for He is our strength; He makes our feet like the feet of the deer and He makes us reach the Heights. Hab. 3:19, Jer. 31:12 BAMM 2015 is coming soon! Join us at CAMP DISCOVERY! When? Wednesday evenings beginning June 17 and ending with a neighborhood family night on July 29. Who? Kids grades 1-5. (Nursery and Pre-K will be available for volunteers children) VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! Check out the display table in the narthex to see how you can get involved! Holland Heights Church 836 E 8th Street Holland, MI 49423 616-396-5988, Pine Rest Church Assistance-1-800-442-0809 Like Holland Heights Church on Facebook! holland heights church Greeters: Dale & Cindy Vander Wall Coffee Servers: Doug & Jean Vanderlaan, Mike & Barb Vander Ploeg Tech Crew: Erik Salisbury, Bruce Cooke, Greg Mart, Doug Slenk Roving Greeters: Wilma Elsinga, Lyla VandenBerg Children’s Worship: Shanda Sprick, Lindy Boss, Ben Boss, Klamer, Jacy Vryhof Kathy Fylstra (Ady’s helper) Nursery Registration and Coordinator: Deb Veenstra, Sarah Schreuder Sleepers & Creepers: Jolene Tubergan, Sheldon Brouwer, Kaitlyn Diepenhorst Walkers & Talkers: Carol Brinks, Kathy Roseberry, Matthew Slenk, Julius Dykhuis Prayer Servants: Ruth Haak, Ron Dykstra Ushers/Hall Monitor: Jay Freriks, Dean & Norine Kasten, Mark Van Dyke/hall monitor We will rejoice in the bounty of the LORD heights helpers next week: heights helpers today: Greeters: Greg & Julia Vander Veen Coffee Servers: Lyla VandenBerg, Anne Browneye, Doug & Jean Vanderlaan Tech Crew: Dave Slater, Keith Mulder, Don Hicks, Brent Wabeke Roving Greeters: Wilma Elsinga, Lyla Vanden Berg Children’s Worship: Megan Klingenberg, Lindy Boss, Ben Boss, Fredricks, Mercedes Overbey, Kim Raak (Ady’s helper) Nursery Registration and Coordinator: Corie Visscher, Jill Sam Sleepers & Creepers: Megan Hellenthal, Grace Boss, Ellie Brinks Walkers & Talkers: Erin Terpstra, Kate Klamer, Jaden Brouwer, Hunter Diepenhorst Prayer Servants: Kathy Roseberry, Scott Los Ushers/Hall Monitor: Jay Freriks, Dean & Norine Kasten, Jim Hulst/hall monitor Sunday, May 10, 2015 John Kortman was taken to the hospital with a dislocated hip. Please pray for him as he recovers and for the doctors as they care for him. Please remember Gary Lemmen, son of Ken & Esther Lemmen, in your prayers as he begins chemo treatments. Please keep Keith & Amanda Jones in your prayers as Amanda’s father passed away last Sunday. The funeral was yesterday. Pastor George is currently leading two groups of CRC pastors to Egypt-Jordan-Israel. Please remember him as he leads and Beth as she remains home. Follow the trip by “liking” Under The Fig Tree on Facebook. Please continue to pray for: Jaci Eding, Nydia McHugh, Ruth Terpstra, Nick Leep and Don Steeby as they are in various stages of recovery or treatment. We want to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to: Ruth Haak—May 2. (Be sure to get your birthday cards in the box 2 weeks before hand.) Pray for those who are unable to worship with us. This week we remember: Helen Borr, Iris Kamer and Onie Plasman. announcements: Welcome to Worship this Sunday morning! Happy Mother’s Day! Pastor Mark will be leading us in the study of God’s Word. A trained Prayer Servant will be honored to pray with you by the church organ after the service. Please plan to join us next week as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Are you graduating this year? Please check your mailbox and fill out the form and return it to the church office. The Men’s Softball team will be playing their first game this Thursday at 9:00 p.m. at the Bill Mar field in Zeeland. Come on out and support the team! The Englesmans Flower Sale is here! Get your flowers at Engelsmans (located on Waverly in the old Kmart Plaza) and they will donate a portion of your total back to our Congregational Care Committee. There were coupons in your mailbox to bring to the greenhouse with you and also some extras on the Kiosk. Kitchen Spring Cleaning will be on June 3 from 9-2 (or whenever we are finished). Please sign up on the Kiosk. The first quarter General Ministries Fund budget report is available in the office. Sunday, May 10 10:00 am: Sunday Celebration: Rev. Mark Kamper No Sunday evening gathering...enjoy your mothers! Wednesday, May 13 Heights of Hope is looking for some coaches this summer to lead a small group of youth for 8 weeks on Monday mornings during our WHOA program. We are specifically looking for people with skills and talent in: basketball or soccer, large group games, or people who might be willing to lead a team of young kids (K-2) in exciting and creative activities! Email us at or call 616392-8559 ext. 18. 7:30 am: Barnabas Prayer Group 7:00 pm: JAM Session 8:15 pm: Rehearsal for Sunday Musicians Thursday, May 14 9:00 am: Prayer Group 9:00 pm: Men’s Softball Team-Bill Mar Field Sunday, May 17 10:00 am: Sunday Celebration & Communion: Rev. Mark Kamper BAMM 2015 is coming! We look forward to “Camp Discovery” coming to Holland Heights this summer! We will meet on Wednesdays from June 17-July 29. Please check out more information on the back of the bulletin or stop by the information table in the narthex! Life Groups– Time TBD Interested in a weekly Bible Study? Join Sharon Hulst as she leads in a study of minor prophets using the book “Restoring an Attitude of Wonder and Worship” by Warren Wiersbe. All women are welcome on Tuesdays, starting June 2, at 10:00 a.m. Please sign up on the Kiosk. Sorry, no childcare. Women: If you're interested in reading and discussing some good books this summer, feel free to join the 2015 Summer Women's Book Club by finding the group by that name on Facebook or sending an email to Sarah Schreuder at We will meet at 7pm on the 3rd Monday of each month, May-August. We will most likely be meeting at church, but connect through email or FB to get updates. Books by month: May (Seven by Jen Hatmaker), June (Keep it Shut by Karen Ehman), July (Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist), and August (Restless by Jennie Allen). Feel free to come to as many as interest you and bring a friend! looking ahead: Graduation Coffee: Sunday, May 31st Congregational Meeting: Sunday, June 7th Offering Schedule: May 10: World Missions May 17: General Ministries Fund
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