JANUARY 2015 Page 1 FILLMORE - SANTA PAULA LODGE 291 P O BOX 129 SANTA PAULA, CA 93061-0129 FILLMORE - SANTA PAULA MASONIC LODGE 291 F&AM Masonic Lodge 291 P O Box 129 102 N 7TH Street Santa Paula, CA 93061-0129 www.lodge291.com (805) 525-3414 Page 2 FSP LODGE 291 FROM THE EAST I would like to thank all of the Brethren, friends and family who put so much effort into making our Installation of Officers such a success. I think at last count we had about 70 in attendance, which all enjoyed a very tasty turkey dinner, thanks to the efforts of our caterer and her staff. The decorations looked great, and I would like to thank everyone who helped to make the lodge look so warm and festive. There are too many to name for a personal thank you, but I want to give a special thanks to Wor. Steve Eberhardt and his wife Lisa who went out of their way in helping my lady Jennifer and I to plan and organize this event, even getting our kids involved in making some of the decorations. Our schedule for this month is looking to be full with our stated meeting on Jan. 8th due to the New Year's Day holiday on the first Thursday; Jan. 15th will be our OSI (held in our lodge); we will have a First Degree practice on Jan. 22nd; and we will hold a first degree ceremony on Jan. 29th. Our Treasurer and Secretary are hard at work putting together our annual budget; our Officer's Coach is gearing up for our first EA degree practice; our Junior Deacon is hard at work practicing his ritual and coaching candidates; our Hall Association and Trustees are looking out for our future interests, and our Marshall is finally getting some much needed water for his cows. Thank you all for your kindness in presenting me with a beautiful walnut gavel to use this year. I look forward to serving with you all, and I'm proud to call each and every one of you my Brother. Fraternally, Daniel Shepard, WM FSP LODGE 291 Lodge Officers Master Daniel Shepard 310.702.6758 Senior Warden Leland Celestre 818.317.8402 Junior Warden Ryan Warren 805.630.0558 Treasurer Gary W. Cullins, PM Secretary David A Beaver 805.535.8028 Chaplain Rick Cook Senior Deacon TBD Junior Deacon James L Craig Marshall Robert B (Rob) Frost Senior Steward David W Walker, PM Junior Steward Troyce Reynolds Tiler Myke Montoya Officers Coach E Floyd Griffin, PM 509 DISTRICT INSPECTOR Wor. Robert Beeson, PM Page 7 JANUARY BIRTHDAYS WILLIAM PALMER CHARLES EASTBURN JIMMY Mc COY RICHARD C. COOK WALTER HAHN RANDALL SOUTHERLAND MARK CLAUSEN DAVID T. DRAKE WILLIAM GEORGE JAMES LOVE ROGER W. PALMER JANUARY MM ANNVERSARY DAVID A BEAVER JOHN BOWERS JERRY BYRUM HAROLD COFFMAN E FLOYD GRIFFIN ERNEST KING, JR. NICHOLAS LUIZZI RAYMOND Mc CALLISTER PATRICK RAMIREZ, JR. MARTIN SCHREFFLER FSP LODGE 291 Page 6 JANUARY 2015 CALANDER EVENT Page 3 FROM THE WEST DATE DAY 5 MON VEN CHAPTER 50 RAM VEN MASONIC CTR 7:00 7 WED CANDIDATE COACHING 3:00 8 THR FSP LODGE 291 STATED DINNER 6:30 8 THR FSP LODGE 291 STATED MEETING 7:30 12 MON VEN VALLEY SCOTTISH RITE DINNER 6:00 12 MON VEN VALLEY SCOTTISH RITE OFFICER INSTALL 7:00 14 WED CANDIDATE COACHING 3:00 15 THR 509 DISTRICT OSI @ SANTA PAULA 6:30 21 WED CANDIDATE COACHING 3:00 ST FSP LODGE 291 TIME 22 THR 1 DEGREE PRACTICE 7:00 28 WED CANDIDATE COACHING 3:00 29 THR FIRST DEGREE MIGUEL CONTRERAS 7:00 BrethrenIn an effort to save the Lodge money we ask those of you with email that we be able to send the Trestle Board to you via email or you can view and download at: www.lodge291.com on or around the first day of the month. Please email us at fsplodge291@gmail.com and let us know if we can send to you via email. My hearty thanks and congratulations to all of those who so selflessly gave of themselves to make our Officers’ Installation such a success. The decorations, meal and ceremonies were all magnificent! I heard high praise from many visitors who found the event to be most impressive. A fine, admirable showing for our Lodge! I wish to give my sincere, humble thanks to all my Lodge brothers who have entrusted me with the office of Senior Warden. I will strive to serve with responsiveness and diligence. Please be forthright with telling me how I can help you and/or our Lodge…can’t fix or improve what I don’t know about. Next up, January stated meeting. And before long some initiations, passings and raisings…Huzah! See you all there! Hoping everyone’s holidays were/are relaxing, refreshing, joyous and safe. May the G.A.O.T.U.’s Light shine upon you and yours. Fraternally, Leland Celestre, SW REMEMBER BRETHREN TO PAY YOUR 2015 DUES IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY DONE SO! Page 4 FSP LODGE 291 FROM THE SOUTH FSP LODGE 291 Lodge News Lodge Installation and Dinner On December 15 the Lodge celebrated the Installation of new officers preceded by a fantastic dinner. Happy New Year Brethren I am honored to have been elected to serve as your Junior Warden for the ensuing year. It has been my pleasure to be a member of this lodge. We have so much potential to make a profound difference in our community. With new membership soaring, I am confident we will have many chances of fellowship and philanthropy. As we embark upon this New Year, I would like to encourage us all to continue with the holiday spirit, throughout the year. We can spread the message of what a Mason is, without uttering a word. Fraternally, Worshipful Steven Eberhardt, PM was the installing officer, Worshipful Michael David, PM was our Master of Ceremonies and Worshipful Robert Beeson, PM our District Inspector. Venerable Fred Gray was the installing Chaplin, many thanks Brothers. Brother’s Rick Cook and Gary Cullins, PM set the kitchen up and washed all the china and contributed many hours of hard work getting the kitchen and Lodge ready for the installation, many thanks Brothers. Many thanks to all those who decorated the Hall and made it look so festive, fantastic job! Our Caterer Marie Pulido and her team served up a fantastic dinner of Turkey and all the fixings then did a great job of clean up, thank you so much Marie, awesome job! Ryan Warren, JW Upcoming Degree On Thursday January 29 Miguel Contreras will receive his First Degree and we invite all the Brethren to come out and support Miguel and the Lodge Officers as he is Entered and begins his Masonic journey Like us on Facebook @ Fillmore-Santa Paula Lodge #291, F & AM Dues Brothers please send in your dues and we will get your Dues Card out to you ASAP Page 5
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