The Dunolly and District Community News 50c Volume 29 Issue 43 Wednesday 19 November 2014 Dona!on: ______________________________________________________________________________________ It is commonly understood that our cork tree (quercus suber) was planted about 1875, not long a!er the sta"on was built in 1873. Fortunately, Vic Track con"nues to allow the tree to grow freely so it now overhangs one end of the pla#orm. In the midst of the drought, in 2008, the Northern Goldfields Tourism Associa"on commissioned an arborist to assess the health of the cork tree, as it was iden"fied as poten"ally a major tourism a%rac"on, as well as being well-loved by the Dunolly community. The arborist’s report indicated the tree was in very good shape and probably drew its water from an underground watercourse that runs under the Caravan Park. He suggested some dead wood might be removed, but this had no bearing on the overall health of the tree. The NGTA approached Vic Track to care for the tree as it is on their land. Vic Track indicated the tree, as well as the railway buildings, would be placed on their heritage priority list. As far as I know, there is no indica"on that Vic Track plans to prune the cork tree. In 2009-10, Vic Track funded important restora"on work on the sta"on to make it weather "ght and offered the community part of the sta"on building for community use at a ‘peppercorn’ rent. There was a REMINDER - THE MESSIAH Dunolly Town Hall Saturday 22 November 3.00pm tour of the sta"on and some interest was expressed in taking up the offer so a local arts group could have permanent studio and exhibi"on space. The Neighbourhood House was the poten"al sponsor of such a group, but at the "me, decided it was not ready to pursue the ma%er. It is exci"ng that progress may now be made to take the proposal further. Fiona Lindsay Page 2 Vol 29 Iss 43 THE WELCOME RECORD ROSIE’S RAMBLE THE WELCOME RECORD INC. Welcome Record Inc. A0013872F ABN 19299170473 Published by community volunteers at the Dunolly Town Hall 85 Broadway Dunolly Victoria 3472. Phone: (03) 54681054 Email: Web: Editors: Susan Anderson Faye Arnold Coral Christensen Office: Jan Brock (Accounts) Jean Richardson Jenny Sco! Proofreaders: Jean Anderson Jan Brock Cynthia Lindsay Rosemary Mecredy Jenny Sco! Prin"ng and Distribu"on: Jan Brock Theresa Milne Graeme Ray Janet Ray OPENING TIMES Tuesday 9.30am - 3.30pm Wednesday 9.00am -1.00pm Contribu#ons are accepted up to closing #me on Tuesdays. Excep#ons are made only by prior arrangement, or for important community no#ces for the Classified pages. If in doubt please ring us before 2.00pm on Tuesday to avoid disappointment. All le!ers, ar#cles and classifieds must contain the writer’s full name, home address and day#me telephone number. The Welcome Record aims to present the diversity of viewpoints which reflect the concerns and interests of our community. It will not print contribu#ons which are defamatory or being used as an alterna#ve to a personal approach in dealing with a personal issue. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of The Welcome Record. Phone 5468 1054 19 November 2014 Don’t go outside without your umbrella for the next couple of weeks. It’s not because of the rain the other night – welcome though it was. It’s not because of the space junk falling out of the sky – I think that was in Queensland. It’s because of all the money that is suddenly falling all over any project that is men#oned……There must be an elec#on in the air! How impressed were the world leaders when our prime minister told them about his difficulty in ge*ng the budget passed. In the context of the mee#ng and world economics….not at all! There was a Twitchathon recently. Twitchers are very dedicated bird-watchers who make a note of every bird they see. Some of them go to extremes to be the first to see certain birds. The recent event was over twenty-four hours with a break of five hours during the night. One of the rules was the birds noted had to be alive. No coun#ng the road-kill. For those who are holding their breath to know the fate of the baby black-bird that was in our greenhouse, well…. Black-bird has flowwwen out of the greeeeenhouse, Now I can waaaater whenever I like (try humming these words to ‘Morning has Broken’). Rosie WEEKLY GIG GUIDE Nov 22 Oozin Blues at The Shamrock Hotel Bendigo. Nov 23 Country Music Show New Salva#on Army Hall 27 Wills St Maryborough 2.00 - 5.00pm Nov 30 Oozin Blues St Andrews Hotel 3.00 Dec 13/14 ‘Opera#c Delights’ at Buckley’s of Dunolly. 2.00pm New Years Eve Oozin Blues The Royal Hotel Dunolly For any Gig updates, please email: Jan Stephenson INDEX Rosie’s Ramble Gig Guide Le!ers Dunolly Primary School Goldfields Shire Council Church News Important Dates Cookery Corner Neighbourhood Centre Poetry & Puzzles Crossword Classifieds -Personal/Public No#ces Sport Page 2 Page 2 Page 3 Page 8 Page 9 Page 11 Page 12 Page 14 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 23 19 November 2014 THE WELCOME RECORD SAVOY OPERA COMPANY IN DUNOLLY The Savoy Opera company came to the Dunolly Town Hall last Saturday with their fantas!c Gilbert and Sullivan comedy Ruddigore. Savoy paid all expenses to bring their finest singers to Dunolly. The visit of the company of about forty actors supported the local economy by having meals and accommoda!on in Dunolly. But the locals didn’t come to the show. Unfortunately only 12 !ckets were sold – and at least three of those were from Maryborough. If we don’t patronise shows, we may find that theatre companies can’t afford to return. Children were admi$ed free of charge, but I couldn’t get even one child. Of course, not everyone is interested in theatre, but The Town Hall is a magnificent venue for shows, and this was a quality family performance for a frac!on of the normal theatre prices. The Savoy opera costumes and singing were fabulous, and I know that the locals would have truly enjoyed this sparkling and funny produc!on. Rachel Buckley RUDDIGORE What a terrible shame it was that more people did not a$end the fantas!c produc!on of Ruddigore by the Savoy Opera Company at the Dunolly Town Hall. The company put on such a fabulous show and gave their all, despite such a poor audience a$endance. It must have been quite disappoin!ng for them to go to such great expense and effort with li$le return. We are so fortunate in our small town to have such brilliant entertainment, however, if it is not well a$ended, we may lose this wonderful opportunity to enjoy a quality performance that would hold its own in any major city. Perhaps the reason for the lack of a$endance may have been due to cost factors. The fee of $25.00 is not, in itself, very expensive for a quality show, however, because of so many other shows we’ve had recently, perhaps it’s a li$le difficult for people to budget and they are selec!ve in what they can a$end. Personally, as I love all of this, I have a li$le ki$y where I put a few dollars in every week, then I have enough for each show that comes along. Susan Anderson INDIAN HAWKER Once again I enjoyed the story from yesteryear by Loris Akers and Beryl Barker about Meir Khan. It was interes!ng that he wanted to return to India before he died. Perhaps he wanted to be cremated on the banks of the Ganges as so many Indians seem to want to. Thank you Loris and Beryl for an interes!ng story. Vicky Frizzell Vol 29 Iss 43 Page 3 COUNCIL NOTES PARTICIPATION URGED AT MEETINGS During the next month or two, there will be some important mee!ngs which I would like to see as many people as possible a$end. Dates yet to be determined. (Watch this space for details.) The first one is regarding the footpaths and streetscape between Thompson Street and Bull Street in Broadway on both sides of the street. The Council has received funding of $400,000 to complete this work. This will include extensive consulta!on between residents, shire and consultants and for work to begin some !me early next year. It would be good for people to be involved in discussing this issue. In the future I would like to see a footpath in Bull Street to Maude Street then up Thompson Street, so that people going to the Kindergarten do not have to walk on the road. The other Mee!ng will be regarding the Stand Pipes. We had a mee!ng earlier in the year - 16 people a$ended in Bealiba and in Dunolly no one turned up. Whilst the town people are serviced with water there are a lot of rural people who are not. The standpipe system will be changing in the near future and people who use this facility need to know how it will operate. Bob Henderson MARK’S PEST SERVICE Mark Marson SPECIALIZING IN SPIDER SPRAYS, COCKROACHES, ANTS, TERMITES & RODENTS Servicing Maryborough & District Ph: 0419133181 Page 4 Vol 29 Iss 43 THE WELCOME RECORD HANDEL’S ORATORIO THE MESSIAH AT DUNOLLY TOWN HALL A•er nearly a year of planning, the date for this gala performance is nearly upon us. The magnificent acous"cs of the Dunolly Town Hall will resonate with the glorious music of Handel’s popular oratorio The Messiah. The large choir, orchestra and talented soloists from the Heidelberg Choral Society will raise the roof and the spirits! The Heidelberg Choir of approximately 90 members was formed in 1920 and performs three major concerts each year featuring classical sacred and secular choral works as well as operas, madrigals and oratorios. This performance will feature the Soprano Chris"na Russo from Victorian Opera, Contralto Elizabeth Lewis from Opera Queensland, Baritone Ma$hew Tng from Singapore Lyric Opera and Tenor Douglas Kelly from Queensland Opera. Conductor Peter Bandy has an extensive repertoire conduc"ng the West Australian Symphony Orchestra, Australian Opera, Australian Ballet, Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Society and the Melbourne Youth Orchestra. Peter Bandy has worked with James Galway, Dame Joan Sutherland, Rolf Harris and Richard Bonynge. In 2008, The Heidelberg Choral Society, in conjunc"on with the Amadeus Chamber orchestra, under the direc"on of Ma$hew Toogood, undertook an interstate tour of Handel’s Messiah to regional Victoria and South Australia. The touring tradi"on con"nues with the Dunolly Theatre Company invita"on bringing the HCS to Dunolly. This major event would not be possible without the generous grants from the Bendigo Regional Tourism and the Shire of Central Goldfields. Rachel Buckley Conductor Peter Bandy 19 November 2014 DUNOLLY PRESCHOOL KITCHEN PRESENTS: BLOKES' NIGHT OUT! FRIDAY 5 DECEMBER 6.00pm DUNOLLY BOWLING CLUB NEAT CASUAL DRESS $20- INCLUDES BURGER, BEER/SOFTIE, ROUND ROBIN BOWL COMP! TICKETS AT VENUE, DUNOLLY QUALITY MEATS, OR: MELISSA- 0439757328 LUCINDA-0448681147 KATH- 0448017436 SPONSORED BY: DUNOLLY QUALITY MEATS 19 November 2014 THE WELCOME RECORD DUNOLLY COMMUNITY MARKET Inc. The Christmas Market is fast approaching and will have lots of bargains. Our raffle prize is growing daily with dona!ons from the stall holders and the local shopkeepers. In the next few weeks I will list all the wonderful dona!ons we have received. Remember the raffle is in aid of the wonderful Children’s Christmas Party to be held on Sunday 21 December. Paul and his helpers are working hard organising it. Dunolly’s Market is s!ll definitely going. The only person who will inform of any varia!on is the President. You can follow us on Facebook at Dunolly Community Market. There is a new page managed by Tom and Tony. Maureen will take any bookings for stalls on 5460 5034 (leave a message if she is not home). Next market the RSL will be having a special raffle. The SES will be manning the BBQ and the Dunolly Kindergarten is having a cake stall. Come along and support these wonderful local groups. I have it on good authority that Santa will be wandering the street at 10.30 am. Kids look out for him. In January we will not be having our market on the 2nd Sunday but are having a one off Twilight Market from 4.00 – 8.00 pm on Saturday 24 January. Hopefully the shops will be open and there will be music up and down the street as a special celebra!on. The theme for this market will be Australiana. For this market the commi%ee will be raffling a Gold Detector and several fantas!c mystery prizes. As you can see the DUNOLLY COMMUNITY MARKET HAS NOT FINISHED. Come along and support this market for our town. All our profits will be distributed among our local groups. Jan Wa%s – Secretary DCMI You’re Invited to Dunolly Playgroup Open Day Wednesday 3rd December 2015 Between 9:30 and 11:30 am Come and have a look, Meet other parents and children Fun activities in a safe and friendly environment. For ages 0-5 years Every one is welcome Vol 29 Iss 43 Page 5 MARYBOROUGH VETERINARY PRACTICE KW Hardefeldt Pty. Ltd. 49 Alma Street, Maryborough 3465 MOBILE VETERINARY SERVICES DUNOLLY AREA TUESDAY AFTERNOON We conduct a Mobile Veterinary Service throughout the Maryborough area. We are available for: · House calls for small animal consulta!ons , vaccina!ons etc · Rou!ne farm consulta!ons All appointments for calls must be made before midday Tuesday. Tel. 5461 4466 Page 6 Vol 29 Iss 43 THE WELCOME RECORD A BUDGIE’S TALE I would like to thank Joyce Wa!s for her kind words in last week’s WR, thanking us for returning her lost budgie. There is a bit more to the story, which we told Joyce about, however we thought it was worth rela"ng, as from the budgie’s point of view it was a real and some"mes terrifying adventure. On Sunday 26 October, we were driving through Dunolly on the way to Talbot Swap Meet, when John spo!ed a budgerigar on the road in the middle of Broadway. He has rescued many other birds and animals from the roads in the past, but never a budgie! Fortunately, there was a break in the traffic and he was able to stop and pick up the bird, although there was a truck not too far away, which, given another 30 seconds or so, would have almost certainly meant the demise of the budgie. He placed the bird in the back of the car; it appeared fairly docile and seemed to be exhausted, probably from being chased by other birds. It was s"ll early and the temperature was fairly cool at that stage, but not knowing from where it had escaped, we had no op"on other than to keep driving to our des"na"on. By the "me we arrived at Talbot, it had become obvious that the bird wasn’t sick or hurt and it was beginning to respond, so John se!led it in the shade in the back of the car, with a dish of water. Both of us returned several "mes to check on it, and as the temperature was warming up, we were becoming rather concerned, although fortunately the car was s"ll quite cool. It seemed quite happy, however, checking out its new surroundings. On leaving the swap meet and a%er carefully loading all our purchases around the budgie’s new hideout, we detoured via a Maryborough supermarket so John could buy it some bird seed. Following that, on the way home, I put a Found no"ce on the no"ceboard in the Dunolly supermarket. By that "me the budgie had found its voice again, so some chirping and pecking sounds could be heard in the back of the car, a very encouraging sign. Back home, the budgie was se!led into a quicklyresurrected old cage from the shed, with fresh seed and water, so beginning its two weeks’ holiday. I placed an adver"sement in the next issue of the Welcome Record, unfortunately with no response. Meanwhile, the budgie was enjoying its new-found home, with its cage hung in a variety of different spots in the yard, depending on the weather, so it had a chance to experience the scenery from the safety of its cage. The new addi"on to the yard was a great source of interest to the local birdlife, not to men"on the occasional passing cat! At night, it slept inside, with a cover and net to protect it from the marauding mosquitoes. I adver"sed again in the following week’s Welcome Record and a%er not receiving a response for the first few days, we had just about given up hope of finding the bird’s owner. It was a lovely surprise when, the following 19 November 2014 Saturday morning, we received a phone call from a lady who told us that she was visi"ng her mother in Dunolly for the weekend and that her mother had recently lost a budgie. She had picked up a copy of the Welcome Record while she was in town and had by chance stumbled across the adver"sement. Later that day we were able to reunite the li!le budgie with its owner, Joyce Wa!s. The place where John had found it on the road was only a few houses away from Joyce’s place. A long journey for the budgie, but a happy ending all round, thanks to the Welcome Record! Jenny Sco!, Tarnagulla MINI LOADER HIRE ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ Goes where the big cats can’t Post hole borer 150, 450 & 300mm augers Site Clearing and Trenching Backhoe A!achment 4 in 1 Bucket Phone Tom Fankhauser 03 5468 1660 0417 649 756 19 November 2014 THE WELCOME RECORD Vol 29 Iss 43 Page 7 GRAND DUKE MINE Timor is a peaceful place now. There are a number of houses and a lovely old red brick school si!ng in the sun. But it has not always been so quiet. Road signs point to the many old gold mines which do"ed the area. The Cousin Jack and Humbug are just a few. But we are a#er the Grand Duke Mine with its wonderful granite and brick arch which was once home to the largest pumping engine in Australia and employed many local men. According to the Parks informa$on board at the site, the Grand Duke started in May 1869 and con$nued to operate un$l 1896. There was a long break when the pump needed repair in the early 1870s. The pump was imported to Timor from Cornwall. What an enormous task to get such a huge machine from Cornwall. Much of the transport must have been by bullock wagons, as horses may not have had the stamina for such a trip. The big granite blocks came from Mount Hooghly. Six foot (1.8 metres) thick brick walls were constructed as well for the huge pump to be a"ached to. Big rusted pipes and bolts s$ll s$ck out of the weathered bricks and concrete. Large rusty spikes s$ck out of the granite slab. The massive engineering effort also extended underground so the pump arm could reach the water table freely. Tunnels followed the rich lead for about four miles (approximately 6.5 kilometres) underground. Underneath Timor the ground was very wet. The rounded white pebbles found in the slag heaps indicate that they had been immersed in water for a very long $me. In the last seven years of the mine's opera$on the huge pump brought up 2,000 gallons (9,600 litres) per minute. While the informa$on board does not tell us what happened to all this water the site is close to the Bet Bet Creek. A#er the mine closed in 1896 the mines inspector reported that the mine water was rising at a rate of 8.5cm (about three inches) per day. The local mining industry employed many local men and needed extremely high amounts of $mber. It devastated the Maryborough and Bet Bet forests. Around 1900 the Maryborough forests were closed as a source of $mber to the mining industry. Next to the arch are steep slag heaps. Some people had climbed up to get good photographs of the whole area and found it too difficult to get down, so backside sliding became popular. Old photos show the whole mined area completely devoid of vegeta$on. Today it is covered in thick grass and plenty of big trees. Nature is very good in covering human inflicted wounds so quickly and well. It is an interes$ng place to spend $me and we were not the only visitors to the Grand Duke mine that a#ernoon. Crossing the dry Bet Bet Creek on the way out of Timor it was difficult to imagine what a bustling place it must have been 120 years ago and how much the townscape has changed since the closing of the Grand Duke. Vicky Frizzell Ruins of the pump house at Grand Duke Mine. Monday—Saturday: 7.00am - 6.00pm Sunday 8.00am - 5.00pm Page 8 Vol 29 Iss 43 THE WELCOME RECORD Stars of the Week This week’s awards go to the following students – Prep 1 – Cooper Polinelli Grade 1/2 –Hannah McCurdy Grade 3/4 – Blake Amos Grade 5/6 – Jessie-Lee MacDiarmid Principal’s – to be announced Auslan – Rory Scholes Awards are given to students at assembly each week. Last Week’s Stars of the Week!!! Below is a photo of last week’s award winners. 19 November 2014 2015 School Term Dates Next year’s term dates are as follows: Term 1 – 28 January – 27 March (Teachers return on Wednesday 28 January , students in years 1 - 6 on Thursday 29 January and students in Prep begin on Monday 2 February ) Term 2 – April 13– 26 June Term 3 –13 July – 18 September Term 4 – 5 October – 18 December 2015 Prep Transition Program The Prep Transi!on Program is con!nuing this term with the students now a"ending for the full day. The 2015 Preps are able to a•end school for the whole day on the following dates during this term: Friday 7, 14, 21 & 28 November Tuesday 9 December Graduation This year we have decided to change the Year 6 Graduation. The Year 6 students will attend a Graduation evening with dinner at the bowling club with their families. After the meal there will be some activities they will be involved in. The date has now been !inalised and it will be held on Tuesday December 9th. We will send out more information shortly. Christmas Carol Evening This year we would like to hold a Christmas Carol evening for the Dunolly community. We would like families to come along for a picnic tea as the students perform Christmas Carols. I am also looking for any community groups, or singers who would like to attend and perform on the night as well. I will be putting a general invitation out to the community to come and join us on the 18th December. If anyone is interested in performing on the night please contact me at the school. More details will come out shortly. Puzzle courtesy of Susan Day 19 November 2014 THE WELCOME RECORD Vol 29 Iss 43 Page 9 MAYOR – ELECT ANNOUNCED Garden Green Waste/Household Organics Op!onal Service Do you want to: · Reduce the waste in your garbage bin and help the environment by reducing waste to landfill? · Dispose of your household organics and garden waste and have free compost available to you? Central Goldfields Shire Council offers an op"onal green waste/household organics service to urban township areas of the Shire. The cost of this service for 2014-2015 is $63.50 ($1.22 per week). Subscribers to the service can dispose of garden waste and household organics in a separate bin, which is emp"ed twice a month, and the contents turned into compost. Subscribers are then able to access this compost for free under the Food from Waste Project. The annual renewal of the Green Waste/Organics op!onal service has now commenced. Any urban residents interested in subscribing to this service can obtain an applica!on form from the Shire office or Council’s website. Just a reminder…the green waste service is collected twice a month – the 1st & 3rd Friday of the month – if there is a 5th Friday within the month there is no collec!on on that day. Note: Excep!ons may occur – for example April 2015 because of Public Holidays at Easter, collec!on days will be 10th & 24th. The 2014-2015 Collec!on Calendar indicates the actual collec!on dates marked in red. If you would like a copy please contact Karen on 5461 0607. Art Gallery News Community Art & Cra! Exhibi"on. This eagerlyawaited annual exhibi!on showcases the diverse range of art and cra# created by local community members. Exhibi!on runs from 1 November un!l 30 November, 2014. Gallery open: Thursdays to Sundays. 10.00am–4.00pm Old Fire Sta!on, 1 Neill Street Maryborough. For more Informa!on telephone 5460 4588. CGSC Media Release Central Goldfields Shire Councillors have met to consider the Mayoral posi!on for 2014-2015. The result of those delibera!ons is that Cr. Wendy McIvor has been announced as Mayor–Elect, and will be formally elected to the posi!on at a Special Mee!ng at 5:15pm on 25 November, 2014. The Special Mee!ng will precede the Ordinary monthly Council mee!ng. Cr McIvor was elected to Council at the general elec!on of October, 2012 and this will be her first Mayoral term. Cr McIvor will replace Mayor Barry Rinaldi who steps down a#er serving the last two years in the posi!on. CGSC Press Release DUNOLLY CUT AND COLOUR Men’s and Ladies Hairdressing Tuesdays 1.00pm—late (by appointment) Wednesdays 9.00am to 5.30pm Thursdays 9.00am to 5.30pm Tarnagulla first Monday of the month (excep"ng a long weekend) For professional hair care Call Julie on 0408 179 657 Page 10 Vol 29 Iss 43 THE WELCOME RECORD Business Development Workshops and Mentoring Help us plan for 2015 INVITATION Dunolly and District Inc is planning to run a series of business development and mentoring sessions for small business owners in 2015. The sessions will be led by a very experienced business coach, Paul Henshall, from the Business Re-educa!on Centre in Bendigo. Interested small business owners from Dunolly and the surrounding district are invited to a"end an informa!on session with Phil to contribute to planning next year’s workshops. The informa!on session will be held on Tuesday, 2 December, 6.00pm in the front chamber of the Dunolly Town Hall. Nibbles and drinks will be served. Please RSVP if you plan to a"end. Just email Marion Da Costa (DDI Secretary) or call Fiona Lindsay (DDI President) 0428 322 208. Dunolly District Inc is an incorporated community organisa!on established in 2014. Our purpose is to: · Develop town and district events · Increase business growth · Develop arts, culture and tourism in the district · Support community organisa!ons to achieve their objec!ves · Represent the interests of the broader community · New members are welcome. 19 November 2014 BEALIBA LOVEL/MAYES FAMILY COMMEMORATION DAY More than 100 Lovel/Mayes rela!ves and friends a"ended a ceremony on Sunday 2 November 2014, at the Bealiba Cemetery. The ceremony was organised in order to place a headstone on the unmarked grave of the original Lovel/Mayes family to se"le in the area. William Lovel (1820-1881) and Mary Ann Carmody/ Mayes (1836-1900) arrived in the area in 1857. All they had was what they stood up in, and two li"le children. They remained in the area the rest of their lives, never making their fortune, but raising 10 children and being well regarded ci!zens in the then fledgling community. A natural rock headstone with brass plaque was prepared and posi!oned by Lin Lovel of Dunolly. The plaque also acknowledges four of William and Mary Ann’s children, three grandchildren and one great granddaughter interred with them. The Master of Ceremonies for the headstone commemora!on was Philip Lovel AM, son of the late Roy and Be"y Lovel (St Arnaud). The loca!on of the grave site in the Cemetery had previously been lost in !me but with the assistance of Kate McClelland (Bealiba Cemetery Trust), Be"y Lovel (Bealiba) and Cheryl Lovel (Maryborough) the grave was finally located. Peter Lovel (Great x 2 grandson) and son of the late Louis Mitchell Lovel and Merle Lovel told the story of the lives of William and Mary Ann, their 10 children and two of their descendants who made the ul!mate sacrifice in WW1 and WW2. He also recited a special poem prepared in their honour. Family research has revealed that William Lovel was really William Laws an escaped Van Diemen’s Land convict, transported for 15 years in 1843 for stealing bread from a Norwich (UK) Bakery. William is recorded in one of his son’s memoirs as being at Eureka. Rela!ves travelled from all around Australia to a"end. Their 93 year old great grandson, Ivan Pa"erson Lovel, a"ended as did Ruth Lovel, wife of their great grandson the late Stephen Lovel. Local Bealiba iden!ty, historian/ author and rela!ve by marriage, Allan Henderson (nearly 90 years young), and members of the Bealiba Historical Society also a"ended. A%er the ceremony the a"endees moved to the excellent facili!es of the Bealiba Pony Club for a picnic luncheon. Rela!ves, many of whom had never met before, had a wonderful !me mee!ng up and were sa!sfied that at last our pioneering ancestors had been formally acknowledged. Cheryl Lovel’s organising skills came to the fore at the func!on. Peter Lovel 19 November 2014 THE WELCOME RECORD DUNOLLY CHRISTIAN CHURCHES Invite you to worship God and welcome you to their services: Sunday 23 November 2014 St John’s Dunolly Anglican Parish Service No service this Sunday. We are joining the Uni!ng Church for their service at 10.30am to say farewell to Rev Youn Kim and his family. St David’s Bealiba Anglican Services 1st and 3rd Sundays monthly at 8.00am Emu Anglican Services 2nd and 4th Sundays monthly at 11.30am Catholic Services: Dunolly 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays Mass at 8.30am 3rd Sunday Assembly at 8.30am Bealiba 5th Sunday Mass at 8.30am Tarnagulla 3rd Saturday Mass at 11.00am Bealiba Uni!ng Church 2nd and 4th Sundays at 11.00am Dunolly Uni!ng Church Rev Youn Kim will lead us in Prayer for the last !me at the later !me 10.30am with a bring a lunch to share to follow. Laanecoorie Uniting Church No service SCRIPTURE VERSE FOR THE WEEK: ‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me,’ says the Lord; ‘and let the one who believes in me drink. For out of your heart shall flow rivers of living water.’ John 7:38 UNITING CHURCH NEWS We are having our service at the later !me of 10.30 am so we can all stay for lunch to say goodbye to Rev. Youn and his wife Sue. Every one is welcome to come. It will be a very sad !me for us all. I hope to see you there. On Wednesday 26 November Messy Church will meet at 4.30 pm for cra# and a light tea for all children and their carers. This is provided by the Church for a gold coin dona!on. The Op Shop is open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Our shop is full of Summer clothes and bric-a-brac. Jean Richardson EDDINGTON SOCIAL TENNIS NIGHT Friday 21 November at the Eddington golf and tennis club rooms - 6:00pm for a barbecue and a hit. Everyone is welcome. Bring a salad or sweet to share - BYO drinks and racquet! RSVP - Veronica Vol 29 Iss 43 Page 11 CATHOLIC CHURCH ST MARY’S MUSE The new kitchen at the Parish hall was blessed and officially opened a#er Mass in Maryborough last Sunday. The Angels and Icons Exhibi!on is s!ll on at 428 Possum Gully un!l Sunday 30 November. There are pain!ngs by an emerging local ar!st on show as well. Australian Catholic and Our Diocesan Community magazines are available at the Churches. Ecumenical Church Service and Carols will be held at St Kevin’s, Avoca on Friday 12 December at 7.00 pm. This is a combined Churches func!on to celebrate the Christmas story and all are welcome. Mass is at St Mary’s on Sunday 23 November at 8.30 am. It is the Feast of Christ the King. Our Father knows what’s best for us, So why should we complain, We always want the sunshine – But He knows there must be rain. R. Mecredy ST JOHN’S FELLOWSHIP NEWS We are joining the Uni!ng Church for their service at 10.30am this Sunday to say farewell to Rev Youn Kim and his family. The bible study which was to be held on Thursday 20 November has been cancelled. The Right Reverend Bishop Andrew Curnow will be the celebrant and preacher for our special service on Sunday 30 November to be held at 10.30am. The service will be celebra!ng the opening and first service held at St John’s on 17 December 1869. Following the service, lunch will be served in the hall, offering a great opportunity for reminiscing and friendship. T. Kay DUNOLLY MESSY CHURCH Our next Messy Church will be on Wednesday 26 November. This will be our last Messy Church for this year. We will be celebra"ng a very special birthday for Jesus. Some children have begun rehearsing our Christmas play on Wednesday at the Uni"ng Church. Thank you to Shelley for organising the children’s costumes, and to Shirley for offering to make the props. Any children who would like to be in the play need to come to the church at 4.00 pm with an adult. The play will be part of the Christmas Carols on the 19 December. Jan Wa$s – Co-ordinator Page 12 Vol 29 Iss 43 THE WELCOME RECORD Bealiba Playgroup meets every Friday from 10.00am to 11.00am in the Primary School during school terms 19 November 2014 Dunolly St George Lodge 4th Saturday each month Dunolly Town Hall/Court House Commi#ee 4th Tuesday each month 3.30pm Town Hall Bealiba Progress Associa!on mee!ng, 2nd Tuesday each month 7.30pm Bealiba Hall Bealiba Bingo 1.30pm in the Bealiba Hall 2nd Monday each month Dunolly Unit Vic SES mee!ng 6.30pm 3rd Tuesday each month. Training every other Tuesday Community bus – every Friday to Maryborough and back. RTC 5468 1205 Dunolly Uni!ng Church Messy Church 4th Wednesday each month 4.30pm to 6.00pm Dunolly Community Garden Wednesdays at Pre-school: 2.00pm AEST/5.00pm Summer Dunolly CWA 1.30pm RSL Hall 1st Wednesday each month Dunolly Day Support Tuesday and Thursdays 10.30am to 2.30pm Phone 5468 2907 Dunolly District Auxiliary 1st Monday each month at 10.00am Hospital Day Room Dunolly Field and Game mee!ng 1st Thursday each month 7.30pm 147 Broadway Dunolly Fire Brigade mee!ng 1st Monday each month 7.30pm Fire Sta!on Dunolly Community Market 2nd Sunday each month 8.00am to 1.00pm Dunolly Neighbourhood Watch mee!ng 3rd Wednesday each month 10.30am Bakery Dunolly Supported Playgroup meets Wednesday 9.30am to 11.30am Dunolly Preschool Dunolly & District Probus Club mee!ng 3rd Thursday each month 10.000am Senior Ci!zens Hall Golden Triangle Archers 4th Sunday each month 10.00am behind Deledio Reserve Mobile Library every Thursday 2.00pm to 5.00pm outside Town Hall Newbridge CWA mee!ng Newbridge Hall 3rd Tuesday each month 1.30pm Old !me Dancing 7.30pm Mondays Anglican Hall Barkly Street Dunolly RSL mee!ng 12.30pm RSL Hall Dunolly Last Friday each month Senior Ci!zens cards each Tuesday 1.30pm Senior Ci!zens luncheon 3rd Wednesday each month 12.30pm Talbot Farmers Market 3rd Sunday each month 9.00am to 1.00pm Tarnagulla Playgroup each Thursday 10.30am to 12 noon – behind the hall Tarnagulla Ac!on Group - Community Centre 3rd Monday each month 7.30pm Welcome Record Commi#ee meets 2.00pm 2nd Monday each month - office Dunolly Museum mee!ng 3rd Monday each month 75 Broadway NOVEMBER Friday 21 Saturday 22 Saturday 22 Sunday 23 Wednesday 26 Sunday 30 Sunday 30 Eddington Social Tennis Night- Clubrooms - 6.00pm Handel’s Messiah - Dunolly Town Hall - 3.00pm Casablanca Movie Day - Paramount Theatre, Maryborough- from 1.00pm Farewell to Rev Youn Kim - Uni!ng Church - a"er 10.30am service Messy Church - behind Uni!ng Church - 4.30pm Celebra!on St John’s 145 Years in Dunolly - 10.30am Golden Triangle Archers Christmas Break-up Shoot from 10.00am 19 November 2014 THE WELCOME RECORD “THANK YOU “ from RHEOLA RURAL FIRE BRIGADE The Brigade would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Community for their generosity in our fund raising over the past 12 months. We have been successful in acquiring our funds needed through this generosity and also the Inglewood & District Community Bank Grants Program. The grant of $20,000 was gratefully accepted and, as it is said, “was the icing on the cake”. The Community is very apprecia!ve to be able to have these grants available for small communi!es to try to a'ain help for their projects, as the constant need for funding in small communi!es is very hard to come by. We will hopefully take possession of the new 2.4c Medium Tanker in July 2015. This will be such a great asset to Rheola and surrounding districts for many years to come, also a much safer vehicle for our volunteers to work with, as the aim is always to” bring them all home”. The winners of the raffle drawn on 10 November were: · 1st prize Fire Fighter Trailer, donated by D Coe & family, won by L Gale. · 2nd prize, 2 Dress Rings, donated by K & F Neilson, won by J Bellinger. · 3rd prize , Box of Wine, donated by Glenalbyn Winery, won by B Needs. · 4th prize, Voucher, donated by Maryborough Tyre Power, won by G O’Connor. · 5th prize, Voucher, donated by Meat on Brooke St, won by, A Mathews. · 6th prize, Voucher, donated by Meat on Brooke St, won by, V&G Arnold. Vol 29 Iss 43 Page 13 KEEPING VALUABLES SAFE The ‘Silly Season’ is fast approaching making ou!ngs and shopping a busy !me. We tend to hold our lives in our handbag or wallet and losing it a trauma!c experience as well as expensive and !me consuming. Keep your handbag strap over one shoulder and across your body (if possible) and always zipped when not needed, keeping your purse secure. Never place or leave your handbag in the shopping trolley or hold it loosely in the event it can be grabbed and run off with. Your wallet should be placed in a pocket that cannot be easily picked when you are distracted. The$ from a car is purely opportunis!c. It’s only common sense if you don’t want it stolen then don’t leave it in full view, or, ideally, don’t leave it in the car at all. In this electronic age whether shopping, visi!ng friends, parked in the street, or driveway when home, GPS systems, mobile phones, cameras and notebook computers are targeted and being stolen. This kind of the$ is the state’s highestvolume crime, it happens in public spaces such as car parks and easily in the home driveway. When arriving home lock the car and taking your purchases inside your home, making sure you don’t leave your keys, handbag or wallet within easy reach of the door when inside. Once again opportunis!c thieves can target your movements and home-coming and remove these valuables before you realise what has happened. Best we can do, as a community is to maintain our own safety and security and that of our neighbours. ‘Make like a Meerkat’ and watch what is going on around our neighbourhood. Dunolly Neighbourhood Watch To all the members who collected, helped and sold raffle !ckets “JOB WELL DONE”. “THANK YOU” again, for all your dona!ons, to the raffle !cket buyers, and to our sponsors. Phil Vernon, Captain, Rheola Rural Fire Brigade. Lyn Gale, Secretary/Treasurer FOR SALE BY TENDER T&J BUILDING & MAINTENANCE Carpentry, Rural & Domes!c Fencing, Bathroom & Kitchen Renova!ons, Roofing Repairs & Pain!ng, Tiling, Pain!ng & Plaster Work, Fully Insured & Free Quotes CONTACT TERRY—0413 805 946 1973 International ND1310 Vin CO2043, 6 Cylinder Petrol motor, Petrol pump, 4x4, Tare 3760, 500gallons[2250Lt], Genuine 15,900+ Fully operational Decommissioned by CFA due to age Tender closes 10 December 2014 Arrangements for inspection and more information contact Phil Vernon Ph: 0407528174 Please forward tender offer to:- RHEOLA RURAL FIRE BRIGADE C/O 262 Moliagul Dr, Moliagul, 3472 Page 14 Vol 29 Iss 43 THE WELCOME RECORD SMOKED CHICKEN WITH ZUCCHINI, FENNEL AND BACON Serves 8. Prep "me: 30 minutes Ingredients ¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice ¼ cup (60 ml) extra virgin olive oil 750g zucchini, cut into thin ribbons with a vegetable peeler 1 medium fennel bulb, thinly sliced 1kg smoked chicken breast, thinly sliced 500g bacon, grilled un"l crisp and broken into bitesized pieces 125g parmesan shavings Method. · Combine lemon juice and a pinch of salt and whisk for 30 seconds or un"l salt is dissolved. Drizzle in oil, whisking constantly for one minute or un"l mixture thickens. Pour into a small jar with a wellfi$ng lid. Set aside. · Toss zucchini and 2 teaspoons salt in a colander. Stand for 10 minutes. Drain well. In a large bowl, combine zucchini, fennel, smoked chicken and bacon. · To serve, arrange salad on a pla!er. Sca!er with parmesan and drizzle with dressing. 19 November 2014 ORANGE SHORTBREAD Ingredients 4 tablespoons sugar 125g unsalted bu!er, so%ened Rind of 2 oranges, finely grated 1 ½ cups plain flour Method · Preheat oven to 190c (fan-forced 170c) · Grease a baking tray · Beat sugar and bu!er "ll so% and creamy and then add the orange rind. · Gradually add flour to form a so% ball. · Roll onto floured surface and roll out to 1cm thick. Cut into desired shape, prick with a fork and sprinkle with addi"onal sugar if desired. · Place on greased tray and bake 15 minutes or un"l light, golden brown. Personal Recipe Taste Magazine DUNOLLY QUALITY MEATS Specializing in all aspects of butchery. KITCHENS LAUNDRIES VANITIES 20 Years Experience Free Measure and Quote A!en"on to detail Personalised Service It’s that !me of year again. Start placing your orders for Christmas. Hams, chickens, turkeys and pork. 94 Broadway, Dunolly 3472 Ph. 5468 1046 EVERY BUDGET CATERED FOR Peter and Shelley Davies 18 Drive In Court Maryborough 3465 www.evolu" Telephone 5461 1000 19 November 2014 THE WELCOME RECORD Vol 29 Iss 43 Page 15 CASABLANCA MOVIE CLUB INC. PROUDLY PRESENTS OUR NOVEMBER MOVIE WEEKEND AT THE PARAMOUNT THEATRE, MARYBOROUGH. Saturday 22nd November: 1.00 p.m. Jersey Boys’ Rated M – starring Vincent Piazza, John Lloyd Young. Run !me 134 mins. The movie covers the life and career of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons – four young men from the wrong side of the tracks in New Jersey who came together and formed the iconic 1960’s rock group. 3.30 p.m. ‘ Water for Elephants’ Rated M – starring Robert Pa"nson, Reese Witherspoon, Christopher Waltz. Run !me 120 mins. A veterinary student abandons his studies a#er his parents are killed and joins a travelling circus as their vet. Sunday 23rd November: 1.00 p.m. ‘Silver Linings’ Rated M – starring Bradley Cooper, Jacki Weaver, Jennifer Lawrence. 122 mins. A#er a s!nt in a mental ins!tu!on, former teacher Pat Solitano moves back in with his parents and tries to reconcile with his ex-wife. A#er mee!ng a mysterious girl, Tiffany, things become more challenging. 3.15 p.m. ‘Travelling North’ Rated PG – starring Leo McKern, Graham Kennedy, Henri Szeps, Julia Blake. Run !me 96 mins. A#er their late-life marriage, a middle-aged Australian couple move to the Countryside. Their life and tempestuous marriage is detailed. SPECIAL SCREENING FOR ENERGY BREAKTHROUGH WEEKEND – SATURDAY 22ND NOVEMBER, 2014. EVERYONE WELCOME. The Casablanca Movie Club Inc. would like to invite everyone to an evening screening of the ‘Jersey Boys star!ng a 7.30 p.m. Enquiries Jan Tribe 5468 7430 THE CASABLANCA MOVIE CLUB INC., Cordially invites you to join us for our end of year Christmas Function at the Cambrian Hotel on Saturday 29 November, 2014 at 12.30 p.m. A delicious two course Christmas Dinner (turkey, pork and vegies, plum pudding or fruit salad) will be enjoyed. Enjoy live entertainment with Rita and friends, including a Christmas sing-a-long. Cost: Only $25.00 per person (drinks not included). Our movie will be ‘The Bells of St. Mary’s’ featuring Bing Crosby. Bookings are essential for catering purposes. For enquiries and bookings contact Allen on 0408 396844 Between 9.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Page 16 Vol 29 Iss 43 THE WELCOME RECORD 19 November 2014 ADVERTISEMENT TONY EDWARDS Painter & Decorator Rod May for Ripon Phone: 03 5469 7282 Mobile: 0429 697 282 No job too small TW: @capck FB: /Rod.May.14 Authorised by K Dimozantos. Lvl 1/362 Lt Collins St Melbourne VIC 3000 Printed by 5th Colour Print Management. Lvl 5/11 Queens Rd. Melbourne VIC 3004 BRICKLAYING HOUSES PAVING WOODFIRE OVENS REPAIRS ARCHWAYS ALL TYPES OF BRICKWORK ALL AREAS CALL GREG: 0428 427 460 19 November 2014 THE WELCOME RECORD What’s going on at THE DUNOLLY & DISTRICT NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE This year we have decided to use an Australian theme for the Dunolly street decora!ons; the lovely hanging decora!ons from last year will be updated and we will be making banners with Aussie icons on them to hang in the street. We have a room at the centre to store and use for prepara!on of the decora!ons. This can be used Monday and Wednesday, all day. Please ring Lynda at the centre if you want to come and help. Dona!ons can be le" at the Neighbourhood Centre. Many thanks to all the generous folk who have donated decora!ons and fabric already. So join in the fun and Decorate Dunolly. 2015 at the NHC We have the chance to have two new workshops at the Neighbourhood Centre in the coming New Year: Spinning from Fleece to Yarn (1 day workshop) Music: Whistle & Bodhran (Irish Drumming). Want to come and join in? Please ring NHC to express interest. D Sharps The D Sharps prac!se at St John’s Hall Mondays at 3.30pm. Any bookings or enquiries for the D Sharps please call Shelly Di Base 54681817 Table Tennis The Table Tennis Players have a new President at their club, Ian Taylor, and he informs me they are looking for new players. So go meet Ian and the teams at the RSL Hall 9.00am 12.00pm on Wednesdays and get fit, have some fun. Welcome Back Sharon will be back at the Neighbourhood Centre from her 12 weeks long service leave on the 24 November. The Neighbourhood Centre will resume its original Monday to Thursday opening hours from this date. Want more informa!on? Phone 54681511 Email: Vol 29 Iss 43 Page 17 The risk of frosts are now over, although frost can happen in low-lying areas. All frost-tender plants or seeds can go in the soil not to give the roots a chance to penetrate into the deeper soil over the summer months. Now is the !me to plant out all the varie!es of the pumpkin family. Ideal condi!ons are required for these plants. Pumpkin and summer squash are both grown at the same !me. Summer squash are generally eaten at the same !me, whereas winter squash can be stored like pumpkins and used during the winter. They can also be classed as marrows. Another easy grown tasty vegetable is silverbeet or chard, another variety of beet. Rainbow chard is definitely the most a#rac!ve variety; stems have a range of colours, like orange, yellow and some gold-like colours. It adds some colour to the garden and is more tasty than silverbeet. Le#uce and celery do need plenty of water to make rapid growth, or both can become very bi#er if they are le$ in the soil too long. The brown mignone#e le#uce is best this season with the water supply being low, as they require less water and can keep in the soil without become bi#er. All the parsnips are be#er in the soil by the end of this month to ensure a good crop for next winter. Parsnips are a good winter veggie and have a be#er flavour a$er being hit by frosts. To have large roots on these veggies they do need to be thinned out at the pencil thickness; root veggies need deep watering once they grow to thinning out stage so the roots will follow the moisture down. Shallow watering will keep the roots near the surface and therefore they will only last a few days before showing signs of stress. All dwarf beans can be sown from now on. Bu#er beans do grow be#er if le$ un!l late December. If they happen to be hit with a spell of cold weather, they will not set good pods; most likely short, curly pods. By now we will know what fruit harvest to expect. Aphids can be very ac!ve on stone fruit tree leaves now. They can do a lot of damage before they are detected. Their favourite tree is cherry. In the absence of rain there is li#le or no moisture in the subsoil; the roots are inclined to seek moisture closer to the surface. The best way to water trees in a dry season is to dig a shallow hole out from the base, add some fer!liser, and fill the hole with waste water as o$en as possible. Happy Gardening. Alf Page 18 Vol 29 Iss 43 THE WELCOME RECORD 19 November 2014 PLENTY OF MILK IN MY TEA OUR DOG JIM I’m glad I lived in a be!er age I could sit in a paddock and dream hear a whistle of an old steam train in the glorious age of steam. We own a dog, his name is Jim, And nobody gets the be!er of him. One day when walking down the town, The dog was kicked by Jenkins Brown. Jim made no fuss, but he was riled, Although he merely looked and smiled. Now when the policeman came around Our Jim was nowhere to be found ‘Had we a dog, and pay the cost?’ We said our dog was lately lost. Oh, yes we had li!le of this and that but our life was always free, free speech, free to do as you please, with plenty of milk in my tea Today we have such a cynical view of the sanc"ty of life we analyse then we computerise but mostly we live in strife. So I think of what we haven’t got but it doesn’t mean mush to me I had so much, why even a lot with plenty of milk in my tea Ken Peake SUDOKU Solu!on 44 NO WORD PYRAMID THIS WEEK. And so the policeman went away And called on Jenkins Brown next day. ‘Had he a dog?’ He swore he’d not When Jim appeared upon the spot And jumped around and licked his hand To let the policeman understand. When Jim saw Brown had paid the fine He came back home with us to dine. That’s how we saved our half-a-crown And Jim got level with Jenkins Brown! W.T. Goodge 19 November 2014 THE WELCOME RECORD Vol 29 Iss 43 Page 19 CROSSWORD Supplied courtesy : The Puzzle Wizard Solu!on SUDOKU 45 Solu!on to Sudoku 44 is on page 18 Page 20 Vol 29 Iss 43 THE WELCOME RECORD FOR SALE Stock up on firewood. S$ll supplying during summer. Redgum firewood, split - $90.00 per metre. Ph: Chris 0439 550 950 SLASHING Slashing for fire break. Ph: 0407 881 771 or a!er hours 5468 1149 FOR SALE Fridge - Whirlpool 216L, clean, works well. Good drinks fridge. 550mm W x 625mm D x 1420mm H $50. Ph: Jan 0408 442 960 GARAGE SALE Saturday 22 November 2014 - 8.00am- 1.00pm 93 Maude Street, Dunolly Furniture, two organs, buffet, small fridge, electric dryer, wardrobe, chairs, TV with top box, jewellery, Christmas trees. THE PARENT CHILD MOTHER GOOSE PROGRAM At the Dunolly Primary School in the mul$purpose room every Friday 9.30-10.30am. Enjoy an hour of rhymes, songs, stories and play with your child. Morning tea also provided. We’d love to see you there. For more informa$on please contact Denise 0428 681 496, or Jacinda (Dunolly Primary School) 5468 1111. GOLDEN TRIANGLE ARCHERS Christmas Break-up Shoot Sunday 23 November from 10.00am Come along and join the fun. 25 target course and novelty shots. BBQ lunch and so! drinks available. Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. For more informa"on call Dunolly Neighbourhood Centre on 5468 1511. EDDINGTON TENNIS CLUB INC AGM DFNC MINI LOTTO Drawn : 14.11.14 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 No winner - Jackpot $950. Worth winning. 19 November 2014 On Sunday 30 November 2015 5.00pm at clubhouse. Enquiries 5468 7218. Lyn Freemantle T Long THANK YOU I would like to thank all the people who sent cards of sympathy a!er Will's death. I wanted to write to you all personally, but I have been in such a muddle that I kept mixing up names and addresses. I do appreciate your though$ulness. Thankyou, to all who came to the funeral and to those who have offered to help me in various ways. It was good to see how much he was loved and respected in the community. Barbara Moore WAYAWA CAFE Tarnagulla Community Centre Open every Sunday 10.00AM to 4.00PM 8 Sandy Creek Lane Behind the Victoria Hall. Homemade cakes, pastries, soup and sandwiches Come along and enjoy a coffee or Devonshire tea Eat in or take away We also have a range of local cra"s and produce. Support your local centre run by volunteers. DUNOLLY BOWLING CLUB TRIVIA NIGHT Saturday 10 January 2015. 7.30pm start Come and test yourself against the best brains we have to offer. Up to eight persons on a table but whatever suits. Bring your own nibbles. $5.00 per person. Coffee and tea provided. Bar opens at 7.00pm (drinks at own expense) Book tables now. Ring Steve 5468 1386 DUNOLLY POST OFFICE CLOSING TIMES Over the Christmas and New Year Season the Post Office will be closed on the following dates: 25.12.14 Christmas Day 26.12.14 Boxing Day 27.12.14 Saturday 1.1.15 New Year’s Day 2.2.15 Australia Post Authorised holiday 3.1.15 Saturday NUMBERS UP Bealiba St David’s Church Ladies are holding “Numbers Up” in the Bealiba Hall on Monday 24 November at 1.30pm. Cake stall and a!ernoon tea. All welcome! Last week’s winners: Compe""on - Debbie Callwall Lucky Door - Peter from St Arnaud. This is our last “Numbers Up” for 2014. We thank all for a-ending throughout the year. B Lovel 19 November 2014 THE WELCOME RECORD JUST DESSERTS Johnno was one of those men, black heart on the inside, spit-polished silver on the outside. Those not stung by his swindles thought him a likable rogue. Johnno had a very high opinion of himself. No ma#er how he acted or what he did, he always landed on his feet. Life was a game, the stakes irrelevant. He cruised on through, oblivious to the ba#ered and despairing vic!ms le" floundering in his wake; whether it be in ma#ers of the heart or ma#ers of the wallet. Even his mother was disappointed in him, but he didn’t care. Sociopath was not a word he had himself familiar with. This evening he was feeling par!cularly pleased as he approached the café he supposedly part-owned, although it hadn’t cost him a cent. ‘My, you look posi!vely chipper tonight,’ Michael, the waiter, said as Johnno walked in. ‘Who, me?’ Johnno said, exhibi!ng his predatory grin. He smacked his hands together. ‘I’ve just managed to offload an an!que !p truck to a small mining concern up the road. And now I’m going to sit in the window with a mixed-grill and take pity on the mug-punters as they wander by. Oh! And I feel like a banana split too. And a bo#le of that Shiraz I like. I’m in the mood to party.’ ‘Coming right up,’ Michael said. The meal was rapidly consumed along with most of the wine. The banana split duly arrived accompanied by fresh slices of kiwi fruit and peach halves. His mind was racing as usual; weighing up various schemes, permuta!ons. He was not given to frivolous acts, but he was struck by a thought. If he arranged two peach halves side by side with an up-turned banana underneath, he would produce a smiley face. With childish glee that’s exactly what he did. Some crushed nuts served as eyebrows, a sliver of kiwi fruit subs!tuted for a nose. His dessert beamed back at him. ‘If you were a girl I’d promise you the world,’ he declared, not caring if any other patrons heard him. He raised a glass in salute. Surely it was not temp!ng fate to feel so smug. Maybe it was the alcohol, but he could have sworn the dessert winked at him. The wall next to him exploded! Glass sailed through the air as several tons of elderly !p-truck failed to nego!ate a bend and crashed through the front of the café. Johnno had neglected to advise the new owners about the loose brakes and faulty rack and pinion steering. Brick dust rained down upon his head. With a shock he realised he was pinned between the table and the bonnet of the truck. His head sagged. His normally penetra!ng gaze faltered. As the world faded, the last thing he saw was a dishevelled and dis!nctly unhappy looking dessert staring at him from the !lted surface of the table. By Martyn Barne# Vol 29 Iss 43 Page 21 GOLDEN TRIANGLE TREASURES CRAFT SHOP Broadway Dunolly We have Gi"s, Toys, Christmas Cards and Decora!ons Everything is locally made. Open Mon, Wed, Fri, 10.00am - 4.00pm Saturday 10.00am 12.00pm Ph: 5468 1365 evenings for enquiries HOMEOPATHY BOWEN HERBS Bowen Therapy Hair Mineral Testing Homeopathy Remedies Herbal Tea Blends Equine Bodywork & Muscle Therapy Diet Herbs & Supplements 21 Main Street BEALIBA Judy 0425876548 DUNOLLY RURAL TRANSACTION CENTRE Internet Centrelink Medicare Banking Photo copying Prin!ng Lamina!ng Computer Training V/Line Bookings Dry Cleaning Community Bus Shopping Run Informa!on Centre Maps Post cards Tourist brochures Trading hours Monday to Friday 10.00am to 03 5468 1205 Page 22 Vol 29 Iss 43 THE WELCOME RECORD It was with great honour that I was re-elected as Mayor at the November Statutory Council Mee!ng last week in my home town of Wedderburn, in front of my friends, family and the greater Loddon community. My fellow councillors bestowed upon me the great honour of being elected as Mayor for 2014/2015 period. In making this decision, the Council has asked me to lead this great organisa!on and vibrant community for a further 12 months. This is my sixth term as Mayor, so I know what I am in for. I’m certainly grateful that Loddon has such a strong and commi"ed team of councillors and staff to work with our local communi!es in bringing about posi!ve and s!mula!ng change. Cr Gavan Holt 19 November 2014 SEPTIC TANK CLEANING Septic tanks pumped out at reasonable rates Servicing Dunolly & Surrounding Districts BOB PEART Cr Gavan Holt accepts the Loddon gavel from Cr Neil Bea•e a•er he was re-elected as Mayor for the 2014/2015 period. DUNOLLY BOOKS and COLLECTABLES Opening •mes: 10.00am to 5.30pm daily (Sundays 10.00am to 5.00pm) Including: Dunolly DVD Hire Overnight and weekly hire NEW RELEASES EACH WEEK Telephone 5468 1623 68 Broadway, Dunolly Tel: 5468 7262 or Mobile 0429 782 691 THE WELCOME RECORD 19 November 2014 Vol 29 Iss 43 Page 23 PENNANT TEAMS 22 November 2014 PENNANT TEAMS – 25 November 2014 Dunolly Blue versus Talbot at Talbot L Parker M Davies C Dahl H Freemantle F Nielsen M Webb J Cox A Raven Manager: Marian Webb Cars J Cox & F Nielsen V Mortlock J McHugh H Weir N Stevens Dunolly Gold versus MHS Gold at Home L Whiley S Chaplin S Deason K Stephens E Murphy N Pike M Mortlock M Shay J Morse D Spiteri E Milley K McKenzie Manager: Elaine Murphy Set Up: S Chaplin’s team RESULTS 18 NOVEMBER 2014 Dunolly Blue -- BYE Dunolly Gold lost to Golf Gold 90-56 RESULTS OF PENNANT MATCHES PLAYED ON 15 NOVEMBER 2014 Dunolly Blue(54) G Dobbin (22) R Pickering (21) P Mortlock (16) lost to lost to defeated lost to Golf Blue (78) H Patullo (31) K Pine(18) D Pearce (29) Dunolly Gold(74) L Parker (29) D Mortlock (25) T Long (20) defeated defeated defeated lost to Talbot Brown(65) R Jackson (19) I Pryor (22) G Crossley (24) Dunolly Green(55) lost to K McKenzie(20) lost to A Bri!en(28) drew with P Chase (10) lost to Golf Gold (105) G Carmony (41) M Gallagher (28) L Wadeson (36) Dunolly Red (52) defeated A Deason (28) defeated K Nielsen (24) defeated MHS Green (29) A Muggridge (20) J Tansley (9) All members are reminded that next Saturday 22 November, a members draw will be held a"er the games star#ng with a BBQ at 7.00pm. The first round of the men’s Club Championship Games are due to be completed. If you are unable to play your match by the due date, please advise the match commi!ee or your opponent. A Larpent DBC Dunolly Blue versus Dunolly Gold at Dunolly T Galofaro R Pickering P Mortlock G Dobbin C Williams A Bri!en A Weir G Davies B Mortlock J McHugh K Howard J Smith Manager: C Williams Dunolly Gold versus Dunolly Blue at Dunolly L Thomas D Mortlock T Long B Cann B Lanfranchi L Parker C Dahl H Taylor S Rogers A Larpent J Haigh S Howard Manager: A Larpent Dunolly Green versus Carisbrook at Dunolly K McKenzie V Mortlock G Ray K Mo!ram R Henderson S Whitehead E Weir I Fle! C Lawson D Coe S Shay D Conlin Manager: K Mo!ram Dunolly Red versus Newstead at Dunolly A Deason K Nielsen J Lillico R Weir D Price G Cain R Cain F Dunieville Manager: R Weir Emergency: A woman BEALIBA INDOOR CARPET BOWLS Results Week 1 Season 14/15 Equal First on three games each: Joe Ba%sson’s team and Wally Curson’s team, runner: up Be!y Lovel’s team. KENCON BUILDING Extensions ~ Pergolas ~ Decks ~ Renovations General House Maintenance NO JOB TOO SMALL Butch Kennedy (Owner) 107 Field St Maryborough 3465 Mob: 0428 741 052 Email: Page 24 Vol 29 Iss 43 THE WELCOME RECORD The Dunolly Football Netball Club has pulled off one of the biggest local coaching coups in recent memory, signing former AFL player Shaun Smith as senior football coach for the 2015 Maryborough Castlemaine District Football Netball League season. Shaun had a decorated career featuring for North Melbourne in the late 1980's and finishing his career with Melbourne in the late 1990's. Shaun is o%en remembered for his mark of the century against the Brisbane Bears in 1995. DFNC football manager, Jamie Townsend, had a sit down with Shaun and said he was extremely op"mis"c and excited about what Shaun can bring to the club. RESTORED RAILWAY STATIONS As men"oned in a past issue of The Welcome Record, there is an interest in restoring our Railway Sta"on in Dunolly to use as an Arts/Community space. VicTrack has a $5 million state-wide program to bring old, disused sta"ons back to life. Pictured is Inglewood Railway Sta"on that has been the recipient of $750,000 towards the restora"on of their project to use the sta"on as part of Inglewood and District Health Service. The restora"on project will take approximately three months. This is good news for Dunolly as we could soon have our sta"on restored. It shows what can be achieved in a short space of "me and we could have our Arts space sooner than we think. Susan Anderson 19 November 2014 ‘ Shaun’s wealth of knowledge around set plays, team dynamics and training will help the club develop, move forward and add a whole new dimension to the football department. He will bring some professionalism to the club and the experience he has at AFL level will really benefit our young group’. Shaun, who has moved to the Dunolly area for work based in Bendigo, is excited about the challenge of developing the football department into a force and leaving his print on a club which has the founda"ons to be right up there. Jamie Townsend is hopeful that Shaun will con"nue with the club past his 12 month contract. ‘I don’t think you can do the job in 12 months. It’s a long process developing these young players and bringing them through the system. We would hope to have Shaun for quite a bit longer, but at this stage it is a 12 month contract because of his work commitments. We hope that what he will bring to the club this year can develop for another couple of years’. Townsend added that the announcement of the signing had also gathered a#en"on from the small Dunolly community. ‘There is excitement building around Dunolly already,’ he said. ‘There hasn’t been this much talk in town since the era a few years back where the boys were playing off the finals. The crowds dwindled off a bit this year and it’s not easy to get a crowd in when you’re struggling to get compe""ve scores on the board. But we are certainly hoping that with Shaun coming to the club, and the way he can promote the club, will certainly hold it in good stead.’ Susan Anderson Excerpts from The Maryborough Adver"ser and Facebook comments
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