THE ATHELSTANIAN ATHELSTANE LODGE NO. 839 FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS INSTITUTED 1902 Naurashank Temple 2 South Middletown Road Pearl River, NY 10965 Communications 1st and 3rd Tuesdays Mailing Address: 18 Buena Vista Rd. Suffern, NY 10901 January 2015 M:.W:. William J. Thomas R:.W:. Bruce M. Wiegand Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York District Deputy Grand Master of the Orange-Rockland District 2265th Stated Communication Athelstane Lodge No. 839 F & AM Tuesday evening, January 6, 2015 Pearl River Masonic Temple 2 South Middletown Road, Pearl River N.Y. Dinner and social hour begins at 6:30 PM Lodge opens promptly at 7:30 PM Brethren, You and your Masonic friends are extended a most cordial and fraternal invitation to join us for our first meeting of the New Year 2015 ... an interesting program has been coordinated with our Grand Lodge Military and Veterans Outreach Committee Vice Chairman Brother MIKE PETERS.. Come learn how we as Masons are helping those in the VA and military hospitals and how we can do more. Your presence will show support for this very meaningful Masonic Outreach initiative and pay tribute to the sacrifices and selfless service of our military men and women. Also, our Worshipful Master W:. DOUG WARD will give an interesting and helpful "power point presentation" on how to help in memorizing and delivering Masonic ritual. As usual, we will have a delicious premeeting "Dutch treat"dinner and social hour starting at 6:30 PM. Do join us! Officers Dress: Business 2266th STATED COMMUNICATION Athelstane Lodge No. 839 F & AM ROBERT BURNS NITE an "open meeting" for Lassies and friends Tuesday evening, January 20, 2015 Pearl River Masonic Temple 2 South Middletown Road, Pearl River N.Y. The gathering of the clan will begin at 6:30 PM You and your Masonic friends and guests are extended a most cordial and fraternal invitation to join us at our annual tribute to our illustrious Brother "ROBBY BURNS" . Join us for a wonderful social evening as we toast the Bard and enjoy a festive feast at the groaning board with ample libations of your choice. This is a Ladies Nite and we also encourage friends and visitors who are prospects as members of our Lodge. Officers Dress: Business W: DOUGLAS WARD Master Attest: R:.W:. RONALD J. STEINER Secretary WORK ON THE TRESTLEBOARD AWAITING DEGREE OF FELLOWCRAFT Bro. Daniel Edwin Badillo; Initiated 02/05/13 Bro. Mihail Bajdechi; Initiated 03/20/12 Bro. Pablo Sandoval; Initiated 10/16/12 Bro. James Thomas Tribble; Initiated 11/05/13 AWAITING THE SUBLIME DEGREE OF MASTER MASON Bro. Salvatore Luppino; Passed 03/11/14 Bro. Mark A. Persaud; Passed 03/04/14 Bro. Roy Rizzotti; Passed 04/17/12 Brethren ... now is the time to ask worthy prospects to come and learn more about who we are and what we do as Masons ... our January 20th Robert Burns Night will be an open dinner meeting and will be a wonderful opportunity for you to invite your family, friends and/or business associates who are "interested" to come and "break bread" with us. Please visit us at: FROM THE EAST My Brothers, First off, I want to extend wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year to all of our Brothers and their families. I hope you all enjoyed the holiday season. It was a busy December which capped off a busy year for Athelstane. At our December 2nd meeting, we enjoyed another great program (and slideshow this time!) given by our very own, R:.W:. Bill Maurer, our Lodge’s resident historian and Trustee of the Livingston Library. On December 16th we had our annual Holiday Party at La Terrazza in New City, where R:.W:. Ron Steiner was presented with a welldeserved Officer of the Year Award. On Saturday, December 20th we raised over $4,400 for United Hospice at the annual Tree of Life fundraiser at the Palisades Center Mall. My gratitude goes out to the 17 volunteers who logged an impressive 104 hours of service. Job well done! These names can be found in our Secretary’s column within. Next up is our big child ID program at RCC the weekend of February 6-8 so please put this important event on your calendar. I hope you will plan to join us for our two upcoming January meetings. On January 6th, we will make a special presentation to Br. Mike Peters from the Grand Lodge Military and Veterans Outreach Committee, to be followed by an interactive Masonic lecture on ritual. Br. Mike will also be catering this meeting so I promise you will not go home hungry! And we will have our annual Robert Burns night on Tuesday, January 20th which will be open to Ladies and guests for a fun-filled evening as always. Looking back at 2014, we accomplished a lot at Athelstane but what stands out to me are the ten new Brothers we raised during the year. I’m very proud of these new Brothers, who have already been quite active at Lodge. I’m looking forward to seeing what we as a Lodge accomplish in 2015, and I believe the best is yet to come. See you in 2015! Fraternally, W:. Douglas Ward CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS THURSDAY, JANUARY 1st ... for you and all of those you cherish, our most sincere best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year 2015. May all of your dreams and aspirations come to fruition. TUESDAY, JANUARY 6th ... ATHELSTANE LODGE 2265th STATED COMMUNICATION ... an interesting program has been coordinated with our Grand Lodge Military and Veterans Outreach Committee Vice Chairman Brother Mike Peters. Come learn how we as Masons are helping those in the VA and military hospitals and how we can do more. Your presence will show support for this very meaningful Masonic Outreach initiative and pay tribute to the sacrifices and selfless service of our military men and women. Our Worshipful Master will also give an interesting and helpful "power point presentation" on how to help in memorizing and delivering Masonic ritual. As usual, we will have a pre-meeting "Dutch treat" dinner and social hour starting at 6:30 PM. Do join us! WEDNESDAY, JAN 14th IN SARASOTA, FLORIDA and THURSDAY, JAN 15th IN TAMPA, FLORIDA and SATURDAY, JAN 17th IN LAKE WORTH, FLORIDA ... the annual Grand Lodge and Eastern Star Florida luncheons. See the Empire State Mason Magazine for details or contact our Secretary, Ron Steiner: (845) 354 - 4192. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16th ... our annual Athelstane Lodge Florida Luncheon for members, ladies and surviving spouses. Always a wonderful gathering of the clan to renew acquaintances and share fond memories. As last year, your ticket of admission is a tax deductible charitable contribution check to the Masonic Brotherhood Fund ($25 per person) and send to R:.W:. Harold Dresdale, 840 N. W. 21st Way, Delray Beach, FL 33445 (561) 278 - 9507. Send Hal your reservation today. TUESDAY, JANUARY 20th ... Our Annual ROBERT BURNS NITE ! As usual this is a wonderful social evening as we toast the Bard and enjoy a festive feast at the groaning board with ample libations of your choice. This is a Ladies Nite and open to friends and visitors who are prospects as members of our Lodge. As always, a warm social "night to remember" ... do hope you can join us! THURSDAY, JANUARY 22nd … ATHELSTANE PAST MASTER'S MEETING, and "Dutch Treat Dinner" 6:30 PM at Ocean Empire Chinese Restaurant, 340 Route 202, just east of intersection with Route 45, Mt Ivy, NY. Past Master's please confirm to the Secretary so we can make proper arrangements. (845) 354 - 4192 or FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 7th and 8th … Our big ATHELSTANE MASONIC SAFETY ID PROGRAM (CHILD ID) at the 28th Annual Suburban Home Show. Over this 3-day event we expect to photo ID more than 200 youngsters and seniors. A major effort! A major community service project. Please volunteer to join our team. Contact the Worshipful Master, Doug Ward and sign on with the hours you will be available. No special skills required. Just a few hours of your time to devote to a most worthwhile effort. Call (845) 304 -9003. FROM 'YE OLD SCRIBE ... Thanks for the very positive response for payment of 2015 Lodge Dues and the charitable contributions so many of you have already mailed.. I am delighted to report that almost 70% of our Athelstane membership have received their 2015 Dues card. To those who have not yet replied to our appeal, please keep those dues and charity checks coming ... they are very meaningful ! Your timely response helps us pay the bills and we save on costs for repeat mailings. Thanks for your timely payments !!! THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS ... BUT we have had too many members of our Athelstane family hospitalized recently ... Brother SAM NIXON (Byron, GA) had to have a leg amputated above the knee after repeated hospitalizations for infections and surgical complications. EDNA reports progress is slow, but Sam is home now and has a positive attitude about rehabilitation going forward. We are all pulling for you Sam !!! Our Athelstane Brother (my son-in-law) RON STEWART is in Northern Westchester Medical Center (3rd week of hospitalization) battling staph infection and other serious complications following his knee surgery. WANDA IRIZZARY, every cheerful and effervescent nurse in the Irizarry family, (R:.W:. Lou II's bride and mom of W:. Lou III) making good progress after her recent neck surgery. Wishing you a complete and speedy return to a life without pain Wanda. W:. JAY HELFGOTT, doing better following his post-surgical infection in his new hip. Glad he and SUSAN were able to be with us at our Holiday Dinner ! Glad to report that W:. AL OSTER, DSA came through his December back surgery well and is home receiving plenty of TLC from BEA and family. CINDY DEDEL, lovely wife of R:.W:. PETER DEDEL, is continuing to improve , recuperating after her recent surgery to correct GI problems. R:.W:. MARVIN GESS together with DIANE helped us celebrate at the Holiday party and then went in for scheduled cataract surgery. Glad all went well and our legal beagle Treasurer is again able to focus on our check deposits and other accounting chores.. Bro. ALAINE SANTIAGO's father, ZOILO in Good Samaritan Hospital , but hopefully will be discharged and home by the time this reaches you. From Ye Old Scribe (Cont.) My bride JOAN STEINER, continues to improve, thank you ...BUT ... I developed sympathy pains. Preliminary diagnosis and treatment is for an irritated sciatic nerve. I am on a heavy duty pain killer and "relaxant" for the sciatica. Not much relief yet and I have been limited in walking ... just sleeping a lot, so forgive me if I ramble. Brother STEVEN MARCUS still on the mend after all of his coronary problems these past few months, is now facing gall bladder surgery January 15th. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you Brother Steven ... and all of the above. FROM THE SECRETARY'S MAILBAG ... AND GLEANED FROM EMAILS So nice to talk to Bro. DAVID TALLMAN, at Acacia Village in the Masonic Care Community in Utica and Bro. CHARLIE RUBACK from Florida sent his annual donation to Hospice for our Tree of Life efforts in memory of his wife, ZORA. Appreciated the note from Bro. DAVID SCHNITZER ... and I had a critique on some mail Bro. STAN DRESCHER found confusing (... try as I do, I can't please everyone) ... sorry Stan. A GLANCE BACK ... Our Annual Athelstane Lodge Holiday Party on Tuesday evening, December 16 at La Terrazza Restaurant in New City was an outstanding social success in every aspect. We had a nice turnout for another great gathering of our Athelstane family. Among the smiling faces was our 65 Year Award Bro. CURT BROWN, DSA, and YVONNE , W:. GEORGE LIBERIS, SW Bro. DENNIS O'CONNOR, SUSAN and RICHIE SCHWARTZ (busy taking photos seen elsewhere in this Trestleboard and appreciated!), DIANE and R:.W:. HARRY ANDERSON, R:.W:. MEL BIRNBAUM and JOAN, Bro. JAMES BURTON and ELEANOR, Bro. IRWIN CLEMENTS and his lady LORETTA NORDON, Bro. THOMAS DAMIANI and NANCY, MARTY and R:.W:. GENE ERICKSON, DIANE and R:.W:. MARVIN GESS, Bro. JONATHAN KAUFMAN and NATALIE, Bro. SETH LEE, SHON AND R:.W:. "BILL" MAURER, W:. RON POMERANCE and MARION, the OSTERs, W:. AL and BEA, SALLY and R:.W:. DAVID RICHARDS, Bro. ALAIN SANTAIGO and his lovely LISETTE, JOAN and me ... you know me ... RON STEINER, Bro. HUBERT URRUTTIA and NINA, our MASTER W:. DOUGLAS WARD, Bro. GLENN ZEMANEK and ANASTASIA, our hard working JW W:. HOWARD WHITMAN, NANCY BERGERMAN, ROSALYN RUHL, our popular DDGM, The R:.W:. BRUCE WEIGAND, R:.W:. COLIN OAKENFULL, the Grand Lodge Staff Officer for the Orange Rockland District, and Bro. MICHAEL DePAOLO and his wife, REENA. From Ye Old Scribe (Cont.) AND A VERY BIG THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING for all of your dedication, hard work, and collective efforts (well, not really "hard work") that resulted in over $4,400 collected to benefit the compassionate services provided by United Hospice of Rockland through their major fund raising effort ... the TREE OF LIFE promotion at the Palisades Center Mall on Saturday, December 20th ... Richard Schwartz, Harry Kramer and daughter Naomi Kramer (who was able to generate interest and help from her local NJ Chapter of the International Order of Rainbow Girls ... Christine Barron, Lenna Barron and Michelle Malinowski) , Dennis O’Connor, Thomas Damiani, Douglas Ward, Ron and Marion Pomerance, Seth Lee, Alain Santiago, Mel Birnbaum , Michael DePaolo, and Joan Steiner who helped me at home with all the coin and bill tabulations ... THANKS AGAIN AND WELL DONE !!!!!!!!!! AND A GLANCE AHEAD ... Please read the CALENDAR OF EVENTS for our January dates of importance ... but I especially want to remind any and all of you who are, or will be, in Florida in Mid January ... our Annual Athelstane Lodge family get together luncheon will be on Friday, January 16th. It is important that you call R:.W:. HAROLD DRESDALE NOW ... to confirm your attendance: (561) 278 - 9507 PLEASE VOLUNTEER NOW for our major Masonic Safety ID COMMUNITY OUTREACH ... the CHILD ID at RCC scheduled for Feb. 6, 7, & 8, 2015. Athelstane, as part of our ongoing community outreach programs, is again partnering with Masons from our sister Lodges in the area to provide a free safety ID opportunity for parents and caregivers for a digital ID of children, teenagers and others. This program is recognized as part of the Amber Alert Program in conjunction with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The Masonic Safety ID will be held Friday thru Sunday, February 6, 7, 8, 2015 at SUNY Rockland in the Eugene Levy RCC Field House There is no charge for this vital service. It is anticipated than more than 300 IDs will be done at this event According to law enforcement officials, more than 20,000 children are reported "missing" each year in New York State alone. The Masons in New York State annually provide free Safety IDs in hundreds of locations and since the program's inception in New York a dozen years ago, close to a half million children and adults have been afforded this electronic ID safety "protection." From Ye Old Scribe (Cont.) Parents or care givers are given a computer disk including name, address, parents or guardian, digital facial pictures, fingerprints and all vital personal information and pertinent physical characteristics. This mini disk can then be given to the first police on the scene to enter into the Amber Alert system should the need arise. Parents and caregivers are reminded that an ID should be updated every few years as personal characteristics change as a child grows older. The Masonic Safety ID Program will be held at Rockland's 28th Suburban Home Show at RCC's Eugene Levy Field House, 145 College Road in Suffern. Show Hours are Friday, February 6th from 3 PM - 9 PM; Saturday, February 7th from 10 AM to 8 PM; and Sunday, February 8th from 10 AM to 6 PM. No advance reservations are required for the Masonic Safety ID Program. There is no charge for this service: the Masons provide all the funding for supplies as part of their community outreach programs in the local area. For further information, and to volunteer, contact: BRUCE KLEIN Cell: 845-642-5559 AND PLEASE REMEMBER ... THERE IS MORE TO BEING A BROTHER OF ATHELSTANE LODGE THAN SIMPLY PAYING DUES. KEEP IN TOUCH !!! We are family. Even if your cable tow is such that you cannot attend Lodge, please keep in touch. We are concerned. And speaking of family ... to each of you ... the very, VERY best for a HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR 2015 ... and for many, many more years to come. .. especially with good health ... peace ... much love ... personal fulfillment ... and maybe a little prosperity thrown in too ... it wouldn't hurt ! Ron R:. W:. Ronald J. Steiner Secretary, 18 Buena Vista Road Wesley Hills Suffern, NY 10901-1730 ATHELSTANE839@AOL.COM (845) 354 - 4192 ATHELSTANE HOLIDAY PARTY Above: W:. Doug Ward (L) and R:.W:. Bruce Wiegand (C) present R:.W:. Ron Steiner (R) with the Officer of the Year Award. Above: R:.W:. Colin Oakenful (L) presents Bro. Hubert Urruttia (R) Above: R:.W:. Colin Oakenful (L) presents Bro. Seth Lee (R) with his Masonic Development Course certificate. Above: R:.W:. Colin Oakenful (L) presents Bro. Jim Burton (R) with his Masonic Development Course certificate. Above: R:.W:. Colin Oakenful (L) presents Bro. Alain Santiago (R) with his Masonic Development Course certificate. Above: Bro. Thomas Damiani and Guest. Above: R:.W:. Mel Birnbaum and his wife, Joan Birnbaum. Above: W:. Al Oster and his wife, Bea Oster. Above: R:.W:. Ron Steiner and his wife, Joan Steiner.. Above: “She, of the Red Shoe” Above: W:. Ron Pomerance, D.S.A. and his wife, marion, Pomerance. Above: Susan Schwartz, our Photographer Extraordinaire, and wife of Bro. Richard Schwartz, D.S.A. Officers 2014 - 2015 W:. Douglas Ward (Tracy) ………………………….…………….……...………………………… Master (845) 304-9003 Br. Dennis O’Connor (Cristina) ………………………………………………………..………. Sr. Warden (914) 202-0378 W:. Howard Whitman (Joan) ………………………………………………………………..…. Jr. Warden (914) 772-4491 R:.W:. Marvin Gess (Diane) ……………………………………………………………………… Treasurer (845) 357-5366 R:.W:. David Richards (Sally) ………………………...…………….……………………… Asst. Treasurer (845) 357-3906 R:.W:. Ronald J. Steiner (Joan) …………………………………...…………….……………… Secretary (845) 354-4192 R:. W:. Bruce D. Klein (Rhonda) …………..………………………………………….…… Asst. Secretary (845) 426-5856 W:. Ronald Pomerance, D.S.A. (Marion) ……….…………………..…………..………………… Chaplain (845) 357-8388 W:. Alexander Mulgrew (Jennifer) ……………………………………..………………………… Chaplain (914) 643-2957 Br. Seth Lee ……………………...………………………………………………….…………. Sr. Deacon (845) 425-2445 Br. Michael Olmo (Natalie) ………...………………………………………………….……….. Jr. Deacon (845) 825-7637 Br. Marc Jean Baptiste …....………………………………………………….…..… Sr. Master of Ceremony (845) 300-7988 Br. Michael DePaolo ………...……………………………………………….…….. Jr. Master of Ceremony (845) 821-3327 Br. Hubert Urruttia (Nina) ..……………………………………………..………………………. Steward (914) 719-5726 Br. Alain Santiago (Lisette) ………….……..……….……………………..………………………. Steward (945) 476-4446 Br. James Burton ….……..……….……………………..…………………..……………………. Steward (845) 826-4494 Br. Thomas Damiani ….……..……….…………………….……………..………………………. Steward (845) 492-1474 Br. Jonathan Kaufman ….……..……….……………………..……………………………………. Marshal (845) 494-2101 W:. Nathan Metlitz (Carolyn) ……………………………………………………………………… Marshal (570) 409-6623 R:.W:. Scott Allan Klein ……………………………………………….….….…………………..….. Tiler (845) 359-6787 R:.W:. Harold J. Dresdale (Karen) ……………………………………………………… Secretary Emeritus (561) 278-9507 Trustees W:. Alexander Mulgrew 2012- 2015 Br. Richard Schwartz , D.S.A. 2013 - 2016 R:.W:. Bruce D. Klein 2014 - 2017 Past Masters Howard Whitman Ronald Pomerance, DSA Alexander Mulgrew Thomas Sassone R:.W:. David Richards Louis M. Irizarry III R:.W:. Bruce Klein R:.W:. Louis M. Irizarry II R:.W:. Harry F. Anderson Harry E. Kramer R:.W:. Peter J. D. Dedel Harry E. Kramer * Thomas P. Walden * R:.W:. C.F. William Maurer III R:.W:. Joel Rosenwasser R:.W:. Mel Birnbaum Anthony Urbinato George Bielski R:.W:. Scott A. Klein * 2011-13 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 2005-06 2003-05 2002-03 2001-02 1999-01 1999-00 1997-98 1997‑99 1993-95 1992, 1995-97 1987-88, 1990 1986,1989,1992 1984,1992-94 1998-99 Gerald P. Rickard Harold N. Eder * Barry Ronner Eugene Foladare, DSA * R:.W:. Marvin R. Gess R:.W:. Giles M. Purvis Norman J. Greenberg * R:.W:. Harold J. Dresdale Sander A. Lefkowitz * Erwin L. Robbins Leonard J. Plotch * Henry Morris R:.W:. Eugene W. Erickson Charles K. Dunlop * Allan P. Oster, DSA Henry Chait * Murray Kaplowitz * Robert Maidman * Irwin W. Clements 1983 1981 1980-82 1979 1979 1977 1976 1976 1974 1973-74 1972 1972, 1985 1971 1969 1969 1967 1965 1958 affl. Alfred Deninger Jay Helfgott R:.W:. Daniel E. Jonas Benjamin Kotzker George Liberis Nathan Metlitz Alvin M. Russell Stuart Sindell R:.W:. Ronald J. Steiner Arthur S. Vener M:.W:. Carl J. Fitje R:.W:. Charles Antzelevitch R:.W:. Robert Blanke R:.W:. Hon. Benjamin Gilman V:.W:. Mark Hanson R:.W:. Albert E. Mealey R:.W:. Norman E. Moon * Tappan Zee Lodge No. 1125 affl. affl. affl. affl. affl. affl. affl. affl. affl. affl. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon.
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