We will rejoice in the bounty of the LORD for He is our strength; He makes our feet like the feet of the deer and He makes us reach the Heights. Join us in praying for the Jubilee sponsored Guatemala mission team who will be installing water filters in 90 homes! They leave early Saturday, April 25th and return Saturday, May 2nd. Hab. 3:19, Jer. 31:12 Those on the mission team are: Lisa and Ellie Brinks Kathy and Kayla Fylstra Betty Morren (Kathy Fylstra’s mom) Jim and Sharon Hulst Dean Kasten Tiffany Kraker Carla Kraker (Tiffany Kraker’s mother in law) Deb Scully (Tiffany Kraker’s aunt) Amy and Spencer Talsma Barb Vander Ploeg Mary Bouws (friend of Kathy Fylstra) Dawn Van Order (friend of Kathy Fylstra) Holland Heights Church www.hollandheights.com 836 E 8th Street Holland, MI 49423 616-396-5988, office@hhcrc.org Pine Rest Church Assistance-1-800-442-0809 Like Holland Heights Church on Facebook! holland heights church Greeters: Doug & Jean Vander Laan Coffee Servers: Daryl & Pauline Wabeke, Paul & Kathy Van Lente Tech Crew: Dave Slater, Rog Nyhuis, Greg Mart, Doug Slenk Roving Greeters: Jim & Sharon Hulst Children’s Worship: Tom Dykhuis, Lori Slenk and kids, Westenbroek, Lindsey Raak, Kasten (Ady’s helper) Nursery Registration and Coordinator: Kim Mulder, Lindy Boss Sleepers & Creepers: Emily Tripp, Mercedes Overbey, Megan Klingenberg Walkers & Talkers: Sarah Timmer, Sarah Schreuder, Jacob Fredricks, Hunter Freriks Prayer Servants: Scott Los, Kathy Roseberry Ushers/Hall Monitor: Ron Buursma, Larry & Carol Brinks, Bob Raak/hall monitor heights helpers next week: heights helpers today: Greeters: Lyla Vanden Berg, Lu Hirdes Coffee Servers: Bill & Judy Van Appledorn , Daryl & Pauline Wabeke Tech Crew: Brian Grabinski, Keith Mulder, Dave Poll, Steve Raak Roving Greeters: Jim & Sharon Hulst Children’s Worship: Lauren Diepenhorst, Julia VanderVeen, Grahm Dykhuis, Arent, Becca Fylstra, Kathy Fylstra (Ady’s Circle of Friends) Nursery Registration and Coordinator: Lori Slenk Sleepers & Creepers: Shari Witte, Emily Slenk, Amaya Fredricks Walkers & Talkers: Nancy Steenwyk, Barb Vander Ploeg, Hunter Diepenhorst, Julius Dykhuis Prayer Servants: Barry Walburg, Wendi Los Ushers/Hall Monitor: Ron Buursma, Larry & Carol Brinks, Mark Van Dykehall monitor Sunday, April 19, 2015 We are planning to have a Mission Team go to Costa Rica from September 25 through October 3, 2015. If you missed the meeting or have questions about the trip, please talk to Terri Byker. Those of you who plan to go on the Mission Trip please plan to meet next TODAY in the Discipleship Center at 11:15. Please pray Brad & Dawn Ward as they mourn the loss of Dawn’s mom, Annette, on Thursday. Please pray for Nydia McHugh as she will be having surgery on Tuesday. Please be in prayer for our Guatemala Mission Team as they leave Saturday for a week of mission work. Please see the reserve side for more information about this trip! Please continue to pray for: Jaci Eding, Nydia McHugh, Nick Leep, Don Steeby and Mike & Kaye Walburg as they are in various stages of recovery or treatment. We want to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to: Merill Rotman—April 24, Ruth Staat—April 26 and Ruth Haak—May 2. (Be sure to get your birthday cards in the box 2 weeks before hand.) Pray for those who are unable to worship with us. This week we remember: Evelyn Timmer, Elaine Draisma and Albertha Hulst. announcements: Welcome to Worship this Sunday morning! Pastor George will be leading us in the study of God’s Word. We will be having a Reverse Offering for the Crop Walk Walkers this morning. A trained Prayer Servant will be honored to pray with you by the church organ after the service. There is no evening service tonight because our Life Groups are meeting! Crop Walk! Church World Services provides nutrition supplements for malnourished children in Africa. See Arlene Kloosterman if you’d like to walk or donate towards this great cause! Gospel Music Night: Victory in Jesus, Power in The Blood, I’ll Fly Away….join us as we sing these and many other favorites at our Holland Heights Gospel Music Night! Mark your calendars now for the evening of May 3rd at 5:30 p.m.! Interested in joining the choir for this special event? All are welcome! Rehearsals continue April 22 and 29 at 7:00 p.m. Please check the reverse side of the bulletin for more information on the Guatemala Mission Trip! The first quarter General Ministries Fund budget report is available in the office. Please remember to have your Elder/Deacon nomination slips turned into the box on the Kiosk TODAY! Heights of Hope is looking for some coaches this summer to lead a small group of youth for 8 weeks on Monday mornings during our WHOA program. We are specifically looking for people with skills and talent in: basketball or soccer, large group games, or people who might be willing to lead a team of young kids (K-2) in exciting and creative activities! Email us at heightsofhopeinfo@gmail.com or call 616392-8559 ext. 18. Holland Heights 101: For those who want to learn more about Holland Heights Church. Whether you recently have joined us, are thinking of becoming a member or simply want to know more, consider joining us for the four part series beginning after church today and continuing April 26, and May 3, 17. This class will meet in Pastor Mark’s office. Each year, our Carpenter’s Workshop Students earn points for attendance, taking sermon notes, memorizing passages, etc. At the end of the year, they use those points to purchase prizes. We are currently looking for donations of prizes for the Carpenter’s Store. If you have some items to contribute, please let Julia know or put them on her desk. (Ex. Small toys, notepads, stickers, knick knacks, purses, balls, etc.) Thank you for supporting our Carpenter's Workshop Students! Please join us for the annual Bible League Spring Luncheon on Thursday, April 23 at noon at Harderwyk CRC. Lunch will be catered by James Street Inn and is $8/person. The speaker will be Kim de Blecourt author of “Until We All Come Home”. Call Elaine Plaggemars, 396-4073 for reservations by Monday, April 20th. Sunday, April 19 10:00 am: Sunday Celebration: Rev. George De Jong Life Groups: Times TBD 6:30 pm: EDGE meets for dinner prep Monday, April 20 7:00 pm: Building and Grounds Committee Meeting 7:00 pm: Guatemala Trip meeting Tuesday, April 21 9:30 am: Breathe Bible Study (Week 4) 7:00 pm: Outreach Committee Meeting 7:00 pm: Council Meeting 7:00 pm: Congregational Care Committee meeting Wednesday, April 22 7:30 am: Barnabas Prayer Group 7:00 pm: Gospel Choir Practice 8:15 pm: Worship Team Rehearsal for Sunday Musicians Thursday, April 23 9:00 am: Prayer Group 7:00 pm: Adult Discipleship Saturday, April 25 6:00 pm: EDGE Dinner Sunday, April 26 10:00 am: Sunday Celebration: Rev. George De Jong 5:30 pm: Sunday Evening Teaching Time: Rev. George De Jong looking ahead: Gospel Music Night : May 3, 5:30 pm Offering Schedule: April 19: General Ministries Fund April 26: Holland Deacons Conference
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