Our Lady Queen of Peace November 16, 2014

Our Lady Queen of Peace
4696 Notre Dame Lane, House Springs, Mo 63051 636-671-3062
November 16, 2014
Reverend Michael Murphy
Reverend James Beighlie, C.M.
Reverend Donald F. Molitor, Retired
Reverend Dr. Thomas Gerling
Reverend Mr. Paul Turek, Sr.
5:00 pm
7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am
as announced
8:00 am
The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for prayerful
Adoration the last Wednesday of each month from
1:00 to 8:00 pm.
Tuesday after 8:00am Mass
Mr. Bob Ellison
Mr. Curt Baker
Mrs. Debra O’Donnell
Mrs. Terry Ostlund
Bailey Alexander, Thomas Broadbent,
Cathy Carley, Joe Corio, Bev Gregory,
David Holmes, Mary Luebbert, Dave Mills,
Jan Schultheiss, Maria Webb, Tim Webb
Parish Office
Saturday Evening
Holy Days
Monday through Friday after 8:00 am Mass
For vocations 2nd Monday of month after 8:00 am
Rosary before 5:00 pm Mass - Fatima Prayers
included on 1st Saturday
Before 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday evenings
First and third Sunday of the month after 11:30 am
Mass. Make arrangements by calling Parish Office.
4:00 - 4:45 pm or by appointment
As soon as marriage is contemplated, contact one
of the parish priests.
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Registration forms may be found on our website (olqpparish.org/parishregistration.htm), in the
Church lobby or you may stop by the Parish Office to fill one out. If you have recently changed your
status, married, moved out of your parents’ home or graduated from high school, you need to
re-register. Please help us keep our records accurate.
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Thu 27
Mon 1
Sat 20
Sat 10
Sun 5
Sun 19
Wed 6
Sat 13
Sun 27
Sat 3
OLQP Holiday Blood Drive
All Day Confessions
Knights of Columbus Mouse
First Communion
OLQP Picnic
OLQP Quilt Social
OLQP Auction
Early Bulletin Deadline
So all may enjoy Thanksgiving holidays with their
families all articles for the November 30 bulletin is
due on November 18th at noon. Thank you so
much for helping meet the bulletin deadline.
Parish Activities ~
Nov 17 PSR, 6:15 - 7:30 pm
Nov 18 Perpetual Help Devotions after 8:00 am
Quilters, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm,
4:30 - 7:30 pm, Quilters Room
Nov 19 Home and School Child Care, 6:30 pm,
Cafeteria Meeting Room
Home and School Meeting, 7:00 pm,
Nov 20 Choir Practice, 7:00 pm, Church
Nov 21 High School Youth, 6:00 pm, Cafeteria
Nov 22 Ministry of Consolation, 9:30 am,
Cafeteria Meeting Room
Jr. High Youth, 6:00 pm, Cafeteria
Keep Praying
A reminder that Archbishop Carlson has asked us
to pray for peace and justice for all parties
involved in the Michael Brown case. A verdict will
be handed down in the near future and as
Catholics we are asked to keep in mind that our
attitudes should represent Jesus Christ. Say a
prayer every day that God will guide this whole
process and lead us to a peaceful outcome.
Think Ahead
I sometimes get messages on my phone on
Saturday or even Sunday morning from
parishioners asking me to make sure something
gets announced at Mass. I will do what I can, but
I am the wrong person to call. I do not always get
these phone messages until it is too late. If you
want something announced at the weekend
masses, please call Linda in the parish office in
advance and give her the information or go
on-line and use the electronic forms on our web
site. Also, the announcements at Mass are not
meant to be filled with a lot of details. They are
merely an opportunity to let people know what
the event is, a time and date, and where they
should go to find more information, ie. the
bulletin or to talk with someone in the back of
church. You just need to think ahead.
Veterans Day
Last Tuesday morning our school celebrated
Veterans Day by inviting family members, friends
and parishioners who were veterans to attend
Mass in the morning and be our guests at a
reception afterwards in the parish hall. There was
a good turnout of veterans, young and old and
the school children did a wonderful job with their
presentation of songs and essays honoring the
veterans. A special thanks to our 4th grade
teacher, Kathleen Regan, for organizing the event
and a HUGE THANKS to all our Veterans for your
service to our country.
~ fr. mike
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014
Youth Council News
High School Youth Group
Sundays: Nov. 16th, Dec. 7th and 14th
We Welcome New Parishioners
Michelle Baldridge
Fawn Drive
Christopher and Grace (Dorhauer) Johnson
White Clover Drive
Ann Theiss
East Swaller Road
Brian Whidon
Taylor Drive
Recent Baptisms
Brody Matthew
son of Matthew and Lindsey (Horn) Arb
Logan Ignatius
son of Christopher and Grace (Dorhauer) Johnson
Get your homework done before
6:00 pm on Sunday evenings,
invite a friend and join us from
6:00 - 8:00 pm in the Cafeteria
Meeting Room. We grow in
knowledge and understanding of
our faith with the Matthew Kelly’s Decision Point
program. Strengthen your relationship with Jesus
and become the best version of yourself. We also
have time for fun and food.
Save the Date
High School Retreat
“Armor of God”
Camp Trinity, New Haven, MO
January 2-4, 2014
Cost $50 per person
Junior High Youth Group
“St. Louis Super Saints”
Pie Baking and Game Night
Saturday, November 22nd
6:00 - 9:00 pm in the OLQP Cafeteria
All 7th and 8th graders are invited to join us for
an evening of baking pies at our OLQP. Meet us
in the Cafeteria and help us make something
delicious for the homeless ministries at St.
Vincent de Paul Church in the city. We will play
games while the pies are baking. A $5.00
donation will be accepted to defray the cost of
the supplies.
2015 Workbooks for Lectors
The 2015 Edition of the "Workbook for Lectors"
is available in the Church lobby. We would like
each proclaimer or each family with multiple
proclaimers to have a copy of the guide book. If
you are able to make a donation of $12.00 to help
defray the cost of the workbooks, please put your
donation in an envelope marked "Proclaimer's
Workbooks" and place it in the collection basket.
Please do not let your ability to make a donation
defray you from taking one of the workbooks.
If you have any questions please contact Don
Moeller, 314-392-1751.
Pro-Life Bus Trip
Make your reservations now!
Anyone interested in joining Our Lady Queen of
Peace youth and adults on a Charter bus for the
Pro-Life Trip to Washington, D.C., January 21st 23rd, please call, text (314-566-8363) or email
(terry.ostlund@olqpparish.org) Terry Ostlund
so we can put your name on the list and get you
more detailed information. The cost of the bus
ticket is $140. Help us be a voice for the unborn.
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Holiday Cards to Military
We would once again like to ask for addresses
of any family members who are in the Military.
We will publish them in the bulletin and give our
parishioners the opportunity to send them cards
over the Holidays thanking them for their service
to our country. Please call Mary Anne or Cliff
Brandt, 636-274-1838, with your loved ones
Christmas Poinsettia
Fundraiser for SVDP
It may sound too early to be
talking about Poinsettias for
Christmas but we need to
plan early to get the order in
on time.
We will be taking orders for
Poinsettias to be used to decorate our church for
the Christmas Season. All proceeds will go to our
St. Vincent de Paul Society to help those in need
in our community.
We can make your shopping easier and you won't
2015 – Year of Prayer
Are you Spiritually Healthy?
Last year at Christmas, every family received a
copy of Matthew Kelly’s “Four Signs of a Dynamic
Catholic”. It was a very uplifting and encouraging
book on statistics of parishioners within the
average parish. He stated that 6.4% of registered
parishioners contribute 80 percent of the
volunteer hours and financial contributions of the
parish. What if parishes increased the number of
Dynamic Catholics by one percent point a year?
The four signs of a Dynamic Catholic stated were:
prayer, study, generosity and evangelization. The
Archdiocese will begin to examine one sign per
have to worry about the cold weather damaging
your flower in transport. And you can be
remembering your loved one with your donation.
All orders must be placed by December 1st. Please
use this order form and include your payment.
Checks should be made to "St. Vincent de Paul".
Orders may be placed in the collection basket with
the envelope marked “Christmas Flowers” or
dropped off at the Parish Office. For any questions
please call Joanne, 636-274-0590.
6 INCH POTS WITH 6+ Red Blooms $10 _________
Cash or checks accepted, please make your check
payable to SVDP.
year for the next four years. The year 2015 will
concentrate on prayer. During Advent, we will
challenge you to examine your personal prayer life
and show ways that you can increase your daily
prayer life. We will ask you to keep track of your
prayer time one day per week, fill in a form in the
bulletin and return it in the collection basket. We
will keep track of how many forms are returned
and how many minutes of prayer are said in that
day. Hopefully at the end of Advent we will be able
to suggest more ways of praying in your daily life
and see an increased amount of time you will
spend each day in you prayer life.
Amount Paid________________________________
If you wish to have your loved one remembered,
please add their name here (please print clearly)
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Christmas Decorating News
November 16, 2014
Hearing Assist Devices
Maryann Turek has graciously agreed to be the
We have hearing devices available in church for
coordinator for decorating our church for the
those who have hearing disabilities. There are
Christmas Season. She will be needing volunteers
to help decorate on Sunday, December 21st,
three devices, about the size of a cell phone,
immediately after the 11:30 Mass. Please mark
located in the server sacristy (the room to the left
your calendar, the sign up book will be available
of the sanctuary). They are on top of the sound
November 30th in the Church lobby.
system. To use them, put the ear plugs in and
turn on the device to the desired sound level. Each
device is tuned directly into the speaker system. If
you do not like using public ear pieces, you may
Hospitality Sunday
We wish to thank the Girl Scouts for hosting
bring your own. If you need help, ask one of the
priests or the organist, Mr. Bob Ellison.
Hospitality Sunday this month. All are invited to
the Cafeteria for fellowship, donuts, coffee, milk
and juice. There is no Hospitality in December.
We use the Cafeteria to distribute the gifts from
the Jesse Tree to those in need.
Blood Pressure Screening
November 15th and 16th
after Mass in the
Cafeteria Meeting Room.
St. Vincent De Paul
Every Friday Night
Knights of Columbus Hall
Doors Open at 4:30 pm
Bingo starts at 6:45 pm
Everyone welcome!
We are all poor in many ways. We
need the support of fellow Christians
and neighbors to support us in our hour
of need if we are to live happy lives and make
heaven some day.
We would like to thank
Fenton Auto Salvage
for advertising in our parish bulletin.
Because of their generosity we do not
pay for our bulletins to be printed.
Please patronize our advertisers and
thank them for supporting our parish.
For Reflection…
This week do someone an anonymous favor
or send someone an anonymous gift.
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Handyman Raffle
Big Raffle Update
What a great idea that Greg Benefield has come
Last year, we heard numerous
up with to share his Stewardship talents! If we
parishioners suggesting that we lower
could sell out his raffle monthly, our parish would
the cost of the ticket so that they were
generate $4,800 per year with just this one item!
more affordable. Three months have
passed and we have not sold the
We would like to encourage anyone in our parish
number necessary to cover the cost of the raffle
to follow suit and maybe donate some of their
and begin the monthly drawing. Please consider
talents – car repairs, cleaning, yard work, taxes
purchasing a raffle ticket (cost is $50) so we can
or financial consultation, electrician, painter,
begin our monthly drawings at the end of
landscaper, seamstress, etc., etc.
November. The magic number of tickets needed to
be sold now is at 116. We made over $17,500 last
Please use your imagination, see what “gifts” you
year on this raffle and are depending upon its
have been given, and donate your “talent” toward
success to help balance our budget.
helping out our parish.
General Handyman Raffle
St. Ignatius Loyola Church and School
19127 Mill Road, Marthasville 63357
Annual Thanksgiving Day Festivities
The Annual Thanksgiving Day Festivities is our
parish and we rely on this day of hospitality.
The cost is $5.00 per chance and when
Dinner is served from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. It is
100 tickets is sold we will draw a winner.
major fundraiser of the year. We are a small rural
a buffet style all you can eat meal. Prices include
adults $12 (Seniors 62+ is $10); children 6 to 12
is $5 while age 5 and under eat free.
http://www.saintig.com will give you a map
Care Notes
Please check the pamphlet rack in the Church lobby for new Care Notes to help
loved ones who are grieving during this holiday season.
“Grieving at Christmas: A Family Guide”;
“How Christmas Memories Can Bring Healing to Your Grief”
“Celebrating the Holidays Despite Being in a Healthcare Facility”
“Getting Through the Holidays When You’ve Lost a Loved One”
“Pathways Through Your Christmas Grief”
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Christmas season is gloriously heralded in a
delightful celebration that encompasses the joy,
laughter, love and beauty of the holidays! Gather
with family and friends at this “feast for the
senses” – a memorable evening of fabulous food
and entertainment to experience the spirit of
Christmas in an exciting new way! Songs and
carols, dances, stories, comedy, touchingly
re-enacted holiday scenes and more, all while you
feast on a sumptuous dinner! The banquet is set
in the grandeur of a magnificent Great Hall; the
performers are 50 very talented singers, dancers
and orchestra musicians from 16 metro area
parishes. December 6 and 7 at 7:00 pm, Gateway
Banquet & Convention Center in Collinsville IL.
Bed & breakfast rates at Shrine of Our Lady of the
Snows Hotel for overnight guests to combine with
the Way Of Lights. An evening of entertainment,
a four-course gourmet meal with dessert and
beverages, taxes and gratuities only $30 inclusive
for adults; special menu and pricing for
children. Tickets must be purchased in
advance. Order soon to reserve the best tables,
please call 618-409-0015 or email:
November 16, 2014
Seven Days of Inspiration
Take one a day…
and feel great all week!
Day 1
A prayer is never
said in vain.
Day 2
Pick a flower. It’s one
of life’s pleasures.
Day 3
We all get 365 new
beginnings a year.
Day 4
Forgive someone. It ‘s
good for both of you.
Day 5
Your cares will
feel lighter soon.
Day 6
Let yourself laugh.
It feels good!
Day 7
Every day someone’s
dream comes true.
Marriage Encounter
Give the gift that keeps on giving – for the rest of
your life as a happily married couple! The holidays
are a perfect time to consider making a gift of a
Marriage Encounter weekend to each other. Please
call, 314-469-7317, or visit www.stl-wwme.org
to register for the December 5-7, 2014 or
February 6-8, 2015 weekend.
Parish Office email
OLQP Web Site
submit articles for bulletin
Deadline Friday at 4:30 pm
(9 days before publication)
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Our next Eucharistic Adoration is Wednesday,
November 26, from 1:00 – 8:00 pm
Our Gifts to God and Parish
778 registered members
212 online, loose and envelopes used this week
Thank you for your generosity!!!
Special Collections
Retired Religious ...............................$177.25
New Building Fund.................. $762,473.47
Sunday Loose ................................... $682.00
Sunday Envelopes ........................ $12,346.73
Parish Enrichment ............................. $242.00
Total Offertory .......................... $13,270.73
Weekly Offertory Goal .............. $13,000.00
As of November 10, 2014
Contributions Year To Date ..... $234,739.54
Projected to Date.................... $247,000.00
Jesus will also be exposed for Eucharistic
Adoration during the Advent season, every
Wednesday after the 8:00 am Mass and conclude
at 8:00 pm with Benediction.
Collection for Catholic Campaign for
Human Development
November 23
One of the best gifts we can give to ourselves is
time with Jesus in Adoration. In the quiet
moments of our hearts, Jesus heals, restores and
strengthens. Time in Adoration is also a beautiful
way to say: “Thank you Jesus. Thank you for the
fun times and for carrying us in the difficult
Next week’s collection for the CCHD needs your
help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of
poverty in the U. S. by funding organizations that
help people help themselves. With the tradition of
improving education, housing situations and
economic nationwide, CCHD continues to make a
positive impact on communities nationwide. Your
contribution will defend human dignity and help
those living on the margins of our society. Please
give to the CCHD Collection.
Religious Retirement Collection
Thanks You
Start With Prayer
“We can certainly call you friends because of the
“Well done, good and faithful servant; you have
been faithful over little, I will set you over
Matthew 25:21
way you care for our retired members,” writes a
religious brother. Your gift to last week’s collection
for the Retirement Fund for Religious benefits
some 35,000 senior sisters, brothers and religious
order priests. May God bless you abundantly for
your generosity.
God expects us to nurture and develop the gifts
He has given us and then generously give back
with increase. He doesn’t want us to waste or
hoard the gifts He has given us; He expects us to
grow our gifts, use them wisely and be generous
with them.
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Please pray for those who are ill
(parishioners are in bold)
Maryann Barnett
Wally Freihaut
Jackie Nappier
Tim Lodes
Paul McDonnell
Betty Harness
Cheri Bridges
Danielle Enghauser
Joyce Stenger
Andy Nappier
Vicky Duckworth
Janice Robertson
Jan DeClue
Audrey Hastings
Gail Stoechl, former parishioner
Mary Stone, relative of Susan O’Shea
Ashley Bray, niece of Susan O’Shea
Lisa Gibson, relative of Al/Maryann Schuld
Dave Hays, brother-in-law of Bernie/Angie Henning
Cassie Clement, of our community
Julie Reis, daughter of Richard and Nancy Reis
Geraldine Stehlin, mother of Donna Otzenberger
Carol Brennan, sister of Katie Tutass
Virginia Wilson, mother of Linda Gallion
Craig Finley, friend of Nancy Haynes
Gene Barnett, husband of Maryann Barnett
Dave Landers, brother-in-law of Bernie/Angie Henning
Robert Bokern, brother of John Bokern
~those serving in the military, the homebound,
shut-ins of the parish and all in nursing homes. To add
a name please call the Parish Office, 671-3062. Names
will be removed after 3 weeks.
November 16, 2014
Mass Intentions
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
Geneva Freihaut
Ed Krshul
Reverend David Thomas
Geneva Freihaut
Joanne Sutton
Joan Campoy
Raymond Brune
Jacquelyn Peirick
People of the Parish
November 22nd and 23rd
Special Ministers of the Eucharist
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
Larry and Margaret Bottchen, Lisa Drew,
Ralph and Sandy Munzlinger
Cathie Frede, Jim and Carol England,
Rich Ortmann, 1 needed
Tom Broadbent, Chris Camden, Joanne David,
Don Moeller, Margaret Gerling, Bruce Gallion
Michelle Mose, Sharon Schmidt, Clay Gregorc,
Paul McDonnell, Barb Oppelz
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
Al Schuld, Dave Mills
Scott Reimer, Terry Soer
Vicki De Long, Joanne Sauer
John Holmes, Barb Oppelz
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
Gabby Anderson, M. Schwantner, D. Werner
Cameron Beck, Cameron Gerber, Zach Morlock
Alec Poulsen, Alexi Sanchez, Luke Webb
Cooper Dutton, Kate Marting, Jaden Nash
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
We offer sympathy and the assurance of
our prayers to the family of
Rob Strayhorn,
son of Dan and Marie Strayhorn
Don Brooks, Ken Ganey, Ben Slodkowski,
Bill and Donna Clifton, Bart Heinzer
Vince Rocchio, Tim Webb, Jerry Terry,
Butch Mattingly, Doug Bjornstad, 1 needed
Dale Sudholt, Steve Freihaut, Mike Harris,
Larry Whitworth, Chuck Phillips, Pat Craig
Paul McDonnell, Mary Buckey, Cristina Duncan,
Jennifer Younkins, Gary Freihaut, Becca Mose
Thank you for cleaning Church
November 14
Diane Yocom,
Susan Whitworth,
Joanne David,
Mary Weindel
and Marie Pratt
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Christ the King
Cycle A
the image of the king. God, for them, was the Great King
of covenant traditions, the king who entered into a mutual
relationship with His people. Israel’s kings themselves
were conceived of as servants of the Great Overlord,
the anointed ones whose primary role was to shepherd
God’s people. In the first reading, from Ezekiel, that
image of shepherd is applied to the very notion of God’s
The whole notion of shepherd kings was radical in the
ancient world. This is not an image of power, domination
and subjugation, but of leadership and care. Ezekiel’s
words would provide a powerful impetus to the restoration
of Israel after the Exile, a restoration that did not see the
revival of earthly kings, but celebrated the kingship of
God and gave rise to messianic hopes, hopes that
centered on God’s active involvement with His people.
And yet, Ezekiel’s image was not simply that of a
benevolent herdsman; the sheep were responsible to
follow and the shepherd-king would judge his flock. He
will seek out the lost, but they can choose to follow back
or not.
THEME: The journey ends.
On the Feast of Christ the King, the long Church year
comes to an end. Throughout the year, in the Season of
Advent, we looked longingly to experience the presence
of God in our lives. In Christmas we celebrated that
presence of God in our midst. In Lent and Easter we
considered and experienced again the great events of
our salvation, and throughout the Season of Ordinary
Time, we worked at living our commitment to our loving
God who saves us. How have we done? At the end of
our yearly journey with Jesus have we grown in our
faith? Have we lived our relationship with our God any
better? Are we on the way?
FIRST READING: Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17
A key image in ancient Israel’s understanding of God is
SECOND READING: 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28
Eschatological imagery has intrigued humanity from the
earliest times. There is a fascination with dark imagery,
with consideration of the end of the world in a complete
overthrowing of the present order to establish the
Kingdom that Jesus came to announce in power. Paul,
in his First Letter to the Corinthians, seems to suggest
something different. For Paul, the focus is resurrection,
eternal life with God. Jesus Christ is the first. Who He
was and how He lived made a difference; He changed
people, changed them through His ultimate act of
sacrifice for the benefit of all. He is the “first fruits” of
resurrected life. The “end” comes when all earthly
power and authority that stands against God’s will for
His people, that stands against God’s Kingdom, is
What Paul suggests is that this end comes not as some
fiery cataclysm, but when those who have responded to
and followed Jesus have lived in such a way that they
have changed others, that they have contributed to
 At the end of my yearly journey with Jesus, have I
changing the focus away from earthly power and
grown in faith, in love, in commitment? Have I lived
authority to the Kingdom of God. When the Kingdom of
my relationship with God any better? Am I more
Peace is finally established, then Christ will return and
solidly on the way?
present the created order, as it is intended to be, to God
His Father.
For us, then, the Feast of Christ the King is a celebration
of hope, hope that what we have accomplished in the
past year has moved the world closer to God’s kingdom,
hope that what we will do in the upcoming liturgical year
will continue the progress of humanity towards God.
GOSPEL READING: Matthew 25:31-46
 In my relationship with God, do I see God more as a
domineering overlord and a caring shepherd? On
my part, am I subservient to God or a skittish,
dependent sheep? Where is my partnership with
God in these images?
 What is my understanding of the "end." Do I envision
The Gospel reading is Matthew’s vision of the Last
a violent end to the world and a terrifying judgment of
Judgment. This is the last of the five great discourses
humanity, of me, by a just and fearsome God? Do I
in Matthew’s Gospel and sums up Matthew’s basic
envision a peaceful transition into the Kingdom of
teaching about life in the Church, the believing
heaven? Do I simply not know? In the end, what do I
community. The basis for judgment is simply this: how
hope for and, in light of my hopes, what difference
we treat each other is, in fact, how we treat Jesus
does my vision of the end make?
Christ. Our means of expressing our relationship with
God is how we live our relationship with other people.
 Do I really believe that how I treat others is, in fact,
This is the underlying theme of Matthew’s entire Gospel.
how I treat Jesus Christ? Is my relationship with
The imagery of the Last Judgment scene again centers
Jesus really so dependent on my relationships with
on the shepherd. The implication is that, in our lives with
each other, we are cared for, we have all that we need to
live will, we can follow. But there always remains the
choice to stray, to flounder, to wander off, to ignore our
fellow travelers along the way.
What builds the Kingdom of God? How do we acclaim
Jesus Christ as our King? How de we commit ourselves
to this kingdom, to this way of life? The Jesus of
Matthew’s Gospel is clear – by how we treat others, by
whether or not we meet the needs of others, by whether
or not we live the principals of justice, compassion and
Who is King in my life? How I live with others, how I treat
others will reveal the answer.
 What builds the Kingdom of God? How do we
acclaim Jesus Christ as our King? How do we
commit ourselves to this kingdom, to this way of life?