To:Fax Server SANJANA VINOD GOENKA P.1 "Karmyog", vam Floor Plot No.11, N.S.Road, No.6, Hatkesh Society, JVPD Scheme, Mumbai - 400 049 Date: 15fh November, 2014 / 4 -fhe Seci ary, The Secretary, BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbal 400 001 National Stock Exchange of India Limited "Exchange Plaza", Bandra - Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051 -. ----„--- --- TY Scrip Symbol : DBREAL Scrip Code : 533160 .-I. .--'. Fax No.: 022 - 2272 2037/39/3121 Fax No.: 022 - 26598237/38 in terms of Regulation 29(2) of SEBI Sub.: Disclosure of Details of acquisition of Shares (SAST) Regulations, 2011 loan basis 7,50,000 (less than Please find enclosed the form for disclosure of acquisition on Limited under Regulation 29(2) of SEBI (Substantial B 2/5 % of tile capital) of shares of D Realty tions, 2011 duly signed. Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regula Kindly take the Bame on record. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, I *./-SANJANA V OD GOENKA CC -D B Realty Limited lo:tax Server ial Acquisition Regulation_29(2) of SEBI fSLibstant Formal.for disclosures under. 1 201 Reaulations, of Rbares and Takeoversl -b B Realty Limited y (TC) Name of the Target Compan 1, Sanjnna Vin8(1 Cloelika acquirer and Persons 2, Name(s) of the Acting in Concert (PAC) with the acquirer 3, Whether the Eibquirer Promoter Group belongs to Promoter/Promoter group ge of India BSE Limited; National Srock Exchan Exchange(s) 4. Name(s) of the Stock where the shares of TC are Listed Limited % w.r.t, acquisition / Number of shares/voting di$posal/holding Acquirer and the rights/holding of PAC 5. Details of the total share/votin g capital % w.r,t. total diluted share/voting capital of the wherever TC(*) applicable tipri/diBBosal under Befoze tl e acquisi of: ing censidefationt, hold a) Shares carrying voting rights otherwise b) Voting rights (VR) 70,00,000 2.8776% 2.8776% N,A N,A N.A N.A N,A than by shares Nil c) Warrants/convertible that ent securities/any other instrum entities the acquirer to receive shares carrying voting rights in the T C (specify holding in each category) 7400,000 2.8776% Total (atb+c) petagof Occluisjtiont sale g voung rights a) Shares carryin acquired/sold b) VRs acquired /sold otherwise 2.8776% 7,50,000* 0.3083% 0.3083% N.A N.A N.A Nil N,A N,A than by shares c) Warrants/convertible ent securities/any other instrum that entities the acquirer to receive shares carrying voting rights in the TC (Specify holding in each categoryl.acquiredisold Total (a+b*c) * Shares of less than 2% ol' tlie Cnpital 7,50,000 4 ocquired on loon basis 0,3083% U/*43 0,3083% P.2 To:Fax Server P.3 ......., --„1»™-™-,/,F A-ter the,equi«ion/sale, holdinc Qf, a) Shares carrying voting rights b) VRs otherwise than by shares c) Warrants/convertible securities/any other instrument that entities the acquirer to receive shares carrying voting rights in the TC (specify holding in each category) after acquisition. Total (a+b+c) 77,50,000 3.1859% 3.1859% NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 77,50,000 3,1859% 3,1859% (1„ess than 5%) (Less than 5%) - 8. Mode of aEquisition / sale (e,g. open market / off·market / public issue / rights i$sue / preferential allotment / Inter-se transfer etc), Off Market Inter-so Transfer by way of loan 7, Date of acquisition /sale of shares / 29/10/2014 VR or date of receipt of intimation of allotment of shares, whichever Is applicable 8. Equity share capital / total voting capital of the TC before the said Rs,243,25,87,820/- acquisition /sale total voting the said after TC capital of the Rs.243,25,87,820/. acquisition / sale 8, Equity share capital 10. Total diluted share/voting capital of the TC after the said acqulsition/sale. Its,243,25.87,820/- the total number of shares in the TC assuming full (*) Diluted share/voting capital means shares of the ts into equity conversion of the outstanding convertible securities/warran TC. ._h Cl- <044 )&2£ rU/\3 u-r=--+ signature Bflhe acquiror Sanjana Vinod Goenka Place: Mumbai Date : 1 Sm November, 2014
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