to view this month`s Communication.

The Massachusetts Lodge
A.F. & A.M
Regular Communication
Monday, February 16, 2015
BOSTON, MA 02111
For more information visit our web page —
The Massachusetts Lodge A.F. & A. M.
The 2689th Regular Communication of The Massachusetts Lodge will be held
at the Masonic Apartments at 186 Tremont St. Boston, Mass on:
Monday, February 16, 2015
Lodge opens on the 1st Degree in Form.
To receive reports of Committees and transact any business that may come before the
Report of the investigation committee on the candidates
Ballot on candidate:
Dihamel Millared:
378 Norfolk St., Dorchester, MA 02124; DOB: 12/21/86; Born: Brooklyn,
NY; Occupation: Sales
Fraternal Visit:
Receive the District Deputy Grand Master and his Suite of Distinguished Master
Closing of the Lodge
DINNER in the Grand Master’s Dinning Hall
The Massachusetts Lodge of Festive Board
By order of:
Wor. Laurence J. Zoll, Master Bro. Brandon W. White, Secretary
The Massachusetts Lodge A.F. & A. M.
Farewell Bro. Al-Mamlouk & Good Luck!
Bro. Al-Mamlouk closing TML in the East
Bro. Al-Mamlouk adorning the Master’s Jewel
Bro. Al-Mamlouk and Wor. Zoll (left) & Wor. Lopez (right)
Lodge Of Instruction
Dinner Reservations Required
Dinner reservations are required by all officers, Brothers and their guests. The charge
for dinner is $10 per person to partially offset the full cost of this dinner. For
reservations contact Bro. Mark P. Barrett: (781) 405-3646 or
Reduced price parking is available at the Ritz Carlton Garage next door to Grand Lodge
for a fee of $5 Monday thru Friday after 5pm all day Saturday and Sunday. Purchase
your tickets from Bro. Jeremy S. Harold. This is the only parking arrangement the
Lodge provides.
Schedule of Main Events
February 7:
March 21st:
Family Bowling at Lucky Stripe at 2P.M. Please contact Bro.
Jeremy Harold for details and to RSVP at either or (617) 501-5707
2nd Degree Work
Cradles to Crayons Service Events at 10A.M. Please contact
Bro. Tommy Nogueira for details and to RSVP at either or (781) 223-2744
3rd Degree Work
~ February Birthdays ~
04 Gary P. Ahern
04 Christen W. Hoedt
04 Stamatios S. Karvouniaris
14 Howard R. Hernandez
17 Samir C. Bichara
18 Stanley E. Winnett
24 Russel J. McFarlane
27 Peter N. Racheotes
28 Dan Seligman
Please visit the Masonic Health System
or call toll-free: 866-753-5429, local: 508-2482840, for more information.
February Anniversaries
06 Barry P. Bassett
06 Christopher A. Baugh
06 Matthew W. Hemond
06 Norberto B. Perez
07 Ryan L. Aiken
07 Samir C. Bichara
07 Whitaker B. Irvin Jr.
07 John J. Vieira Jr.
10 Richard A. Monahan
18 Paul S. Williams
25 Theodore J. Andreadis
29 Alan M. Alexis
32 Artie Bennos
32 Charles P. Kostopoulos
37 George Geraniotis
45 Nikiforis V. Miminos
53 John Coules
55 George J. Sarmaniote
59 Stephen Kaloyanides
From The East
month we initiated three new Entered Apprentices. All of our officers
did a fantastic job with the ritual and gave our youngest new members an
experience to remember. We had a great crowd for a night at the end of a long holiday
weekend, and I hope that everyone there was as impressed by the work of the evening as I
know the candidates were. I know that sometimes ritual can be tedious for those of us who
have seen it many, many times, but let’s not forget the work that goes into it and that it’s
always someone’s first time seeing it. If you come out to support the candidates I guarantee
you’ll get something new out of it yourself.
This month we’re trying something a little different. After our meeting we’ll be having a Festive
Board! A festive board is very similar to a table lodge in form and function. There are seven
toasts, a U shaped table, and a ton of fraternity. The major difference is that a Table Lodge
occurs in open Lodge as part of the official meeting, and a Festive Board happens after the
meeting is closed. Since the lodge is closed during a Festive Board we have a little more
freedom and flexibility with the toasts and the way the whole meeting is conducted. If you’ve
never been to a Festive Board, it’s sure to be an exciting experience!
Beyond our meeting this month please look to attend the following social and service events
coming up soon:
February 7 – Family Bowling at Lucky Strike at 2pm. Please contact Bro. Jeremy Harold
for details and to RSVP at either or 617.501.5707
March 21 – Cradles to Crayons Service Event at 10am. Please contact Bro. Tommy
Nogueira for details and to RSVP at either or 781.223.2744
As always all of the upcoming events are on the calendar at under the
member portal, so if you haven’t registered yet, get to it!
Looking forward to seeing you on February 16th!
Cordially and Fraternally,
Wor. Laurence J Zoll
Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts
District Deputy Grand Master, First Masonic District
D.D.G. Marshal: Wor. Antonio Lopez
D.D.G. Secretary: Wor. Michael J. Petit
Past Masters of The Massachusetts Lodge
* Joseph Tyler,e …………….1770-72-78
* William Palfrey, f .... ………….1771-79
* John Jeffries, MD ... ………....1774-78
*James Jackson, d …………………1780
* Hon. Perez Morton, h . …………..1781
* Stephen Bruce ........... …………..1782
* Moses M Hays, a,d…………...1783-88
* Col. William Scollay, b,e……..1788-92
* Col. Samuel Bradford, b …….1792-93
* Jonathan Freeman . ………….1793-95
* Capt. Jos Laughton, b,c,d,f….1795-96
* Maj. Gen Simon Elliot, b …….1796-98
* Allen Crocker, Esq, e………1798-1803
* Col. John Boyle, b,e,d,g…..1803-1804
* Capt. Job Drew.……….1804-06-10-16
* Thomas Redman .... …………1807-08
* John Chadwick ........... …………..1809
* Matthew S Parker ... …………1811-12
* Col. Johathan Whitney………1813-14
* Col. Eleazer G House …………..1816
* Col. Daniel L. Gibbens……1817-18-26
* Zachariah G Whitman, Esq….1819-20
* Col. M Roulstone ....... …………..1821
* Enoch Hobart …………1822-39-41-46
* Jedejiah Tuttle ............ ………….1823
* Abraham A Dame, b,e,d,g ….1824-2544-45
* William Emerson …………………1826
* Capt. H H Barton, g …………1827-29
* Nathaniel Cotton ........ …………..1830
* Capt.Martin Wilder, g ...1831-32-42-48
* Francis R Bigelow………….1834-1837
* Henry Bowen .............. …………..1838
* George G Smith,b
* Franklin Baker ……………..1850-1851
* Peter S Wheelock ...... …………..1852
* Francis McDonald………….1853-1854
* Col. Thomas G Whytal…..1855-56-61
* John K Fellows ……………….1857-58
* William Read, MD ... ………....1859-60
*Alfred F Chapman ...................1863-64
*Charles W Slack ...... ..............1865-66
*Charles O Fox .......... ..............1867-68
*George R Emerson .. ..............1869-70
*Henry J Parker ......... ..............1871-72
*Samuel A B Bragg ... ..............1873-74
*Charles D Annable ... ..............1875-76
*Samuel W Creech, Jr .............1877-78
*Hon. Edwin Wright,b..........1879-80-90
*George P Eustis ....... ...............1881-82
*Cassius C Powers ... ...............1883-84
*H L Burrell, MD, g ....... ................1886
*W G Whitney ............ ...............1886-87
*Charles D Wright ..... ...............1888-89
*John F Neill .......... ..............1891-1892
*Henry H Kendall ......................1893-94
*Maj. George E Henry..............1895-96
*Hon. William H Lott .............1897-1898
*Charles A Neill ..... ...............1899-1900
*Charles Lewis ...... ...............1901-1902
*Charles A Heney .....................1903-04
*Edward E Reynolds .................1905-06
*Edward N West,c,g .. ...............1907-08
*John R Griffin .............. ................1909
*William W Chute ...... ...............1910-11
*Ervin A Eastman .. ...............1912-1913
*James G Brown ....... ...............1914-15
*Arthur N Dodge ........... ................1916
*Frank A Rice ............... ................1917
*William A Syer ............ ................1918
*Guy W Jones ........... ...............1919-20
*Henry F Silsby ..............................1921
*Orin E Spooner ........... ................1922
*Wallace G Page ....... ...............1923-24
*Frederick O Harrington.............1925-26
*John Wentworth, g ..................1927-28
*Everett M Studley ....................1929-30
*W Alden Burrell .......................1931-32
*Percy E Yeates ........................1933-34
*Asa F Clark ..............................1935-36
*Athole B Edwards.....................1937-38
*Frank A Moore..........................1939-40
*George E O Anderson..............1941-42
*Henry L Cross..........................1943-44
*Charles M Merritt......................1945-46
*Joseph Shilliday.......................1947-48
*Arthur D Hamilton....................1949-50
*Eugene H Clapp, ll..............1951-62-80
*Walter M Farello, h........................1953
Hale E Roberts...............................1954
*Charles M Hoyt, Jr....................1955-56
* Thomas Bruce Jr.....................1957-58
*S Arthur Verenis, h.........1958-82-83-84
*David G Power........................1962-63
*Henry L Rice.............................1960-61
*Charles H Winchester..............1964-65
*Robert Tarjan .......... ..............1966-67
*Richard A Karibian...................1968-69
George J. Avis,g,m...70-71-79-81-85-86
*John Walter Krey ..... ...............1972-73
Menelaos C. Dalaklis............1974-75-78
John G. Cosmas........................1976-77
*Steve John Gogolos, g,w.........1986-88
Nicholas Darris, h ..... ...............1989-91
Argyrios A. Karalis .... ...............1992-93
David Foster Howard, k,l,w.......1994--97
Gary Paul Ahern ....... ...............1998-00
Leon Halperin, l, h, r . ...............2000-01
William Antonopoulos, w, r........2001-02
*Joseph J. Touchette, w ...........2002-03
Arthur M. Papas, w ... ...............2003-04
*Douglas C. Morgan,.................2004-05
Paul S. Williams,........................2005-06
Frank P. Fotis, m.......................2006-07
Constantine P. Calliontzis, m.....2007-08
Donald A. Haska ....... ...............2008-09
Stephen W. Foy………………...2009-10
William H. Shaw III……….……..2010-11
Charles E. Gould………….…....2011-12
Samir C. Bichara …………….....2012-13
Antonio Lopez…………..……....2013-14
KEY: *-Deceased, a-Past Grand Master, b-Past Deputy Grand Master, c-Past Senior Grand Warden, d-Past Junior Grand Warden, e-Past Grand Secretary, f-Past Grand Treasurer, g-Past District Deputy Grand Master, h-Past District Deputy Grand Secretary, k-District Deputy Grand Master, I-Past
Grand Steward, m-Past Master Lodge of Instruction for the 1st District, r-Grand Representative, w-Joseph Warren Medal
The Massachusetts Lodge A.F. & A. M.
Worshipful Master: Wor. Laurence J. Zoll (Keiko)
4 Pine Street Salem, MA, 01970 Tel: (609) 417-2104 Email:
Senior Warden: Bro. Issam Al-Mamlouk
15 Waverly Street, Apt 140 Brighton, MA, 012135Tel: (617) 899-9345 email:
Junior Warden: Bro. Mark P. Barett
457 Pleasant St, Apt 62 Melrose, MA, 02176-4529 Tel: (781) 405-3646 email:
Treasurer: Wor. Samir C. Bichara
30 Chelsea St Apt 702 Everett, MA 02149 Tel: (617) 721-6193 email:
Secretary: Bro. Brandon W. White
320 Washington St. North Easton, MA 02357-7800 Tel: (847) 894-2074 email:
Sr. Deacon
Jr. Deacon
Sr. Steward
Jr. Steward
Inside Sentinel
Wor. Paul S. Williams
Wor. Antonio Lopez
Bro. Joseph D. Burke
Bro. Jeremy S. Harold
Bro. Gary M. Perry
Bro. Tashane O. Denis
Bro. Ulysses W. Sallum
Rt. Wor. Marvin L. Eatough
Wor. Robert G. Williams
Bro. Howard R. Hernandez
Wor. Paul S. Williams
(617) 327-6306
(857) 251-2708
(641) 512-4346
(617) 501-5707
(857) 225-3940
(813) 789-4589
(781) 859-6244
(617) 666-2970
(781) 326-3652
(216) 905-6356
(617) 327-6306
Masonic Ambassadors
Wor. Frank P. Fotis, Wor. Constantine P. Calliontzis ,
Wor. Stephen W. Foy, Wor. William H. Shaw lll, Wor. Charles
E. Gould, Wor. Samir C. Bichara, Wor. Antonio Lopez,
Bro. Michael F. Hogan, Bro. Mark P. Barrett
Affiliated Past Masters
Wor. Alan M. Alexis: Corner Stone Lodge, Duxburg, MA
Wor. Ian Borden: Rabboni Lodge, Westwood, MA
Wor. Robert Frechette: Golden Rule Lodge, Wakefield, MA
Wor. Bruce M. Newman NehoidenLodge, Needham, MA
Wor. Costa Papadopoulos Rabboni Lodge, Westwood, MA
Wor. George A. Sarifinas: Waltham Triad Lodge, Newtonville, MA
Wor. Milan A. Vaclavik: Rabboni Lodge, Westwood, MA
Wor. Robert G. Williams: Rabboni Lodge, Westwood, MA
Lodge Committees
Representative to Masonic Home
Rt. Wor. Leon Halperin
DeMolay Representative
Wor. Samir C. Bichara
Nominating Committee
Wor. Paul S. Williams -Chair
Wor. Antonio Lopez
Wor. Samir . Bichara
Masonic Awareness
Tashane O. Dennis
Social Committee
Bro. Jeremy S. Harold -Chair
Bro. Jonah Myerberg
Bro. Thomas Nogueira
Investigating Committee
Bro. Issam M. Al-Mamlouk
Bro. Mark P. Barrett
Bro. Joseph D. Burke
Pre-Application Committee
Bro. Gary Perry -Chair
Bro. Joseph D. Burke
Bro. Brandon W. White
Lodge Room Committee
Wor. Larry J. Zoll -Chair
Bro. Issam M. Al-Mamlouk
Bro. Russell J. McFarlane
Broken Column Committee
Rt. Wor. William Antonopoulos
Wor. Frank P. Fotis
Service Committee
Bro. Thomas Nogueira -Chair
Bro. Gary M. Perry
Ritual & Regalia Committee
Wor. Antonio Lopez – Chair & Chief
Wor. Samir C. Bichara
Bro. Jamal F. Taleb
Proxy to Grand Lodge
Wor. Constantine P. Calliontzis
Trustees of Invested Funds
Wor. Antonio Lopez
Wor. Samir C. Bichara
Wor. Charles E. Gould
Ex-officio: Wor. Laurence J. Zoll
Ex-officio: Brandon W. White
By-laws Committee
Wor. William H. Shaw III- Chair
Wor. Samir C. Bichara
Wor. Antonio Lopez
Wor. Frank P. Fotis
Brandon White SEC’Y
320 Washington St.
North Easton, MA 02357
(Return Service Requested)
Mail To:
Regular Communication—Monday, February 16, 2015
BOSTON, MA 02111
For more information visit our web page —