50c Dona!on: The Dunolly and District Community News

The Dunolly and District Community News
Volume 29
Issue 42
Wednesday 12 November 2014
Bob Henderson and Alan Larpent in front of the cenotaph at the Remembrance Day Service 11.11.2014.
Gerrard Gunn gave a small speech and encouraged people to use the RSL as there is a possibility it may
close otherwise. The service is to remember those who served and gave up their lives to
provide us with the life we have today. We honour and respect them. Lest We Forget.
Bike riders from Paceline rode through Dunolly on 10 November as part of a week long tour to
promote awareness and raise funds for cardiac arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat).
REMINDER - RUDDIGORE Dunolly Town Hall Saturday 15 November 2.00pm
Page 2 Vol 29 Iss 42
Welcome Record Inc.
A0013872F ABN 19299170473
Published by community volunteers at the
Dunolly Town Hall 85 Broadway
Dunolly Victoria 3472.
(03) 54681054
Sue Anderson
Faye Arnold
Coral Christensen
Jan Brock (Accounts)
Jean Richardson
Jenny Sco#
Jean Anderson
Jan Brock
Cynthia Lindsay
Rosemary Mecredy
Jenny Sco#
Prin"ng and Distribu"on:
Jan Brock
Theresa Milne
Graeme Ray
Janet Ray
Tuesday 9.30am - 3.30pm
Wednesday 9.00am -1.00pm
Contribu"ons are accepted up to closing "me on
Tuesdays. Excep"ons are made only by prior
arrangement, or for important community no"ces for
the Classified pages. If in doubt please ring us before
2.00pm on Tuesday to avoid disappointment.
All le#ers, ar"cles and classifieds must contain the
writer’s full name, home address and day"me
telephone number.
The Welcome Record aims to present the diversity of
viewpoints which reflect the concerns and interests of
our community. It will not print contribu"ons which
are defamatory or being used as an alterna"ve to a
personal approach in dealing with a personal issue.
The opinions expressed by contributors are not
necessarily those of The Welcome
Phone 5468 1054
12 November 2014
What sort of fool waves a flag in the face of a hypedup racehorse which has just run a huge race? Can he/
she be banned the same as foo"e fools are?
Did you hear on the news about the fellows who stole
very valuable BALES of wool? They were BAILED un"l
later in the year.
I am on the horns (or wings) of a dilemma. The other
evening I no"ced that our resident blackbird was
dar"ng in and out of the green house a lot. As I was
pre#y sure that its nest was in the climbing geranium
as I had heard them there, I wondered what was going
on. So I sneaked over (no mean feat) and peered in,
scaring the wits out of a fairly large grumpy-looking
grey chick that has a long way to go before it is a black
bird. Do I con"nue to water the plants in there and
hope the baby gets used to me, or do I risk the life of
my plants by staying away? The behaviour of the
parent bird was fascina"ng. It took nearly half an hour
of bird fli%ng around the greenhouse pretending not
to be interested in anything inside before it landed
some distance away, hopped around behind pots so it
was hidden from the house, then darted in to check on
the chick. Clearly, as I have noted before, birds are not
QUOTE of the WEEK from Senator Lambie – ‘Clive
Palmer is si%ng on the fence and flip-flopping’. THAT
is an image to conjure with!
Rosie’s Ramble
Dunolly Primary School
Goldfields Shire Council
Church News
Important Dates
Cookery Corner
Poetry & Puzzles
Personal No"ces
Gig Guide
Page 2
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Page 11
Page 12
Page 14
Page 18
Page 19
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Page 22
Page 23
12 November 2014
Vol 29 Iss 42 Page 3
My sister and I have been pu!ng this story together a"er
reading about the Indian Hawkers in the Welcome Record.
We are both in our late ‘80s but our memories are s#ll with
us. It was a very interes#ng day when Meir Khan called. (see
page 10).
We are enjoying the W.R., congratula#ons on the photos in
colour, it was a surprise to open the envelope and see
them. I could see Jean who has been my great friend for
many years and the other two ladies. Well done, beau#ful
colour, can’t believe this has all come together for you.
‘They say all good things come to those who wait’ and you
are certainly deserving of it all.
Loris Akers
Vicky Frizzell’s ar#cle on the cork tree in the WR on
5 November is very true. Its beauty is only appreciated once
you get under the wonderful branches which kiss the ground.
To trim the tree would make it much easier to see its
fabulous trunk but what would be destroyed will never be
replaced and we and our children and their children will be
robbed of the experience of stepping into a wonderland.
They say there are fairies at the bo&om of the garden which
I’m not sure of, but I could believe that they live under our
cork tree.
I also agree that any interven#on could very well kill this
wonderful old tree. We should leave Mother Nature alone –
she is doing a great job on her own.
Last month I took a meandering trip from Pyramid Hill to
Forrest via the Golden Triangle.
I stopped for morning tea at Dunolly and was struck by the
friendliness and helpfulness of the locals and the feel of
vibrancy about the town and having heard about Buckley’s
of Dunolly, I decided to return.
My mother and I enjoyed every minute of the ‘Strangers in
Paradise’ recital on Saturday, then the interes#ng drive to
Bealiba and lovely accommoda#on at Evans Hotel, where
the hospitality was another winner for the district.
The Broadway Market on Sunday capped off a beaut
weekend. Thanks Dunolly and District.
Jordana Langridge
Amazing events keep happening at Buckley’s in Dunolly.
The latest recital was a really wonderful feast of music.
Raymond Khong, Ian Cousins and May Gavin entertained
the enthralled audience with excerpts from some wellknown composers, the tenor and baritone voices blending
so beau#fully and with a masterly accompaniment.
We were also most fortunate to hear Rachel Buckley
accompanying the ar#sts in their final rendi#on. Rachel has
a beau#ful voice and we should hear it more o"en.
Dunolly is so fortunate to have the opportunity to enjoy
such regular entertainment. It is a shame more local people
are not a&ending as the majority of audiences seem to be
from Maryborough and elsewhere.
Cynthia Lindsay
We were shocked to hear that Sam and Phoebe have
resigned from the Dunolly Market. As new residents to
Dunolly they got involved with the community and put a lot
of #me and effort into the market.
Thank you for having a go at least you tried.
Lynne and Frank Ship
Moliagul Road Dunolly
I agree with Vicky Frizzell’s le&er from last week. Any
published no#ce or ar#cle should be accompanied by an
iden#fying by-line of the individual or the authorising
commi&ee. I was confused by the no#ce calling a mee#ng at
the Town Hall with no iden#fying by-line. I also agree with
Vicky about the community consulta#on regarding issues
such as the Cork Tree. The preliminary discussions with locals
at the Neighbourhood house iden#fied that there is strong
local interest in protec#ng the tree and the Railway sta#on.
This early stage is about gathering facts and informa#on to
present to the community. We have a strong and dedicated
group of ar#sts, writers and actors in this region and our aim
is to share ideas and concerns. Everyone is welcome to join
the Arts group and have a say – you don’t need to be a
prac#cing ar#st. There was no by-line on the ar#cle on
protec#ng the heritage sites of the region, but it was not our
Arts group – much as we value all our historic monuments.
Rachel Buckley
In response to Vicky Frizzell asking who was seeking
Heritage lis#ng for the monument in Gordon Gardens. At
this point there is no commi&ee set up. The photograph
was taken from Dunolly & District History Facebook site
where an individual was expressing an interest in preserving
our historic sites and wanted to generate interest in
Heritage Lis#ng.
The Welcome Record Team
Re Rosie’s Ramble about crows and their chicks; Rosie asked
if anyone knew why we don’t see them at ground level with
mum and dad. My ‘Birdo’ friend told me we don’t have
crows here only ravens. I am not sure what area Rosie’s
crows were in but the answer is the same – young crows and
ravens are raised totally in the nest and when they fledge
they look exactly like mum and dad, only smaller. I hope this
helps in understanding how even our bird life goes about
raising their families in different ways.
Page 4 Vol 29 Iss 42
Sadly at our last mee!ng the resigna!ons of Sam
Bekhit and Phoebe McLean were tabled. Sam and
Phoebe have provided enthusias!c leadership as our
President and Vice President of the commi"ee. Both
have a wonderful vision for the progress of Dunolly.
Our commi"ee has enjoyed working with them and
wish them well in the future.
As a result we had the task of elec!ng new office
bearers. President is Tony Mullan and Vice President
is Lisa Mercer. Both were elected unanimously.
The Dunolly Community Market Commi"ee welcomes
any interested members. If you have any good
sugges!ons as to how the market could be improved
please come along or contact any of the current
members. Our next mee!ng will be at 7.00 pm at the
SES mee!ng room on 3 December.
Our next market on 14 December will be our
Christmas Market, and I have it on good authority that
a gentleman in a red suit will be visi!ng. Come along
and join in the fun. At this market a raffle will be
drawn of a Christmas Hamper donated by the stall
holders and the traders of the town. Tickets for the
raffle will be $1.00 and will be on sale from now un!l
the market. Proceeds of the raffle will be donated to
the Annual Children’s Christmas Party on Sunday 21
The Dunolly Kindergarten are organising a cake stall
for the market. Come along and support this small but
hard working group in our community. The hosts for
the BBQ will be the Dunolly SES. Another community
group who rely on fund raising to operate.
Community groups or anyone wishing to sell food
must be registered with the Shire and registered on
12 November 2014
Street Traders. If you are registered in another Shire,
please photocopy your cer!ficate and send it to
Jillian Ta"ersall at the Shire of Central Goldfields.
Groups who have not registered, go to see Jillian for
assistance to register on Street Traders. She is very
At our last market it was wonderful to see so many
community members out enjoying the sunshine and
the variety of stalls. This month the number of stalls
was down on last month.
Dunolly Community
Market is definitely on contrary to informa!on
distributed recently.
Jan Wa"s
Secretary DCMC
Extensions ~ Pergolas ~ Decks ~ Renovations
General House Maintenance
Butch Kennedy (Owner)
107 Field St Maryborough 3465
Mob: 0428 741 052
Email: kenconbuilding@hotmail.com
Opening !mes:
10.00am to 5.30pm daily
(Sundays 10.00am to 5.00pm)
Dunolly DVD Hire
Overnight and weekly hire
Mark Marson
Telephone 5468 1623
Servicing Maryborough & District
68 Broadway, Dunolly
Ph: 0419133181
12 November 2014
It is o#en the way that, when you look upon a finished piece
of work – a quilt, a wedding cake, a pain"ng for example –
you accept and admire what is in front of you and give li$le
thought to the crea"ve energy behind it. The same can be
said of landscapes.
When I first visited Marion Da Costa’s property a few years
ago, I thought the bush surrounding it was a beau"ful haven
– Dunolly-dry but alive with waving grasses, sturdy trees,
birds, lizards and kangaroos. I heard more about her
revegeta"on work over the following years but it wasn’t
un"l I read her recently published book that I really
appreciated the greatness of her achievement.
Titled My Place: Bare Paddock to Bush, Re-establishing
Na!ve Vegeta!on in Central Victoria, The book describes
the rehabilita"on process Marion has followed since
purchasing her 17 acre property in 2003. Wri$en as a guide
for others who would like to restore land to its na"ve state,
be it part of a farm or a town backyard, Marion provides not
only her own story but lots of "ps to follow and an excellent
list of references.
When beginning such a project, Marion recommends
establishing specific points around the area from which to
take an annual photo. O#en changes are so gradual as to be
unno"ced unless a pictorial record is maintained to li# and
inspire one when weeding becomes a knee- s"ffening chore.
The photographs included in her book amply demonstrate
the changes on Marion’s land in the past 10 years and the
value of maintaining a pictorial record.
Marion believes that it will be some years before she
finishes her revegeta"on plans and probably 50 – 100 years
before the ecosystem re-establishes itself. But as a
commi$ed conserva"onist, she is ac"vely contribu"ng to
the building of a healthy environment for our future
genera"ons. There is much to learn from her work. Her book
should be of great interest to those who know her (she is a
dedicated volunteer within the community life of Dunolly);
those who have embarked on similar journeys of land
restora"on and, more par"cularly, those who want to avail
themselves of her knowledge and experience in order to
begin their own project.
Copies of Marion’s book are available from
Jean Anderson
Vol 29 Iss 42 Page 5
General Merchant
Another very busy cold season has now passed and I
would like to thank all of our loyal LP Gas customers
right across the Central Goldfields Shire and beyond
for their con"nued support.
As we enter the warmer months I have altered our
opening "mes due to seasonal commitments.
The new "mes are:
Tuesday & Wednesday
8.30am to 1.00pm
Thursday & Friday
8.30am to 5.00pm
8.30 am to midday
I realise these new "mes may take a while to get used
to and may inconvenience some people. For this I
You can place orders over the phone outside opening
"mes by calling 5468 1035.
Peter Daly
Page 6 Vol 29 Iss 42
The 67 annual mee!ng of Dunolly Branch was held at
the SES rooms on Wednesday 5 November. We
welcomed Group President Ayron Teed; Group
Secretary Rachel Mitchell, and Group Treasurer Sandra
Webb to the mee!ng with pre"y posies made by
Heather Weir and Rhonda Heather. We were delighted
to welcome four new members to the branch. Ayron
was accompanied by two visitors who spoke during the
mee!ng about efforts to get CWA involved in working
for refugee women through the SIFFT commi"ee.
Group president Ayron conducted the elec!on of
Office Bearers for 2015. They are:
President – Jan Wa"s; Secretary – Rosemary Mecredy;
Treasurer – Leanne Mullan; Interna!onal Officer –
Rhonda Heather.
We then heard the Group President’s address summing
up the year in the Group and the Branch Secretary’s
report was also read.
A%er a very tasty lunch and a deal of socialising, our
visitors le% for the AGM at Newstead.
At our regular mee!ng, sugges!ons were put forward
for items for the monthly mee!ng and also for ideas
for cra% days etc.
The winners of the compe!!ons for 2014 were:
Flower from your garden – Heather Weir
Interes!ng item – Rosemary Mecredy.
We are very glad to have Rhonda back looking hale and
hearty. Since the mee!ng Lorraine has been in
hospital. We do hope she will be well and home before
Anyone who would like to join us in CWA will find us at
the RSL hall on Wednesday 3 December at 11.00am
followed by our Christmas Break-up at the Golden
Grain Café on Broadway at 12ish.
We have all been saddened by the death of Ann
Stevenson. She joined CWA Vic in 1939 in the Mallee
and was s!ll a member at Dunolly when she died – a
total of 75 years. We will remember a happy lady with
a lovely laugh – who could make a mean slice.
R Mecredy, Publicity
On a picturesque sec!on of the Avoca River lies a
sca"er of houses. A sign says that you are in Na"e
Yallock ‘Big Water Li"le Plain.’ The sign says it all really.
The football ground though very dry, looked great.
There is a new sec!on added to the clubrooms, and the
grounds are well maintained. Do"ed around the
recrea!on reserve are wonderful shade trees. We
parked under an enormous grey box and Marion fell in
love immediately. She declared it had the biggest girth
12 November 2014
she had ever seen on a grey box. Further on, half
hidden by the leaves on a branch of a red gum were
some very fluffy looking corellas, leading us to think
they were this year's babies. Near the entrance to the
recrea!on reserve is the Na"e Yallock hall which looks
in good repair. There is also a plaque commemora!ng
150 years of white se"lement in the area. The first
se"ler was Mervyn Archdale in 1841.
It is not possible to get down to the water at this point,
but a beau!ful cool breeze was blowing up the river.
Marion iden!fied the call of a cuckoo while we stood
on the river bank enjoying the breeze. Across the road
a deligh)ul old building beckoned. It is now a shed
with original roof shingles showing through. In a former
life it must have been a very appealing church. Around
the corner another old church has been converted into
a home. Nearby is the war memorial. A quick count
showed twenty-six people enlisted from this area for
the 1914-18 war. That is a lot from such a small
The undoubted jewel in Na"e Yallock's crown is the
beau!ful surrounds of the primary school. Many
genera!ons of parents have worked hard to provide
the many shady areas for children to play, and families
to use when a"ending school func!ons. Someone has
even constructed a miniature old slab hut.
Never having looked around Na"e Yallock before I was
amazed at how pre"y the li"le community is. The
community spirit is obvious in the well maintained
school and recrea!on reserve. It was a pleasure to
spend !me there.
Vicky Frizzell
Thanks to Jenny for her dona!ons of wool and fabric.
They are always popular items. New in are cards, hand
towels and kids embroidered towels. We also have a
nice selec!on of Christmas cards and some hand blown
glass Christmas balls.
With the hot weather rushing at us we must remember
that we have no cooling in the shop. If the weather
forecast is for a day of 34 degrees or over then the
cra% shop will close at 1.00pm. Please do not come in if
you are rostered on for the a%ernoon of such a day.
We do not want to see any of our valued volunteers
become sick with avoidable heat related problems.
The Golden Triangle Treasures Cra% Shop is a not for
profit ini!a!ve of the Dunolly and District
Neighbourhood Centre. Any local cra% person is eligible
to become a member and sell their handmade items.
Call in to have a chat about it.
Vicky Frizzell
12 November 2014
Our big girls who free range out the back paddocks
have been without a rooster for a few months now,
but there’s been some crowing out there lately! What
is going on?
They have been laying well, and I can pre"y much tell
whose eggs are whose. I know who the two
Araucanas are – their eggs are a pre"y pale blue
colour; the two Light Sussex are – their eggs are a pale
pinky colour with white speckles; the two Light Sussex
cross Barnevelder are – their eggs are dark brown; but
the four Barnevelder girls – their eggs being different
shades of brown with darker speckles, have not been
as regular and I’m not sure if they are all laying as
there has not been four eggs on the one day.
When I was out there the other day checking for eggs,
a Barnie hen that was close by started crowing. I went
over to her and watched, she kept crowing, stretching
out her neck as she ‘cock-a-doed’ (as apposed to ‘cock
-a-doodle-dooing’). I’m sure she was saying, ‘I’m a
rooster, and I don’t lay eggs.’ So I told her, ‘I know
you’re not a rooster, now stop that crowing and go lay
an egg!’ She stopped, looked at me, hung her head
and walked off. At least I know which one it is now,
the one with the bigger wa"les and comb, and I know
she’s a hen as she has laid eggs before.
Now this was a real a"empt at crowing, not an ‘I’ve
just laid an egg’ song, so I googled ‘crowing hens’ and
although some of the posts said it was quite rare,
going by all the comments it doesn’t seem to be that
rare at all. Condensing the comments down here is
what I found.
– Most (but not all) crowing hens come from an all girl
flock and tend to become the leader and protector of
the group.
- Most (but not all) are older hens.
- Most (but not all) s%ll lay eggs.
- Some said that they can even change sex and could
poten%ally produce viable sperm.
- One ques%oned the ‘playing around with breeding so
much’ that we are ge&ng gender-confused chickens.
- One suggested that maybe the crowing hens have a
tumor or damaged ovaries.
Some of the remedies were – Wait it out for a moult,
the hormonal change that goes with moul%ng helps to
correct it.
- Give her away to live with a flock of bigger or just
different chooks so she’s not top hen.
- Get a ‘real’ rooster.
Now this is not a new thing, as some talked of hearing
their grand parents talk about having crowing hens, a
Vol 29 Iss 42 Page 7
few even telling of a rhyme that they use to say, ‘A
whistling rooster and a crowing hen, never come to no
good end.’
Has anyone else encountered a ‘manly’ hen? If so,
then unless you or your neighbors don’t like listening
to the crowing or you’re not allowed crowing birds
where you live, I think just leave her be. She may just
‘keep the peace’ in the flock and protect the other
hens as well as maybe giving you a few eggs. Think of
her as your ‘claytons’ rooster – the rooster you have
when you don’t have a rooster. I’ll let you know if she
is or when she starts laying again, but in the
mean%me; I don’t mine a bit of cock-a-doodle-dooing.
Peace, love and happiness from Sankalpa
Our slightly confused Barnevelder hen with her
bigger than usual wa•les and comb.
Monday—Saturday: 7.00am - 6.00pm
Sunday 8.00am - 5.00pm
Page 8 Vol 29 Iss 42
12 November 2014
Stars of the Week
This week’s awards go to the following students –
Prep 1 – to be announced
Grade 1/2 – Ben Raczynski
Grade 3/4 – Rogie Carless
Grade 5/6 – Jack Guelen
Principal’s – Blessing Di biase
Auslan – Chloe Goodwin
Awards are given to students at assembly each week.
Calling all mums, dads, teachers, uncles, aun"es,
grandparents and fellow Dunolly folk.... to vote for
your school in the Muffin Break Great Bake Sale!
The winning school will have the chance to WIN 1,000
muffins to sell at their next fundraiser and a $3,000
cash card.
As a thank you, all voters will receive a ‘Buy one muffin
get one free’ voucher for vo"ng.
… there is no school break – like a Muffin Break.
To vote for Dunolly PS go to :
www.greatbakesale.com.au We are currently 7th in
the state so please get everyone on board !!
It is that "me of year when snakes are out and about.
We had a report of a brown snake near the entrance
gates to the Dunolly Football Oval when students were
travelling home past there a&er school yesterday.
Please tell your children to take care when they are
walking to and from school.
Puzzle courtesy of Susan Day
The Bike Ed program concluded on
Friday with all the students
par"cipa"ng in a bike rally around the
town. Mrs Polinelli would like to say a
big thank you to the people who
volunteered during the program. We
could not run the program without the wonderful
assistance of volunteers. Thankyou to the following
people for volunteering their "me: Paul Damjanovski,
Colleen Stra'ord, Kerry Cameron, Cameron Anscomb
and John Lelean. Also a huge thank you goes to Ma*
from Dunolly Quality Meats for dona"ng the meat for
the barbecue on Friday.
The next School Council mee"ng will be held on
Monday 17 November at 7.00pm.
The Finance Commi*ee will now meet on the same
day Monday 17 November at 4.30pm.
Men’s and Ladies Hairdressing
Tuesdays 1.00pm—late
(by appointment)
Wednesdays 9.00am to 5.30pm
Thursdays 9.00am to 5.30pm
Tarnagulla first Monday of the month
(excep"ng a long weekend)
For professional hair care
Call Julie on 0408 179 657
12 November 2014
Public No"ces
Street Closures – RACV Energy Breakthrough
Please be advised of the following street closures for
the 2014 Energy Breakthrough.
Vol 29 Iss 42 Page 9
Chris"an St
(between Burns
and Napier Sts)
En"re Road
From 4pm
Un"l 4pm
Burns St (between
Chris"an St and
Lake Road)
½ road –
From 9am
Un"l 4pm
Burns St (between
Lake Road and
Holyrood Street)
En"re Roadexcept
From 9am
Un"l 4pm
Napier St/Lake
Road from Earl St
En"re Road
From 9am
Un"l 4pm
Park Rd (between
Holyrood and
Wills Sts)
En"re Road
From 9am
Un"l 4pm
Park Rd (between
Wills and
Nigh"ngale Sts)
En"re Road
From 9am
Un"l 4pm
Holyrood St
(between Park Rd
and Burns St)
En"re Roadresident
access from
Burns St
From 9am
Un"l 4pm
PHONE COL ON 0434 142 654
Call for a personalised quote at any "me.
40 years experience!
Can do any size removal to
anywhere within Vitoria.
Professional service at discounted rates!
Impounded Vehicle
Impounded on 25 September 2014, 1 X White Ford
Mondeo, unregistered. Found abandoned in McClure
St Maryborough.
If not claimed and costs are not received, this vehicle
will be sold at public auc"on on Friday 7 November
2014 at 10:00am at the Maryborough Pound, Burns
St Maryborough.
Goes where the big cats can’t
Post hole borer
150, 450 & 300mm augers
Site Clearing and Trenching
Backhoe A!achment
4 in 1 Bucket
Phone Tom Fankhauser
Page 10 Vol 29 Iss 42
It goes back to the 1940s when we lived in Dunolly, we
looked forward to his visits. He had to go to
Melbourne to buy all his goods from Payne’s big store
in Bourke St., where our Dad had a brother who
worked in the store and he introduced Meir Khan to
Uncle Roy, who always helped him get his supplies
together and they were then sent to Dunolly by rail.
Mum bought many yards of material from his wagon,
to make our clothes. It had drop-down sides, secured
by chains, so the materials could be measured. She
also bought unbleached calico that had to be washed
many !mes before she made it into sheets and pillow
At that !me, my sister Beryl and I had branched into
the work force and we were able to buy our first fullylined woollen top coats. Beryl had a lovely green
checked one and mine was blue; we paid fi#een
pounds each for them. Our late sister, Joan, had a nice
pink candlewick dressing gown which she gave to my
daughter Jill and she s!ll has the gown. In the other
end of the wagon he had boots and men’s working
clothes, and a few groceries and plenty of spices,
especially curry powders. He was a nice gentleman
and he told our Dad that when he got to a certain age,
he must return to India, because he didn’t want to die
in Australia.
Loris Akers and Beryl Barker
12 November 2014
Celebra!ng 145 Years in Dunolly.
First Permanent Minister.
Rev G P Despard was appointed in September 1863 and
conducted his first service on 18 October, 1863. On his
arrival with his wife and four children, there was only
the school building on the land.
Rev. Despard galvanised the Church members into
fundraising and a Parsonage was erected by June 1865.
Also during his !me at Dunolly a brick church was
erected at Eddington and the commencement of the
present day St John’s at Dunolly. In 1868 Rev Despard
transferred to St Paul’s, Bendigo.
Parsonage: Fundraising commenced in 1864 and
sketches for the proposed Parsonage were submi#ed
to the architects. Tenders were let in October 1864 and
the building completed in June 1865. A single storey
house with a slate roof was erected including a cellar,
seven feet deep under the servants’ quarters, entered
by a trapdoor through the pantry.
An underground tank was installed in April 1866 and
stables were also added to the building by November
As the Parish Centre moved to Maryborough, the
building was sold and is owned privately. The present
owners have restored the building and grounds.
During the 1960s a modern four bedroom
weatherboard house was built on land in front of the
original vicarage. This building was also sold when the
Church was temporarily closed in the early 1980s and
has since been moved to the corner of Raglan Street
and Broadway.
(Taken from the History of St John’s by R.L. Carless)
Pam Brodie.
To be concluded next week.
Rural & Domes!c Fencing,
Bathroom & Kitchen
Roofing Repairs & Pain!ng,
Pain!ng & Plaster Work,
Fully Insured & Free Quotes
CONTACT TERRY—0413 805 946
12 November 2014
Vol 29 Iss 42 Page 11
Invite you to worship God and welcome
you to their services:
Sunday 16 November 2014
St John’s Dunolly Anglican Parish Service
10.00 am – Holy Communion – Bishop Jeremy
St David’s Bealiba Anglican Services
1st and 3rd Sundays monthly at 8.00am
Emu Anglican Services
2nd and 4th Sundays monthly at 11.30am
Catholic Services: Dunolly
2nd and 4th Sundays Mass at 8.30am
1st and 3rd Sunday Assembly at 8.30am
5th Sunday Mass at 8.30am
3rd Saturday Mass at 11.00am
Bealiba Uni!ng Church
2nd and 4th Sundays at 11.00am
Dunolly Uni!ng Church
9.30am Holy Communion—Rev Youn Kim
Laanecoorie Uni!ng Church
No Service
God has des!ned us not for wrath but for obtaining
salva!on through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore
encourage one another and build up each other.
1 Thess. 5 : V 9,11
We welcome Bishop Jeremy this coming week to
celebrate Holy Communion.
There will be no service at St John’s on the 23
November. We will be joining our friends at the Uni!ng
Church for a special service at 10.30 am.
The fellowship mee!ng has been postponed un!l
further no!ce. More next week.
The gathering of prayers and Bible study has also been
postponed and will not be held on Thursday
20 November.
We apologise for any inconvenience!
Sunday 30 November at 10.30 am we will celebrate
145 years in Dunolly. All welcome!
For any further informa!on please contact Pam Brodie
on 5468 1183 or Trina Kay on 5468 1709.
Pam Brodie.
November is the month for remembering and praying
for our rela!ves and friends who have died.
The Twilight Fair in October was a huge success thanks
to the hard work of the many helpers. The fair raised
$7,000 which is divided between the school and several
other causes.
Mass is at St Francis Xavier’s Church in Tarnagulla at
11.00am on Saturday 15 November.
Mass at Bealiba on Sunday 16 November at 8.30am.
Divine Mercy Chaplet (sung version) at St Augus!ne’s
on Sunday 30 November at 3.00pm.
St Mary’s have been invited to the celebra!on of
145 years of the Anglican Church in Dunolly on Sunday
30 November at 10.30am.
We have also been invited to the last service with Rev
Youn Kim on Sunday 23 November at 10.00am at the
Uni!ng Church.
Assembly at St Mary’s on Sunday 16 at 8.30am.
R Mecredy
Stand outside this evening. Look at the stars.
Know that you are special and loved by the One
who created them.
This week is our last Holy Communion Service with
Rev Youn Kim as our leader. We are very sad. Sue Kim
will be cooking Korean food for us to have with our
cup of tea a#er the service.
Next week is our last service with them both and we
are having a luncheon a#er the service, which will
start at a later !me of 10.30am. Everyone is welcome
to come to say goodbye to them both.
It was good to have Bradley Saul in Church with us
again last week and he told us about his trip to China.
The choir did enjoy having him too a#er Church.
Thanks Brad for helping us all.
The Op Shop will be open this week on Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday as usual. We have some lovely
summer clothes and so much more. You really have to
come in and just see what is available.
Jean Richardson
Friday 21 November at the Eddington golf and tennis
club rooms - 6:00pm for a barbecue and a hit.
Everyone is welcome. Bring a salad or sweet to share BYO drinks and racket!
RSVP - Veronica lsvpalmer@harboursat.com.au
Page 12 Vol 29 Iss 42
Bealiba Playgroup meets every Friday from
10.00am to 11.00am in the Primary School during
school terms
12 November 2014
Dunolly St George Lodge
4th Saturday each month
Dunolly Town Hall/Court House Commi"ee
4th Tuesday each month 3.30pm Town Hall
Bealiba Progress Associa!on mee!ng,
2nd Tuesday each month 7.30pm Bealiba Hall
Dunolly Traders mee!ng
1st Tuesday each month 5.30pm Town Hall
Bealiba Bingo 1.30pm in the Bealiba Hall
2nd Monday each month
Community bus – every Friday to Maryborough and
back. RTC 5468 1205
Dunolly Unit Vic SES mee!ng 6.30pm
3rd Tuesday each month.
Training every other Tuesday
Dunolly Community Garden Wednesdays at Pre-school:
2.00pm AEST/5.00pm Summer
Dunolly Uni!ng Church Messy Church
4th Wednesday each month 4.30pm to 6.00pm
Dunolly CWA 1.30pm RSL Hall
1st Wednesday each month
Dunolly Day Support Tuesday and Thursdays
10.30am to 2.30pm Phone 5468 2907
Dunolly District Auxiliary
1st Monday each month at 10.00am
Hospital Day Room
Golden Triangle Archers
4th Sunday each month 10.00am behind Deledio
Mobile Library every Thursday 2.00pm to 5.00pm
outside Town Hall
Newbridge CWA mee!ng Newbridge Hall
3rd Tuesday each month 1.30pm
Dunolly Field and Game mee!ng
1st Thursday each month 7.30pm
147 Broadway
Old !me Dancing 7.30pm Mondays
Anglican Hall Barkly Street Dunolly
Dunolly Fire Brigade mee!ng
1st Monday each month 7.30pm Fire Sta!on
RSL mee!ng 12.30pm RSL Hall Dunolly
Last Friday each month
Dunolly Community Market
2nd Sunday each month 8.00am to 1.00pm
Senior Ci!zens cards each Tuesday 1.30pm
Dunolly Neighbourhood Watch mee!ng
3rd Wednesday each month 10.30am Bakery
Dunolly Supported Playgroup meets Wednesday
9.30am to 11.30am
Dunolly Preschool
Dunolly & District Probus Cub mee!ng
3rd Thursday each month 10.000am
Senior Ci!zens Hall
Dunolly Museum mee!ng
3rd Monday each month 75 Broadway
Senior Ci!zens luncheon
3rd Wednesday each month 12.30pm
Talbot Farmers Market
3rd Sunday each month 9.00am to 1.00pm
Tarnagulla Playgroup each Thursday 10.30am to 12
noon – behind the hall
Tarnagulla Ac!on Group - Community Centre
3rd Monday each month 7.30pm
Welcome Record Commi"ee meets 2.00pm
2nd Monday each month - office
Saturday 15
Tuesday 18
Tuesday 18
Friday 21
Saturday 22
Sunday 30
Ruddigore (Savoy Opera Company) - Dunolly Town Hall - 2.00pm
Dunolly PreSchool AGM at the Preschool - 7.30pm
DFNC AGM - Clubrooms - 7.30pm
Eddington Social Tennis Night- Clubrooms - 6.00pm
Handel’s Messiah - Dunolly Town Hall - 3.00pm
Celebra!on St John’s 145 Years in Dunolly - 10.30am
12 November 2014
Vol 29 Iss 42 Page 13
What a treat we had this weekend at Buckley’s of
Dunolly. The theme this month was ‘Strangers in
Paradise’, a tribute to musicals.
The wonderful talents of tenor Raymond Khong,
baritone Ian Cousins and pianist May Gavin came
together to delight the audience in the now famous
Melba Room. This deligh!ul room, lovingly restored by
Rachel Buckley, has been the venue for some
wonderful performances over the past months, but, to
my mind, this produc"on was the best.
Perhaps it was because the songs were so familiar from
many musicals such as Strangers in Paradise; Kismet;
My Fair Lady; The Desert Song; South Pacific; The
Student Prince, Naughty Marie$a, to name but a few.
The voices of the two men blended together so
beau"fully in the duets. Each voice has its own special
"mbre and quality, and each man alone sang
splendidly, but when combined, the two voices formed
such a wonderful unique sound that it transported me
to the stage and it was as if I were there with all the
colour and movement of the show unfolding before
Two outstanding moments, for me, were Bring Him
Home from Les Misérables by Raymond Khong - the
emo"on he portrayed brought tears to my eyes,
literally; and Music of the Night from Phantom of the
Opera by Ian Cousins. When he sang the final high note
I felt a shiver down my spine.
There was a li$le comedic dialogue interspersed
amongst the music, including some good natured
ribbing between the men, but it was May Gavin who
generated the most laughter with her recital of how to
give a cat a pill. For anyone who has ever tried to
administer medicine to a cat, you’ll relate to this. May
then went on to brilliantly play a piece about a cat and
mouse. Although there was li$le melody, the quick
lil"ng high notes and the more sinister low notes really
made you see a cat chasing a mouse in your mind’s eye.
Later May again regaled us, this "me with a 1950s look
at what a housewife should do to prepare for her
husband coming home. We then heard the modern day
version. The men cheered for one, and the women
cheered for the other. I’ll let you guess which was
which. May then gave a most s"rring rendi"on of
Warsaw Concerto. A brilliantly executed piece.
The a%ernoon finished with a%ernoon tea and a lovely
chat with the cast, and members of the audience who
expressed their delight at such a wonderful a%ernoon.
Susan Anderson
Above: Ian Cousins (baritone), le%, Raymond Khong (tenor), Rachel Buckley
(hostess & soprano), May Gavin (pianist). Below: an apprecia"ve audience.
Page 14 Vol 29 Iss 42
Serves 4, Prep and cook "me 35 minutes
⅓ cup (90g) grated palm sugar
1 cup (250ml) water
1 large (200g) brown onion, sliced thinly
1 long red chilli, chopped finely
1 tablespoon finely grated fresh ginger
1 tablespoon finely grated orange rind
750g pork neck (scotch fillet), cut into 2cm cubes
2 tablespoons kecap manis (sweet soy sauce)
1½ tablespoon fish sauce
⅓ cup (45g) coarsely chopped peanuts
steamed rice, for serving
steamed broccolini, for serving
1. Heat a wok or large frying pan over medium-high
heat, add palm sugar and water; s"r un"l sugar has
2. Add onion, chilli, ginger and rind, and boil for 2-3
minutes. Add pork, kecap manis and fish sauce, s"r
well and bring to the boil. Reduce heat, cover and
simmer for 10 minutes.
3. Remove the lid, simmer for about 20 minutes,
s"rring occasionally, un"l the pork is tender.
4. Top with peanuts and serve with rice and
Notes: Suitable to freeze. Not suitable to microwave.
If liquid evaporates during final stages of cooking, add
the juice of an orange.
This recipe can be made a day or two in advance. You
may need to add some extra liquid when rehea"ng.
Add the peanuts when serving.
Recipe from acc.com.au
12 November 2014
¾ cup caster sugar
1 cup plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ cup desiccated coconut
½ cup sultanas
½ cup chopped dried apricots
5 Weet-Bix, crushed
1 egg, lightly beaten
125g Bu!er, melted
1 tablespoon honey
1. Lightly grease a 20cm x 30cm lamington pan; line
base with baking paper.
2. Combine sugar, si&ed flour, baking powder,
coconut, sultanas, apricots and Weet-Bix in a large
bowl. S"r in combined egg, bu!er and honey; mix
well. Press mixture into prepared pan.
3. Cook in a moderate oven, 180C, for about 30
minutes, or un"l lightly browned. Cool in pan
before cu'ng into rectangles.
Recipe from acc.com.au
Specializing in all aspects
of butchery.
20 Years Experience
Free Measure and Quote
A!en"on to detail
Personalised Service
It’s that !me of year again.
Start placing your orders for Christmas.
Hams, chickens, turkeys and pork.
94 Broadway, Dunolly 3472
Ph. 5468 1046
Peter and Shelley Davies
18 Drive In Court Maryborough 3465
Telephone 5461 1000
12 November 2014
Dunolly Horse Ac!vity Club Inc.
Our Christmas Breakup was held at the Club in December
and was well a!ended and enjoyed by Club members and
their families.
February saw us run a Double Chance Show, which was
run quite successfully with a good a!endance with high
standard horses and riders. Cathy Simmons won the
Flamingo Memorial Supreme Champion Ridden Mount
sponsored by Rebecca Ingle.
In March we had an ATHRA ride to the Old Lead
Reservoir. It was a very warm day and horses and riders
enjoyed a paddle in the Res.
The Cross Country Course was worked on right up un"l
end of March with jumps to be finished off and rocks to
be picked up so as to be ready for accredita"on that was
achieved in readiness for our Inaugural Horse Trials. The
course was officially closed one month before the event.
On 3 and 4 May we held our Inaugural Horse Trials with a
Grand Opening Celebra"on. Local Dignitaries, Sponsors,
HRCAV Execu"ve and Members were invited with Cr
Barry Rinaldi, Mayor of Central Goldfields Shire, cu&ng
the ribbon. It was a very successful day and enjoyed by all
with many travelling long distances to compete. It was a
credit to our members who worked hard to build extra
yards and to conduct and cater for such a big event.
We had one team represent us at TTT Horse Trials at
Yarrambat on 17 and 18 May.
On the 25 May the Club celebrated its 30th Birthday on a
Rally Day that was a Fiona Dearing Dressage Clinic. We
enjoyed a spit roast and the Champagne flowed. There
was a lot of memorabilia on display to bring back
In June we ran our annual Showjumping Compe""on, a
great event. Timmy Memorial AM7 was won by Brendan
Slade and sponsored by Karen and Wayne Stephens. The
Showjumping arena was improved with work done by
Doran’s but it s"ll needs a base for draining.
Many of our dedicated members helped with the catering
for the Car Rally held in July which was profitable but a lot
of hard work.
On 31 August we ran a Naviga"on Ride at Bealiba with
Dunolly Horse Ac"vity Club members Michelle Amalfi and
Aileen Marshall winning the official event. Riders enjoyed
a new trail and venue thanks to Bealiba Pony Club.
A lovely ATHRA weekend was enjoyed at John Brady’s
property at Enfield in September. It is a great venue,
thanks to John for opening his facility to us and Andrea
and Arnold for organising this.
In TTT Showjumping Dunolly Horse Ac"vity Club was
represented at Werribee by two teams and some
individual placings were gained by DHAC riders.
Dunolly Horse Ac"vity Club has a team entered for TTT
Vol 29 Iss 42 Page 15
Naviga"on Ride at Willowmavin in October and a team in
TTT Dressage at Werribee in November. We wish them
We have a great, hardworking bunch of members who
we couldn’t run the club without; they are the execu"ves
and helpers at events and working bees. We have
achieved so much over the past 12 months.
Our biggest challenge for 2013/14 was the comple"on of
the Cross Country Course by December 2013, which we
achieved on "me and with the small budget excess being
met by the club. It was a magnificent effort by dedicated
club members who contributed many, many hours of inkind labour under the exper"se of course builder Mick
We are so lucky to have a great ground, good facili"es,
dedicated members and awesome horses. I hope the
next 30 years will be just as great.
Sonya Richards Stuart, President
Dunolly Horse Ac"vity Club Inc 2013/14.
Cancer Council Victoria and Maryborough District Health
Service encourage people affected by cancer, including
family and friends, to a"end a free two half day ‘Living
with Cancer’ program commencing 14 November 2014.
Facilitated by qualified health professionals, the program
will be held at the Maryborough District Health Services,
Clarendon St, Maryborough. The day will cover:
‘What is cancer?’
· Cancer treatments and side effects
· Tips to improve communica$on with the health care
· How to access support services available
· Diet, exercise and looking a%er yourself
· Cancer myths and unproven remedies
· How to deal with changing rela$onships, self-esteem
and body image
· Coping with change, loss and grief
In addi$on to providing prac$cal informa$on and
emo$onal support, the Living with cancer program offers
people affected by cancer the opportunity to meet and
connect with others in a similar situa$on.
Past par$cipant and cancer pa$ent, Peter believes the
program has helped him understand and come to terms
with his cancer experience:
“It was great to feel ac•vely involved in something…the
informa•on was useful and it was good to listen to other
people’s perspec•ves and insights.”
For more informa!on or to register, please contact
Kerry Crozier on 5461 0400 or call the Cancer Council
Helpline on 13 11 20.
Page 16 Vol 29 Iss 42
12 November 2014
Painter & Decorator
Rod May for Ripon
Phone: 03 5469 7282
Mobile: 0429 697 282
No job too small
TW: @capck
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Authorised by K Dimozantos.
Lvl 1/362 Lt Collins St Melbourne VIC 3000
Printed by 5th Colour Print Management.
Lvl 5/11 Queens Rd. Melbourne VIC 3004
CALL GREG: 0428 427 460
12 November 2014
Vol 29 Iss 42 Page 17
1914 – 1918.
Saturday 15th November:
1.00 p.m.
Gallipoli’ – Rated PG.
3.00 p.m.
‘Break of Day’ - starring Andrew McFarlane, Sarah Kestlemen, John Bell,
Ingrid Mason, Tony Barry. Run time 102 mins. Tom, who is a partially disabled
Anzac, returns home and attempts to settle into marriage and a job. Restless, he
finds himself drawn to a bohemian painter but eventually resigns himself to what
he discovers to be his real world.
Starring Mel Gibson, Bill Kerr, Harold Hopkins. Run time
112 mins. Gallipoli tells of the feeling in Australia during the war and the story of
two friends caught up in a horrifying war.
Sunday 16th November:
1.00 p.m.
‘Breaker Morant’ Rated PG. Starring Edward Woodward, Jack Thompson,
Charles Tingwell, Bryan Brown, John Waters. Run time 118 mins.
A war time courtroom drama, with excellent acting, narrative, script and
cinematography, which tells the true story of three Australian Lieutenants put on
trial for shooting Boer prisoners, an act that had been accepted by the British all
3.00 p.m.
‘The Western Front Diaries - Winning World War 1.’
This documentary is based on a best-selling book by Dr Jonathon King.
Narrated by Jack Thompson. Run time 92 mins.
Tarnagulla Community Centre
Open every Sunday
10.00AM to 4.00PM
8 Sandy Creek Lane Behind the Victoria Hall.
Homemade cakes, pastries,
soup and sandwiches
Come along and enjoy a coffee or Devonshire tea
Eat in or take away
We also have a range of local
cra"s and produce.
Support your local centre run by volunteers.
Page 18 Vol 29 Iss 42
To me there is no be!er land
That I would rather be
Where the big red hills stand
In my own true countree.
When the golden wa!les bloom
or the Summer breezes blow
out across the valleys loom
only true Australians know.
If I’m in the South or North
leaving East to travel West
it’s the country of my birth
and I love its dryness best.
Under the blue dome up above
I must up and go
to my flinders that I love
moving to and fro.
I can see the working plough
and the furrows on straight course
I can rest ‘neath gum tree’s bough
dreaming of the old draught horse.
Say! I must be up and away
to where wild breezes blow
and my footsteps I can’t stay
to my red country I must go.
Copyright Ken Peake 2004
SUDOKU Solu!on 43
12 November 2014
Report on third bike ride held on
Sunday 9 November.
A keen group of riders including three
new par$cipants le% Wright on
Broadway at 9.00am for a tour on main and minor
bitumen roads , as well as gravel and dirt tracks in the
region of Harvest Home and old Lead Reservoir, ending
up back at Wrights for a post ride coffee and chat.
Enjoyed by all.
Next ride will be Sunday 30 November star$ng outside
Wrights at 9.30am sharp.
Further enquiries to Neville Roberts on 5468 7295.
12 November 2014
Vol 29 Iss 42 Page 19
Supplied courtesy : The Puzzle Wizard
Solu!on 41
Solu!on to Sudoku is on page 18
Page 20 Vol 29 Iss 42
Wes"nghouse LT608S top loader washing machine EC
Consul fridge/freezer combina"on gas/electric 60cm
wide x 140cm high EC $1,000 ONO
Very large club lounge circa 1930s (210cm long) plus
one matching chair (100cm wide), navy blue
upholstery with matching cushions, solid "mber feet
with ball castors . EC $350.
Phone: 0418 338 092 a#er 6.00pm
12 November 2014
At the Dunolly Primary School in the mul"purpose room every Friday 9.30-10.30am.
Enjoy an hour of rhymes, songs, stories
and play with your child. Morning tea also provided.
We’d love to see you there.
For more informa"on please contact Denise 0428 681
496, or Jacinda (Dunolly Primary School) 5468 1111.
8’ x 5’ trailer. Good condi"on, Crate
HZ Holden Ute. Good condi"on POA.
Phone: 5468 1537
Self contained bungalow with gas cooking kitchene%e,
lounge, one bedroom, bathroom/laundry. $15,000
nego"able. On blocks - buyer to remove .
Phone: 5468 1007
Stock up on firewood. S"ll supplying during summer.
Redgum firewood, split - $90.00 per metre.
Ph: Chris 0439 550 950
Brand new wedding dress, label s"ll on. Sa"n with lace
and small seed pearls and sequins on bodice, sleeves
and hem line. Size 14. Cost $1,150, will sell 1/2 price or
good offer.
Phone: 5468 7470
Saturday 15 November from 9.00am
Laanacoorie Lakeside Caravan Park Brownbills Rd
The Dunolly Preschool AGM will be held on Tuesday
the 18 November at 7.30 at the Preschool. All
interested members of the community are welcome to
a%end; light refreshments will be served.
All commi%ee posi"ons are declared open. General
commi%ee posi"ons are available; new parents are
encouraged to par"cipate.
Combined with the Dunolly & District Neighbourhood
House, the Dunolly Rural Transac"on Centre would like
to reinstate the school holiday program this Christmas
break period. So with this in mind we are looking for
adult volunteers with skills they are willing to share
with the younger genera"on. We are not looking for
experts, just older people who are willing to teach
their hobby or special interest to primary school aged
children. If you are one of these, please come and see
me at the RTC.
Rosa Halas
RTC. Coordinator.
Saturday 15 November from 9.00am. Bargains galore.
114 Dunolly/Tarnagulla Rd, Dunolly. Look for balloons.
Tuesday 18 November at 7.30pm in Dunolly FNC
Clubrooms. All posi"ons will be declared open.
For more informa"on please contact Callum Liddicoat
on 0428 948 739.
If anyone has some agapanthus they would like to get
rid of please phone Margaret on 5468 7470.
Sulphur crested Cockatoo with silver ring around its le#
Phone 5468 1017
Slashing for fire break.
Ph: 0407 881 771 or a#er hours 5468 1149
Drawn : 7.11.14
3, 4, 6, 11, 13
No winner Jackpot S900. Nearing four figures. Five
numbers out of 15.
T Long
Prac"ce starts for Carols by Candlelight in Eddington
this Sunday 16 November at 4.00pm. Anyone
interested please come along - it’s lots of fun. Prac"ce
can be arranged to suit the majority.
Carols are on Saturday 20 December.
I would like to thank the lovely couple from Tarnagulla,
John and Jenny, who saved my li%le budgie. She is
happy to be home. Thank you so much.
Joyce Wa%s
Cont… next page
12 November 2014
Vol 29 Iss 42 Page 21
Christmas Break-up Shoot
23 November from 10.00am. Come along and join the
fun. 25 target course and novelty shots, BBQ lunch and
so" drinks available. Children under 12 years old must
be accompanied by a parent or guardian. For more
informa!on call Dunolly Neighbourhood Centre on
5468 1511.
Would you like a walking group to come to Dunolly?
There used to be a group once, but it elapsed over
!me. If your are interested in having the Heart
Founda!on Walking Group reinstated in Dunolly,
please contact Tara Cramer at MDHS 5461 0400.
LOVEL Jennifer 11.03.1966 - 16.11.2009
Loving memories of our beau!ful, cherished and
adored Jenni.
We miss you more than anyone knows
As !me goes by the heartache grows
We love, we talk, we play our part
But behind our smiles are broken hearts.
Annabelle and Peter, Mum and Dad, Wayne, Peter and
Steph, Rick and Helen, Mark and Ka!e, and all our
extended family.
We will miss Ann, who was a loyal member of the
Dunolly Branch of the CWA for many years un!l her
death. She was a member of the CWA for 75 years.
She was always happy and helpful to others.
Dunolly Branch CWA
Last Friday, we said our final farewells to our faithful
parishioner, Nestor Whitehead. Nestor was an
especially keen worker for the Bealiba Church Ladies’
Group and when it came to the monthly fund raiser
for our church, “Numbers Up”, in the Bealiba
Community Hall, her delicious slices sold (literally) like
hot cakes. Many years of faithful church cleaning,
many, many Shrove Tuesday pancake lunches for the
Bealiba school children and staff, as well as being all
that a Chris!an wife and mother should be. We will
miss her so, but oh how lucky are those
angels! They’ll have to watch their heavenly
waistlines with those lovely slices around!
Robert Cooper, St David’s Anglican Church Bealiba
Thanks and apprecia!on from Joyce, Lynda, Paul, Mark
and Jim Jr Vater for all the many cards, flowers and
condolences received on the recent sad loss of their
husband and father.
Joyce Vater
TREE Will A no!ce received by Dunolly BBS on behalf
of Barbara Moore states that a service for the late Will
Tree occurred on Wednesday 12 November at 2.00pm
at the Senior Ci!zens Hall with proceedings moving to
Dunolly Cemetery.
Bowen Therapy
Hair Mineral Testing
Homeopathy Remedies
Herbal Tea Blends
Equine Bodywork
& Muscle Therapy
Diet Herbs &
21 Main Street BEALIBA
Judy 0425876548
Photo copying
Computer Training
V/Line Bookings
Dry Cleaning
Community Bus Shopping Run
Post cards
Tourist brochures
03 5468 1205
Trading hours
Monday to Friday 10.00am to 4.30pm
Page 22 Vol 29 Iss 42
12 November 2014
Two students from Dunolly Primary School - Amelia Maree
Jago, and Ellen Stra&ord, both in Grade 5, were the winners
of the Peace Poster contest sponsored by the Maryborough
Lions Club. The two students are well on their way to
becoming interna!onally
recognized ar!sts with the
submission of their Peace posters. They were among more
than 375,000 entries submi'ed worldwide in the 27th annual
Lions Interna!onal Peace Poster Contest. Lions Clubs
Interna!onal is sponsoring the contest to emphasize the
importance of world peace to young people everywhere.
The posters were selected by Kay Parkin, Art Gallery
Manager at Central Goldfields Art Gallery and Patricia Walsh,
ar!st and owner of Possum Gully Fine Arts, for their
originality, ar!s!c merit and portrayal of the contest theme.
‘Peace, Love and Understanding’. The judging was held on 22
October, 2014 at the Central Goldfields Art Gallery at
Maryborough Lions Club President Ray Parker, said he was
impressed by the expression and crea!vity of the students at
the three local schools’ entries. ‘It is obvious that these
young people have strong ideas about what peace means to
them. I’m so proud that we were able to provide them with
the opportunity to share their visions’.
‘The winning posters will advance to face s!ff compe!!on
through the district, mul!ple district and interna!onal
rounds of compe!!on if they are to be declared the
interna!onal grand prize winner’, President Ray said.
One grand prize winner and 23 merit award winners will be
selected. The grand prize includes a cash award of US$5,000
(or Australian cash equivalent) plus a trip for the winner and
two family members to an award ceremony. The 23 merit
award winners will each receive a cer!ficate and a cash
award of US$500 (or Australian cash equivalent).
‘Our club is cheering for all winners as their posters advance
in the compe!!on, and we hope that their vision will
ul!mately be shared with others around the world’,
President Ray said.
Locally, all poster winners and 45 other students will be
honoured for their par!cipa!on by the Maryborough Lions
Club on Wednesday 29 October at 3.30 pm at Central
Highlands Library, Maryborough, where all the posters are
currently on display.
View interna!onal grand prize and merit award winners at
Lions Clubs Interna!onal is the world’s largest service club
organiza!on with 1.35 million members in more than 46,000
clubs in 208 countries and geographic areas. In addi!on to its
efforts towards conquering blindness, the organiza!on has
made a strong commitment to community service and
helping youth throughout the world.
For more informa!on contact: Ka!nka Hilder
03 54605252, !nka-alan@bigpond.com
See photos back page
23 Spring St Maryborough
Opposite the community house
ph. (03) 5461 4779 m. 0428 963015
A reminder that hard drives do fail.
How would you be if you lost everything? I am offering
a one !me deal of a full re-image of your hard drive as
it stands today for only $195.00. This includes a brand
new hard drive with your system as it is today. If your
hard drive goes down tomorrow you can simply put
this new drive in and you are back up and
running with nothing lost - get your drive re-imaged
once every 12 months, and a#er that for only $95.00!!
Payment plans available at $50.00 deposit and three
monthly repayments.
Nov 22
Nov 23
Nov 30
Dec 13/14
Oozin Blues at The Shamrock Hotel
Country Music Show New Salva!on Army Hall
27 Wills St Maryborough 2.00 - 5.00pm
Oozin Blues St Andrews Hotel 3.00pm -
‘Opera!c Delights’ Music from popular operas
at Buckley’s of Dunolly. 2.00pm
New Yrs Eve Oozin Blues at The Royal Hotel Dunolly.
For any Gig updates, please email:
Jan Stephenson
12 November 2014
PENNANT TEAMS – 18 November 2014
Dunolly Blue—Bye
Dunolly Gold versus Golf Gold at Golf
L Whiley
S Chaplin S Deason
K Stephens
E Murphy N Pike
M Mortlock
M Shay
J Morse
D Spiteri
J Cox
K McKenzie
Manager: Elaine Murphy Cars: N Pike & L Whiley
C Dahl & F Nielsen
Dunolly Blue defeated MHS Tartan – 62 to 61
Dunolly Gold lost to Golf Blue
Congratula#ons to Stella and Arthur Deason for their
Golden Wedding Anniversary on 14 November.
Belated birthday wishes to Elaine Murphy and
Nancy Pike.
We are all saddened by the passing of another
esteemed life member in Ann Stevenson this week.
Dunolly Blue(46)
G Dobbin (13)
R Pickering (17)
P Mortlock (16)
lost to
lost to
lost to
lost to
Talbot Brown (96)
I Pryor(29)
R Jackson(26)
G Crossley (41)
Dunolly Gold(83)
P Freemantle (30)
D Mortlock (33)
T Long (20)
lost to
Avoca Red(55)
G Brown(13)
V Hennessy(18)
J Svilicic(24)
Dunolly Green(55) lost to
K McKenzie(20) defeated
A Bri!en(11)
lost to
G Ray(20)
lost to
Talbot White(74)
T Ma!hews(18)
M Greenwood(29)
I Hall(27)
Dunolly Red (49) defeated
A Deason (25)
K Nielsen (24)
Avoca Gold (36)
G Orr(17)
J Lever (19)
The next Members Draw will be held a"er the games
on Saturday 22 November star#ng with a barbecue at
A Larpent DBC
Vol 29 Iss 42 Page 23
PENNANT TEAMS 15 November 2014
Dunolly Blue versus Golf Blue at Golf
G Dobbin
R Pickering
P Mortlock
A Weir
C Williams
T Galofaro
B Cann
G Davies
B Mortlock
J Smith
K Howard
J McHugh
Manager: C Williams Cars: leads— leave club 12.30pm
Dunolly Gold versus Talbot Brown at Dunolly
P Freemantle
D Mortlock
T Long
L Thomas
B Lanfranchi
W McLeish
B Cann
H Taylor
S Rogers
A Larpent
J Haigh
S Howard
Manager: P Freemantle
Dunolly Green versus Golf Gold at Dunolly
K McKenzie
A Bri!en
P Chase
K Mo!ram
R Henderson
S Whitehead
D Coe
I Fle!
C Lawson
E Weir
S Shay
D Conlin
Manager: K Mo!ram
Dunolly Red versus MHS Green at MHS
A Deason
K Nielsen
J Lillico
R Weir
D Price
G Cain
R Cain
F Dunieville
Manager: R Weir Emergency: A woman
Jackie Cox and Lore!a Parker celebra#ng a"er a win.
Page 24 Vol 29 Iss 42
12 November 2014
This past weekend we had three members from Kokoro Kai Karate Club compete in the Warrnambool
Karate Compe!!on. All three came away with gold medals, and more importantly they tried their best and
had fun on the day! Well done to Caitlyn, Jacinta and Troy for their fantas!c achievement in winning the
Gold Medals. Well done to everyone. Shihan Peter and the en!re Kokoro Kai club is very proud of all our
members. We invite anyone who may be interested in general karate, self-defence, or sport karate to pop
in 6.00pm Mondays to speak with Shihan Peter Jackson (at Dunolly RSL hall) watch a lesson, or feel free to
join in!
Winners of Lions Club Interna!onal Peace Poster Contest, Amelia Maree Jago and Ellen Stra#ord of
Dunolly Primary School. See story page 9.