We are Thankful for: Family Funtasia Wednesday, Oct. 29th Festivities begin at 6:30PM. EVERYONE is invited to join us for Supper from 5:15-6:15pm followed by a Costume Contest, “Trick ‘R Treat” trail through the woods, bonfire & more! Bring a decorated pumpkin. Prizes will be awarded! FUN FOR THE WHOLE CHURCH FAMILY!! Bring a friend! A container will be in the Narthex if you’d like to donate candy. HOMECOMING is Sunday, Nov 2nd. Our Guest Speaker will be Rev. Brian Combs, of Haywood Street Congregation. This is also All Saints’ Day. A covered dish luncheon will follow. Francis Asbury United Methodist Church THE COMMUNICATOR FRANCIS ASBURY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 725 ASBURY ROAD PO BOX 67 CANDLER, NC 28715 828.667.3950 faumc1@bellsouth.net www.FAUMC.com Oct/Nov 2014 Volume XXXI Issue 5 Growing Spiritually, Praising God and Reaching Neighbors… Rooted in Christ the Foundation IN MINISTRY Minister Lay Leader Choir Director Organist Admin. Asst. Custodian Nursery Ushers for October: Greeters Acolytes Veranita Alvord Charlie Kooles Jess Mills Kevin Bryant Danya Sellers Glenda Shook Amy Dayton Jim Darby Calvin Dixon Bob Lamb Chip Miller Rusty & Rosemary Brown 10/5-Bryce Rudisill 10/12-Adam Crook 10/19-Jansen Arrowood 10/26-Lauren Gay District Superintendent—Dr. John S. Boggs Resident Bishop—Dr. Larry M. Goodpaster Church YARD SALE Saturday, Oct. 4th from 8am-12pm in the Gym Yard sale items & Concessions Table Rental: $10 each Set up: Friday, Oct. 3rd from 5-7pm 667-3950 What’s Up in Worship for October & November? Sundays at 11AM October 5 Keep Calm & Christian On Philippians 3:4b-14 7 Weeks in Matthew: Jesus’ Teaching & Story Telling October 12 Mystery Marriage Guest Matthew 22:1-14 October 19 The Things That Are God’s Matthew 22:15-22 October 26 The Greatest Hang Ups Matthew 22:34-40 November 2 HOMECOMING/All Saints’ Day Brian Combs Preaching with Covered Dish Lunch afterwards November 9 International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Church: Christians in Iraq Oil for Lamps Matthew 25:1-10 Our Worship on November 9th will be observing this day of prayer for persecuted Christians around the world. This year, we have seen how Christians in Iraq and Syria, especially, have endured persecution and violence because of their belief. You are invited to stay after Worship on Sunday, November 9 from Noon-1PM to pray prayers for Christians around the world who are refugees and murder victims and victims of violence due to their belief in and proclamation of Jesus the Christ. We will be praying for specific international missions of our Church in places where Christians are routinely called out, persecuted and mistreated. We will share Communion on this Sunday, Nov. 9th and the Communion Offering will go to “The Persecuted Church-Iraq.” November 16 November 23 Burying Life Matthew 25:14-30 Strange Family Matthew 25:31-46 OPEN GYM is 5-6 pm Supper is served from 5:15-6:15 pm 10/1: Taco Salad 10/8: Breakfast 10/15: Subs/Salad 10/22: Chicken Alfredo Alfredo 10/29: Hotdogs 11/5: Soup & Grilled Cheese 11/12: Pizza & Salad 11/19: Thanksgiving Meal WELCOME to Frank & MC Shipman who joined FAUMC on Sept. 14. WELCOME to Suzette Parks who joined FAUMC on Sept. 21. If you want to become an official member of FAUMC, please see Pastor Veranita. SAVE THE DATE! The 2014 COMMUNITY Worship X Practice is from 6-6:30 pm thru 10/22 WEDNESDAY WORSHIP is from 6:30-7:15 pm Choir Practice at 7:20 pm The NEW Basics Sunday School Class will meet again on Oct. 19 & Nov. 16 at 10am in Pastor V’s office. Co-Ed of all ages. Class focuses on the Basics of the Christian Faith, including a glimpse into the Bible, a historical review of Christianity and basic Christian practices. Facilitated by Veranita. Other Sunday School Classes to join: Fellowship Class, FAB Women Class, Ladies Bible Class, Together Class, FROG Young Adult Class, SWAG High School Class, Middle School Class, Elementary Class. is Sunday, November 23rd at 7PM & will be held at the NEW Hominy Valley ABCCM Medical Clinic & Crisis Center, scheduled to open around Nov. 1st. EVERYONE IS INVITED!! Thursday, Oct. 16th 1 - 5:30pm in the Gym Call 667.3950 to schedule an appointment. Ways you can support ABCCM (Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry) Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser for HV ABCCM. At Fatz Café on Saturday, Oct. 11th from 8-10am. Tickets are $7 and can be purchased at door. Volunteers needed for Hominy Valley ABCCM Monday-Friday 9am-1pm Receptionist, Counselor, Food Pantry, Clothing. 670-1221 Every 4th Sunday is Hominy Valley ABCCM Sunday at Francis Asbury. Please bring non-perishable food items or monetary donations for our neighbors in need. Christmas is closer than you think! Can you imagine having small children and no possibility for providing Christmas for them? ABCCM Christmas Stars is inviting you to help! Families being assisted by ABCCM can apply for help for their children from birth to 17. You can help by donating monetary gifts (ABCCM Christmas Stars) or even take one child or a family and provide the items on their wish list! Contact ABCCM Sarah Fouts 259-5300 So in all things always remember: "For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind." II Timothy 1:7 NKJV Advent Tea November 30th “The Grinch That Stole Christmas” Play & Feast December 7th Choir Cantata Love Came Down at Christmas & Finger Foods December 14th Christmas Eve Services at 5pm & 11pm Pisgah Villa Worship Service Sunday, Nov. 16th 2:30pm A Gift was made in HONOR OF MARJORIE RUSSELL By Walter R. Russell Snipnip-it from Sandy: I said to them, "You will never forget this night." I was carrying precious cargo... my 16 year old son Wyatt, 16 year old Bryce Shook and 15 year old Jackson Arrowood. We had been over at the High School to pray, to gather with friends, to try and find some type of comfort in the realization that their friend, 15 year old Christopher Taylor had been killed earlier that day in a car accident. It was Beth Arrowood's idea for us to gather and it was a good one. There were about 12 of us - friends, neighbors and parents. We circled up, held hands and began to pray in the bus parking lot of Enka High School as others looked on. Then some of us went to where the wreck had occurred. While we were there, other parents and students arrived. We hugged, speculated and tried to make sense of the tragedy. After dark, we came back to the house and talked a little more. Jackson said something very profound to me, "Miss Sandy, right now, Chris is looking at the face of Jesus." I believe what Jackson said because I remembered that verse in the bible that says something like, "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." I got out the camera and told the boys to smile for me. Usually I am met with opposition of "Mom, do you have to take another picture?" Tonight, they were glad to hold on to one another. As they parted ways, they hugged and said things like, "I love ya Man. You're like my Brother." My heart was in my throat for most of that night. My eyes just leaked. I didn't really know the young man that lost his life...but the whole situation just hit home. I was extremely thankful that all of my Sunday School kids, church kids and all of Wyatt's neighborhood friends were okay but my heart ached for the Taylor Family & Candler Family. All of this took me back to the times in my life when a young life was snuffed out too soon. I'm sure we all have those stories of someone leaving this earth, before they really started living. Why do things like this happen? We're supposed to give thanks to God in everything...right? I have a classmate, whose 9 year old son was diagnosed with Leukemia. The little boy was playing baseball one week and the next week, he was having a port inserted for Chemo. How do we say thanks to that? Well, my classmate is the founder of "Whole Armour Ministries" in Shelby, NC. His posts, just make my jaw drop! My friend Casey writes, "We appreciate the faithful prayers of God's people and love you all!!! God is working in/through this trial for good...we are praying for revival! It's all about Jesus . . "by His stripes we are healed!" Our family is not the only one among us to be in a valley, but the Lord Jesus Christ said "I have overcome the world." May He be high and lifted up in our hearts and minds. May He be called upon by faith. And, may He be glorified in our lives, even in the midst of our suffering. We love you all!!! " So, with that being said, I have to believe that God uses circumstances to call us closer to him. It's not that he wants us to hurt, it's just that he loves us so much that he doesn't want a single one of us to fall through the cracks. I am so thankful for health and all the young ones that I get to share this life with. Let’s make the most of each and every day. To God be the Glory!!! Blessings– Sandy We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. ~2 Corinthians 5:8 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. ~Philippians 4:7 Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. ~Psalm 27:14 Wednesday Night Worship in October & November “In the Gap What Happens When God’s People Stand Strong” Based on the book by Wifredo de Jesus October 1- Nehemiah Identified a Problem to Solve He Prayed, He Planned, He Proceeded, He Persuaded Nehemiah 4:6-7 October 8- Esther Understood Her Times The Choice, The Threat, The Courage of One Esther 4:16 October 15- Guest Speaker October 22- Noah was “All In” No Matter the Cost Noah was Righteous, Blameless & Faithful Genesis 6:7-8 October 29– No Worship due to Family Funtasia November 5-David was Anointed by God to Do the Work An Unlikely Candidate, Behind the Scenes, No Ordinary Day 1 Samuel 16:13 November 12-Deborah Earned a Reputation of Wisdom & Strength The Role of Women, Inspiration Looking Back, Looking Up 1 Judges 4:4-6 November 19-Thanksgiving Service Featuring “The Dog House Band” FROM THE PASTOR: This school year, Joe & I walk Ivan to the stop sign on Fairfield Road every morning. Every afternoon, we wait for him to come home after we hear the bell telling the community that Enka Middle School is out for the day. On the way up the hill I have noticed a green vine, wrapped around a phone pole that is slowly turning red. Fall is unfurling her skirts and showing her finery. Did you know that leaves change color because they run out of chlorophyll which is what makes the leaves green? And that each kind of tree shows its distinctive color when the chlorophyll runs out? I wonder as we live our lives out, how are we showing our distinctive colors? When we face trials and difficulties what colors do we show? When something happens with which we disagree, how do we manage that disagreement? Our distinctive colors can beautify the world and we can offer ourselves as witnesses, risking our lives in service and love. We have choices to engage in conversation and activate change for the good or we can fuel negativity and gossip. As the leaves show their maroon, magenta, burnt orange and sienna, like crayons in a crayon box, let’s consider our unique contributions to our community of faith and to our world. Let us beautify with bold proclamation by fulfilling our mission at Francis Asbury through Growing Spiritually, Praising God and Reaching Neighbors with Good News. Grace & Peace, Veranita The Hominy Valley UM Churches are sponsoring a Potato Drop with The Society of Saint Andrew on Saturday, October 25th at 8am. 40,000 pounds of potatoes will be "dropped" at Manna Food Bank (627 Swannanoa River Road in Asheville 28805). Our goal is to have 100 people participate in re-boxing and re-packaging those potatoes to distribute to hungry people in OUR COMMUNITY. We need your help to collect the milk crate size boxes from grocery stores to re-package the potatoes. Montmorenci, Snow Hill and Francis Asbury UM Churches are all Manna related agencies through their food ministries. We thank Manna Food Bank for providing the space to receive the potato drop. See you on Saturday, October 25th at 8AM at Manna Food Bank for the Potato Drop! Please contact Robert McCain, our Missions Coordinator, at 231-6140 with questions. Sundays, Oct. 5th & Nov. 2nd 6PM SAVED WITH AMAZING GRACE YOUTH DATES: Tech/Audio/Video Training to learn how to run the PowerPoint in Worship will be held on Wed, Oct. 15th from 7:15-8pm in the Sanctuary. If you’d like to help out in Worship with the Audio/Visuals, please attend this training! THE DAYBREAK COMMUNITY A PLACE OF RECOVERY AND HOPE The Daybreak Community is a new ministry that Central UMC, as part of the Asheville Urban Missional Network, is launching this fall. Our prayer and hope for the Daybreak Community is that it will be a place of restoration for anyone who is suffering and in need of healing. The evening of October 5th at Central UMC (27 Church Street, Asheville 28801), a meal will be shared, time will be spent together in Worship and small groups will have a focus on specific issues, relating the discussions to recovery and healing. Schedule 5:30-6:15: Meal in Fellowship Hall ($4/adults, Kids free) 6:15-7: Worship in Sanctuary 7:05-7:50: Small Groups in Breakout Rooms ** Childcare provided and Youth opportunities for 6th grade and up For more info, call 828-222-0482, email bfloyd@centralumc.org or go to daybreakavl.wordpress. com. Printed material in Narthex. Saturday, Oct. 4 Sell Concessions at Yard Sale We want to make it as easy as possible for you to give both your regular tithe as well as specific offerings. You can always give during Worship Services, or you can drop off or mail your check to the church office at PO Box 67, Candler, NC 28715. We also have the option of automatic debit withdrawal, one-time or recurring. We’ve also set up a Paypal account so you can give online. We’d be happy to address any questions or concerns you have – feel free to call the church office at 828.667.3950 or email us at faumc1@bellsouth.net UNITED METHODIST MEN Sunday Breakfast on Oct. 19th & Nov. 16th @ 7:30am Fellowship Hall FAB Meetings: Tuesday, Oct. 14th at 6:30pm at Rosemary Brown’s Home. Devotion-Betty. Snacks-Rosemary. Tues, Nov. 11th at 6:30 at Sandy Jackson’s Home . Devotion & Salty-Sandy. Sweet-Anita. Grinch Christmas Play Practice Dates Wed, Nov. 5th Wed, Nov. 12th Wed, Nov. 19th Practices will be from 5:45-6:30pm. Sunday, October 12th at 5pm Eliada Corn Maze. Meet at Corn Maze. Church wide Event. Sunday, October 19th at 12pm Fast Food Lunch & Hike after Church Destination TBA Wednesday, October 29th Family Funtasia Supper 5:15-6:15pm Festivities begin at 6:30pm Friday, November 14-15th from 10pm-7am High School Lock-in Youth from Oak Hill & Snow Hill will be joining us. Feel free to ask friends also. Bowling then fun activities at church. A hot, yummy breakfast will be served. OCTOBER/NOVEMBER Middle School & Elementary Events Sunday, October 12 at 5pm Eliada Corn Maze. Meet at Corn Maze. Church wide Event. Wednesday, October 29 Family Funtasia Supper 5:156:15pm.Festivities begin 6:30. Sunday, Nov. 9 at 2pm Waynesville Rec Center Pool HEART SMARTIES ZOOMBA Mondays & Thursdays at 6PM in Gym $2 a class Classes led by Liz Henley & Danya Sellers Fellowship Hall Remaining Study Dates for PARABLES FROM THE BACK SIDE: Oct. 5, 12, 19 & 26; NOV. 2, 9 & 16 from 7-8:30PM Beth Moore Esther Bible Study Remaining Study Dates: Oct. 7, 21 & 28, Nov. 4 & 18 at 6pm in Gym MOTHER ROOTS DATES Mother Roots is a Women’s Study & Sharing Group that meets in Debra Luther’s home located at 47 Monte Vista Terrace. 7pm on Tuesdays, October 7 & 21, Nov. 4 Meal for Enka Middle STAFF We are providing lunch for the Staff at Enka Middle School on Friday, October 17th from 10:45am-1:30pm. Interested in helping? Please see Mel Hudson.
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