Communicator The Monthly Newsletter of the Sociedad Unida de Baja California United Society of Baja California November 2014 Vol XXXII No 11 P.O. Box 439030 #168 San Ysidro, CA 92143 USBC Thanksgiving Dinner Saturday, November 15, 1:00PM at La Maroma Members $10 Guests $12 Tickets: Julia & Nate Prine 661-100-6259 ROLLS & BUTTER • PUMPKIN PIE • TURKEY with all the fixin’s SWEET POTATOES • CRANBERRIES CRANBERRIES TURKEY • STUFFING • GRAVY • MASHED POTATOES • GREEN BEAN CASSEROLE USBC President Judy Westphal (661) 614-1113 First Vice President Tom Goodman (661) 100-2380 Second Vice President Ken Bell (661) 612-5768 Secretary Beth Frakes (818) 919-6605 Treasurer Tom Reeve (661) 613-1285 Immediate Past President Paul Weekes (661) 612-2186 DIRECTORS Fred Alarcon (661) 612-0552 Nelson Denniston (619) 316-4360 Dave Eliot (661) 100-6240 Tila Ortiz (951) 244-2598 Dewey Roach (664) 631-3345 Elma Sotomayor (661) 614-1301 Dorothy Southern (619) 370-6285 Carmen Valencia (664) 631-3815 Amy Valenzuela (664) 631-2092 ALTERNATES Paul Flowers (661) 613-9355 Kathy Hutzler (661) 100-6060 Greg Richards (664) 609-3092 Bus Trips Dorothy Southern Communicator Dave Eliot Comm. Distribution Kathy Hutzler Education Amy Valenzuela Greeter Carmen Valencia Membership Dave Eliot Nominating Bill Clark Restaurant Tours Tom Reeve Sergeant-at-Arms Tom Goodman Sunshine Amy Valenzuela Website Dave Eliot (619) 370-6285 (661) 100-6240 (661) 100-6060 (664) 631-2092 (664) 631-3815 (661) 100-6240 (661) 110-9047* (661) 613-1285 (661) 100-2380 (664) 631-2092 (661) 100-6240 *cell phone 2 USBC COMMUNICATOR NOVEMBER 2014 President’s Message Judy Westphal I t was wonderful to see so many at our October General Meeting considering the parking difficulties with the Mariachi Festival. My gratitude to Mr. Sergio Sotelo, Admissions Executive at Sanoviv for his informative presentation. Three very important events are taking place in the coming months: Thanksgiving Dinner, election of officers and Board members, and the Holiday Ball. Please be sure to get your reservations in for the Dinner and Ball as soon as possible. Current members will receive their ballots for the election either in this newsletter or by separate mail if your Communicator is emailed. There have been too many Celebrations of Life lately so I am once again pleading with all of you to please be happy, stay healthy and love much! Membership Dave Eliot as of September 30, 2014 Total membership . . . . . . . 265 Welcome new members in September Samuel & Rose Lewis New during the month . . . . . . 2 Treasurer’s Report Tom Reeve as of September 30, 2014 Checking Account . . . . $ 1,980 Savings Account . . . . . . 7,011 Cash on hand. . . . . . . . . . 256 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9,247 NOVEMBER 2014 USBC COMMUNICATOR 3 Abbreviated Minutes Beth Frakes T he USBC General Meeting, held on October 4 at the Rosarito Beach Hotel, was called to order by First Vice President Tom Goodman at 10:10am. President Judy Westphal welcomed everyone and introduced the Board of Directors. She then went seeking and found four October birthdays and one anniversary. Greeter Carmen Valencia introduced today's guests: John Hill, Connie Williams, Sherlyn Brown, Linda Collins, Gordon Hammond, Rose Dillon, Jerry Dillon, Nemo Yazdani, Maria Yazdani, Carol Dayton, John Dayton and Carolina Geer. Minutes of September’s meeting had been distributed and were approved as presented. President Judy Westphal introduced John DiCecco, President of AMAR Friends Foundation Mexico. John informed us of an up-coming seminar and expo in Rosarito for foreign residents, and people considering retirement in Mexico. This event will take place at the Rosarito Beach Hotel October 24-25. Topics from medical care to property ownership will be covered. For more information and to register go to President Westphal introduced today’s speaker: Sergio Sotelo, Admissions Executive at Sanoviv Medical Institute. Sanoviv is a licensed hospital where each guest is treated as an individual person, not a health condition. Sergio emphasized it is important to understand your body at the cellular level through integrative diagnostics and treatments. The approach at Sanoviv is to focus on nutrition, supplementation, and natural medicine. Your experience at Sanoviv will include Biological Dentistry, Mind-Body Medicine, Massage Therapy, Nutrition, and Fitness. For more information go to Nominating Committee Chair Bill Clark reported election time is here and the ballots will be distributed with the November Communicator and counted at the December meeting. Instructions on returning your ballot are printed on the ballots. Amy Valenzuela’s Sunshine and Education Reports on are page 8. Dave Eliot’s Membership Report is on page 3. He is looking for ideas for the Communicator. Paul Flowers has arranged for a speaker on immigration for November. President Westphal is trying to arrange for the Mayor of Rosarito for the December meeting. Ken Bell, reporting for Tom Reeve, had bus tickets available for the October 22 Restaurant Tour to Mr. Pampas in Tijuana. Milo Goehring reported the “Lost in the ’50s” September potluck was enjoyed by all that attended. The Halloween potluck will be on October 18. Costumes are encouraged. Thanksgiving will be a dinner at La Maroma on November 15 (see front page). Julia Prine and Judy Westphal are Co-chairs for the Holiday Ball. See page 6 for details. Organizations making announcements today: Cruz Roja (Paul Flowers); Flying Samaritans (Carmen Valencia); Club de Niños y Niñas (Judy Westphal); Baja California Spay/Neuter Foundation (Penny Cannon); Rosarito Theatre Guild (Greg Richards). The Joke of the Day was presented by Dorothy Southern. The 50/50 drawing was won by Alisia Ward. $56.50 went to her and $56.50 to USBC. First Vice President Tom Goodman adjourned the meeting at 11:35am. 4 USBC COMMUNICATOR NOVEMBER 2014 Editor’s Note: st We’re having a “Dress the Table” contest at our Thanksgiving Dinner! • Bring a Fall- or Thanksgiving-themed centerpiece. You will take it back home. • One entry per couple. • Prizes for the Cutest/Funniest and Most Beautiful. • Popular vote, measured by sound level, will determine winners. • Burning candles not allowed. Battery This is my 51 issue of the Communicator and I thought it was time for some design changes — a “cleaner” look, fewer but larger graphics, the calendar back to one page, making room for photographs. I hope you will take advantage of the returning Bulletin Board “classified ads.” This newsletter will continue to be a workin-progress as I endeavor to keep your interest, and mine. Dave Eliot power source OK. • Remember, you will take your treasure back home. USBC Restaurant Tour Visitour our website Visit website Located at Km 38 on the free road to Ensenada, near Las Rocas Arrive between 5:00 & 6:00 Serving a menu inspired by the cuisines of the Mediterranean and Pacific Rim Thursday, Nov 20 They are offering 15% off all regular menu prices Cash only Check out their website at Reservations: Tom Reeve 661-613-1285 C A L E N D A R Saturday Sunday Saturday Monday 10:00 USBC Meeting Rosarito Beach Hotel Casa Blanca Restaurant Daylight Savings Time Ends Turn Clocks BACK 11:00 Friends of the Library Poker Tournament at Club Marena Clubhouse Doors open at 10:00 10:00 Cruz Roja Board meets at Carnitas Michoacan Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday U.S. Veteran’s Day 2:00 Friends of the Library Meeting at IMAC Library 10:00 Cruz Roja General Meeting, Rosarito Beach Hotel, Salon Quijote Election of President; Bill Clark will speak on “Dying in Baja” 1:00 USBC Thanksgiving Dinner at La Maroma 10:00 Rosarito Theatre Guild Board Meeting at the Theatre in the CINE Building Monday Wednesday Thursday Mexican Holiday Revolution Day Memorial observed 10:00 Flying Sams Meeting at Villas del Mar Clubhouse 9:00 FRAO Breakfast Location varies 2:00 Flying Sams Bingo at Oceana Grill & Café 5:00 USBC Restaurant Tour to Baja Calypso, see page 5 Saturday Thursday 2:00 Independent Footprinter Association meets at Clubhouse Thanksgiving NOVEMBER 2014 USBC COMMUNICATOR 7 Sunshine Amy Valenzuela A t this writing, Dorothy said Bruce is chugging along but very, very slowly. He has lost a lot of weight and the doctors will not let him come home yet. He is with his daughter, a nurse, up in Loma Linda where she gives him TLC as well. We all send him prayers and love. Our condolences were sent to Jim Burton and Rudy Garcia on the loss of their dear friend and roommate Frank Comeau. Frank was very generous to our kindergarten children. We will miss him. Condolences were also sent to Ruthie Davis on the loss of her dearly beloved husband Steve. Education Amy Valenzuela I am still picking up toilet paper rolls which were left at various places for me. Thank you all again for collecting them. I think we have enough to last the year now. ENOUGH. Remember it is Halloween left-overs we look for now to make the Christmas baggies of goodies for the little ones. A new friend has donated a stuffed pinata to use for our party so that is an added delightful surprise. After Christmas, we quiet down for a few months. Date for the party is not known at this time but I will let you know in December. All are welcome to visit and meet the little ones who love to perform for you. More information when I have it. 8 USBC COMMUNICATOR NOVEMBER 2014 BULLETIN BOARD Free non-commercial classified ads for members. Deadline is the 15th of the month prior to publication. Send ad to: For Sale: Top-of-the-line Brothers Looking for: VHS tape player so my Electric Typewriter $30 OBO. Contact Dorothy 619-370-6285 grandchildren can enjoy their Disney tapes. Elma, 661- 614-1301 For Sale: Epson Perfection V500 Photo Scanner, ReadyScan® LED technology for fast scanning, no warmup time. Excellent condition. $45.00 Dave 661-100-6240, 619-488-3303. USBC MEMBERSHIP q New (1) Name q Renewal (2) Name U.S. Mailing Address Please send my Communicator Baja Address (1) E-mail q by E-mail (2) Email q Regular Mail Baja Phone U.S. Phone Cell Phone Mail to: USBC Membership PO Box 439030 #168 San Ysidro, CA 92143 We’ll mail to your U.S. address or deliver to mail room listed: Please check one. q U.S. Address q The Mail Room Box # q Int’l Mail Center Box # q Mail Express & Xtras Box # or drop off at The Mail Room Attn: USBC Membership $15.00/person Make checks payable to USBC Am’t Paid: $ q Check q Cash COMMUNITY AA Rosarito Group Sun Mon Thur 10:00AM, Tue Wed Fri 6:00PM, Sat 3:00PM; Al-Anon meetings Tues 10:00AM Ave. Mar Mediterranco #16 (2 blocks east of Las Brisas Hotel) AA Closed Meeting, Wed 12:00noon, at Flying Sams clinic, Calle Chihuahua #488, Colonia Constitución Contact: 661-614-1678 Al-Anon meetings Tues 10:00AM & Thur 4:00PM, Ave. Mar Mediterranco #16 (2 blocks east of Las Brisas Hotel) Contact: 661-614-1678 Baja Animal Sanctuary Provides help for abused, abandoned and needy animals by spaying/neutering and finding homes. Contact: Sunny Benedict 619-786-7928 Baja California Spay Neuter Foundation Providing low cost spay and neuter clinics in Baja. Volunteers always welcome. Contact: Robin Gunther, President, 661 612 49 03,, Facebook: Baja California Spay Neuter Foundation, website Baja Gold Coast Bridge Club Tuesdays 11:00AM, at Rosarito Beach Christian Church, Km 42.6, TJ–Ens, ACBL duplicate game. Contact: Gwen Castelda 646-155-4036 Baja Scholarship Foundation Provides financial support to superior Mexican students at risk of dropping out of school due to financial hardship. Contact: Judie Desson 661-613-2359 / 760-208-2840 Bajavurah Meets the last Sunday of the month. A Jewish social group whose members live part or full-time in the Rosarito Beach area. Contact: Sandy Eddahbi, President, 213 787-5091 Club de Niños y Niñas Rosarito Affiliated with the Boys & Girls Club of America. Provides positive programs, services and activities for school-age children. Contact: Rosy Torres, President at Cruz Roja Mexicana Voluntarios General Meetings 2nd Thursday 10:00AM, Rosarito Beach Hotel, Salon Quijote Board meets Monday prior to 2nd Thursday 10:00AM, location varies. Thrift Store, located behind Waldo's, is open Monday–Friday, 10:00–3:00, Saturday 10:00–2:00 Contact: Jonah Shafer, President 661-114-7425 cell Diamond Chorale Contact: Mavourneen O’Brien 664-631-3428 / 619-955-6100 DIF Desarrollo Integral de la Familia, a social service agency, provides help for the neediest members of the community. Meetings in English: 2nd Tuesday, 9:00AM, Salon Maya, Rosarito Beach Hotel Contact: Jorge Crosthwaite, 661-612-6077 Flying Samaritans Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at Villas del Mar, 10:00AM. They conduct free clinics for people of Mexico who have no other resources. Medical clinics are on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays, and a hearing clinic is on the 3rd Saturday. The clinic is located at Calle Chihuahua #488, Colonia Constitución. Contact: Patty Siqueiros, President. 661-612-254 or 619-870-9774, FRAO The Foreign Residents Attention Office, located in Suite 107 on the first floor of City Hall, provides information and assistance to international residents. Breakfast meeting on the 3rd Thursday of the month 9:30AM. Location varies. Contact: Oscar Lozano, 661-614-9600 ext 1080 10 USBC COMMUNICATOR NOVEMBER 2014 Friends of the Library Meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month (except December) at the IMAC central library. FOL promotes reading and literacy and works to improve the conditions and collections of the five library branches. Contact: or Carmen Dominguez, President,, (661) 612-3659. Independent Footprinter Association Meets the 4th Saturday of the month, 2:00PM. Turn east at Elektra, clubhouse is 2 blocks up on the left. Membership is made up of peace officers and citizens sympathetic to good law enforcement and its attendant problems. Contact: Harry Ozaroski, President 661-612-5728 Political Discussion Group Meets on Thursdays at 11am at Las Palmas clubhouse, located about a 1/2 mile from Bada Bing and just before the Tapanco restaurant. For info 664 631 3138. All welcome. Rosarito Rotary Club Meets Tuesdays, 8:30AM, Rosarito Beach Hotel. This is a bilingual international club. Contact: Arlene Sieman 661-612-1081 Rosarito Sister Cities Committee Meets the last Thursday of the month, 9:30AM in Room 212 at City Hall. Aims to increase international trade, economic development, and exchanges of culture, educational and social services. Contact: Oscar Lozano, 661-614-9600 ext 1080 Rosarito Theatre Guild Board of Directors meets on the 2nd Tuesday, 10:00AM at their Theatre in the CINES RIO building, #76 Benito Juarez Boulevard, Rosarito (one block south of Elektra) Contact: Sylvia Dombrosky, President 664-631-3320 Square Dancing Wednesdays, 5:00PM at Costa Del Sol Clubhouse. Fun and exercise for adults and seniors. For information, directions and class schedule — Contact: Maggi Wagner 619-272-9538 United Society of Baja California (USBC) General Meetings 1st Saturday of the month, 10:00AM, Rosarito Beach Hotel. Board meets Wednesday prior to the 1st Saturday, 10:00AM, at La Maroma. USBC is primarily a social group serving as the hub of information for the English speaking community in the Rosarito area. Contact: Judy Westphal, President 661-614-1113 PLACES OF WORSHIP Catholic Church Rosarito Centro, English Mass Sunday 9:30AM Fr. John McCormick, Fr. Oscar Villalpando Ramirez 661-612-1048. Calvary Chapel Rosarito Pastor Mike Vincent. Meets at Aqua Calientes #2978. Services: Sunday 9:00 & 11:00AM, Wednesday 6:30PM. Info: 661-612-7915 Grace Fellowship Pastor Jack Westphal, English Service Sundays 10:00am. Km 51 South of Cantamar - Mision Viejo Side"B" Info: 661-614-1113 MX or 858-427-0682 Vonage Hope Chapel Rosarito Located in Baja Malibu, right next to Baja Storage at KM 23.5 along the Tijuana-Ensenada free road. Services: Sunday 11:30AM and Wednesday at 6:00PM Info: 664-609-3557 Latter-day Saints (Mormon) English service Sunday 9:00AM–12:00, Rosarito Chapel, 20 Calle Cantil, 5 blocks west of Benito Juárez off Av. Del Mar. Info: Craig Klein 619-581-7121 or cell 661-106-4812; or Tom Reeve 661-613-1285 Rosarito Beach Christian Church Km 42.6 on Tijuana-Ensenada free road. Sunday Worship Service 9:45AM, Info: 661-614-0009 Pastor: Dr. Tom Ward. Rosarito Church of the Nazare Pastor Gary Tucker. Meets at Calle Abeto & Mediterraneo, 2 blocks east of Crown Plaza Hotel. Services: Sunday 10:00AM, Wednesday 6:30PM. Info: 619-504-9611 NOVEMBER 2014 USBC COMMUNICATOR 11 ALEJANDRO RIVERO NEED A LAWYER? DOING BUSINESS IN MEXICO? Open for mail pickup 7 days a week 8:00AM –7:00PM REAL ESTATE TRUST HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION COMMERCIAL CORPORATIONS IMMIGRATION LAW CIVIL, FAMILY, CRIMINAL & LABOR LITIGATION Rene’s TH E MA IL RO OM at U.S. Delivery & Pickup from Friday Monday, Wednesday, Office Hours 12:00–4:00 OFFICE LOCATED IN PLAYAS DE TIJUANA CANTERA 400, OLE BUILDING. ADJACENT TO BULL RING TEL: US. (619) 270 5379 MEX. (664) 609 4721 / 22 e t a on Full Service, Reasonable Prices Reg. Massage Therapist on Premises Blvd. Benito Juárez 294-B Zona Centro Medicare Solutions Open Enrollment Oct 15 – Dec 7 across from, and a little south of, El Nido Gabriela (Gabby) Ana Arvizu O., Stylist Open daily 661-612-0417 10:00AM–6:00PM Nxt 122*590504*10 Mail Express & Xtras USA MAIL SERVICE IN ROSARITO Visit us. First-time customers get a discount on yearly fee. Ave. Mar Del Norte 115-3, Zona Centro Playas de Rosarito, B.C. Ph. 661 612-2423 Your Most Trusted Office! • • • • • Private Medicare Plans Medicare Complete Plans/HMOs Turning 65 Low or NO COST PLANS Annuities & Life Insurance If you’re unhappy with your current coverage give me a call. Pat Ward (619) 200-3711 Serving Baja residents for the past 20 years. Insurance License No. 0B16363
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