THE MESSENGER Confirmation 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 Wednesday, Nov. 26

A monthly publication of Trinity Lutheran Church, Hayfield, Minnesota
Wednesday, Nov. 26
7:00 p.m.
Community Thanksgiving
Worship Service at Sacred
Heart Catholic Church,
Trinity, Cedar Creek, First Presbyterian, Sacred Heart
Catholic, and East & West St. Olaf are coming together
for a community service to give thanks to our loving and
generous God. Join us on Wed, Nov. 26th, at 7pm at
Sacred Heart Catholic Church for this ecumenical service.
Each year we honor a volunteer organization in town with
recognition, prayer, and a special offering. This year we’ll
honor Hayfield’s Legion Post #330 and the Auxiliary. Be
sure to come and give thanks to the Lord!
Confirmation 2014
This year seven students confirmed their faith on
Reformation Day, Sunday, Oct. 26.
Pictured below,
Front row: Alex Dessner, Ethan Newman-Eastridge,
Logan Branstad, Andrew Pike
Back row: Group Leader Kari Carter, Bradley
Heimer, Connor Tufte, Brady Dahl, Group Leader
Lisa Tufte
Thanks to Kari Carter for this picture. Professional photos were taken by Sonja’s Studio.
Service Group
News and Notes
November SEMCAC project is to bring any food
item you wish to give.
November is Undies Sunday month: Bring socks
and underwear for elementary age kids for emergency use by the school nurse and social worker.
November 6th, 1:00pm: WELCA meets for
Thankoffering mtg. Altar Guild has the program,
Friendship is the hostess. We will check all kits this
day. Please bring sturdy boxes if you can.
December 4th, Noon: WELCA potluck. Love
circle will be hostess.
December 6th BAZAAR, 8:30am-11:30am: Each
family is encouraged to bring an item to sell at this
bazaar. If you cannot, please give $10 to the church
office or at the bazaar. Coffee and rolls will be
December 7th Christmas Eggbake and
BAZAAR, 9am-10:15am: Christian Service
Groups will be asked to donate, work and be
blessed! Free will donations for this meal will go
towards all our mission donations.
December 14th: Love Circle has the church service
at Field Crest.
January 16th, 2015: WELCA has the Birthday
party at Field Crest
Nov. 2
8:00: Zach Nelson, Brady Nelson
10:30: Patrick Reynolds, Jacob Reynolds
Nov. 9
8:00: Jasmine Gustine, Jacinda Gustine
10:30: Lucas Woodwick, Audra Woodwick
Nov. 16
8:00: Lucas Brown, Mason Eastridge
10:30: Carly Hauschild, Carter Jorgenson
Nov. 23
8:00: Ethan Koski, Payton O’ Malley
10:30: Brad Kyllo, Carter Kyllo
Nov. 30
8:00: Rachel Pack, Kayla Rehnelt
10:30: Aubrie Strain, Patrick Towey
ALTAR GUILD: Sharman Walerak
8:00: Kristen Eggler, 10:30: Pat Towey Jr.
LECTORS: Please sign up to lector on the bulletin board in the Narthex, or call the church office.
8:00: Diane Boley, Heath & Kathy Hegna
10:30: Randy Benson family, Joey Sanvick family
Trinity Lutheran Church
P.O. Box 476
Hayfield, MN 55940
(507) 477-2248
Rev. Paul Hauschild, Pastor
QUILTING is on the 2nd & 4th
Thursday of the month (Only
November 13th this month)
from 9am-noon. Bring an item
to share at potluck lunch.
Love & Friendship Circles will meet
Wednesday, November 19th
at 9:00am at the church
Cindy Wiste, Children, Youth and Family Ministry
Brenna Scanlan, Parish Secretary
Chris & Crystal Ebling, Sr. High Youth Workers
Nancy Matti, Sr. Choir Director
Deb Oelkers, Jr. Choir Director
Judy Follmuth, Sr. Choir Accompanist
Mark Nelson, Custodian
Martha Jensen & Allison DeRaad, Organists
There is a story in one of the CHICKEN SOUP FOR
THE SOUL books told by a mother in Costa Mesa,
California. It was a hectic day in their home, she
says, but with 10 children and one on the way, every
day was a bit hectic. On this particular day, however,
this mother was having trouble doing even routine
chores--all because of one of her little boys.
Len, who was three at the time, was on her heels no
matter where she went. Whenever she stopped to do
something and turned back around, she would trip
over him. Several times, she patiently suggested fun
activities to keep Len occupied. "Wouldn't you like
to play on the swing set?" she asked again.
But he simply smiled an innocent smile and said,
"Oh, that's all right, Mommy. I'd rather be in here
with you." Then he continued to bounce happily
along behind her.
After stepping on his toes for the fifth time, Len's
Mom began to lose her patience and insisted that he
go outside and play with the other children. When
she asked him why he was acting this way, he looked
up at her with sweet green eyes and said, "Well,
Mommy, in Sunday School my teacher told me to
walk in Jesus' footsteps. But I can't see him, so I'm
walking in yours."
What a nice story about the importance of being a
role model. Our world still needs them like never
Paul says in 1 Thessalonians: “We always give
thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our
prayers… (because) you became imitators of us and
of the Lord, for in spite of persecution you received
the word with joy inspired by the Holy Spirit, so that
you became an example to all…” (1:2,6,7)
Most of us, when growing in our faith, remember not
classes but people. Relationships. It is people in our
lives who modeled the faith for us so that we knew
what it meant to be a Christian. By watching these
individuals, we received ideas on how to live, deal
with stress, become good parents, have strong marriages, and become good citizens in our community.
This watching and imitating doesn’t end. Keep looking to those who model the godly life.
One idea for us this month is to model a THANKFUL LIFE. Thanksgiving is coming soon and we
need to tell each other how important it is to be
grateful for all God has given us… not just for the
big things, but also for the little things. An attitude
of gratitude goes so far in making us the joyful and
peaceful people God wants us to be. It’s simply a
matter of what we choose to think about. Read Philippians 4:4-9. This is my goal for the month. Let it
be yours, too!
See you in church!… or at the grocery store… or at
the school… or on the street…
Pastor Paul
Adult Education Opportunities
in November
Bible Studies
Tuesday Bible Studies: 6:30am at church and
10am in the Fieldcrest Villa
Thursday Bible Study: 7pm at the church
(switched from Tuesdays). Child care provided (we
are in the Gospel of Matthew)
Sunday Morning Adult Forums
Sunday November 23rd: “Martin Luther & the
Reformation.” We’ll view a good video, recall
what Luther did for our church, and Pastor Paul
will share about a trip he hopes to lead to Germany
in May of 2016 (for the 500th anniversary of the
Sunday November 30th: “Noah.” On this first
Sunday of Advent, we’ll discover what Noah did
and ask the question: “Are We Ready for the coming of the Lord in an evil world?”
Are you interested in joining this
wonderful congregation called
Trinity Lutheran Church? We’d
love to have you as part of our
growing family! Talk with Pastor
Paul soon in you or anyone you
know is interested. A special
coffee fellowship will be served by our Evangelism
& Membership committee. Come meet our new
Every day is a walk with Jesus. We Christians believe
life is spent in the presence of our Lord. Therefore, we
can talk about every day as a day during which we
walk with Jesus. Some days we feel Jesus’ presence.
Some days we feel quite a distance from Jesus. We
boldly proclaim that, regardless of how we feel, Jesus
is there. Jesus walks with us every day.
As we who are Trinity Lutheran Church consider our
financial stewardship over the next few weeks, you
will be asked to think about your use of money and
possessions as a part of your walk with Jesus. This is
most appropriate, because when Jesus walked this
earth with his disciples, he often talked about money
and possessions. If money was a part of Jesus’ first
walk on this earth, it should be a part of our walk with
Jesus today.
We believe that everything we have is a trust from
God, given to us to care for and manage. What we do
with our money is very much a part of our relationship
with our Lord. This will be our focus in the coming
For three consecutive Sundays, November 16, 23, and
30, we will read a bulletin insert and hear a talk in
worship. For three weeks, we will each receive a letter
from the congregation. All of these will focus on our
walk with Jesus, and how money plays an important
part in this walk.
Then, on Sunday, December 7 each member of Trinity
will have the opportunity to complete an estimate of
giving card. On this card, each of us will indicate our
plan for giving for the coming year. This will not only
be a plan for giving to Trinity Lutheran Church, it will
also be a plan for how we will walk with Jesus in the
coming year.
Trinity Stewardship Board
Community Choir directed by Nanci Matti
6th Annual “Messiah” concert to raise money for the
Dodge County Food Shelf. Rehearsals and program
take place at Trinity Lutheran
in Hayfield.
Performance: Sunday, December 7th
at 3pm
(lasts about an hour)
String quartet and harpsichord accompaniment,
area choirs & individuals invited to participate,
music provided, “Hosanna” selections, delicious
dessert following the performance, free will
donation for the Dodge County Food Shelf
Rehearsals: Monday, December 1st, 6pm-7pm
Wednesday, December 3rd, 6pm-7pm
Hope you can join as a singer or come to the performance on December 7th! This is a great way to
begin your Advent season.
September Income:
September Expenses:
$ 722.60
2014 Year-to-date Income: $201,217,21
2014 Year-to-date Expenses $210, 248.11
$ (9,030.90)
Sanctuary Refurbishing Loan Update:
As of Oct. 31, our loan with the Mission Investment
Fund of the ELCA for our Refurbishing project is
down to $65,004.68 We thank you for remembering
the pledge you made towards this. If you have questions about how much you still owe toward your
pledge, you can call the church office (477-2248),
stop in sometime during the week, or e-mail Chris at
Hayfield Area Library’s
Election Night
Spaghetti Supper
Tuesday November 4
Hayfield American Legion
Adults: $6.00, Children under 10: $3.00
Children 3 & under: free
Hayfield Sons of the American Legion
Liver & Onion Dinner
Saturday, Nov. 8 4:00-7:30pm
(Meatball Alternate)
Real Mashed Potatoes
Homemade Gravy
Corn, Fresh Baked Bread
Ice Cream
Hayfield American Legion
$9 per person; $5 for 12 & under; 4 & under free
Carry-out available
Looking ahead…
Trinity Bazaar
and Egg Bake
December 6 & 7
Everyone is encouraged to bring
$10 worth of baked goods, Christmas goodies, crafts,
or garden items to the Bazaar on Saturday December 6.
Sunday, December 7, we will serve an Egg Bake
Brunch between services. Two Christian Service
Groups will be asked to help with that event. All our
proceeds go to our various mission projects, and
local donations.
104 First Street SE
P.O. BOX 476
Hayfield, Minnesota
November Worship Schedule
Sundays 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
9:15 Sunday School
Thanksgiving Eve Community
Worship Service
Wednesday, Nov. 26 - 7:00 p.m. at
Sacred Heart Catholic Church,
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