Donation: 50c - Dunolly News

The Dunolly and District Community News
Volume 30
Issue 3
Wednesday 4 February 2015
Donation: 50c
The Uniting Church Choir was photographed while attending the induction of Rev Youn Sang Kim in Swan Hill last
week. Choir members above are:
Back row: Julie Ramsay, Jan Watts, Jean Richardson, Elsie Mortlock, Ron Grimmet, Rhonda Heather
Front row: Jean Anderson, Carol Dodson, Margaret Price, Marg Davies, Joy Turner, Ivan Shrubsole.
As reported in last week’s paper Marie Lovel and Peter
Daly were jointly recognised for their long-standing
commitment to the community.
When Marie completed her nursing training, she had
the highest marks in the state, a real academic. Marie
then worked at Dunolly Hospital until her retirement.
Marie also assisted her husband, Lin, in the running of
Dunolly Funerals; they were a great team and still are.
Marie has served as secretary to the Dunolly Cemetery
Committee for 30 years and helped with memberships
and entertainment at the Dunolly Senior Citizens Club
where she is an enthusiastic player of indoor bowls.
Marie has also been a keen supporter of Dunolly’s
service clubs, sporting and academic, and has been a
great asset to Dunolly.
Marie said that winning the award was a shock as she
had no idea that she had been nominated, however,
Lin and the family knew that she would receive the
award and made doubly sure that she was present to
receive it.
Peter is known as Dunolly’s ‘go to man’ and he has
supported every local club and activity. He has been a
member of numerous committees including Deledio
Reserve, the Dunolly pool, Laanecoorie Dunolly
Cricket Club, as well as stepping in to help out at the
local RSL.
Peter has played the trumpet for many years at RSL
events while also running his family’s business since
his father retired.
‘It is a bit of a shock but I’m very happy to receive this
award,’ Peter said following the service.
Marie and Peter are great supporters of The Welcome
Record through advertising and donations and we
congratulate them both on receiving this recognition
of their unflagging work in the community.
Bob Henderson and Coral Christensen
Page 2 Volume 30 Issue 3
Welcome Record Inc.
A0013872F ABN 19299170473
Published by community volunteers at the
Dunolly Town Hall 85 Broadway
Dunolly Victoria 3472.
(03) 54681054
Susan Anderson
Faye Arnold
Coral Christensen
Jan Brock (Accounts)
Jean Richardson
Jenny Scott
Jean Anderson
Jan Brock
Cynthia Lindsay
Rosemary Mecredy
Jenny Scott
Printing and Distribution:
Jan Brock
Theresa Milne
Graeme Ray
Janet Ray
Tuesday 9.30am - 3.30pm
Wednesday 9.00am -1.00pm
Contributions are accepted up to closing time on
Tuesdays. Exceptions are made only by prior
arrangement, or for important community notices for
the Classified pages. If in doubt please ring us before
2.00pm on Tuesday to avoid disappointment.
All letters, articles and classifieds must contain the
writer’s full name, home address and daytime
telephone number.
The Welcome Record aims to present the diversity of
viewpoints which reflect the concerns and interests of
our community. It will not print contributions which
are defamatory or being used as an alternative to a
personal approach in dealing with a
personal issue. The opinions expressed
by contributors are not necessarily
those of The Welcome Record.
Phone 5468 1054
4 February 2015
Going a bit architectural this week. Doesn’t the post
and rail fence around the Police Stables look great?
Congratulations to everyone involved in the work
When I was in Maryborough the other day having the
car serviced, I had a whole morning to meander around
and just look at things. Wandered into Quincy Jac - a
gift shop next to the Bull and Mouth - it may have been
part of the hotel at one time.
There are heaps of lovely things in there, but the most
interesting thing about it is the actual space it
occupies. The ceiling is very high and is built like
parquetry - similar to the ceiling in St Mary’s. It is
highly varnished and looks magnificent. The beams,
which are also a long way up, are huge carved panels.
They are hard to describe - you will have to go and see
them for yourself.
Heard about a self-steering robotic tractor operating in
Japan. Some of the benefits are that it stays within the
boundaries of the property and turns at the end of the
paddock. Thank goodness for that - one would think
that these would be fairly necessary things for a tractor
to do. Beware the runaway robot tractor!
Some boat owners have a sense of humour when they
name their vessels. I saw ‘Cirrhosis of the River’ go
through Dunolly the other day.
Gadget of the Week This was in one of those booklets that come in the mail
full of very strange and marvellous things you didn’t
know you needed. These caught my eye - Mop
They look like those spider dusters, but you wear them
on your feet and they ‘grab onto the dirt, dust and
grime, leaving your floors sparkling’. You can forget
mops and water too - can you imagine fluffing around
in wet slippers washing the floor?
Another labour saving device next week.
Notes from our Councillor
Church News
Important Dates
Loddon Mayoral Column
Cookery Corner
Neighbourhood House
Classifieds Personal/Public Notices
Page 3
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4 February2015
During the week, Dunolly received a brand new
community bus, it is a beauty. There are a number of
people I have to thank for their assistance: Fiona
Lindsay and the RTC committee; Steve Streeter from
the Maldon and District Community Bank; and Wayne
Belcher from Central Goldfields Shire. It was a great
The first meeting regarding the footpaths and the
associated work that goes with the street development
in Broadway will be occurring very shortly. We would
like to see it all completed before winter, here's
Bob Henderson
For those like me who are specifically interested in the
impacts of global warming on Australia, the CSIRO and
The Bureau of Meteorology have just released a welldocumented report on Australia’s climate. You can
find it at
The report is useful because it shows how our local
flood and fire experiences fit within the big picture of
national climate change. For instance, the report
makes it clear that here in South-east Australia we
have had more extreme fire weather since the 1970’s
and that our rainfall has decreased with more of it
coming in heavy falls.
Looking to the future, the report says that Australia's
average temperatures have already warmed 0.9
degrees since 1910 and are likely to increase to 5.1
degrees by 2090 if no action is taken to reduce carbon
emissions. In that case, Mildura’s climate would be
more like Broken Hill or Port Augusta, while
Melbourne’s climate would be more like Wangaratta
or Dubbo, with days over 35 degrees increasing from
11 to over 24.
If this all seems highly unlikely, consider the sobering
fact that we have now had three years in this decade,
2005, 2010 and 2014, when we have broken the
record for global average temperatures with 2014
being the hottest year globally since weather recording
Volume 30 Issue 3 Page 3
While the situation is serious, there are many positive
things that can be done by nations, states and
individuals. If your land-care group, service club, U3A
or community organisation would like a free
presentation on climate change that is positive, up to
date and tailored to your member’s interests and time
constraints just let me know.
Terry White 5461 5471
Cynthia Lindsay asked about the Shower Head on the
side of the road at Simson (WR 21/01/15).
Occupational Health and Safety rules require that
where an employee may come in contact with a
dangerous substance, the employer must provide a
suitable washing station so that anyone coming in
contact with the substance can quickly wash it off.
There is a series of pipes and valves adjacent to the
shower head, so it would appear that this site is some
sort of inspection point that requires regular
Alan Larpent
In answer to Cynthia Lindsay’s request for information
in the Welcome Record on 21 January, regarding the
roadside shower head. These are decontamination
showers for people working on the gas main or any
toxic site.
I hope this answers the boys’ curiosity.
Neville Roberts
When I arrived in the district three years ago, I was
intrigued as to the pronunciation of the name of the
goldfields town Timor. Being from Melbourne, I
mispronounced it as Tee-more, but was told by locals
pronounce it Tie-more. In North Wales there is a wellknown 16th century historic house called Ty Mawh.
The Welsh translation of Ty Mawh means big house,
and is used for many large old houses in Wales. Could
it be that our local Timor was a verbal naming by a
Welsh miner? When it was eventually written down, it
was spelt phonetically as Timor instead of Ty Mawh.
Purely a hypothesis of course, but I think it is quite
plausible. Our own town Dunolly was named after the
Scottish Dunollie Castle, and the spelling was also
different. I’d love to hear any other theories as mine is
purely conjecture. I’m sure our wonderful historical
society will have some answers. I do love a good
Rachel Buckley
Page 4 Volume 30 Issue 3
Goldfields Transport is run by Central Goldfields Shire
and provides a door to door community bus service for
residents of Dunolly and Bealiba who wish to go to
Maryborough for shopping, appointments or to meet
friends. The bus operates on Friday each week. If you
wish to use the bus you need to ring the Shire (5461
0610) and make a booking. It’s a great service for those
who have no transport or have difficulty driving. I used
this service to do my shopping when I had shingles and
was unable to drive. A great service and I met new
friends on the bus. This service is separate to the one
run by the RTC.
Marion Da Costa
A notorious intersection where a Maryborough woman
died last month is earmarked for a $3 million safety
upgrade. The Lockwood crossing is set for an upgrade
to improve road safety and to install a roundabout.
VicRoads plans to begin building the new roundabout
later this year. The Lockwood crossing is situated
where the Maryborough-Bendigo Road meets the
Calder Alternative Highway.
The new large diameter roundabout would cater for
long trucks that frequently use the highway. The
upgrade would also include the installation of new
street lighting to improve visibility at the crossing
where a 58-year-old Maryborough woman was killed,
and another seriously injured, on 20 January.
Viroads regional director Mal Kersting said VicRoads
had recently started work on preliminary designs for
the construction of the new roundabout.
“The roundabout, to be built within the existing road
reserve, will involve changing the geometry of the
intersection to ensure it will be noticeable to motorists
from all approaches,” Mr Kersting said
“It will be designed so that motorists are encouraged
to slow down as they approach the intersection and
will include prominent signage.”
Vicroads told The Advertiser that during the five year
period ending January 2015 there were nine casualty
crashes, including the recent tragic fatality, in the
vicinity of this intersection.
VicRoads has recently met with some nearby residents,
including the Lockwood Community Forum, to discuss
the Calder Alternative Highway and the intersection.
“Some of the feedback is being considered in the
design,” Mr Kersting said.
“Once our designs are near completion, we will make
arrangements to meet with landholders that live in
close proximity to the intersection to share our work
and gain some local input into how the design will
operate in the local environment.”
By Eve Lamb, Courtesy The Maryborough Advertiser
4 February 2015
Tarnagulla Community Centre
Open every Sunday
10.00AM to 4.00PM
8 Sandy Creek Lane Behind the Victoria Hall.
Homemade cakes, pastries,
soup and sandwiches
Come along and enjoy a coffee or Devonshire tea
Eat in or take away
We also have a range of local
crafts and produce.
Support your local centre run by volunteers.
Join us for our first
dinner in 2015
Saturday 7 February
French Inspired Menu
Enjoy our summer lunch menu, Friday to Sunday
Or simply a delicious coffee & cake
or a glass of wine.
Visit our gallery of local artists, including beautiful work
by Joe Jakitsch of Tarnagulla and Anthony Dunn.
Check out our regional produce and wines
- they make the best gifts.!
127 Broadway Dunolly
03 5468 1245 or 0428 322 208
Septic tanks pumped out
at reasonable rates Servicing Dunolly
& Surrounding Districts
Tel: 5468 7262 or Mobile 0429 782 691
4 February2015
Volume 30 Issue 3 Page 5
Standing by the waterside of Deep (Tullaroop) Creek at
Carisbrook it is impossible to imagine this gentle
meandering stream turning into the raging torrent
which flooded the whole town a few years ago. Yet it
did, creating a nightmare for all Carisbrook residents.
Last Sunday minnows could be seen darting among the
reeds in the clear shallow water. Further downstream
saplings with golden tips blended beautifully with the
diverse greens of the many reed beds and other water
plants. It was really lovely. This natural habitat is home
to many creatures including banjo frogs, small water
birds and a variety of insects. Water rats and platypus
also live amongst the reed beds. Many years ago
Marion went with the Field Naturalist Club one night on
a trip to see platypus burrows along this creek. They
were rewarded for their efforts that night by seeing a
platypus. Walking tracks follow both sides of the creek
and make for easy walking. Old ropes were tied to solid
tree branches in several places and an old tyre perched
proudly on another branch. The lucky residents with
houses backing onto the creek must have some of the
best views in the Central Goldfields Shire.
According to the interpretative signage Bucknall
Reserve is named after a prominent Carisbrook resident
of the past, Les Bucknall. He was a descendant of an
early pioneering family. Along with wife Dorothy, Les
planted out many of the introduced trees in the
reserve. The walking trail was built by Ian and Julie
Carstairs of Carisbrook and Haj Mooney. It was
upgraded in 1998/9 and goes for six hundred and sixty
metres. The sign says it is wheelchair friendly. Across
the bridge is the children's playground and a picnic area
which was in use as we passed.
Further along the creek is the old log gaol. The sign says
it was probably built in 1851 and is the oldest remaining
log gaol in Victoria. One log has been signed by an 1860
inmate. Near it is a much more recent signature from
2014 which completely lacked the charm of the earlier
one. The gaol did house some notorious criminals in its
early days, including a police murderer. It was used by
low key offenders up until 1900. The gaol has been
relocated twice since it was built and has been used as
a horse sluice among other things during its long life.
We had expected to be about an hour walking around
Carisbrook. It was well over two hours before we left
and all we had seen was the creek and the gaol.
Carisbrook has more to offer visitors than we had
thought. The many historic buildings will have to wait
for another day.
Vicky Frizzell
Sunday 1 February saw our fist ride for 2015 take
place, which was a most enjoyable ride on mostly
unsealed, quiet roads with one section through the
Bealiba range state forest.
Our members were down as three families were away,
however, we were joined by Trish and Veronica for
the first time, both on new bikes. We enjoyed their
company very much and look forward to their
continuing presence with the group. An official
apology is due to Murray Hall who, because of a mix
up on our part about the start time, arrived too late to
take part, sorry Murray.
The next event on 15 February will be the first one
away from Dunolly; the McIntyre members are
organising a ride in this area in the morning, followed
by a barbecue lunch at Glynis and Brian Cain’s home,
bring your own meat. Time and details in next
Welcome Record. We wish to record our thanks to the
Welcome Record and staff for their help in publishing
and reporting our activities since we started.
Neville Roberts, 5468 7295
Page 6 Volume 30 Issue 3
Today I’d like to take you on a walk up another garden
path. This one I walked many many times about 60 odd
years ago. It was a wonderful, magical place for a child,
a sort of ‘’lose yourself from the rest of the world”
place. It was the gardens on the corner of Thompson St.
and Maude St. here in Dunolly, where the Caravan Park
is now situated. It was known as the Soldiers Memorial
Gardens, but after talking to an old friend, who used to
go canoodling in there with his now wife of many years,
we both thought it was originally a Botanic Garden. It
fronted Thompson St. where there was a row of old
Cypress pines just inside a wooden picket fence, which
had in the early 50s seen better days. There were a
couple of wooden bench seats on the footpath side of
the fence, probably for resting during a walk to or from
the railway station. Quite a few seats were also in the
garden. The sides and back fence were of rabbit proof
wire netting, with several rows of barbed wire on top.
Inside the fence all the way around was a tract of land
about 4 or 5 metres wide which was overgrown with
large trees, shrubs, creeper and all sorts of growth, as
well as a small rotunda on the northern side, which
was covered with various types of greenery. There was
also a stand of silver poplars whose suckers’
predecessors are still on the same site today and
several clumps of bamboo. Inside this tract of garden, a
footpath ran all the way around, with other paths
leading from it to the centre of the garden, where
stood a granite memorial marker for the soldiers of the
first and second world wars. I have been told it is the
memorial which now stands by the Dunolly museum.
There seems to be little or no information on these
gardens. Do you have any? It would have to have been
planted in the late 1800s or for World War One
commemoration, as the trees were large and old in the
50s, the second world war having been over only half a
dozen years. The RSL used to march down Broadway
and Thompson Street on Anzac Day with the band
playing to hold a service at the centre of the garden.
There was a deep old broken concrete open gutter,
which ran down Thompson Street into an inflow on the
railway side of the garden and into the lake, or station
dam as we used to call it. I remember the large monkey
puzzle three on this side of the garden as well, because
I recollect getting the prickly leaves in bare feet and
probably more than once. The garden was well tended
and looked after by old Mr Angus, who used to take his
horse and cart down almost every day, loaded up with
shovels, rakes and so on. I hope there were others
beside me who appreciated all the back-breaking hours
he spent working there. And it would have been all for
4 February 2015
the love of it. No pay attached. Mr. Angus’s wife ran
the ice cream and lolly shop on the corner of
Broadway, next to the museum. They lived in the side
residence which also had a nice garden. Does anyone
remember where he kept his horse? I have talked to
several people who remember the gardens, but not
much more than me. Are there any old records of
them and does anyone have photos? It would be nice
to hear from anyone out there who has any
information and/or photos, as there must be people
who remember more than I do.
See ya!
P.S. Another memory I’d forgotten to mention, was all
of the flowering bulbs that appeared out of nowhere
in autumn and spring. I seriously think this place was a
Photo copying
Computer Training
V/Line Bookings
Dry Cleaning
Community Bus Shopping Run
Post cards
Tourist brochures
Trading hours
Monday to Friday
10.00am to 4.30pm
03 5468 1205
Opening times:
10.00am to 5.30pm daily
(Sundays 10.00am to 5.00pm)
Dunolly DVD Hire
Overnight and weekly hire
Telephone 5468 1623
68 Broadway, Dunolly
4 February2015
The new Wellness and Support Centre at
Maryborough District Health Service is steadily
MDHS CEO Terry Welch recently gave his hearty
‘stamp of approval’ to the plans for the new
Wellness and Support Centre for Cancer and
Chronic Illness.
“This project has been developed by a committed
and dedicated team at MDHS, for and with the
community” he said. “It is pleasing to see what
has been achieved and completed thus far”.
Mr Welch is keen for the centre to be an
environment that is welcoming for community
members. “There is still some work to be done
before the centre opens” Mr Welch said.
“We want to ensure the Wellness Centre is a safe,
welcoming environment that can be accessed by
community members of all abilities”.
The first stage of the new centre is nearing
completion. Next steps include the construction of
a ramp to facilitate easier access for people with a
disability, and a disabled toilet is to be installed.
The ramp will be constructed in front of the
Internally, the initial renovations of the first stage
have been completed. Most of the furnishings of
the new Wellness and Support Centre have been
chosen and delivered, with a few aesthetic items
still to be added. The final touches will evolve
from community input. The plan is for the centre
Volume 30 Issue 3 Page 7
to continue to develop and evolve in response to
the needs of the community.
Mr Welch sees the centre as an opportunity for a
different way of doing business.
“Our aim is to make the centre a less clinical
environment. We anticipate it will be a friendly,
comfortable place that welcomes community
members to call in when it is convenient.” Mr
Welch said.
“It should be viewed as a source of reputable
health information, a centre for health related
groups as well as providing some services by
appointment. The focus will be on assisting
community members with chronic illness to better
manage their health and wellbeing, and providing
support to their family and friends.”
The overwhelming response to the renovations
has been positive. Those who remember the
building as being the location of the former
Medical Practice, have commented on the
Whilst there is still more work to be done, both
internally and externally, once work is complete
the community will be invited to help celebrate
the opening of the first stage and public access to
activities and service delivery from the centre will
MDHS Media Release
MDHS CEO Terry Welch (centre) was recently briefed on the progress of the
new MDHS Wellness and Support Centre by MDHS Director of Community
Services Tracey Wilson (left), Fundraising Manager Gloria Turner (right) and
Executive Project Manager Michael Coleman (standing). They are seen here
in the Wellness Centre’s ‘Quiet Room’.
Page 8 Volume 30 Issue 3
4 February 2015
4 February2015
At its Ordinary Meeting on 27 January,
Council resolved to continue observing
the Melbourne Cup public holiday for
2015. Tuesday, 3 November 2015 will
be a public holiday throughout Central
Goldfields Shire.
You may get a call
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and
Planning is once again conducting local government
surveys. Up to 300 people within the shire will be
receiving a call, asking them to complete a brief survey
on the services of Council. Calls are planned to
commence on 2 February and will continue into March.
Rates reminder
Instalments and full payment now due
Ratepayers that elect to pay their rates and charges in
one lump sum are reminded that full payment is due
on Monday, 16 February 2015. For those paying in
instalments, the third payment is due by Monday 2
March 2015.
Rates can be paid at the cashier desk at Council
between the hours of 8.45am and 4pm, Monday to
Friday. You can also use Bpay, Bpay View, or pay at any
Australia Post outlet.
Please contact Marc Cassidy at Council on 5461 0681 if
you have any questions.
Volume 30 Issue 3 Page 9
2015 Central Goldfields Reverse Triathlon
The Central Goldfields Reverse Triathlon will be held
on the morning of Sunday 8 February 2015, and will be
utilising the road carriageway which adjoins several
local properties.
The following roads will be affected:
 Christian Street, between Burns and Napier Streets
half road
 Burns Street, between Christian Street and Lake
Road road–resident access
 Burns Street, between Lake and Tullaroop Roads
entire road
 Napier Street, between Christian and Earl Streets
entire road
 Lake Road, between Earl and Burns Streets entire
 Tullaroop Road, between Park and Chaplins Roads
entire road
Please note: Access to Havilah Hostel will be via
Holyrood Street entrance (at the rear of Havilah
The event will commence at 6:15am with registrations.
Tullaroop Road, Burns Street, Napier Street, Lake Road
and Christian Street will be closed from 7:15am
through to 10:30am. All through traffic will be
detoured for this period of time.
Cont’d next page
Page 10 Volume 30 Issue 3
4 February 2015
Municipal Building Surveyor – Permanent Full Time
Council is currently seeking an experienced candidate
to undertake the role of Municipal Building Surveyor.
Duties will include but not be limited to:
 Providing support and guidance to the Building
Department team,
 Providing guidance and assistance to clients and
stakeholders over the telephone and at front
 Issuing of Building Permits and Occupancy Permits in
accordance with the Building Act and Building
Benefits include:
 Immediate permanent role,
 Study assistance and a family friendly environment,
 Competitive package dependent on experience and
Further information about the position may be
obtained by contacting David Sutcliffe, General
Manager Technical Services on 5461 0602.
To apply for this position, follow the link on Council’s
website and enter the relevant reference code
1957085. Applications must address the key selection
criteria and close 13 February 2015 at 5:00pm. Late
applications cannot be accepted.
Supported Playgroup Social Worker - Permanent Part
Time 7.6 hours per week
Council is seeking an experienced Social Worker to
work within the Supported Playgroup area.
Your experience and knowledge will see you succeed in
this position by working with parents and children who
attend supported playgroup, as well as the Supported
Playgroup Facilitators to:
 Connect with services via warm referrals,
 Support parenting skill development via modelling,
coaching and instruction for individual and groups,
 Assist the Supported Playgroup Facilitators to
identify and develop skills required for families to
move to a community playgroup environment as
 Identify and assist the Facilitators with managing
parental behavioural issues within the playgroup
To apply for this position, follow the link on Council’s
website and enter reference code: 1957139. For
further information contact Liz Albanese, Coordinator
Day Care Services on 03 5461 5047. Applications must
address the Key Selection Criteria and close 13
February 2015 at 5:00pm.
4 February2015
Volume 30 Issue 3 Page 11
Invite you to worship God and
welcome you to their services:
Sunday 8 February 2015
St John’s Dunolly Anglican Parish Service
10.00am Morning Prayer - Pam Brodie
St David’s Bealiba Anglican Services
1st and 3rd Sundays monthly at 8.00am
Emu Anglican Services
2nd and 4th Sundays monthly at 11.30am
Catholic Services: Dunolly
1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays Mass at 8.30am
3rd Sunday Assembly at 8.30am
3rd and 5th Sunday Mass at 8.30am
3rd Saturday Mass at 11.00am
Bealiba Uniting Church
2nd and 4th Sundays at 11.00am
Dunolly Uniting Church
9.30am Music Celebration - Heiner Bauch
Laanecoorie Uniting Church
No service
The meeting scheduled for this Tuesday 3 February,
has been rescheduled to Tuesday 10 February at
2.00pm in the Hall. Apologies for any inconvenience.
An Ash Wednesday service will be held at St John’s on
Wednesday 18 February at 11.00am. This will be
followed by a light lunch in the Hall. All welcome!
Sunday 22 February, the Parish of Maryborough will
hold their AGM. A service will be held at 10.00am prior
to the meeting. All welcome!
For any further information please contact Pam Brodie
on 5468 1183 or Trina Kay on 5468 1709.
Pam Brodie
The muse apologises this week: she is out of town.
R Mecredy
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in
believing, that you may abound in hope.
Romans 15:13
I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father , but by me.
John 14: V6
Our Uniting Car boot Sale in the Church grounds will
be held on 14 February. We the Uniting Church are to
be hosts this month So it would be appreciated if you
could do a little baking for us. If we all do a little it
makes it so much easier, thank you.
Heiner will be taking the service on Sunday and we all
enjoy a good old sing so if you would like to come and
join us we would love to have you. Our Op-Shop is
open on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for all of you to
come in and look at our summer clothes. It has not
been very hot lately but I believe next week we are
having very hot weather. Be prepared with some
lovely wear from our Op Shop! We have many books
too to read in the heat. On the 20 February we are
again having one of our ‘Blokes Night Out’. These are
very well attended by the men of our district starting
with a BBQ tea and always a talk afterwards. This
month, our guest speaker Brian will talk on opal
mining. If you are coming, bring a friend and let Jim
McKenzie know on 5468 7246 as this will help with the
catering. Thank you.
Jean Richardson
49 Alma Street,
Maryborough 3465
We conduct a Mobile Veterinary Service throughout
the Maryborough area. We are available for:
House calls for small animal consultations ,
vaccinations etc
Routine farm consultations
All appointments for calls must be made
before midday Tuesday.
Tel. 5461 4466
Page 12 Volume 30 Issue 3
Bealiba Playgroup meets every Friday from
10.00am to 11.00am in the Primary School during
school terms
Bealiba Progress Association meeting,
2nd Tuesday each month 7.30pm Bealiba Hall
4 February 2015
Dunolly St George Lodge
4th Saturday each month
Dunolly Town Hall/Court House Committee
4th Tuesday each month 3.30pm Town Hall
Bealiba Bingo 1.30pm in the Bealiba Hall
2nd Monday each month
Dunolly Unit Vic SES meeting 6.30pm
3rd Tuesday each month.
Training every other Tuesday
Community bus – every Friday to Maryborough and
back. RTC 5468 1205
Dunolly Uniting Church Messy Church
4th Wednesday each month 4.30pm to 6.00pm
Dunolly Community Garden at Pre-school:
Wednesdays 2.00pm AEST/5.00pm Summer
Golden Triangle Archers
4th Sunday each month 10.00am behind Deledio
Dunolly CWA 1.30pm RSL Hall
1st Wednesday each month
Dunolly Day Support Tuesday and Thursdays
10.30am to 2.30pm Phone 5468 2907
Dunolly District Auxiliary
1st Monday each month at 10.00am
Hospital Day Room
Dunolly Field and Game meeting
1st Thursday each month 7.30pm
147 Broadway
Dunolly Fire Brigade meeting
1st Monday each month 7.30pm Fire Station
Dunolly Community Market
2nd Sunday each month 8.00am to 1.00pm
Maryborough Lions Club Tourist Market
1st Sunday of every month - 8.00am - 2.00pm
At the Maryborough Harness Racing Complex.
Mobile Library every Thursday 2.00pm to 5.00pm
outside Town Hall
Newbridge CWA meeting Newbridge Hall
3rd Tuesday each month 1.30pm
Old time Dancing 7.30pm Mondays
Anglican Hall Barkly Street Dunolly
RSL meeting 12.30pm RSL Hall Dunolly
Last Friday each month
Senior Citizens cards each Tuesday 1.30pm
Dunolly Neighbourhood Watch meeting
3rd Wednesday each month 10.30am Bakery
Senior Citizens luncheon
3rd Wednesday each month 12.30pm
Dunolly Supported Playgroup meets Wednesday
9.30am to 11.30am
Dunolly Preschool
Talbot Farmers Market
3rd Sunday each month 9.00am to 1.00pm
Dunolly & District Probus Club meeting
3rd Thursday each month 10.000am
Senior Citizens Hall
Dunolly Museum meeting
3rd Monday each month 75 Broadway
Tarnagulla Playgroup each Thursday 10.30am to 12
noon – behind the hall
Tarnagulla Action Group - Community Centre
3rd Monday each month 7.30pm
Welcome Record Committee meets 2.00pm
2nd Monday each month - office
Friday 6
Sunday 8
Thursday 12
Thursday 12
Saturday 14
Wednesday 18
DFNC Junior Information Evening & BBQ - 6.00pm
Dunolly Market
Public meeting Dunolly Town Hall to discuss replacement of the Broadway footpaths
AGM Field and Game Club Inc. 7.00pm at the SES shed
Car Boot Sale - Uniting Church Grounds - 8.00am
Neighbourhood Watch AGM - 10.30am at the Bakery
4 February2015
Council ends roadside firewood collection
Roadside firewood collection permits will no longer be
issued by Council, after a report was presented to
Councillors at the January Ordinary meeting.
In mid-2011 Council commenced the issuing of permits
for collection of firewood from local roads following a
decision by the Department of Sustainability and
Environment to cease the practice of providing approval
to residents.
In direct response, Council developed a permit process
to facilitate the continued access for residents to collect
firewood from roadsides, with the established Works in
Road Reserve Permit.
Permits have been issued for a 12 month period and do
not include a limit on the volume of firewood that can
be collected.
However, during the past four years, the collection of
firewood along roadsides has been identified as an
activity that carries a degree of inherent risk and cost to
Loddon Shire Council. This, combined with the relatively
low number of permits issued over the last four years,
has led Council to withdraw all future approval for this
activity along our local road network.
Council did not come to this decision lightly. It did
consider the benefits afforded to local residents being
able to source limited quantities of firewood from
roadsides, in contrast to the legislative and operational
risks associated with the activity.
In making this decision to suspend the issuing of
permits, Council has brought Loddon Shire in line with
many of its neighbouring councils and the majority of
municipalities across the state.
Volume 30 Issue 3 Page 13
Council will honour all current permits, but will not
renew them as they expire. All residents should be
aware that conducting unauthorised works within
Council’s road reserves can attract penalties of up to
In substitution of the former permit process from
Crown land collection, the Department of
Environment, Land, Water and Planning operates an
annual program, providing various locations of Crown
land reserves as community firewood coups. For more
information about the coups, visit the DEPI website:
Loddon assesses its performance
Loddon Shire Council is participating in an independent
market research survey for three weeks in February.
Residents may receive a household call from market
research company, National Field Services.
The company has been commissioned to conduct a
community satisfaction survey on behalf of Loddon
Similar surveys will be undertaken across a number of
Victorian councils in the coming months.
The survey has been designed to assess the
performance of Loddon Shire Council across a range of
measures to identify ways to provide improvement or
more effective service delivery to residents.
National Field Services will keep all details and
individual responses confidential. Only the overall
results will be shared with Loddon Shire Council.
For more information, please call Loddon Shire
Council’s customer service centre on 5494 1200.
Cr Gavan Holt
Mark Marson
Servicing Maryborough & District
Ph: 0419133181
Page 14 Volume 30 Issue 3
4 February 2015
Supplied courtesy : The Puzzle Wizard
Crossword 48, Sudoku 50
4 February2015
Volume 30 Issue 3 Page 15
Appointments to MDHS
Board of Management
The Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services, the Hon Jill
Hennessy MP, is pleased to invite applications for part time board chair and
director positions of public health services, Ambulance Victoria, and rural public
hospitals (including multi-purpose services) with terms of office commencing from
1 July 2015.
These positions provide an exciting opportunity for suitably qualified and
experienced persons to contribute and provide high level advice on the delivery of
public health care to the Victorian community.
Guidelines for applicants, application forms and terms and conditions of
appointment are available for downloading from
The Victorian Government is committed to ensuring that government boards and
This includes appropriate representation of women, indigenous Victorians, young
Victorians and Victoria’s culturally diverse community and Victorians living with a
Applications close at 5.00pm on Friday, 13 February 2015.
Applicants are required to submit their completed application form, personal
resume and cover letter to:
The Chair
Selection Panel
Maryborough District Health Service
PO Box 155
Wendy McIvor
President, Board of Management
Page 16 Volume 30 Issue 3
4 February 2015
4 February2015
Serves 6
Prep time: 35 minutes.
Cooking time: 30-35 minutes
2 medium carrots, peeled, grated
1 medium zucchini, grated
1 medium brown onion, finely chopped
100g sliced leg ham or bacon, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 cup grated cheese
1-cup self-raising flour
¼ cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves
4 or 5 eggs, lightly beaten
¼ cup milk
¼ cup Alfa One rice bran oil
Mixed salad, to serve
1. Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan-forced. Grease an
18cm x 28cm (base) slice pan.
2. Combine carrot, zucchini, onion, ham or bacon,
garlic, cheese, flour and parsley in a bowl. Season
with salt and pepper. Stir in eggs, milk and oil.
3. Spread mixture into prepared pan. Bake for 30 to
35 minutes or until firm to touch. Set aside to cool.
Cut into squares. Serve warm or cold with mixed
Monday—Saturday: 7.00am - 6.00pm
Volume 30 Issue 3 Page 17
Serves 8
Prep time: 20 minutes (plus 35 minutes standing time)
Cooking time: 20 minutes
4 garlic cloves, unpeeled
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1-tablespoon balsamic vinegar
2 x 40g punnets tomato medley mix
4 medium tomatoes
½ cup fresh basil leaves
2 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted
1. Preheat oven to 200°C/180°C fan-forced. Place garlic
cloves on a 20cm piece of foil. Drizzle with
1 teaspoon oil. Twist top to enclose. Roast for 15 to
20 minutes or until tender. Stand for 5 minutes or
until cool enough to handle.
2. Squeeze garlic from skins. Discard skins. Place garlic
in a small bowl and mash with a fork until smooth.
Add balsamic vinegar and remaining oil. Stir to
combine. Season with salt and pepper.
3. Quarter large tomatoes and halve medium and small
ones. Place tomatoes in a glass or ceramic bowl. Add
dressing. Set aside a room temperature for 30
minutes to allow flavours to develop.
4. Transfer tomato mixture to a platter. Sprinkle with
basil leaves and pine nuts. Serve.
Recipe Super Food Ideas
Page 18 Volume 30 Issue 3
4 February 2015
Gardeners can help protect Australia’s $1 billion
softwood plantation industry from a new insect pest
called giant pine scale.
Giant pine scale is a sap-feeding insect which can attack
pine, fir and spruce trees. Over 500 infested trees have
been detected so far in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs.
Gardeners across Victoria are being asked to help get
rid of this pest by reporting any white, cotton-like waxy
secretions on their pine, fir and spruce trees.
Over the next few months, staff from the Department
of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and
Resources will be on the hunt for giant pine scale to
assess the spread of this pest – and the community can
help this work by looking in their gardens.
Gardeners can report any white, waxy secretions they
see on their pine, fir and spruce trees via the toll-free
Exotic Plant Pest Hotline 1800 084 881. More
information about giant pine scale is available at
Residents can also email photos of the suspected pest,
together with a contact phone number and the
location, to
Victoria’s Chief Plant Health Officer Gabrielle VivianSmith said community support and assistance was
integral to the success of the eradication program.
“An urgent program is underway to help protect
Australia’s more than $1 billion softwood plantation
industry, and to help maintain the health and safety of
host trees,” Dr Vivian-Smith said.
“To minimise further spread, we’re asking people not
to touch, move or collect suspected samples or parts of
infected trees.”
“We are working closely with local councils, the nursery
and garden industry, arborists and related businesses
as part of the program to ensure all avenues of
identification and transfer of this pest are managed
Trees impacted by giant pine scale suffer severe
dehydration and branch dieback and can eventually
Most infested trees can be safely treated with a
chemical injection but in some circumstances may need
to be removed.
Media Release Department of Environment, Land,
Water & Planning
For those of you who have children and
don’t know it, we have a nursery
Goes where the big cats can’t
Post hole borer
150, 450 & 300mm augers
Site Clearing and Trenching
Backhoe Attachment
4 in 1 Bucket
Phone Tom Fankhauser
03 5468 1660 0417 649 756
Rural & Domestic Fencing,
Bathroom & Kitchen
Roofing Repairs & Painting,
Painting & Plaster Work,
Fully Insured & Free Quotes
CONTACT TERRY—0413 805 946
4 February2015
Volume 30 Issue 3 Page 19
What’s going on at
Using all mediums - every Tuesday from 10.00am at the
Centre. Bring your own supplies and do your own thing.
Oil, water colour, acrylics, drawing, painting. It’s great
fun, no experience needed you just have to be
enthusiastically interested in art.
There is expert support and encouragement from a
local artist who can guide you all the way! Make
friends and be inspired. This group is for beginners to
experts. $2.00 per person.
You might like to try woodwork, on Tuesdays from
9.00am in the shed at at the Centre.
Learn wood turning, do special projects, learn how to
use power tools correctly.
Make yourself or your family members something
unique. Most timber supplied. $20.00 per year
membership and $5.00 per session.
If you have an idea, craft, expertise or would like to
learn how to do a particular thing please let us know.
If you would like to know more about the Centre, what
we do, where we are, call Sharon on the number below
or simply send an email.
Phone 54681511
Sharon Hiley Coordinator
Bowen Therapy
Hair Mineral Testing
Homeopathy Remedies
Herbal Tea Blends
Equine Bodywork
& Muscle Therapy
Diet Herbs &
21 Main Street BEALIBA
Judy 0425 876 548
Veterans living in Wannon will have faster and more
effective access to treatment for a range of disorders
following the Abbott Government’s expansion of nonliability health care arrangements, Member for
Wannon, Dan Tehan said today.
Mr Tehan said that under the new arrangements,
veterans who are diagnosed by a general practitioner
or psychologist with conditions such as PTSD,
depression and anxiety will be able to access free
treatment programs without needing to prove a link
between their service and their condition. Up until
now, access to non-liability health care was limited to
veterans who had a condition diagnosed by a
‘This is great news for local veterans living in Wannon
where it is much quicker and easier to obtain a
diagnosis from a GP,’ Mr Tehan said.
‘In our community, many people have strong and long
-standing relationships with their local GPs so this
initiative will make a real difference in ensuring that
our veterans can access these services quickly and
locally rather than needing to first obtain a referral to
a psychiatrist.
‘The initiative also recognises that early diagnosis and
treatment of these conditions greatly improves
outcomes for those who are affected,’ Mr Tehan said.
Minister for Veterans’ Affairs the Hon Senator Michael
Ronaldson said expanding access to non-liability
health care built on the Abbott Government’s strong
record of improving services for Australia’s veterans.
‘The Government previously expanded these services
to include treatment for alcohol use disorder and
substance use disorder and made changes to allow a
greater number of people with peacetime service to
be eligible for these treatments,’ Senator Ronaldson
‘The key to good mental health is to take action early
and I encourage all veterans and veterans’
representatives to familiarise themselves with the
new arrangements and to seek help that is available.’
For any further information on mental health support
for veterans and their families, contact DVA or visit
the At Ease website at
Dan Tehan Media Release
Page 20 Volume 30 Issue 3
Men’s and Ladies Hairdressing
Tuesdays 1.00pm—late
(by appointment)
Wednesdays 9.00am to 5.30pm
Thursdays 9.00am to 5.30pm
Tarnagulla first Monday of the month
(excepting a long weekend)
For professional hair care
Call Julie on 0408 179 657
4 February 2015
20 Years Experience
Free Measure and Quote
Attention to detail
Personalised Service
Peter and Shelley Davies
18 Drive In Court Maryborough 3465
Telephone 5461 1000
I don't have grey hair. I have "wisdom
highlights". I'm just very wise.
My people skills are just fine. It’s my tolerance to
idiots that needs work.
The kids text me ‘plz’ which is shorter than please.
I text back ‘no’ which is shorter than ‘yes’.
I’ve retired and trying to live off my savings.
Not sure what I’ll be doing next month.
4 February2015
Volume 30 Issue 3 Page 21
Approx.100 old red bricks, 12 cement house stumps,
plus large concrete pipe/pump container. Best offer.
PH: Jan 5468 1017
GPX 4500 Minelab detector, 11” mono coil, Koss ear
phones, speaker, B+Z booster, 240V + 12 volt charger,
control box cover, DVD + instruction manual, genuine
Minelab serial number. $3,600.
Ph: Monika 0413 120 269 or Ron 0487 392 217
DUKKER, Lavonne Talei
The funeral service for Talei will be held at
St Augustine’s Church Maryborough on Monday
9 February at 11.00am.
Please join and support Talei’s family in celebration of
her life.
Eight young adult turkeys, $20.00 each or all eight for
$100. Also young roosters, $10.00 each.
PH: 5468 1284 or 0400 237 900
The Uniting Church will host the car boot sale on
Saturday 14 February. Cake and produce stall, sausage
sizzle, stalls $2.00 - all welcome.
The Op Shop will be open with New Year bargains.
66 Market St, Dunolly from 8.00am Saturday 8 and
Sunday 9 February.
Household items, garden tools, washing machine,
wood heater, car fridge, zero turn mower and much
Drawn: 30.1.15 2, 4, 8, 11, 14
No winner. Jackpot $850. 5 numbers out of 15.
Envelopes available at local businesses. Drawn at
Bowling Club Friday nights.
T Long
Thank you to everyone who assisted in the Australia
day observation. It was an enjoyable two hours with
the refreshments, face painting, ball skills, singing
(Tom, Natalie and the D Sharps), dignitaries and so on.
While I don’t often get to join the organisations that
put effort and time into staging these small events in a
town’s calendar, it is good to be able to say thank you.
Bettella McRae, Waanyarra
There will be a public meeting at the Dunolly Town Hall
on Thursday 12 February 2015 commencing at 5.30pm
to discuss concepts for the replacement of the
Broadway footpaths between Bull and Thompson
Streets, Dunolly.
The annual general meeting of Dunolly Neighbourhood
Watch will be held on Wednesday 18 February at
10.30am in the Dunolly Bakery.
All members of the public who are interested will be
made welcome.
R Mecredy, Secretary
We would like to thank the members and volunteers of
the Bealiba, Dunolly and Rheola Fire Brigades for their
quick response in extinguishing the hay fire last Friday.
Ray and Nola McClelland, Bealiba
Thanks to the Community Garden for the Comfrey last
week. What a wonderful project.
Lesley Whiley
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday
12 February 2015 commencing at 7.00pm sharp in the
SES shed Broadway, Dunolly.
Friday 6 February 2015 6.30pm.
All past and new players and parents welcome. BBQ
and refreshments supplied. Bring salad to share.
Page 22 Volume 30 Issue 3
As the Dunolly Primary School 2014 school year drew
closer to the end, our Grade 6 students had the
opportunity to celebrate their graduation from
Primary to Secondary school with a fun, family
orientated evening of Barefoot bowls at the Dunolly
Bowling Club. Although a rogue trampoline threatened
to bring the evening to a halt (by taking out the power
until after 7:00pm), we decided that the show must go
on and didn't let a little power outage stop the fun!
After a demonstration from some of the local bowling
club members, students and parents tried out their
bowling skills on the greens. Students took on their
teachers and parents, taking great pleasure in showing
them up on the green!
This was followed by a delicious spread of food
provided by the Golden Grain Cafe (who still managed
to bring the food on time despite an afternoon of no
power... amazing!). Thankfully, the power came back
on just in time for the formal part of the evening.
Grade 6 students had spent many hours leading up to
the day writing and rehearsing their graduation
speeches and all had the opportunity to present them
on the night. All students did a fantastic job; speaking
with confidence as they reflected upon their time in
primary school. There were many proud tears from
parents and teachers. Our graduating Class of 2014
were; Nick Attard, Emma Campbell, Jessica
Chamberlin, Jack Guelen, Thomas Jago, Tommy Lord,
Corrie O'Keeffe, Caitlyn Ray, Trisha Schnoor, Ethan
Spink, Ellen Stratford and Ashley Wright.
On the night, students were also recognised for their
4 February 2015
outstanding achievement across the curriculum, with
the following awards being presented:
- MEC Scholarship: Caitlyn Ray
- Highview Scholarship: Ellen Stratford
- Academic Award (Literacy): Jessica Chamberlin
- Academic Award (Mathematics): Ellen Stratford
- Academic Award (Overall): Caitlyn Ray
- Citizenship Award: Jack Guelen
- Auslan Award: Jessica Chamberlin
- Dunolly Hospital Auxillary Encouragement Award:
Thomas Jago
- Principal's Award: Emma Campbell
We would like to thank the Dunolly Bowling club for
allowing us the use of their equipment/facilities and
for their assistance in demonstrating and running of
the barefoot bowling on the night. The venue was
perfect and Terry Long and his team ensured that
everything was running smoothly. A big thankyou must
also go the Golden Grain for catering for the evening
and somehow managing to work through the power
outage to still get our food to us on time. By all
reports, both students and their families thoroughly
enjoyed the evening. Having a special night for the just
Grade 6 students, allowed our school to truly focus on
and celebrate the unique qualities and skills that each
and every graduating student brought to our school.
The staff at Dunolly Primary School would like to wish
our graduating Class of 2014 all the best as they move
into the next stage of their schooling. Goodbye and
good luck!
Jacinda Polinelli (Grade 5/6 Teacher)
See photos back page.
4 February2015
Volume 30 Issue 3 Page 23
Dunolly Gold versus Golf Gold at Home
L Whiley
H Cooper
S Deason
K Stephens
E Murphy
N Pike
M Mortlock
J Morse
S Chaplin
D Spiteri
M Shay
J Cox
Manager: Elaine Murphy
Emergency: Loretta Parker
Stella and Jill
RESULTS of 3 February 2015
Dunolly Blue defeated MHS Tartan 72 to 55.
Dunolly Gold lost to Golf Blue 100 to 47.
Dunolly Blue (88)
T Galofaro (39)
R Pickering (22)
P Mortlock (29)
lost to
Dunolly Gold (63)
B Lanfranchi (21)
P Freemantle (35)
L Thomas (20)
Dunolly Green (65) lost to
V Mortlock(20)
lost to
G Ray (22)
lost to
A Britten (23)
Carisbrook (71)
R Baker (21)
J Buzza (35)
P Hooper (15)
Dunolly Red (42) lost to
A Deason(25)
drew with
K Nielsen (17)
lost to
Golf Green (54)
J Passalick (25)
L Atkins (29)
A. Larpent DBC
Extensions ~ Pergolas ~ Decks ~ Renovations
General House Maintenance
Butch Kennedy (Owner)
107 Field St Maryborough 3465
Mob: 0428 741 052
Dunolly Blue versus MHS Red at Highland
T Galofaro
R Pickering
P Mortlock
G Dobbin
C Williams
B Lanfranchi
W McLeish
G Davies
K Howard
J McHugh
S Howard
J Smith
Manager:: C Williams Cars: Seconds Leave: 12.30pm
Dunolly Gold versus Golf Blue at Golf
L Thomas
A Weir
P Freemantle
B Cann
D Mortlock
T Long
B Mortlock
H Taylor
S Rogers
A Larpent
J Haigh
E Weir
Manager: A Larpent Cars: Thirds Leave: 12.30pm
Dunolly Green versus MHS Black at Dunolly
K McKenzie
G Ray
A Britten
K Mottram
R Henderson
S Whitehead
D Coe
I Flett
P Chase
W Stephens
S Shay
D Conlin
Manager: K Mottram
Dunolly Red versus Avoca Gold at Dunolly
A Deason
K Nielsen
C Lawson
R Weir
D Price
M Dennis
F Dunieville
R Cain
Manager: R Weir.
Emergency: G Cain
As you would be aware, a category called “Code Red”
is now part of Victoria’s bushfire warning system. This
decision was made following the tragic bushfires that
devastated Victoria on Black Saturday in February
2009. All schools, kindergartens and childcare centres
in high bushfire risk areas will be closed on days
categorised as “Code Red”, including our school.
Our school will not be open on “Code Red” days. The
school will be notified by 12.00pm the day before if a
‘Code Red” day is declared. A letter will be sent home
with your child informing you of any closures on
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays. If a
“Code Red” day is declared for a Monday, parents will
be notified via a phone call on the Sunday afternoon.
We will also post this information on our new tiqbiz
I apologise for any inconvenience these decisions may
create for our families. Let’s hope that this system
does not need to be put in place on too many
occasions throughout 2015.
Page 24 Volume 30 Issue 3
4 February 2015
Some of the Dunolly Primary School Grade 6 students who celebrated
their graduation at the Dunolly Bowling Club in December.
See report page 22.