Weekly Bulletin

for He is our strength;
He makes our feet like the feet of the deer
and He makes us reach the Heights.
Hab. 3:19, Jer. 31:12
BAMM 2015 is coming soon!
When? Wednesday evenings beginning June 17
and ending with a neighborhood family night
on July 29.
Who? Kids grades 1-5.
(Nursery and Pre-K will be available for
volunteers children)
Registration is available on our website!
There are also forms on the display table!
Check out the display table in the narthex to
see how you can get involved!
Holland Heights Church
836 E 8th Street Holland, MI 49423
616-396-5988, office@hhcrc.org
Pine Rest Church Assistance-1-800-442-0809
Like Holland Heights Church on Facebook!
holland heights church
Tim & Deb Veenstra
Coffee Servers:
Larry & Carol Brinks, Jodi Blystra, Jerre De Young
Tech Crew:
Dan Hellenthal, Dave Slater, Don Hicks, Steve Raak
Roving Greeters:
Jodi Blystra, Marcia Steeby
Children’s Worship:
Grabinski, Terpstra, Hellenthal, Jessica Timmer,
Nursery Registration and Coordinator:
Deb Veenstra, Becky Bierschbach
Sleepers & Creepers:
Tammy Doornbos, Haylie Freriks, Grace Boss
Walkers & Talkers:
Amanda DeVries, Wendie Freriks, Ben Boss
Prayer Servants:
Scott Los, Wendi Los
Ushers/Hall Monitor:
Jay Freriks, Dean & Norine Kasten, Jim Hulst/hall monitor
We will rejoice in the bounty of the LORD
heights helpers next week:
heights helpers today:
Paul & Kathy Van Lente
Coffee Servers:
John & Kathy Fylstra, Larry & Carol Brinks
Tech Crew:
Dave Slater, Gary Sprick, Greg Mart, Brian Brinks
Roving Greeters:
Jodi Blystra, Marcia Steeby
Children’s Worship:
Sam, Tol, Witte, ???, Linda Kalkman (Ady’s helper)
Nursery Registration and Coordinator:
Kim Mulder, Lindy Boss
Sleepers & Creepers:
Arlene Kloosterman, Becca Fylstra, Carly Vryhof
Walkers & Talkers:
Emily Tripp, Sarah Schreuder, Julius Dykhuis
Prayer Servants:
Ruth Haak, Barry Walburg
Ushers/Hall Monitor:
Jay Freriks, Dean & Norine Kasten, Mark De Wall/.hall monitor
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Pray for Lindsey Raak, Erika Slenk and Emily Slenk as they are in
Africa on a Mission Trip with a group from Holland Christian.
Please pray for Merice Raber as she is in Honduras on a Mission Trip
with a group from Harderwyk church.
Pray for Stephanie Foreman as she recovers from her back surgery.
Please pray for Jodi Blystra as she found out she has thyroid cancer.
She meets Tuesday with the surgeon to discuss treatments.
Please continue to pray for: Jaci Eding and Don Steeby as they are
in various stages of recovery or treatment.
We want to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to: Nick Leep—June 4, Ruth
Terpstra—June 5, Lyla Vanden Berg—June 6, Mike Van Dyke—
June 8, Aggie Beelen—June 23, Ray Browneye—June 28, Betty
Van Loo—June 30. (Be sure to get your birthday cards in the box 2
weeks before hand.)
Pray for those who are unable to worship with us. This week we
remember: Helen Borr, Iris Kamer and Onie Plasman.
Everyone is invited to the Church Campout Potluck (weather
permitting) at Triponds Camping Resort on Saturday, June 13 at
6:00 p.m. Please bring a dish to share, beverage, seating and
tableware. If you are a family of 4 or more, please bring a cold and hot
dish to share. Please contact Kim Raak if you have any questions.
There are several items that were found during the kitchen cleaning
that do not belong to church. Check the counter in the kitchen to see if
any are yours. Any unclaimed items will be donated in 2 weeks.
The Men’s Softball team will be playing this Thursday at 7:10 p.m. at
the Bill Mar field in Zeeland. Come on out and support the team!
BAMM 2015 is coming! We look forward to “Camp Discovery” coming
to Holland Heights this summer! Please check out more information on
the back of the bulletin or stop by the information table in the narthex!
Interested in a weekly Bible Study? Join the Bible study of minor
prophets using the book “Restoring an Attitude of Wonder and Worship”
by Warren Wiersbe. This week we will study Lesson 2. Need a book?
Contact Sharon Hulst. We meet Tuesdays at 10 a.m.
Welcome to Worship this Sunday morning! Pastor George will be
leading us in the study of God’s Word. We will witness the baptism of
Tobias Pickart, son of Mark & Hannah Pickart. A trained Prayer Servant
will be honored to pray with you by the church organ after the service.
There will be no service this evening.
Women: If you're interested in reading and discussing some good books
this summer, feel free to join the 2015 Summer Women's Book Club.
Find the group by that name on Facebook or send an email to
Sarah Schreuder at schreuderfamily@gmail.com. We will meet
next on June 15 to discuss “Keep It Shut” by Karen Ehman.
Please plan to come back into the Worship Center after the morning
service for our Congregational Meeting. We will affirm the nominees and
then select the new Elders and Deacons.
Neighborhood watchers: Don’t forget to turn in the address of new
neighbors that need to be welcomed by the Outreach Committee.
Tonight is our first neighborhood meal of the summer! Enjoy an
evening outside with members of Holland Heights that live near you! What
to bring: Smiles, picnic food for your family and neighbors that may not
have a church family of their own! Locations are as follows: Northside
Holland: Quincy Park, Central Holland: Kollen Park, South Side Holland:
Heath Township Park, Holland Heights: Holland Heights School, Zeeland:
Huizenga Park.
Make plans to join the Bible League retreat on September 10 at
Friendship Christian Reformed Church in Byron Center, MI. See Mary
Raak for more details.
Sunday, June 7
10:00 am: Sunday Celebration: Rev. George De Jong
11:15 am: Congregational Meeting
5:30 pm: Neighborhood Meals
Tuesday, June 9
10:00 am: Summer Women’s Bible Study
Wednesday, June 10
7:30 am: Barnabas Prayer Group
7:00 pm: BAMM band rehearsal
7:00 pm: EDGE Mexico Trip meeting
8:15 pm: Rehearsal for Sunday Musicians
Thursday, June 11
9:00 am: Prayer Group
7:10 pm: Men’s Softball Team-Bill Mar Field
Saturday, June 13
6:00 pm: Church Campout Potluck at TriPonds
Sunday, June 14
10:00 am: Sunday Celebration: Rev. George De Jong
Offering Schedule:
June 7: General Ministries Fund
June 14: Benevolence
In your mailbox is a flyer with announcements from Heights of Hope.
looking ahead:
Can one person make a difference? Yes. They. Can. Every life has a
purpose. Can you think of anyone in your life that has experienced an
unplanned pregnancy? Statistics show us that more than half of all
pregnancies are unplanned. Walk with a purpose on June 20, and make
a difference in honor of a special life in your life. Join Lakeshore
Pregnancy Center in their annual LifeWalk! For more information, visit
the LifeWalk table in the narthex.
Watoto Children’s Choir—Saturday, June 20, 6 pm
(volunteers needed– watch for more information!)
Life Walk—Saturday, June 20th, 9:00 am
Phone Directory Update:
Amanda De Vries: 616-795-5698