ST. MARK LUTHERAN CHURCH 5073 Daly Blvd. Flint, Michigan 48506 Pastor Minister of Music Minister of Family Life Minister of Outreach and Assimilation Rev. Gary L. Beck Mrs. Lori Carrier Miss Rose Meinert Mr. James M. Mol Church Phone: (810) 736-6680 Fax Number: (810) 736-6096 Email: Website: “NOTES AND NEWS” Serving in the Lord’s House Today Preaching: Rev. Gary L. Beck Organist: Lori Carrier Worship Assistant: 8:00 am Bill Scott, Cliff Veit 10:45 am Tim Hastings Ushers: 8:00 am Jacob Haist, James Haist, Scott Maher, Scott Violette 10:45 am Zane Hughes, Brian Kuberski, Larry Leinweber, Chris Matheson Readers: 8:00 am Phyllis Mol 10:45 am Bill Schwerin Altar: Carol Bobb THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES Today: 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:45 am 5:00 pm Worship / Holy Communion Living Your Strengths Room 6 Bible Study / Sunday School Worship / Holy Communion Jr High Youth @ Parsonage Messenger Deadline Scrip Sales After Each Service Monday: 6:00 pm Joyful Singers 6:00 pm Sr. High Youth Pie Crust Making 6:30 pm Board of Directors Meeting 7:00 pm Handbells Tuesday: 6:00 pm High School Girl’s Bible Study @ Parsonage Wednesday: 9:00 am Ladies Bible Study 6:00 pm Adult Choir 7:30 pm Grow St. Mark Meeting Thursday: 9:00 am 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm Quilters Jr. Confirmation Faith Adventure Mom Pop Tots Friday: 6:00 am Men’s Bible Breakfast @ Apollo Restaurant, Davison 7:00 pm Friday Night Bible Study @ Smiths November 16, 2014 Saturday: 9:00 am Nativity Set Up In Genesee 9:00 am Sr. High Youth Pie Making Next Sunday: 8:00 am Worship 9:00 am Living Your Strengths Room 6 9:30 am Bible Study / Sunday School 10:45 am Worship 12:00 pm Voter’s Meeting Youth Pie Sales Scrip Sales After Each Service LARGE PRINT BULLETINS ARE AVAILABLE. Please ask an usher for one before the service. KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: Al Flatt Joe Boegner Karen Violette Jim Tidball, brother of Karen Black In celebration of Lane Verran’s birthday In celebration of the birth of Grace Elizabeth Mol, daughter of Jacob & Sarah Mol ATTENDANCE: Nov 9: Ear ly: 84 Late: 162 BIBLE STUDY: 9:30 “Bible Passages on the End Tim es” This weeks Passages: Matthew 24 & 25 GENERAL FUND Deposit for Sunday, 11/9= $ 5,561.75 TOGETHER IN FAITH-PLUS UPDATE Deposit for Sunday 11/9= $ 705.00 (Need an average of $1,770 per week) TIF BALANCE as of 11/1/14: $495,000.18 MEMORIALS In memory of Ruth Clark donations have been given to the Ladies Restroom Renovation by: John & Myrna Scherba, Gary & Julie Kordyzon, and Walter & Karen Taylor Larry & Judy Leinweber have given a donation to the Ladies Restroom Renovation in memory of Grace Pray Rick & Regina Schacher have given a donation to the Ladies Restroom Renovation in memory of Ruth Clark, Troy Grimshaw, and Tom Liescheidt MEMBERS CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS November 19-25 11/19 11/20 11/21 11/22 11/24 11/25 VERNA GAMAGE, GARY PETERS SUZANNE THATCHER, WILLIAM WOODS KAREN HALE, CHAD NEWMAN STACY BARDEN, JOSEPH ELLIOT BENJAMIN McDONALD, ROBERT O’BRIANT, CHERYL WOODS TANNER DINGMAN, JOHN MARTIN KAREN WIRTZ KAYLENE CORY, CONNOR LINDSEY MEMBERS CELEBRATING WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES November 19-25 11/21 11/23 11/25 GREGORY & KIMBERLY JARVINEN TERRENCE & CAROLE JARVINEN ZACHARY & JoELLE EDGAR 27 YRS 51 YRS 8 YRS Note: If we should miss your special day, please contact the church office so we can update our records. MANY THANKS for all of your car ds, pr ayer s, visits, and well wishes during my recent hospital stay. I truly know that I am part of a loving and caring family here at St. Mark. I pray that my recovery from the accident will be a quick one and I will be seeing you in church again soon. Pat Adams Pat was recently moved to: Regency Rehab 1330 Grand Pointe Court, Grand Blanc Township, MI 48439 I WOULD LIKE to say a big THANK Y OU to ever yone who helped with the harvest dinner. No matter how big or little of a job you did, it was important and made it possible for us to serve over 350 people. That is truly an AWESOME number!!! It was great to see so many people step up and offer to help. Once again on behalf of myself and Ladies Guild thanks for a job well done. Sharon Black From little children around the world, thank you to all the families who filled a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child! 58 boxes will be delivered and they should be received by Christmas. You may not know who receives your gift, but the Great Giver is certainly there with each child, remembering your prayers and heart! May you be blessed for responding to a nudging of the Holy Spirit! WOMEN'S RESTROOM RENOVATION: many thanks to all who have contributed to this project. Don Russell has allocated his wife Ruth’s Memorial Fund. We now have $3,700 of the $4,500 needed to start the project. Questions? See Carol Muhl or the Trustees. DEADLINE for the December / J anuar y 2015 Messenger is TODAY. Please turn in all articles to the office JR. HIGH meet at the par sonage tonight, Sunday Nov.16th, from 5-7pm. $2 for pizza! CHRISTMAS BY CANDLELIGHT: TODAY is the LAST DAY for all women to sign up for a place at our Christmas celebration. Come join the excitement on Dec. 7 at 5:00 PM as we view all the beautifully decorated tables followed by fantastic food and the inspirational message of JUSTIFIED. Don't miss it - sign up TODAY on the table at the top of the ramp. If the lists are full, definitely SIGN THE STANDBY LIST! We always have cancellations, and we have NEVER had someone without a seat! ***Anyone attending Christmas by Candlelight is invited to sign up to bring an appetizer, salad, or dessert. Please FOLLOW the Food Guidelines also available on the table to help make everything run smoothly in the kitchen - a very hectic job! ANY IDEAS on how we can gr ow St. Mar k? Please join an informal gathering on Wednesday, November 19 at 7:30 pm in the Luther Room to share your thoughts. May the Lord continue to expand and strengthen His kingdom here! HEARTS AND HANDS MINISTRY: Br ead of Life is collecting bread for Davison Ourtreach East food pantry on Thanksgiving Eve, Nov 26th and also on Sunday, Nov 30th. There will be a table set up by the railing in the narthex for the bread. Please bring what you can, every loaf is greatly appreciated. Thank YOU!! BUILDING OVERSEER’S needed for r entals of the church property. The Property & Finance Committee is creating a list of members willing to oversee the building if the Lead Overseer is not available for the rental. Pay is $8.86/hr. If interested put your name and number in Chad Westenfelds’ mailbox. Please respond by November 30. PIE MAKING DATE CHANGE: we’ll be making cr usts MONDAY Nov.17th 6-7pm and start the pies on Saturday Nov.22nd at 9am. Sign up on the Youth Board! PARENTS can help too! THE YOUTH PIE SALE will be going on next Sunday Nov.23rd following the services. Pies are $10 each; apple, pumpkin, or chocolate fudge SUGAR FREE PIES ar e available by advance r equest only for the Youth Pie Sale on Nov.23rd. Please talk to Phyllis Mol or Rose Meinert if you would like one ULTIMATE DATE NIGHT with J ay & Laur a Laffoon will be coming to St. Mark on Saturday Jan.24th! Tickets are $12.50 each (or $15 at the door) and can be purchased through the St. Mark office. This event is open to the public, so invite your friends! You won’t want to miss this—“a marriage celebration even a man will enjoy!” DECEMBER 14 we will be having the Chr istmas Cantata and there will only be ONE SERVICE starting at 9:30am. Bible Study/Sunday School 11:00 am GOD’S NOT DEAD: on Sunday Nov.30th starting at 12pm Senior High will meet in the Youth Room to watch this inspiring film. Pizza, pop, and snacks will be provided, and our future Bible studies will be centered on this concept; so don’t miss the movie! LIVE NATIVITY @COVENANT HILLS: this year St. Mark will NOT be attending as a scheduled group; instead you have the opportunity to attend when it’s convenient for you. It is offered Sat.Dec.13th and Sun. Dec.14th from 6-8:30pm. You can still sign up here at St. Mark to see if anyone else is going at the same time, but you’re free to take your family when you want. CHRISTMAS POINSETTA SALE Orders for red poinsettia plants are being taken. Cost is $20 per plant. (The pot size is 7.5” and the bloom count is 9-15.) Orders must be placed by November 23rd. Make check payable to St. Mark or give cash to Kelli Verran or Chris Dingman. All profits from the sale will go to support the St. Mark Haiti Mission team. SANCTUARY RINGERS- The next oppor tunity to join is in January. A six week commitment and a willing heart to worship with music is a must! Watch the Notes/ News for sign up dates. Co-directors: Derena Olsen and Valerie Beck THE JOYFUL SINGERS are comprised of 6 faithful and talented young voices. Along with their families, they will lead the 4:00 Christmas Eve service. Come enjoy some old and new music and worship the Baby in Bethlehem! Children in 2nd grade through high school are welcome to join in January. COME HEAR Kate Cole speak on behalf of the Flint International Friends Association on Wednesday, Dec. 10. A pot luck brunch at 10:00 will begin the morning as Kate shares information about our local friendship ministry to international students. You won't want to miss the mission opportunity that is on our doorstep! Everyone is welcome. Please sign up at the back table. (Sponsored by Wednesday Morning Bible Study) JANUARY Wednesday Bible study will be based on Donna Pyle's study, Overflowing Abundance. Aside from the resurrection, the Feeding of the 5000 is the only miracle recorded in all four Gospels. Jesus had many other needs to fill that day, but he chose to feed the masses with the Bread of Life. This 6 week study is sponsored by LWML (Lutheran Women's Missionary League) of which St. Mark is a member. Please sign up as study begins January 14th. Cost is $8.50 OUR ANNUAL Voter ’s Meeting is Next Sunday, November 23 at noon. We will be voting for new Board Members and for members of the Endowment Committee. We will also vote on proposed 2015 budget. Proposed budget is located by the balcony steps. Nominees are: Board of Directors- 4 positions: Jer r y Anschuetz, Bill Braham, Joely Denno, Kelli Verran, Mike Young Endowment Committee– 5 positions: Bob Gustafson, Al Jones, Gary Kordyzon, Judy Leinweber, Linda Miller LUTHERAN WITNESS—It’s that time again to renew / subscribe to the Lutheran Witness. The cost is $11.00 per year. Please make checks payable to the church and turn into the office by December 5 JOIN US for the Thanksgiving Eve W orship Service on Wednesday, November 26 at 7:00 pm MIDWEEK ADVENT SERVICES DEC 03 DEC 10 DEC 17 7:00 PM — ADVENT SERVICE 7:00 PM — ADVENT SERVICE 7:00 PM — CHILDREN’S PROGRAM CHRISTMAS WORSHIP SERVICES DEC 14 DEC 24 DEC 24 DEC 25 9:30 AM— CANTATA 4:00 PM — FAMILY SERVICE 11:00 PM — CANDLELIGHT SERVICE 10:00 AM —CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE CANTATA - Bring your friends and family members along on Sunday, December 14th at 9:30 am as the Adult Choir, joined by the Handbell Choir, Joyful Singers, and others present JOY - Jesus Only You . It is such a JOY to praise our Lord Jesus! Come help us celebrate HIS birth. Ladies Night Out at Whitey's in Davison When- Tuesday, November 18 Time- 6:00pm We have a room reserved and everyone will order from the menu. All ladies of the church are invited. You may also invite a friend if you wish. A fun time for fellowship and showing our thankfulness for all our blessings. Sign up sheet is in the back of the church. Please sign up so we have a number to tell Whitey's. There will not be a r egular Ladies Guild meeting in November because of Thanksgiving. DO YOU SHOP at Gor don' s Foods? Did you know that you could earn free merchandise for St. Mark? When you are checking out, just mention St. Mark Lutheran on Daly Blvd. and they will add your points to our account. ST. MARK MEMORY TREE—Again this year members may donate a Christmas ornament in memory of a loved one by simply purchasing an ornament and turning it into the office with your name and who it is in memory of. Ornaments are to be religious in nature thus hobby/theme ornaments are discouraged. Consider ornaments in white, silver, or red for continuity. Ornaments will be placed on a tree at the entrance. NATIVITY SCENE: The 18th edition of the Flint TriCircuit Mission Action Council Nativity Witness – Jesus Is The Reason - will be erected SATURDAY, November, 22, 2014. We will meet at 9 AM at the home of Marilyn Minto, 9007 E. Coldwater, Davison, to load and transport the items to the site at Genesee and Stanley Roads. (Unless there are unexpected developments we will take down the scene Saturday, January 10th.) Thanks for your help these past years. If you have questions, ideas, or donations please contact John Minto (810) 965-5008 or Al Jones (810) 9085398 or THE FAMILY CHOIR - If you have a young child that would like to sing praises to our God, please let me know! I will get you a CD a.s.a.p. to listen to as they learn the songs NOTES & NEWS DEADLINE is Wednesdays at Noon SECRETARY OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 7:30-3:30 pm, Friday 7:30-2:30pm THE GRAND BLANC Ar ts Council’s 27th Annual “Community MESSIAH Performance” will be presented at Grand Blanc’s St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church on Sunday November 23, at 4:00 p.m. The performance is open to all and there is no charge. However, a free-will donation will be gratefully accepted. Come and enjoy this spectacular event as you prepare for the upcoming holiday season. For more information, please go to MARK YOUR calendar s for November 29 at 9:00 am. We will be decorating the church for the Christmas season. A GUIDED Study Tour of Isr ael—Join Rev. Dennis Lassanske, former Pastor of St. Mark and Dave Lassanske on October 12-22, 2015 for a guided study tour through the ancient land of Bible times– Israel. Their experiences in Middle East travel and passion for God’s Word, the land, and archeological discoveries will make this trip a transformational event. During our trip, our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will work to enlighten your understanding of Biblical people and events, stimulate your study of the Word of God and apply understanding by walking the land Jesus walked. Learn more or register at: Stewardship Corner Why does God elevate those of us with few talents, the foolish, and the lowly to be His workers? A reason may be found in 1 Corinthians 1:29: “so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.” It is only by God’s grace that we are saved, called, and equipped to be in His service. If we come into God’s work with impressive talents, we risk taking the glory and credit for ourselves. God desires the weak and the lowly. As Paul said, “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). God uses ordinary people to do extra-ordinary things. Are you ready for duty? Not Just For Kids Examine the Evidence. . . The following is used with permission from “A Closer Look at the Evidence” by Richard & Tina Kleiss The famous “horse sequence” found in most textbooks has long been claimed to demonstrate the evolution of small multi-toed ancestors to large one-toed horses of today. Although it is still being paraded as a fact in textbooks, the sequence has been largely discredited as proof of evolution. The first animals in the sequence more closely resemble small rodents than horses, and many of the later horses have been found in the same rock layers as their supposed ancestors. It is quite easy to arrange similar fossils from smallest to largest and then claim that this proves evolution. In the same way one could place the bones of a Chihuahua, beagle, boxer, and Great Dane in sequence and claim that this proves that dogs have evolved. This is essentially what has been done with the horse evolution series. The various breeds of dogs exist not because they have evolved, but because the information needed to breed the different varieties was present from the beginning. The same is true of horses–no evolution has been observed, only variation within a kind. And God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind:” and it was so. Genesis 1:24 KJV
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