The Next Stated Meeting for Sandston Masonic Lodge is: Thursday, November 20, 2014 Stated Communication Stated Attire: coat & tie FISH Organization Donation Request - Hamburger Helper Stated Menu: tossed salad, fried pork chops, green beans, mashed potatoes with gravy, roll, ice cream & cake "Freemasonry: A Beacon of Light" Notes from the East November 2014 Congratulations to our youngest Fellowcraft, Brother Donnie Journey, and to the Degree Team for a job well done. The October stated was a special and memorable occasion, Past Masters Night. There were 15 Past Masters present as Worshipful Jack Quel presided in the East and presented the program for the night which was on the Forty-Seventh Problem of Euclid. The remaining chairs were filled and served as follows: Wor. Donald James Hoy - Senior Warden Wor. William Dixon Martin – Junior Warden Wor. Thomas Johnson – Treasurer Wor. Thornton Douglas Guthrie, Jr. – Secretary Wor. Sherman Levitt McLaughlin – Senior Deacon Wor. Paul Herbert Newbill – Junior Warden Wor. James Edward Gifford, Sr. - Chaplain Wor. George Maurice Throckmorton, Sr. - Marshal Rt. Wor. Winfred Otto Isgett, Sr. – Program assistant It was an honor having all the Worshipful Brethren present and conducting the Lodge business. Thank All Of You! The November 20th stated program will be on the Masonic Home. We will have a 50 year and a 25 year Masonic Veteran presentation. Come on out, dinner at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. “… so should our hearts continually glow with gratitude to the great and beneficent Author of our existence, for the manifold blessings and comforts we enjoy.” Have a Happy and safe Thanksgiving! Timothy Paul Evans Master 2014 ** keep up with your lodge activities online at ** Past Master’s Night 10/17/2014 (from left to right): Wor. Jack Milton Quel (1964), Wor. Donald James Hoy (1965), Wor. William Dixon Martin (1976), Wor. Sherman Levitt McLaughlin (1978), Wor. Paul Herbert Newbill (1980), Wor. James Edward Gifford, Sr. (1981), Wor. George Maurice Throckmorton, Sr. (1982), Rt. Wor. Winfred Otto Isgett, Sr. (1990), Wor. William Joseph Clark (1999), Wor. Thornton Douglas Guthrie, Jr. (2002), Wor. Eric Douglas App (2006), Rt. Wor. James Willis Burton (2008), Wor. Carlton Andrew Hall (2011), Wor. Thomas Johnson (2012), Wor. Robert Dale Hartsoe, Jr. (2013) Past Master’s Night 10/17/2014: Wor. Jack Milton Quel (1964) ** keep up with your lodge activities online at ** Brother George Washington’s 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me to “recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:” Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enable to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us. And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best. Given under my hand, at the city of New York, the 3d day of October, A.D. 1789. G. Washington ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Masonic Minute – Rt. Wor. Guy Blankinship, III Are Freemasons an Arm of the Illuminati? Though the Bavarian Illuminati was known to recruit disenchanted Masons, there was no direct link between the two organizations, and the original Illuminati died out as an actual organization in 1784. Later revivals of the Illuminati were pseudo-organizations concocted by esoteric impresarios with no power and minimal status in the legitimate Masonic milieu. ** keep up with your lodge activities online at ** Dates to Remember – Please mark your calendars and join us! The Charles Fleming Masonic Class meets every Thursday night in the Sandston Temple at 7:00pm unless a stated or called meeting is taking place. If you haven’t been to lodge in a while, this class is a great place to come back and reacquaint yourself with the lodge and its brethren. Please come and learn or come and help other learn! Thursday, November 20, 7:30 pm – Sandston Lodge stated meeting. Dinner starts at 6:30pm. Saturday, November 23, 9:00 am – Masters and Wardens Association meeting, Westhampton Masonic Temple, Breakfast at 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, December 2, 7:30 pm – Henrico Union no. 130 stated meeting. Dinner starts at 6:30pm. Thursday, December 11, 7:30 pm – Sandston Lodge stated meeting. Dinner starts at 6:30pm. ** ELECTION OF 2015 OFFICERS. Please attend if you can. Friday, December 12, 7:00 pm – Sandston & Henrico Union Lodges Officer Installation. This will be an open meeting and you are encouraged to bring your family! Please come support Bro. Harmon! Celebrating Masonic Birthdays Bro. Dennis Ray Cable, Sr. Bro. Randy Coleman Stevens, Jr. Bro. David Charles Dillard Wor. Robert Dale Hartsoe, Jr. Bro. George Robert Simmons 2 years 2 years 5 years 8 years 14 years Bro. Robert Wayne Muncy, Jr. Bro. Addison Duke Askew Bro. John Harold Yancey Wor. Ronald Everette Butler, Sr. Bro. David Jasper Irving, Sr. 28 years 42 years 50 years 52 years 53 years Total Masonic Years: 256 years ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brethren, 2015 dues cards have arrived. Grand Lodge dues have gone up $7.00 for a total of $45.00. Sandston dues remain at $92.00 for a total due of $137.00 for 2015. If anyone is interested in an LMIP please contact me. We still have 19 Brothers who have not paid 2014 dues. That comes out to $2470.00 dollars that is needed by your lodge to keep the lights on. Please fulfill your Masonic obligation and remit your dues as soon as possible. If you are in need of Masonic relief, please contact the Worshipful Master. Fraternally, Doug Guthrie, P.M., Lodge Secretary ** keep up with your lodge activities online at *** From the West Pat Harmon – Senior Warden Brethren, as most of you know I had a total knee replacement previous to our October stated meeting and therefore could not make that meeting. However, I look forward to being with you all at our November stated. So you can get your calendar marked I also want to announce our joint installation of officers for 2015 year with Henrico Union #130 which is set for Friday, December 12th. This will be an open installation so bring your families. That will be the day after our December stated meeting. More details are to follow. I look forward to seeing all of you in November. God Bless, D. Patrick Harmon, Senior Warden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prayer & Praise Report From the South Bobby Mawyer - Junior Warden Brethren... Report from the South is as follows. Many thanks and please any Brethren as you deem appropriate. I have had few calls or emails in a couple months... Greetings from the South Brethren! I hope this finds you well. As with those in the South before me, I ask for your assistance in addressing the prayers of those who are in need. Likewise, and in accordance with the wishes of our Worshipful Master, it is only right to also recognize the praises of which we can be thankful. Hence, please let me know of those things in your life, or the lives of others, for which we can be truly grateful. Please contact me to relate Prayers and Praises. I may be reached by email at or by phone at (804)350-9283 and I look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, please keep the following brethren and their families in your thoughts and prayers: Rt. Wor. Bud Sanders The Family of Bro. Billy Blaylock Bro. RC Stevens and Family Wor. Robert Hartsoe Bro. Ed Renick Bro. Sammy Terry Wor. Eric App and Family Bro. Jeff Fleming and Family Wor. Tim Evans Wor. Charles Chisenhall Bro Steve Simmons Bro. George Throckmorton, Jr. The family of Bro. Charles Papoy, Jr. who passed away September 30, 2014. Likewise, let us be thankful for: Good friends and Neighbors! ** keep up with your lodge activities online at *** In Memoriam Charles Papoy, Jr. WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE Sept. 30, 2014 BORN July 22, 1932 INITIATED June 01, 1959 PASSED June 22, 1959 RAISED Aug. 20, 1959 Rest In Peace Sandston Masonic Lodge No. 216 LMIP (Life Members in Perpetuity) list Alton N. Adams * Jimmy D. Chisenhall Thornton D. Guthrie, Jr. William D. Martin William L. Osby Frederick W. Adams * William J. Clark Donald P. Harmon Wilson B. Martin James L. Peters * Jack Adkins David R. Cooper David J. Irving, Sr. -v Charles R. McKann, Jr. Dale F. Phelps * Leon E. App Thomas E. Dunston Winfred O. Isgett, Jr. Sherman L. McLaughlin Edward O. Renick, Jr. Eric D. App Jennings L. Entsminger Winfred O. Isgett, Sr. James M. Mehfoud Jackie L. Ricks John V. Bandy John G. Fisher John D. Jenkins, Sr. Ronald P. Molnar Lewis R. Sugg * Nathan M. Barrey -v Charles J. Fleming * Millard N. Jinnette, III Robert W. Muncy, Jr. Curtis L. Thompson Guy M. Blankinship, III Stuart W. Fowler * Bernard R. Lafontaine * Robert W. Muncy, Sr. Robert L. Wies Billy L. Blaylock James E. Gifford Charles R. Lewis, III Alvin R. New * James W. Burton James G. Gilbert Robert W. Mantlo * Arthur S. New * Ray L. Calhoun * Ronald W. Gray William D. Martin Paul H. Newbill * = deceased -v = Masonic Veteran ** keep up with your lodge activities online at *** IMPORTANT LODGE INFORMATION * DUES INFORMATION ** Lodge dues for 2013 are $130.00 ($92 for your lodge/$38 for Grand Lodge) and are now PAST DUE. Lodge dues for 2014 are $130.00 ($92 for your lodge/$38 for Grand Lodge) and are now DUE. Please pay your dues with the lodge secretary as soon as possible to help your lodge and keep yourself current. If you need assistance with your dues, please contact the Worshipful Master. Sandston Lodge no. 216 AF & AM Blood number with Va. Blood Services is: 1767 ** Reminder ** Just a friendly reminder that in compliance with one of the Grand Masters’ Edicts, the 1st day of every month is Masonic Recognition Day. On this day each month, please wear clothing or pins with the Masonic emblems or symbols in support of our fine craft. Have nothing to wear? Sandston No.216 still has hats and golf shirts available. Report all changes of address in writing to the Secretary. Report all cases of illness or distress to the Junior Warden or any officer. Officers contact info is on page 8 of this bulletin. Lodge Mailing Address: 40A W. Williamsburg Road, Sandston, VA. 23150. ELECTED OFFICERS FOR 2014 Worshipful Master Senior Warden Junior Warden Treasurer Secretary Senior Deacon Junior Deacon Bro. Tim Evans Bro. Pat Harmon Bro. Bobby Mawyer Wor. Tom Johnson Wor. Doug Guthrie Wor. Jennings Entsminger Bro. Mike Page 804-615-5651 804-781-0998 804-350-9283 804-677-5454 804-932-3347 804-932-3009 804-387-0249 APPOINTED OFFICERS FOR 2014 Chaplain Tiler Senior Steward Junior Steward Marshall Lodge Instructor of Work Lodge Education Officer Wor. Jim Gifford 804-737-6174 Bro. Robert Hartsoe, Jr. 804-314-5061 Bro. R.C. Stevens, Jr. 804-737-4216 VACANT Rt. Wor. Wimpy Otto Isgett, Sr. 804-357-2000 Wor. Andy Hall 804-795-2816 Rt. Wor. Guy Blankinship, III 804-932-3451 none ** keep up with your lodge activities online at *** SANDSTON MASONIC LODGE no. 216 A.F. & A.M CHARTERED FEBRUARY 12TH, 1930 The Sandston Lodge is located at 40 West Williamsburg Road, above the post office, with entrance on the Confederate Avenue side of the building. Monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM, except Dec., then 2nd Thursday. Dinner precedes the meeting starting at 6:30PM in Gonchegulian Hall. PHONE: 804-737-8717
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