COUGAR BYTES CLANCY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Most information (school calendar, lunch calendar, athletic calendar, student handbook, student and parent resources, the Cougar Bytes and the community link) can be found at our website at: November 10, 2014 CLANCY SCHOOL BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING th The next Clancy School Board of Trustees meeting will be Thursday, November 20 , 2014 at 5:00 p.m. WE NEED SUBS!!! If you are interested in subbing, please submit an application! Applications are available at the office and on our web page! We are in particular need of subs for our aides (playground and resource). THANK YOU! NOVEMBER NOTES!!! CANNED FOOD DRIVE FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER!!! th th November 10 – 13 : Bring a Vet to Lunch Week Book Fair during classes Science Olympiad cinnamon roll sale (order form attached) th November 11 : Pick up cookie dough after school or during conferences! Parent-Teacher Conferences – 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. th Book Fair during classes and 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. November 12 : Book Fair during classes November 13 : HAT DAY!!! (we do not have school Friday) th Last Day to Order Science Olympiad Cinnamon Rolls Picture Retakes – 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Parent-Teacher Conferences – 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. th Book Fair during classes and parent-teacher conferences 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. November 14 : NO SCHOOL!!! November 18 : Cinnamon rolls (take-home orders) delivered to K-2 classrooms November 19 : Cinnamon rolls (take-home orders) delivered to 3-5 classrooms November 20 : Cinnamon rolls (take-home orders) delivered to 6-8 classrooms th th th Board of Trustees meeting – 5:00 p.m. NOVEMBER NOTES, continued! st November 21 : th HAT DAY!!! th November 24 -25 : th th Individual cinnamon rolls delivered to students’ homerooms Science Olympiad November 26 – 28 : NO SCHOOL – HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! PICTURE RETAKES! th Picture retakes are November 13 , 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Have your best smile ready1 FOOD DRIVE! With the holidays right around the corner, we would like to encourage our students to consider giving to help out others in our community. Homerooms will be holding a food drive for non-perishable goods for the month of November. We suggest donating Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner-type items, including but not limited to: boxed stuffing, canned vegetables (beans, corn, etc.), canned cranberry sauce, gravy mix, canned black olives, small bags of potatoes, fried onions, cream soups (for casseroles), and pumpkin pie mix. Thank you! ~MBI Committee FRIDAY IS HAT DAY IN NOVEMBER!!! Support your Clancy Science Olympians by wearing your hat to school! Every Friday for the month of November you can wear your hat for the entire day for $1 each Friday! (Please note that you may wear your hat on Thursday the th th 13 because we do not have school on Friday the 14 !) The money will go to support the Clancy Science Olympiad team as they travel to Bozeman to compete in the State Science Olympiad. To participate in any Hat Day, please bring $1 to your homeroom teacher. You may then wear your hat for the entire day as long as it is not a distraction or offensive to others. All hats must be appropriate for school. If any staff person deems your hat inappropriate, it will not be allowed. Inappropriate use of a hat during any of the Hat Days will result in the privilege being taken from that student(s) with no refund. Please choose your hat carefully and enjoy having the opportunity to wear your hat to school! BRING A VET TO LUNCH WEEK! th Veterans Day is Tuesday, November 11 ! In appreciation of our vets, we would like to extend an invitation to our students th to bring a vet to lunch any day the week of the 10 ON US! Please remember to tell your teacher each morning if you are bringing a guest to lunch! GUESTS, please remember to sign in at the front door! Lunch Periods: K 11:20 - 12:10 1st 11:25 - 12:05 2nd 11:30 - 12:10 5th 11:40 - 12:20 4th 11:45 - 12:25 3rd th th 6 ,7 ,8 th 11:50 - 12:30 12:19 - 1:06 PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES th th Parent-Teacher conferences are November 11 and 13 from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. th th th th The format for our 6 - 8 grade Parent-Teacher Conferences will be the same as last year. All of the 6 - 8 grade th th teachers will be in the cafeteria on the nights of November 11 and 13 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. If you have children in grades Kindergarten through 5 Kindergarten thru 5 th th as well as 6 th th through 8 , please attend the conferences on the day of your grade child’s conference. Example: A family has a student in 4 th th and 7 th grade. The 4 th grade child’s conference is scheduled for Tuesday, November 11 at 5:00 p.m. Before or after you have completed the scheduled th th conference for the 4 grade student, you may come to the cafeteria to talk to the 7 grade teachers. th th If you ONLY have a child in 6 thru 8 grade, please use the following schedule for conferences. Families with last names th beginning with A – M should attend on Tuesday, November 11 . Families with last names beginning with N – Z should th attend on Thursday, November 13 . We hope this format will allow parents and teachers to better communicate compliments or concerns and encourage student success. You may talk with one or all of your child’s teachers; please choose the format that best meets your family’s needs. We request that conferences be kept short, but if you need additional time, you or the teacher may schedule an additional conference at a later date. FYI: Mrs. Cornish and Mrs. Barrett will be at conferences ON TUESDAY NIGHT ONLY! NEW FORMAT FOR 5 TH th GRADE PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES This year 5 grade will be following the same procedures as the junior high conference schedule. All students with last th names beginning with A-M will have the opportunity to meet with all three 5 grade teachers (Ms. Gantt, Mrs. Bloom, and th Mrs. Heitt) on Tuesday November 11 from 3:45 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. All students with last names beginning with N-Z will th th have the opportunity to meet with all three 5 grade teachers on Thursday November 13 from 3:45 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Heitt will meet in Room 177, and Ms. Gantt and Mrs. Bloom will meet in their classrooms (Rooms 175 and 174, respectively). We are moving to this style of conferences due to the fact that students have multiple teachers for different subjects, and we want to give parents the opportunity to personally meet with their child’s teachers for each subject. SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR! Just a reminder that the SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR will soon be coming to the Clancy School Library. The Book Fair will be open during the day for library classes starting on Monday, November 10 th th and will continue through Thursday, November 13 . The Fair will also be open during the evenings of Parent-Teacher Conferences on Tuesday, November 11 and Thursday, November 13 th th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. so that parents may come shopping with their children. PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILDREN DOWN TO THE BOOK FAIR UNATTENDED. The Book Fair will have a great supply of new books plus some of the popular older titles. Please stop by after your conference to look at books, get holiday suggestions, and to buy books. All proceeds from the Book Fair go right back into the library in the form of NEW books. Remember, nothing shows, "You are doing a great job in school," like a book from the Scholastic Book Fair! COUGAR DEN! th Cougar Den will be making a grand return to Clancy School! The Cougar Den is run by the 5 grade students and will offer pencils, erasers, pens, notebooks, pencil grips, and much more! The Cougar Den will be open every Wednesday during lunch (11:30 a.m. - 12:25 p.m.). We hope to see you there, and Happy Shopping!! 2014-2015 CLANCY COUGAR GEAR It is time to order Cougar gear! An order form is attached! The deadline to turn in your order form and st payment is Friday, November 21 ! SORRY, BUT WE CANNOT ACCEPT LATE ORDERS! Please make all checks payable to UAS. MANY THANKS FROM THE SCIENCE OLYMPIAD TEAM We would like to thank all the supporters who bought food and goodies from us at the Halloween Carnival. We raised $400 for competition and materials. A big thank you to Christy Anspach for shopping for food, and to the parents who helped to set up, sell, and clean up. We couldn't have been this successful without all the help and support. Thank you for supporting the Clancy Science Olympians! LOST AND FOUND OVERFLOWING Are you missing any clothing? Please check the lost and found box in the front foyer! Otherwise, we will be putting all th th the lost and found items on tables by the office during Parent-Teacher Conferences, November 11 through November 13 . Please come by and look for any lost and found items that belong to your child. Thank you. DO YOU HAVE THESE BOOKS? We are in need of some books for a new program we will be instituting in our resource department. If you have any of these books and would like to donate them, please bring them to the office: “Put Me in the Zoo;” “I Like Me;” “The Runaway Bunny;” “The Little Red Hen;” “Down by the Bay;” “It Looked Like Spilt Milk;” “Caps for Sale;” “Wheels on the Bus;” “Happy Birthday, Moon;” “From Head to Toe;” “In a People House;” “Mrs. Wishy-Washy;” and “The Rainbow Fish.” HEARTS WANTED!! th No, not yours for a transplant, but big game hearts for dissection in 7 grade science! :-) Last year we had over 30 hearts donated! Thank you! If you would like to donate a heart, cut higher on the arteries and veins when you harvest the heart so that you leave the top chambers intact. If possible, rinse out the hearts and then freeze. Put your name on the Ziploc bag and then bring them to the school or send them with your child. Thanks. ~ Mrs. Carlson DRESS CODE FOR RIDING ON A SCHOOL-SPONSORED SCHOOL BUS The cold is here and the snow is coming! Therefore it is extremely important that everybody riding on a school bus be dressed according to present or possible weather conditions. For students on regular bus routes: when temperatures drop below freezing, warm coats, hats, gloves and warm foot attire must be worn or brought. Students on regular bus routes that do not have the proper attire for inclement weather will be reported to the school administration and the student’s parent/guardian. If the student does not comply, bus privileges may be suspended. On activity trips, any person without proper attire for inclement weather will not be allowed to ride the bus. If wearing a dress or shorts, proper attire must be carried along in case of emergency. This includes students, coaches, chaperones, and all other passengers. Your cooperation in assuring the health and safety of all is appreciated. Thank you. ~Mike Benson, Mgr., Harlow’s School Bus Service, Inc. Phone: 225-3344. SCHOOL LUNCHES Just a friendly reminder!!! Lunches are to be paid in advance! Thank you! BREAKFAST IS SERVED!!! Breakfast is served every morning in the cafeteria from 8:00 – 8:30! The cost is $1.00. If your child is eligible for free or reduced lunch, he/she is also eligible for free or reduced ($0.30) breakfast!!! PLEASE JOIN US! COUGAR BASKETBALL Boys basketball has begun!!! Please come cheer us on! We would love to see you! 7/8 Boys Basketball* October 13th- December 13th Date Location 1st Assembly Opponent Time HCS th 11/10 (7 only) 4:00 Boulder th 11/18 Clancy (7 only) 4:00 11/19 EVMS EVMS 4:00 HCS th 11/20 Clancy (7 only) 4:00 12/5 Clancy White Sulphur 4:00 th 12/6 Clancy 8 Tourney 9:00 th 12/6 Boulder 7 Tourney 9:00 12/8 Butte Central Butte Central 4:00 12/9 MT City MT City 4:00 12/10 Clancy Staff 4:00 Tournament Teams: EVMS, Boulder, Montana City, and Clancy *subject to change COUNSELOR’S CORNER Cougars, We are coming off of arguably the best Red Ribbon Week we have had since I have been at Clancy School! We had a th th week's worth of activities and presentations and had some great feedback and discussions with our 6 -8 graders who participated. The participation with the daily themes was outstanding, from the younger Cougars to the older Cougars, as well as the staff! It brought great awareness to our week! We also did a daily drawing for participation for iTunes cards, those winners can collect their cards at the end of the Healthy Habits challenge! th Our Healthy Habits challenge is now done, with the last drawing to be held first thing Tuesday morning, November 11 ! This 4-week challenge is focused on developing daily healthy habits. We had great participation the first three weeks and I am hoping this last week was even better! We are announcing 5 weekly winners; so far they are: Jeff Meyer, Cameron Johnson, Georgia Engle, Everson Connors, Eryn Lindsay, Joel Melton, Isabella Morris, Curtis Corzine, Bryce Shields, Alexis Ries, Shane Ries, Luke Robson, Sean Gibson, Leanna Brown and Erica Shields.. Great work everyone! All "Healthy th Habits" winners and Red Ribbon Week winners may collect their prizes after November 10 . Please don't forget to try and practice Healthy Habits everyday, all year long! Below is a link to an interesting article that discusses the culture of absenteeism in Montana, and the effects it has on learning and test scores. Did you know Clancy School has adopted a new policy on absences this year? You may find it in the Student Handbook! Have you liked our Facebook page yet? I am making a conscious effort to disseminate more information via our Facebook page when I find it doing my reading and research. We are also trying to do a better job of sharing all of the wonderful things that are happening at Clancy School throughout the school year via our Facebook page! As always, if there is anything I can do to enhance your child's experience here at Clancy School, please do not hesitate to contact me personally. Kevin Flatow, M.Ed. Clancy School K-8 Counselor 406.933.5531 ext. 128 ON LOCATION – NEW SERVICES FOR FAMILY AND KIDS In cooperation with Intermountain, we now have a counselor-therapist right here at the school. This service helps with kids going through many difficult life adjustments or issues that bother them. The counselor, Lance Bischoff, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, has worked with families and children for over six years in Colorado and Montana and can meet with kids and families on Mondays and Wednesdays or after school. Look for future announcements on groups where the kids can also help each other! HMK+ and other insurance plans are accepted for these outstanding mental health services. Private, helpful, practical. Call Lance for an appointment at (406) 897-4472 or speak to Kevin Flatow, school counselor, to get more information. CPC I would like to thank Michelle Popp, Carrie Lindsay, Misty Jacobs and their team of volunteers for all of the hard work to make our Halloween Carnival a great time! Your dedication to our kids and their school is appreciated. Next, I would like to thank all of those who participated in the cookie dough fundraiser; we had another successful sale this year selling over $11,300.00! We will announce our top sellers sometime this week and hand out the prizes. Our top three sellers this year combined for $1,894.00 sold. The proceeds will be split between our playground improvement project and the message center sign project. Please don’t forget the dough will be delivered Tuesday 11/11/14; you can pick it up after school or during the parent-teacher conferences that evening. We will have it staged this year in the maintenance garage, at the west end of the school around the corner from the gym toward the track. Please don’t forget to pick up your cookie dough! We don’t have anywhere to store it. On that note, I am in search of some volunteers to help stage and distribute the items. The truck with the items will be at the school about 1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.; if you can help anytime from 1-ish to 7-ish, please let me know. Thanks again to everyone for their help! ~Travis COMMUNITY NEWS THE NUTCRACKER Queen City Ballet Co. presents The Nutcracker. Living dolls1 Dancing Snowflakes! A growing Christmas tree…there’s nothing more magical than Queen City Ballet’s Nutcracker! Guest artists and a cast of dancers (including three of our own Clancy students: 7th grader, Emme Rosenbaum; and 5th graders, Ellie Goehring and Baylee Toney) fill the stage as th Queen City Ballet presents their 13 annual production of the beloved classic. Join Clara on her colorful, magical journey through the Land of the Sweets to Spain, Russia, China, and France, and see dancing flowers and snow. Lots of beautiful snow! With magnificent dancing, sets and costumes, nothing fills hearts with holiday magic like The Nutcracker. Two performances: Saturday, November 22, 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, November 23, 2:00 p.m. at the Helena Civic Center. Tickets can be purchased at the Civic Center box office or online at HELENA SYMPHONY KIDS SERIES The Helena Symphony invites children and their families to imaginative and interactive performances by the musicians of the Helena Symphony Orchestra. All performances are held at St. Paul’s Methodist Church: November 22 th th Tortoise & The Hare;” January 10 – “BOOM! POW! shh…;” and February 7 – On Your Mark, Set, GO! nd - “The Science Olympiad Cinnamon Roll Fund Raiser It’s that time again! Thank you to everyone who purchased last year. The cinnamon rolls were a delicious success. Please note that bulk orders of rolls will be delivered based on your child’s homeroom. In order to help us, please include an email if possible! *Our own Clancy Kitchen Staff will bake homemade cinnamon rolls for you and your family to enjoy. *All funds raised will be put towards the Cougar Science Olympians’ trip to the State Competition in Bozeman Nov. 24-25th. -Cinnamon rolls are $.50 each and may be ordered by the ½ or full dozen for taking home. -What a great chance to have delicious snacks for the Thanksgiving Holiday!! YUM -Individual rolls will be delivered to students’ homerooms on the morning of Fri., 11/21. -Take home orders will be delivered to students in the afternoons of Tues-Thurs (11/1820). Take home orders will be delivered as follows: K-2 Delivered Tuesday, 11/18 3-5 Delivered Wednesday, 11/19 6-8 Delivered Thursday, 11/20 Please make checks payable to: Science Olympiad (Payment is required with order by Thursday, 11-13-14) _________Individual Rolls to eat at school X $.50= _________ ________ ½ doz. (6) to take home X $3.00= _________ ________ frosted ________ unfrosted w/ container of frosting (so you can freeze them) ________ dozen (12) to take home X $6.00= _________ ________ frosted ________ unfrosted w/ container of frosting (so you can freeze them) TOTAL= _________ Student’s Name: __________________________ Homeroom: ____________________ Parent email: _______________________________________________ Parent Cell #: _______________________________________________
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