We will rejoice in the bounty of the LORD

for He is our strength;
He makes our feet like the feet of the deer
and He makes us reach the Heights.
Hab. 3:19, Jer. 31:12
Join us Wednesday, November 12 for Heights Nights!
At 6:15 we will have codon blue casserole by
Dottie, Carol and Linda.
Our children’s classes begin at 6:45 p.m.
Our adult classes begin at 7:00 p.m.
Some of the Adult Education Classes available are:
-Women in the Word
-Book Club, studying Love Does
-Men’s Life
-Bible Study Workshop
-Prayer Group, reading “Experiencing God’s Presence”
Holland Heights Church
836 E 8th Street Holland, MI 49423
616-396-5988, office@hhcrc.org
Pine Rest Church Assistance-1-800-442-0809
Like Holland Heights Church on Facebook!
holland heights church
Mark & Sherri Rubino
Coffee Servers:
Jerre De Young, Jodi Blystra, Ken & Nancy DeWeerdt
Tech Crew:
Dave Slater, Gary Sprick, Dave Poll, Steve Raak
Roving Greeters:
Ron & Darlene Dykstra
Children’s Worship:
Lauren Diepenhorst, Andee Grabinski, Jolyn Timmer, Terpstra, Lindsey
Raak, Kim Raak (Ady’s helper)
Nursery Registration and Coordinator:
Deb Veenstra, Amy Brouwer
Sleepers & Creepers:
Kate Klamer, Lexi Boven, Nate Brinks
Walkers & Talkers:
Randi Munguia, Corie Visscher, Grahm Dykhuis, Jaden Brouwer
Prayer Servants:
Ruth Haak, Ron Dykstra
Ushers/Hall Monitor:
Wilma Elsinga, Larry Poppema, Barry Walburg,
Mark VanDykehall monitor
We will rejoice in the bounty of the LORD
heights helpers next week:
heights helpers today:
Jack & Kathy Roseberry
Coffee Servers:
Mark & Jean De Wall, Jerre De Young, Jodi Blystra
Tech Crew:
Dan Hellenthal, Dave Slater, Paul VanLente, Brent Wabeke
Roving Greeters:
Ron & Darlene Dykstra
Children’s Worship:
Emma Boss, Lori Slenk, Sam, Lindsey Mulder, Kasten (Ady’s helper)
Nursery Registration and Coordinator:
?????, Lindy Boss
Sleepers & Creepers:
Linda Brouwer, Kaitlyn Diepenhorst, Grace Boss
Walkers & Talkers:
Wendi Los, Emily Tripp, Megan Klingenberg, Julius Dykhuis
Prayer Servants:
Wendi Los, Barry Walburg
Ushers/Hall Monitor:
Wilma Elsinga, Larry Poppema, Barry Walburg, Jim Hulst/hall monitor
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Please pray for Kaye Walburg as she recovers from her surgery that
she had on Thursday.
During Orphan Awareness month, please remember members of our
church family that are in the adoption process; the Hellenthals,
Freriks and Krakers.
Please pray for Wilma Elzinga as she grieves the loss of her brother,
Phil who passed away Tuesday.
Please continue to pray for Don Steeby, Dale Vander Wall, Beth
Timmer, John Kortman, Trudy Van Dyke and Nydia McHugh as
they are in various stages of recovery or treatment.
We want to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to: Ray Rouwhorst-Nov. 18,
Pete Terpstra-Nov. 20, Mike Walburg-Nov. 22, Millie Mans-Nov. 30
(Be sure to get your birthday cards in the box 2 weeks before hand.
Pray for those who are unable to worship with us. This week we
remember: Onie Plasman, Ray Browneye and Evelyn Timmer.
Welcome to Worship this Sunday morning! Pastor George will be
leading us in the study of God’s Word. A trained Prayer Servant will be
honored to pray with you by the church organ after the service. Tonight
Pastor Mark will be leading our teaching time.
Thank you to everyone who pledged to give to Jubilee! Our total
pledges to date are $71,420.00.
Join us Wednesday Night for Heights Nights! On the menu is cordon
blue casserole by Dottie, Carol and Linda. The children’s classes begin at
6:45, and the adult classes begin at 7:00 p.m.
Time is getting short for making or buying things for the Annual MittenPlus Drive. Items need to be to church by Sunday, November 23rd, only
two weeks from now!
This is the last week to turn in your Congregational Care Candy Sale
order and money to George Heerema! There are some extra order forms on
the Kiosk in case you lost the one that was in your mailbox!
Feed My Starving Children Pack Day: The pack day is coming up this
Friday from 6-8 p.m. If you signed up to participate, you should have
details in your mailbox. Please note that each family member must be
signed up. If you are unsure, please check with the office. Also, FMSC
has required that all children be 5 years or older to participate.
Our neighborhood is overflowing with talent! Want to help foster this
talent? Build relationships? Teach new skills? Please consider
volunteering for Heights of Hope's after-school creative arts program,
Explosion, on Fridays January 16-March 27! We need adult volunteers
like YOU to make this wonderful, creative, exciting program work!
Contact us at heightsofhopementoring@gmail.com for more information!
Heights of Hope will be hosting its annual Christmas Store on Friday,
December 12th. Gifts will be collected from now until December 10th.
Tags will be made available on November 9th if you would like a specific
item to look for! We are also looking for donations of wrapping paper
and gift bags! For more information regarding the store, please contact:
Joyce Buursma at 772-9792 or Terri Byker at 399-8190.
The Holland Heights Family Christmas Concert is Sunday, December
21. That means we need musicians, dancers, poets, artists, etc. to share
their gifts! We encourage a variety of ages, styles and even ability levels!
This is a great evening to celebrate the various gifts represented in the
Holland Heights family. Please email your proposals to Bethany Bakker
at bbakker@hhcrc.org by December 1.
Heights Kids are assembling Personal Care Bags for the Food Pantry
on November 19. Would you be willing to contribute some personal care
items? Anything non-medicated would be great. Shampoo, Conditioner,
bars of soap, washcloths, toothpaste, toothbrushes, floss, deodorant,
etc. Please put any items in Julia's Office. Thank you for helping the
Heights Kids to be a blessing in our community!
looking ahead:
Heights Kids meeting: Monday, November 10, 7:00 p.m.
Congregational Care Committee: Tuesday, November 18, 7:00 p.m.
Council meeting: Tuesday, November 18, 7:00 p.m.
Thanksgiving Day Service: Thursday, November 27, 10:00 a.m.
Congregational Care Fall Craft Sale: Saturday, Nov. 29, 10 a.m-2 p.m.
Church campout: June 11-14, 2015
Sunday, November 9
10:00 am: Sunday Celebration: Rev. George De Jong
11:15 am: Children & Youth Sunday School
4:00 pm: Children's Ministries Committee Meeting
4:30 pm: Choir Rehearsal
5:30 pm: Evening teaching time: Rev. Mark Kamper
6:30 pm: EDGE meets (meal provided)
Monday, November 10
7:00 pm: Heights Kids meeting
Tuesday, November 11
8:15 am: Women in the Word Leaders
9:30 am: Women in the Word (video in sanctuary)
2:00 pm: Bible Club teachers meet
3:00 pm: Bible Club starts
7:00 pm: Silent Praise
Wednesday, November 12
7:30 am: Barnabas Prayer Group
6:00 pm: Circles-Discipleship Center
6:15 pm: Heights Nights: cordon blue casserole
8:15 pm: Praise Team practice for Sunday Musicians
Thursday, November 13
9:00 am: Thursday Morning Prayer Group
Friday, November 14
6:00 pm: Feed My Starving Children Pack Event
Sunday, November 16
10:00 am: Sunday Celebration: Rev. George De Jong
11:15 am: Children & Youth Sunday School
5:30 pm: Life Groups
Offering Schedule:
November 9: CETAP
November 16: World Renew