Document 429230

St. John the Evangelist
Catholic Church
San José Mission
800 Gornto Road, Valdosta, GA 31602
Phone: 244-2430 Fax: 244-5352
November 16, 2014
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pastoral Staff
Fr. Brian LaBurt,
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, 12:00pm
Fr. Paul Ladda,
Parochial Vicar
Spanish Mass
Saturday Vigil: 7:00 pm at San José
(Lake Park)
Deacon David Lasseter
Adoration Every Sunday (Chapel)
Silent-10:30-11:30 a.m.
Devotional-3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Pastoral Emergency 506-5483
Deacon Columbus Carter
Deacon Pete Falkenhausen
Deacon James Burns
Daily Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 12:10pm
Wednesday: 6:00pm
Friday: 8:10 am
Saturday: 4:00pm
Deacon George Heise
Nursery available during the
9:30 am and 12:00 pm masses
Deacon Paul Worth
Baptism Class: First Tuesday
7:30pm- CHAPEL
Church Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm
(Closed for lunch 1:00–2:00 pm)
Contact the church office at least 6 months in advance.
Church Office Staff
Lynn Barfield, Office Director/
Religious Education for Youth
Michelle Kirkpatrick, Bookkeeper/
Bulletin Editor
Lynne Salek, Office Assistant
Mass Intentions for the week of
November 16, 2014
Saturday, November 15
5:00 pm
+ Lorraine Oliver
Sunday, November 16
7:30 am
9:30 am
12:00 pm
+ Larry Mayer
+ Bond Crosby
People of the Parish
Monday, November 17
12:10 pm
Special Intention
Tuesday, November 18
12:10 pm
+ Kenneth Carter
School Staff
School - 244-2556
Chris Wilson, Principal
Marian Mitchell, Secretary
Christy Hatcher, Bookkeeper
Parish Ministries
Parish Council 2014-2015
President, Lee Crosby - 251-6628
V.P., Ryan Hogan - 563-3001
Secretary ,Terri Filtz - 247-1125
RCIA, Paul & Sue Worth, - 263-5659
Nursery, Hanna Everitt - 247-8942
Campus Ministry,
Bethanie Brogdon561-4456
Children’s Liturgy,
Suzie Puckett- 242-8603
Wednesday, November 19 6:00 pm
Thursday, November 20
12:10 pm
+ Angela Clements
Friday, November 21
8:10 am
+ Helen Ritchie
Mass intentions
Mass intentions may be made at the church office. A donation per
Mass will be collected at the time the intention is made.
St. Francis Center
Sr. Nuala Mulleady
Tues., Wed., Thurs. 10:00-2:00
2nd Saturday of each month
Phone Numbers
Convent - 244-0050
Parish Center - 249-9281
Knights of Columbus - 247-4913
+ Lea Filtz
Welcome New parishioners
If you are new to St. John, please register at the Church office.
Altar flowers may be purchased
from the florist of your choosing.
Please call the church office
to check the calendar for
Protecting Our Youth
Diocesan policy requires that all diocesan adult
employees and volunteers who minister to
the youth of the diocese attend VIRTUS (safe
environment) awareness training.
For more information call (912)
201-4073/4074 or visit
brick Garden
Honor a loved one or special
occasion with a brick in our
Brick Garden. Bricks are $100
with an inscription of your
choosing. Come by the church
office to order.
Catholic campaign for
Human development
Next week’s Collection for the Catholic Campaign for
Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD
was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United
States by funding organizations that help people help
themselves. With the tradition of improving education,
housing situations, and economic development, CCHD
continues to make a positive impact in communities
nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and help those living on the margins of our society.
Please give to the CCHD Collection.
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
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November 16, 2014
“Well done my good and faithful servant.” With those words the master in Jesus’ Parable of the Talents smiles
and rewards his servant. We often cite the Parable of the Talents in relation to stewardship. Because of our
understanding of “talent,” we may assume that this is a parable about skills and those kinds of gifts.
Of course, in this case, a “talent” is a unit of money. Scholars assume that the master is wealthy; therefore,
whether one received five talents, two talents, or one talent, they most likely received a huge amount of
money according to our standards. That is not the stewardship perspective of this parable. Each of us, just as
the three servants in the parable, has received multiple gifts from God (the Master). The question posed by
Jesus, and the question we must be prepared to answer at our own judgment, is “What have you done with
the gifts you have received?”
Everything we have and everything we become are gifts from God. Like the stewards in the parable, we have
been given gifts. Do we develop those gifts and do we share them, or do we “bury” them and really do nothing
with them? Those who do the former, return them with increase to the Lord, are not only complimented, but
embraced and invited: “Come share your master’s joy.”
Catholic Stewardship Consultants, Inc.
Next Weekend’s Readings
Our Lord Jesus Christ
King of the Universe
November 23
Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17
1 Corinthians 15:20-26,28
Matthew 25:31-46
“Arise, soldiers of Christ, throw
away the works of darkness and
put on the armor of light.”
Saint Cecelia
Feast Day
November 22
Holiday Bulletin
Articles for the November 30th bulletin must be submitted to the
church office by Wednesday, November 19 at 9:00 am. If you need
something in the bulletin, please make sure you submit it on time.
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Members of the Parish
We Need You!!
On Monday, November 17 at 10:00am, we need 20 to
25 people to help clean the pews prior to the holiday
events. All it requires is YOU, your buckets and
cloths. This maintenance is in addition to the weekly
scope of work. Please call Janice Murphy at 563-2321
to put your name on the volunteer list and plan to
spend a few hours shining up the church.
Discernment Retreat for Young Men
(Ages 18-40)
It takes good information, prayer, and guidance to discover your
true vocation. Our annual discernment retreat for men age 18-40
is designed to help you better understand all vocations and give
you the tools you need to listen to God’s call.
Inspiring talks by priests and seminarians
Mass and Eucharistic Adoration
One-on-one spiritual direction
Time for personal prayer
Discussion with other men who are discerning their vocations
Little Ocmulgee State Park & Lodge,
80 Live Oak Trail, Helena, GA 31037
(south of Dublin, Georgia near McRae)
Arrive Saturday December 27th from 11:00am-12:00pm;
Depart Sunday December 28th at 2:00pm
or call 912-201-4113
Parents night out
Save the Date!!!!
The High School Youth Group will be providing babysitting
on Saturday November 29th following the 5:00 pm Mass
until 9:30 pm. Children ages 3-12 are welcome. Cost is $10/
child. Discount for multiple children. Sign up this weekend
after all the masses. Space will be limited!! Make plans to
take advantage of a night out and a chance for some early
Christmas shopping!
Week of November 2
Debt Reduction
$ 15,521.76
$ 2,446.60
Thank you for your
Online giving
Sign up for online giving
and select the Online
Giving link. Call the
Church office if you need
assistance. Online giving
is a way to remember
your church even when
you are away.
Diocesan loan balance
November Payment
Debt Reduction $3,425.60
Total Payment $7,072.50
Parish Goal:
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
$ 91,035
$ 83,721
$ 79,805
Golden and Silver
Wedding Anniversary
Mass February 8, 2015
Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been
faithful over a little, I will set you over much…”Matthew 25:21
God expects us to nurture and develop the gifts
He has given us and then generously give back
with increase. He doesn’t want us to waste or
hoard the gifts He has given us; He expects us to
grow our gifts, use them wisely and be generous
with them.
blue mass
A Mass honoring law enforcement personnel,
firefighters and other emergency responders will be
held on Saturday, November 22, at 10:00 a.m. This
is sponsored by Council 4913 and Assembly 2022.
All are welcome! If you have any questions, you may
contact John Ashburn @ 352-989-2612.
Couples celebrating Silver & Gold (25th
& 50th) Wedding Anniversaries in 2015
are invited to a special Mass and light
reception in their honor at the Cathedral
of St. John the Baptist in Savannah, GA.
on Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 11:30
with Bishop Gregory Hartmayer. Those
wishing to attend should contact the
church office to register by December
15, 2014.
Many thanks!!
Saturday, December 7, 2014
8-11 a.m. in the Parish Center
Ages 11 - Adult $5, Children (ages 4-10) $3,
Ages 3 & Under - Free
Tickets on Sale at the Door.
For more information call Hannelore Jones 244-2605
or Connie Kloberdanz 247-0546
We will be collecting White Elephant
items during November. Please place the
items in the collection box in the vestibule.
Thank you to all who participated in
the Chicken in Every Pot event.
We received 81 chickens and were
able to give Sr. Nuala 50 chickens to
distribute for Thanksgiving dinners
and we were able to take 31 to the
Horizon Shelter. If you were unable
to contribute last week, you may
drop a chicken off at the Church
office or make a charitable donation
to St. Francis Center. The Knights of
Columbus Ladies Auxiliary are truly
grateful for your generosity!!
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Prayer Requests
For Those Who Have Died
Ruth Bosman
Bernie Dorneden
Clyde Pruner, brother of Bob Pruner
Larry Faletic
Angelo Christiano
For our sick
George Pruner, Jose Antonio Sanchez,
Andrew Rumker, Salina Rumker,
Terri Filtz, Ben Stubbe, Joan Pickens,
Tammy McDonald, Jennifer Mills,
Samuel J. Miller, Joe Stavoli,
Teresa Wetherington, John Lukens,
Bob Johnson, Lynn LaHood,
Shirley Wright, Makensie Gorham,
Annie Jo Chambers, James Puckett
Fr. Dan O’Connell
Sick or in the Hospital
If you have a family member in the hospital,
please call the Church office so they may be
included in the hospital visits made by our
priests and deacons.
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is a lay
Catholic organization for men and
women who serve the Church on a
voluntary basis in almost every
country. Meetings are Mondays at
10:00am. in the Parish Center
Conference Room. For information
please call Betty Murphy at
Mitchell & Rebecca Brice
Joseph & Agnes Corbin
Paul & Laura Dunning
Michael & Nitza Feran
Kris Jensen & Christi Schauteet
Steve & Cayce Meadors
Sean & Ansley Panizzi
Raymond & Katiana Tremblay
Arunas & Jolanta Urbonas
Please contact the Church office if you would like someone
added to the prayer list. Names will be published for one
month. If prayers are needed for longer, please notify us.
Sunday Morning Adult Education
We continue to watch and discuss world-famous Catholic speaker
and teacher Father Robert Barron’s renowned ten-part series
Catholicism. This week’s topic:
Peter, Paul and the Missionary Adventure
The class will meet in the Maturi Room from 10:45 to 11:45am.
Each film in the series is independent of the others so that you can
attend all or certain ones that interest you.
(Rite of Christian Initiation
for Adults)
RCIA sessions continue following the 9:30 Mass in the Parish Center
conference room (10:45-11:45 AM). You are welcome to attend any
of these sessions. For more information contact Deacon Paul at
229-263-5659 or e-mail at
We will explore the following topics:
November 16 – Stewardship
November 23 – Judge the Living and the Dead, Christ the King, Liturgical Cycle
November 30 – The Second Coming
December 7 – Confession of Sins – Reconciliation
December 14 – Discernment and Praying the Rosary (This is the last session
for 2014. Sessions resume on January 4, 2015.)
Holiday Bake Sale
Let the Council of
Catholic Women help
with your Thanksgiving
baking! On November
22nd and 23rd, there will
be a bake sale in the
Parish Center after
each Mass.
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
November 15/16
C. Dowling M. Meacham
5:00 pm
D. Metzger
K. Metzger
C. Genter
G. Harmon
A. Martinez
7:30 am
9:30 am
B. Kindley
D. Martin
K. Register
W. Register
W. Kozuch
J. Kozuch
12:00 pm
J. Marcoux
W. Okuma
B. Lanier
B. Lanier
T. Drake
C. Meadors
November 22/23
5:00 pm
J. Cabral
M. Doner
W. Filtz
S. Boinski
T. Thomas
L. Salek
S. Boinski
A. Rivera
A. Ashburn
7:30 am
9:30 am
S. Findlay
T. Doscher
M. Doscher
H. Dennis
M. Burns
C. Hotcaveg
12:00 pm
J. Peters
G. Peters
I. Bauer
R. Bauer
R. Beier
R. Amiot
November 15/16
7:30 am
+ T. Falkenhausen/
D. Savoie
+ J.D. Peterman
9:30 am
+ E. Roy/V. Price
5:00 pm
M. Gerber
November 22/23
T. Ellis
L. Peterman J. Rowe
A. Kang
12:00 pm + A. Premus/C. Moore C. Meadors
5:00 pm + D. Savoie
7:30 am
S. Manning 9:30 am
A. Petty
+ M. Rozier
N. Savoie
I. Kassum
S. Rozier
B. Meindl
+ E. Roy/E/ Dinkins K. Kenworthy S. Vicente
12:00 pm +A. Agbali/J. Betlow A,. Premus
N. Brown
November 15/16
November 22/23
5:00 pm
Carol & Ray Genter
5:00 pm
Ralph & Myra Guarino
7:30 am
Columbus Carter & Family
7:30 am
David & Donna Nolan
9:30 am
Anita & Tom MacFarlane
9:30 am
Diane Culpepper
12:00 pm
Denise Plumly
12:00 pm
Carmen & John Wilkinson
November 15/16
November 22/23
5:00 pm
7:30 am
Michelle Kirkpatrick Denise Retterbush
Mike Mikovitz
Gayle Whitley
5:00 pm
7:30 am
Sr. Nuala Mulleady
Dave Metzger
Bonnie Rainey
Rebecca Meindl
9:30 am
Tracy Fendley
Lee Crosby
9:30 am
Ryan Hogan
Micha Hogan
Marilyn Singletary
12:00 pm
Ted Bilak
Sheryl Dasinger
12:00 pm Patrick Hilgert
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church