November 16, 2014 SATURDAY 4:30 PM SUNDAY 8:30 AM 10:30 AM SATURDAY AT NOON SUNDAY: MONDAY: TUES - THURS: FRIDAY: 9 AM - 12 PM 9 AM - 8 PM 9 AM - 5 PM 9 AM - 1 PM Benefitting Bella Carabin, a local MQA student, who’s been diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma for the second time. All proceeds go to Isabella’s Wellness Fund for her treatment and care. Sunday, November 16 Noon - 6:00 PM Marble Hall Dinner includes Pasta, Salad and Bread Dine In or Take Out Tickets: $10 donation at the door Directory for Mount Saint Peter Parish Staff Sacramental and Pastoral Life The Rev. Monsignor Michael J. Begolly, D.Min. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Contact Jo Ann at 724-335-2336 ext. 22 for more Information about the Catholic faith. Sacrament of Infant Baptism Contact Father Daniel at 724-335-2336 ext. 14 4 months before the child’s birth to begin the baptismal preparation process. Sacrament of Marriage Contact Monsignor Begolly at least one year in advance of the anticipated date to begin the marriage preparation process. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday at Noon Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Contact Monsignor Begolly to request the sacrament. Pastor + 724-335-9877 ext. 205 The Reverend Daniel J. Ulishney Parochial Vicar + 724-335-2336 ext. 14 Mrs. Pat Policastro Pastoral Associate + 724-335-9877 ext. 210 Ministry to the Sick, Homebound, and Care Facilities Jo Ann McLaughlin - Klemencic Regional Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation 724-335-2336 ext. 22 Mr. Thomas Octave Coordinator of Music Ministry + 724-335-9877 ext. 213 Addolorata Society Sandy Laney Altar Servers Fr. Daniel Ulishney Bereavement Ministry Kevin Bode Choir Karen Frederick 724-339-0710 724-335-2336 x 14 Mr. William Staniszewski Business Manager + 724-335-9877 ext. 203 724-335-9877 x 251 724-335-9877 x 230 Disciples of Vincent DePaul Tom Ferrazzoli Parish Office CALL PARISH OFFICE 100 Freeport Road New Kensington, PA 15068 724-335-9877 (fax) 724-335-9138 Sherri Baker, Parish Secretary ext. 201 Kathy Waltonbaugh, Financial Secretary ext. 202 Lynette Focareta, Office Assistant ext. 222 Jerry Garvey, Maintenance ext. 219 Pastoral Council JohnPaul Bertucci Jennifer Lombardo Maryellen Schroeder Michael Brock Jim Matta Linda Henkel Ted Opalka JT Tuskan Finance Council Mary Calvanese Thomas Roberts Daniel Casper Ronald Valasek Environment & Art Virginia Mrvan Faith First Coordinator Margie Staniszewski Festa Committee Frank Robertson Foodbank Maria Guzzo Gardeners of Eden Ann Grogno Greeters Gretchen Marra Holy Name Society John Mandak Homebound Ministry Pat Policastro 724-335-3181 724-337-0352 724-895-3888 CALL PARISH OFFICE 724-335-0789 724-351-4400 724-339-2261 724-335-9877 x 210 Liturgical Ministry Schedules Amy Gablick 724-337-0437 Men’s Bowling League Robert Susini Mercy Meals Sandy Laney Soup for the Soul Phyllis Bordell St. Anthony Guild Nancy Brock Trash & Treasure Cindy Donaldson Ushers Dom Flocker 724-337-8464 CALL PARISH OFFICE Mary Queen of Apostles School Catherine M. Collett, Principal Pre-K - 8th Grade 724-339-4411 724-335-0345 724-339-0806 724-337-9472 724-335-4153 THIRTY - THIRD WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME + NOVEMBER 16 - 22, 2014 LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Saturday, November 15 - St. Albert the Great 4:30 PM Bruno Saccardi (Wife Helen & Daughters) Thursday, November 20 8:00 AM Rosary Sunday, November 16-33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 AM Maria DeMarco (Family) 7:45 AM Rosary 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 NN All Living & Deceased Parishioners Joseph Costanza (Wife & Family) Liturgy of the Word with Children Sacrament of Baptism Friday, November 21 - The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Lillian Sendykar (Family) Monday, November 17 - St. Elizabeth 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Todd Zaken (Jo & Victor Stanziano) Saturday, November 22 - St. Cecilia 12:00 NN Sacrament of Reconciliation 2:00 PM Carapucci - O’Leath Wedding Tuesday, November 18 - Dedication of the Basilica of 4:30 PM Pearl Odrey (Barbara & David Keibler) Sts. Peter and Paul 8:00 AM Rosary Sunday, November 23 - Christ the King 8:30 AM Tisha Bruni (Family) 7:45 AM Rosary Wednesday, November 19 8:30 AM All Living & Deceased Parishioners 8:00 AM Rosary 10:30 AM Evelyn Spataro (Caterina DeFina) 8:30 AM Vera Donahue (Leonard & Lena Liturgy of the Word with Children Chakan & Family) 3:00 PM Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration Regional Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday Thursday 3:00 - 5:00 PM 8:30 - Noon Mount Saint Peter St. Margaret Mary Regional Confession Schedule Wednesday Saturday 5:45 PM 12:00 NN 1:00 PM St. Joseph Mount Saint Peter St. Margaret Mary Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Jesus tells of a man going on a journey and what he leaves behind for his servants to care for. The industrious and reliable servants return double the amount they received. One servant plays it safe and simply buries his gift, knowing the man to be a hard master. Playing it safe is something we are familiar with. Common wisdom suggests that we err on the side of caution: “Better safe than sorry.” The master in this parable lives more on the edge: “No guts, no glory.” The anticipation of the imminent second coming of Christ in the years after his resurrection gave rise to many practices. Some Christians lived ascetic lives in the manner of John the Baptist; others proclaimed the message of Jesus in the towns and villages: “Repent, the reign of God is at hand.” Still others lived quiet lives of service. They all started with the same belief. They believed they had been given a gift from God in Jesus Christ. They believed the Messiah had come at last. They knew that at the end of the age, God’s reign would be established and justice would prevail. Those first Christians knew that baptism meant transformation. They made conscious decisions to live as Christ would have them live. They shared things in common, worshiped at a common table, and faced rejection, persecution and death for the promise of eternal life with God. In the towns or on the road, Christians felt the need to spread the good news - to bring back double what they had been given. Christian discipleship is uncompromising in its demands. If we accept the gift of faith, we are required to double its yield in whatever way of life we choose. We know it as certainly as the cautious servant knew his master. Matthew does well to include this story in his gospel as a reminder that belief is not enough. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Mount Saint Peter Parish PARISH NOTES Baptism This weekend, we welcome Lucia Daniele Cecchetti and Avery Bryce Shurina into the Church through the saving waters of Baptism. We rejoice with their parents and with all who celebrate their newborn lives in the family of God. MQA Calendar Sale Today MQA School’s fundraiser this year is a 2015 Lottery Calendar based on the 3-digit nightly drawing. The cost is $25.00 with a total payout of $11,000. Please support our fine school with your purchase. They make great gifts! Calendars will be sold after all Masses this weekend. Computer Classes for the Technologically Timid The final session will take place Sunday, November 16 from 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM, Leishman Avenue Site of MQA School in the Cafeteria. St. Anthony Guild Meeting The St. Anthony Guild will hold its November meeting on Tuesday, November 18 at 7:00 PM in Marble Hall. Please bring your rosaries. Guests are welcome. Youth Group Thanksgiving Party On Thursday, November 20, the Youth group will be hosting a Thanksgiving dinner. Please join us and bring along your favorite dinner dish that you would wish to share with the group. We will meet at 6:00 PM in the Upper Room. Please contact Jo Ann with any questions and to RSVP: 724-335-9877, Ext. 206 or New Lector Workbooks With Advent and a new liturgical year coming very soon, lectors should pick up their workbooks for 2015, now available in the library in the Parish Office. Page Four Festa-Style Food Sale Next Weekend Mille Grazie to all who came out to help make the lasagna, stuffed shells, meatballs, sauce and soup. It was a mini-festa production going on. We are so grateful for your support and dedication! Sale will take place on November 22 - 23 after Masses. Lasagna - $30 (yield 6 pieces) Stuffed Shells - $6 dozen Meatballs - $5 per 10 Sauce - $5 per quart Soup - $5 per quart (Wedding or Stuffed Pepper) Second Collection Next Weekend At the Masses next weekend, we will be asked to join in solidarity with the poor through the annual collection for the Diocesan Poverty Relief and Catholic Relief Services. For more than thirty years, DPR/ CRS has helped the Church to be a helping hand to poor and low-income people in our diocese and throughout the country. DPR grants have supported self-help projects to provide affordable housing, create jobs, promote living wages, and improve communities. Help America’s 32 million poor break the cycle of poverty, not just for a day but for a lifetime, by giving generously next weekend. DVD Lending Library Coming Soon Tired of typical TV viewing such as sitcoms, political talk and reality shows, or crime investigation show retreads? The Disciples of Vincent de Paul invite you to consider a different way to spend time in front of your television set. Look for the new Mount Saint Peter Parish DVD lending library in the church vestibule across from the Disciples of Vincent de Paul book rack. Choose faith formation DVDs for children or adults, movies for family viewing, or movie and TV miniseries classics that depict the life of Christ, the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the lives of the saints. The DVD lending library will be maintained on a self-serve basis so please do your part by responsibly signing out with your name and telephone number for only one DVD at a time, and by returning it to the DVD library within two weeks. If you have faith formation DVDs that your children have outgrown, or adult faith formation DVDs that you would like to share with the parish by donating them to the DVD library, call Tom Ferrazzoli at 724-337-6167. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Mount Saint Peter Parish Page Five Mount Saint Peter Parish Annual Financial Report and Commitment Form November, 2014 Dear Parishioners: For the past 8 years, I have asked our parishioners to increase their donations in the Sunday offertory to keep pace with the increases in expenses. The faithful response of so many has helped us to keep our accounts in the black, and for that I thank you! Once again, I am asking each household to prayerfully consider increasing your contributions this year. As in your own home expenses go up, so they also go up in the Church. Our goals for 2015 are: • to start work on repairing & re-pointing the stone work on the school and church; • to fund increases in operational costs; and • to fund social ministry to the poor in our area. As you evaluate your own finances, please evaluate your regular giving to Mount Saint Peter Parish. An increase in your giving can equate to a surprisingly small amount when compared to sacrifices in discretionary spending. For example: Sacrifice Monthly / Weekly Change A meal at a McDonald’s restaurant $24 / $6 Take Out Lunch once a week from a deli or sub shop $37.00 / $9.25 Pizza once a week $50 / $12.50 As society continues to move away from using cash and checks for every day transactions, Mount Saint Peter Parish has made it easy for parishioners to make their regular contribution with electronic payment utilizing the automatic EFT deductions. Please review the enclosed brochure which outlines the EFT Electronic Giving program in more detail. Then complete the response card and brochure and return to the parish by November 1, 2014. I thank you for your prayerful response to the 2015 Offertory Appeal and ask God’s continued blessings upon you and your family. With every good wish, I remain Sincerely yours in Christ, Monsignor Michael J. Begolly 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Mount Saint Peter Parish Page Six Study Scripture and Make the Holidays Holy Advent not only prepares us for the birth of Jesus Christ (his first advent), it also prepares us for his return (his second advent). What better way to get ready for Christmas spiritually this year than by spending time discussing the Sunday readings and the homily. You are invited to participate in one of four small faith sharing groups that will meet weekly and reflect on the four readings of Advent starting Sunday, November 30 and continuing up to Christmas. Meeting details include: • Sunday evening meeting in Marble Hall starting at 7:00 PM and led by Kevin Bode • Tuesday morning session in the Volunteer Room following morning mass and led by Tom Ferrazolli • Tuesday evening meeting at the home of J.T. and Anita Tuskan in New Kensington starting at 7:00 PM. (449 Lynn Ann Drive) • Thursday morning session in the Upper Room following morning mass and led by Tom Octave • Session held exclusively for residents of one of the local senior citizen high rises. If these times don’t work for you, the Adult Faith Formation team would be happy to help you establish a group that meets on another date. You can get more information by going to the MSP web site and scrolling for the article on Advent Small Faith Groups. To register, simply send an email to Anita Tuskan at or call her at 412-798-0280. Bring your Bible, print out the readings from the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops web site and get ready for some lively discussion. All are welcome. Addolorata Advent Luncheon The annual Addolorata Society Advent luncheon will be held on Sunday, December 7 at Hillcrest Country Club beginning at 12:00 NN. Cost is $20 per person and guests may be invited. Members may purchase their tickets at the church office during the week of November 17 and after all Masses on November 22-23. Deadline is Tuesday, November 25. No tickets will be sold at the door. Be sure to bring your ticket and rosary with you. Know of someone who is hospitalized? When you or a loved one is hospitalized, please call the Parish Office to let us know. Most hospitals do not inform the parish that a parishioner has been admitted. We are eager to visit parishioners to offer pastoral care and support. Please help us by keeping us informed. A Peek at the Week . . . Monday Faith First RCIA Ezekiel 37 Prayer Group Pastoral Council Discernment 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Tuesday Faith Sharing Group 6:30 PM Saint Anthony Guild Meeting 7:00 PM 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM 6:30 PM MQA School Convent Marble Hall Convent Chapel Rectory Dining Room Marble Hall Wednesday Eucharistic Exposition & Adoration Legacy Society Meeting Church Library Thursday Youth Ministry-Thanksgiving Dinner 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM MSP Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Upper Room Church Friday Wedding Rehearsal 6:00 PM Church Saturday Carapucci/O’Leath Wedding Catholic Relief Services Collection Food Sale 2:00 PM All Masses All Masses Church 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time M I N I S T E R S Mount Saint Peter Parish Page Seven November 22/23 Altar Servers Readers Eucharistic Ministers 4:30 PM Saturday L Waltonbaugh K Sharrow, C Litterio A Zito G Hall K Waltonbaugh, R Iseman Remaley M Lifka, E Hannon S Dolmajer 8:30 AM Sunday E, T & J Fontana L Henkel V Bruni A Meledandri, L Abel S Laney, M Watson A, R & S Tatrn 10:30 AM Sunday J Bain C & A Aikins C Brennan B Aikins E Wittkopp, M Aikins J Casper, A Gablick V Fisher L & F Trozzi C Hutchinson READINGS FOR THE WEEK COLLECTION REPORT Mass Attendance 737 Sunday Envelopes Used 425 Sunday Collection EFT (32) Greeters $ 10,817.00 $ 898.00 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Lk 18:35-43 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Lk 19:1-10, Rv 4:1-11; Lk 19:11-28 Rv 5:1-10; Lk 19:41-44 Rv 10:8-11; Lk 19:45-48 Rv 11:4-12; Lk 20:27-40 Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 Keep up to date with what’s happening at our parish website:
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