~page 3~ Y|Üáà V{Ü|áà|tÇ exyÉÜÅxw V{âÜv{ Marc Hoogstad (youth pastor) 1105 Exmouth Street 519-336-8808 Andrea V is home from the hospital and is scheduled to see a cardiologist. She is the wife of a nephew to Harry and Betty V and Jake and Lucille V. 1934 – 2014 The purpose of First Church in Sarnia is: LOVE SHARE The love of God is celebrated. The love of God is shared. The love of God mobilizes us to care. W Our Church Family: Congratulations to Jason and Lauren V who were blessed with the birth of a healthy baby boy, John Luke V, early Wednesday morning. Everyone is doing well! We join them in praising God for this precious new life entrusted into their care. CARE Sunday, December 21, 2014 elcome to our worship services today, the fourth Sunday of Advent. Today the focus is “He Is Glorified” – in all things, from the highest place to the lowest. As we prepare the way in our hearts for the arrival of the Messiah, we are moved to worship him. We can’t help but sing his praises as we rejoice in the birth of Jesus, celebrated on Christmas day. We extend a warm welcome to seminarian Ryan Hoogerbrugge this morning,. We pray for God’s blessing on him as he brings the Word, and on us, as we listen and respond to that Word. We also extend a warm welcome to our guests. We pray that you will be blessed by being here today, and will feel encouraged to come again. If we can be of assistance, please ask the greeters, an elder, or at the church office. This evening pastor Jim Poelman and Redeemer CRC will join us in a combined service. This service will include the reading of a Christmas story, where the children will be invited to come to the front. Sursum Corda will also be participating in the service. Following this morning’s worship service, everyone is invited to join us downstairs in the fellowship hall for a time of conversation and coffee, tea or juice. The prayer room upstairs is also always open after the service, and there will be people there to pray for you for whatever concern you may have. Our Church Family: Sandra V had surgery on Wednesday to remove a brain tumour. The surgeon is pleased with the outcome of the operation (more than seven hours long). Sandra was able to respond to simple questions and could move her limbs. Results of the pathology report won't be available for about three days. So, give thanks to God and pray He will continue to uphold Sandra and the family. CHANGES OF ADDRESS: Arnold and Anne D 1940 London Line, Unit 89 Sarnia ON N7W 1B5 Sharon L 49 Lansdowne Ave. Sarnia, ON N7S 1G3 phone 519-336-5862 ~ MILESTONES: Happy birthday and God’s blessings ~ Dec 21 Bert H Dec 28 Henry M Dec 23 Madelyn H Nicole R Carol P Dec 30 John H Dec 24 Bill V Shirley K Dec 27 Jennie K Nicole S Dec 31 Gord E Jan 3 Sophie B Redeemer~ Please keep John H in your prayers. John had his second round of chemotherapy this week. Pray for continued strength and healing. Our sympathy is extended to the family and close friends of Jackie S. Jackie was part of the v family. Our sympathy is therefore expressed to Pauline V, Albert and Ann v, Gerald and Nell V and their extended families. A private memorial service was held for Jackie’s family and friends at the Smith Funeral Home this past Tuesday morning. We pray that God’s promises will fill you with hope even as you grieve Jackie’s sudden and unexpected death. OUR GIFTS WE BRING Today: AM: 1. Ministry Shares 2. Diaconate PM: Lambton Right to Life Christmas Day: World Renew Next Sunday: AM: 1. Ministry Shares 2. NeighbourLink PM: Bible League of Canada ~Deacon’s Corner~ Our second offering this morning is for the diaconate. Our deacons use these funds to provide local financial support to families both within and outside of our fellowship. Our evening offering is for Lambton Right to Life, an agency that supports women who wish to keep their babies, and who speak out against abortions. ~page 4~ ~page 5~ ~Our thanks today to~ ANNOUNCEMENTS Serving Elders/Deacons: AM: *Brad R, Freda S, Harry V, Carol P PM:*Freda S, JT S, Harry V, Carol P OFFERING COUPONS: Please remember that 2014 offering coupons can not be used in 2015. You can order your 2015 coupons from Mary R. They will be available for January 1. Your cheques will not be processed until after January 1. 2 Coffee Servers: AM: Pete and Sonja V, Fred and Nina V PM: Wayne and MaryAnn D, Alice V, Betty B Jonathan and Kerry B Ushers: Patti K, Sue G Stephen N Projection Tech: John P Sunday School: Pauline P, Maddie K, Kerry B, Lauren T Prayer Room: Fred Z, Diane P Library Attendants: Angela Crich, Sherry Crich, Jeannine Sylvain Nursery: Ethel DePooter, Katie Gallant, Lucille VanderVies, Seth Deelstra Greeters: Sound Tech: ~Scheduled for Christmas Day~ “HARK!” Join many carollers from all walks of life in a Christmas sing-a-long at Tepperman’s in Lambton Mall on Sunday afternoon December 21 from 2 to 3. Chris Hellinga on the piano. Song leaders: No Greater Cause. Special guests: Harmony for Youth Choir. Everyone is welcome to this informal but big event. This is one way we can bring church to the community. CADET NEWS: Thank you congregation for making our Stroop waffles fund raising a success. The funds raised will go towards the registrations for the counselors going to the International Counselor Convention to be held in London, Ontario which is also co-hosted by Bear Creek council. Thank you again for your support and your prayers for the Cadet ministry. Please thank a Cadet Counselor for his work. Serving Elders/Deacons: *Pete VR, Alex K, Alice R, Dianna B Matt and Danielle V, Gerry and Karen V Ushers: Dora B, John R Projection Tech: Ian S Sunday School: NO SUNDAY SCHOOL ON CHRISTMAS DAY Nursery: Lisa R, Amanda Z, Kerry B, Ashley S 2 Coffee Servers: Greeters: Sound Tech: ~Scheduled for Next Sunday, December 28, 2014~ Serving Elders/Deacons: A M: *Carol P, Jake V, Pete VK, Gerry V 2 P M: *Pete VK, Bert H, John P, Dianna B Coffee Servers: Julie W, Jane K, Pete and Carolyn V Arnold and Ann D Ushers: Carol P, John B Nate S Projection Tech: Rick K Sunday School: Pauline P, Maddie K, Kerry B, Lauren T Prayer Room: Pete and Linda W Library Attendants: Helen S, Kelly V, Tracey Z Nursery: Danielle V, Michael D, Heather L, Scott D Greeters: Sound Tech: ~SARNIA CRC YOUTH~ MERRY CHRISTMAS: On behalf of our youth leader team, we would like to wish every teen and family and our supporting community a blessed Christmas this week. May the peace of Jesus be present with you as you celebrate His birth this week! Our programs will resume in the new year. FREE FAMILY SKATE - Pile the family in the car, lace up your skates, and join us at the RBC Centre for free Family Skating on Saturday, January 3 from 6-7 pm. It will be an hour of fun for all ages, families, singles, couples, and friends! See you there! ~Your Fellowship Committee Petition to Demand consultation on Ontario’s sex education curriculum: Please sign the petition on the table outside Betty’s office, if you agree that the province needs to allow more public input into this curriculum. FROM MIRANDA & COLIN MIEKLE: There is a newsletter on the bulletin board from Miranda. Although we as a church don’t sponsor them as missionaries, some of us remember Miranda from when she was a member here, and would like to read about their newest mission. ~page 6~ ~page 7~ FREE FAMILY FUN ON BOXING DAY AT RBC CENTRE Excitement is building for the Annual Boxing Day Public Skate & Hockey Tournament, presented by Sarnia Cabinets, to be held at the RBC Centre on Friday, December 26. The entire day will be a wonderful opportunity for everyone in the community to get out of their house and have some FREE fun! An exhilarating hockey tournament will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on both rinks. The fun continues with a free public skate from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. on the large rink, where your favourite Sarnia Sting hockey players skate! A concession stand featuring delectable treats and hot/cold drinks will be available all day long in support of Sarnia Christian School, so come thirsty and hungry. KIDS CORNER - Mary's Miracle: The birth of Christ is the incarnation of God in human history. Kids Corner presents this dramatic presentation of the miracle of Jesus as seen through the eyes of Mary. Follow the adventures of Liz and his pals every week: subscribe for free at getkidscorner.com. Find more great resources for kids and parents at kidscorner.net. 2014 CBC Christmas Sing-In: Recorded in early December at Montréal's Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul, the 35th annual Sing-In will be broadcast Christmas Day on CBC Radio 2 at 9:00 a.m., and on CBC Radio One at 12:00 noon. The concert can be heard online as of December 10 at http://music.cbc.ca/#/The-CBC-Christmas-Sing-In. HIGH ADVENTURE SUMMER CAMP - Rock climbing, orienteering, rope courses, arts and crafts are some of the activities at this adventure camp high in the Staja mountain region of Romania, where youth are challenged in creative problem solving, facing and conquering fears, team work, compassion and more. You are invited to be a North American Christian role model and come alongside Romanian camp leaders in this unique ministry that empowers youth with the skills to live life well. Additional details can be found at www.crwm.org or contact volunteer@crcna.org THE BIBLE LEAGUE: Did you know that children turn into little evangelists, sharing the Bible stories and songs they have learned with their playmates? It’s absolutely adorable, and it’s also very powerful – children leading other children to Jesus, the greatest teacher the world has ever known. Please pray for these children, and for the teachers who guide and inspire them with the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ! www.bibleleague.ca PURSUE INTENTIONAL BIBLE READING IN 2015: A 2013 survey shows that weekly Bible reading has fallen by half since 1996; only 18% , of Canadians strongly agree the Bible is the Word of God, down from 35% in 1996, and about 1 in 7 Canadian Christians read the Bible at least once a week. The majority of Canadians, including those who identify themselves as Christians, read the Bible either seldom or never. And only about 1 in 10 Canadians reflect on the meaning of the Bible for their lives at least a few times a week. Go to http://www.biblesociety.ca/ for some free daily Bible reading guides and apps. Last Chance to sign up for the Kenya Prayer Safari - You have the opportunity to serve hand-in-hand with local Kenyan leaders by praying with them for ministry centers and people in leadership positions in Kenya's capital city. Join the Prayer Safari on February 5-16. Visit crwm.org/safari to sign up. CONSTRUCTION FOR HEALTH - Use your construction skills to improve health care in Malawi. Serve alongside community workers to repair homes on the Nkhoma Mission Hospital compound, providing suitable housing for hospital staff. The goal of the program is to provide safe and secure housing and support for the work of Nkhoma Mission Hospital in ways that will express our love for, encourage, and strengthen their ability to provide quality healthcare in Malawi. More information available at www.worldrenew.net or volunteer@crcna.org. Nicaragua ONTARIO Youth Team - Join other youth from Ontario on World Renew’s 2015 March Break team to help alleviate hunger in Nicaragua. Work alongside community leaders and youth - building relationships, bridging culture, helping with different projects, and growing in faith and leadership skills. Does this sound like the challenge you're looking for? Contact ibusiman@worldrenew.net for additional details. DENOMINATIONAL MINISTRIES GROUNDWORK - The Incarnation of Jesus and Our Rebirth: Today on Groundwork we dig into John 1:12-18 to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Together we’ll rediscover the deep wonder that is the incarnation of God’s own Son and the holy mystery that brings us into the family of God. Tune in and join the conversation each week: subscribe for free weekly emails at ListenToGroundwork.com, visit GroundworkOnline.com to listen now, or tune in to CHOK 1070 AM at 7:30 am Sunday. Merry Christmas from World Renew - World Renew would like to wish you a blessed Christmas as we remember the birth of our Savior. In the midst of the turmoil and crisis in our world, we can place our hope in Jesus. We can also extend Christ's hope by giving a gift to those who are living in poverty. Thank you for your gifts to World Renew through the Gift Catalog program and through your church offerings to help those who need it most. To find out more, visit worldrenew.net. ~page 8~ First Christian Reformed Church This year, during the advent season, we are including weekly questions in the bulletin. This week, the questions are: • How is your life an ongoing act of worship to Jesus? • How would you describe his glory? What five words would you choose? • Who would be considered the “outsiders” in your community? • How can you reach out to them as an individual? As a church? 1105 Exmouth Street, Sarnia, Ontario, N7S 1W5 (519) 336-8808 Guest Seminarian Ryan Hoogerbrugge Sunday, December 21, 2014 MORNING WORSHIP Welcome He Shows Us His Favour Schedule of upcoming worship services Dec 21 ~ 10:00 am Dec 21 ~ 6:30 pm -combined with Redeemer, held at First Dec 25 ~ 10:00 am Dec 28 ~ 10:00 am Dec 28 ~ 6:30 pm Jan 1 ~ 11:00 am *Call to Worship: Psalms 105, Isaiah 12 Leader: Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name: People: Make known among the nations what he has done, Leader: And proclaim that his name is exalted. People: Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things; Let this be known to all the world. Leader: Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion, For great is the Holy One of Israel among you. *Gathering Hymn of Praise: “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” # 80:1-3 If we can be of assistance…… Youth Pastor Marc Hoogstad (O) 519-337-6485 E-mail: marc.hoogstad@gmail.com Office Hours (at Redeemer CRC) are Tue. and Thurs. from 2 to 5 p.m. Office Administrator: Betty Boot (O) 519-336-8808 E-mail firstcrc@xcelco.on.ca Church Office hours are Tue. & Wed. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. & Thurs. 9 am. – 4 pm Harry Verburg (519-331-8919) E-mail: hverburg12@gmail.com Chair of Council: Recording Secretary: Lucille VanderVies (519)542-3080 E-mail: jakevdv@ebtech.net Clerk of Council: Dianna Brown (519)330-0793 E-mail: dbrown@gamble-ins.com Pastoral concerns: Contact either Harry Verburg (see his info above), or Diane Plug (519)383-1096 E-mail: dplug@ebtech.net Prayer Coordinators Ethel DePooter (519-336-3169) and Ann Veenkamp (519-383-0887) Treasurer: Ray Kapteyn (519-332-0868) E-mail: rkapteyn@hometrak.net Custodians: Doris Calderon & Libardo Rubio (519-491-6609) DorisCalderon25@hotmail.com The Network: www.crcna.org/network Please have all bulletin announcements into the office by 4 p.m. Wednesday Website: www.sarniafirstcrc.com *God’s Greeting *Hymn of Praise: “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice” # 98:2,3 He Saves Us From Our Sin and Grants Us Grace Let your goodness, Lord, appear to us, that we, made in your image, may conform ourselves to it. In our own strength we cannot imitate your majesty, power, and wonder; nor is it fitting for us to try. But your mercy reaches from the heavens, through the clouds, to the earth below. You have come to us as a small child, but you have brought us the greatest of all gifts, the gift of eternal love. Amen. Thank You, Loving Saviour Special Music: “Psalm 96 Sing to the Lord a New Song” Solo and Violin ~Liturgy page 2~ Responsive Reading: Matthew 2 Lighting of the Fourth Advent Candle Song: “All Earth Is Waiting” # 57:1-3 Blessing of the Children: Children ages 3 -grade 4 are dismissed for Sunday School Morning Prayers Offerings: Bert Hoogendam 1. Ministry Shares 2. Diaconate God Speaks to Us in His Word *Hymn of Preparation: “Christ, Be Our Light” # 908:1-5?? Please open your hymnals, as we don’t have copyrights to put the words on the screen Scripture Reading: Luke 2:1-20 Sermon: page 992 Heaven’s Choir God goes Out with Us to Prepare the Way *Hymn of Response: “Angels We Have Heard on High” # 82:1-3 *Benediction *Closing Song of Praise: “Glory Be to the Father” # 959 ***Please allow a few minutes for persons with wheel chairs and walkers to leave the sanctuary***
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