NOVEMBER 2014 Every Child…..Every Class…..Every Day A Message from the District Administrator INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Greengs from the Wisconsin Heights School District, Message from the District Administrator 1 MS/HS News 2 Vangarden Poinsea Sale 2 Elementary News 3 Athlec Department 4 Music Department 5 Honors Choir Event 5 Guidance Department 6 Capitol Conference Academic Bowl 7 Curriculum & Instrucon/ Assessment Department 8 FFA Fruit Sale 8 Library News 9 WHEF Fund Drive 10 WH 2014 Holiday Cra/ Fair 11 Taher Newsle1er 12 School Lunch Menu 13 November Athlec Events 14 In September, it was great connecng with Alumni in late September as we celebrated 50 years as a District. Stories about the formave years of Wisconsin Heights were fun to hear. Everyone who a1ended le/ with wonderful memories. Thank you to everyone involved with the planning. The Annual Meeng was conducted on October 20 and a review of the 2013-14 school year was provided as well as a detailed summary of the 2014-15 budget. The recent work of all Wisconsin Heights School District employees and the Board of Educaon has improved the quality of educaon our students receive. The evidence of success is reflected in the recent state-wide school report card and district assessments as well as the accomplishments of our graduates. With our small size, we provide a personalized educaonal experience for our students. Our goal as a district is to become a school district of excellence and become a regional leader in educaon. To accomplish this goal will take a concerted effort from the staff and community. To focus our path to this goal, we have reviewed and revised our Mission and Vision Statement to guide us in our future plans and decision making. Future Projects Two projects planned over the past year are wrapping up. • The trail from Mazomanie to the middle/high school will be completed by December 2014 • The District will be finalizing is Facility Use Study with an energy use analysis at the November 10 meeng. We connue to study and implement strategies of how to best operate our buildings in order to provide a quality educaon for our students. Referendum discussions will begin soon. • Referendum discussion will begin in November. Our current operang referendum ends in 2015. With no change in the funding formula and a reducon in state aid of 15 percent in 2014-15, we will connue to need the support of the community to exceed the current levy. This informaon was shared at the Annual Meeng and is on the school website. Currently less than 20 percent of our budget comes from state aid. Districts were promised 66 percent in 1993 when revenue caps were implemented. Thank you again for your support and see you at the school events. Mark Elworthy District Administrator Mark Elworthy District Administrator Page 2 WISCONSIN HEIGHTS NEWS Middle School/High School News Asta Sepetys, Principal What a beauful fall we are having! Things at the Middle/High School are in full swing and we are buckling down for academic rigor and vigor. We proceed into late October and early November with WKCE tesng for 8th and 10th graders and also Parent/Teacher conferences scheduled for October 30. If you are unable to a1end Parent/Teacher conferences, or have any extended quesons or concerns regarding your child’s progress, please feel free to contact teachers directly. We want to maintain an open line of communicaon with parents. Upcoming dates to remember: Monday, October 27 - MS Band/Choir Concert, 7:00 PM Monday, October 27 through Saturday, November 1 - FFA Naonal Convenon Thursday, October 30 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - 12:00 noon-8:00 PM, (NO SCHOOL for Students) Sunday, November 2 - Daylight Savings Time Ends. Set your clocks back one hour! Monday, November 3 - Capitol Conference HS Academic Bowl at New Glarus 4:30 PM Tuesday, November 4 - End of the First Quarter Saturday, November 8 - Wisconsin Heights Cra/ Fair, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Tuesday, November 11 - Veterans Day Assembly Wednesday, November 12 - Early Release, MS/HS Students Dismissed at 11:45 AM Thursday, November 13 - HS Capitol Conference Honors Band at Columbus Monday, November 17 - MS Capitol Conference Honors Choir at Lake Mills Friday, November 21- MS Student Council Regional Jam in Madison Tuesday, November 25 - End of 1st Trimester for MS “Specials” Wednesday-Friday, November 26-28 - No School, Thanksgiving Break On another note, if you would like to be added to our "MS-HS Weekly News e-mail UPDATE," please send me your e-mail address, and I will add you to our e-mail list! ( Enjoy the fall colors! Vangarden Poinsettia Sale December 9-11 Kim Houser If you are looking for a holiday poinsea, look no further! The Wisconsin Heights High School Greenhouse (also know as The Vangarden) will be holding a poinsea sale from Tuesday, December 9 -Thursday, December 11 from 3:00 - 5:00 PM in the Greenhouse! Poinseas are $10.00 and there are a variety of colors to choose from such as Red, White, Shimmer Surprise, and Peppermint! Elementary News Dale Green, Principal I look forward to seeing you at the Parent-Teacher Conferences on October 30. Our first trimester report cards will be coming home in backpacks on December 4. This will be the first year with the new state tesng model and this fall our 4th graders will be taking the tradional WKCE in Science and Social Studies only. All 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will be taking the Smarter Balanced Assessment in Reading, Language Arts, and Math during the month of April. The Smarter Balanced Assessment replaces the WKCE at these grade levels and subject areas. Parents, please note that our teachers may not have the opportunity to read and respond to emails immediately during the school day. Our teachers have full schedules with students throughout each day and depending on their daily schedule and planned meengs a/er school, they do not always have an opportunity to check their email messages. Our teachers will do their best to reply to you in a mely manner; but if your email message is something that needs to be addressed prior to the end of the day, please include the office in your email. You may also call the school office and we can get a message to the teacher. Please allow me for teachers to gather and organize homework that will be missed due to a child’s absence. Teachers can have homework ready for pick-up at the end of the school day if requested by the parent when calling in the morning of their child’s absence. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Are you ready? Winter is coming… Coats, hats, mi1ens, scarves...Does your child have all the things he or she needs? All students need to go outside daily at recess for fresh air and exercise. Please make sure your child is appropriately dressed. Please label your children's coats, snow pants, boots, sweatshirts, mi1ens and hats with their inials or their first name and last inial to help idenfy these items if they are ever lost or misplaced. With the winter season fast approaching, here are a few reminders: • There may be mes when school is cancelled or delayed. Please refer to the local television and radio staons for the latest updates. If we do experience a late start, the breakfast program will not be available. • Are your Snow Closing/Early Dismissal plans for your child sll the same or do they need to be updated? (These plans were on one of the forms we asked you to fill out during our registraon in August.) If they need to be updated, please send a note with the new informaon to your school office and to your child's teacher. November Elementary Events Sunday, November 2 - Daylight Savings Time Ends. Set your clocks back one hour! Tuesday, November 4--5th Grade Band Concert, 7:00 PM, MZ Gym Thursday, November 6--WHPTO Meeng, 6:30 PM, BE Friday, November 7--MOO Science Club, 3:00-4:30 PM, MZ Friday, November 12--Early Release, K-5 Dismissed at 11:25 AM, No K4 Classes Friday, November 14--K4 Dining With Dads Friday, November 21--MOO Science Club, 3:00-4:30 PM, MZ Tuesday, November 25--End of 1st Trimester for K4-Grade 5 Students Wednesday-Friday, November 26-28--Thanksgiving Break WISCONSIN HEIGHTS NEWS Page 3 Page 4 WISCONSIN HEIGHTS NEWS News from the Athletic Department Rich Moyer • • • • • • • • • Congratula4ons to our head volleyball coach, Amy Schlimgen, for her 500th career victory. The team helped Coach Schlimgen achieve the milestone on Saturday October 4, during the Wisconsin Heights Varsity Volleyball Invite. Good luck to our varsity volleyball team as they enter the post season. The team earned the #1 seed in their regional. A big thank you to our coaches, managers and players for their hard work and dedicaon during the 2014 volleyball season. Good luck to our cross country teams as they enter the postseason. Both the boys and girls teams are compeng at high levels vs. very good compeon. The varsity girls cross country team has been ranked as high as 10th in the state during the 2014 season. A big thank you to our middle school volleyball coaches and players for their hard work and dedicaon to the middle school season. Coach Schaub (8th grade) Coach Roelke (7th grade) thank you for your dedicaon and leadership for our teams, it was greatly appreciated. Thank you to our football coaches, managers and parents for their hard work and dedicaon during the 2014 season. The final record doesn't indicate the heart, desire and dedicaon shown by our football players this season. Thank you for showing that true Vanguard Pride week in and week out. We have to give a big shout out to our cheer team members and Coach Perez for an outstanding job of promong school spirit during the football games and the homecoming pep assembly. To our coach, her family and the young ladies who cheered, your talents were greatly appreciated. Thank you to all of our Fall senior parcipants (band, cheer, volleyball, football, cross country, soccer and football). Your dedicaon and leadership is greatly appreciated and will be missed in the years to come. Winter sports pracce and games will be starng soon. If your child is interested in parcipang, please make sure that you have all relevant paperwork in to the office before the first pracce. And lastly, congratulaons to our varsity boys soccer team on their season. The team reached two milestones during the 2014 season. They set a record for most wins in a season. Also, the team won the boys soccer first ever regional game on Tuesday, October 14, vs. Prairie du Chien. Congratulaon to the coaches, players and managers on a great season. Top row from left to right: Coach Tommy Lancaster, Will Seston, Carson Hughes, Hunter Hughes, Collin Hosking, Ethan Ripp, Griffin Parks, Dylan Helmenstine, Jacob Geisler, and Coach Bartlett Holmes. Bottom row from left to right: Tyler Rhodes, Noah King, Nathan Haugen, Riley Moore, Curtis Young, Homer Bollig, Austin Wolfe, Grady Geishirt. Notes from the Music Department Gina Ademino November reminds us to give thanks for the many people that support the music students at Wisconsin Heights. Thank you… ∗ Thank you to everyone that cheered on the middle/high school bands and color guards for the Homecoming parade and half-me show. Thank you Mr. Stelzel for announcing the half-me show for us. ∗ Thank you to everyone that came to the High School Band Jam & Middle School concert last month. ∗ Thank you to everyone that supported the band/choir bake sale at parent/teacher conferences. ∗ Thank you to the Thomson family, Bri1any Zander, and Olivia Huebner for cleaning Highway 14. ∗ Thank you to all of the area businesses that made donaons for concert program ads. ∗ Thank you to Ms. Rochelle for all she has done while here as our long-term substute teacher. Congratula4ons… ∗ Kudos to the High School Band and Color Guard for their fine showing during Homecoming week! From marching the halls…to the pep assembly…to the parade and finally the senior’s last half-me show, thanks for a job well done! ∗ Color Guard Co-Captains: Jackie Millonzi and Devan Brekke, Drum Majors: Ben Kirchman, Olivia Huebner and Kayla Fisher. Upcoming Events: ∗ Music Boosters meeng on Monday, November 3, at 6:30 PM in the Band Ensemble Room. ∗ Music Boosters concessions stand and bake sale at the Heights’ Cra/ Fair on Saturday, November 8. Student musicians will perform throughout the morning. We hope to see you there! ∗ Veteran’s Day program (grades 7-12 band, during school day), November 11 ∗ Capitol Conference High School Honors Band at Columbus (select high school members), November 13 Noteworthy quote: Here is an excerpt from the arcle “Is Music the Key to Success?” by Joanne Lipman, wri1en for The New York Times on October 12, 2013. “Mulple studies link music study to academic achievement. But what is it about serious music training that seems to correlate with outsize success in other fields? The connecon isn’t a coincidence. I know because I asked. I put the queson to top-flight professionals in industries from tech to finance to media, all of whom had serious (if o/en li1leknown) past lives as musicians. Almost all made a connecon between their music training and their professional achievements. The phenomenon extends beyond the math-music associaon. Strikingly, many high achievers told me music opened up the pathways to creave thinking. And their experiences suggest that music training sharpens other qualies: Collaboraon. The ability to listen. A way of thinking that weaves together disparate ideas. The power to focus on the present and the future simultaneously.” To read the full arcle visit: h1p:// Honors Choir Event Held at UW-Platteville Rochelle Rochelle Members of the Wisconsin Heights High School Choir a1ended the University of Wisconsin-Pla1eville 2014 High School Honors Choir Event on October 7, 2014. They were Devin and Hannah Brekke, Mardi Biser, Alexis Kellner, Anna Leese, Jackie Millonzi, Desnee Schmidt, Daekwon Shelley, Marianna Griswold, Heather Sa1erstrom, These students were joined by students from several other schools in the area and also members of the University's Music Department Choral Ensembles during the day and presented a concert that evening at 6:30 pm. A total of 180 students from around the area were under the direcon of Dr. Bob Demaree and Dr. Brian Burns - both on staff in the Music Department at the University. WISCONSIN HEIGHTS NEWS Page 5 Page 6 WISCONSIN HEIGHTS NEWS From the Guidance Department . . . Kurt Wong, High School Counselor Seniors Seniors should be working on their college applicaons. Admissions officials look at: High school rank in class and GPA (grade point average) and the strength of a student’s courses over all four high school years; • ACT and/or SAT scores; • school and community acvies; • teacher recommendaons, if required; • student essays, if required; and • overall quality of student effort in preparing the applicaon – following direcons, proper spelling, typing or neat handwring, etc. • UW Universi4es/Colleges Applicaon priority dates and deadlines vary from campus to campus and somemes among different programs at one campus. It is to your advantage to apply early! UW-Madison has the earliest priority acceptance deadline which is November 3. If you have any quesons, please contact Mr. Wong or the instuon to which you are applying. The UW System has an enrollment management policy that limits the number of students each campus can accommodate. Specific programs may also have enrollment limits. Even applicants who meet minimum admission requirements may not be admi1ed. You may use the UW System Applicaon for Undergraduate Admission to apply to any UW campus. Whether you apply online or use the paper applicaon, several items must be submi1ed to complete your applicaon file. • • • A $44 applica4on fee must be paid to each campus to which you apply. In cases of exceponal need, the applicaon fee may be waived. Contact your counselor for details. An official copy of your high school transcript. If you have completed any college course work, you must also have an official transcript sent from each college or university a1ended. ACT or SAT test scores. Some admission offices require an official score report directly from the tesng agency before evaluang an applicaon. Visit h1ps:// and use the UW System online applicaon for admission. Features of the online eApplicaon include easy ability to apply to mulple campuses and oponal Visa or MasterCard payment of the applicaon fee. The Admission Decision – High school seniors nofied of admission before finishing their senior year are expected to graduate, successfully complete course work in progress at the me they applied and maintain the class rank required for admission. UW System instuons reserve the right to rescind admission if a student fails to meet condions on which admission was based. MATC will start processing applicaons as soon as they receive them. You will need to look up the specific programs you are applying to because prerequisites vary. You will also be able to find out if there is a waing list or not. From the Madison College homepage h1p:// click on the “A to Z Index” link and find the “Apply Online” link in the index. • Madison College’s online applicaon is secure and easy to use. • Save your work and come back to it later. • Receive immediate noficaon of receipt via e-mail. • No delay – applicaon processing starts right away. Some programs may have unique admission requirements such as assessment test scores, course requirements, etc. From the Madison College homepage, click on the link to “Programs of Study.” and find your program to check for any addional requirements. Transcripts Students must fill out a Transcript Request Form in order to have a transcript sent to any school they are applying to. This form may be picked up in the Guidance Office. At the present me there is no charge to have a transcript sent. Once the request is received, there will be a 2-3 day turnaround in geng the applicaon out. Juniors and Seniors You can apply online for the ACT and SAT h1p:// student. You can find out test dates and deadlines using these sites also. Please encourage your student to visit with the college reps – they o/en have the ability to recommend your child for a scholarship from the college they are represenng. Parents are also welcome to visit with the representaves at these mes. ACT/ASPIRE The sophomore PLAN test has been replaced with the ACT/Aspire test which all 9th and 10th grade students will take here at school. More informaon will follow. 8th Grade Parents’ Night Stay tuned for more informaon on an informaonal night for parents which will help to explain many of the quesons you may have about the transion to high school. It is tentavely scheduled for some me in early December. You will be able to ask any quesons that you have about scheduling or the general transion to high school. Besides learning about this transion, you will become familiarized with Wisconsin Heights High School graduaon requirements and the coursework that will prepare students for post-secondary opons. Capitol Conference Academic Bowl Dan Jergens The Capitol Conference Academic Bowl will be held at New Glarus High School on Monday, November 3, starng at 4:30 p.m. The Academic Bowl is open to the public. There are two secons: 1) paper and pen tests, and 2) group compeon (typically in a gym or cafeteria). The la1er is open for spectators. All are welcome! WISCONSIN HEIGHTS NEWS Page 7 Page 8 WISCONSIN HEIGHTS NEWS News Update from the Curriculum and Instruction/Assessment Department, Amy Vesperman The 9th grade just completed the ACT Aspire Tesng. This is the first me that this test was given in the state. The test will be administered again in the spring to 9th and 10th graders. Tesng went well and we are looking forward to seeing the results. The students worked hard and did a very nice job while tesng. We will be starng the WKCE tesng on October 28 and 29 for grades 8 and 10. The 4th graders will take the WKCE on November 4. This test has changed this year so that only these grades will be taking the test in the subjects of Science and Social Studies. The SMARTER Balanced Assessment has replaced this tesng and will be given in late spring. Further updates will be made as we get closer. Remember to have your children get plenty of sleep and eat a good breakfast the days that we will be tesng. The ACT will be given to all 11th graders this year in the state of Wisconsin on March 3, 2015. Please make sure that you try not to plan any appointments on this date. On March 4, 2015 all 11th graders will also take the Work Keys test and so try not to make appointments this day as well. More details will come in the future. We wanted to make sure parents knew the dates to not schedule things on these two dates. In the curriculum department , we will be starng to look at purchasing new curriculum for Reading and Math this year. The goal is to align curriculum K-12 and to meet the needs of the Common Core Standards. Teachers will be working very hard on this over the next few months to ensure that our students are receiving quality curriculum that meets their needs to be college and career ready. If anyone ever has any quesons on any of the tesng going on in the district or any curriculum quesons please feel free to contact Amy Vesperman at 608-767-3579, ext. 1004. FFA Fruit Sales Kim Houser The Wisconsin Heights FFA Chapter is having their annual fruit sale! If you are looking for top-quality fresh fruit or a great holiday gi/ for a friend or family, then look no further! The FFA has everything from apples, oranges, and grapefruit boxes to beef scks as well as mixed fruit boxes or cheese spread. To request an order form, please send an email to :, call 767-2586 ext. 3303, or download a form from the Wisconsin Heights School District website. All orders must be in by Monday, November 24, at 8:00 AM. WISCONSIN HEIGHTS NEWS Page 9 News from the Libraries Melissa Hill Teen Read an eBook Week October 12-18 was Naonal Teen Read Week, and the Middle and High School Libraries celebrated with “Read an eBook Week.” Students were invited to try one of three contests: guess the weight of a stack of print books replaced by eBooks, answer a quiz queson about one of our eBooks, or answer quesons about our new Kindles. Correctly answered quizzes were entered into a drawing to win a Subway gi/ cerficate. Gi/ cerficate winners were Megan Hering, McKenzie Radl, and Lexi Brown in the High School, and Dylan Buckeridge and Gibson Heathcote in the Middle School. Even though Read an eBook Week is over, the libraries’ eBooks are ready and waing to be accessed through the Desny catalog system. Free apps are available for Apple and Android tablets and phones that allow students to access the Desny catalog 24/7 and to check out eBooks any me of the day. Scan the QR code to be taken to the Wisconsin Heights LMCs website for more informaon on how to download the apps and to check out the books. A downloadable parent permission slip for Kindle checkouts also may be found on the Heights LMC’s website. There are two Kindles available in the Middle School and High School libraries, and each Kindle has tles pre-loaded onto it. Many tles are classics, and some are brand new teen and young adult best sellers. Students may choose the Kindle with the book selecon they are interested in, and they may read as many tles as they are able to in two weeks. (The Kindles are programmed to connect only to the school district’s Wi-Fi network, so students will not be able to download books to the Kindles at home.) Because there is a wait list for the Kindles, no renewals are allowed. Students must agree to return the Kindles as soon as their two weeks are up so that others may check them out. Gwen Childs looks for answers on a Middle School Kindle. Gi/ cerficate winners were Megan Hering, McKenzie Radl, and Sam Brunner in the High School. Lexi Brown chooses an eBook contest to enter. Page 10 WISCONSIN HEIGHTS NEWS WHEF Reaches Out to the Community Wisconsin Heights Resident, Every fall the Wisconsin Heights Educaonal Foundaon (WHEF) reaches out to the community to aide this year’s seniors at Wisconsin Heights. WHEF is a part of annual distribuon of scholarships. In 2014 we gave out over $24,000 in scholarships. You can help with this year’s efforts by making a tax deducble donaon. Please fill out the form below and send along with a check made out to WHEF. ************************************************************************************************* Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ City, state, zip_____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________ Email ______________________________________________ Yes, I wish to contribute to the Wisconsin Heights Educaonal fund. I have chosen the following contribuon opon: General Dona4on (will be used for senior scholarships and/or mini grants for school-related ac4vi4es) Enclosed is check # ______________________ in the amount of $ __________________________. Full Scholarship Dona4on (minimum $500) Enclosed is check # ______________________ in the amount of $ __________________________. Brick walkway Dona4on ($50 per brick) Enclosed is check # ______________________ in the amount of $ __________________________. Endowment Dona4on ( will be added to fund in which only interest is used each year) Enclosed is check # ______________________ in the amount of $ _________________________. May we list your name as a contributor to the Wisconsin Heights Educaonal Foundaon? Any quesons ? Call Kay at 767-2466 Yes No ************************************************************************************************** Please make checks payable to the Wisconsin Heights Educaonal Foundaon, Inc. Please return this form and your contribuon to: Wisconsin Heights Educaonal Foundaon, Inc. c/o Kay Butcher, 4671 CTH JJ Black Earth, WI 53515 Thank you for supporng the future of the youth of the Wisconsin Heights Community. WISCONSIN HEIGHTS NEWS Page 11 Page 12 WISCONSIN HEIGHTS NEWS A Message from the Food Service Director Amanda Griep I hope everyone is enjoying this beauful fall weather! Fall, ( my personal favorite) is a great season for many reasons! We recently have enjoyed McIntosh apples from our local Farmer's Market and apple cider samples at Black Earth Elementary. In November, we will feature cranberries for our fruit of the month, acorn squash for our vegetable, and sage for the spice of the month. You will see these items incorporated in our menu. A few reminders for parents.......we do offer our menu and A la Carte pricing on the Heights website, as well as a free and reduced applicaon. You are able to check your child's lunch account on Skyward to see daily purchases and account balances. One check per family is fine when sending lunch payments in. Just be sure to write the name of the payor and the child's name on the check and envelope. Any quesons or concerns, please feel free to call your Food Director, Amanda Griep @ 608-767-2595 ext. 1008. Thank you and make it a great day!!! 20142014-15 MEAL PRICES BREAKFAST K-5 ..........................................$1.50 6-12 ........................................$1.65 Reduced .................................$0.30 LUNCH K-5 ..........................................$2.75 6-12 ........................................$3.00 Extra Milk ................................$0.45 Reduced Price ........................$0.40 For menus, nutrition analysis, lunch account balance, meal charge policy, freefree- and reducedreduced-meal applications, and much more… Go to Click on your school Click on Food Service Info U.S. POSTAGE PAID NON-PROFIT PERMIT #15 BLACK EARTH, WI 53515 WISCONSIN HEIGHTS SCHOOL DISTRICT 10173 US Highway 14 Mazomanie, WI 53560 Phone: (608) 767-2595 Fax: (608) 767-3579 Email: Wisconsin Heights Community Member Mazomanie 53560—R003 “Every Child...Every Class...Every Day” NOVEMBER ATHLETIC EVE NTS (AS OF 10/22/14) V = Varsity JV = Junior Varsity 7/8/9 = Indicates Grade MS = Middle School BOLD indicates a game played at home Basketball Boys 7/8th Grade Basketball Girls Junior Varsity 11/6—7th Grade @ Poynette MS—4:15 PM 11/11—7/8th Grade @ Baraboo (Lower) HS—4:15 PM 11/18— 11/18—JV vs. Lakeside Lutheran @ WH North Gym— Gym—6:00 PM 11/21— 11/21 —JV vs. Ithaca @ WH North Gym— Gym—6:00 PM 11/18— 11/18—7th Grade vs. Sauk Prairie @ Mazo Elem, Rm 101(Gym) - 4:15 PM 11/15—JV @ Lodi High School—6:00 PM Gym— —4:15 PM 8th Grade vs. Sauk Prairie @ WH Middle School South Gym 11/20—7/8th Grade @ Lodi Middle School—4:15 PM 11/24—7/8th Grade @ Reedsburg Webb MS—4:15 PM Basketball Boys Freshmen 11/25— 11/25—Freshmen vs Wautoma @ WH South Gym— Gym—6:00 PM Basketball Boys Junior Varsity 11/25— 11/25—JV vs. Wautoma @ WH North Gym— Gym—6:00 PM Basketball Boys Varsity 11/25— 11/25—V vs. Wautoma @ WH North Gym— Gym—7:30 PM Basketball Girls Varsity 11/18— 11/18—V vs Lakeside Lutheran @ WH North Gym— Gym—7:30 PM 11/21— 11/21—V vs. Ithaca @ WH North Gym— Gym—7:30 PM 11/25—V @ Lodi High School—7:30 PM
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