Winter Garden no.165 Free & Accepted Masons

1979 Julian L. Revels *
1980 Gordon W. Giddens +
1981 John H. Linebarier +
1982 Carl A. Sheperd *
1983 Charles D. Counterman +
1984 Bernard C. Williams *
1985 Robert A. Davis + *
1986 Paul W. Tinsley
1987 George C. Woodward*
1988 John W. Carroll + *
1998 L. Wade Rich
1990 Robert R. Jones*
1991 Paul O. Harvey
1992 Veryl M. Summerlin
1993 Darrell W. Clay
1994 Charles F. Roper
1995 Arthur F.Young Jr.
1996 Weldon L.Wichman
1997 Frankie D. Colburn
1998 Thomas B. Jenkins
1999 Rodney C. Hollis*
2000 Lawrence A. Drake Jr.
2001 Reid J. Revels
2002 Robert E. Burke Jr.*
2003 James A. Avera*
2004 J. Steven Teal DDGM
2005 Robert Whyte
2006 Barton "Bart" A. Patria
2007 George "Jabo" Pellam *
2008 Wilbur A. Smith III
2009 Scott Penvose
2010 Ken Lyons
2011 Garland “Gary” Story
2012 Michael Kilgore
Thomas V,
1999, 2000 Lawrence Drake Sr*
1999 John Carroll*
2003 Phillip E Moffses
1999 Craig Frazier 2000 Phillip E Moffses
2004 Robert V Hall+
2001 Fred G McNabb
2005 G Scott Penvose
Past District Deputy Grand Masters
1949 Bruce N Jones*
1966 M.G. Parramore*
Winter Garden no.165 Free & Accepted Masons Worshipful Master
Sylvester Cawley
Senior Warden
Jerry Clark
W.B. G Scott Penvose
Junior Warden
Frank Lopez
W.B. Tom Jenkins
W.B. Michael A. Kilgore
Senior Deacon
Leon Terry
Junior Deacon
Mark Kirkley
W.B. Ken Lyons
Senior Steward
Riggy Nunez
Junior Steward
Victor Rosario
Bart Patria
Affiliated Past Masters of Robert B. Shugart Lodge 393
1970 Lou Ege
1945 O.L Sands*
Winter Garden Lodge #165
Affiliated Past Masters
1943 O.L. Sands *
1944 W.E. Reaves *
1945 Bruce N. Jones PDDGM *
1946 Bruce N. Jones *
1947 Robert H. Mayberry *
1948 Harry M. Danie I *
1949 M.G. Parramore PDDGM *
1950 Ed C. Reaves *
1951 R.F. Anderson *
1952 Roger B. Seidner
1953 J.M. Groover *
1954 L.E. Johnson *
1955 Clyde E. Roberson *
1956 M.T. Minor *
1957 W.H. Hinson *
1958 L.G. Donahey *
1959 W.D. Hartzog
1960 A.J. Thunell
1961 Vard J. Hager
1962 Charles McMillian *
1963 Clarence E. Heidt
1964 Harvey L.Davis *
1965 John H. Loucks *
1966 John V. Tyndall *
1967 D.E. Duppenthaler
1968 Jonathan N. Branch *
1969 Charles W. Irrgang III *
1970 Jack L Quesinberry PDDGM
1971 Billy E. Peavey *
1972 J.Gordon Russ
1973 Nial P. Handley *
1974 John Cook *
1975 Galen Cline *
1976 Walter P. Carreker +
1977 Herbert H. Blitch
1978 Zeb C. Peacock Jr. *
230 West Bay Street
1907 Joseph Elwell *
1908 Charles H. Tilden *
1909 Charles H. Tilden *
1910 George T. Smith *
1911 J.E. Petris *
1912 W. T. Hickman *
1913 Joseph Elwell *
1914 J.E. Petris *
1915 Roy R. Roper *
1916 E.F.Niblact *
1917 A.J. Willis *
1918 Charles H. Tilden *
1919 Louis D. Jones *
1920 Bert H. Roper *
1921 H.G. Briley *
1922 A. F. Landstreet *
1923 W. Fred Roper *
1924 J.E. Clonts *
1925 Clarence Lau *
1926 Waymon A. Wilkes *
1927 L.H. King *
1928 L.H. King *
1929 W.H. Hamage *
1930 Harry M. Smith *
1931 H.C. Mink *
1932 Harry M. Smith *
1933 Harry M. Smith *
1934 Waymon A. Wilkes *
1935 Thomas D. Mack *
1936 Charles Gregory *
1937 L.Frank Roper *
1938 R.M. Morris *
1939 C.L. Stanford *
1940 W.E. Reaves *
1941 O.L.Sands PDDGM *
1942 O.L. Sands *
Winter Garden, FL 34787
PAST MASTERS OF WINTER GARDEN LODGE no. 165 F&AM 2003 Edward Burchette+
Mee ngs: 7:30 PM – 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month Lodge Phone Number: (407) 877‐2550 (voice mail) Lodge Email Address: 2002 Jeans Claude Perche*
~ Robert B. Shugart Lodge 393 merged with Winter Garden Lodge 165 in 2005.
1972 Jack L. Quesinberry
* Deceased
2011 J Steven Teal
+ Unaffiliated
January 2nd - Stated Communication
January 4th - Past Master and Widows Luncheon at 12 noon
January 10th - Installation of officers at 7pm - Dinner at 6pm
January 16th - Stated Communication - Dinner at 6:30
From the Secretary
Brothers I want to wish every Brother a Happy New Year. I
would also wish all those Brothers that have a birthday in
We have three new candidates for the Three Degrees of
Masonry: Mr.Nathan P Zetterlund, Richard L. Zarth and
Mackinsey Autrey. The EA Degree is set for Jan. 16th.
Now for the Bad News.
If you have not paid your 2014 Dues yet please do so now.
Brothers in accordance with the Masonic Digest we will be suspending 25 of our
Brothers for non Payment of Dues this year. Please send in your dues now to
avoid being added to this list.
Scott Penvose PM Sec.
Cell 321 436-9370
From the East
Happy new year Brothers. Hope everyone had a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year. It is really hard to
believe that my year as W/M is over.
I want to thank all the brothers for the great support this
year, it has been a great year. Thanks to all the officers, their support was unbelievable. We have a great line of officers. The lodge will be left in great hands.
Also, thanks to all the Past Masters for their support when I needed advice they
were there for me.
We will be having our Past Masters and widows dinner on Jan. 04 2014 at noon.
I hope all Past Masters and widows can attend and enjoy the fellowship.
Congratulations to all the newly elected and appointed officers I'm sure 2014 will
be another great year.
Brothers our lodge is growing we can use all of our brothers knowledge ,so
please come and get involved and participate in your lodge. I will still be involved
in the lodge and if I can assist any brother in any way you can still contact me. If
you can come out and support the new officers, installations will be Jan. 10
2014. Hope to see everyone there. I would like to also thank bro. Craig Frazier
for being the webmaster and taking care of the Trestle Board this year. He did a
wonderful job. I do have one more meeting this year, come on out.
(407) 509-5255 Sly Cawley
From the
the West
From the South
Greetings from the South.
I would like to thank you for the honor of serving as
Worshipful Master of Winter Garden Lodge in 2014. No
Master can serve the craft without the assistance from
the craft. I hope I can call on each of you for your assistance in 2014.
I first wanted to thank the brethren for electing me as the
Senior Warden for 2014. I am humbled and honored by your vote and will do my
best to serve the craft and to support the Worshipful Master in his endeavor to
rule and govern the Lodge. I am excited about the opportunity to serve in this
position and help guide our Lodge towards the Future.
January will be full of masonic activities. There will be a number of Installations
and Degrees Conferred throughout the District. I encourage you to travel to as
many events as your cable tow allows. Please refer to the calender on our website for upcoming events and I will have a list of upcoming events monthly on the
trestle board starting in the month of February. We will be having an EA Degree
at our second stated meeting of the month. We will have three candidates going
through. I would love to see you all there to show your support. If there is anyone interested in being a Mentor to one of these new Brothers, please let us
know at our next meeting. There will be a big push this year to pair up new members with experienced members to help with continuity and cultivate interest in the
lodge and Masonry in general. Find a way to get involved. As we all know, we
will get out of masonry what we put in.
Lastly, I would like to congratulate Brother Mark Kirkley, who will be stepping into
the Junior Warden station. Please support him as he continues to move forward
in the chairs. I know that he will do a great job. His wife Donna will make sure of
I hope to see each of our members at one or more of the above functions in January. See you all at our Stated Communications!!!!
The officers for 2014 are:
Worshipful Master: Bro.Jerry Clark
Senior Warden: Bro. Frank Lopez
Junior Warden: Bro. Mark Kirkley
Treasurer: W:.Michael Kilgore
Secretary: W:. Scott Penvose
Senior Deacon: Bro. Clawson Peacock
Junior Deacon: Bro. Riggy Nunez
Senior Steward: Bro. Victor Rosario
Junior Steward: Bro. Scotty Beckett
Tyler: W:.Bart Patria
Chaplain: Bro. Joe Gracey
Marshal: W:.Sly Cawley
Remember, the installation of our officers will be Friday, January 10th.
Dinner at 6:00pm, Installation at 7:00pm.
Come out and enjoy the fellowship, and see one of our Great and Important
I hope to see everyone of you there.
Goings on in the Proud 17th Masonic District:
Winter Garden 165 Stated Meetings: January 2nd and 16th at 7:30pm.
January is installation month:
Orange 36: Dec 27th 6pm
Orlando 69: Jan. 4th 2pm
Orange Blossom 80: Jan. 4th 9am
Winter Garden 165: Jan. 10th 7pm
Eola 207: Jan. 17th 7pm
St. Cloud 221: Jan. 11th 4pm
Winter Park 239: Jan. 7th 7:30pm
Oviedo 243: Jan. 18th 10am
Mokanna 329: Jan. 11th 11am
S. Seminole 364: Jan. 18th 2pm
Pinecastle 368: Jan. 4th 7pm
Memorial Lodge 17: Following Feb.
M&W meeting.
There will be NO Schools of instruction in January.
There will be NO Open Books in January.
I hope to see a good representation from Winter Garden Lodge at the
various Installations in the District.
Brother Jerry W. Clark, Sr.
Worshipful Master Elect
Bro. Frank Lopez
Senior Warden Elect
From the JW Elect:
I would like to thank all the brothers for their vote of confidence and courage in
electing me as this years Junior Warden. The bar has been set high by my esteemed predecessors and I will strive to measure up, contributing to your physical
and mental nourishment.
Our first meal in the lodge will be a conservative one so we can get into a good
flow with the new team. Bros Victor Rosario and Scotty Becket will be our stewards and will certainly be great contributors to our meals and smooth operation in
the kitchen.
Our second stated meeting will be:
Spaghetti with Alfredo and marinara sauce
Garlic bread
Assorted deserts
Water. Coffee. Tea.
Your fraternal Bro,
Mark Kirkley
Junior Warden Elect