 years with the support of volunteers, community partners and donors. Lunch Break VIPs and event honorees came together for a photo and include (from left): Millie Jeter (executive assistant), Paul and Margo Hooker (Norma Todd Service Award recipients), Inice Hennessy and Pam Elam (Heart to Hand Award recipients), Carol Ingaro and Leigh Stocker ( Beacon of Service Award winners), Gwen Love (executive director) and Mark Brahney (president, board of trustees). Ellen Mandia (left) with Katie, Brian, Nancy (board member) and Taylor Gill. Katie and Taylor Gill received the Future Charitable Leaders Award. Auctioneer Nick Dawes (right) (of Sotheby’s Auction House, NY) with “rocktographer” Mark Weiss. Above: Morgan Stanley sponsors Chris and Jen Shaw of Rumson. Friendly couples who attended the event together: Doug and Nancy Roberts, Dr. Larr y and Joyce Sykoff, Nate and Mindy Kestenman, Joanna and Marc Betesh and George and Vita Kolber. Kate McMahon (left, director of development) with Sharda Jetwani. Many officials supported the event: Kathy Horgan (Red Bank councilwoman), JP Nocolaides, Ed Zipprich (Red Bank councilman), Juanita Lewis (Red Bank councilwoman), Red Bank Mayor Pat Menna, Robin and John Klein (board member) and Rumson Mayor John Ekdahl. From left: Beth Lloyd, Susan and Steve Haugenes, Jessica Bright (board member) and Carol Anderson. From left: Paul Hooker, Jami Hooker, Patsy McMahon, Margo Hooker, Alex Diglio, Larr y Diglio and Elaine and Jimmy Plasteras. Event volunteers included (from left): Kerr y Chandler, Petra Vander ven, Pam Brett, Gail Oliver, Krissy Callari, Lisa Bitterly and Dr. Nancy Bach. You get moves. You get hip pain that brings you to your knees. To get an appointment with You research your options. 1-800-DOCTORS. You get to Meridian Health. You get the most experienced orthopedic surgeons. You get your moves back. And get a high five. © 2014 Meridian Health a Meridian specialist, call To get more information, visit MeridianOrthopedicsNJ.com.
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